Vegetable tent. How to open a stall selling vegetables and fruits

Trade in vegetables and fruits is a fairly common business. With the right approach to business, a vegetable stall can bring good income. There is an average level of competition in this market segment.

Start-up capital

Thinking about how to open a vegetable stall, calculate future expenses. The amount of investment may vary depending on the size locality. To open a vegetable stall in regional center you will need approximately 500 thousand rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  • for the opening and legalization of an enterprise, obtaining certificates from various government agencies- about 10 thousand rubles;
  • for renting a stall - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of equipment: slides, refrigerated display cases, scales, cash register- 50 thousand rubles;
  • for maintenance of equipment - 2 thousand rubles per month.

For starters, you can buy counters and slides that were in use. Partial refusal of hired labor will help to save. Take on the responsibilities of a buyer or seller. Additional staff can be recruited after the promotion of the outlet. So you will know the market from the inside, and study competitors, and feel all the nuances of your own business.


Choose the form of doing business: individual entrepreneur or LLC. IP opens faster, documentation does not require special knowledge. Penalties for violations for individual entrepreneurs are less than for LLCs. But the responsibility is greater: in case of failure, you will personally be responsible for all the debts and fines of your enterprise. Opening an LLC is a more costly and time-consuming process. You will need an accountant to keep records. However, the presence of an LLC authorized capital guarantees the inviolability of your personal savings. In the event of bankruptcy, funds from the authorized capital will be spent on satisfying the claims of creditors.

After clearance entrepreneurial activity you will have to get permission to open a shop. The easiest way is to open a stall in the market. If you want to set up a kiosk near a stop or subway, you will have to stock up on permission from the building and architectural department. You will also need conclusions from the inspection commissions of sanitary, fire, trade services. Be prepared for all sorts of bureaucratic tricks. Study the laws so that representatives of various structures do not take you by surprise.

Choice of location and premises

Before you open a vegetable stall, draw up a business plan. Calculate how many visitors per day you will need to serve in order for your expenses to pay off. Then go outside, stand near the future outlet and count the people passing by. If the number of passers-by significantly exceeds the number of your potential buyers, feel free to open a stall in this place.

Point of sale options:

  • near the subway or stop. To attract the attention of passers-by, work on outdoor advertising;
  • in the sleeping area. The stall will work for regular customers living in the neighborhood.

Don't forget about transportation. Vegetables will need to be brought to the kiosk somehow, right? It will be good if you manage to rent a warehouse located near the stall. In this case, you can buy vegetables in bulk and bring them to the kiosk as needed. We are talking about long-term storage vegetables. Perishable fruit will have to be purchased in small batches. Conditions for storing products with a short implementation period can only be provided within the walls of special warehouse complexes.

Build a good architectural design kiosk. No matter how much you want to save money, do not discount the design of the outlet.

Design can be ordered from freelancers. It is quite inexpensive, sometimes you can meet only 500 rubles. It is best to use a specialized platform, for example, “I will perform”, where the process of interaction with performers will be simple and safe.

Modern buyers are accustomed to large counters, glass showcases, good lighting. The process of making a purchase should be comfortable. Take care of the asphalt near the kiosk, equip a low stand for bags, and the interest of buyers in your outlet will grow before our eyes.

Minimum equipment:

  • goods racks,
  • counter,
  • chair,
  • cash machine,
  • scales,
  • small safe.

Work with suppliers and assortment

Try to find good suppliers. Make every effort to do so. Of course, you will not be able to immediately separate the “wheat from the chaff”. Therefore, buy goods in small batches. Over time, you will understand which of the partners is better to deal with. Perfect option- one permanent supplier, fully providing your business with its products.

The following factors are important:

  • supplier reputation in your city,
  • origin of goods,
  • taste qualities of fruits and vegetables,
  • availability of certificates of conformity.

Your main competitors will be points in the markets and vegetable departments of supermarkets. Therefore, you must offer something different from your competitors. From a point in the market, your vegetable stall will differ in the level of service and neatness. The main advantage over supermarkets is the domestic origin of products.

Offer your customers local tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears. Find a dealer specializing in the supply of berries and fruits from the southern regions. Complete the assortment with off-season bananas, oranges, lemons. Add some exotic fruits. Offer your customers dried fruits, herbs, juices. Put in a stall a small freezer with frozen fruits.


Is it worth it to open a vegetable stall if you cannot personally control the process? No, it's not worth it. Vegetables and fruits - this is the business that you need to constantly keep in your hands. Once again, we strongly recommend saving on staff. Take at least one of the positions in your company. If you do not want to trade, hire a seller, and then supply the goods yourself.

Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to personally deal with deliveries. Some wholesalers offer delivery. This option does not suit you. Personally arriving at the wholesale warehouse, you can choose the goods to your liking. In addition, shipping costs are often included in the price of the product. And not just laid, but greatly increase it.

It will be good if at first you can personally control the trading process. The issue of control becomes especially relevant when the business goes beyond the family. Trading loves an account. No one will give you guarantees of the honesty of the hired seller. Therefore, try to be present at the point as often as possible. From time to time, trade on your own, replacing the seller in the stall. You may learn a lot about your employee from talkative customers.

Reassess periodically. Do not save on salaries, otherwise no inventory will help you. A person who earns little will still steal money from you or “borrow” money from the cash desk until the salary. The best option wages - rate and percentage. This form of payment encourages the seller to work.


The minimum markup on your product will be 30%, the maximum - about 250%. When setting the price, do not forget that vegetables and fruits tend to deteriorate. According to experts, about 10-20% of the products spoil in a vegetable stall. This product can be sold at a 50-60% discount before it loses its presentation. Completely damaged products will have to be thrown away. It is estimated that the payback period for a stall is between 2 and 6 months, depending on the season. In winter, fruits and vegetables are in high demand, so investments pay off faster. After promotion, the business will bring about 50-100 thousand rubles a month.

Those who are planning to start a business quite often fail to choose a niche. For some, the process drags on for a long time, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Look around not as a consumer, but as a person with a business mindset. You will see many common businesses that are easy to start and make good money. For example, selling fruits and vegetables is a business that is easier to start than it seems.

Starting investments: RUB 143,000 The number of employees: One
Planned income per month: RUB 150,000 Market competition: High
Estimated monthly expenses: RUB 90,000 Payback: Three months

This niche may seem boring or uninteresting to many. But even this business can be developed, scaled up or marketing tools can be applied to it. You should see in this business not only a point for the sale of vegetables and fruits, but an opportunity for a good start. Include related products in your assortment.

Main Products:

  • vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, beet, onion, garlic);
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes).

Additionally, you can sell:

  • bread;
  • canned food;
  • sunflower oil.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

Essentially, starting this business is very easy. You need to find an area where to place a stall. In addition to it, you can rent a room, but as statistics show, it is best to put a small kiosk in the center sleeping area. Next, you need to find suppliers of goods. These may be local farmers or wholesalers.

Stages of opening a vegetable kiosk:

  1. Territory search.
  2. Buying a kiosk.
  3. Registration and coordination of all nuances.
  4. Point of sale installation.
  5. Hiring a seller.

Registration and preparation of documents

Little documentation is needed. Just register as an entrepreneur, indicating in the field of activity " Retail". To install a vegetable shop, you will need permission from the authorities, an IP license and a certificate from the fire inspectorate.

Room search

It is best to purchase a kiosk. But if this is not possible, you can rent it. It should play the role of a warehouse for goods.

Procurement and installation of the necessary equipment

This business does not require equipment. The only thing you need is the stall itself and the boxes. It is advisable to purchase new frame. Inside it, at your discretion, you can equip electricity to be able to trade in the evenings. It is desirable to use boxes of the same size and color so that the display of goods has an aesthetic appearance.

What do you need:

  • kiosk (45,000 rubles);
  • boxes (5,000 rubles);
  • table (1,000 rubles);
  • shelves (2,000 rubles).

Photo gallery "Equipment for a vegetable kiosk"

Display boxes (5,000 RUB)

Kiosk for storing vegetables (45,000 rubles)

Shelves for drawers (2,000 rubles)


Given the fact that most of these kiosks are located in residential areas, your customers will be the same people. You can entice them to shop with you, and not in the supermarket, with the help of service. It should be based on the friendly approach of your seller to everyone. Be interested in people's health, opinions about taste, in general, take more feedback.

Promotion and advertising

Financial plan

Trade in vegetables and fruits as a business is not a particularly expensive area. Perhaps most of the investment will have to be spent on permitting the installation of a retail outlet and purchasing the first batch of goods. You can keep track of expenses and profits using a standard spreadsheet. Accounting in this case is very simple, everyone can understand. To increase profitability, it will be enough to monitor the prices of suppliers and make a large assortment.

How much finance is needed:

  • equipment (53,000 rubles);
  • rent of the territory (50,000 rubles);
  • Consumables(15,000 rubles);
  • seller (25,000 rubles).

Total: 143,000 rubles.

Possible risks

The risks include the low traffic of the place where the vegetable shop is located. Before you start negotiating with local authorities, find out how many people go to right place. The convenience of this niche lies in compactness and mobility. In case there are few buyers, the shop can be without special efforts move to another location.

We hasten to please those who are already thinking about how to open a vegetable store. In the warm season, the profit from such a business will be approximately 4-5 thousand dollars.

In winter, this amount can double. Moreover, even small shop can compete with a hypermarket in terms of assortment. Large supermarkets buy mainly products that can be stored for a long time, and therefore unripe vegetables and fruits can often be seen on the shelves.

Small stores do not have such difficulties, since products can be purchased in small batches. Where to start and what difficulties may arise? We'll figure out.

Start-up capital

Experts say that in small town to open such a store, you will need to allocate a couple of thousand dollars. For a metropolis, this amount will increase to 10 thousand dollars or more.

Those who are planning to open a greengrocery store can save some money by purchasing the goods themselves and purchasing used equipment. If a loan is issued, then with a trade margin of 30-40%, the store will begin to pay off in about 1-1.5 years.

Vegetable stand business plan

To install a kiosk, you will need to obtain a permit from the municipality. In small towns this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties, but in the metropolis some difficulties may arise. Installation of kiosks in major cities conducted through tenders. Such a procedure is carried out when two or more entrepreneurs apply for one place. In principle, the tender can be bypassed if you submit an application from yourself and, for example, from your friend.

The businessman will also have to obtain permission from the local building and architecture department. In addition, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary station and the fire department.

In general, about 200-350 thousand rubles will be required to start:

  • it will take 50-100 thousand rubles to buy a kiosk;
  • scales cost about 3 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork - 10 thousand rubles;
  • cash register - 7 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated display case - 10 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 120 thousand rubles.

To cut costs, rent a ready-made kiosk.

vegetable tent

As an option, you can open not a kiosk, but a vegetable tent. How to open a vegetable tent? The most important thing you need is to find a place for its location. To do this, contact the property committee of your locality. They will tell you where free land. It is possible that the proposed territory will not be in the place where you planned to put up a tent.

For the received area, you will be required to pay rent, the amount may vary depending on the region, distance from the center, transport interchanges, and so on. On average, the cost of 1 sq. meters will be approximately 8 thousand rubles per month.

To conduct light, you need to contact the power supply company, where they will install you required power and calculate the cost of the monthly fee. Sanitary books must be registered for the entrepreneur and his employees.

Tents and stalls have a very big advantage - they are mobile. You can move to a new location at any time. The cost of renting retail space for kiosks and stalls will be several times lower than the same area for shops.

However, remember that small points of sale are very attractive to unscrupulous sellers. In order to prevent huge losses, such a business (preferably) should be family-owned. Many experts also recommend opening several tents at the same time. After all, if sales do not go in one place, this can be compensated by super profits in another.

Paperwork for opening a grocery store

Before you open a vegetable store, you have to visit all the necessary authorities, which can take 1-2 months. First you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. After that, you need to obtain permits from the following authorities:

Fire Department;


State Trade Inspectorate.

After you receive a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision staff on the suitability of the retail space, you will need to pay about 4 thousand rubles. In addition, good equipment is needed for the smooth functioning of the store. To conclude a contract for this service, you will have to pay approximately 2 thousand rubles.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To organize sales, you will need the following products:

Scales (will cost about $ 500);

Cash registers (cost at least 15 thousand dollars);

Refrigerators (you will have to pay about $ 400 for them).

In addition, you will need to purchase counters (at least $1,000), showcases for vegetable shops, slides, refrigerated display cases (up to $2,000), freezers (about $400). Roughly speaking, everything you need will cost about 4 thousand dollars.

Choose a room

Those who have already thought about how to open a vegetable store, in addition to paperwork and buying equipment, also need to pick up suitable premises. For getting permanent income it is best to find a room for a store near public transport stops or in a residential area.

The first option can attract customers from nearby houses, and the second one will provide a huge flow of buyers. Do not forget that the store should be well ventilated and not have a damp smell. After all unpleasant odors scare off buyers.

The trading floor must have a size of at least 40 square meters. meters, 10-20 additional sq. meters will be required for a utility room and a warehouse. The cost of renting a building, of course, depends on its location, and the average is $10,000.

Goods supply

When you first start a vegetable business, you will have to work with big amount suppliers. Before paying for the delivery of a consignment of goods, specify where the products were brought from, in what conditions they grew, if possible, personally take a sample. Thus, over time, you will choose the most conscientious and responsible suppliers.

To open a vegetable store and purchase goods, you will need to spend at least 10 thousand rubles, and then you need to purchase products for 2-2.5 thousand dollars a month. Of course, the quality of the goods must be paid Special attention, because only vigilance will save you from losses and save your reputation.

Immediately take note that at least 15% of vegetables and fruits will go bad. But there is a way out here too, slightly spoiled products can be sold at a 50-70% discount. The trade margin for vegetables and fruits can range from 30% to 250%.


Marketers are advised to offer customers not only vegetables and fruits grown in the middle latitudes, but also exotic fruits. The greater their choice, the greater will be the profit.

To create the illusion of a rich selection of fruits and vegetables, place exotic items on the top shelves. If you also plan to sell related products, then it is better to choose juices, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables, and dried fruits.

Service staff

Before you open a vegetable store, you will need to select more or less qualified workers. Patience and courtesy is the main "horse" in this area. In total, it will be necessary to hire movers and sellers. Labor costs will be at least $800.

What is important to consider?

No matter how sad it may sound, but when planning a business, you need to take into account the fact that another competitive store may appear nearby at any moment. In this regard, you need to think about the likelihood that you will have to change direction.

In addition, it is also important to consider the organization of the store. It could be traditional scheme- the seller gives the buyer the goods that he asked for, or you can work on the minimarket system. It is the second option, which allows people to choose the product on their own and not stand in waiting, is more acceptable.

Businessmen who are thinking about how to open a vegetable store need to take care of one more important thing. significant role play pleasant aromas from vegetables and fruits (in addition, you can use flavors), as well as the friendliness and courtesy of the staff. You also need to take care of good lighting. Quiet light music can be an excellent addition to all this.

As you understand, it is not so difficult to establish a vegetable business. Where to start, what documents you need to prepare and what is important to remember, you now know. By following all the above recommendations, you will definitely achieve success.

There is always a demand for food because people want to eat regardless of the economic situation in the country. Consequently, a business built on the food trade will invariably generate income.

True, and competition in this area is quite high. But you can always find your niche, choose the most popular and at the same time not too common among competitors range of products.

What is the advantage of a vegetable kiosk

Realization of vegetables and fruits is a very good choice. Small vegetable shops and stalls are not very common, as a rule, they attract more buyers than vegetable departments in hypermarkets, because the kiosk receives products of a much smaller volume, which means they are fresher.

In addition, a stall or a small store can sell products of local producers, and recently buyers tend to trust them more. Yes, and the owner of a vegetable stall can contact the manufacturer directly, bypassing wholesale warehouses and bases. This not only ensures quality, but also reduces costs.

It should be noted that this article will not discuss the value start-up capital. That it is necessary is clear.

Provide cost estimates for various stages the implementation of the business plan also does not make sense. First, in different regions they differ, and in the provinces and in the capital are generally incomparable. Secondly, today's life is such that data on the cost of a particular service or equipment become outdated already in the process of writing an article.

In addition to the inevitable costs, there are several problematic points in the process of organizing the trade in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Choice of premises and location

As for the premises, there are three options:

  • a small but full-fledged store, with a utility room, warehouses, trading floor, etc.;
  • a small kiosk in which the goods are displayed in a showcase-window where the seller is located, and the buyer is on the street;
  • a sufficiently large stall or pavilion, which has a trading room, and the buyer can examine the goods in detail.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, but if we are talking about the stall, it is preferable, of course, the third option. It is more convenient for both the seller and the buyer. But the kiosk has an undeniable advantage- it can be installed in the most convenient place.

main factor, which should be considered when choosing a place - is the density of the human flow. To place a kiosk, you need to choose a busy place where there will be no shortage of buyers. It can be, for example, located near a metro stop or among the high-rise buildings of a residential area. In the first case guaranteed big flow people, in the second - regular customers.

Solution of organizational issues

  1. In order to, first of all, registration is required. individual entrepreneur or LLC (limited liability companies).
  2. Registration of the cash register with the local tax authority.
  3. Obtaining permission from the fire service and sanitary inspection.
  4. After all the documents are collected, you should receive official confirmation of the permit from the state trade commission.

Kiosk equipment

The equipment of any grocery outlet includes a number of necessary things:

  • cash machine;
  • scales;
  • refrigerator, and if necessary, a refrigerator;
  • showcase;
  • counter.

The purchased or rented kiosk must not only meet sanitary requirements, but also look aesthetically pleasing and attractive to buyers.

Care should also be taken to ensure that buyers do not experience inconvenience. Therefore, if trade is conducted from the window, it is necessary to equip the territory near the kiosk itself.

Goods and products

One of the most important tasks at the stage is the selection of suppliers. Vegetables and fruits are perishable goods, and their quality and attractiveness determine how successful trading will be.

Therefore, to the maximum short time it is necessary to choose the most reliable suppliers. At first, this can be difficult to do, and failures are inevitable. But gradually unscrupulous suppliers will be eliminated, and productive business relations will be established with those who supply quality goods.

Experts advise be sure to be interested in the origin of vegetables and fruits, the conditions in which they were grown, and even taste them yourself.

The variety of goods is also of great importance, experts advise diversifying local products with exotic fruits and vegetables. It will not hurt to establish trade in frozen vegetables and vegetable mixtures, which are quite popular with buyers, especially in winter.

To open and equip vegetable stall, of course, considerable financial expenses, time and effort will be required. But judging by the reviews and statements of marketers, such a business as selling fresh vegetables brings a steady income.

Fruits and vegetables are in demand at all times, so there will always be a buyer for this product. There are many options to organize a vegetable business, so you can always find something for your starting capital.

Business organization options

Trade in vegetables and fruits can be organized in the following ways:

  • Through a tent or kiosk.
  • From a car on the street.
  • On the market from a point of sale or a car.
  • A complete store.

The most popular option is selling from a car. In which case you can always move outlet somewhere else if it turns out to be not very profitable. In addition, there is no need to issue various permits from the SES and the fire inspection when you set up a kiosk. A tacit agreement with the local authorities is enough. True, such trade will bring less profit than a stall. Therefore, having run in several options for mobile points, it is worth deciding in which place the trade is best and set up a kiosk there.

Legal registration of business

The business plan of a vegetable shop should provide for the registration of entrepreneurial activities. It is best to formalize it as an activity of an individual entrepreneur on simplified taxation.

In addition, trade can be carried out with a permit from the state trade inspectorate, after which the fruit trade kiosk must obtain permits from the electrical supervision, fire supervision and SES.

Place for a kiosk or shop

For street trading fruits, you need to find a passageway where a large flow of people passes during the day. These can be subway exits, pedestrian crossings, intersections of large streets, sleeping areas. Approximately in the same places you can install a kiosk.

It is a little more difficult to answer the question of how to open a vegetable store. In this case, in addition to the requirements described above, the room must have an area of ​​​​at least 40 square meters. m. and be divided into the following zones:

  • room for sorting vegetables;
  • fruit picking room;
  • warehouse of goods with refrigerating chambers;
  • Utility room.

It is very important to equip it with good ventilation to eliminate the smell of rotten vegetables and fruits.

Product Suppliers

It doesn’t matter what you decide to open, a store or a stall, the first thing you need to start a business with is finding reliable suppliers. When the sale is organized from scratch, entrepreneurs travel to nearby villages and buy products from farmers or from farms. True, in this case it is difficult to get a document from them. Confirming that the products are grown without nitrates. It is difficult to conduct official trade without this document.

Therefore, most often the goods are purchased at vegetable bases. In this case, you can agree on the return of a certain amount of damaged goods, as well as receive all the necessary documents for the products. With reliable bases, you can conclude contracts for several years.


Next important point in the question of how to open a vegetable shop or stall - the availability of transport. The products you will be selling are perishable. It must be purchased in small quantities, but often replenish the goods. Therefore, you will have to travel quite often. In addition, different products may be located in different vegetable bases. And if you have several outlets, then fuel costs can be high. Therefore, it is important to study the demand in advance, think over the range and routes of transport.

Business risks

Before you open a tent, you need to think through all the risks of this business. Two factors can be attributed to them: commodity and human. Commodity is associated with the fact that vegetables and fruits quickly deteriorate, so the main risks associated with the sale of this product are:

  • rotting (15%);
  • shrinkage;
  • shaking;
  • breakage of glass containers (when selling canned products in glass containers).

The human factor is related to the conscientiousness of sellers. It is difficult to find a distributor who will not save part of the proceeds in his pocket. But all issues are resolved by thoughtful steps of business organization.

Price formation

The markup is set taking into account all the risks and the approximate sale of goods per day. This should also include related costs:

  • rent;
  • electricity;
  • public utilities;
  • taxes;
  • salary;
  • fuel.

The average margin is about 30-40%, and for certain groups of goods - up to 200%.


At least one distributor is required per outlet, and preferably two for shift work. We need a driver who will also unload the goods. If you open a store, you will need another person who will sort through vegetables and fruits. The functions of the driver can be performed by the entrepreneur himself, especially since it is desirable for him personally to purchase goods at the base.

Store equipment

Another question is where to start trading, what is needed for this, besides the goods themselves? If it is carried out in the market from a car or on the street, it is enough to have trading scales and packages in which the goods will be released.

To start trading in a store, you will need to purchase special trading equipment:

  • showcases for displaying goods;
  • counter and racks;
  • cooling chamber;
  • scales;
  • refrigerating show-window for the frozen vegetables and fruit.

Product range

The outlet on the street should offer the most popular seasonal product. In the store, it is desirable to offer a wide range of not only seasonal vegetables and fruits. You can start trading at a stationary point with the following range of goods:

  • potato;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • cherry;
  • pears;
  • cherries;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • frozen fruits and vegetables;
  • canned vegetables and fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • water;
  • juices.

The success of the sale of goods in the store largely depends on the correct display of goods. It should be convenient for the visitor and attract his attention.

Small calculations

If you plan to start trading from a car, having your own car, business investments will be minimal. It will be more expensive to start trading in a stall. In addition to the purchase of goods and wages, you will have to purchase a kiosk, which costs from 43 thousand rubles. On average, a business will require a start-up investment of about $100,000, but it will pay off in 12-14 months.

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