I dreamed of a big cabbage for what. Why dream of cabbage

Many people believe that dreams come for a reason. They contain hints. If they are correctly deciphered, then you can correct the future in the right and beneficial direction for yourself. Let's, armed with such a philosophy, consider, in heads. Agree, for a city dweller, the vision is, to put it mildly, unusual. It definitely hints at something!

Subtleties of decryption

When thinking about what cabbage in heads is dreaming of, be sure to use this hint. You should not fool yourself, for example, to those housewives who chose a vegetable in a store or on the market the day before. Fatigue probably took its toll. The subconscious threw images and events of the past day. The fact that gardeners are also not always similar dream contains hidden information, no need to explain. Of course, if the day before they were engaged in exactly the garden where they planted this vegetable. Although, on the other hand, people who cultivate the land with love dream of beautiful heads of cabbage for money. This is a reward for labors, and there is nothing to worry about. Cabbage in heads of cabbage is dreaming brightly and figuratively - which means you should decipher it. You know, this rule works in any case. It makes sense to open the dream book only when the picture "stands before your eyes" after waking up. have such salient feature. They are not erased from memory for a very long time! Did you see this one? Look for interpretations, think and analyze!

different cabbage

You know, it is very important to remember what condition your head of cabbage was in. This circumstance is of great importance for interpretation. Be sure to focus on it when you talk about what cabbage in heads is dreaming of. It can also be beautiful, saturated with juices, standing on the vine or cut off and lying in a barn (storage place), or even completely rotten.

Agree, it's perfect. different dreams, therefore, are incompatible in meaning. In addition, it would not be superfluous to mention the actions that you or another person performed with cabbage. Interpreters are guided precisely by these circumstances when they decipher what dreams mean, including those with the presence of vegetables. Don't forget to remember exactly what you did. Cabbage can be chopped and bought, cut and planted, thrown away or fought with. You understand, the most unusual stories are born in night dreams. If a head of cabbage appears in them, you need to pay attention to the nuances. They affect the solution. Let's move on to specific plots in order to outline for the attentive reader the course and direction of our own reasoning.

See cabbage in a dream

Let's start the analysis with a plot that is not burdened with specific actions. Many lines are dedicated to him. famous dream books. So, Miller interprets such an image with negative side. To see cabbage in a dream is to fall under the pressure of negative circumstances, he believes. You need to be on the lookout after such a vision. The atrocities of famous people and even rampage in their behavior will cause your worries. When the head of cabbage is just tied up, that is, it cannot be called ripe, you will have to face someone else's treachery. Miller's dream book does not favor this healthy vegetable. Other, no less famous interpreters have a different opinion. They say that a head of cabbage should be taken as a sign of impending wealth. But only in the case when it is beautiful, not spoiled, not subject to decay. Otherwise, prepare for losses. A spoiled or withered vegetable portends an outflow of money from your wallet, most often irreplaceable.


This storyline is good for just about everyone. If you carefully cut and stack large, beautiful, healthy forks, well-being will become your main ally and companion for a while, says the dream. Cabbage in a garden or field is a hint of a quick reward for hard work. In some cases, it is a sign of receiving a completely unexpected, and therefore even more pleasant, profit. Miller's dream book, by the way, remains true to his dislike for this vegetable. He also interprets his collection negatively. The vision promises special problems to family people. They may face infidelity spouse. The interpreter insists that this takes place in their lives. sees perfectly, and in this way tries to warn a person. In fact, the question of what dreams about cabbage mean should be considered individually. Too many discrepancies in specific interpretations are found in the sources. It is recommended to focus on your own feelings. For example, harvesting aroused a negative feeling in you, you should know that you should look into Miller's dream book. When the memory of astral wanderings causes pleasant sensations, read only good explanations. In your case, they are more correct.

buy cabbage

It is interesting sometimes to think those people who have taken the trouble to decipher night visions. When studying this issue the inconsistency of their conclusions attracts attention when they try to understand what cabbage is dreaming of. Buying a vegetable - some say - to pleasant events. However, they will have only an indirect relation to the dreamer. A person will begin to rejoice for a loved one, on whose head incredible happiness will fall. Others say that such an image is advice. Difficult times are ahead. It is advisable to be thrifty and careful in spending, then a person will not notice changes in his financial condition. What to choose? You decide. Focus on feelings. But do not forget about thrift!

steal cabbage

Agree, such stories are not so common, even in a fantastic and unreal astral plane. However, dream books did not bypass them with their attention. Here it should be remembered, did you succeed in the theft? The interpretation of dreams depends on this. Cabbage, obtained dishonestly, is a harbinger of exhausting fuss. A lot of small, sometimes annoying worries will fall on your shoulders at once. Try not to get annoyed and wait out this eccentric period. Everything will pass sometime. Take care of your daily duties, making every effort to bring any business to the ideal. Then there will be less mistakes causing dreams of stealing cabbages. When the described adventure failed in your night visions, be patient. In the near future you will take part in a certain project, the results of which will have to wait a long time.

rotten cabbage

This dream is an echo of the past. Interpreters believe that some mistakes made a long time ago will be a cause for concern. The person may have to face their consequences. As they say, greetings from the distant past. You should not strain especially, expecting universal troubles. On the contrary, the coming events should be taken as the lesson of a kind, caring teacher. By understanding the causes of past mistakes, you will understand how to avoid them again. Therefore, make your life more harmonious. Agree, this in itself is not so bad. When there were a lot of spoiled heads of cabbage, then take the vision as a hint of your own imperfection. It is necessary to think, analyze, rethink, and most importantly, learn. Behind a lot of mistakes, do not step on the same rake. This is what the dream warns about.

cook cabbage

Mistresses often have trouble. It is clear that vegetables can also appear in them. has its own meaning. So, cutting cabbage in a dream is to the chagrin of the youngest member of the family. More often we are talking about children. You will have to spend a lot of effort to calm the baby. He will take his troubles seriously, will begin to cry and repent. He needs to be embraced and cheered up. Shredding cabbage in night visions is a sign of petty quarrels. They will happen among the household. Try to extinguish them in time and deal with the underlying causes. Otherwise, the relationship will completely go wrong - the dream book warns. Cooking dishes from white cabbage - for annoying guests. But to feast on them in a dream means a gift. All the more pleasant that you get it completely unexpectedly! By the way, the fermented product also does not bode well. Such an image is a sign of the location of fate.

Cabbage for a young woman

Let's now talk about the personalities of the dreamers. Decryption also depends on this. Rather, interpreters single out only one special category of people when they try to suggest the meaning of plots. For young women, a dream about cabbage can portend a possible pregnancy. It's good when the forks (or one head) were beautiful and healthy. This means that the pregnancy and childbirth itself will be safe, without causing anxiety. Otherwise, you should take care of your health in advance. If a girl stole cabbage, then she will have to solve a difficult issue regarding procreation. Interpreters recommend thinking carefully, not being led by emotions. If a woman cooks cabbage, she will have to worry about a sick family member. It's okay, her kindness and compassion will cope with problems. To disassemble a head of cabbage into leaves in a dream is a disease.

The interpretation of visions about cabbage is very contradictory and ambiguous. But you have to be very careful with them. In general, it is recommended that each person develop their own system for decoding just such dreams. They come rarely, as they say, but aptly. Guess you will be happy! Good luck!

Often in life a person is faced with unpleasant situations, problems, the solution of which is often very difficult to find. And then a certain kind of clues can come in dreams, the main thing is to pay attention to them and, of course, interpret them correctly. A dream in which cabbage is dreamed may just be one of the clues from above. But what a head of cauliflower, fresh or rotten is dreaming of, as well as what it means to cut, salt, buy or perform any other actions, you need to understand in more detail.

In dreams, you can dream anything, of course, you can easily get confused. But usually what a person focuses on after waking up is considered the most important. But still, in order to interpret the dream correctly, it is worth trying to remember as many little things and details as possible. Cabbage, a head of cabbage is a symbol of problems, troubles, losses and failures in almost all dream books, without exception. And only according to some dream books such a dream is for good luck and prosperity. But individual cabbage leaves for all interpretations of poverty or disease.

The meaning of sleep according to Miller

The dream book was created in the 19th century by the talented psychologist Gustav Miller. He has the most big number interpretations and is considered fundamental among dream books. It contains interpretations:

  • Cabbage is considered a symbol of problems, failures, losses and other troubles. And if a girl has such a dream, then in reality she will soon be married not of her own free will, but at the behest of her parents.
  • Green vegetable - to infidelity, treason.
  • Cut off - you should be more careful about your money savings, as squandering can lead to ruin.
  • Looking at the harvest from the outside in a dream means that after all the troubles, a happy future is sure to await you.
  • I dreamed that you were eating cauliflower- V real life you will be reprimanded for not fulfilling your duties.

Aesop's dream book

Aesop is associated with a large number of legends, and in modern world there are still disputes about the existence of this person. However, the earliest observations of dreams (dating back to the 6th century BC) are certainly of high value in modern times. That's what dreams:

  • Watering the beds in the garden - you are raising a child too gently, without scolding him for his faults, and this can lead to the fact that your child will not reckon with you at all.
  • Cut a head of cabbage - in the near future you will have to show all your rigor to help your child find the right path.
  • Cutting, chopping or cooking - your child will soon upset you, but you will not only have to pull yourself together, but also help your child cope with this situation.
  • If you dreamed that you were swinging a fork in your hands, and it falls and rolls away from you, then you should pay more attention to your child, as your child is moving away from you and may withdraw into himself.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Cabbage in a dream symbolizes your unresolved questions and problems in reality.
  • If you plant, cut or water in a dream, then in reality you will be in trouble, as you are not doing your job well.
  • If you dream that you eat forks, then in real life they expect you big problems with money, be more careful about your savings.

Female interpreters

Men and women have a different mentality. And therefore, in order to delve into the intricacies of the work of their own subconscious, it makes sense for women and girls to get acquainted with these meanings:

  • Cabbage forks - means that in reality the sleeper will face a negative situation.
  • Green - to treason.
  • Cut off - to problems with money.

Religion and culture have a strong influence on human life, and Oriental women they are significantly different, therefore, associations and thinking will be somewhat different. Meanings from the Eastern dream book:

  • Forks - to petty annoyances in all spheres of human life.
  • Unripe - to treason in marriage.
  • Cutting a head of cabbage means you should be more careful with your money, otherwise you can go broke.

General dream book

The most universal interpretations:

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The world is changing and so are the images of our subconscious. It is worth knowing what the vegetable is dreaming of according to the modern dream book:

Why dream of fresh white cabbage

In some dream books, a good sign in a dream is considered White cabbage, especially her landing, which portends an improvement in financial situation. But according to the dream book of the White Magician, planting or picking white cabbage - to a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but really want to see. And also such a dream can mean that soon your hopes will come true. But there are also such dream books, according to which such a dream is considered a harbinger of trouble and grief.

For a woman who has recently married, such a dream promises early pregnancy. If the woman is already in a position, then good harvest cabbage in a dream promises happiness and easy childbirth. If a girl dreams of a cabbage fork, then this may indicate that in reality she will have health problems. And if a girl dreamed of a very large fork, then soon she would meet her fate. A green fork in a dream for a woman means the betrayal of a loved one.

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It is believed that with the help of dreams, the subconscious sends some clues that can help change the future, avoiding troubles and various problems. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the main object of the dream and other details of the plot. For example, when talking about cabbage, you should consider exactly how it looked, what you did with it, etc. Remember that you should not take the dreams you see literally, as they should be analyzed in context.

What is the dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage?

For people in a relationship, a fresh vegetable is a warning that a loved one can betray. Young cabbages in a dream can be taken as a recommendation that it's time to rethink your attitude towards people. If the heads of cabbage were unripe, then in real life it is worth learning to be sincere and tell the truth, since many people from inner circle no longer trust you. A dream in which cabbages were rotten is not considered a bad sign. Such a plot, on the contrary, means that in the near future it will be possible to understand what exactly is the cause of the existing failures and problems.

Night vision, where you had to buy heads of fresh cabbage, means that soon the dreamer will witness an unusual incident that will give a lot of positive emotions. In the event that you had to chop cabbage, then you should expect numerous quarrels in the family, the cause of which lies in misunderstanding. You need to take matters into your own hands to get things right. In one of the dream books, such a dream personifies the longing that one often has to experience. If another person chopped cabbage in a dream, it means that someone wants to interfere in the dreamer's personal affairs. Let's figure out what heads of fresh cauliflower dream of. Such a dream is a good symbol that personifies the end of troubles and the onset of a favorable period in life. A large head of cabbage seen in a dream is a good sign, portending an improvement in financial situation.

Night vision, where cabbage had to be stolen, has two interpretations, which depend on the outcome of the case. If the dreamer managed to steal a head of cabbage, this is a bad sign, indicating that seemingly minor problems as a result will unsettle for a long time. The dream interpretation recommends not to hesitate and get to work. If you didn’t succeed in decorating the cabbage, then you should be patient, because participation in the adventure will bring stunning success in the end. The most common interpretation that many people know about married women, then cabbage dreams before pregnancy.

Why dream of a lot of cabbage in heads?

Such a dream is considered neutral, but the events that will happen literally in the near future will be negative. Perhaps a person with whom they are connected will appear again in life. negative memories of the past.

To dream of cabbages in large quantities in the garden, This means that health problems may soon arise. The dream interpretation recommends doing prevention to avoid serious problems. There is another interpretation of the dream, where many cabbage heads could be seen in the garden - this is a harbinger of receiving news or the arrival of long-awaited guests. A cabbage field means that it's time to act, otherwise you won't be able to achieve anything in life.

Why dream of picking cabbages in a dream?

Such a dream serves as a kind of warning that, due to some traits of one's own, the dreamer's important affairs may suffer. The dream interpretation gives a recommendation that it is necessary to reconsider your attitude to money and become a more frugal person.

Carrying a huge head of cabbage with difficulty is a sign of the loss of some hope; there is a head of cabbage - a sign of gastric disease; to throw a head of cabbage like a ball - to go against the general opinion; chop a head of cabbage - an acquisition.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Grow ordinary white cabbage or harvest: cabbage forks: you should wait for the visit of a person whom you would very much like to see.

Rejoice if you dreamed of some other cabbage (Brussels, kohlrabi, cauliflower, and so on): this dream should be understood as follows: someone who loves is waiting for you to turn your attention to him.

Take a closer look around, and you will surely understand who it is.

Buy cabbage at the market, choose better forks: in the near future, something unusual will happen in your life, but, of course, joyful: you may have to congratulate a person dear to you.

For women who have recently married: this dream prophesies an early pregnancy.

If you dreamed that you were eating cabbage, it means that unexpected, but always welcome guests will arrive to you soon.

Prepare a meal! In the event that seaweed appeared in your dream: you need to wait for the recovery of one of your relatives, who for a long time and seemed to be hopelessly ill.

True, it may well be that in order to correct this person who has been ill for a long time, he will need a very expensive medicine to see cabbage salad: to an early find or an accidental profit associated with a large sum of money.

Pickle cabbage: in real life, you can fulfill your long-standing and almost forgotten desire.

Perhaps this will happen in the first week after sleep.

Interpretation of dreams from

Often in a dream, hints come to a person. They should be treated with utmost care in order to change your life, correct the future. The clue is a dream with a common garden vegetable - cabbage. In many dream books, a meeting with this regular in our gardens is a sign of monetary profit. To find out what this vegetable is dreaming of, you need to interpret the vision, remembering the details.

What kind of cabbage do we see in our dreams

What does cabbage seen in a dream mean? Our dream book advises to treat the vision ambiguously. It needs to be seen and analyzed in context. Some dreams about this vegetable are extremely favorable, but there are those that warn of various negative phenomena.

For example, cabbage in Miller's dream book is an unfavorable sign. In the collection of this author, this vegetable does not bring anything good. The dream promises a manifestation of unrest, and they will be expressed in violence, outrage. If you dream of a green vegetable, this is a sign of treachery. It is worth taking a closer look at your spouse, perhaps he has already tried to find a replacement for you.

The interpretation of sleep about cabbage is contradictory. It is necessary to remember all the details of what you saw, to correlate them with the explanations of the dream books. Dreaming with positive values- pleasant meetings, receiving money, reward for Good work. There are options where this vegetable marks future diseases, adultery, quarrels.

In Miller's dream book, harvesting this garden vegetable has a negative meaning. Some character traits can cause significant damage to your deeds. Extravagance, carelessness will bring your affairs to a final decline. It is necessary to take serious measures, to reconsider the attitude to money.

Why dream of white cabbage - our dream book portends monetary profit when you are planting it. good sign is a salad from it, which the sleeping person enjoys with pleasure.

Seeing fresh cabbage in a dream is a warning. The dream interpretation warns that you may encounter treachery in love. The partner may act in a treacherous manner. Pay close attention to such a sign of fate in order to avoid trouble.

Cauliflower in a dream is a good, joyful sign. It symbolizes that all the troubles that have accompanied you lately have come to an end. The black streak of failures is leaving, a new, bright streak of your life begins.

Why dream of rotten cabbage - although this is a poor-quality product, the dream book does not consider it a negative sign. On the contrary, it will soon become clear what is the reason for your past failures. After that, you can easily resolve your problems. Begins good period life.

Why dream of salted cabbage - it indicates that fate is disposed towards you. The good sign received may refer to different parties life. The dream interpretation portends a large material reward, profit, profitable proposition from the authorities. A stable financial position will serve as a reward for hard work.

Stewed cabbage - an unfavorable vision. It indicates that in the near future various misunderstandings will occur in your affairs. The crisis will not bypass family relationships. Quarrels, discord will begin in the house, it will become difficult to find mutual language with a spouse. The dream book advises learning to give in to each other in order to avoid distance.

Why young cabbage is dreaming is a recommendation to rethink your attitude towards people. Small, unripe heads of cabbage are a special sign for you. You need to learn to always tell the truth, keep promises. In real life, you often resort to deception. As a result, your credibility has been undermined. It is necessary to correct the situation, otherwise even relatives will not believe.

Dreaming sea kale - the dream book calls it excellent sign indicating that you are in good physical form. Nothing threatens your health either, mood, emotional condition is at the top.

Sauerkraut is an unkind sign warning of marital jealousy. If you yourself are engaged in fermentation, then it is you who will give rise to quarrels and misunderstandings in the family. Try to prevent adverse events in the family.

Various actions with this vegetable that we perform in a dream

Cutting cabbage in a dream - the dream book promises the grief that your child will bring. At the same time, you will be obliged to console him, because he will begin to worry about his sorrows very much. Try to prevent negative events, talk heart to heart with your child.

Buying cabbage in a dream is a sign that you will witness an unusual, special event. This event will be joyful for loved one will bring pleasure to everyone. You will keep it in your memory for a long time, as one of the brightest memories.

Shredding cabbage is a warning about a series of petty quarrels, misunderstandings in your home. They are dangerous by cooling marital relations. The dream interpretation advises to take action, to improve relations in the family, since the case may end in divorce.

Eating cabbage in a dream means that a pleasant gift awaits you soon. When someone eats this vegetable, it means that a present is waiting for your friend.

Salting cabbage in a dream is a warning sign; disappointments in love await you. There will be tears ahead, heavy explanations. These not-too-pleasant things will end well. You will find reconciliation with your life partner. hope for good life, stable relationship will not leave you.

Plant cabbage in a dream - the dream book claims that your life will be measured, stable, but boring. This vision has a different meaning. If you planted a vegetable in the garden, you should expect big profits.

Crushing cabbage means experiencing longing, a decadent mood. You should find a way to please yourself in order to quickly get out of a depressive state.

Stealing cabbage in a dream - such a dream has two meanings. If the theft is successful, you should take this as an unfavorable sign. Small problems will completely overcome you. They will grow like a snowball. There will be hopelessness. The next few days should be spent on solving everyday trifles. This way you can save your time and nerves.

If in a dream you failed to steal cabbage, please note that the dream book advises you to be patient. You will need soon mental strength. You will actively participate in an adventurous deal. It will remain in the memory for a long time, because it will certainly end in success.

Why dream of a head of cabbage, forks. If you carefully cut the head, you do not need to spend a lot of money, it's time to become frugal. This is a warning against extravagance on your part.

Eating cabbage in a dream - the dream book promises happy events, good luck. Perhaps soon guests will come to you, dear, good people. Meeting with them will be unexpected, but will leave pleasant memories of yourself.

Collecting cabbage is great for a sleeper. The collection of dense, mature forks is a special sign, a welcome visitor should be expected. He will be a person whom you will be extremely happy to see.

The meaning of sleep about cabbage

Cabbage in the garden indicates a poor state of your health, a general breakdown. The dream book does not advise to be upset about this, it is better to accept preventive measures. Physical education will be useful, healthy sleep, a complex of vitamins.

Cabbage in the garden means that in real life news awaits you. The arrival of guests whom you did not expect to see is possible. Meeting with them will bring a lot of pleasure.

Why do cabbage heads dream - such a dream seen by a young woman predicts her health problems. Immature plugs suggest that unreasonable jealousy of your spouse, or adultery, awaits you.

Why dream a lot of cabbage? The dream book says that the vision is neutral, but the events that follow it will bring a lot of sadness. This is evidence that bad memories will flood over you. A person will appear associated with your past, difficult time, when you had a chance to experience a lot of heartache.

Cabbage pie is a wonderful sign that predicts a break from routine work. If you are buying a pie, expect an unexpected but pleasant meeting. When they give you a pie with these vegetables, you will hear good news.

Cabbage dreams of pregnancy. It is believed that if a woman who has recently married sees her, then she should soon expect an addition to the family.

To see pies with cabbage in a dream is very ambiguous, but there is no negativity here. A lot of ruddy pies, according to our dream book, promise your family a good income. Family relationships will be stable and even.

When you bake cabbage pies, you should expect profit. She will be a well-deserved reward after the completion of a long work. If in a dream you were treated to pies, there is a risk of suffering from intrigues.

The meaning of the dream in which cabbage was dreamed does not coincide in many dream books. To be more precise, you need to remember the context, since such a vision has many opposite interpretations.

In Vanga's dream book, we will not find such a vegetable. Unfortunately, the great clairvoyant, who left behind a wonderful dream book, with a rather unusual interpretation, did not give her explanation for the vision of this vegetable.

Cabbage leaves seen in a dream mean that you can get sick. If you disassemble a head of cabbage into separate leaves, take care of your health. This sign predicts that you can catch a bad cold. Our dream book advises to dress warmer.

A field of cabbage is a neutral sign that calls us to action. When you harvest vegetables in the field, you should avoid extravagance, take the path of savings. The dream interpretation recommends reconsidering expenses, otherwise you will get into big debts. This dream has another meaning - the one who sees it should expect empty talk, trouble.

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