Wall thickness for installing interior doors. Standard and not very sizes of doorways of interior doors. How to calculate everything

This article provides an example of the calculation doorway and a table of the main doorways. Relying on given example you will learn how to count doorway.

To learn how to calculate a doorway, you need to know the standard dimensions of doors.
Main door sizes: 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mm.
The width of the most common interior door is 800 millimeters. Doors to the kitchen 700 mm (600 mm for modern furniture may not be enough). Double-leaf doors to the living room are assembled from two 600 mm each or two 700 mm each.

Calculate the doorway

We calculate the doorway for a door with a width of 800 mm. Add Width door frame, gaps between the box and the door. The width of the gap is from two to four millimeters. We need an average value - 3 mm. The leaf of door frames is made from natural wood, or from pressed sawdust. Therefore, the thickness may vary slightly. The difference is five to ten millimeters. To calculate the doorway, we will take the maximum thickness of the box - 40 mm. Subtract a quarter. (40 - 10 = 30)

Dimensions taken into account when calculating the doorway:
30 - the thickness of the door frame leaf.
3 - the gap between the door and the frame.
15 - void for mounting foam.
800 - width door leaf.
2000 - the height of the door leaf.

Calculate the width of the doorway:
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 15 + 800 = 896 (round up to 900 mm).

Calculate the height of the doorway with the threshold:
It is important to remember that for doors with and without a threshold, the difference in the height of the doorway is 10 millimeters, since we will leave the standard gap under the door - 20 mm.
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 2000 = 2081 (round up to 2080 mm).
For a door 800 mm wide, a doorway 2080 mm high and 900 mm wide is needed.

Let's check whether the platbands will block the doorway:
The minimum width of the casing is 60 mm. Let's add a platband on each side, taking into account the minimum distance from the door to the platband (5 mm).
60 + 5 + 60 + 5 + 800 = 930 millimeters.
30 + 3 + 60 + 5 + 2000 = 2098 millimeters.
Therefore, taking into account the maximum thickness of the door frame and the minimum width of the casing, our doorway will close.

Calculating the cost of a door online is very useful, you will immediately see the costs. And our calculator will do it without problems. All work is done by hand online and you only need to know the right dimensions and material of manufacture.

Working with the calculator

First of all, you need to decide on the shape of the doors. Will it be deaf or do you want to do it with glass.

  • We take the required dimensions. In this case, it is necessary to carefully measure the diagonals, because the geometry of the structure must be ideal;
  • Now we make a choice of finishing material. It should be said right away that natural finish will always cost more
  • We tear out the size of the insert from the glass (if there is one). At the same time, we take into account that there will be a step for fastening;
  • We measure the width of the platband. The price will depend on its width. It should also be noted that it overlaps the joint. And if your opening is not even, then this error will have to be taken into account.

Here you can calculate the cost plastic doors and made from natural materials. Videos and photos will help you make right choice. On our site you can find articles on the manufacture of any design yourself. You just have to go to desired section and read.

Sliding wardrobe is considered a comfortable and sought-after furniture, which is installed in almost every apartment. In this design, you can store various things: clothes, shoes and other additional accessories. But before purchasing this furniture, you definitely need to find out how to calculate the doors of the wardrobe so that it looks harmonious in the interior.

In order for the closet to fit into a room - a corridor or a hallway, it is worth correctly calculating the size of the opening. To do this, first select a place to install the structure.

When measuring the opening, it is worth considering important recommendations:

  • to correctly measure the opening, you need to measure the width and height of the place;
  • the smallest width of the fabric of this type of construction is 50 centimeters, there are models with a size of more than a meter. The main thing is to calculate that the area has enough space for the entire structure;
  • be sure to take measurements of the width of the place from the bottom and top, this will help to get an average;
  • it is desirable to measure the height, it is usually from 2 to 2.5 meters.

Required measurements

Determine the number of doors

An obligatory step will be the calculation of the wardrobe doors. But in order to accurately determine the dimensions, you need to take measurements from the opening where the canvases will be located. Measures of its height, width, depth are taken.

During all measurements and calculations, certain rules must be observed:

  • measurements are best done in several areas, because there are differences;
  • between measurements there may be an error of one and a half centimeters;
  • the height indicator should be less than the same opening value by 4 cm;
  • when performing calculations, it is imperative to observe accuracy;
  • when measuring doors, it is recommended to take into account an important factor - the possibility of passing these elements through the openings of the dwelling.

For comfortable opening of the sliding wardrobe, it is recommended to use a design with two doors. Products with three doors are often on sale, they are quite wide and take up a lot of space. When choosing products, first consider the possibilities of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space.

Coupe door arrangement options

door overlap

Sliding wardrobe doors are designed so that when closed, one leaf can go beyond the area of ​​​​the other. good option considered when closed design one handle peeks out. But the profile of one sash necessarily covers the surface of the profile of the other, while not completely obscuring the filling material of the sash. The width should correspond to half the width of the opening plus the size of the handle profile.

There are a few things to keep in mind during the process. important conditions:

  • before starting the design, it is worth knowing in advance which company the fittings will be used;
  • it is worth choosing the type of handle C-shaped, H-shaped or with a double-sided design;
  • the number of wings - the total number of overlaps depends on them. If there are two wings, then there will be one overlap, if three, then two;
  • consider one of the important conditions that affects the performance of measurements of the valves - the presence of a shlegel. This part is a fluffy sealant that softens the impact of the web on the wall surface. Usually the size of its thickness is 1 centimeter.

Coupe door overlap


It is important to correctly calculate all the elements of the wardrobe. This will ensure its proper placement, convenient use. Even a slight deviation can lead to blocking the doors or they will constantly move to one side.


When calculating the height of a structure, do not rely on floor-to-ceiling measurements. In order for the measurement to be performed correctly, it is worth considering the indicator of the total space. The maximum height of the cabinet will be the size of the same niche parameter. For example, if the height of the room from floor to ceiling is 250 cm, then the average size of the structure should be no more than 240 cm.

In order to measure the height of the opening correctly, it is necessary to take measurements at three points - two sides and the middle. If the same parameters are obtained, then there will be no difficulties. But if they differ, then the calculation of the parameters should be based on a small indicator, which is taken from the floor to the overlap of the opening. Height is affected by the presence top element cabinet covers. In this case, it is worth considering what area it will be fixed to - to the furniture cover or to the ceiling surface.

To select the canvas, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the used components of the roller system - upper guides, skids.

So if standard height cabinet is 2400 mm, then when calculating the dimensions of the doors, it is worth subtracting the data of the following elements:

  • cover thickness - 1.6 cm;
  • it is worth taking away the gap of 14 mm, which is required for the free installation of the door in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper rails;
  • the size of the thickness of the lower guide elements with a roller structure - 6 mm;
  • the gap between the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower guides and the canvas is 15 mm.

Sometimes an aluminum profile is additionally used to strengthen the web, then it is worth subtracting 32 mm. The result should be a value of 2316 mm.


In order to perform a correct width calculation, the niches must be measured at three points, just as when measuring the height. The initial width parameter will be the smallest value.

The calculation of the dimensions of the sliding wardrobe doors according to their width directly depends on the number of door partitions. First, you need to make measurements of the width of the total opening, and then divide the resulting figure by the number of wings. Further calculations need to be carried out only for one canvas.

In order to be able to accurately understand how the calculations are made, it is worth considering an example:

  • the width of the niche is 300 cm, while it has three retractable canvases;
  • the width of one unit of the canvas will be 100 cm;
  • be sure to add an overlap between the doors that can close inner space from outside eyes;
  • be sure to add 2.5 cm to the sides of the doors;
  • as a result, it turns out that the width of the paintings is 105 cm.


The filling is in the frame, which is made of aluminum profiles. In order for the calculations to be performed correctly, it is required to subtract from the general parameters of the doors the size of the width of the profiles that frame them from all sides.

An example of one of the calculation options:

  • first of all, the dimensions of the width of the handles are measured, let's take an indicator of 16 mm;
  • since there are two handles, the indicator must be multiplied by 2, which means 16 * 2 = 32 mm;
  • the total width of the handles is subtracted from the width parameter, for example, 712-32=680 mm;
  • take measurements of the distance between the top and bottom areas that separate the canvas from the height of the niche. For example, it is equal to 12 and 47 mm, respectively;
  • take the door height indicator of 2460 mm. We add two values ​​​​of the upper and lower regions - 12 and 47, we get 59. Subtract 59 from 2460 and get 2401 mm, this will be the filling height.

Handle profile

At the end, the handle frame is calculated. Its height coincides with the door leaf - 2401 mm. In order to make the correct calculations for the length of the horizons, be sure to try on the profile of the handle to the groove itself.

How to do this, you can consider an example:

  • the width dimension is 24 mm;
  • due to the fact that there are two handles, this figure must be multiplied by two, we get 24 * 2 = 48 mm;
  • then subtract the total width of the handles from the width and get 712-48=664. This indicator will be the length of the top and bottom track.

This will be the correct calculation of the entire structure. The main thing is to observe accuracy during all measurements and take into account even the slightest deviations. After all, it is important that the sliding wardrobe is not only comfortable, but also fits exactly into the room. In addition, closet doors are the main structural element and it is very important to know how to calculate them correctly.

Location profile handles

The wardrobe door is a simple mechanism only at first glance. To make and install it yourself, it is not enough to buy everything you need. It is necessary to correctly measure the connector and calculate the necessary indicators. This will take time and patience. Correct calculation- half of positive result, a guarantee of successful service and maximum benefit designs.

How to calculate the size of the door leaf for a sliding wardrobe

First of all, such indicators as the height of the opening and its width are measured. Be sure to measure with a level so that there is no slope of the guides - if they are not adjusted, then the sashes can roll.

The height of the slats themselves, along which the canvas will move, is about four centimeters.

First you need to determine the height of the ceiling (standard height 2500 mm) and subtract 4 centimeters of clearance for the rails - the resulting value will be the height of the door leaf:

  • Door H = 2500 - 40 = 2460 mm

After determining the height, the width is determined. It will depend on the type of handle being installed, of which there are two main types: open (opens from the side where the hook is located) and closed (the same everywhere). For this reason, the width will be different.

The width of the door leaf is also calculated depending on the number of door leaves - when their dimensions are determined, it is taken into account that they are overlapped so that they can open freely in all directions. If the cabinet has 2 wings - there will be one overlap, out of three - two, four - here are the options: two or three overlaps. It is clear that the width depends on the number door structures. For example, if there are 3 two doors in the closet, the sum of their width should be approximately 2 centimeters more than the size of the opening (due to overlap).

Visible length (L) + overlaps is the desired indicator, which must be divided by right amount sashes:

  • L (open) \u003d (2300 + 10 * 2) / 2 \u003d 1160 mm.
  • L (closed) \u003d (2300 + 15 * 2) / 2 \u003d 1165 mm.

Calculation of components

For closed and open handles, measurements are taken individually:

  • The handle is the side frame of the door, with its help the door leaf opens.
  • L handles = H doors
  • Track - top and bottom - the top rail, thanks to which the canvas is fixed in a vertical position.
  • Track (top and bottom) = H of opening
  • Frame - pulls the door at the top and bottom.
  • L top/bottom frame = L doors - 50
  • The insert is external facade: mirror, glass.
  • H inserts = H doors - 60, L inserts = L doors - 40

As for the inserts: here it should be remembered that standard width 4 mm canvases (glass or mirrors) plus an auxiliary seal (plywood or chipboard sheets).

If the insert is without glass, but simply a dense material is used - (suitable dimensions 10-12 mm) you can do without a sealant.

During installation, you will also need the following details:

  • Rollers (upper and lower, 4 each);
  • Self-tapping screws for a hex key (sold with rollers).
  • Brakes (4)
  • Mirror seal (silicone);
  • Pile dustproof;
  • Self-tapping screws (4.5 * 60) 8-10 pieces.

Very important note– the dimensions of the rails should be 2 cm smaller than the H of the opening in order to facilitate installation. If we are talking about cabinet furniture, then the length should be with a margin, because during installation it turns out that the length of the upper and lower rails is different.

Assembly and installation of sliding wardrobe doors

You need to assemble the structure on a flat table or on the floor, after leaning against something (wooden beam).

General assembly algorithm:

  • File a profile;
  • Fill the upper frame (gently tap with a rubber mallet);
  • Stuff the bottom frame;
  • Align the horizons (protrusion of the insert 7 mm);
  • Handle installation (7 mm indent);
  • Put on the handle and side handle;
  • Pull the frame;
  • Screw in the screw at the top;
  • Installation of rollers and seals;
  • Installation of mirror inserts.

Inserts with a coating (film) at the edges should be rounded, if they are at a right angle - the film may be damaged.

Installation algorithm:

  • We insert the sash into the installed upper guide mechanism.
  • The rollers are installed in the lower track.
  • The door is adjustable horizontally and vertically.
  • Set the remaining parts: from farthest to nearest.
  • If the front is skewed: adjust with a wrench (hexagonal) screw the roller. In the direction of the clock - raise, against - lower.

Useful information about the calculation and installation of the sliding wardrobe door leaf:

Sliding interior doors

Recently, bivalve interiors have gained great popularity. sliding structures, the main advantage of which is space saving.

You can install them yourself, for this you need to purchase:

  • Door leaf.
  • Sliding mechanism.
  • Pens.
  • Castle (if necessary).

Already this set is enough for installation. To make the new interior doors look more attractive, you should think about replacing other details:

  • Door frame (required rail).
  • Platbands.
  • Plank for sliding system.

Installation begins with the preparation of the door leaf: first, a small slot is made in the center with a grinder (it serves as a door stop), rollers are screwed on all sides, a lock is installed, handles are attached. Then you need to install the sliding mechanism in the doorway. invert Special attention on the length of the rail, if necessary, adjust to size, calculate the correct installation height.

The canvas thanks to the rollers can be easily installed in the guide.

A rubber stop, upper and lower limiters are attached to a three-millimeter gap.

It is advisable to carry out work after replacing the door frame: it is made of rails, reinforced with foam, and trims are installed. If the interior doors are with a lock, then a bar is placed in place of one of the platbands, where part of the locking mechanism will be located. The box can also be decorated with stone, laminate, according to the design of the room, so that the interior doors look harmonious.

It is not limited only to a beautiful spring view. In order not to overpay about half the cost for a non-standard product, they equip a doorway of standard sizes.

If you initially arrange in the wall standard size doorway, in the future there will be no problems with the choice of a new block. It is important to consider that domestic and foreign standards are different. The difference is small, but it is better to decide on the model in advance so as not to reduce or expand the entrance to the room.

The size of the opening is always larger than the dimensions of the sash. The calculations take into account the thickness of the box, which, according to the standard, varies from 15 to 40 mm. For each room is used standard size door block:

  • For combined bathroom, as well as separate baths And toilet equip the entrance with a height of 1.9–2 m, a width of 550 or 600 mm. The depth is from 50 to 70 mm.
  • For cuisine the optimal size of the canvas is 2 * 0.7 m. The passage is made 70 mm deep.
  • IN bedroom a block is suitable - 2 * 0.8 m. The depth is arranged within 70–200 mm.
  • IN hall often install double-leaf structures with an increased width of up to 1.2 m. They put two doors 600 mm wide. A variant of one fixed half - 400 mm and a working main canvas - 800 mm is possible.

When arranging a passage in an interior partition, one must take into account that its size and even depth will change after the walls are leveled with plaster or drywall.


The most common width of a single-leaf door is 60, 70, 80 cm. Canvases with a width of 40, 55, 90 cm are less popular. However, such dimensions also correspond to the standard and are sometimes in demand.

For sliding systems according to the domestic standard, there are minimum as well as maximum restrictions. The width of the canvas varies from 60 to 120 cm.

For each standard door, the width of the opening is calculated taking into account the thickness of the frame. Additionally, take into account the gaps necessary for the free opening of the sash, as well as correct installation door frame. For example, if a canvas of 80 cm is selected, then the width of the passage will be 88.6 cm.


A common domestic standard for leaf height is 2 m. Doors with a height of 1.9 m and 1.8 m are less commonly made, they are less in demand.

The calculation of the height of the doorway is similarly taking into account the gaps. However, there is also a threshold. For example, for a two-meter sash with a frame thickness of 3 cm, the height of the opening should be 278 cm. In the absence of a threshold, one thickness is removed - 3 cm. The indicator decreases to 248 cm.

The standard height is 2 m. Sometimes the manufacturer increases the parameter to 2.5 m. When calculating the height of the opening for, they similarly provide for a technological gap between the ends of the leaf, as well as the upper and lower edges of the doorway. Additionally, the thickness of the elements of the sliding system, which play the role of a frame, is taken into account.

Sliding door opening dimensions


Most of all standard boxes are available in 7.5 cm thickness. The value is determined by the parameters interior partitions. If the door frame is installed in a thick wall, additionally used. It is more difficult to solve the issue with a thin partition. To prevent the box from protruding from the wall, the frame will have to be cut or removed with a planer.

The measurement of the thickness of the passage is carried out at least in three points. If the wall goes obliquely and is thicker than the box, they are additionally used. The plank is sawn with a wedge. Platbands on all sides should be pressed tightly against the wall, regardless of flaws.

Non-standard dimensions

For foreign-made doors, the domestic standard for the height and width of the doorway does not match. More often there are blocks with a height of 2 m plus or minus from 10 to 15 cm. Width - from 60 to 90 cm.

French standards differ from domestic ones by reducing the size of the door by 1 cm. If we compare two leaves 90 cm wide, then the parameter for the imported leaf is 89 cm.

The non-standard size of the opening is often typical for private houses built according to an independently developed project. Modern designers like to use doorways to the ceiling. They increase the space and make it possible to create unique design premises. Less common are such options inside new buildings, where a modern layout is made.

Under custom sizes interior door openings have to be ordered individually door block. There are companies that provide this service, but The cost of the product will be overestimated by 30 percent.

At interior doors There are custom widths and heights. The dimensions depend on the installation location of the unit. Usually high and wide doorways are equipped for a hall or kitchen. For a bedroom or bathroom, the entrance is made smaller in width - from 55 to 60 cm.

Arched doorways

arched dimensions interior openings depends on architectural features building. The width of the arch can be chosen individually, and the height is limited by the ceiling. If the distance from the floor to the floor slabs is 2.5 m, then the arch is made with a maximum height of 2.2 m. For high ceilings of 3.2 m, an arched structure with a height of 2.6 m is suitable.

Many manufacturers do not indicate the dimensions of the finished arches. IN technical documentation more often the allowable interval is prescribed. An example is an arch with a maximum height of up to 2.4 m, a thickness of up to 18.5 cm, and a width range ranging from 79 to 150 cm.

How to measure the opening in the wall for an interior door?

To calculate the doorway, take the dimensions of the entire block, taking into account the gaps. A free space of 1 cm is left between the ends of the walls and the three elements of the boat. The gap is needed for free entry, as well as leveling it. The threshold is set firmly on the floor.

When calculating doorways, additionally provide free space along the entire perimeter between the ends of the canvas and the inner plane of the box elements. The gap is needed for the free opening of the sash.

An example of calculating the width of the opening for a door of 80 cm with a frame thickness of 40 mm looks like that:

  • Summarize two gaps of 10 mm between the wall and the box.
  • Two gaps of 4 and 2 mm are summed up between the ends of the sash and the inner surface of the box elements. A smaller distance of 2 mm is left on the hinge side.
  • To the finished result, a sash width of 800 mm is added, as well as two thicknesses of the frame elements. In the given example, this is 2 * 40 mm.

The result of the summation showed that the passage width is: 10+10+4+2+800+40+40=906 mm.

Swing door opening dimensions

The calculation of the size of the doorway for interior doors in height is carried out in a similar way, only the presence or absence of a threshold is taken into account. From above, the free space between the wall and the box element is 10 mm. The gap between the ends of the canvas and inside boxes is: top - 3 mm, bottom - 5 mm. Now, to calculate the height of the passage, it remains to sum up all the values. If absent, then one thickness of the boat is not added.

Taking measurements of a previously used passage in the wall

If the purpose of the repair is to replace the old unit, the following steps are performed to measure the doorway:

  • remove the old canvas along with the frame;
  • clean the ends of the walls from mortar and other debris;
  • evaluate the strength of the masonry;
  • if necessary, the passage is strengthened;
  • measurement is carried out in maximum and minimum gaps;
  • at least two points are measured near the corners to avoid skew.

The measurement result is transferred to the drawing. If it is not possible to accurately calculate the size in order to ensure the evenness of the box, take the minimum values ​​increased by 1 cm of the technological seam.

If you independently perform calculations and measurements of the opening for the door, the diagram sketched on a piece of paper will not be superfluous. A sketch with dimensions will help you more accurately determine the design.

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