The meaning, origin and fate of the name Ulyana. The meaning of the female name Ulyana

In most sources, one can find the opinion that the name Ulyana was supposedly formed from Latin name Julia also means “from the kind of Julius”, as well as “curly”, “fluffy”. Actually this is not true. Julia is indeed a related name, but Ulyana most likely comes from Julian. There is also a version that the girls were called so in honor of Vladimir Ulyanov. This is precisely what explains a slight decrease in the popularity of the name in Russia in the post-Soviet space. Today this beautiful, sonorous name is very rare.

The owner of the name Ulyana surprisingly combines such qualities as femininity and determination, softness and rigidity, compliance and stubbornness, fragility and masculinity, which does not prevent her from harmoniously coexisting with the outside world. In addition, Ulyana's shyness, tenderness and responsiveness help to find reliable and loyal friends who will always come to the rescue. This name contains a huge charge of vitality and optimism.

Characteristics of the name Ulyana

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

patron planet: .

The dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Amber.

Talisman-color: Dark yellow.

Mascot Plant: Melissa.

Animal Mascot: Snail.

Character features: Diligence, Restraint, Sensitivity.

Ulyana easy to communicate, open and ironic. She easily relates to life, which indulges her with pleasant surprises and promising acquaintances. This adventurism interesting woman enough for everyone, but she often really lacks stability and prudence, which can bring dissonance into her life. In general, the spring Ulyana can be called without a twinge of conscience "the darling of fate."

Ulyana She has a gentle character: she is gentle, kind-hearted, responsive and disinterested. At the same time, she tends to attribute to others those virtues that they do not possess at all, which ultimately results in disappointment. But the summer Ulyana does not despair and does not stop believing in people, so fate eventually sends her really good people incapable of deceit and betrayal.

Ulyana- a prudent materialist who sets herself exclusively achievable goals, to which it goes ahead, sweeping away everything in its path. Her pragmatism and prudence are the key successful career and a secure life, in which various kinds of surprises are excluded. This woman leads a rather closed life, because she is afraid to trust her thoughts and experiences to strangers. Enlisting the respect of the autumn Ulyana is very difficult.

Ulyana has a rather complex character: she is sensitive, kind and very fair, such qualities as envy and self-interest are alien to her. But at the same time, the straightforwardness of this woman and the desire to go "against the rules" pretty much spoil her life, since not everyone can adequately perceive criticism in her address. Failures hurt the winter Ulyana, who can not only withdraw into herself, but also become depressed.

The nature of the name Ulyana

Little Ulyana is a gentle and affectionate child who is spoiled by her parents and relatives. She is very open and sociable, able to empathize with all living things. The parents of the baby should very subtly and unobtrusively carry out educational activities so as not to "crush" the daughter's subtle and sensitive nature. Rigid and strict upbringing can lead to isolation and complexes in adolescence and will not allow the girl to reveal the numerous creative abilities with which she is generously endowed by nature.

This is a delicate little princess who is drawn to everything beautiful. Ulyana is not always lucky with her studies. She needs help to master the exact sciences. Best of all, learning takes place not with the help of abstract examples, but by playing specific life situations.

The secret of the name Ulyana lies in the fact that his young representative is a mystery girl. Feminine and romantic, she absolutely does not have the ability to "push her way up." Natural modesty and indecision can prevent her from realizing herself as a creative person to the fullest. However, under certain circumstances, if someone provides invisible support, she quickly succeeds. He is a very dedicated and hardworking person. She does not accept squabbles (quarrels over petty intrigues) and deceitful diplomacy, does not forgive betrayal.

Strict in relation to herself and others, Ulyana shows delicate care. She has a bad attitude towards evil humor, but she loves fun and good jokes. The life position of the girl is incomprehensible to many, since her determination is too straightforward. She does not turn off the intended path and she is not afraid of difficulties. Often adopts paternal stubbornness, smoothing it out with softness of character. She doesn't have a lot of friends, many are scared away by the huge desire to be independent.

Positive traits of the name Ulyana: Impressibility, sensuality. Ulyana is affectionate, gentle, affectionate. She loves to laugh and joke. Her heart is always open to people. Ulyana's house is always full of friends and guests. She loves fun, laughter, jokes. A girl named Ulyana is quick-witted: she can become violently indignant, react to troubles, but soon calms down, not remembering what happened. Nevertheless, she has developed self-esteem, so the name Ulyana does not forgive betrayal and betrayal.

Negative traits of the name Ulyana: Excessive softness, optionality, restlessness, laziness. The name Ulyana lives in the world of dreams and hopes she invented. She does not always study brilliantly because of her lack of assembly and too broad interests. The exact sciences seem boring to her, but she excels in the humanities. A girl named Ulyana takes great pleasure in various circles and studios, leaving little time for lessons.

Interests and hobbies

Ulyana's main hobby is furnishing her home, for which she spares no effort, no time, no money. Ulyana is a very enthusiastic person. The creative component of character is manifested in interests in dance, music, and literature. In addition, she loves to knit, draw, travel and collect various souvenirs.

Profession and business

Ulyana's creative nature can find an outlet in such professions as an artist, art critic, actress, journalist, designer, writer, florist. She will show herself well in the field of a lawyer, doctor, accountant, economist. At the same time, she prefers to work in her usual environment, while business trips (as well as frequent communication with people) quickly tire her and begin to annoy. Ulyana's career develops quite slowly, despite the fact that she is hardworking, responsible, diligent and disciplined. And everything is to blame for her lack of such penetrating qualities as stubbornness, arrogance and selfishness. Honest and decent Ulyana is respected in the team by colleagues, subordinates, and superiors, which not only flatters her pride, but also inspires her to further fruitful work. At the same time, she will never take on a task that she cannot bring to the end.

Remembering about difficult relationship"With the exact sciences, Ulyana does not seek to do business, although sometimes circumstances force her to do so. IN this case she needs a qualified and reliable assistant who will be her fulcrum. In the difficult world of business, it will be quite difficult for an open and decent Ulyana to find her niche, but if she is confident in her abilities, if she is supported by a team of like-minded people, then everything will work out for her. Moreover, Ulyana is an excellent organizer and leader, whose opinion is beyond doubt.

Psyche and health

By type of character, Ulyana is a phlegmatic. Open and mysterious, independent and shy, straightforward and vulnerable - this is how you can characterize Ulyana, who has charm and charm that are hard to resist. Possessing a subtle sense of humor, she also appreciates in others the ability to look at all problems with optimism and irony. Ulyana's kindness does not allow her to offend a person (even if he deserves it), but all because she herself is extremely sensitive to any criticism addressed to her. In general, the owner of this name has low self-esteem, to increase which her family and friends should praise Ulyana. In addition, it is typical for her to engage in self-digging, which further exacerbates indecision and self-doubt.

As a child, Ulyana often gets sick, and if many children "outgrow" childhood illnesses, then she adult life highly susceptible respiratory diseases. Also, not everything is going well with the metabolism and vascular system Ulyana.

Love and sex

Sociable, attractive and mysterious Ulyana is not deprived of male attention, although because of her modesty and shyness, she tries to be "in the shadows". But few risk getting close to her to start a relationship because of the independent nature of the beauty. I must say that her fans mistakenly believe that the balanced Ulyana is cold and selfish in a relationship. In fact, this woman can be incredibly sensual and passionate if she can completely trust her chosen one, who will have to actually prove the sincerity of her feelings.

Ulyana is monogamous, so she jealously protects her heart for the only one to whom she will be ready to devote her whole life. And only to a gentle, sincere and loving chosen one, Ulya is ready to open her sexuality. In response, she expects no less ardent manifestations of feelings, especially since she gives one of the leading places to the intimate sphere in relations with men. It is interesting that this woman prefers to love herself more than to be loved. A passionate and temperamental woman is very hard to endure betrayal. For her, the appearance of the chosen one is of secondary importance. Appreciates masculinity and the ability to sincere relationships.

Family and marriage

Ulyana for a long time does not even think about marriage, because he is afraid to take on such responsibility. Ulyana gets married consciously and according to Great love. The chosen one of such a woman becomes courageous, honest and a kind person in which the girl completely trusts. Outwardly calm and reasonable, Ulya loves to command, which can become another stumbling block between her and her husband. But it is worth giving her credit: having married, Ulyana devotes herself entirely to the family, raising children and arranging a home nest. Jealous, but never shows her insecurity to her husband. She is calm and reasonable, finds herself in the role of the guardian of the hearth. She is comfortable and beautiful house. Ulya is usually happily married, but sometimes she marries twice.

Ulyana is a hospitable hostess, in whose house it is always cozy, warm and comfortable not only for the household, but also for guests. In relations with her husband, she is gentle, patient and loving, but she will never forgive lies, and even more so betrayal. Moreover, she will divorce her husband without further ado if she finds out about his infidelity. If Ulyana's husband wants to enlist the full support and respect of his wife, then he must completely trust her and not restrict her freedom, especially since this woman will never commit an immoral act. And one more thing: Ulyana's husband will have to come to terms with the fact that it is she who will dominate the family and often make all decisions alone. And all for the reason that this woman, accustomed to independence, is not ready to part with her ambitions.

Horoscope named after Ulyana

Ulyana-- persistent, purposeful and ambitious Ulyana-Aries lacks softness and diplomacy: for example, her harsh manner of communication negatively affects relationships with others. This woman does not know the concept of "compromise", so she will prove her case to the last. In a man, Ulyana-Aries is looking, first of all, for a reliable and strong shoulder, on which you can always rely on everything.

Ulyana-- independent and independent Ulyana-Taurus is not used to reckoning with the opinions of others, and even more so to listen to him. Its seriousness and thoroughness can lead to loneliness and isolation, not to mention the development of nervous disorders. Ulyana-Taurus needs to pay more attention to rest and communication with friends. This woman needs an easy-to-communicate man with wonderful feeling humor and a positive outlook on life.

Ulyana-- this is a cheerful, energetic and cheerful person who loves compliments and attention, so she tries to take an active part in the life of all her friends and acquaintances. It is interesting that a cheerful disposition is combined in this woman with calmness and poise, so there is no "much" Ulyana. This bright woman will feel comfortable with a passionate and temperamental man who will bring a bit of adventurism into her measured life.

Ulyana-- infantile, sometimes insecure, closed and naive Ulyana-Rak tries not to take responsibility for any steps, so her career does not develop, and her opinion is rarely considered in the family. Only by overcoming shyness and indecision, this woman will be able to build her female happiness with a self-confident and patient man with a strong character.

Ulyana-- this is a narcissistic and conceited person who demands heightened attention. It is very important for Ulyana Leo to please everyone around, for which she is even ready to be hypocritical. This behavior leads to the fact that she has practically no friends, and even they try to keep communication with this powerful woman to a minimum. In a love relationship, she shows her leadership qualities, so she is looking for a weak partner who will obey her.

Ulyana-- reasonable, smart, but at the same time vulnerable and sentimental, Ulyana-Virgo hides her feelings and experiences from others, because she is afraid to look weak and unprotected. The spirit of adventurism lives in her, so travel is her element. The chosen one of this active woman must be energetic, inquisitive and share her craving for new sensations, otherwise Ulyana-Virgo will quickly get bored with relationships.

Ulyana-- diplomatic, tactful and soft Uliana-Libra has excellent intuition, therefore she subtly feels deceit and hypocrisy. She is well versed in people, which helps her avoid many disappointments in life. The few friends of this woman will come to her aid at the first call. In a man, Ulyana-Libra appreciates kindness, responsiveness and the ability to empathize. But rudeness and arrogance repel this delicate woman.

Ulyana-- the complex nature of Ulyana-Scorpio becomes an insurmountable obstacle on the way to building harmonious relationships with others. She acts only as she sees fit, despite the arguments of reason. Her opinion is always the only correct one, which cannot but repel. The man of Ulyana-Scorpio should admire her and in every possible way feed the pride of his chosen one.

Ulyana-- the openness, naivety and gullibility of Uliana-Sagittarius often bring a lot of disappointment and resentment into her life. She sincerely treats people who do not hesitate to use her kindness for selfish purposes. This woman is disgusted by loneliness, from which she tries to escape. Therefore, it is not surprising that Ulyana-Sagittarius marries early, and chooses a reliable man with a strong character as her husband.

Ulyana-- the honesty and straightforwardness of Uliana-Capricorn admire, but she herself is far from sweet with these qualities, because people do not like it when they talk about their shortcomings out loud. This active and enthusiastic nature does not sit still: on the contrary, she has a huge number of hobbies and hobbies, so she is not afraid of boredom. The Ulyana-Capricorn man must have an active life position, be witty and sincere.

Ulyana-- this woman knows how to find an approach to any person, which greatly facilitates her life and helps to establish the necessary contacts. At the same time, Ulyana-Aquarius is calm, restrained and balanced. She strives to produce good impression on others, while doing it without any pretense and flattery. In a man, she appreciates self-confidence, gravity, thoroughness and sincerity.

Ulyana- is a dreamer living in a world of her own illusions and fantasies. She used to trust people, forgetting that not everyone is honest, kind and decent. Therefore, to balance the character of Ulyana-Pisces, she needs a serious man, ready to take on the solution of all her problems (both real and invented). For such a man, this woman will become a wonderful wife and devoted friend.

Ulyana name compatibility with male names

Ulyana and Dmitry- passion reigns in the bright relationship of Ulyana and Dmitry, but this is not enough to build a strong and stable union that can overcome all family trials. The dominance of both partners and their love of freedom hinder the development of this tandem.

Ulyana and Alexander- this promising union is based on the love of life Ulyana and Alexander, on their optimism and ability to find a compromise. This couple tries to do everything together (a long separation is like death for them). It is also important that freedom is not infringed on in this pair.

Ulyana and Eugene- the owners of these names have common goals, although the ways to achieve them can be radically different for them, which absolutely does not prevent Ulyana and Evgeny from building strong relationships. But still, occasionally the struggle of ambitions can lead both "to a dead corner."

Ulyana and Sergey- love reigns between Sergey and Ulyana, but, unfortunately, this is not enough to build long-term relationships. It is quite difficult for this couple to find a common language, so sooner or later the union collapses.

Ulyana and Andrey- both are trying to escape from loneliness, both are freedom-loving and independent, both look to the future with enviable optimism. It is not surprising that the pair of Ulyana and Andrey is destined for a cloudless and rosy future, which no clouds can overshadow.

Ulyana and Alexey- Ulyana's imperiousness and ambition do not allow her relationship to develop with the calm Alexei, ready to make any concessions, if only peace and tranquility reigned in the family. Despite the excellent sexual compatibility, this union is rarely lasting.

Ulyana and Ivan- in this contradictory alliance of partners, much both unites, and at the same time does not suit. Ivan sincerely loves Ulyana, but this is not enough for her, so she requires material confirmation of her chosenness and irresistibility.

Ulyana and Maxim- Maxim's ardor and temperament, combined with Ulyana's independence and tenderness, give a real cocktail of feelings and emotions, which is extremely difficult to resist. Therefore, this couple simply surrenders to the power of passion and enjoys life here and now.

Ulyana and Egor- the foundation of the relationship between Ulyana and Yegor is common interests, and only then love and passion. Although the gentle and attentive Yegor is able to awaken an unbridled temperament in a calm and balanced Ulyana. This pair is strong and reliable.

Ulyana and Roman- Energetic and active Ulyana is not going to change her lifestyle. On the contrary, over the years, she yearns for more and more new sensations, so it is very difficult for a homebody Roman to be with her. Over time, a man in this relationship gets tired of the adventurism of his chosen one and leaves.

Ulyana and Vladimir- these powerful partners with leadership ambitions cannot get along on the same territory, despite the fact that they have quite similar characters. Neither Ulyana nor Vladimir want to give up their positions, which inevitably leads to the collapse of relations.

Ulyana and Denis- at first glance, the union of Ulyana and Denis seems to be a kind of farce, since it seems that there is complete indifference between the partners. But this is absolutely not the case: on the contrary, nothing can separate these two, they just do not like to flaunt their feelings.

Ulyana and Artem- the kinship of souls, the unity of thoughts and goals - these are the "whales" on which the union of Ulyana and Artem rests. And even though many consider their relationship to be a partnership, it doesn’t matter, because they know that there is love, friendship, and support in their relationship.

Ulyana and Anton- impulsive and fickle Anton - not a couple of practical Ulyana, who lives according to the principle "business is time, and fun is an hour." Her chosen one prefers to arrange a holiday for himself every day, which cannot but upset Ulyana, who is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of her family.

Ulyana and Mikhail- the serenity that reigns in the relationship between Ulyana and Mikhail is truly captivating. Therefore, it is quite natural that many couples take an example from them. Care, attention and tenderness between Ulyana and Mikhail do not pass until old age.

Ulyana and Nikolai- the calm Nikolai is constantly under pressure from the imperious Ulyana, who is trying to direct her lover "on the true path", which he resists with all his might. As a result, the couple may break up, despite their deep feelings.

Ulyana and Igor- generous, cheerful and witty Igor - the dream of any woman, especially the insecure Ulyana, who tries to surround her chosen one with tenderness and incredible love. For his sake, she is ready to forget about her independence and devote herself completely to the family.

Ulyana and Ilya- ambition and the desire to become an ideal family are driving this ambiguous, but interesting couple, in which Ilya and Ulyana have completely different outlooks on life. Without mutual concessions, this alliance will quickly disintegrate.

Ulyana and Vladislav- proud Vladislav is not ready to sacrifice his freedom even for the sake of his beloved woman. Ulyana is completely devoted to the family, which she expects from her impulsive chosen one, who does not always live up to her expectations. As a result, the couple most often breaks up.

Ulyana and Vitaly- in this pair, hardworking and ambitious individuals converge, ready to overcome any obstacles in order to achieve their goals. Loyalty, honesty and selflessness are the main characteristics of a strong union between Vitaly and Ulyana.

Ulyana and Nikita- this is a vibrant relationship in which the passion between partners flares up even more day after day, year after year. Ulyana and Nikita understand each other without further ado, and therefore their tandem is distinguished by enviable strength.

Ulyana and Vadim- initially, the owners of these names do not have high hopes for their developing relationship, because for both Vadim and Ulyana, this is a serious step that should be prepared for a long time and carefully. The result of such "preparation" is a strong and happy family.

Ulyana and Oleg- a bright union of Ulyana and Oleg may well take place if a woman forgets about her maximalism, and a man learns to be more patient with the shortcomings of his soulmate. It is better to transfer all passion not to a showdown, but to the marital bed.

Ulyana and Ruslan- the dreamer Ulyana loves to talk and think "about the eternal", while Ruslan has nothing left to do but obediently listen to his beloved. They feel good together, between them there is that invisible bond that never weakens.

Ulyana and Kirill- this bright couple is destined to live together for a long time happy years, because between Ulyana and Cyril there is a kinship of souls, and a romantic component, and passion, and a deep feeling of love, which only becomes stronger over the years.

The meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the Latin name Iulania, Juliana. The name originates from Yul Askania, legendary hero, from which the Roman family of Julius led the genealogy

Energy of the name and character: In the name of Ulyana there is a huge charge of vitality and optimism. The name inclines her to openness, sociability and a rather mild sense of humor, and God forbid that these qualities are not drowned out by an overly harsh upbringing. Alas, the latter, although rare, does happen. It’s better not to educate Ulya at all than to educate harshly: after all, the only thing that can be achieved by this is that all of the above and, of course, favorable qualities will change their sign to the exact opposite, turning Uliana into a notorious and withdrawn person. It was not in vain that I paid so much attention to this, since the energy of the name implies great sensuality in Uli, the suppression of which is fraught with trouble.

Usually, since childhood, features of an addicted nature begin to appear in Ulyana. Most likely, she will experience a love for a variety of areas of art, and it is very likely that she herself will have some kind of creative streak. However, it is not at all necessary that Ulya will start writing poetry or drawing, her sensuality can also manifest itself in a simple craving for decorating her room, but she will do this with a big heart. The situation is worse with the exact sciences, in which she may have problems with academic performance at school. If parents want to correct this state of affairs, they should try to help their daughter find hidden beauty in these sciences, if, of course, they themselves are able to notice it. Ordinary beliefs in the need for education can help to some extent, but preferably without physical assault.

It is interesting that Ulyana's creative nature gives her behavior some mystery and charm, and a good-natured sense of humor attracts people to her even more. Often her house becomes a favorite gathering place for all kinds of companies, and perhaps only living conditions can prevent this. It is only a pity that Ulyana's sufficient softness can awaken in her husband a feeling of some freedom from obligations, and cheerful companies will provide an opportunity to realize this feeling. In this case, he takes a big risk, since Uli's sensual nature is unlikely to want to look for an excuse for him. Perhaps she will hide her pain behind a smile, but still, a gap is almost inevitable.

In general, the majority of the chances are that her life will turn out quite well, although if her plans are to achieve any professional heights, then she should pay more attention to her penetrating abilities, which she often lacks completely.

Secrets of communication: Ulyana knows how to appreciate a sense of humor in people when it is not painted in aggressive tones. It's practically universal key to communicate with her. Well, besides this, one should not forget that deep feelings, and often passion, are usually hidden behind her poise.

The trace of a name in history:

Saint Juliana (Ulyana)

The history of Christianity keeps many colorful stories about how the saints possible ways tamed the demons. Saint Juliana (Ulyana), to whom, when she was in prison, the devil once appeared in the form of an angel was among such aggressive ascetics-fighters with evil spirits.

- Ulyana! he said, tempting the saint. “The Lord Himself sent me to you with words so that you bow to idols and not die such a shameful death.

In response, the girl, realizing who she was dealing with, only tied the unclean one, threw him on the floor and whipped him with the same chain in which she was shackled. When the time came for the execution, Ulyana, leaving the dungeon, dragged the resisting devil behind her, lamenting:

– Do not expose me to a laughing stock, what kind of tempter will I be after such a shame?!

Nevertheless, Ulyana solemnly dragged the devil past the astonished spectators, after which she threw it into the latrine. When the time came for the wheeling, the angel (this time a real one) broke the instrument of execution, and the crowds of eyewitnesses of such a miracle immediately turned to the faith of Christ. Neither immersion in a cauldron of molten lead, nor other trouble-free methods had any effect on the saint, and only when the time had come did Heaven allow Saint Uliana to accept the crown of martyrdom.

Ulyana is a beautiful and harmonious female name. Peaked in popularity at the time Soviet Union, thanks to the consonant name of the name of the leader of the world proletariat - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ( real name- Ulyanov). At present, the distribution of this name is not so extensive, but girls named after Ulyana are quite common.

  1. Latin. The name comes from the Latin language and translates as "happiness."
  2. Ancient Roman. The name was formed in Ancient Rome from another name form - Juliana. In translation, it means “belonging to Julia” or “curly”, “fluffy”.

The name Ulyana gained the greatest popularity in our country during the Soviet era.

Ulyana! In your name
Gaius Julius Caesar, beehive, honey,
In the water lilies there is a certain reservoir,
Or maybe a storm, on the contrary ...


Name Forms

Abbreviated options: Ulya, Yana, Lina, Liana, Una, Liana.

Ulya is the most common abbreviation of the name Ulyana

Diminutive forms: Ulechka, Ulyanushka, Ulyasha, Ulenka, Ulyanochka.

Related names are: Juliana, Uliana, Juliana, Juliana, Juliana, Gillian.

Ulyana, how sweet it sounds
Your romantic name
And the heart beats quietly
In the arms of the spiritual shrine.


Church name: Juliana.

Name transliteration: ULIANA.

In the passport, the name Ulyana is written as ULIANA

Patronymics, most successfully combined with the name Ulyana: Alexandrovna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Denisovna, Leonidovna, Maksimovna, Petrovna.

Table: Ulyana's name in foreign languages

Chinese乌莉阿娜 wūlìānaà
Japaneseウーリャ Uria
Arabلينا Ulyana
GreekΙουλιανή Ulyana
Hebrewאוליאנה Ulyana
Yiddishוליאַנאַ Wlyʼanʼa
ArmenianՈւլյանա Ulyana
UkrainianUlyana, Yuliana Ulyana, Iulana
HungarianJulianna Julianna
DanishJuliane Juliane
Spanish, German, Portuguese, FrenchJuliana Juliana
ItalianGiuliana Giuliana
SerbianJuliana Uliana
LatinJuliana Juliana
NorwegianJuliane Juliane
RomanianJuliana Juliana
FinnishJuliaana Juliaana
CzechJuliana Juliana

Name days and patron saints

The girl, named Ulyana, will be baptized under the name Juliana. Ten saints bear this name:

  1. Juliana of Nicomedia, martyr, virgin.
  2. Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, martyr, princess.

    Saint Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya - the wife of Prince Simeon Mstislavich Vyazemsky, daughter of the boyar Maxim Danilov, is revered in Russian Orthodox Church

  3. Juliana Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya, righteous.

    Juliania Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya - a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, from the family of noblemen Nedyurev

  4. Juliana of Ptolemaida, martyr.
  5. Juliana of Amisia (Pontus), martyr.
  6. Juliana of Moscow.

    Juliana of Moscow was born in 1300 and came from a noble family of the boyars of Chernigov, having decided to devote her life to God, she, along with her younger sister Julia, entered the monastery

  7. Juliana, martyr.
  8. Juliana Olshanskaya, Pecherskaya, princess, maiden.

    Juliana Olshanskaya - saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, righteous princess, virgin

  9. Juliana of Rossony, martyr.
  10. Juliana of Iliopol, martyr.

Name days are celebrated:

  • January 3;
  • January 15;
  • March 17;
  • April 2;
  • 16th of May;
  • June 15;
  • 5'th of July;
  • July 19;
  • August 30;
  • August 31;
  • October 11;
  • November 14;
  • December 17th.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Ulyana has simplicity and naivety, she believes in people, not paying attention to their shortcomings, which she tries to justify in every possible way. The girl never condemns anyone, but she expresses her opinion too bluntly, which often spoils relations with others. A woman knows how to cope with life's difficulties, has a strong character, but she always needs the support of loved ones. Her charm and humanity attract people to her, and her stubborn nature makes it possible to get what she wants. Along with perseverance, Ulyana's main character trait is diligence.

Ulyana has a simple and trusting character, but at the same time she is very stubborn and hardworking.

A woman is impressionable and sensual, affectionate and gentle with others, often attached to people. She likes to have fun and joke. She is always open to new acquaintances, she is surrounded by good friends, and the house is full of guests.

Hospitable Ulyana
Has minor flaws
People don't exist without them.
We won't talk about them
But what can we say about Ulyana:
Will not let you down and will not deceive
Likes to work, not talkative,
Responsive and patient
Simple, open in society,
Will ask you for forgiveness
When offended inadvertently ...
The hostess is at her doorstep.
Ulya, Ulechka, Uliana
Without the slightest flaw.

Eroshevskaya L.

Ulyana has a quick-witted character, she reacts sharply and violently to troubles, but calms down very quickly, trying never to remember what happened. The girl has self-esteem, so she will never forgive insults and betrayal.

Ulyana will never forgive betrayal and resentment

The disadvantages of Uli's character are her softness, laziness, restlessness. Often a girl lives in a world of her own imagination, in vain hoping for the best, while doing nothing.

Ulyana has a good sense of humor, appreciates optimism in people, has good intuition, which often helps the girl in making decisions. A woman is prone to introspection, often wondering “did I do the right thing?” in one situation or another. Therefore, a girl's self-esteem is unstable, depends on own opinion about your personality at the moment.

Ulyana often resorts to introspection, ponders her actions

How the name Ulyana affects the character of the child

As a child, Ulya is an indecisive, but very inquisitive child. She is fond of everything, very thoroughly approaches the study of new subjects. The girl needs to spend more time with her peers in order to stop being afraid and learn to love people. After some time, Ulyana will have friends. She is completely non-conflict, good-natured and soft to others, which is often used by others. Therefore, parents should teach their daughter to fight back.

Little Ulya shows enviable curiosity

Ulyana - creative person, with a penchant for the humanities and art. She has no interest in other school subjects. She happily attends all kinds of circles and sections, taking up the time allotted for doing homework. Ulya is an honest and kind child, she is always open to others, there is not a drop of selfishness in her. There are always a lot of friends around the girl, she loves to have fun, laugh and joke.

Instead of learning lessons, Ulyana devotes time to creativity

In adolescence, children's naivety and good nature do not disappear, which helps Ulyana find a common language with classmates and make friends. The girl does not have a desire for leadership, but the trust of teachers in her contributes to the fact that Ulya often receives responsible assignments, which she conscientiously performs.

The zebra has vests,
Dad has shirts
And our Ulechka
Nice curls.
Because the name
She has this:
cute, curly,
Beloved, dear.

Grosheva I.

Ulyana is always on the side of justice, tries not to offend anyone, does not allow sarcasm or cruel jokes against others. The girl is open, witty and energetic, she solves all conflicts peacefully.

Thanks to her openness and goodwill, Ulyana has no lack of communication

Ulya is talented, manifests herself in various creative fields: she embroiders, sews, knits, draws. It is interesting to communicate with a girl, she can support any topic of conversation. Shyness makes Ulya hide her talents, she does not like excessive attention to her person, and because of self-doubt, she experiences any criticism very hard. Ulyana needs friendly and parental support.

Criticism can deeply hurt Ulyana, so she needs the constant support of loved ones.

Talents and hobbies

From early childhood, Ulya has a penchant for creativity, has a good imagination. She sews, embroiders, knits, draws very well. As an adult, Ulyana's main hobby is furnishing her own home, she makes various decorations for her home, and can think over interior design.

Ulyana's head is always full of ideas on how to equip your home.

You are enchanted by the unknown
You are artistic and charming
You are powerful, but you are modest,
Surrounded by attention!
Let you be lucky, Ulyana,
After all, you are named so for a reason -
Worthy of happiness and love!
May your dreams come true!


Professions and career

Ulyana is a creative person, so she chooses a profession related to art. A woman prefers mental labor to physical labor. She will become an excellent artist, actress, writer or florist. Also, the girl has a chance to build a good career in medicine or the financial sector.

Ulyana should choose creative professions, one of which is floristry

Ulyana is a hardworking, responsible and diligent worker, but there is no need to wait for quick career ups, as the girl is too straightforward, and besides, she lacks penetration and hardness. A woman does not like to change her place of residence often, so she does not like business trips and trips to work, they annoy and tire her. Colleagues appreciate Ulyana for her decency and honesty. A girl will never get down to business, not having confidence in its successful completion.

Business trips tire Ulyana and lower her performance

Running your own business is a difficult task for a woman named Ulyana. She definitely needs respectable like-minded people who will help and take a responsible attitude to work. Then the girl will be able to become a good leader. But Ulya does not set high goals for her business, for her humanity and communication will always be higher than money.

In order for Ulyana's business to be successful, she needs to acquire honest and hardworking assistants.


Ulyana does not have strong immunity. She is often sick colds both as a child and as an adult. A girl should take a responsible attitude to health, strengthen it with the help of vitamins. Instead, Ulya carelessly treats her body, has bad habits. This attitude can also provoke skin problems.

To be healthy, Ulyana needs to lead a proper lifestyle.


Sociability and external attractiveness of Ulyana causes excessive interest in her from the opposite sex, although the girl is very modest and never behaves defiantly. Some fans consider a woman to be cold, but such an opinion can only be formed upon first meeting. In fact, Ulya is a passionate and sensual person, but she will reveal herself only to the man whom she will completely trust. From everyone else, the girl is hiding under the mask of coldness and calmness. She looks distant and mysterious, which attracts many men even more. The girl does not see loving glances, as she is completely immersed in herself and her work. Phrases that she is beautiful can surprise her.

Many men consider Ulyana cold and mysterious, which does not repel, but, on the contrary, only attracts them.

In a relationship, Ulyana prefers to love than to be loved. With his chosen one, he shows passion and sensuality. Big role intimate life plays for the girl. Ulya is not interested in promiscuous relationships, she is looking for a man with whom she can build a long and strong relationship.


It is more important for Ulyana to love herself than to be loved.

Family and marriage

Ulyana does not seek early marriage. She is looking for her only one for a long time and carefully, but her naivety can play a trick on her, and the girl chooses the wrong person. In the family, oddly enough, a woman takes the place of a leader, which her chosen one does not like. Against this background, quarrels and disagreements can arise.

Due to Ulyana's desire to be a leader in the family, quarrels may arise between spouses

Ulya is a good hostess, her house is always clean and comfortable. A large amount of time a woman spends on raising children and caring for her husband and home. He tries to diversify his son or daughter from early childhood. She treats her husband patiently and tenderly, but does not tolerate deceit at all. He will never be able to forgive betrayal, he will definitely file for divorce.

Ulyana is a good housewife and caring wife and mother

Ulyana's family is filled with trust and the absence of any restrictions. Only the girl's spouse will need to come to terms with her desire to be a leader in the relationship and allow her to make all the important decisions on her own.

Table: name compatibility

Male namePercent CompatibilityThe nature of the relationship
Alexander58% Partners can get good couple. Alexander likes artistry, humor and a good imagination of a girl, and secrecy and aloofness are not at all repulsive. Ulyana is attracted by the increased sociability of a man, but this can also be the reason for their separation, since the young man is constantly surrounded by women, which the girl cannot like. The family life of this couple will not be perfect. Because of the desire of each of the spouses to shift responsibility to the other, conflicts can occur. Also in the union, there are frequent periods of boredom and alienation, which helps to survive through a joint passion for something.
Alexei98% These two make the perfect couple. Between them there is never deceit and self-interest. Alexey is fascinated by the beauty and spiritual world of the girl, so he takes the first step towards acquaintance. Ulyana immediately opens up to a man, not even paying attention to her past sad experience. Lovers have the same thoughts and sayings, which helps them develop together. They enter into marriage quite quickly, sometimes not even a year passes between this event and an acquaintance. Family life is filled with joy and fun. Partners travel together, have fun, do hobbies. Boredom and monotony are not terrible for this union.
Andrey26% This couple has little chance of building a long and happy relationship. Andrei is drawn to a fragile and emotional girl, her soft and vulnerable character helps a man feel like a real knight. But after some time, the young man realizes that the woman is not who she claims to be, sees her ability to manipulate people and tries to break off relations. Marriage is possible only if Ulyana has selfish goals in relation to Andrei. Then the girl will hide her real face until the man calls her to marry. But sooner or later, she will still show him, which will inevitably lead to parting.
Dmitriy35% This union cannot be strong and long-term. The couple quickly develops an affair, but ends just as quickly. Partners tend to idealize their chosen one, but over time, they realize that the choice was made incorrectly and try to end the relationship, which is difficult for them. Lovers suffer greatly, and an indelible trace of pain and disappointment remains in their souls. Being young and inexperienced, Dmitry and Ulyana can marry, but it will not work out well. Over time, anger and discontent appear between spouses, which become the reason for divorce.
Eugene79% The union can be strong and happy. Partners are both ambitious and independent, therefore they do not interfere with each other in striving to achieve goals, and sometimes they allow their chosen one to be alone. Ulyana likes that a man does not bend in front of her, respects her values, is devoted and faithful to his woman. She is attracted by Eugene's sociability and his thirst for travel. In the family of these two, harmony and comfort reign. Ulyana inspires her husband to new achievements, and he gives her the opportunity to feel needed and loved. Eugene's obsession with everyday problems can cause quarrels in a couple.
28% Partners will not be able to build a long and happy relationship. Mikhail is attracted by the strength and independence of Ulyana, he takes the first step towards acquaintance, violently shows his feelings. But a woman is not interested in overly sensual men, she is looking for someone like herself: strong-willed and authoritative. Therefore, the girl refuses Michael. These two almost never marry, but if this happens, then married life becomes a real test for Michael. A man is not able to endure moral pressure from his wife and is the first to propose a divorce.
Nicholas97% These partners easily enter into a relationship that later develops into a serious romance. Ulyana sees in her chosen one a source life force and wisdom, I agree to sacrifice myself to their love, to adapt to the conditions of Nicholas. A man is happy with such an attitude towards himself and does not require anything more. Seeing that the beloved is ready for marriage, the young man proposes to her. The family life of the spouses is filled with affection and love. They enjoy everyday little things together, which unites them even more, making the union strong and harmonious.
Oleg96% This couple creates a strong and trusting relationship. Reasonable and active Ulyana feels comfortable next to Oleg, she is interested in spending time with him, he teaches her to enjoy momentary happiness, helps to overcome selfishness. A man is subdued by the beauty of a girl, he likes her sensuality and independence. After a short romance, the lovers get married. Both are confident in their chosen one, they think they did right choice. Living together helps spouses get rid of bad habits and psychological problems. A woman becomes a good housewife.
Paul23% Partners have little chance of building happy relationships and starting a family. Ulyana wants a long relationship, which will definitely end in marriage. But Pavel is in no hurry to marry, he is used to the attention of women and does not want to part with it. It is difficult for a man to choose one girl, so he is usually in several novels at once. Possessing good intuition, Ulyana quickly realizes that she is being deceived and immediately leaves her lover. Legitimizing the relationship does not help this union, Paul will still continue to cheat on his wife.
Sergey79% Ulyana and Sergey manage to create a strong and loving couple. Lovers are comfortable with each other, they do not try to limit the freedom of their chosen one, do not interfere with building a career and conquering new heights. A woman is glad that her partner does not bow before her, is strong and persistent. A man shows his love and devotion, respects the values ​​and ideals of his girlfriend. Sometimes Ulyana gives Sergey expensive gifts, which can embarrass him, and if financial condition men below then offend. IN family life lovers do not arise misunderstanding and enmity. A woman inspires her husband to build a successful career, and he gives her a comfortable life and makes her feel that she is needed and loved. Disputes on everyday topics can result in serious conflicts.

Table: matches for the name Ulyana

Interpretation of the meanings of letters in a name

The letters that make up a person's name affect his character:

  1. Letter U. The girl has a good imagination, knows how to empathize, strives for the highest spiritual level.
  2. Letter L. A woman subtly feels the beauty of the world, has artistic talents, and strives to share her knowledge with others.
  3. Soft sign. A person knows how to put everything on the shelves, analyze.
  4. The letter Y. This letter develops in a person a sense of self-worth, a desire to gain the respect and love of others.
  5. The letter H. Means an internal protest, unwillingness to put up with fate. A smart person who cares about his health is able to work well and productively.
  6. Letter A. A person who has this letter in his name constantly strives for movement, tries to achieve mental and physical comfort.

Ulyana is a spiritual, intelligent girl striving for active life and comfort

Characteristics of the name in accordance with the season in which the person was born

Ulyana, who was born in winter, has a complex and difficult to understand character. There is honesty, sensitivity, justice, kindness in her, but the girl easily loses her temper when they begin to criticize her. She is very vulnerable, can be closed.

Excessive vulnerability of winter Ulyana can make her withdrawn

Spring Ulyana is an open, simple, light, but vulnerable person. She loves risk and adventure, tries not to sit idle, deliberately looking for problems for herself. The girl is interesting for men, but her inconstancy repels them.

Spring Ulyana is not used to sitting idle, she is constantly in search of adventure.

Summer rewards Ulyana with softness, tenderness and disinterestedness. She is a very kind person who believes that all people are perfect. The girl is not prone to betrayal and deceit, but on the contrary, she is ready to give the last to those in need. She can be called a person with a capital letter.

Summer Ulyana is a very kind and peaceful girl.

Autumn Ulya has prudence, perseverance, purposefulness, pragmatism and prudence. She achieves success in everything, tries to live to the maximum.

Autumn Ulyana always achieves her goals

Table: name horoscope

AriesThe girl has intelligence, determination and perseverance. She always achieves what she wants, but is too conflicted, which prevents her from building both friendly and romantic relationships.
TaurusUliana-Taurus has an independent, independent character, the girl is not used to reckoning with other people's opinions, she never even listens to the advice of her relatives. She is serious, prudent, but reserved, as a result of which she lacks communication. A woman is pessimistic about life.
TwinsThe sign of Gemini gives the girl cheerfulness and energy. Ulyana-Gemini loves attention and admiration, depends on the opinions of others. She is kind and peaceful, but does not get along well with men, she needs a partner to have a passionate temperament and a share of adventurism.
CancerThe woman is closed, naive, insecure and irresponsible. The reason for this character lies in early childhood, when others suppressed the manifestation of their own personality in the girl. Uliana-Rak needs a patient and tough life partner who can guide her in the right direction.
a lionUlyana Leo is very selfish, she loves herself, needs the attention of others. The girl has poor communication skills, can be hypocritical and conceited. A man is looking for someone who can command. He must be a weak person with low self-esteem.
VirgoThe girl is endowed with prudence, vulnerability, sentimentality and sensitivity. Uliana-Virgo has weak character and self-doubt, but tries to hide these qualities under the guise of a rude and indifferent person. Her partner should be adventurous, active, trying to constantly move forward.
ScalesUlyana, who was born under the sign of Libra, has a soft, tactful, peaceful character, she does not accept deceit and hypocrisy. The girl has good intuition, which helps her in making important decisions. Uliana-Libra loves communication, but to become her friend, you need to pass a serious test.
ScorpionThe sign of Scorpio gives Ulyana a complex character, as a result of which the girl cannot communicate normally, start novels. But a woman is very principled, she is fair, she acts within the framework of moral decency. It is easy for her to build a career, she knows how to lead and make important decisions.
SagittariusA woman has naivety and gullibility, resentment and vulnerability. In most cases, the girl feels lonely, so she tries to get rid of it and opens up too much to others. She needs a reliable partner who will be patient and assertive in achieving her goals.
CapricornUliana-Capricorn is very active and efficient, she has a positive and cheerful disposition. The girl is always honest and straightforward with others, everything that she thinks speaks in the eyes of a person, which often repels people from her. Men choose active and cheerful.
AquariusThe sign of Aquarius gives Ulyana ease of communication. It is so easy to make acquaintances, as she is a kind and decent person, which attracts others to her. Looking for a life partner who will help the girl move forward and push in the right direction.
FishThe girl has a romantic, cheerful mood in life, she likes to dream up, often lives in a fictional world. But among men he is looking for his complete opposite - a serious, tough and self-confident person who will help the girl understand herself and move confidently through life.

Photo gallery: famous personalities named Ulyana

Uliana Sergeenko - Russian fashion designer and fashion blogger Uliana Donskova - Russian gymnast Uliana Lopatkina - Russian ballet dancer, prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater in 1995–2017 Uliana Trofimova - Uzbek gymnast, master of sports of international class, leader of the Uzbekistan rhythmic gymnastics team Uliana Lapteva - Russian theater and film actress Uliana Kaisheva - Russian biathlete, 7.5 km pursuit champion and bronze medalist in the 6 km sprint of the winter youth Olympic Games 2012 in Innsbruck Ulyana Pylaeva - participant in the project "Dancing on TNT Season 2" Ulyana Dobrovskaya - aspiring Russian actress Ulyana Sinetskaya - Russian singer, soloist of the female musical pop group "CASH", formed in 2017 on the project "New Star Factory"

Ulyana is open and easy to communicate, unable to offend anyone. The girl is passionate about creativity, shows an enviable ability to work and purposefulness. For the opposite sex, a woman seems mysterious and inaccessible, which only increases interest in her. Ulya herself has been looking for her only one for a long time.

Names: origin and forms

Ulyana- (from the Roman) personal name.

Old: Yuliana, Juliana.
Derivatives: Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana, Julianka, Julia, Liana, Ana.

Directory of Russian names

From Julian(from Latin).

Fair, collected, adheres to strict rules. Steep Mordyukovskaya femininity merged with this name: he will stop a galloping horse. They joke juicy, figuratively, purposefully: sharply and cleansingly. At the same time, she is shy, she experiences troubles deeply, in herself. Hard worker, "Vladimir heavy truck". He carries on himself both the yard, and a large family, and her husband's love. Worthy of admiration.

The secret of the name

Ulyana- happiness (Latin).
Russian form of the name from the Roman Julianus. Old Russian pronunciation of Juliana.
Today this beautiful, sonorous name is very rare.
name zodiac: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: dark yellow.
Talisman Stone: amber.
auspicious plant: maple, lemon balm.
name patron: snail.
Happy day: Tuesday.
happy season: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyasha, Lyulya, Lyalya.
Main features: love of life, justice.


Juliana of Amisia (Pontic), martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, princess, martyr, June 15 (2), January 3 (December 21).
Juliana of Iliopolskaya, martyr, December 17 (4).
Juliana Martyr, July 5 (June 22).
Juliana of Nicomedia, virgin, martyr, January 3 (December 21).
Juliana Olshanskaya, Pechora, princess, virgin, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, (Pecherskaya), on the third week after Pentecost (Belarusian saints), recluse, July 19 (6), October 11 (September 28).
Juliana of Ptolemaida, martyr, sister of the martyr Paul of Ptolemais, March 17 (4), August 30 (17).
Juliana Rossonskaya, martyr, suffered for Christ in the GU century, November 14 (1).
Juliana Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya, 15 (2) January. Righteous Juliana was born into a family of pious nobles, but her parents died when the girl was only six years old, and her mother's sister took her in. From childhood, she loved work, fasting and prayer, and strove for a pious life. The owner of the village of Lazarevsky (near Murom), Georgy Osorin, having learned about the pious girl, took her as his wife, but new household chores did not interrupt the spiritual feat of the righteous (then she was only 16 years old). New relatives fell in love with her for her meekness and friendliness and soon entrusted her with the management of the house. Righteous Juliana spent her whole long life in prayer and doing good deeds, and she departed in peace to Christ (in 1604). After her death, miraculous signs began to happen, and 10 years later, the holy relics of the righteous were found, exuding a wonderful myrrh that healed many sick people.


If on November 14, on Ulyanin day, the leaf still remains on the tree, then next year will be frosty. A snowy day promises a big gap in spring.


The girl Ulya is very sincere and sociable. Since childhood, Ulya has shown features of an addictive nature. She loves to draw, sing, dance, is delighted with the circus, cinema, puppet theater. She has a lively mind, at school she grasps everything on the fly. She's just not good at math.

Ulyana is a creative, addicted person. She is hardworking, fair, very delicate and - no penetrating abilities. But she chose her business at school and goes through life with a calm step, reaching professional heights. Can become a musician, art historian, artist. She is sensitive, with a well-developed fantasy and imagination.

Ulyana is gentle and charming, but for a long time she does not notice the loving glances directed at her, and she will be very surprised if they say that she is beautiful. Ulyana's nature is whole, all directed towards creativity. She is easy to communicate, but there is some detachment, mystery in her, which especially attracts men in her. But Ulyana prefers to love herself rather than to be loved. Behind a clean and clear look, restraint and balance, a passionate, sensitive nature is hidden.

Ulyana does not think about the family for a long time, until she suddenly realizes that this is also important in life. She loves her house, gladly decorates it with works of art, she has a very individual one.

Ulyana lives well with her husband, she is very delicate, she will never offend a person, kind and sympathetic, she appreciates a sense of humor. She loves to receive guests very much, her house is always open for numerous companies. Only the betrayal of her husband can force Ulyana to break off all relations with him. In doing so, she will execute herself, believing that she did something wrong. But Ulyana does not forgive betrayal, after some time she marries again.


History knows Uliana Alexandrovna - the daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Alexander Mikhailovich (1301-1339), who was killed in the Horde.

In 1349 Grand Duke Moscow Simeon Ioannovich gave her in marriage to the Lithuanian prince Olgerd Gedeminovich.

In 1368, her brother, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, incited Ulyana to persuade her husband to go to the Grand Duke Dmitry, to whom he came as a guest, but became a prisoner.

Twice Mikhail Aleksandrovich pointed his son-in-law Olgerd to Moscow, for which he paid with the loss of his city of Mikulin and the disasters of besieged Tver.

After the death of her husband in 1399, Ulyana took the veil as a nun.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Over the long millennia, mankind has managed to make the most incredible discoveries, and the only thing that fails is to gain the upper hand over time, no one has yet managed to penetrate into the future. That is why people are trying to somehow determine what awaits in the future, and use the simplest methods for this, one of which is unraveling the secret meaning of names. How will the baby's life turn out if adults gave her the name Ulyana, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls?

The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl is brief

It is almost impossible to meet parents who would not be worried about the future of their beloved child. That is why, from birth, adults are trying to provide their offspring with everything they need, to take care of their future. The name that will be given at baptism contributes a lot to this. Ulyana, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all this is studied very carefully, because, as it turns out, too much depends on these features. Millennia ago, mankind believed that by naming a child, parents foreshadow a good future for him, guide him on the right path, and help him acquire powerful patrons among the saints.

The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl is briefly - "Polish". Most often it is in Poland that this name is used when naming their daughters. This happened until recently - now quite often they call their babies that way all over the world.

Mentions of this name can be found in ancient Latin editions. Here, in addition to meaning, you can find a lot of useful and interesting information, which will help to adequately cope with the upbringing of the baby, find out how many times she will be able to celebrate her name day and whether the saints will patronize the baby.

What does the name Ulyana mean for a girl according to the church calendar

After the appearance of the baby in the house, parents do their best to ensure that she does not feel a lack of anything. Attention or care alone may not be enough, because saints should also take care of the baby, who often help in making important decisions, protect from life's adversities, and often even save lives. To do this, it is simply necessary to carefully study church literature, which says in detail and in an accessible way how much their daughter will be under the care of powerful and kind patrons.

Ulyana, the meaning of the name, character and fate - Christian literature contains little information about how the girl's life will go. Despite this, even a few materials are enough to figure out what awaits the baby very soon.

What does the name Ulyana mean for a girl church calendar? The meaning is almost identical to the Latin interpretations; Orthodox literature also says what this name means - “Polish”. The baby will be able to celebrate the name day only once - in November (14th). You should not be upset - the patron saint of the crumbs is distinguished by kindness and deep faith in the Lord, for which she was killed many centuries ago by pagans.

The secret of the name Ulyana - what is connected with it?

Together with the desire to at least slightly improve the future or partially influence it with the help of a name, people often try to comprehend secret meaning that is hidden in it. The secret of the name Ulyana will not cause much emotion in adults - nothing supernatural or strange will happen to their baby - she will live a calm and quiet life.

What signs or beliefs are associated with this wonderful name? On the day when the memory of the saint is venerated, people have learned to foretell the weather, and with high accuracy. It is noticed that if on this holiday snowing, then in the spring we will have to expect large spills. It is quite possible that the water will stand until the summer, not allowing you to go to the field.

On this day, they also carefully watched the trees, checking if there were any leaves left on them. If the leaf fall has not yet ended, then the winter will be too frosty, although there may be very little snow. Good owners should make sure that the stocks are enough not only for his family, but also for living creatures.

The origin of the name Ulyana and its meaning for children

What else should be studied by adults who have chosen this beautiful beauty for their daughter? old name? They will certainly be interested in the origin of the name Ulyana and its meaning for children. You should not start to worry in advance - as practice shows, the origin will not affect further events in the life of the baby in any way. Despite the Polish roots, many nations consider this name their own, gladly naming their daughters who proudly wear it.

How can the name affect the upbringing of the baby and will it not bring considerable difficulties to parents? There will be no worries or anxieties here - upbringing will be easy and pleasant, but only if adults do not make dangerous mistakes and find the right approach to their daughter.

A prerequisite that must be observed by native babies is that a cozy calm atmosphere should reign in the house, quarrels or scandals are unacceptable. If you do not listen to these recommendations, you can easily spoil the character of the crumbs. Over the years, she will learn to be rude and yell at her parents, because she will consider that this is normal. In family life after marriage, this can cause a divorce - the husband is unlikely to tolerate the claims of his wife, expressed in a categorical tone in raised intonations.

The character of a girl named Ulyana

How positive will the character of a girl named Ulyana turn out to be, or will parents have to deal with shortcomings? Not everything is so simple, although the girl has much more advantages. Among them are the most striking:

  1. impressionability;
  2. attachment;
  3. tenderness;
  4. kindness;
  5. dignity;
  6. love for laughter and fun;
  7. caring for relatives.

Of the shortcomings, laziness can be put in the first place. Even as a child, Ulyana will be very reluctant to help her relatives, cleaning the house or cooking food for her does not bring pleasure. Parents will have to make a lot of effort to get the baby to put away their toys. In no case should you shout or punish the baby - this can lead to the fact that she will become withdrawn and stop trusting adults. It is better to try to develop industriousness by your own example - to ask for a little help, rewarding with praise even for small successes. You can set younger brothers or sisters as an example - it is quite possible that the girl will feel ashamed in front of them, and she will try to eradicate laziness on her own.

The fate of a girl named Ulyana

Will parents have to worry about how the fate of a girl named Ulyana will turn out in the near future? She will have too many hobbies, so choosing a profession that will be to her liking is quite difficult. The girl can get involved.

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