Homemade gas stoves. Do-it-yourself smokehouse from the oven - detailed instructions. Gas stove cabinet

Many people sooner or later decide to buy a brand new stove, which, thanks to technological progress, has become several times smarter and more effective than its predecessor. But along with this, they face the question of where to put the old one? Very often, the stove just goes to the landfill, but with some imagination and some skills, it can be given a second life as many things useful for the home.

One way to get rid of the old gas stove- hand it over for recycling. It should be noted that this method is not the easiest. The fact is that you first need to obtain permission from the city authorities to dismantle the plate. Only gas service specialists can turn off the gas stove, since it belongs to especially dangerous equipment. If any amount of gas remains in the stove, it may explode during the disposal process. Dismantling electric stove is much easier, but it also requires certain safety rules to be observed.

Then the plate will have to be delivered to the place of disposal. IN big cities Today there are organizations that provide free services for the export of large household appliances. In this case, you will not receive any monetary reward for your stove, but you will not spend money on movers and transport.

At the recycling point, the stove is disassembled into separate parts, which are sent for recycling:

  • the metal case is pressed to the size of a small box using a special machine. Then this metal is sent to a metallurgical plant, where it is remelted;
  • the glass door is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and crushed. Further, the glass chips are sent to a special furnace for remelting, and new glass products are formed from the resulting mass;
  • plastic elements of the plate are sent to a special crushing unit. The resulting plastic granules are also remelted and used for the manufacture of secondary products.

After recycling, the amount of waste sent to landfill is reduced from 96 to 7 percent. Therefore, proper disposal will certainly minimize bad influence household waste on the ecosystem and has economic feasibility.

If you decide to sell the plate for scrap, you should know that it weighs about 50 kg. The cost of one kilogram of scrap is 4-9 rubles. Respectively, by handing over the plate for scrap, you can get 200-450 rubles. Agree, the amount is not so big, and this is provided that you yourself deliver the plate to the scrap metal collection point. Sometimes scrap metal collectors can be called to your home, but on the condition that you are going to hand over more than 50 kg of old metal.

Reincarnation of the stove

It often happens that the old stove is in working order, so you don’t want to hand it over for metal. In this case, the stove can be sent to the country. If there is no gas pipeline in the country house, then after a little modification it can be connected to a gas cylinder. You can try to sell your used stove by posting an ad on sites that buy and sell used items. Many prefer not to sell, but to give away for free and thus help those people who are in a difficult life situation.

A non-working stove can be painted and used as a small cabinet or chest for storing various things. This unit has quite decent thermal insulation. Therefore, it is enough to close the holes in the hob in it to get an excellent pantry for storing cereals or root crops. Such a "pantry" can be placed even on the balcony.

Stove incinerator

Often, garbage in the country becomes the number one problem. Most summer residents are trying to burn garbage, and use the ashes as fertilizer. But it is not always convenient to burn garbage with a fire: either the wind carries burning ashes, or it is damp around, or the plants near the fire wither. When using an incinerator, all these problems disappear.

To turn an old stove into an incinerator, it is necessary to dismantle all burners, pipelines, thermal insulation, plastic fittings. The glass in the door should be replaced with a metal sheet. A knee with a pipe is cut into the back wall of the oven, and a grate and bricks are assembled under the oven. As a result of these simple transformations, we get a small but safe incinerator, on which you can even heat something up during the combustion of garbage, for example, water for washing dishes or laundry.

Brazier from a plate

Converting a stove to a barbecue is very simple.. To do this, remove all unnecessary elements and cut off hob. Instead, a grate should be installed on which skewers with meat will be located in the future. To do this, you can use any metal grill, for example, a lattice shelf from an old refrigerator. Initially, the lattice does not have to fit in size. If necessary, it can also be cut.

At the top of the back wall oven you need to make a hole with a diameter of about 10 cm and insert it into it metal pipe. In the lower part, which was previously used to store dishes, you should do ventilation holes. We leave one baking sheet in the oven, over which we install a grate on which firewood will be burned. After burning, the coals will fall onto a baking sheet, which is very easy to get out and free from ash.

Stove smokehouse

Long shelf life and specific taste qualities are the main advantages of smoked products. You can make a smokehouse for their preparation with your own hands using an old stove. For the manufacture of a smoke chamber, an oven can be an excellent source material. from an old electric or gas stove.

Many elements of the oven are already turnkey solutions, which can be used in a future design:

  • the grate and baking sheets are useful for laying food or collecting fat;
  • grooves on the side surfaces or telescopic guides can be used, as in the oven, to pull out baking sheets;
  • thermal insulation elements provide support required temperature inside the smokehouse;
  • seals will provide the necessary tightness.

It should be noted that the body elements of the plate and their coating are designed for quite high temperatures, so the smokehouse will not be deformed, but subject to the correct approach to the supply of smoke and subject to the processing mode. Since the interior surfaces of ovens are relatively easy to clean, it will be possible to lay products of any origin in the smokehouse: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables.

From old stove you can make two types of smokehouses, differing in the principle of laying chips or any other source of smoke. This may be a design with backfill at the bottom of the chamber or with a smoke generator. The smokehouse of the first type is considered easier to manufacture, as it requires a minimum number of do-it-yourself operations.

Smokehouse with filling fuel at the bottom of the chamber

First you need to replace glass door ovens metal panel and also to dismantle gas burner(when using a gas stove). At the bottom of the oven, you need to build a hearth for making a fire. In the lower part of the side surfaces, 3-5 holes with a diameter of 20-25 mm are drilled for air flow. In the upper part, you also need to make a hole to remove the exhaust smoke.

Such a smokehouse is made quite simply, but has a number of disadvantages that limit its functionality:

  • the complexity of adjusting the smoke distribution;
  • impossibility of cold smoking;
  • high inertia of heating (it is impossible to quickly reduce the temperature), which can cause too intense smoldering of chips or ignition of fat and, consequently, spoilage of products.

Smokehouse with smoke generator

First, at the bottom of one of the side walls of the oven a hole with a diameter of 25-30 mm is drilled, which will subsequently be used to supply smoke. A standard water pipe is inserted into this hole, which is fixed with two nuts. The same operations are performed on the opposite wall, but only the hole should be located not at the bottom, but at the top.

During operation of the smoker, this hole will be used to relieve excess pressure in the chamber and remove excess smoke. A cork or ball valve necessary to adjust the ongoing smoking process. To control the temperature in the chamber, a thermometer with a gradation of up to 170-200 degrees is installed.. After making the smokehouse, we proceed to the assembly of the smoke generator.

To make an ejector-type generator, you need to stock up:

  • pipe with a diameter of ¾ inch;
  • a pipe with a diameter of 90-130 mm and a length of 500-700 mm;
  • a pipe with an inner diameter of 6-7 mm;
  • neck with union nut ¾;
  • fitting;
  • metal sheet 3-5 mm thick;
  • screws M6-M10;
  • wing nuts;
  • connecting hose;
  • air compressor. An aquarium aerator with a capacity of approximately 60 l/h can be used as a compressor.

First, we cut out a circle from a metal sheet corresponding to the inner diameter of a large pipe. We drill 20-25 small holes in it and weld it inside the pipe, stepping back 2-3 cm from its edge. As a result, we get a kind of sieve, which will subsequently serve as a grate. We weld a screw to the inner wall of the pipe, on which we put on a round cover, which will later serve as an ash pan.

A hole with a diameter of 10-12 mm is drilled a little above the grate to ignite chips. Next, you need to make two holes opposite each other, retreating 4-5 cm from the top edge of the smoke generator. We weld a 3/4 outlet pipe to one of them, and a thin pipe with a fitting to the second. The first pipe should be inside the structure and go to the second to a depth of 1-2 cm. A compressor is connected to the fitting through a hose. We weld the neck to the outlet pipe and connect the entire structure with a union nut.

The jet of air after lighting the chips and turning on the compressor captures the smoke and directs it inside the smoking chamber. With the help of such a smokehouse, it is possible to produce both hot and cold processing of products.


An old stove thrown into a landfill is a great danger to the environment. Therefore, it is better not to throw it away, but try to make something useful out of it for the house or cottage. In addition, this way of using unnecessary equipment will help at least slightly improve the environmental situation in the country.

What to do with old washing machine and gas stove

Gas stove

A practical outdoor stove turned out from it! Removed all unnecessary. I cut out two holes with a grinder: one - under the pan (frying pan), the second - under the pipe for traction (photo 2). Firewood is burned on a grate inside the cabinet. Traction is great! The soup is cooked for 20-25 minutes. If necessary, the stove can easily be turned into a brazier by placing a metal box on top for burning firewood.

Viktor TOLKACHEV, Sumy

Do-it-yourself miracle pitchforks

I offer a tool that I made about 20 years ago and called it “combined forks”.

With the advent of such pitchforks (see photo), neither a shovel nor ordinary pitchforks will be needed anymore. They are easy to work both on dry land and on damp. The earth does not stick to them, the roots in the ground are cut freely, which cannot be done with a pitchfork, and it is difficult to work with a shovel, especially for older people.

DIY do-it-yourself mole repeller

To fight moles, I took a metal tube with a diameter of 20 mm (it can be from a ski pole or a piece of reinforcement 70-100 cm long), two metal beer cans and a wire 20-25 cm. I make a hole in the bottom of the can so that when it rains water did not accumulate in them, the banks were lighter.

I thread the ends of the wire into the upper part of the cans and fasten it (like a hook), and insert the middle of the wire into the hole of the metal tube (or you can wrap it over the reinforcement). In any wind, the cans hit a metal tube (reinforcement) and make a ringing sound. On the site there is a "bell chime" that scares away moles. I have a 6 acre lot. I arrange these structures in 3-4 pieces. along the perimeter of the site. Already two years there are no moles in sight.

Irina Borisovna KORSHUNOVA Moscow

ID 3D Premium healthy skin orthopedic insole for flat feet high…

3100 0 0

Do-it-yourself tourist gas stove in 10 steps

I am an avid hiker and I know from experience that sometimes you need a small gas stove when hiking. And now I’ll tell you how I make tiles from improvised means.

Step 1: Tools and Materials

I will need:

  • can of soda or beer;
  • stationery knife or razor;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • an opener with which you can cut off the lid of the jar;
  • ruler;
  • thick book;
  • flat screwdriver or file (the jar will have to be bent);
  • something with which you will pierce the inside of the jar (a nail will do);
  • indelible marker;
  • sandpaper;
  • drawing pin.

Step 2: marking the top

With the help of a book, I fix the blade at any height.

  1. I carefully place the razor or knife blade into the book (5 cm from the bottom edge of the book).
  2. I fix the blade: I press on it in the direction of the spine.
  3. I hold the jar and turn it so that a deep scratch remains (but I do not cut through to the end).
  4. I press on the blade and cut the jar into two parts.

Step 3: Trimming the Top of the Can

I've finished working on the bottom of the jar and can start on the top (it will be inside).

  1. I cut off the lid with a can opener. I also capture the walls of the jar up to 3 cm.

Attention! I don’t throw away the lid, it will still come in handy!

  1. Using a marker, I draw 16 lines or dots on top of the jar on the same distance from each other, end to end.
  2. I take a screwdriver or similar tool and bend the jar along the lines so that I get folds like in the photo.
  3. Then I make cuts along the folds (1 cm deep)

Step 4: Create a Ring

After that, I take the lid and remove the burrs with sandpaper. I measure 3-5 millimeters from the outer edge and cut off the insides so that a ring is obtained.

Step 5: tile assembly

I insert the ring into the bottom of the jar as shown in the photo. I put the top inside. I press on the ring from the sides so that there are no gaps. A protrusion remains on top, about 2 mm - while I do nothing with it.

Step 6: Shaping the Ledge

In the previous step, I left the protrusion at 2 mm. Now I fold it in. First with my hands, then I iron everything with a marker.

Step 7: Hole punching

Now I take a nail and punch holes in the jar near the very top but below the ring. I punch 24 holes in total.

To do them at the same distance, I use the following technique

  • I wrap the jar with a strip of paper and cut the paper so that the edges of the strip barely converge;
  • I remove the strip, take the ruler and mark points on the strip at an equal distance from each other (first I divide in half, then in half again, and so on until 12-24 points are obtained);
  • I put it on the jar and mark it. I punch holes and move on to the next step.

Important! To make neat holes, after the nail, without punching the jar to the end, I use a pushpin.

Step 8: Shaping the Appearance

Get rid of paint with sandpaper No. 400. I do a few on top. V-necks for air. Otherwise, when dishes are placed on the oven, they may block the air flow.

Step 9: launch

After acquiring new equipment, the question always arises, what to do with the old one, for example, with a gas stove. It often happens that they change an obsolete model that is still in working order. Can you take her to Vacation home or to the dacha and attach it to the cylinder or simply give it to the people who need it according to the advertisement. And if you show a little imagination and think about what can be done for a summer residence from an old gas stove, several interesting solutions come to mind at once.

Do not rush to throw away old things - you can give them a second life

The second life of an old gas stove

Home craftsmen have always been famous for their ideas, they have learned to benefit even from a gas stove. If it is out of order and there is no way to dispose of it, but it’s impossible to simply throw it in the trash according to the law, we offer several options for do-it-yourself homemade products.

Only authorized services should dispose of the stove.

Gas stove cabinet

To do this, you need to ennoble the facade and side walls. Take off first old paint, clean and apply a new layer. Any color spray intended for coloring will do. metal surfaces. And you can apply the decoupage technique, you get a rare thing that will immediately attract attention.

Previously, before starting work, you need to dismantle the burners and close all openings. Thermal insulation in the stove is not bad, so on the balcony or in the country it is quite possible to store various cereals, flour and sugar in it.

With the help of a can of paint, you can give the surface any shade

Waste incinerator

Ash in summer cottages is worth its weight in gold, it's wonderful mineral fertilizer to feed many crops. When burning garbage on an ordinary fire, it is quite difficult to collect the ashes later, and there is not always a place for this. Therefore, a special incinerator will come in handy.

For this, preparatory work is carried out.

  1. The burners, all pipeline elements, thermal insulation and plastic parts are dismantled.
  2. The glass is removed from the oven door and replaced with an ordinary sheet of tin.
  3. A hole is cut out on the back panel, a knee with a pipe is inserted into it.
  4. Under the oven, you need to assemble a grate of bricks and grates.

Thus, a simple and completely safe incinerator for a summer residence is obtained, on the upper surface of which water can be heated during the burning of garbage.

Ash - excellent top dressing for plants

Brazier from a gas stove

In order to make a brazier out of the stove, it will take a little more effort. First you need to carry out all the manipulations, as for the incinerator, additionally cut off the hob.

  1. In place of the panel, install a grate, which can be taken, for example, from the gas stove itself or from an old refrigerator. Subsequently, skewers with meat, fish or vegetables will be laid on it.
  2. On back wall in the upper part of the oven, cut a hole with a diameter of about 100 mm, into which a metal pipe should then be inserted.
  3. Poke a few holes in the drawer under the oven for ventilation.
  4. Leave 1 baking sheet in the oven, place a grate above it, on which firewood will burn.
  5. Coal after burning firewood will fall on a baking sheet, which is then easily cleaned.

If the lattice bigger size than you need, you can cut it yourself.

The simplest design of the brazier

Do-it-yourself smokehouse from an old gas stove

Dishes cooked in a smokehouse have a peculiar taste, so beloved by many.

For a future smokehouse from an old gas stove, many of its elements will be needed:

  • for laying products you need a grill;
  • a baking sheet is needed to collect fat;
  • all grooves in the block walls or guides will be used for their intended purpose: to extend the grids and baking sheets;
  • the thermal insulation of the oven will maintain the required thermal conditions inside the smokehouse;
  • sealing gum needs to ensure the tightness of the chamber.

It is important to thoroughly clean the internal surfaces after each smoking.

In order for the smokehouse to serve for a long time, it is necessary to observe the required mode of processing products and the right approach to the smoke supply.

Two different smokehouses can be made from old equipment, which differ from each other only in the principle of fuel loading, we will consider both options.

The principle of operation of the smokehouse

Filling fuel at the bottom of the chamber

This conversion option is simpler, the whole sequence of work is very easy and does not take much time.

  1. It is necessary to dismantle the oven door and insert a metal panel in its place.
  2. Remove the gas burner, instead of it a hearth for a fire will be built.
  3. Drill 2-5 holes with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm on the side surfaces from below, they will serve as a chimney.
  4. Similar holes should be made in the upper part of the panels. Thus, smoke removal will occur both from below and from above.
  5. Above an open fire, place a baking sheet filled with sawdust, above it - a baking sheet on which fat will collect. The food grate should be placed in the middle of the smokehouse.

It turned out simple design ready for use. It is necessary to note several disadvantages of this equipment:

  • it is difficult to regulate smoke distribution;
  • you can not cook cold-smoked dishes;
  • temperature cannot be reduced quickly. This can lead to accelerated smoldering of chips and the ignition of accumulated fat, respectively, the food tab will be damaged.

Wood chips give a special flavor to products during smoking

Equipment with a smoke generator

The step-by-step process of equipping a smokehouse with a smoke generator is somewhat more complicated than the previous one.

Smokehouse equipment

  1. First you need to drill a hole from the bottom of only one side wall with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm, which is designed to supply smoke.
  2. Then insert the water pipe into it and fix it with 2 nuts.
  3. Repeat all manipulations opposite side, only on its upper part. It is necessary to remove excess smoke and regulate the pressure inside the smokehouse.
  4. Screw a valve onto the outlet section of the pipe. You can choose a ball or cork design. With its help, regulate the processes inside the chamber.

Be sure to install a thermometer with a scale from 170 ° to 200 ° inside the chamber.

Necessary elements and equipment

For the manufacture of an ejector-type smoke generator, you will need:

  • 3/4 inch pipe;
  • a pipe with a section of 9-13 cm, the length of the segment should be 50-70 cm;
  • pipe, the internal section of which is 0.6-0.7 cm;
  • neck with nut 3/4;
  • union;
  • steel sheet up to 5 mm thick;
  • screws M 6 - M 10;
  • wing washers;
  • connecting hose;
  • air compressor, you can use an aerator from an aquarium instead

with a capacity of about 60 liters per hour.

Smoke generator compressor

Making a smoke generator

The assembly sequence is as follows.

  1. cut circle from steel sheet, its diameter should be equal to the internal section of the large pipe.
  2. Drill up to 25 holes in a circle.
  3. Weld a circle inside the pipe, the indent from the edge must be at least 2 cm. This element will work like a grate.
  4. From the inside of the pipe, weld a screw, put a cover on it round size. This part will act as an ash pan in the future.
  5. Above, at some distance from the grate, drill a hole with a cross section of 1-1.2 cm, it will subsequently be used to ignite the wood chips.
  6. At a distance of 5 cm from the upper border of the smoke generator, drill 2 holes opposite each other.
  7. Solder the 3/4 outlet pipe to the 1st hole, and the pipe to the 2nd hole fine diameter with fitting. At the same time, inside the structure, the 1st pipe should go to the 2nd at a distance of up to 2 centimeters.
  8. Connect the compressor or air generator through a hose to the fitting.
  9. The neck should be welded to the outlet pipe, then connect the entire structure with a cap nut.

The principle of a smokehouse with a smoke generator is as follows: after the wood chips are kindled and the compressor is turned on, the air flow captures the smoke and directs it into the smokehouse oven. The main advantage of such a chamber is that it is possible to carry out both hot and cold smoking of products.

Smoke generator design


There is no need to rush to throw away old things, even if they no longer work. You can always use people's councils and do something useful household or at suburban area. Giving a second life to things is a simple and quite exciting process, and subsequently you can be proud of your skills.

In a homemade smokehouse, you can cook any food with fragrant smoke

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