Academic degrees and titles are in order. What is the difference between an academic degree and an academic title

Regarding academic titles, questions often arise: what is it and how to get it? In this article, we will explain what a docent is. This word can simultaneously denote several concepts that are essentially similar. Firstly, associate professor is the academic title of a teacher. Secondly, the degree of employees of scientific institutions. Thirdly, the position in universities. With the concept of "professor" everything is much simpler - this is a person who is a highly qualified specialist in a certain field of science, an expert.

Who is awarded the title of Associate Professor?

Being in the position of an associate professor at a university does not mean having a position that is assigned by the academic council of a scientific institution (or a higher educational institution) and approved Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science. This degree is awarded for life.

Criteria for awarding the position and the title of "Associate Professor":

  • the position is assigned to university professors, who, as a rule, have a title after a competitive election by the academic council;
  • scientific workers are awarded the degree of associate professor in their specialty (formerly - "Senior Research Fellow");
  • Lecturers and teachers of higher educational institutions who have been employed for 5 or more years, have worked for at least one year as an associate professor and have scientific papers, can also receive this title.

What does an associate professor do?

Thus, an associate professor is a position in a university or an academic title that lecturers, researchers and persons with an academic degree "Candidate" can receive.

What are his responsibilities?

  1. Associate Professor of Sciences conducts methodological and educational work.
  2. Provides leadership over their own studies and scientific research of students.
  3. He gives lectures, conducts classes and introduces their results into the national economy.
  4. Prepares scientific and pedagogical personnel.

Who is a "professor"?

Translated from Latin, "professor" means "teacher". He is engaged in what he teaches in universities, conducts scientific research, introducing their results into the national economy, trains pedagogical and scientific personnel, directs scientific research of students and his own studies. A professor is both a title and a position in a higher educational institution. To get the first one you need:

  • Have a Doctor of Science degree, own inventions or scientific works. To be elected by competition to the position of "Head of the Department" or to successfully work in this position for a year.
  • Work as a professor for at least a year, have a great scientific and teaching experience, own works.
  • To be without any scientific title, with a long production experience. The position may be assigned by the Academic Council on a competitive basis.

From this article, we learned that the word "professor", like "docent", is both a title and a position. Only in the first case is assigned for life, and in the second - for the period of work. The titles of associate professor and professor are similar in meaning. It is quite difficult to earn them, you need to really understand your field and be a specialist.

Continuing the topic raised in the article "Profession, specialty, specialization ... Let's figure it out!", I propose to touch on academic degrees and titles, as well as related positions, in order to better understand these familiar, at first glance, concepts.

Academic degree

A scientific degree is a title that is assigned to an applicant by the scientific community and certifies his competence in a particular scientific field. Most of the CIS countries inherited the system of academic degrees from the USSR (Ukraine is one of them), so today the representative domestic science can be:

  • PhD
  • PhD

The degree is awarded to the applicant by the authorized government agency. In the USSR, it was called VAK (Higher Attestation Commission). As a rule, in the CIS countries the name of this body has not changed. The decision on awarding the degree of candidate or doctor of science is made by the HAC based on the results of the defense of the dissertation (respectively, candidate or doctoral).

The dissertation defense takes place in the scientific specialized council - a community of respected scientists who are engaged in science of a certain subject, and can give a competent assessment of the work of the applicant. As a rule, scientific specialized councils are opened in universities or research institutes so that the personnel working in them can defend themselves "without leaving home." If in your own institution there was no advice on your specialty, you can go to the neighboring one.


Postgraduate studies are a starting "incubator" for the training of young scientific personnel. As a rule, full-time graduate students become immediately after graduation from the university. You can become a correspondence graduate student (or just an applicant) without reference to the date of graduation, but having a diploma of higher education is practically prerequisite for admission to graduate school.

With a successful combination of circumstances, the main of which is the defense of a candidate's dissertation, a graduate student becomes a candidate of science. Although there are exceptions, and a scientific degree is awarded without defending a dissertation, one can imagine how powerful the contribution of a scientist to science in this case must be.

Candidate of Sciences is the most common scientific degree among the scientific and pedagogical staff of universities and employees of various research institutes. As a rule, a PhD degree entitles you to a small increase in salary (in Ukraine - about 15%), and also opens up prospects for obtaining an assistant professor position (see below) or a similar one.


A candidate of sciences, who has decided to finally conquer the scientific pedestal, becomes a doctoral candidate. To do this, you can enter a doctoral program, which, theoretically, will allow you to get rid of some official duties(for example, to reduce the teaching load at the university). But you can be a doctoral student and "in absentia" - just write a doctoral dissertation without any changes in your work.

It is believed that the degree of Doctor of Science is the highest criterion for the competence and viability of a scientist, therefore the requirements for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation (and its defense) are significantly higher than for a candidate's dissertation. Although in formal terms there are no significant differences between these processes.

Doctor of Science is a much less common academic degree, since not all candidates of science want (strive, can) become doctors. In terms of preferences, a doctoral degree allows a scientist to apply for a professorship (subject to some other conditions), as well as count on a higher salary supplement.

Positions for candidates and doctors of sciences

It is important to understand that an academic degree is not automatically associated with the position held by a scientist. Usually, the “layout” for the positions that scientists occupy at the university (and for which they apply) is as follows.

No position

A graduate student may not have any position and only engage in scientific work at the department. The position is also not needed by a part-time student or applicant.


An assistant can be a graduate student or even a Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer

For the position of senior lecturer, former graduate students (who have not become candidates, but have accumulated some experience), or candidates of sciences can work. This position is considered in some way "transitional", when a person without a degree just needs to be morally supported and promoted from assistants.

Assistant professor

As a rule, candidates of sciences work at the positions of associate professor. Sometimes doctors.


As a rule, professorships are awarded to doctors of sciences. PhDs rarely work as professors (this position is for highly respected scientists).

The real picture of the distribution of posts

It is worth saying that a candidate or doctor of science can apply for any position, but this position is far from always available. In reality, the situation often develops in such a way that candidates for a long time work as assistants or senior lecturers, and doctors of science as associate professors, since the university does not allocate new staff units in the departments. This process is highly bureaucratic, and the struggle for "a place in the sun" among scientific and pedagogical workers is a common thing.

There is a widespread practice when, after defending a candidate's dissertation, a position of assistant professor is automatically "opened" for a young scientist. Usually this is the prerogative of the educational institution. But such a temporary position is not permanent, and in order to gain a foothold in this position, a young candidate of sciences should take care of obtaining the academic title of "docent".

Academic title

Academic titles are consonant with some positions from the system higher education, so they are often confused or considered one and the same. An academic title is awarded to a person with a certain academic degree some time after defending a dissertation, if he has fulfilled a number of requirements (for example, he has published a series of scientific papers, wrote teaching aids prepared textbooks, etc.).

Assistant professor

The academic title "Associate Professor" is not the position of Associate Professor. As a rule, candidates of sciences are awarded the academic title "associate professor". This title entitles the scientist to heaven O a large increase in salary (in Ukraine it is 15...25%).


The academic title "professor" is not a professorship. As a rule, the academic title "professor" is awarded to doctors of science. Accordingly, with the receipt of the title of "professor" the salary of a scientist also increases.

I hope that this information shed at least a little light on how the system of state science and education works. Of course, in this system there are many more "intermediate" concepts, positions, titles. As far as possible, Dystlab will try to explain them in new publications.

To a certain extent, this stereotypical image is true. Both professor and academician are scientific titles, the path to which is difficult and long, and therefore they reach such a position, as a rule, at a respectable age. But you can be a professor at any university or research institute, and an academician only at the Academy of Sciences.


A professor is both a scientific title and a position, the path to which lies along a certain “ career ladder". The title is inseparable from the person who is appointed to the position. A candidate of sciences can take the position of associate professor of the department, but can remain an assistant - or become one if he goes to work in another university. In a few years he will receive the title of assistant professor, and then he will be able to apply for an assistant professorship in any university.

The next career step is the position of professor of the department. There is no direct ban on the appointment of candidates of sciences to this position, but it is usually filled by doctors of sciences. Just as in the case of an associate professor, after several years of work in this position, a scientist can receive the title of professor, and a doctoral degree is already required for this. A professorship gives the right to head a department.


Before the October Revolution of 1917, any student of an academic educational institution, such as a university, was called an academician in Russia. In the Soviet era, this title was officially introduced in a different meaning, in which it is still used in Russian Federation.

An academician is a full member of the Academy of Sciences - an organization that unites scientists and organizes the activities of the scientific community. Such an academy should not be confused with a higher educational institution bearing a similar name - for example, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

Theoretically, in order to become an academician, it is not necessary to be a professor, but in reality, such an honor is most often awarded to scientists who already have a professorship.

The first step towards the title of academician is the election as a corresponding member. For outstanding scientific achievements, a scientist is elected a corresponding member by secret ballot, which takes place in the corresponding department of the academy, and then the general meeting of the academy of sciences approves his election. Academicians are elected from among the corresponding members at the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences, and this title is awarded for life.

Currently, there are many organizations that call themselves academies. Some of them - for example, the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences - have nothing to do with real science. Their members also call themselves "academics", but they have no right to do so.

Only members can wear the title of academician state academies. There are six of them in Russia: the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), the Russian Academy of Arts (RAH), the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences (RAASN) and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAAS ).


at the academy arts there are 4 educational institutions: the Surikov Institute, the Repin Institute and the Moscow and St. Petersburg Lyceums. Lyceums provide secondary education and accept only schoolchildren into their walls. But the institutions are aimed at a more adult category and provide higher education.

You will need


To the Moscow Academic arts Russian arts students are accepted in The lyceum selects children who have shown special abilities in the visual arts. To enter , bring homework: drawing from life, painting from life or sculpture, . If you liked the work - it's up to the last: bring an application and a number of documents.

And here is an approximate list of requirements that the Surikov Moscow State Academic University imposes on its applicants. To get into academy arts pass the exam. Which subjects to take depends on the faculty. If you enter architecture - and Russian, for graphics, painting and sculpture - Russian and literature, and for an art critic - literature, Russian and history.

Creative (profile) tests. The most numerous faculty of the institute is painting. It requires its applicants to submit works in drawing, painting and composition. The drawing is a head, a nude model, sketches from nature; painting - still life from life, landscape, portrait from; composition - work theme.

If you see yourself, then you are required to work in the same categories. Only in drawing - the head must be plaster, in painting - work in watercolor, and in composition - drawings from nature of architectural objects.

After passing all the tests, applicants are evaluated on a 100-point scale. Those who score the most points successfully enter the institute. To be enrolled, write an application addressed to the rector and submit a document on secondary education, USE results. In the application, indicate your full name, date and place of birth, place of residence, passport data, specialties for which you are applying, indicating the form and conditions of study. Write about the presence of diplomas of the winner of the Olympiads (if any) and the need for accommodation in a hostel.

Helpful advice

You will need a certificate from an ophthalmologist with the conclusion "Color perception is the norm."


  • Russian Academy of Arts

Formation new system education has confused many. It is not easy to understand the levels of higher education (bachelor's, master's, specialist's), it is even more difficult to understand the peculiarity of a university by its name and status. For example, it is unlikely that anyone will confidently say how the university differs from the academy and why institutions disappear.


The concept of "academy" arose in the days of the philosopher Plato. As the legend conveys, ancient thinker liked to walk in the garden, called Academ. Later, having founded the school, Plato gave it the name "Academy". It was like a hobby group. Its purpose - to teach sciences that are in one narrow specialization - has been preserved to this day. The direction of the field in which knowledge is taught is reflected in the name of the institution, for example: "Ural Art Academy".


A little higher in rank is the university. Its main difference from the academy is that this university trains specialists of a wide profile, uniting several faculties in different specialties. Within the walls of one educational institution, one can meet both future physicists or test pilots, as well as teachers of singing or mathematics. This does not mean that the level of knowledge that the university presents is an order of magnitude higher than the program of the academies.

Academies, like universities, have the right to research activities, as well as to methodological developments and their implementation in their profile.


Life flows and changes, at the same time it makes its own adjustments. There are times when a person goes to study at the academy, and graduates from the university. Renaming and changing statuses is not a rare phenomenon, associated with the introduced obligation of universities to undergo periodic recertification and confirm the number of specialties (departments) for which recruitment and training is underway, as well as the status of the teaching staff, which claims the right to train specialists with higher education.

Every year, a couple of universities from the university move into the category of academies, failing to gain right amount students or confirm completion educational standard according to the declared specialties.

Does the rank of the university that graduates a specialist affect the preferences of employers? In the vast majority of cases, the answer is unequivocal - it doesn't matter at all. Therefore, when choosing your path after school, you should not get hung up on the status of the institution, in fact, the academy program will not differ in any way from the university program. It is much more important to correctly determine the direction of specialization.

A university has the right to be called any higher educational institution that trains specialists in various fields, at least in seven industries scientific knowledge. In this it differs from the institute, where training is in progress in the same professional area.

What is an institute?

An institute (institutio in translation from - “institution”) is a higher educational and scientific institution in which training and scientific work are carried out in one professional field.
MAI (Moscow Aviation Institute) can serve as an example, where specialists of a wide profile are trained, but only in one professional field of aircraft engineering.

Over 55% of the teachers of the institute must have academic degrees. The volume of scientific research and allocated for them is also regulated. Institute - the basic unit in the system of higher education, is the most common type of higher education institution (university). Often, military and law enforcement educational institutions are called institutions. The institute is headed by a director or head of the institute. Its graduates become and with the exception of some art or military universities.

What is a university?

In the Middle Ages, a university (Latin universitas - "totality", "community") was called a corporation of teachers and students who lived in one place, mastering sciences in direct communication with each other. IN modern world A university is a university that conducts scientific and educational work in at least seven areas of knowledge. This is its main difference from the institute. Modern requirements universities are quite high: the teaching staff must apply innovative teaching methods and conduct extensive scientific research without fail.
Scientific research at the university should be carried out in five scientific fields. The volume of research funding is regulated at the amount of ten million rubles for five research years.

The university is usually divided into faculties, and faculties into departments. Accordingly, the administrative structure of the university consists of the rector, vice-rectors and deans who head the faculties. Next come the heads of departments. The requirements for a scientific university are higher than those for institutes: at least 60% of the teaching staff must have a scientific degree. There must also be at least four graduate students per hundred students.

Many universities act as huge educational, scientific and practical complexes, which include entire institutes and laboratories. In Russia there are several types public universities: federal universities, national research universities and two universities with a special status - Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University.

Due to the historical features of the development of science and the education system in different countries However, the concepts of “academic title” and “academic degree” are defined differently, hence the understanding of their place and role in science and education can differ significantly. Wide development international education and scientific cooperation forces to seek general points and develop at least an approximate scale for comparing these concepts. In our today's material, we consider the main differences between the Russian and Western systems of academic degrees and titles.

Academic degree: award

Degree in many countries- this is the qualification of a researcher, which reflects the achieved scientific level.

Western universities have the following system of academic and scientific degrees:

  • Academic degrees or qualifications- this is a bachelor and master (in some countries the master is considered as an academic degree).
    • According to the rules adopted in the countries of the Bologna process, the bachelor's degree is considered as an academic degree, indicating the receipt of higher education. Sometimes defined as a qualification in a particular specialty.
    • Master is an academic degree following the bachelor, aimed at deepening the specialization of higher professional education.
  • Academic degree (one single): Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). What is meant here is not philosophy itself, but science in general. All degrees listed are awarded by universities and academic institutions.

In Russia today there is two systems of training specialists with academic degrees and qualifications.

  • The first consists of the preparation of bachelors (4 years of study) and masters (6 years of study). Bachelors and masters were initially considered in our country as graduates of higher professional educational institutions. Moreover, the bachelor's degree corresponded to higher education of the first level, which was lower than the master's degree and the qualification of a graduate.
  • The second system has been producing graduates with a 5-year term of study since Soviet times.

There are also two academic degrees in Russia: candidate of science and doctor of science. An academic degree is awarded on the basis of the defense of a candidate's or doctoral dissertation by the Academic Councils of universities and is approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in a certain scientific specialty, reflected in the code and name of the branch of knowledge. For example, a candidate historical sciences or Doctor of Biology.

Academic title: assign

Academic title- this is a qualification stage of scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees, reflecting the different levels and volumes of academic and scientific-pedagogical work. Holders of an academic title can not only conduct individual scientific research and train students, but also organize these processes at a high qualification level.

In Russia, there are officially two academic titles: associate professor and professor. At the same time, an academic title should be distinguished from a position. For example, associate professor is an academic title or position? Both at the same time: there is the title of associate professor, and there is the position of associate professor. Ideally, they should match, that is, the position of associate professor is intended for a scientist with the title of associate professor. But sometimes the position of associate professor can be occupied by a person who does not have this scientific title.

Who confers academic titles?

Academic titles are awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science upon submission educational organizations higher education.

Academic title of Associate Professor can be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who fills the position of an associate professor, whose teaching experience is at least 3 years, and the number of published scientific works- not less than 20.

Academic title of professor can be assigned to a scientific and pedagogical worker who fills the position of professor, head of the department, dean of the faculty and has the title of associate professor. The teaching experience of a candidate for professorship must be at least 10 years, and the number of published scientific papers must be at least 50.

As a rule, the title of associate professor corresponds to the academic degree of candidate of sciences, and the title of professor corresponds to the degree of doctor of sciences. In the field of art, physical culture and sports, the scientific titles of professor and associate professor are also awarded, but according to other approved criteria. For their assignment, it is not necessary to have an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science.

Assigned scientific titles have an indefinite "lifetime" character. At the same time, persons with scientific titles may be deprived of them in case of non-compliance or violation of the requirements of the Regulations on the awarding of academic titles.

Abroad, scientific titles coincide with the positions held. If an employee receives the position of a professor, then from that moment he is called a professor until he holds this position. A number of leading universities have a lifetime professorship along with a position attached to it. Thus, the work of a scientist in the West is paid according to the position held, and no money is paid for the title.

Honorary titles and degrees

In addition to official academic degrees and titles in scientific world, there are still honorary titles and degrees. For example, title Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation worn by a famous designer, doctor of technical sciences (according to the totality of discoveries and inventions) M.T. Kalashnikov. Approved in 2015 honorary academic title "Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)" which is awarded for merit in scientific activity.

IN Western countries for great services to science and culture is awarded Honorary Doctorate (honoris causa), which in translation means "for the sake of honor", that is, without defending a dissertation. As a rule, we are talking about people who, as a result of their social and practical activities, have made a great contribution to the development of society, scientific thought and culture.

Despite all the differences in academic degrees and titles, international practice has shown that there are real opportunities for practical comparison of qualification systems of different countries in science and education. This issue is partly resolved by international treaties and agreements, partly by countries joining the Bologna process. For example, the scientific degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Science are equated to Ph.D., and the scientific titles of Associate Professor and Professor are equated to the Western title of Professor in each specific case, depending on the field of knowledge (humanities, natural sciences, technical sciences).


Degrees awarded in various countries, differ significantly in terms of titles, qualification requirements, award and/or approval procedure.

To obtain the degree of candidate or doctor of science, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council established at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To defend a dissertation for the degree of Doctor, it is currently necessary to have a PhD degree, the defense of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science by persons who do not have a candidate degree, in accordance with the current "Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees", is not provided. It should be noted that in this case, the correspondence or affinity of the branches of science and specialties previously obtained (consecutively) of higher education, the degree of candidate of science and the degree of doctor of science is actually not regulated in any way, except for cases of competition for scientific degrees in medical and veterinary sciences, which are possible only if applicant for higher medical (veterinary) education. In fact, in practice, cases of obtaining a higher degree in a branch of science and a specialty unrelated to an existing one are recognized as quite acceptable and are not limited in any way by the Higher Attestation Commission: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), a doctorate in economic sciences by candidates, for example, technical and physical mathematical sciences, etc. .

In parallel, there are similar degrees of Doctor of Laws, Theology, etc., awarded by an accredited institution of higher education. The degrees of Doctor of Laws (DL), Medicine (DM), Business Administration (DBA), etc., are considered in many countries as part of a professional rather than an academic/research doctoral system, i.e. it is assumed that the holder of such a degree is usually engaged in , practical activities and not science. Obtaining such degrees also does not require self-study. scientific research, so a professional doctorate is not usually considered a degree. The assignment of a degree to a professional or research doctorate depends on the country and even on the specific university; Thus, in the USA and Canada, the degree of Doctor of Medicine is professional, and in Great Britain, Ireland and many countries of the British Commonwealth - research. A number of universities in the UK (including Oxford and Cambridge) even include the degree of Doctor of Medicine in the higher doctorate (the approximate equivalent of a Doctor of Science in Russia), requiring a significant contribution to medical science.

Academic titles

In Russia, academic titles are currently divided into the titles of associate professor (or professor) by specialty And by department. Since 2011, academic titles both in the department and in the specialty have been awarded by orders of the Minister of Education and Science on the proposal of the Higher Attestation Commission. Qualification requirements for applicants for academic titles in the department and in the specialty are somewhat different, for example, to be nominated for the academic title of a professor in the department, you must be the author (co-author) of textbooks or teaching aids, which is not required for the title of professor in the specialty. But a professor in his specialty needs more persons who defended candidate dissertations under his supervision: for a professor in a department - as a rule, at least two, for a professor in a specialty - as a rule, at least five.

In addition, the requirements differ within each category (professor in the department, associate professor in the department, professor in the specialty, associate professor in the specialty). So, it is allowed to assign the academic title of professor in the department to persons with the degree of Candidate of Sciences, and associate professor - to persons who do not have a degree, but the requirements for them are much stricter than for applicants with the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, respectively. Special requirements are imposed on applicants for an academic title who are workers of culture and art and have the appropriate honorary titles (People's Artist, Honored Artist, etc.), as well as workers of physical culture and sports who have the title of Honored Coach. In addition, it is allowed to award the academic title of professor in the department to major specialists who have received international or Russian recognition in the relevant field of knowledge.

According to the system in force in Russia and Belarus, in order to obtain the academic title of professor, it is not necessary to have academic title associate professor

Previous academic degrees and titles

The academic title of senior researcher is currently not awarded in the Russian Federation, it is equated to the title of associate professor in the specialty. Previously (and also currently in Ukraine and some other post-Soviet states), the title of senior researcher was awarded to employees of research institutes, and qualification requirements applicants for this title did not include teaching work at universities, in contrast to the title of associate professor.

Until the 1950s in the USSR there was an academic title "senior laboratory assistant".

Before the revolution, in the scientific and educational system of Russia there were academic degrees of a real student, a candidate (more precisely, a university candidate), a master's degree and a doctorate, the academic titles of an adjunct, a private docent, an assistant professor, an adjunct professor, an extraordinary professor, an ordinary professor, an honored professor. This entire hierarchy was completely abolished in 1918 (although some of the listed degrees and titles were abolished in the 19th century). Degrees in Russian Empire gave the right to receive ranks of a certain class (see Table of Ranks).

Position of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia

Prior to the implementation of the Bologna recommendations, bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia are not academic degrees, but qualifications (degrees) of graduates educational institutions higher professional education.

Nomenclature of academic degrees

Depending on the specialty in which the dissertation is defended, the applicant is awarded one of the academic degrees.

Honorary Degree

The honorary degree of doctor of science (Honor Doctor or Honor degree or Doctor honoris causa) is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without taking a course of study and without taking into account the mandatory requirements (for publications, defense, etc.), but who have achieved great success in business and who gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are attracted to teaching activities and give lectures at the best universities in many countries of the world. An honorary doctorate degree is not awarded in medicine.

An honorary degree can be awarded and withdrawn.

Non-governmental organizations

Religious organizations can confer PhD (doctor) degrees in theology (or theology), professors and associate professors, etc. Other non-state organizations can also confer various academic degrees and titles, up to and including academician (see Non-State Academies). However, all these degrees and titles are not legally such in Russia and do not give their holders the rights provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Contemporary discussions

Currently, there is a discussion about the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the VAK to the academic councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as is done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express an opinion about the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


Related links

  • Website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • Baleevskikh L.S., Muranov A.I. Domestic history of the normative regulation of nomenclatures of specialties of scientific workers in relation to jurisprudence // Jurisprudence. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 243-259.
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