One of the disadvantages of an automatic fire extinguishing sprinkler system. Fire extinguishing sprinkler systems. Water fire extinguishing installation

The sprinkler type fire extinguishing system is based on the use of metal sprinklers with sealed heads. The material used for sealing is vulnerable to high temperatures. During a fire, it melts, which leads to the supply of liquid to the sprinkler.

The melting point of the sealing insert can be 72, 93, 141 and 182 degrees. The process of fusing the element takes no more than 2-3 minutes.

Fire sprinkler systems are divided into:

  • Water filled. The main line leading to the sprinklers is filled with water. After extinguishing begins, the pressure in the pipes drops. This fact is fixed by a special sensor that activates the boost pump. Water-filled systems can be installed in heated facilities or in rooms with a temperature of at least +5 degrees.
  • Airborne. The water is in the control part of the pipeline. The rest of the line is filled with nitrogen or compressed air. The main is equipped with a valve that records the decrease in pressure in the event of sprinkler activation. When a critical point is reached, it activates the pump to supply water.
  • Air-water. Universal systems, adaptable to temperature regime on the object. In the warm season, the main line is filled with water, in the cold season - with compressed gas. Changing the operating mode is carried out in a short time. Activities are carried out by the service organization.

The type of equipment used within the premises is determined in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation.

Like any creature on the planet, a person becomes defenseless in the face of a raging element - fire. Therefore, people, trying to protect themselves and their property from fire, install fire extinguishing systems in their homes that operate independently, even in cases where there is no person in the room.

Our article describes the installation of a fire sprinkler system.

Automatic fire extinguishing systems

Sprinkler and sprinkler installations are called automatic. When exceeding the permissible limits temperature norm both systems respond instantly and independently, without outside intervention. Only sprinkler systems operate automatically in any case, while deluge systems can also be started manually.

By type of fire extinguishing components used Automatic fire extinguishing systems are:

  • water;
  • powder;
  • gas;
  • foamy.

Automatic triggering device water based used most often due to its relatively low cost. True, many are afraid that during small fire sprinklers will flood the entire area and cause serious damage to property.

This is actually a myth. With the development of technology, fine irrigation systems have been developed, which form a kind of water curtain and are localized directly at the fire site. This not only saves property in the rest of the room, but also reduces the amount of water needed to extinguish the fire.

Gas-based automatic devices. Due to the supply of gas, the oxygen concentration is reduced, and the fire goes out without damaging property or damaging electrical appliances. Only non-flammable gas is used, for example nitrogen or argon. That is, a gas fire extinguishing system will be simply necessary in production facilities and premises with equipment operating under constant voltage.

Principle of operation foam systems similar to gas: by filling all objects in the fire area, the foam has the ability to completely block the access of oxygen to the fire.

Powder system works automatically. The powder does not damage the property inside and can withstand large temperature differences from -50˚С to +50˚С. But the powder is dangerous to human health, especially to the respiratory system.

The principle of operation of the sprinkler system

The principle of operation of this system is simple: when a flame occurs, the system installed on the ceiling begins its work. irrigation head with thermal lock - sprinkler. As the air temperature increases, the thermal lock of the sprinkler is unsoldered. Then, high-pressure water is sprayed through the sprinkler outlet through special spray holes.

Control the fire situation specifically installed sensors smoke and temperature. The appearance of smoke and excess temperature activate the sensor, which sends a signal to the control unit. It already activates the sprinkler.

Special check valves ensure constant pressure at the required level.

System requirements. Types and standards

The main requirement for automated installations is flame extinguishing feed rate per initial stage so that the fire does not have time to gain momentum and spread to other areas.

To do this, at the installation stage fire protection installations it is necessary to ensure that the work and equipment comply with SNIP standards, orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and GOSTs. All equipment must be accompanied by passports and quality certificates.

According to existing regulations, the permissible response time of a sprinkler thermal switch depends on the temperature required to start it. The higher the temperature of the fire that starts, the faster the mechanism for extinguishing it should work. According to GOST R 510043-2002, at t=79˚С and t=93˚С The maximum response time of the head lock is 300 seconds.

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account SNIP standards when calculating the distance between irrigation heads in the room.

It is also necessary to take into account possible damage to the electrical supply or failure of one of the elements of the unit. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to add to the project an additional source of electricity, a spare pump and a water tank.

There are standards that provide a list of such buildings and structures in which automatic operation is mandatory(“NPB 110-03”, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation). These include, for example, administrative premises, warehouses, shopping and entertainment centers, etc. And the installation of an automated fire control system in residential premises is rather of a recommendatory nature.

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To ensure efficient and uninterrupted operation of the sprinkler-type AUPT it is necessary to carry out regular monitoring and maintenance of all components of the system: monitoring the serviceability of sensors, checking sprinklers, shut-off valves, pumps, pipes and other components for leaks, mechanical damage, corrosion.

If a malfunction of any system elements is detected, their urgent replacement or repair is necessary. Also, we must not forget that even with uninterrupted operation of the system, the maximum period for using sprinkler-type automatic fire protection devices is 10 years. After this time, the installation must be changed.

Advantages over other systems

Like any other system, a sprinkler-type AUPT has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • automatic operation of the device;
  • safety for the human body;
  • relatively low costs;
  • long service life – 10 years;
  • works autonomously.


  • in rare cases it works inertia;
  • ineffective when extinguishing fires from electrical appliances;
  • may damage some items within the range of the sprinkler.

Nevertheless, the listed disadvantages are not a sufficient argument for refusing to install the system under discussion.

Modern versions

Depending on the room air temperature, the following versions of sprinkler-type AUPT are used:

  • water-filled;
  • air.

Already from the name it becomes clear that water sprinkler installations are pipelines where working environment is pressurized water. Water-filled sprinkler-type systems are used only in heated rooms to avoid freezing of water in pipes during the cold season.

As an alternative to water installations for rooms without heating, there will be air-filled or air systems . The principle of operation of air-filled systems is as follows: in standby mode, the pipeline constantly contains not water, but compressed air. If the sensor is triggered, a special valve removes air, water begins to flow through the pipes under pressure and enters the fire zone with the help of a sprinkler.

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AUTP water-filled sprinklers are mounted in vertical position sockets up, or down, or horizontally. In air-filled systems, installation of sprinklers is possible only in a vertical position with the rosettes facing down or horizontally.

Air Based Sprinkler System

This installation was also defined as “dry”. Airborne AUP will provide effective protection under conditions of huge temperature differences from -50˚С to +50˚С.

The operating principle of the airborne autopropelled gun is as follows:: if the sprinkler thermal lock is damaged, compressed air escapes through a special valve. Due to this, a slight increase in pressure occurs in the pipe. This, in turn, causes the water valves to operate, which then send water through the pipeline.

Thus, when choosing a sprinkler system, you don’t have to worry about the safety of people and property. Its versatility, long service life, availability and safety of the extinguishing agent (water), the reaction of only one sprinkler at a specific point of the fire make the fire control system of the sprinkler type irreplaceable in rooms where there are always a lot of people.

Man has always strived to achieve perfection in almost everything. The real proof of this is the progress in the technical field. Today I have reached a completely different level, a higher one. Modern methods extinguishing fire allows you to save the lives of people in certain premises, as well as protect their property. One of the options for fighting a fire is a sprinkler system, which eliminates a fire immediately after it occurs. If the facility is equipped with this method of extinguishing open flames, then you do not have to wait for the arrival of special services, and you do not have to use fire extinguishers.

Types of fire-fighting water supply

Today, sprinkler and deluge systems are created for their intended purpose. The first ones are air, water and mixed. These systems are designed for installation in rooms with or without heating. In water installations, the pipelines are completely filled with liquid. Therefore, such systems are used only in heated rooms. In air installations, water enters the pipeline only after the control valve is activated. They can be used in unheated rooms. The pipelines are initially filled, so only after it exits does the fire begin to be extinguished with water. Also, for rooms that do not have heating, mixed systems are used. In such installations, pipelines are filled with water in summer, and in winter they contain compressed air, since the liquid is low temperatures freezes.

Deluge systems include heads that are equipped with holes with a diameter of 8, 10 and 12.7 mm. Such elements are used not only for but also with their help to create water curtains. They are designed to isolate sources of fire. Such systems can be activated manually or automatically.

Features of the use of sprinkler-type installations

This type occurs completely automatically. The sprinkler system is created on large objects. A feature of these installations is the localization of open flames in closed areas, where the spread of fire is accompanied by big amount heat emissions. Most often, this method is used in crowded places, in parking lots with closed type, in numerous offices, retail and industrial premises.

Principle of operation

Any fire sprinkler system consists of water mains. The principle of operation is that the installation is always ready to supply a substance that helps extinguish a fire. It could be water or special composition. The system operates under high pressure. Sprinklers are distributed throughout the entire area of ​​a certain room, which are normally covered with sprinklers. They are special nozzles made of light alloy material. When a fire occurs, the valve is exposed to high temperatures, causing the seal to break and extinguishing agent to be released.

Design Features

A fire sprinkler system may consist of several separate sections. Each of them is equipped with an individual control and alarm valve. Also, a separate section can be equipped with special devices that supply compressed air. This is necessary in order to increase the pressure in the pipelines. Such design features of fire extinguishing systems depend on the area of ​​the facility, as well as its configuration.

Types of installed equipment

Any sprinkler system has thermal locks. In most cases, they are triggered when the temperature reaches 79, 93, 141 or 182 degrees. The first two values ​​apply to low temperature systems. They must be activated no later than 300 seconds after a fire occurs. This requirement is specified in GOST R 51043-2002. Two following values belong to high temperature systems. For them, the thermal lock must operate no later than 600 seconds after the ignition in the room began.

Design and installation of fire sprinkler system

The project always needs to be completed first. It will be needed for the correct placement of equipment and pipelines of the fire extinguishing system at the site. When developing drawings, the area of ​​a certain room is always taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the consumption of the substance required to extinguish the fire. Depending on the type of room, the location of each element of the system is determined, which are sprinklers, pipelines, as well as the control unit. In this case, the height of the ceilings, existing ventilation and the parameters at which water will be supplied must be taken into account.

Installation of a sprinkler system consists of several stages. Everything is first delivered to the site necessary materials and components. Then the cables and the system pipelines themselves are laid. Next, the installation of other elements that are part of the fire extinguishing installation is carried out. On last stage commissioning tests are being carried out.

Main element for pipe fastening

Pipelines for sprinkler systems are suspended from horizontal surfaces. These are mainly the ceilings of rooms. To simplify this, a clamp for sprinkler systems is used. Appearance This device has a teardrop shape. Clamps are usually made of galvanized steel. They have different diameters, depending on the size of the pipes used in the systems. There is a special hole in the clamps, which is designed to secure them to the ceiling. To perform this process, you need to insert a threaded rod, which will be secured with a nut. When using this installation method, it is possible to adjust the level of the pipeline. Typically, the required number of clamps is initially installed on the ceiling, after which the system itself is installed. Thanks to the use of such elements, the installation of pipelines occurs very quickly. The clamps can be secured using different means- these can be pins or threaded studs.

Installation maintenance

A sprinkler system, like any other, requires regular maintenance. He has great importance to keep the installation in working order. One of the main elements is the sprinklers, which must be constantly checked for physical damage. It is necessary to ensure that they do not leak, and that such elements should not show signs of corrosion or destruction. If defects are still found, then it is necessary to replace the thermal locks, in which case the liquid is completely drained. After all work is completed, the system is restarted. Also, the owner of such installations needs to know that their trouble-free operation is possible for 10 years after installation.

Sprinkler System Efficiency

Currently, in order to obtain reliable information about the operation of any equipment, information is collected from which statistics are generated. According to the latest data, a fire sprinkler system effectively performs its tasks if at least one sprinkler is activated in 10-40% of possible cases. Up to 80 percent of fires can be extinguished by turning on 10 valves at the same time. Moreover, such efficiency is observed over a large area. Having installed a sprinkler system on site, the owner of the premises will spend a minimum amount Money. As a result, he will receive a fire extinguishing installation that will operate fully automatically. At the same time, it does not depend on the connection to the electrical network. All of the above advantages allow the sprinkler installation to occupy a leading position among all fire extinguishing systems existing today.

At all times, the health and safety of human life has been in the foreground. To achieve this, today a large number of special means and systems that allow each person to feel completely protected. However, there is an enemy who is the most dangerous. Moreover, it is capable of taking the lives of a large number of people in an instant. What kind of enemy is this?

It's about fire. Every year, millions of people are killed or seriously injured by fires. In this regard, many systems have been invented that allow maximum protection of people from fire. One of these modern and effective means is sprinkler fire extinguishing. What makes it so effective? What is the principle of its operation? You can get answers to these and other questions in this article.


Unlike most conventional fire extinguishing systems, sprinkler systems differ significantly in the composition of their parts. Moreover, its productivity and reliability also include a long service life. To extinguish a fire, water is mainly used, supplied from the water supply.

To maintain constant pressure in the installation at a given level, a special system has been developed check valves. Therefore, if in the system even for a short time If there is no pressure, then the installation will work, since there will be sufficient pressure in it.

The undeniable advantages of sprinkler fire extinguishing:

This system operates effectively within 12 m2 of serviced premises. Long-term operation of the sprinkler system is ensured by the fact that, if necessary, one or more devices are activated, thereby maintaining stable pressure.

But, despite all the advantages, such an installation also has disadvantages:

  • it depends on the general air temperature;
  • dependent on the water supply system;
  • not suitable for extinguishing electrical networks;
  • response inertia.

However, despite the disadvantages, such a system works without human intervention, completely automatically. Moreover, it extinguishes not only the source of the fire, but also wets the surrounding objects. For this reason, sprinkler fire extinguishing is the most effective today.

Principle of operation

The sprinkler system operates according to to the following principle: the source of the flame is localized by high pressure water spray. One of its main elements are sprinklers. A sprinkler is a head that is mounted directly into the fire extinguishing system. In most cases it is mounted on the ceiling.

To monitor the situation in a specific room, additional sensors are installed. Their purpose: to determine the temperature level, as well as the smoke level. If there is a risk of fire, these sensors quickly detect a violation of the norm and record the degree of temperature rise and smoke.

After which the signal is immediately transmitted to the main control unit. The sprinklers are then activated and extinguish the fire by spraying fine jets of water.

Over the past few years, the operation of the residential sprinkler system has undergone a large number of improvements. For example, today's system uses plastic pipe.

It helps reduce costs for installation work, which makes it possible to significantly simplify this process. At the same time, efficiency and high quality performance does not deteriorate, but, on the contrary, improves.

Some such systems are designed in such a way that during operation they cause minimal damage to the property located inside the premises. Even those items made of wood, cardboard or paper!

Today you can buy sprinklers of various standards. Manufacturers understand this well: after all, every user would like to have a system that will cause minimal harm to the overall interior.

General diagram of the functioning of a fire sprinkler system.

Many people have misconceptions about how this system works. They believe that when there is an extinguishing signal, all sprinklers are automatically turned on, and this undoubtedly causes damage to property. Therefore, the fire extinguishing system was developed so that only those sprayers that are as close as possible to the source of the fire are triggered.

Consequently, all speculation about its ineffective work can be completely discarded. After all, if you extinguish a fire with a fire hose, more damage to property will certainly be caused than from a stationary sprinkler fire extinguishing installation, the operating principle of which is spraying water.

System requirements

It should be noted that all installation work, as well as the selection of equipment, must fully comply with the standards set out in SNIP. For example, some systems operate at temperatures of 79 °C, 93 °C, 141 °C and 182 °C. The sprinkler response time at 79 °C and 93 °C is allowed up to 300 seconds, and at 141 °C and 182 °C - up to 600 seconds.

Therefore, for stable and proper operation of the installation, it is extremely necessary to carry out regular maintenance. Moreover, even if the system is working properly, it is not allowed to be used for longer than ten years from the date of manufacture.

As for the application of the sprinkler system, it is used mainly in commercial, administrative and industrial buildings. However, in some cases it is installed in residential buildings, but this is done solely at the request of the owners.

Directly during the design of the system, engineers, in accordance with SNIP, decide which vertical and interfloor floors will serve as a fire barrier.

That is, the entire house is divided into compartments, within which the fire will be localized. Such calculations will make the installation most useful.

When designing and installing the system, the distance between the heads is carefully maintained. So, the range of one is two meters. According to SNIP, sprinklers in residential premises are installed at a distance of no more than 4 meters from each other.

Another standard for the use of a sprinkler system in accordance with SNIP is installation in a building with an area of ​​75 m2 or more (for example, a 25-story building).

To prevent fire from penetrating through cavities, developers must adhere to SNIP 21-01-97, namely: install automatic devices in the form of couplings and sleeves in those places where the pipeline crosses a fire barrier. They are installed in ceilings or other places in the pipeline, which consist of several layers.

When the temperature rises due to fire, one of the layers expands and fills the void left by the plastic pipe.

So, subject to all the norms and requirements of SNIP, you can create an excellent and efficient sprinkler system that will be effective in short time put out the fire.

Features of installation work

The installation of this system is carried out on rubber clamps, which are fixed to the ceiling every one and a half meters. Afterwards, all pipes and fittings are welded, which are installed according to the calculations of the drawn up project. To ensure that water enters the fire extinguishing system, it is used pump equipment. For the purpose of improvement, an additional pump (the so-called backup) is installed.

A water tank with a capacity of 8 thousand liters should also be installed. This volume of water is enough for continuous operation of the system for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the installation of the main automatic sprinkler system, namely its assembly, is carried out. This unit has a fairly simple operating principle.

The system uses a special flow switch. When the sprinkler is activated, water begins to spray under pressure. Accordingly, the pressure in the pipeline drops, after which this flow switch is activated, which turns on the pumping equipment. At the end of the work, sprinklers are installed.

Sprinklers or deluges?

In addition to the sprinkler system, today there are several other types of fire extinguishing installations, for example,. Unlike its counterpart, the deluge machine is equipped with a sprayer, which has open inlet holes. There is no need to use a thermal lock. The system starts working the moment it is triggered fire alarm. This is done automatically or using manual remote settings.

Sprinkler fire extinguishing works on a slightly different principle. As mentioned above, this is a system of pipelines that is filled with water at the appropriate pressure. It is also equipped with irrigation heads. The hole in the sprinkler head is closed with a thermal lock. It is unsoldered as soon as the temperature exceeds a given threshold. As a result, the fire is localized.

The sprinkler fire extinguishing system is one of the most popular automatic systems fire fighting, used at facilities for various purposes. Sprinkler fire extinguishing is a network of pipelines filled with liquid or other substances; special sprinklers are placed along them. The word splinker comes from English word, indicating a sprinkler or sprinkler.

IN fire safety The sprinkler is a nozzle through which, when the fire command is automatically given, a liquid is sprayed. The system does not work by supplying water in a continuous stream, but creates a fine mist of water that is dispersed throughout the room. The result is reduced water consumption and significantly reduced damage to property.

Main functions

There are water-based and gas-filled installations, so-called dry-pipe structures.

The main tasks of the sprinkler system:

  • detection of ignition source;
  • raising alarm;
  • initial work to contain the fire and the appearance of fire crews.

Due to the irrigation of the premises, the fire extinguishing sprinkler installation:

  • allows you to reduce the temperature at the source of ignition;
  • helps evacuate people;
  • ensure the possibility of urgent evacuation of valuable property.

It is characterized by high reliability and a low percentage of false positives. Sometimes you can come across the name “clinker fire extinguishing system,” but this is simply an erroneous name used by customers who are far from knowing fire terminology.

Application area

A fire extinguishing sprinkler system is a type of equipment whose use is approved by regulation and regulatory documents in the field of fire extinguishing.

Water fire sprinkler systems are required to be installed by owners of certain real estate, which include:

  • computer data storage (server rooms, data centers, etc.)
  • car parks located underground or above ground
  • building with a height of more than 30 m, except for residential complexes
  • buildings in the construction of which were used metal constructions and combustible insulation materials with an area of ​​more than 800 sq.m.
  • shopping facilities with total area from 3.5 thousand sq.m. ground floors and from 200 sq.m. basement premises
  • warehouses and retail facilities containing flammable or flammable materials
  • warehouses with installed racks and shelves above 5.5 meters
  • halls for holding exhibitions with an area of ​​more than 1 thousand square meters.
  • halls (cinemas, concerts, etc.) with a capacity of over 800 seats

Facilities not on the approved mandatory list may use sprinkler installations if they wish. The installations can serve both large premises and ordinary apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sprinkler fire extinguishing is one of the most common methods of protecting premises from fires. His widespread contributes to a number of positive factors, including:

  • relatively low cost of equipment, installation and consumables;
  • the ability to use it in a room of any size;
  • fully automated control and launch system;
  • does not consume electricity;
  • availability and low cost of water;
  • ease of installation in the presence of centralized water supply;
  • reducing the temperature at the fire site;
  • harmless to health;
  • makes it possible to evacuate people and valuable property;
  • minimal damage to property due to the finest spray of liquid;
  • gives a small percentage of false positives;
  • serves for many years.

At the same time, the sprinkler AUPT is not a universal solution for all cases, as it has a number of significant limitations, such as:

  • installation is possible only at facilities with centralized water supply;
  • cannot be used in rooms where operating electrical equipment is located;
  • reacts to changes in temperature, therefore it is not used in industrial or domestic premises where operations are carried out that cause heating of the air;
  • not suitable for use in facilities with possible negative temperatures;
  • it takes some time to turn on (inertia);
  • triggering occurs when high temperatures(minimum 79 o C);
  • is a one-time installation, since after operation it is necessary to replace all sinclairs.

System requirements

A fire extinguishing sprinkler system is one of the fire safety systems that is subject to strict requirements formulated in regulatory documents, SNIPs, GOSTs, orders, RD, and so on.

  1. The main indicator that the equipment must meet is the speed of response and extinguishing of the fire at the moment of its ignition. The level of possible damage and the spread of fire to neighboring objects depends on this.
  2. A relationship is established between the temperature level to which the system reacts and the response speed, i.e. The inertia of the system depends on the thermal level. At t=79˚С the sprinkler lock should be destroyed within 300 seconds.
  3. There are separate requirements for maximum permissible distance between nozzles. The distance between sprinklers should not exceed 4 m, since the radius of water dispersion is 2 meters.
  4. the frequency of control activities is established and Maintenance systems.
  5. Each set of equipment must have a passport, quality certificate and other accompanying documents.


If systems are installed at facilities with autonomous water supply, then the complex must provide an additional pump and a power source.

There are special requirements for the design and installation of equipment that ensure the operability of the system, taking into account the characteristics of the structure (height, number of rooms, type of floors, and so on).

Rules and regulations

All equipment related to fire safety is strictly regulated. The norms and rules relate to various indicators and are set out in a number of regulatory documents, including:

  • Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ on technical regulations of requirements ensuring fire safety
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 regarding the fire safety regime, dated April 25, 2012.
  • NPB 88-2001 on design standards for fire extinguishing and alarm systems
  • SP 5.13130.2009 on standards and rules for the design of fire protection systems
  • a number of other documents

The legislation determines the mandatory equipment installation standards for a fire sprinkler system, including:

  • room parameters
  • permissible number of sprinklers
  • capacity of pipelines and water storage tanks
  • permissible places for installing sprinklers
  • distance limits from the sprinkler to other objects (roof, sockets, ceilings, walls, partitions)
  • presence of protective grilles
  • sprinkler position

Installation and operation of systems is carried out in compliance with all standards.

Installation features

Installation of a fire extinguishing sprinkler system is carried out in accordance with the approved technology and compliance with the sequence of operations.

  • Distribution units, water tanks and a control unit are installed in a separate room with limited access.
  • a backup control unit is located on the security console
  • Seamless pipes with external and internal galvanization are used for installation of pipelines
  • pipe connection is ensured by welding or crimping
  • during the connection, sprinklers crash into the system
  • The system is attached to the ceilings using rubber clamps; the distance between the fasteners should not exceed 1.5 m.

Installation of a fire sprinkler system requires reliable connection of all components and ensuring high strength of the system.

Fire extinguishing sprinkler installation testing


If you have questions about the fire sprinkler system and want to see in practice what it is, just look carefully at the ceiling while in a cinema, art gallery, server room or underground parking lot.

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