Installation of brick partitions using the Knauf system. Installation of plasterboard partitions Knauf. Insulation and plasterboard covering

What is the KNAUF system, its advantages. The materials used in the kit are in accordance with GOST standards. Tips for installing various systems. Video examples of systems from a global manufacturer.

Knauf wall cladding system

The finishing material plasterboard is widely used in repair work. They line walls and ceilings, create arches and partitions. To do the job correctly, you must adhere to the rules. To make work easier, global manufacturers produce complexes.

The Knauf system is the wall covering most used by craftsmen.


Working with drywall KNAUF sheets practically no different from the installation of other gypsum boards. However, the manufacturer produces the necessary components to create a plasterboard surface. All materials assembled into a set for wall cladding are called a system. This simplifies the work because all components are made for each other. There is no need to think about installing non-standard additional elements.

Pros of using technology

The KNAUF complex includes all the necessary elements for cladding a wall or creating a partition. This has advantages:

  • use of materials High Quality, which guarantee a long service life;
  • ease of calculation necessary materials for installation;
  • KNAUF kit includes detailed assembly instructions;
  • If you purchase gypsum boards and components separately, some small details are often forgotten. Everything is included in the kit.

Each structure has its own purpose: ordinary partitions, double cladding, and so on.

Types of plasterboards used in KNAUF systems

The gypsum plasterboard kit for wall cladding has following types sheets:

  1. Drywall gray– thickness from 9.5 mm. used in rooms with moderate humidity.
  2. Green moisture-resistant sheet - systems with such sheets are used in wet rooms.
  3. Green with red inscription, combined - a combination of moisture-resistant and fire-resistant materials.

Wall cladding systems are carried out using 2 methods: frame (metal lathing from profiles) and frameless (gluing sheets to an adhesive composition).

Knauf installation technology: drywall, walls and partitions

Technology Knauf installation not much different from the generally accepted work of cladding walls and creating partitions.

When assembling the structure, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. plasterboard sheets are fixed to metal, wooden frame from the center or from the corner. This is done so that the fox does not become deformed. For fixation, use NK 11 screws.
  2. To create a strong joint between the sheets, they are mounted close to each other, without leaving a gap.
  3. GKL is mounted so that there are no cross-shaped seams. Sheets on the surface must be shifted.
  4. For use frameless method you need to choose sheets of 12.5 mm.
  5. To glue the sheets, use PERLFIX glue. After gluing, the master has 10 minutes to level the sheet on the surface.
  6. Warm when laying insulating material To attach the gypsum board to the frame base, the kit includes 35 mm screws for a wooden base and 25 mm screws for metal profiles.
  7. The KNAUF profile is cut with metal scissors.
  8. Before fixing, soundproofing tape is applied to the guide profiles.
  9. For good sound insulation, you need to retreat at least 50 mm from the rough wall to the guide.
  10. If a Knauf system partition is created, with a room height of 2.80 m door leaf must be 90 cm wide and weigh up to 25 kg.

Knowing these rules, the assembled assembly will be a strong, rigid structure.

On what surfaces is cladding acceptable?

The Knauf design is applicable in various areas: walls, ceilings, floors.

Frameless method applicable to concrete, brick walls. When installing the system using this method, you need to choose the right primer.

The frame method is used if the room is damp, the walls tend to become damp, and there is a desire to improve sound and thermal insulation with the help of additional material.

  • There are kits for creating suspended ceilings;
  • kits for working in the attic - fastening from the rafters.

KNAUF plasterboard kits are mounted on various surfaces. Each of which has its own requirements and compliance with certain rules.

How much does cladding cost?

KNAUF produces a large number of complexes applied to various surfaces with different configurations. Pricing policy depends not only on the complexity of the system itself ( suspended ceiling has a large number of components), but also on materials (gypsum board 9.5mm or 12.5mm).

Fireproof gypsum plasterboard has the highest cost among all sheets, and double cladding with sheets is much more expensive than installation in a single layer.

How effective is Knauf drywall/walls/partitions technology: heat consumption standards

Knauf kits use heat - soundproofing materials according to GOST 9573-96, 21880-94, 10499-95, as well as materials included in the “List of polymeric materials and structures approved for use in construction by the Ministry of Health of the USSR” - M. 1985. Having a conclusion of conformity sanitary standards Legislation of the Russian Federation.

To maintain indoor heat consumption standards, KNAUF systems have materials that are calculated individually for each case (dry but cold rooms, wet rooms).

The thermal insulation layer is placed only in the frame base. It is impossible to use insulation in the frameless method.

Covering walls with plasterboard: is it possible to do it yourself?

To install the gypsum plasterboard system, detailed instructions are included in each kit, so it is not necessary to call a specialist. However, we must not forget that the gypsum board sheet has its own weight and at certain installation work It will not be easy to lift it alone with glue or to the ceiling.

Specialists know the intricacies of working with various systems, this guarantees not to make mistakes and get a strong, durable design.

Examples: video tutorials

Application frameless method shown in the video:

Soundproofing walls with 1-layer cladding in the video:

Assembly of the KNAUF gypsum board partition and 2 layers of sheets:

KNAUF is a global manufacturer of mixtures, profiles and plasterboard sheets, widely used in various installation and repair work. Knauf systems allow you to reduce the time for purchasing materials, make your work easier when doing it yourself, and prevent mistakes that will subsequently affect the entire structure.

Useful video

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Drywall is widely used in apartment renovations. It is used to level walls and ceilings, construct niches and boxes, modernize doorways, and perform many decorative elements. There are certain rules for installing these structures that must be followed. Leading drywall manufacturers have developed entire kits for the convenience of consumers. Knauf technology has gained particular popularity in our country.

Benefits of using technology

Knauf produces a whole line of ready-made kits, varying depending on the type and size of the structure.

The main advantage of the kits Knauf: they include everything necessary for installing a wall or partition, from drywall to fasteners. This gives the consumer several advantages, including:

  • Guaranteed to use only quality materials. This is facilitated by a strict proprietary control system designed for minimum tolerances in the manufacture of gypsum boards and other elements.
  • Ease of calculating the consumption of drywall and other parts of the structure. A simple online calculator, available on many websites, is sufficient. You need to enter the dimensions of your wall or partition into it, indicating the number of doors and windows, and it will display full list everyone necessary elements indicating their quantity.
  • Each kit is supplied by the manufacturer detailed instructions assembly, thanks to which even an untrained person can carry it out.
  • By purchasing materials separately, you may forget some details. Using the kit solves this problem.

Installation procedure for Knauf kits

Required preparatory work: alignment and marking. After this, a partition is placed:

  • Guide profiles are attached to the dowels.
  • Vertical posts are installed at selected optimal intervals. It is recommended to fix them using a cutter with a bend.
  • Horizontal jumpers are installed.
  • If necessary, communications are extended and insulation is installed.
  • The gypsum board frame is sheathed with special branded screws.
  • Conduct finishing corners and joints of sheets.

Installation features

The system for assembling walls and partitions using this technology has its own nuances that must be taken into account to achieve an optimal result:

  • To ensure high strength, individual frame elements are reinforced by nesting one profile into another.
  • The guides are attached to dowels at at least three points. The profile plane adjacent to the base is preliminarily covered with damper tape.
  • Often it is necessary to join elements of metal structures that are not long enough. In this case, the connection points should be spaced, for example, placed in a checkerboard pattern. This will reduce the likelihood of vibrations or various deformations of the structure.
  • The racks are placed at a distance of 600 mm from each other. Thus, each sheet will be fixed on three profiles. If necessary, the step between the racks can be reduced.
  • The profiles are fastened together using a cutter or branded self-tapping screws. Crab connectors are used at intersections.
  • Sheathing elements made of gypsum plasterboard are attached end-to-end with the necessary gaps to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material. They will be filled in later special composition, produced by the same company "Knauf".
  • When constructing gypsum plasterboard partitions that have window niches or doorways, it is prohibited to join the sheets above them. Otherwise, there is a risk of seams coming apart due to vibrations that occur when using windows and doors. The elements are joined closer to the corners of the room.

Types of structures provided by Knauf

The sets differ from each other in the number of skins, thickness and frame design. All partitions use proprietary insulation based on mineral wool. The following kits are available:

  • C 111 - with single layer cladding. The minimum thickness and instability to loads do not allow such a design to replace full wall, its function is decorative and zoning.
  • C 112 – sheathing in two layers on each side on a single frame.
  • Sets C 121 and C 122 are similar to the two described above. The difference is that instead of profiles, they use wooden beams for sheathing.
  • C 115 is a set with a double frame, lined with two layers of plasterboard. This allows, by increasing the thickness of the partition, to place a double layer of mineral wool in it. In terms of its characteristics, this design is close to an ordinary wall.
  • C 116 - also performed on a double spaced frame. The internal cavities remaining inside it allow the production hidden installation communications. Two-layer cladding set away from the wall is implemented in kit C 626.
  • C 113 or C 367 - sets with triple skin. Designed for cases where it is necessary to use drywall different types: Moisture resistant, fire resistant and regular in many combinations.
  • C 118 – used for especially strong walls and partitions. In it, sheets of galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick are laid between layers of plasterboard.
  • C 361, C 362, C 363 - sets on a single frame, sheathed in 1, 2 or 3 layers, respectively, with Knauf gypsum-fiber supersheets. From 365–369 – modifications of partitions with gypsum fiber on different frames.
  • C 386.1 and C386.2 - kits that provide for the laying of ventilation or other communication ducts.

Various combinations of frames and skins are possible. All of them are presented in the Knauf product line.

A single frame is used when you do not plan to hang anything heavy on the wall, and also if significant insulation or sound insulation is not required. But to attach it to the wall household appliances, which has considerable weight, you will have to make a double frame with reinforcement.

Features of the formation of corners from plasterboard

Important role in the device plasterboard construction angles play. If they are assembled incorrectly, then through a short time Cracks will appear in these places, and the fastening of the sheets will be unreliable.

Gypsum plasterboard structures can have both internal and external corners. To form each of them, their own techniques are used. First of all, the frame is assembled.

External corners are made as follows:

  • Two vertical posts forming an edge are installed in the guides so as to form a single angle. It is unacceptable to install them offset: in this case, there will be a void under the joint of the drywall sheets.
  • The racks are fixed in the guides with a pair of screws at each fastening point. Professionals prefer to use a cutter: such a connection does not contain any bulges that interfere with the tight fit of the plasterboard.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Is it possible to paint drywall without first puttingty?

Used as internal enclosing structures indoors various types. It is most appropriate to use in rooms with low height in the absence of high requirements for fire resistance and sound insulation. The surface is intended for subsequent final finishing, for example, wallpapering, painting, etc.

  • Weight 1 sq. m – about 25 kg.
  • Maximum partition height: up to 8 m*.
  • Partition thickness: 75–125 mm *.
  • Sound insulation index, Rw: up to 50 dB.
  • Fire resistance limit: EI 45 (using gypsum plasterboard).

* depending on the standard size of the frame profiles and the pitch of the racks.

** according to customer needs.

() values ​​in parentheses are given for the case when the height of the partition exceeds the length of the plasterboard sheet.

Composition of the complete system

Pos. Name Unit of measurement Quantity per m2
1 KNAUF sheet (GKL, GKLV, GKLO) m2 2,0
2 KNAUF profile PN 50/40 (75/40, 100/40) linear m 0,7
3 KNAUF profile PS 50/50 (75/50, 100/50) linear m 2,0
4 Screw TN 25 PC. 29
5 Putty KNAUF-Fugen (Fugenfüller) kg 0,6
6 Reinforcing tape linear m 1,5
7 Dowel K 6/35 PC. 1,6
8 Sealing tape linear m 1,2
9 Primer KNAUF-Tiefengrund l 0,2
10 Mineral wool plate m2 1,0
11 KNAUF-profile PU PC. **

Application area

Application area

It is used for dry finishing of premises.

Partitions C 111 are recommended for use as lightweight internal enclosing structures in rooms with dry and normal humidity conditions according to SNiP 23-02-2003, residential, civil and industrial buildings of all degrees of fire resistance and built in any areas, including seismic ones.

An analogue of the C 111 partitions are the W 111 designs from Knauf (Germany).

It is most appropriate to use in rooms with low height in the absence of high requirements for fire resistance and sound insulation.

If there are requirements for thermal, sound and fireproof insulation, the partition cavity between plasterboard sheets filled with insulating material made of mineral fibers.

The resulting surface of the partitions is suitable for applying various finishing coatings (paint, wallpaper, ceramic tile, structured plaster, etc.).

Installation process includes the following stages of work:

  • Marking the design position of the partition along the floor, ceiling and base walls.
  • Installation of the partition frame C 111.
  • Installation of electrical wiring and embedded parts for fastening stationary equipment inside the frame.
  • Installation and fastening on one side of the frame vertically oriented plasterboard KNAUF sheets(GKL).
  • Fastening insulating material in the space between the posts, if provided for by the design.
  • Installation and fastening of KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKL) on the other side of the frame.
  • Sealing seams between KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKL) and priming the surface for decorative finishing.
  • Decorative finishing of the partition after installing the finished floor.

Installation of partitions should be carried out during finishing works(V winter time with the heating connected), until the installation of clean floors, when all “wet” processes are completed and the wiring of electrical and plumbing systems has been completed, under dry and normal humidity conditions in accordance with SNiP 02/23/2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”. In this case, the room temperature should not be lower than 10°C.

In conditions high humidity(bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms) it is recommended to use moisture-resistant KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKLV), while it must be taken into account that in places where water directly hits the walls (bathrooms), the surface of the sheets should be covered with KNAUF-Flechendicht waterproofing.

Location electrical wiring in the space of the partition frame should exclude the possibility of damage to them by sharp edges of frame elements or screws during fastening of KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKL).

The concept of “dry” construction implies the design and construction of lightweight frame-sheathing structures, the installation of which requires a minimum of money and physical effort. German KNAUF company produces quality materials necessary when performing such work and is a kind of legislator that determines the standards for this type of activity. The KNAUF system for plasterboard partitions is known to any professional builder. Now it’s our turn to get to know these structures in more detail.

Series of partitions (according to KNAUF classification)

The company’s specialists classify all frame-sheathing partitions into several standard types:

Horizontal sectional view Construction type
C 111 – frame made of steel profile, covered with 1 layer of plasterboard sheets.
C 112 - steel frame covered with gypsum plasterboard sheets in 2 layers.
C 113 - a “single” frame made of steel profile covered with a three-layer gypsum plasterboard covering.
C 115 – KNAUF partitions of this series have double metal carcass and 2 layers of sheathing made of gypsum plasterboard sheets.
C 116 – double steel frame with space for communications. The structure is covered with 2 layers of plasterboard on each side.
C 118 – “Intrusion protection”. The frame is made of steel profile and sheathed with gypsum board in 3 layers. Galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick is laid between the sheets.
C 121 – partition frame made of wooden beam covered with 1 layer of gypsum board.
C 122 – wooden frame with a two-layer gypsum plasterboard coating.

For external coating of frame structures KNAUF company produces durable high-tech gypsum-based material that does not contain toxic substances, is absolutely non-flammable and has excellent operational properties. Drywall is produced in the form of KNAUF sheets (GKL) - rectangular elements consisting of a reinforced gypsum “core” covered with cardboard that has undergone special treatment.

Depending on the area of ​​application, these sheets have different properties and are divided into types:

  • GKL - used in rooms with normal humidity.
  • GKLO – has increased fire resistance. The material is used for covering profile partitions installed in fire hazardous areas.
  • GKLV is a moisture-resistant material. Its cardboard covering is impregnated with a special composition.
  • GKLVO - combines the properties of moisture and fire resistance.

In addition to this classification, KNAUF sheets have differences in the type of side edge. All features of the material are indicated by markings that are applied to each sheet.

Features of the partition frame

Next constituent elements frame-sheathing structures of the KNAUF system are metal profiles– strips of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5–0.8 mm. These products add strength to the frame, but do not weigh it down total weight. Let's consider what kind of profile is needed for a plasterboard partition, which will be made using the KNAUF system:

Tools and fasteners

The design features of KNAUF systems require strict compliance with all manufacturer’s recommendations regarding their installation. The company’s specialists pay great attention to the characteristics and quality of the fastening material used during assembly. frame partitions their drywall.

To connect the profiles to each other, it is recommended to use screws (self-tapping screws) for metal LN 9 and LB 9 (piercing and drilling). For Knauf fastenings sheets, self-tapping screws of type TN and TB with a length of 2.5–4 mm are used. The guide profile is attached to the ceilings with simple or anchor dowels measuring 4, 6, 8 or 12 mm.

1 - LN screw; 2 - LB screw; 3 - TN screw; 4 - TB screw

The design of a partition made of plasterboard from the KNAUF system is very simple, and for its installation all you need is simple tool, which is included in any “home” set:

  1. Tape measure, level, plumb line - for marking.
  2. Perforator - holes for dowels securing the guide profile.
  3. Screwdriver – installation of the frame and fastening of the casing.
  4. Metal scissors – cutting profiles to size.
  5. Construction knife - cutting drywall.

Installation stages

KNAUF specialists have developed step-by-step technology installations plasterboard systems, implying a strict sequence of execution of all work. So let's consider brief instructions for installation of plasterboard partitions:

  • Marking. We mark a straight line on the floor with a dye cord, and then, using a plumb line or laser level, transfer this mark to adjacent walls and ceiling.
  • Installation of a partition frame from a profile. We attach the PN profile to the floor and ceiling using dowels (every 80–100 cm). It must be secured to the ceilings by laying sealing material. In the PN we install and fasten the rack profile. The maximum distance between posts should not exceed 600 mm.
  • Equipment installation. IN frame structure we install embedded elements (supports for cabinets, shelves, lamps, etc.). We install electrical wiring and all necessary communications.
  • Frame cladding. We mount sheets on one side of the frame for the plasterboard partition, securing them with self-tapping screws every 250 mm.
  • Laying sound insulation. We lay soundproofing material between the racks (as tightly as possible).
  • Full lining. We attach the gypsum board to the remaining side of the frame. If the type of partition provides for multi-layer coating, each layer of sheets must be installed, shifting it by 600 mm from the previous one.
  • Finishing. Having finished covering the frame, you need to putty the seams between the sheets and the heads of the fastening screws. Drywall must be primed for final decorative finishing.

This short review plasterboard systems developed by renowned German company KNAUF is a kind of instruction that must be followed when installing partitions. Additional questions that arise during your work will be carefully considered by our experienced specialists. Do not hesitate, we will give you an answer that will provide a “pleasant” result in such not an easy task like home renovation.

Partitions with cladding made of sheet materials Knauf are designed for installation in residential, public and industrial buildings.

The use of partitions KNAUF technologies in most cases it turns out to be more advantageous in comparison with known structures made of piece materials (bricks, blocks, etc.), since the installation speed of KNAUF partitions is higher, the weight is less, and wet processes excluded from work.

An additional advantage of dry construction systems is the ability to quickly dismantle.

KNAUF has developed a range of specialized partitions to meet increased requirements in area fire safety, sound insulation, shock resistance and even X-ray protection.

The use of special systems and well-chosen types of KNAUF sheets makes it possible to achieve high fire resistance limits and airborne noise insulation levels for various rooms.



To get started, you need to remove debris, dirt and dust from the work surface.

Mark the position of the partition on the floor, walls, ceiling. Mark the locations of the openings (if required).

Glue KNAUF-Dichtungsband polyurethane sealing tape to the back of the rack and guide profiles adjacent to the walls, floor and ceiling.

The tape is needed for a tight fit to the base and additional sound insulation.

Mount the frame from metal profiles.

Install KNAUF rack profiles (PS) into KNAUF profiles with guides (PN) vertically at a given pitch.

Pin rack profiles cutter.

Sheathe the frame with KNAUF sheets on one side.

Sheathe the frame with KNAUF sheets on the other side.

Apply KNAUF-Tiefengrund primer to the joints of the first layer of plasterboard.

Putty the joints of the first layer without reinforcing tape.

Sheathe the partition with a second layer of KNAUF sheets on both sides so that the joints of the second layer do not coincide with the joints of the first layer.

If necessary, make holes for sockets and switches.

Putty the joints of the second layer using reinforcing tape.

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