The color of the walls in the kitchen with a green set. Kitchen in green, acceptable combinations with other colors, selection of fittings, curtains, wallpaper, floor. How to combine a green kitchen set with an interior

The kitchen, made in green, is one of the most popular options for the implementation of the interior. This color is winning in any design and style. Thanks to light shades of green, you can realize creative ideas and ideas, make the room more fresh and springy. Being in such a kitchen, everyone will feel comfortable and cozy, because the atmosphere of a warm summer day is created.

Features of green

Green color is considered universal, it is one of the most popular colors during repair work in an apartment or a private house. The popularity of green lies in its color psychology, because it is able to awaken positive emotions in a person, while removing fatigue, stress and calming people who are in a room of this color design. The interior, made in shades of green, helps to calm the eyes and the nervous system, and has a beneficial effect on adults and children. Green is the color of nature, which unites man with the environment.

Many specialists and designers recommend using light shades of green, as they work well with other colors. When decorating the kitchen, you can use green in combination with pastel or bright colors, their accents. Green kitchen - perfect solution which is suitable for people of any character and temperament. The right combination with bright shades of warm colors awakens appetite, charges with positive emotions, if you combine green with cold shades, it will relax the nervous system and soothe.

Green - universal color regarding the chosen style, since it does not have a specific binding and can be used both in country and classical style. Also, green would be appropriate in Provence style, eco-style or modern trends.

Green kitchens: choosing a shade

One of the main tasks that the homeowner faces when repairing and decorating the interior of the kitchen is choosing a shade of green. The difficulty lies in the fact that the whole color has a wide range of shades ranging from light salad to dark emerald hue. What shade to choose for interior design, everyone decides depending on their preferences and selected furniture, however, experts recommend using bright and bright colors for the kitchen. juicy shades.

The best shades for the kitchen:

  • Lime.
  • Ripe green apple color.
  • Herbal.
  • Bottle and emerald. These shades are best used as point accents, as their excess will not create a cozy and calm atmosphere, and the kitchen will seem a little gloomy.

Light and muted shades are used for the main design - wallpaper, furniture facade. Bright shades are used in accessories and decor. If the kitchen is small in size, then it is better to use light shades that can visually increase its volume. In large kitchens, you can use both light and dark shades of green.

When choosing the design of the kitchen and its decor, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room and proceed from them:

  • If the kitchen is made in dark shades, then you need to use light and juicy shades of green. In order to make the room more attractive use glossy surfaces, bright lighting. If the kitchen is located sunny side and there are many natural light, then there are practically no restrictions on the choice of shade. To create original design one of the walls is painted in a different shade of green, making it more vibrant.
  • Panels are used for space zoning bright colors. To visually change the dimensions of the room, vertical or horizontal drawings are used, in the first case the kitchen will appear taller, in the second - larger. For a complete immersion in the elements of nature, designers recommend using photo wallpapers that depict nature.
  • Is the headset light green? Then the dining area can be done in brown or use glass furniture, chrome fittings - due to such an idea, the kitchen will be light and airy.
  • Green does not have to be used as the main color, you can do bright accents, using decor or accessories, such as lamps, countertops or furniture fronts.
  • The green floor is another interesting and original idea. It is best to take ceramic tiles with a glossy surface for this.

Green kitchen color combinations

As mentioned earlier, green is a very popular color and goes well with almost any color. How well it will fit into the design of the kitchen depends on the chosen shade. Warm shades are best combined with bright and warm colors, cold - with gray, blue or blue. Another interesting and original version- a combination of several shades of green, for this it is better to choose shades close to each other.

Colors that, according to designers, are best combined with green:

  • White. This option is one of the most modern and fresh options, the main thing to remember is that the more green and the darker it is, the more white you need to use. White color can be used when decorating walls, choosing textiles and accessories.
  • Yellow. This sunny option is the most sought after, as yellow is appetizing and juicy color. The best option for implementation is yellow decor in the form of sunflowers or fruits on tiles, wallpaper. To create airiness, you can use white or pink accents.
  • Red - bright, energetic. A juicy combination that's perfect for large kitchens With big amount natural light. For right combination one of the colors is made the main one, the second is used only as an accent.
  • Orange. Used only as accessories to create a contrasting accent.
  • Brown. The perfect combination for country and ecological style, as both colors are natural and calm. In order for the kitchen to look attractive, you need to use the maximum natural materials, in particular wood, which can be in the form of kitchen or dining furniture.
  • Grey. Modern combination, suitable for high-tech or minimalist kitchens. IN ideal case there should be a lot of metal, mirrors and chrome.
  • Black. An original and interesting combination, which is also suitable only for a modern kitchen. Ideally, there should be a lot of glossy surfaces and a lot of light. For point accents, you can use gray or gold.

The kitchen in green is almost the most frequent choice Today. Where did this craving for such shades come from? Let's try to figure it out.

Doctors have found that a person feels much better in a green room. This tone improves mood, thinking and the general condition of the body.

And psychologists advise wearing yellow and green clothes for important business meetings.

It is not for nothing that we feel harmony and a surge of energy when we admire landscapes or fiddle with indoor flowers. Color will even help to calm hostility in a dispute and quickly calm conflicting ones.

How to decorate the kitchen beautifully

The kitchen is a special place in the house where the family has breakfast before the start of the working day. It is very important to create positive mood all day. All family members will gather here in the evening to tell how the day went.

You can also call close friends and arrange cozy gatherings for a delicious dinner.

Calmness and freshness of green color in the interior of the kitchen is just what will distinguish your room from the rest, and what you need for all occasions.

Modern kitchens in shades of green are presented in different styles - from strict to cheerful and bright. In order to make the interior interesting, designers advise combining green with other colors.

For example, light green looks good with white - it turns out a bright spring bouquet, it's not for nothing that this color is sometimes called vegetable. But purple or black with light green, on the contrary, will look dull, and will definitely not add mood.

A few tips from decorators will help you present your kitchen in the most beneficial color:

  • When the windows are located on the north side, the best combination there will be warm green tones, olive color and yellow with green;
  • Do not paint the floor and ceiling with the same shades - this negatively affects the harmonious perception;
  • The total number of colors used should not exceed three, otherwise the colorful palette will ruin the original idea;
  • Furniture and walls of different colors will look more organic. It is better to choose furniture a few shades darker.

Choosing the right curtains

To design green kitchen turned out to be original and harmonious, you should correctly choose the curtains. Curtains made of natural as well as mixed fabrics are considered very suitable for the kitchen.

Curtains of lilac and even eggplant color are perfect for blue-green shades.

Beige curtains - best solution for a bright green design. Also light white curtains with a pattern are suitable for this color. The color can be in harmony with the wallpaper on the wall, the main thing is that it should not be the same with them.

Which walls are best

A green kitchen in the interior of the house will require careful selection of colors and wall design. If your choice fell on wallpaper, then the stores offer a wide range of wallpapers suitable for any shade of the kitchen.

To add light use lemon and light beige wallpaper. For rooms with a small area and high ceilings, experts advise sticking combined wallpaper.

Make the lower half of the walls bright, with patterns, and the upper half calm. If there is still too much space left, you can decorate with paintings or applications.

For you to be inspired modern design, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our photos of the green kitchen. Various color combinations and interesting styles will not leave indifferent even the most captious.

When choosing a green kitchen design, you should decide in what colors the gamma will be built. Based on this, one can choose perfect combinations colors.

If you have chosen cool colors - emerald, marsh, curtains a few shades darker or lighter are best suited for them. A room with cool shades will make red, brown, mustard colors softer.

Warm yellow-green and white-green colors complement well beige tones. Light gray color is successfully combined with green in strict styles.

An olive set will pleasantly shade the floor and walls of brown shades. Dark green shades can become interesting in combination with a bright range.

In general, feel free to use bold colors, and then your kitchen will sparkle with new bright, cheerful colors, and the mood will always be upbeat.

Photo of green kitchen

Every housewife dreams of a beautiful kitchen where you can relax and recharge your batteries - juicy natural colors. A kitchen in green tones is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an option to revive the house, make it unique, create an oasis of freshness.

According to psychologists, green is associated with nature, so a person is charged with energy and good mood in the morning. Photos of real objects presented in the article will help determine the direction of style and shades.

Advantages of green when decorating a kitchen

Green is rich in virtues that both psychologists and designers agree on:

  • he is neutral, therefore it is able to be combined with many colors and shades. Thanks to this, you can create incredible and original interiors using various shades- from soft pistachio to rich malachite;
  • thanks to its neutrality and variety of shades, green can be used in any room - small or large. Moreover, some styles, such as country or Provence, are most look advantageous just in shades of green;

  • green color even relaxes a person - nervous system calms down and stress goes away. Appears inner peace, joy and good mood;
  • green is most often found in nature, therefore it is associated with life, freshness, harmony. At the same time, he has a positive effect on vision and eyes taking off their fatigue;
  • it promotes appetite and improves digestion. At the same time, you want to eat right, which has a positive effect on health.

If you correctly select and combine shades of green, you can create an amazing soothing interior, full of life and light.

Green is what?

The green color has too many shades and midtones: from bright wasabi to delicate eucalyptus and dark deep malachite. To decide on a specific shade, you need to understand what kind of atmosphere in the kitchen is desirable:

  • relaxing;
  • invigorating;
  • soothing;
  • cheerful and so on.

Each shade has its own characteristics, so they are used in different situations and purposes. For example:

  • emerald and malachite more often used in classic designs, because they only emphasize luxury and sophistication with their rich deep color. But the shades are quite difficult to use, so they decorate the decor and furniture - you should not apply it to the walls and ceiling, because there is a chance to create a “box” instead of a room;
  • olives and pistachios- on the contrary, they can be used as the main one on the walls. This will create a cozy warm atmosphere, which is useful in the kitchen in the style of country or Provence;
  • yellowish shades- the brightest and most dynamic, so they will look good in modern interior.

Depending on the purpose, green can be used as the main color or only in accents - with all these options, the interior can be safely called green, although outwardly the design will be very different.

Secrets of choosing the perfect shade

The right choice of shade depends not only on the preferences of the hostess, but also on external factors, for example, from the location of the kitchen - from the north or south side of the house:

  • if windows face north, then it is better to give preference to yellowish warm shades;
  • on south side it is better, on the contrary, to choose a dark deep palette.

It is not necessary to dilute the green with other colors: you can make the walls in a shade of light pistachio and pick up an emerald set. Or vice versa, you can add greenery only as an accent - in the form of lower drawers of a headset, furniture or an apron with a countertop, and do the rest in neutral colors.

Basic rules for building a design

Following these rules will help create harmonious interior in green.

  1. It is worth starting the arrangement of the kitchen with a headset and furniture, since they form the basis of the room. Only after that, the shades are selected in which the walls and ceiling will be decorated.
  2. Bright colors are not suitable for decorating large surfaces with them - this will cause dissonance, and over time, such an interior will begin to crush and annoy. This does not mean that the brightness in the kitchen must be abandoned - it can be used as accents.
  3. Small kitchens, for example, in Khrushchev do not forgive dark shades - because of them, the room becomes even smaller. It is better to use a light palette, for example, paint the walls in light green color, while the suite and furniture use white.

The rest of the design is only limited by your imagination.

The role of green in the kitchen

The role refers to filling the kitchen with green, because it is not necessary to immediately choose a monochrome interior. If the hostess already had the experience of housing with a lot of greenery, and this left only pleasant impressions - then yes, you can take a chance and make the kitchen monochrome. In other cases, it is better to “try out” the color in detail.

As the main

The concept of the main color in the interior is used in cases where walls and furniture are decorated with it. This is a rather bold decision, in which several points must be taken into account:

  • in such cases, only calm shades are used. Yes, the kitchen is a room vigorous activity cooking, but most often it is dinner Zone where the family gathers for dinner, and in this case it is better to choose calm shades;
  • ceiling, floor, countertop should be done in neutral colors, such as white, gray or beige. Brightness is acceptable only in a few accessories. It is worth watching the compatibility of colors. Yellow, red, orange, blue, brown and sometimes black look great with green. But the last two should not be abused.

If there was no experience of interacting with a lot of green, then it is better not to start with this option.

On the whole or part of the facade

Modern fashion trends allow you to combine different colors a headset, for example, decorate the bottom with green, and white - up, or vice versa. In this case, there are no restrictions on the choice of shade, but it should be borne in mind that too bright tones get bored over time. Calm tones will be optimal:

  • pistachios,
  • mint,
  • apples
  • green moss.

If the room is spacious, then you can afford to experiment with darker shades:

  • emerald;
  • malachite;
  • nephritis;
  • blue-green.
The main thing is to keep the rest of the interior in light colors to balance the room.

As an accent

If you are afraid to decorate a large space of the kitchen with green, you can first try it on small and easily replaceable areas of the interior. For example, sticking green wallpaper on one accent wall - re-sticking them is much easier than buying a new one. kitchen set. Green can be decorated with an apron, which is quickly replaced. These options include:

  • MDF panels;
  • glass;
  • plastic.

The photo is beautiful white kitchen with a green apron, ventilation, chairs and a spectacular accent wall at the bar.

Even if such volumes of greenery are met with apprehension, that is, completely simple ways to plant greenery in the kitchen - to change textiles. For example, hang green curtains, buy a tablecloth with tropical leaves, a picture of a forest, or even a mint saucepan. You can quickly and easily get rid of these things, or, conversely, increase their influence and allow you to "capture" the kitchen more and more.

The use of green in the kitchen

Now let's move on to the more practical side of the issue and look at how to apply green to different kitchen spaces.


The set is the central element of any kitchen. Now there is such a variety of them on the market that you can choose a green set in both rococo and hi-tech styles, that is, completely different directions.

If the kitchen is small, then it is worth stopping at light shades. At the same time, they can be varied from pastel to bright:

  • olive;
  • pistachio;
  • light green;
  • mint.

Dark colors in the kitchen will look too gloomy, and also eat up space. There is one more wish, if a green set is chosen - it is better to decorate the walls in neutral colors so as not to overload the interior.

Do not forget that the headset can be issued in two colors.

Green top

This option will look good only in large rooms. You can add greenery upper cabinets headset, curtains or blinds on the windows.

Green bottom

The green bottom is suitable for any room, regardless of the size or style chosen. In this case, it means lower tier headset and sometimes the floor. The floor can be contrasting - brown, black, or neutral - beige. Dark green floor tiles will look great.

Apron and countertop

This option looks great in Provence, country, classic or Mediterranean style kitchens. It is better to give preference to natural materials:

  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • stone;
  • tree.

If tile is preferable, then it is better to avoid too large sizes, and prefer it - it will look much more interesting. To make it as easy as possible to care for it, you need to spend money on epoxy grout - so the seams will not absorb dirt and retain a presentable appearance longer.

Gaining popularity in the decoration of the apron and glass. If you are not sure about the green apron, you can choose transparent glass, and paint the wall behind it or paste wallpaper in the shade you like. This design can easily be changed in the future.

You can not be limited only to an apron, but make a set green with it. There is one important condition- do not use one tone. For such a case, you can choose glass with photo printing and order any image on it. Popular options often include woods, leaves, and grass.

Table and chairs

A green dinette will be a great accent. The main thing is to again avoid having only one tone, otherwise the kitchen will look tasteless. It is much better to show skill in combining shades and add zest to the interior in this way.

The combination of a green apron with a dinette looks beautiful. This solution will add freshness and comfort to the room.

Exquisite green upholstery of chairs in the kitchen-living room.

But with a green headset, you should be careful in choosing, again, a green kitchen corner. In this case, the best way out would be to leave the table glass, and pick up the chairs to match the headset.


Green curtains can decorate any interior. If it's about classic interiors, then the curtains will look great. And in kitchens in a modern style, it is better to replace them with blinds.

In any case, you should give preference to mixed fabrics, since they are optimal for the kitchen:

  • do not absorb dirt, odors, water;
  • do not fade in direct sunlight;
  • They don't shrink when washed and wash well.

It is necessary to ensure that the tone of the curtains is in harmony with the walls, but at the same time they do not have to be of the same shade and even color.


Green walls will be appropriate in any interior. The main thing - when choosing a tone, start from the size of the room: the smaller it is, the lighter the walls should be. In the decoration, you can use almost any materials:

  • wallpaper or photo wallpaper;
  • tiles;
  • paint;
  • plaster.

It is not difficult to determine which wallpaper is suitable for the kitchen: they must be washable. Great option- vinyl on a non-woven basis. If you want to make a bright and original design, one wall is decorated with green in a darker and more saturated shade. Suitable for this design light furniture with wood texture.

Floor and ceiling

The original atmosphere of being in a forest or jungle can be created by a green ceiling. At the same time, even bold bright shades that go well with yellow, blue, brown are suitable for cutting-edge designs. If the floor is planned to be made as bright, then it is better to leave the walls white.

IN classic version the ceiling should be the lightest in the kitchen - walls, headset, ceiling. It is desirable that it be lighter by at least two tones. Most often in such an interior they prefer a white or light pistachio ceiling.

It is best to make the green ceiling stretch: the paint can peel off, the wallpaper can move away, and a similar shade can no longer be found. WITH stretch ceiling such a problem is impossible. In addition, this is one of the most technologically advanced solutions for the kitchen, because the canvas does not absorb dirt and water, which means it will save you from the neighbor's flood.

A distinctive feature of the kitchen can be the floor. For him, the rules are exactly the same as for the ceiling, but at the same time it is very risky to keep them in the same shade - it is difficult to make such a room beautiful. Moreover, there is a risk of oversaturating the room with color and visually lowering the ceiling.

The combination of green with other colors

Since the monochrome green kitchen is quite bold and rare solution, it is worth considering its combination with other tones in order to create the most harmonious kitchen.


This is the very first and familiar combination with green - it adds space and a feeling of freshness to the room. It will suit any style, but it looks best in a classic interior or in a Provence or country style kitchen.

This combination leaves vast expanse for fantasy: walls can be white, and furniture can be green - and vice versa. In addition, you can decorate the lower cabinets of the headset in green, and the hanging cabinets in white: the emerald headset looks gloomy, and the white color will give the room freshness and harmony.


Such a bold combination will look great in kitchens in modern styles like modern, minimalism, pop art and high-tech. The colors used are bright and saturated: for example, shades of citrus - lime and lemon. Additional color accents can be:

  • orange:
  • khaki;
  • chocolate;
  • green-blue;
  • mustard;
  • pink;
  • beige.

It is worth remembering one rule: colors should be the same saturation. If you add a bright lime to a pale yellow, the yellow will turn into an off-white and look ugly.

But pale yellow in combination with pale green will look great in classic interiors, in a country or Provence style kitchen.


Another combination of green, which is perfect for classic design. It brings the room closer to nature, and makes the atmosphere more peaceful. Brown is usually left Kitchen Area, headset or floor, and green is used in the countertop, decorative elements, less often - in the headset.

Another variant of this color combination: white floor, green suite and brown table. Looks up to date wooden furniture and brick walls.


This is a beautiful yet dangerous modern color duo that works best on glossy surfaces. It is rather difficult to combine them, therefore, the following scheme is most often followed: black and green facades and light green tiles on the floor. But fantasy may not be limited to this clue.

You can start small and add black only in accessories, such as dishes. Then add a black table with chairs or an apron with a table top. Do not worry about the gloom of such an interior: bright green tones will balance the color scheme.

Black appliances look very impressive and expensive - a stove, an extractor hood, a refrigerator. They will add entourage and contrast to the interior. But it is worth considering the practical factor - dust is perfectly visible on black glossy surfaces, and you will have to rub the equipment several times a day.


Very bright solution, which is ideal for modern style. An orange-green combination will increase your mood, appetite, will delight with colors and saturate with energy.

Most often, orange is used precisely as an accent, since there is a high risk of oversaturating the interior with it.

In the color of orange you can arrange:

  • curtains/blinds;
  • apron;
  • lamps;
  • decorative elements.

The headset and countertop often remain green, and the background is beige or white.


A very harmonious and noble combination of colors, which you should pay attention to if you want to get a kitchen in soothing colors. The green should be light and slightly muted, while the gray should work as a background.

The following solution will be beautiful: the walls and ceiling are decorated in gray, and the headset, curtains and accessories are green.

Another option: trim three walls green tone, and the rest - cold gray.

Of course, the technique is also selected in gray metallic shades. The most relevant will look like a small gray kettle, toaster and other small household appliances.


The red-green combination is very pleasing to the eye with the right shades, but at the same time it is difficult to implement. It is best to choose deep shades - for example, a burgundy floor with an emerald set: this combination looks expensive and noble. The rest of the red should be an accent: apron, curtains, tablecloth.


Beige - neutral color, which can be combined with any shade of green, even the brightest. Usually they are decorated with a table with chairs, and beige curtains are hung nearby - such a solution will shade deep and bright green tones as much as possible. The photo below is an example of a corner beige-green kitchen.


Purple color is very difficult to combine with green, but if everything is done correctly or you turn to a specialist, the result will be amazing. Violet should be dosed as much as possible and used only in a small amount in the form of accents.

A great solution would be to add purple to the apron - in the form of flowers on ceramic tiles or photo printing on glass. You can buy dishes and lamps to match. If you want to scale up, add a sofa or chairs with purple upholstery.


Another combination of colors, peeped from nature, because roses, tulips, peonies are always next to green leaves. For this reason, designers boldly use tones together. To create a light spring atmosphere, you should use delicate green tones (pistachio, light green) along with pink different brightness and saturation.

It is better not to use more than three primary colors, so as not to oversaturate the kitchen, do not make it too colorful and add house to the room.


Due to the variety of shades of green, it can be chosen for almost any interior. The main thing is to choose the right tone, keep its ratio with other colors and correctly place accents.

The only exception can be called a loft, because this is an industrial style that has moved away from nature as much as possible. The maximum that there can be from greenery is real flowers.

Modern style

More and more modern style is gaining popularity in Russian kitchens. It attracts with its simplicity and functionality. Modern style refuses everything superfluous, getting a beautiful, harmonious and functional space.

Creating a similar interior in your kitchen is easy. The main thing is to purchase a modern headset made of smooth green plastic. Olive and malachite shades are popular. The same tone can be used in the form of decor, upholstery, curtains and lamps.

An interesting solution would be to purchase a green household appliances, but there is a risk of oversaturating the room with greenery. But with white or silver household electrical appliances will be a win-win option.

White, gray and black are frequent companions of green on modern kitchen. An important element kitchen is considered an apron. In a modern interior from the usual ceramic tiles have long been abandoned, now the wall is at working area forms glass - it can be transparent, it can be with photo printing. The last option is also called skinali.


Green is perfect for style. The ideal option there will be a wooden set, painted in light or rich green and made antique or with patina. Ceramic dishes are placed on the shelf, and appliances are hidden behind the facades.

Textiles select light, maximum linen, with the image of flowers, circles or cells. It looks beautiful when the curtains and the tablecloth are made of the same fabric. It is important to create a warm and cozy atmosphere wooden country house- for the sake of this, synthetic materials are abandoned. Permissible maximum - synthetic material, stylized as natural: for example, laminate.


Provence is a French subspecies of country, which is distinguished by great chic and sophistication. It also helps to create a warm cozy atmosphere in the house. White or pale green headset - again perfect solution for this kitchen.

Bright colors should be avoided, preferring muted tones. pistachio color you can arrange curtains for windows, tablecloths, lampshades. In addition, do not forget about the dishes - they will just as beautifully stand on the open upper shelves.

You can add terracotta notes in the form of an apron to the green headset, because this is the natural color of clay, which means that the design will look harmonious.


Modern is extremely demanding on materials - they must be of high quality and expensive. Glossy, metal and surfaces will perfectly complement the interior.

Green will be appropriate only in small portions: for example, in an apron, chandelier, paintings or blinds. The floor can be laid out with dark green porcelain stoneware, but the best option- dark bulk floor.


For a classic-style kitchen, green is often added to brown tone- it turns out a natural combination of leaves with a tree trunk. It is in brown (often a shade of wenge) that the countertop, chairs and a large massive table are made. Sometimes you can also find a chocolate set, but for a small kitchen this solution may turn out to be too dark, so it is changed to a pale green or other light color.

The apron is laid out from tiles or mosaics, where white and green tones alternate. You can look at the tiles, where green patterns are depicted on a white background. If space allows, in the same style they lay out a stylization under the fireplace - this will happen harmonious cuisine in white and green colors.


The Mediterranean style was formed by mixing different cultures. Here you can find Spanish, Greek, Italian and even African notes. Green is rightfully considered one of the main colors of such interiors, especially if they are leaning towards Italian culture.

There are practically no restrictions: the headset can be bright emerald or lime color. The rest of the furniture should be kept in light colors, for example, a chair with chairs must be made of light wood or painted.

The highlight of Mediterranean cuisine is the apron. It has several interesting solutions.

  1. If the headset is light, then the apron can be made bright. For example, decorate it with bright blue tiles in combination with white or yellow. You can add orange colors in the form of a pattern on the tile.
  2. A bright glossy apron will look great against the background of the main green furniture or walls. But in this case, the headset is selected in neutral tones.
  3. Calm colors of the apron are required only with a very saturated or bright headset. You can choose cream, beige, white or coffee mosaic or tile.

With others and more modern materials for an apron in a Mediterranean kitchen, it is better not to experiment.


main idea scandinavian style- unity with nature. In its interior there should be only natural colors, preferably presented in Scandinavia. Green is represented quite a bit: moss, coniferous trees and water.

It is important to make the inclusions of these colors small so that the kitchen does not smoothly turn into Provence. You can decorate the upper or lower tier of the headset with these shades, at the same time capturing an apron, but nothing more.


The advantage of a green kitchen is that it will go well with almost any household appliances: white, black, silver are in perfect harmony with greenery.

You can try combining different shades among themselves, for example:

  • olive walls and a green floor lamp;
  • mint set and khaki chairs.

The main thing is to show a little courage and imagination.

Of course, a green kitchen is not complete without flowers. The more foliage the better, so it's more practical to use potted flowers that can also be dyed the right shade of green. Nature - chief assistant in the design of such a kitchen.


Green is the most common color in nature and pleasing to the eye. Decorating the kitchen with them is a great idea, albeit a little intimidating. The first thing to decide is the desired effect produced by the kitchen, as well as the preferred style. After that, it will be easier to decide on specific solutions, and the result will be original kitchen where the whole family will rejoice.

Every home will definitely look fresh with a light green kitchen. This color itself is bright, juicy.

He is able to saturate with a huge charge of vivacity, energy.

And due to the gentle transparent shade, the kitchen will turn into a real piece of paradise with a constant feeling of freedom, serenity, and tranquility. Light green furniture is able to hide visible flaws in space, so it is quite suitable in this room.

spring meadow

If you have already managed to view a selection of the best photos of light green cuisine in this article, you probably noticed that in modern styles this option looks advantageous and incredibly attractive.

This setting is characterized by bold shapes and colors. There is no pretentiousness, ornateness in them.

Pastoral Provence is perfectly complemented by light green shades. In the classics, this color is also used, but much less often. In this case, decorating the interior is quite difficult, but quite realistic.

The main task here is to choose the right shade, introduce it into the right amount, choose the right pieces of furniture, as well as other materials and accessories. If you correctly approach the design of the kitchen space, light green will transform kitchen interior, absolutely in any style.

The use of light green

The design of the light green kitchen will remind us of spring, a light and fresh environment. But, here one should take into account the factor that this color, like any other, is offered in a wide variety of shades, each of which is able to set a special atmosphere, mood in the room.

When choosing a juicy light green, it is worth remembering that the room should have one bright, catchy one. Otherwise, the kitchen space will turn out to be colorful, and every day you will not have the most pleasant feeling while in it.

No, this does not mean immediately that it is bad. It's just an overload.

Wall surface

Walls in light green will be an excellent backdrop to place a kitchen set, and both dark and white facades will be excellent. The main thing is that the furniture should be of the simplest forms, as well as quite practical.

Saturated dark green furniture, decorated against the background of the same walls, looks quite impressive. But if you choose a light range, the interior will become fresher, more provocative.

Accent wall

You can liven up the atmosphere in a monochrome kitchenette by decorating one accent wall in bright colors. It can be safely painted with waterproof paint.

It is also possible to paste over this wall with wallpaper on a vinyl or non-woven base, but only without prints. They can have a light geometric or floral pattern.


If you decide to focus on a light green set, the general background should be calm, muffled.

Thus, if the main color is the brightest and most intense, the background must be simple.

The image will be completed with the help of vases, glasses, snow-white porcelain, as well as shiny metal utensils.


Choosing a headset white color coated with oak veneer, in which smooth facades with simple shapes, should be decorated with a soft green plate. Honey wood looks very nice in combination with a “light green meadow”.

Colors to dilute

This option is one of the warm tones of green, representing the composition of blue and yellow. On his own, he warm shade, while it harmonizes remarkably with the spectral range, especially when it comes to warm tones.

For kitchens, the most unfortunate combination would be light green with violet, where a person has an anxious feeling, which is completely inexplicable. At the same time, the interior will look gloomy and even gloomy.

To make the effect the most expressive, you should add black and white in the details. But, with black it is very important not to overdo it.

See our photos of salad kitchens, get inspired and create!

Photo of salad kitchen design

It is easy to surprise friends and relatives, to cause admiring exclamations from them, if you come up with a unique design for the kitchen and bring the idea to life. Make it easy. Robert Kiyosaki once said that the word "impossible" blocks the subconscious mind, but the question "how can I do this" makes the brain work to its fullest.

When starting a cosmetic or major repair, a person first of all decides what building materials will be used, in what style the design will be done, and what color will be the main one.

Without making repairs, buying furniture, you can instantly change everything. Lines, configuration, style, color solutions form the right opinion about the kitchen. Traditionally, decor is done in light colors, warm shades.

Green is the winning choice

Blue is the dominant color on planet Earth. Green is in second place, and white is in third. Green should prevail in the kitchen because:

  • it is rarely used, which means that the design will end up being at least extraordinary;
  • this is the natural color of the cold part of the spectrum, only because of this it is most often not associated with the design of this room;
  • it has many beautiful shades;
  • it has a positive effect on mood.

It has been proven that color can affect mood - improve it or worsen it. This should be taken into account when repairs begin or are bought. New furniture, curtains.

How much time is spent in the kitchen every day? Few people buy semi-finished products, they are not fond of cooking. Cooking is interesting, fashionable. A good mood is guaranteed if everything is in its place, at hand, furniture, windows, ceiling, walls, floor like it.

Green is the color that helps reduce psycho-emotional stress, pleasing to the eye. There are shades that can cause negative associations, but even they can be used in combination with other colors. You will like the result.

In the morning it will be doubly pleasant to drink coffee or smoothies, juice or tea, and in the evening it will be doubly pleasant that the turmoil has remained outside the window. Photos of the green kitchen will dispel doubts. Either option looks good, makes a good impression.

When dark shades are relevant

Every shade of green is appropriate. It is recommended to choose dark ones according to tradition when the room is spacious, there is a lot of light in it. dark shades- a symbol of maturity, sensuality, mysticism. Light ones represent modesty, sophistication, fragility, youth. Neon and ultra colors are audacity, challenge, play.

Dark shades are suitable for floor decoration, window decoration, tables, chairs. They can become the basis, background, or be an element of a multi-colored mosaic. Dark green kitchen in the interior with wallpaper or tiles pastel colors will bring sharpness, add clarity, brightness.

Dark shades of green are combined with white, however, as are light, bright, saturated ones. White and green kitchen- this is contrast, rigor, restraint when it comes to dark, pale, delicate colors.

Dishes, washing machine, refrigerator - they are often white. This combination is born by itself. The color of the technique can of course be changed, washing machine hide furniture doors. Should I do this or is it better to leave it as it is? In some cases, this is redundant.

Light shades, ultramarine green and neon

Light shades of green optimal solution for small spaces. Subdued lighting can dominate in such a kitchen. For a romantic dinner, as you know, you need just such an atmosphere.

A spacious kitchen, of course, will also look great. Neon, ultramarine, shades from part of the spectrum at the border of colors will help create a luxurious, bold design in the kitchen of any kitchen.

If green is close to neon, lemon blossom, and brown to burgundy, the color of chestnuts, the design will be modern, urban. Bright, sharp combinations symbolize surprise, stress, shock, insight, insight, reflex.

If the green and brown are muted, the surface is matte, delicate, the simplicity and modesty of past years, when people only dreamed of scientific and technological progress, will give peace, confidence, optimism. They, like dark green, go well with other colors.

The green-brown kitchen is full of nobility. The wooden cutting board can now hang on the wall, take up a lot of space. She won't interfere.

Stand for hot, knives, rolling pin, pusher, spatula, spoon - any thing made of wood will be in place. Before that, they could be perceived as ordinary kitchenware. Now they will decorate. This color combination is classic. More daring, going beyond the standards, is the combination of yellow and green.

Yellow-green kitchen is an interesting combination, mysterious, enigmatic. It has both naturalness and disharmony. Green color created by mixing blue and yellow. Therefore, it seems that something is wrong in it, but in fact it is not.

Yellow and green can be both dark and light, bright, pale. By experimenting, it is easy to choose the best option.

Green kitchen design promising project, interesting task, excellent result. You just need to decide, choose the color of harmony, peace, growth, development as the main one. It is important to experiment, not to limit the imagination, to dream.

Photo of green kitchen

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