Fortune telling on wax: the correct interpretation of the figures. How to guess on wax and what the figures mean

Wax divination is one of the oldest divination methods that originated in ancient Egypt. Since then, little has changed. Guessing in this way is not very difficult, which attracts inexperienced witches, but it is not always easy to understand the answers received.

In the article:

How to guess on wax?

Before talking about the interpretation of the results, it would be nice to remember exactly how to guess on wax. Of course, there is a vision of the future, but we will choose the simplest, but very reliable. To begin with, you need to follow all the rules in order to get the most clear answer to your question.

So, you need to guess only on a moonlit night, the preferred phase of the moon is a growing or full moon. The day before, try to tune in, do not overeat, do not drink alcohol and do not participate in noisy parties. Make sure in advance that everything you need for divination is at hand in right moment. Do not tell others what exactly you are going to do. At the time of the sorcery, no one else should be in the room. Ideally, you should be alone in the whole house. An exception is when girls gather specifically for joint fortune-telling.

Divination tools such as candles, a bowl, water are also an important factor. Candles need to be taken only wax, as paraffin will not give such an effect. Nowadays it is difficult to find candles really made of wax. You can look for them in specialized stores or just buy them in a church. You can't take any water either. Any water has its own information field, so it is not recommended to take tap water, although in extreme cases it will do. The best option there will be water from a stream or a shallow fast river.

After the preparations, the process of divination begins. First, think about the question you want to ask. Say it out loud and confidently. Next, melt the candle and carefully pour the resulting wax into a bowl of water. Don't spill it past the bowl. Try to pour in the same place without twitching your hand. After that, wait until the wax takes on a clear shape. Now we can move on to interpreting the results.

Favorable meanings of figures in divination

Remember, there are always multiple interpretations. The main thing for you as a fortuneteller, even if not very experienced, is to listen to yourself. If your intuition tells you something different than what you read in this or another article, trust it.

Embryo (embryo)

If you have a figurine of an embryo, this symbolizes new plans, ideas, the beginning of a new stage in your life. It could be pregnancy new job, relationships, hobbies, etc. Look closely at the silhouette. If it is neat, does not blur, then your ideas will be successful, and all new undertakings will end in success. However, if the figure does not have a clear silhouette, droplets of wax come off it, it is better to be careful and not jump into the pool with your head.


It's definitely good sign. It symbolizes harmony in life, a joyful event that will happen to you soon. If there are a lot of flowers, this indicates that you will have a passionate romance or an early marriage. It can also predict an increase in the number of friends and buddies, an increase in your popularity. In general, this drawing portends prosperous times that are about to come. But that doesn't mean you should sit back and do nothing. The main thing is not to rely too much on fortune-telling and do not miss the chance that goes right into your hands.


This is a favorable sign. It represents the answer to the question you have been looking for. Most likely, this information will affect the further course of your life. If you have a flying bird depicted, good news or unexpected luck will come. It is possible to win the lottery. It also says that projects or ideas that have recently visited you will be successful. If a girl is guessing for love, you will soon meet your lover. Listen to the advice of the older generation. In all likelihood, expect a long trip, maybe even abroad. Make every effort to achieve what you want and luck will smile at you!


This image also has several interpretations. For example, it can symbolize the physical condition of a fortune teller. In this case, again, much depends on the appearance of the figure. If it is clear and accurate, you are all right or will be all right. If the figure is blurry or crooked, then everything is not as good as it seems, and it makes sense to pay attention to well-being. In any case, this is a recommendation to carefully monitor your appearance.

In addition, the elephant can personify loved ones, people who always support you. It also speaks of your strength and perseverance, which you skillfully use to achieve your goals. However, the elephant is a very wise animal, so its appearance warns against making mistakes that you will regret. Do not put pressure on people, try to find compromises.


This object can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, it matters in which direction the branches of the tree are turned. If they rush upward, then there will be joyful and happy Days. If the branches are directed downwards, then, alas, you will soon have a black stripe. Some sources also say that this drawing portends the imminent acquisition of desired things or sudden offers that cannot be refused. Usually they look rather risky and are related to work or study. It also speaks of you as a strong person who stands firmly on the ground and is not prone to empty dreams. These qualities will help you cope with current problems.


Without a doubt, the heart during fortune-telling symbolizes love, imminent marriage, a new romance, and the like. For example, if a ring is guessed near the heart, then very soon you will get married. But there are other interpretations of this image. So, if several dots are observed around it, then your financial condition will noticeably improve. As in other cases, the interpretation largely depends on the state of the drawing. If it is fuzzy, vague, then this may mean that your intentions are vague, you are unsure of your own feelings, or that danger awaits you. Therefore, you need to reconsider your views and motives and decide for yourself what exactly you want.


The dog is the personification of man's friend. This suggests that you have a real friend that you can trust. Also, the figure can be interpreted as your alter ego. In addition, since a dog is a social animal, it can be a tip to gather like-minded people around you or even start your own business. Do not betray those who have trusted you, because once a betrayed trust is very difficult to earn again.

Interpretation of unfavorable figures

In addition to favorable images, there are also those that promise misfortune and misfortune. Do not be upset if you get such a result. It's just that in this way you are warned of an impending misfortune, and you have a chance to prepare or try to change the situation for the better.


This symbol is multifaceted and therefore can be interpreted in different ways. So, according to some information, the silhouette of a fish means the advice of wise people in Hard time that will not be listened to. Therefore, pay attention to your problems and trust those who understand this situation better than you. This is not the right time to show pride.

In addition, the fish appears during divination on wax to warn of betrayal and is a sign that it is necessary to reconsider your environment and take the necessary measures. This symbol is also interpreted as early pregnancy in a fortunetelling family. By the way, if you have a fish, this also means an addition to the family.

Very rarely there is a favorable interpretation of this figure, which is that you will soon receive good news. It could be anything from getting hired for a job you want to get your grandma back on the mend. The bottom line is that this news will be unexpected, but very pleasant.


The bear is a symbol of the fact that it is time to change something in your life. It can be both cardinal changes, like a change in the field of activity, moving to another country, divorce or, conversely, marriage, or small ones, which nevertheless entail renewal and purification. The figure personifies your inflexibility in solving everyday problems and complete immersion in everyday life. You are haunted by failures due to a difficult character. If a girl is guessing for love, then this figure can also indicate the beginning of a relationship with a man who will dominate them.

Fortune telling on wax can be done alone or in a large company. For some, this is simple entertainment, but if you correctly interpret the meaning of the figures received, then the veil hiding the future will open slightly. You can also find out the answer to your question. There are many ways for divination with wax. The most popular is the classic method with candles and water, but other options also give reliable predictions.

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    Time for divination

    The reliability of the result depends on the chosen period for fortune-telling. Although you can tell fortunes at any time, it is best to do it under New Year, at Christmas or at Christmas time. Wax figures are usually considered as a prediction for the whole year, but the use of this method is also suitable for solving complex issues. The time for the procedure should be chosen later, it is advisable to guess closer to midnight with candles lit and the electricity turned off, so that nothing interferes with the correct fall of the shadows, which are of paramount importance in the prediction.

      You should rely only on your own vision when decoding. You should not show the result to someone before the picture develops in your head. Extraneous influence can lead a person from the right thought.

      For work you will need:

      • beeswax or candles from it;
      • a small basin or a wide plate;
      • holy water (you can take plain water);
      • matches.

      Not to be used for casting paraffin candles, and for their ignition or melting of the wax, a lighter. The burning of matches affects the melting unevenly and leaves an appropriate aroma in the air, which is an important attribute of divination. And although paraffin has similar properties with wax, it is not suitable for predicting the future. It can be used as entertainment for such fortune-telling, but the results obtained should not be taken seriously. Only real wax, produced by bees, is able to give a correct prediction.

      If you could not find real wax candles, it is better to make them yourself.

      To do this, you need to buy wax at a pharmacy or in stores selling beekeeping products. Purchase a wick in the needlework departments. Melt the wax in a metal bowl over a fire and pour it onto a previously prepared dense fabric in the form of a rectangle 10-15 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. be 1 cm longer than the length of the form. Then you should carefully roll up the candle, making sure that the wick remains in its middle. The joint must be singeed with a match so that it melts and closes into an even seam.

      When all the necessary attributes are ready, you can start fortune telling. Everyone chooses the most convenient way for himself.

      Classic way

      Pour holy water into the prepared container, light a candle and tilt it over water surface so that drops of wax fall freely on the surface. The angle of inclination must be kept in the region of 40-45 degrees relative to the plane.

      When half of the candle burns out, you need to blow out the fire and get the resulting figure out of the water, carefully examine it from all sides. The first association that comes to mind is what needs to be interpreted.


      If there is no finished candle, you can cast wax using the following method:

      • A small piece of wax is placed in a tablespoon, corresponding to its volume.
      • A plate of holy water is placed in front of the fortuneteller.
      • You need to hold the spoon over the flame so that the wax melts.
      • The melted mass should be poured onto the surface of the water.

      The interpretation of the resulting figure is carried out in the same way as with the classical method of divination.

      Wax and its shadow

      This method allows you to get the most complete interpretation of the result. Holy water is not used in this case.

      You need to take a flat plate, two large candles and one small one, sit down at the table opposite a flat wall. Large candles set to the right and left of the plate in candlesticks or piles. When they are lit, you should set fire to the wick of the small one and drip enough wax from it into the center of the plate to firmly set it in the puddle formed.

      While it burns, you need to watch its flame and mentally ask a question of interest. The fortune-telling process can take from half an hour to 1-2 hours, but the result is worth the time spent.

      When the candle on the plate burns out completely, and the wax hardens, you can begin to interpret. The resulting figure predicts the near future, and the answer to the question of interest will be reflected in the shadow on the wall. To do this, carefully separate the figure from the bottom of the plate, take it into right hand. The shadow displayed on the wall will be the answer to the question asked.

      Interpretation of the figures seen

      The imagination of people is boundless, because in the resulting figures you can even see the faces of relatives and friends, symbols or inscriptions. If in the process of divination a person asks a certain question, then intuition will certainly tell you how to interpret the received image. When divining the future, it is customary to use classical meanings. A person can see many different shapes, but it is believed that you need to unravel what you see by 12 basic symbols that can be displayed.

      AngelA harbinger of change for the better, all things will turn out well. It's time to profit from the work done. You need to be more attentive to yourself, only self-organization and control will contribute to the fulfillment of desire, without personal efforts it is unlikely that the results of the work will satisfy the fortunetellerThe answer is yes, luck will accompany the fortuneteller in everything, but you need to strictly manage the process and take the initiative. The wish will come true, but the form of execution may be strikingly different from the expected result.
      Pancake or even circleThis sign is related to love and family relationships. He shows the cool attitude of the chosen one to the fortuneteller. Don't count on serious relationship with a lover in the coming year. This is a time of stagnation and movement in a circle, successful or negative changes are not expected.The wish is unlikely to come true. This sign often falls out as an answer to the question of marriage, if in the near future it is not destined by fate. Do not be upset when you see a pancake. So the universe takes the fortuneteller away from the wrong person
      tree or rabbitThe tree seen shows the presence of enormous forces in a person. The fortuneteller will be able to achieve great success for a short time but it takes some effort to do so. With great desire and hard work, everything will turn out well. If, when turned over, the figure resembles a rabbit, the symbol indicates the need to defend one's point of view. The sign warns of the shyness of the fortuneteller, which must be foughtThe meaning is interpreted depending on the direction of the branches of the tree or the ears of the rabbit. Dropped down means a negative answer to the question, close sorrows and sorrows, and directed upwards predict happiness and good luck.
      HouseSuch a figure promises family happiness and prosperity for the coming year. True and simple joys await a person. For those who do not have their own housing, this sign predicts its acquisition. If you are planning to buy a house, then this period is the best for the implementation of plans.The sign predicts an imminent celebration. If the dream concerned a wedding, then it will take place soon. In relation to other matters, the house promises good luck and happiness, prosperity and contentment in everything, true friends
      StarSymbol of happiness and prosperity. Such a sign can rarely be seen in cast figures, but if the drops of wax formed into a five-pointed star, the fortuneteller can only be envied. All deeds and undertakings will develop the best way. Nothing can overshadow the life of a person who received this symbol as a result of fortune telling.Such a shadow does not give an unambiguous answer to the question asked. The star predicts an early acquaintance with the second half, but the fortuneteller needs to be very careful not to miss this moment. The sign is considered a positive sign, but indicates to the person about the many options for the development of events. The choice of a suitable path depends only on the fortuneteller himself.
      Serpent or curved bandThe cast snake symbolizes the wisdom and strength of the fortuneteller, but also warns of the danger that threatens him. This sign shows the enemy lurking somewhere nearby. A person needs to be very careful in communication, you should not trust anyone with your secrets and plans in order to exclude the possibility negative impact from the sideBad sign. Such a picture does not bode well, the answer to the question asked is negative. You have to be very careful with people. The snake indicates that a traitor or an evil rival is lurking surrounded by a fortuneteller
      Ring or circle with a hole in the centerThis sign speaks of an imminent wedding for a single person, but for family people, the ring symbolizes a vicious circle. Do not be upset if everything is bad now. Healers advise in this case to break the ring and melt the wax again, and then pour it out the windowThe symbol is a positive answer to the question of marriage or marriage, but if a person was interested in the outcome of some business, then you should not count on luck, only hard work will help solve pressing problems
      CrossBad symbol. The cross means the death of a loved one in the coming yearThe sign of the cross seen in the shadow gives a negative answer to the question asked. This is a sign of future failures and illnesses, the fortuneteller should be patient and prepare for the worst outcome in all matters.
      Shell or caveOne of the most unwanted signs. If a shell (cave) is cast, one must steadfastly look failures in the face. The next year promises to be difficult and sad. Trouble, resentment and parting is carried by this symbol, but the one who survives all the trials will certainly be rewardedThe cave (shell) reflected on the wall symbolizes the collapse of hopes. The desire will not come true, so you should not make efforts to fulfill it. He who sees this sign should cool his ardor and take a passive position in all matters. Any manifestation of the initiative will only lead to negative consequences, so there is no need to tempt fate. The fortuneteller needs to spend the near future rethinking life values, and not direct energy to receive material wealth
      Horseshoe or semicircleThis symbol of good luck in the wax image promises solid luck in all matters and undertakings. There is no need to put plans aside, because the most good period for accomplishments. Fate puts real magic in the hands of a fortuneteller. Everything that a person undertakes in the coming year will work out in the best way, so you need to use this chance. It is advisable to keep the cast horseshoe and carry it with you as a talisman. So that it does not break, you need to wrap it with thick foil in several layers and not part with it over the next year, and then hang it over the front door with the horns up. This position means a full bowl, so the fortuneteller's house will be filled with happiness and prosperity.An arc resembling a horseshoe symbolizes the fulfillment of all desires. This sign portends good luck and wealth, and also brings happiness and love to the fate of a person. Away with doubts and indecision, the fortuneteller needs to immediately begin to implement all the planned cases, because the dreaming horseshoe indicates their positive outcome
      CandleA figure resembling a candle indicates a person's daydreaming. This symbol does not promise cardinal changes in life, but one who has received such a sign should think about his idle lifestyle, become more serious and reasonableThe dream will not come true. A candle in this case denotes an unfavorable outcome in business, caused by an accident. Unexpected troubles will occur in the life of a fortuneteller, so you should seriously prepare for them so that a sudden blow of fate does not knock a person out of the usual rhythm of life
      EggSuch a figure symbolizes beneficial beginnings and the birth of something new in life. This sign indicates a good combination of circumstances. For married women, such a symbol predicts an early pregnancy. If the birth of a child is not planned, then you should be very careful about the process of protection.The reflection of the egg in the shadow on the wall gives a positive answer to the fortuneteller's question. The sign symbolizes the emergence of new ideas and a favorable outcome in their implementation. Therefore, do not be afraid of failures, everything will work out in the best way.

A burning candle is a very powerful magical image. Even now, in magical, romantic moments, people seek to replace electric lighting living fire.

Can a candle help and find answers to questions. Not necessarily about the future, a good question could be “what is really going on”, or “what I don’t notice in the situation”.

How to prepare for divination?

First of all, you should think about everyday moments: time, place and props.

fortune telling better at night- and it's easier to tune in, and less likely to interfere. In addition, a candle in the dark is much stronger than the same candle burning in broad daylight.

Candles are needed. At least one, but more than one is better. Wax candles are better than paraffin ones, but in any case, they should be simple candles, cylindrical or cone-shaped, and not molded into the shape of something significant. You can take colored candles, in which case you should make sure that the color goes well with the essence of interest. It is better not to take church candles - after all, in Christianity, fortune-telling is considered a sin.

You will also need a surface that is not afraid to drip with wax, and candlesticks. The candlestick for the main candle should either lie comfortably in the hand, or allow the candle to be easily unhooked from it. You should also pay attention to what can catch fire unscheduled: curtains, furniture, decorative baskets, etc. During the ritual, the candle may tip over, and it would be better to do without a fire. And just out of respect for witchcraft, it is better to remove everything superfluous from the work surface.

The next important item is the waste wax container. Any jar or bowl will do, but it is more convenient if it is a ladle with a handle that can be put on fire or kept in a candle flame.

And the main attribute is a container with water. Traditionally, this is a bowl, but a kitchen bowl will do. Wide enough, deep enough. There will have to fit wax from a working candle, and there will still be a place so that it can be fished out with your fingers without any problems. It is more convenient if the color of its bottom differs significantly from the color of the wax.

Water is also better to take special. Not consecrated in the church - for the same reason that it is not recommended to take church candles. You can take water from a special source, go specially for it. Sometimes they take water from three different sources. Sometimes they are content with thaw.

You will also need a source of fire - matches or a lighter, to taste.

And, of course, care should be taken to ensure that no one can disturb the fortunetellers in the process. If a group ritual is intended, it is also important that none of the participants leave the room before it ends, even if he has already received his answer. In order not to be distracted, it is better to put away watches and mobile phones.

How is the ritual of divination performed on wax?

You should mentally tune in to the ritual. If a woman is acting, it would be good to let her hair down (but then you have to make sure that they do not catch fire from a candle).

The bowl is placed steadily on the work surface, several candles are placed around it for light. The electric light is turned off, the curtains are drawn, candles are lit.

Focus on the question and light the base candle. This candle is taken in hand, and wax is dripped into the water. You need to drip for a long time, so that a lot of wax is glass. At the same time, they do not look into the water, they look at the candle flame.

When there is a feeling that it is already enough (or when the candle burns out) - they consider what happened.

First, they look at the surface of the water, and then you can get the casting and examine it from all sides. In the resulting wax ingot, you can see various figures, and they give the answer.

It also happens that instead of meaningful figures, small pieces of wax float in the water. This indicates either that there was not enough wax, or that the person who poured the wax had problems. There may be problems, and they are not related to the question, it's just that the person is not in order.

When the answer is received, the wax casting is deposited in a ladle. If the answer is very good and very important, it can be saved; if it is neutral or bad, it is better to melt such wax.

It is advisable not to reuse wax for divination. If there are several questions or several applicants, then everyone should pour new wax into the water. It would also be good to change the water, and it should definitely be changed after something bad happened.

The meaning of figures when divining on wax

In the casting, specific figures should be recognized. Then they are interpreted either by personal associations or by well-known meanings. Pay attention also to the interaction of figures. In any case, the final criterion is the inner feeling that the signs are understood correctly.

Some common symbols:

  • car, plane - road;
  • angel - the universe will help you;
  • arch - a new stage;
  • bow - you need to focus more attention on loved ones;
  • pancake - be vigilant in the sphere of love. There is a possibility that your partner has no serious intentions;
  • the letter is to lead, the direction of the news depends on the clarity of the drawing, with a clear figure there will be positive news, with an unclear figure, wait for negative news;
  • fan - loss;
  • wreath - for marriage;
  • mushroom - improvement in health, long life, unexpected event;
  • guitar - a romantic adventure;
  • dove - news, restoration of relations is possible.
  • caterpillar, worm - it is important to give attention to loved ones, to abandon frivolity;
  • eye - evil people, you can be deceived;
  • head - prospects in work, spiritual growth, you will see the true face of others
  • wood - the resilience needed to overcome difficulties. According to another source, the interpretation depends on the location of the branches, if they are directed downward, this indicates despondency. If the branches look up - happiness. according to the third source - new proposals, it is important to consider and accept them.
  • dragon - in order to achieve the goal, willpower is important;
  • home - a strong family, moving, good changes, acquiring a home;
  • the snake is a rival, a woman who planned evil;
  • star - help from above, the realization of the desired, good luck;
  • hare - listen to your intuition, be careful.
  • hedgehog - remove your thorns, be flexible and soft
  • ring - marriage;
  • ship - long road, uncertainty, change;
  • clover - positive, good luck;
  • the key is a good symbol, fate is favorable to you, good luck.
  • crown - power, responsibility;
  • cat - betrayal;
  • cross - news of illness, death, problems;
  • circle - obsession with something, sometimes means stability, many circles - financial success;
  • book - new opportunities, ideas and knowledge;
  • chicken is a good family life;
  • whale - reliable friends, everything is going as it should;
  • ladder - a successful career;
  • lion - confidence;
  • leaf - envy;
  • baby - the birth of ideas, children;
  • a man is a new friend;
  • car - trip;
  • ball - see circle;
  • bridge - it is important to seek a compromise;
  • scissors - you should let go of the past;
  • knife - break, quarrels;
  • glasses - look at the situation differently;
  • clouds - doubts; dreams;
  • wedding ring - love success;
  • fire - temperament;
  • hourglass - make a decision;
  • lanes - road;
  • spider - cunning;
  • a magnificent celebration dress;
  • bird - news,
  • a bird in flight - good luck, realization of intention;
  • horseshoe - happiness, luck;
  • rose - love, romance.
  • child - the appearance of children, a new beginning;
  • hand - different interpretations, an open palm speaks of friends, support, a clenched fist speaks of hostility;
  • fish - comfort, good news related to water, acquaintance with a silent person;
  • elephant - wisdom, fortitude;
  • dog - true friends;
  • owl - ailment, difficulties;
  • heart - speaks of love, and you should pay attention to the contours of the symbol, with blurry contours, cracks - broken heart, a clear picture - a happy relationship;
  • arrow - the symbol answers your question like this: if it is directed upwards - yes, if downwards - no;
  • trace - be careful;
  • points - banknote, well-being;
  • duck - good luck;
  • numbers and letters - it is worth interpreting the question. Sometimes they point to a clear allusion;
  • flower - materialization of dreams, good changes;
  • a person is a new acquaintance;
  • cup - harmony;
  • embryo - undertaking, new friendship, new ideas;
  • egg - new ideas, changes.

Fortune telling on wax is the most famous type of divination. For the ritual, a wax candle and a container of cold water are used.
The fortuneteller should be benevolent, only in this case can one expect reliable results from fortune telling.
The meaning of the figures and the decoding of the silhouettes, their sequences and combinations are always individual, therefore, before proceeding with fortune-telling on wax, it is necessary to clearly formulate the question in your mind, which must be extremely specific and simple, so that the answer is just as clear and definite.

To prepare wax for divination, light a large candle. After the candle you have lit has burned for about one hour, take a large bowl or bowl. Fill a bowl or bowl with cold, but not ice-cold water.
Please note that it will be better if the color of your bowl inside is a contrasting color of your candle, so that it will be easier for you to make out the figure obtained as a result of wax casting later.
Next, focus on the question that interests you and the answer to which you would like to know. Focusing on the question, start pouring wax into the water. Then wait until the wax you poured into the bowl of water hardens. When the wax hardens, you can begin to interpret the resulting figure.
If your candle did not burn for long, then you can tilt it over a bowl of water and let the wax drip two or three times. Then, in the same way, wait until the wax hardens, and then proceed to interpret the figure.
To interpret the figure obtained as a result of wax casting, carefully look at it, study its shape and determine which object its shape turned out to be closest to. You can even take the resulting figurine out of the water and inspect it from all sides to determine what kind of object it reminds you of with its shape - just look at the casting and fantasize. Having determined this, you can look at the list of shapes and their values.

List of figures and their possible values

Divination on wax. Shape values. (letters A-I)


Shade- this symbol indicates that you are being methodically and skillfully deceived. If a prince suddenly appeared in your life, then you should not unconditionally and completely trust him. It will be better if you carefully look at him, analyze his words and especially carefully analyze his actions.
Also, do not forget that you can not blindly follow the advice and recommendations of others.
In addition, the lampshade symbol suggests that in dealing with people, try to be more restrained and tolerant.

Apricot- this symbol indicates that you have an ardent nature, which, however, one day can have a very detrimental effect on your life.
Also, the apricot symbol may indicate that your current chosen one is probably very cold towards your immediate family.

Aircraft carrier- this symbol tells you about upcoming problems, a lot of fuss, about various troubles, that various little things will bother you. This symbol also means that nothing serious is yet foreseen in your life.
But with a favorable development of the life situation, you will be able to achieve the long-awaited success, to realize your plan.

Bus- this symbol portends you a joyful and favorable period in life. In addition, you yourself are not averse to please your environment because of your spiritual generosity.
But if the bus turned out upside down, then you need to resolve all conflicts with relatives as soon as possible, because in order to successfully run a business, you need a reliable stronghold, which is a strong and peaceful family.

Automobile- if the wax has formed into this symbol, then this is an encouraging sign, meaning a new lifestyle and new opportunities. Apart from this, the car is also a powerful sexual symbol, and it is also a wish for a safe journey.
But a car can also mean that lately you have been prone to apathy and laziness, and that you need to change as soon as possible.

Stork- this symbol portends you happy marriage and many children along with your loved one. Also, the stork is a symbol of a burst of inspiration, an amazing creative insight that allows you to create true masterpieces.

Iceberg- this is a symbol that says that the problems in your relationship are much more serious than you think, much is hidden in the depths. Be careful with your new chosen one, who can become a source of trouble.
If the iceberg has sharp corners, then this may be a warning about a hidden danger, be careful.

Shark- this symbol indicates that you have a secret and powerful enemy. Be very careful!
Although, sometimes this symbol can also say that your fate in business is not at all indifferent to some very influential person, which simply, according to its whim, can take you out of the game, or even remove all your serious competitors.

Alligator- this form of wax indicates that you misjudge the circumstances. The person to whom you dedicate your thoughts is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. You should prepare for any surprises. There is a chance that your relationship will lead you to a big financial loss, so wait for now to lend money to your chosen one.
But it is also worth noting that the alligator symbol portends you to successfully cope with all problems.
Also, sometimes an alligator can warn of the possible development of an ailment, so it will not be superfluous to go for an examination to a doctor.

Climber- a symbol that conquers mountains, overcomes enormous difficulties, and all this at your own peril and risk. The mountaineer cares little about how many peaks he has already overcome and how the conquered peaks treat him at the same time.
The one to whom your thoughts are dedicated treats love as if it were another sport. Think about whether you need such a new chosen one?

Amur- this symbol indicates that the close relatives of your chosen one are happy with the choice that he made. Your arrival in a family that lives in harmony and peace is favorable in terms of your future marriage.

Amphora- if this symbol appeared during wax casting, then this is a warning that your chosen one is incapable of a long-term relationship, and that he rejects platonic relationships in general, even at the very beginning. His goal is simple - to empty one amphora and then go in search of others.

A pineapple- your chosen one is worried about whether your relationship is developing in the right direction, whether you will have good contact with him or not. He is also worried that he is not sure, but is he patient enough or vice versa, maybe he is not persistent enough? He is also worried about the question of whether he will get what he wants as a result of your relationship or not?

Angel- the symbol of an angel, or a symbol similar to a man with wings, means that you have become very passive, that you have been constantly hoping that someone will take care of you lately. But it's time to make decisions on your own and take responsibility for your own decisions, because your mistakes have long been no longer lessons for you. Therefore, think it over carefully, and prepare yourself mentally to take the initiative.

Antelope- in our life, everything is completely ambiguous, as it may seem at first glance, and even more so in the person himself. Therefore, try not to think badly about your loved ones, sometimes many character traits are very contradictory.
As for those who are actively involved in business, this symbol may warn you against cashing out capital at the moment. Transfers of your assets are also undesirable.

Watermelon- this symbol indicates that narcissism is clearly manifested in your chosen one. Therefore, if you plan to continue this relationship, then you will have to weigh all your words very carefully before uttering them, because your chosen one may even take into account what you did not mean at all.
Also, the appearance of a watermelon when casting wax indicates your openness to the world, that you are involved in the cycle of affairs and events.
If an additional figurine of some animal was formed next to the watermelon from wax, then this indicates that in the end you will cope with all the problems.

Arch- this symbol indicates a capricious and adventurous character, confusion in the soul and at the same time sweet and crazy love.
The arch is a rather joyful and positive symbol, although it may portend some troubles.
Also, in case you have an arch, you must convince yourself that you should not be afraid of a new relationship, even if in the end they do not work out.

Arcana- if this symbol was formed during wax casting, then this means that your dream is captive to various life circumstances, although they are not to blame for this this case. Perhaps it's time to stop looking at the world through a veil of iridescent dreams.
Also, the lasso can mean that your life is highly dependent on career success. It may be worth thinking about how to get rid of this dependence. After all, any addiction makes your existence more difficult.

Harp- if the wax has formed into this symbol, then this suggests that you should put aside various matters for a while, because at the moment your spiritual life, and with it romance, come to the fore in your life. Don't forget about your friends and spending time with them.

Archipelago- this symbol indicates that you will meet with many different obstacles, which, however, should temper your will and strengthen your love of life. It will not be easy for you, but if you overcome all obstacles, then a bright and transparent future will await you.

Aster- if the wax has taken the form of this symbol, then perhaps you should try your hand at writing. There is a possibility that you are on the threshold of a new life and that you are at the beginning of a new path.
Also, the aster symbol can mean romantic love.


Butterfly- the appearance of the butterfly symbol when casting from wax is a symbol that portends something joyful, it is possible that soon you will be able to shed what has been bothering you for a long time. Also, good luck in love awaits you, enjoy the carelessness and celebration of being.

gaff- this symbol indicates that a certain person whom you probably met recently can provide information that is very valuable to you, which will affect your entire future life, so be attentive to the words of new acquaintances and strangers.

Tub- a symbol meaning that without water you will die of thirst, but when there is enough water, this is not noticed, and as a rule they do not even think about it. Therefore, be careful - a tub of water is similar to our life. And it cannot be called empty and colorless, although sometimes it seems so.

Kayak- this symbol indicates that you dream of meeting your prince, but someone who would understand you the way you want has not yet come across on your way. It is possible that your requirements for the future chosen one are greatly overestimated.
Also, this symbol indicates that the well-being of your future family life is completely in your hands.

Tank- if this symbol was formed during wax casting, then this indicates that, unfortunately, in our life lies are much more common than we would like it to be. After all, a tank that is beautiful and shiny on the outside can hide garbage inside. And the most hopeless in this case, if a person stubbornly continues to lie to himself.

Buoy- if the wax has formed into this symbol, then this indicates the serious intentions of your chosen one, that he wants to create a strong good family. But at the same time, this symbol also warns that your chosen one is a non-standard nature, therefore, if you decide to be with him, then learn to understand and endure him.

Eggplant- if the wax has formed into this symbol, then it means we are talking about your dignity, take care of it.
If you are guessing at a friend or girlfriend and the casting wax took the form of an eggplant, then this means that your friend or girlfriend will have to regret the decisions that he or she has made recently.

Balalaika- this symbol portends your career growth, but at the same time, this time will be accompanied by a number of difficult trials.

Ballerina- if the wax during your fortune-telling took the form of a ballerina, then this means that someone else's will affects your decisions and your conclusions.
You also need to understand that without active and relaxed communication with colleagues at work, success will not be easy. But empty talk should also be avoided. Perhaps also, in the course of a simple conversation, you can get an idea that will later help you solve your problems.

Banana- this symbol warns you to be careful with stories about the past. After all, your chosen one can restrain his jealousy for a long time, but at one fine moment it can abruptly break out.
Also, this symbol may indicate a likely betrayal in your inner circle, and most likely it will be the intrigues of your envious colleagues.
If, however, during wax casting, your wax formed several bananas, this is a warning, and you need to prepare for the problems that are likely to arise during a trip or journey already taken or just yet conceived.

Jar- this symbol indicates that your current work does not at all correspond to the ideal that you aspired to and that you were counting on. Maybe it's time for you to change.

Bow- if this symbol appeared during your fortune-telling, then this is advice that a pre-resolved conflict with relatives will later give you the opportunity to rely on them in a difficult moment for you.

Baobab- in this case we are talking about a tree figurine with a very thick trunk. If you have such a symbol during divination, then this is a symbol that portends events for which you will not have a reasonable explanation later.
Also, the baobab may hint at your excessive compliance, and it is possible that it even hints at weak will, because of which others use you without the slightest remorse.

Drum- if the wax has taken the form of this symbol, then this means that due to the behavior of your chosen one, which can often be interpreted as indecent, various rumors and gossip have arisen at your expense. After all, the shadow of those who are close to you can easily fall on you, so be extremely careful and vigilant, especially when it comes to personal matters.

Ram- this symbol suggests that stubbornness does not always help to win, and sometimes vice versa. Therefore, it is likely that the chosen one is not very lucky just because he is always too confident in his rightness and is not extremely uncompromising.
Also, this symbol can mean someone's desire to achieve their goal at any cost. Think carefully - will you be happy with such a person?

Barge- By itself, the barge is not particularly maneuverable, so be as vigilant as possible if you are dealing with something like this. Also, study as best as possible everything that is connected with your goal, to which you are striving at the moment.

Badger- the appearance of the symbol of this striped and pensive animal indicates the presence of secret thoughts in your chosen one, which can be very different from your hopes and plans.

dunes- the appearance of this wax symbol during fortune-telling speaks of various kinds of troubles, possibly injury or illness, and a warning that help may not be nearby at that moment.

Barrier- a symbol that says that you should not doubt yourself, do as you planned, because, in the end, you will overcome all obstacles.

Battery- if you are guessing at a certain person, and the wax during fortune-telling took the form of this symbol, then this is a favorable omen, indicating that the person you are fortune-telling has a reliable and durable charge of energy inside. You can rely on this person.

Baton- this symbol means that your chosen one is easy to communicate, and as a result of this, he has many friends. But you can with full confidence at the same time to say that your chosen one is a deep and passionate nature, or not? Does he have the ability to give his soul to feelings or not? Before you enter into an alliance with him, as you should, think over and weigh everything.

Shoe- a symbol saying that your life changes await, and they can equally well be both positive and not very good. In this case, you should make your own decisions and take any steps yourself, but even if you are offered help, you should not refuse it. This will help you avoid a shaky situation.
In the event that you are guessing at a girlfriend or friend and the wax during fortune telling has taken the form of a shoe, then in this case, the shoe will be a symbol of the presence of a very strongly developed sense of justice.

Tower- if the wax has taken the form of a tower, then this is a symbol that says that something that once surprised you will soon come to an end, and you will open new way leading to something completely new and as yet unknown.
Also, this symbol can sometimes warn that an unexpected take-off in a career and, as a result, the acquisition of financial power, can greatly transform a person.

Accordion- a person who appears during fortune-telling as a symbol of an accordion may experience feelings that his inner world is completely of no interest to anyone. He plays you the melodies that you want to hear, but this does not mean that he does not have his own melodies, his soul, although sometimes it is very difficult to recognize them.
Also, in some cases, accordion can mean successful development situations.

Hippopotamus- this symbol tells you about the presence of love and affection. However, at the same time, the hippopotamus is sometimes too thick-skinned, so do not hope that this love and affection will give you many rainbow colors in your life.

running Man- if the wax has taken the form of a running person, then this indicates a rapid series of events, great tension and decisions that are made quickly, and at the same time without regard to other people. Perhaps this has something to do with your chosen one. If such a pace and lifestyle is not characteristic of you, then being close to such a person can have an extremely negative effect on your love.

headless man- this symbol tells you about the absurdity of your act or decision.

legless man- in the event that you carry out fortune-telling for your soulmate, then, apparently, in the future, you will become the owner of the house. It is on you that the entire burden of important decisions will fall.

Birch- a symbol that says that the time has come to finally change your life and stop relying on someone else's help.

peakless cap- a symbol indicating that rumors about you and events from your life are rapidly dispersing in different directions. And the worst thing is that you absolutely cannot understand how to deal with these rumors - after all, you actually did not do anything that is attributed to you.

Buffalo- a symbol that says that despite the fact that your chosen one seems strong and impressive in appearance, perhaps in fact it is not at all what it seems.

Binoculars- if you have this symbol on wax during divination, then this is a hint that the art of seduction, as a rule, is based on accurate calculation.

Crap- if the wax during fortune-telling took the form of a pancake, then this indicates that the main feeling that drives your chosen one is curiosity.

Blouse- a symbol meaning that a miracle has appeared in your life. Take care of him! Of course, in the future, relationships can develop in different ways, but for now, be happy and enjoy happiness.

Dish- if the wax has taken the form of a dish, then this indicates that your chosen one is clearly not a gift. He probably has hard words and hard deeds. Not all relationships can be restored, even if you repent and ask for forgiveness.

Beaver- this symbol indicates that you need to believe in yourself, because you yourself know what to do. Remember that you are the creator of your own happiness. Think carefully about what your soul is waiting for and desires.

Bogatyr- indicates that the person who loves you is generous and mentally rich. You probably cannot promise him love back, but similar people rare. Show at least some involvement.

Ladybug- this symbol indicates that you can see how frivolous your problems were, and also, they will fade into the background. In addition, this symbol indicates that you will finally have free funds.

Wineglass- a symbol meaning that new and promising paths have opened in your life.

Boxer- a symbol indicating that your chosen one is a real fighter and is always ready to protect you. Only now, alas, he is too quick-tempered and often runs into trifles.

Bomb- indicates that rudeness and harshness are manifested in your relationship. It also indicates that everything turned out to be much more serious than you expected. Try not to respond to provocations, the only way you can solve everything peacefully.

Beard- this symbol indicates that it takes you a lot of time to think about simple actions and decisions. You are probably too tired, which is not surprising, you yourself have deliberately driven yourself. But now it's time to relax and unwind.

Bracelet- this symbol means a vicious circle of your relationship, as if there is no beginning or end in them. As you should, think about the decisions that you will need to make. Maybe it's time to fight for your love.

Log- a symbol indicating that you do not need to worry about your age, calmly build your relationship. Indeed, in the modern world, society is calm about marriages, even between people with a big age difference.

Eyebrow, eyebrows- a symbol that says that the key to your success will be gaining a broad view of things.

Brooch- a symbol indicating that your chosen one is probably hiding part of the truth from you, and perhaps this part of the truth is very large. Be careful, do not believe the oaths, for him this is most likely nothing more than just empty words.

Trousers- if during divination the wax took the form of trousers, then this means a symbol of a crossroads.

Tambourine- this symbol means passion, anguish, ardent love, or the painful realization of the meaninglessness of mortal existence, as well as the suffering of a wounded soul. Are you able to endure such suffering when it comes to your chosen one? It can inspire you to exploits or, with the same success, make you depressed. Get things right before you get bogged down in a relationship like this.

Bagel (bagel)- if the wax has taken this form, then this indicates that you devote a lot of time to someone who, as it becomes clear later, is most likely unworthy of this. But do not despair, fate itself will solve your problems.

Alarm- this symbol indicates that you need to take better care of yourself, especially when it comes to your health. After all, your soul is inseparable from a normally functioning, healthy body.

Bouquet- this symbol, like a bouquet, collected from the most different colors, tells you that you can and should combine various things in your life, otherwise work and your usual activities will simply bore you if you do not alternate them.

Mace- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a mace, then this indicates that the time has come for you to protect yourself and your interests. Although, do not forget that sometimes it is simply enough to declare that you are well aware of the intrigues weaving around you.

Bulldog- this symbol denotes the stranglehold of fate. Also, the bulldog symbol means that your independence is currently limited to certain limits.

Boomerang- if during the casting of wax, the wax took this form, then this is a warning that your imprudent actions can have extremely serious consequences for you, so be extremely careful.

Bottle- if you were guessing at a certain person, then this symbol means that the health of that person requires additional control. Maybe it's alcohol addiction.

Bull- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a bull, then this indicates perseverance, and not always benevolent.

Bust- if the wax has taken the form of a bust, then this means that you pay very little time and attention to those people who raised you and took care of you for a long time.


Vase- when wax takes the form of a vase, this indicates that your carefully guarded and important secret is at risk of being revealed. Someone from your environment wants to find out your secrets in order to use them for harm.

boots- if the wax during fortune-telling took the form of a felt boot, then this will be exactly the image in which others see you now. Yes, exactly, at the moment you are considered a felt boot. And also at the moment such a naive and undisguised deception is directed at you that you will not be able to notice it, only if you are in a state of obscuring the gaze of falling in love.

Bath- a symbol that says that after hard and hard work, the bath has a favorable and relaxing effect. If you plan to do a good deed, then later you have a good reason to rejoice.

Mitten- this symbol suggests that in order to succeed, you will only need to know the weaknesses of your partner and skillfully use them.

Vareniki- a sign that portends that after your long torment, the moment has finally come when the realization of your plan is already close.

Bucket- if the wax during divination took this form, then this is a harbinger of future financial luck. Also, the bucket is a favorable symbol regarding the forecast of transactions, but at the same time, the bucket is a useless symbol for love.

Witch- a symbol that portends you a meeting with a smart and attractive woman who, like any attractive and clever woman, is also a bit of a witch. If you find with her mutual language, then you will have a good assistant in matters of the heart.

Fan- indicates easy flirting in the service, which can lead to difficulties in relations with employees, as well as to difficulties in the team. In order to stabilize the current situation, you will have to make a lot of physical and mental strength.

Bike- this symbol indicates that just the path that you have been moving not too confident of late, in the end, will lead you to true success. And the faster you move along this path, the faster you will reach your goal.

Wreath- a symbol that portends an imminent event in your life, which you have been waiting for a long time and which you have been dreaming about for so long. Also, the wreath portends a possible marriage, or that things are going to something happy that is directly related to your family relationships.

Broom- if during the casting of wax, the wax took the form of a broom, then this is an auspicious symbol, indicating that the evil brought into your life will soon disappear.

Camel- if you were guessing at a certain person, and during fortune telling the wax took the form of a camel, then this indicates that for that person the basis of life is work, not love. It is possible that his excessive feeling will complicate the ease and beauty of your relationship for a long time, but then he will be a reliable and stable partner, although sometimes boring.

Rope- this symbol is an indication of problems, and if the wax has taken the form of a rope with knots or loops, it will be an extremely unfavorable symbol. If the wax has taken the form of a rope with a knot tied on it, then health problems are likely. And if the wax has taken the form of a rope in the form of a loop, then you will probably have to face a number of financial problems.

Helicopter- this symbol portends you good result in started cases.

Paddle- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of an oar, then this symbol indicates that you are doing an important and necessary business. Expect a quick result and do not doubt anything! After all, it is with the help of the oar that the boat is guided.

Scales- this symbol tells you about your material life, and also tells you that you have some administrative difficulties. If the wax has taken the form of balanced weights, then this is an auspicious symbol, meaning that everything will be fine. But if the wax has taken the form of unbalanced scales, then this is a harbinger of trouble from government officials.

Branch- this symbol speaks of the sincerity of character. If you are frank with the person who is dear to your heart, then it will bring you good results.

Fork- if, during fortune-telling, wax took the form of this symbol, then this tells you that you must decide - and whether it suits you new life? Now you are facing a very difficult choice - should you start on a new path or continue on the old, but already well-known path?

Grape- this symbol is a harbinger of tender love, faithful and strong friendship, and it also portends you good luck and prosperity.

Cello- if the wax has taken the form of this particular symbol, then be careful, it is very likely that your chosen one is not all right with internal brakes. You should have doubts about the truth of his intentions.

Gallows- this symbol speaks of dependence. You probably run the risk of being at the mercy of someone else's will, or at the mercy of insidious and evil intrigues.

Cherry- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a cherry, then know that this is a symbol of emotional love, which also informs that your current relationship, although pleasant, but delivers equally you have as much trouble as joy. Apparently, your meetings are frivolous and filled with flirting, but at the same time, they are somewhat overshadowed by completely unnecessary problems. Think carefully - is the game worth the candle, or is it not?

Waterfall- if the wax has taken the form of a waterfall, then this is a favorable symbol, meaning success and good luck in financial matters. However, you should still be more careful and you should dispose of the fruits of your luck.

Seaweed- this symbol tells you that you are confused, that you are now in the midst of very confusing events, and the most unpleasant thing in this situation is that the current situation is very unsafe for you. Be vigilant and careful, try not to commit rash acts, because only you can get out of this tangled tangle only if you slowly unravel one thread after another.

WHO- a symbol that means that your family life is currently in the open wind of political intrigue. Therefore, store your valuables with special care.

Kite- a symbol in the form of a kite tells you about the very outstanding ambitions of your chosen one. Only here you still have to understand whether his ambitions correspond to his true status and capabilities. It will be most favorable for you if his conceit does not diverge from the real state of affairs.

Balloon- this is a favorable symbol, meaning a change for the better. Soon you will be able to look at your problems from the outside and soberly assess their real significance. Also treat positive changes in your destiny with gratitude, do not be proud and conceited. Otherwise, your happiness, in the end, will just burst one day, just like a real balloon.

Wolf- this symbol tells you about the character of your chosen one or friend - strong and courageous, but probably also self-confident. Be careful not to quarrel over different ideas of dignity, which, moreover, are often misinterpreted. After all, in fact, there is nothing shameful in admitting one's fault or mistake.

Sparrow- this symbol means fun, as a rule, it usually means small joys. It is likely that the time has come for you to laugh in the face of troubles, because perhaps they are not so great as they might seem at first glance.

Crow- this symbol informs you of impending misfortunes, it would be better for you to mentally prepare for them in advance.

Gates- if the wax during casting took the form of a gate, then this is a warning that you should not give free rein to anger, this will help you avoid a quarrel.

Rider- this symbol says that even if you have troubles, you will cope with them. Of course, at the same time, you can turn to your patrons for help, but you yourself are strong enough, do not forget about it.

Volcano- if the wax during fortune-telling took the form of a volcano, then this is an indication of a serious threat to your stability, the source of which, very likely, is not rooted anywhere else, but in the family. You'd better keep your negative emotions with you to avoid quarrels.

Pennant- this symbol informs you that you will keep everything that was in your life in your heart.

Tower- if the wax has taken this form, then this means that your friend or your girlfriend just needs to be alone for a while, so that in this way, calmly and properly sort out your feelings and put your thoughts in order.


screw- this symbol means that the person who is small and not strong on the outside does not necessarily turn out to be weak and flimsy inside. Decide for yourself what is more important to you - a rich soul or a body with muscles?

Harmonic- this symbol advises you to get rid of some theatricality that you resort to while expressing your feelings.

Carnation- an auspicious symbol, foreshadowing female happiness. For example, it could be the birth of a child.

Nail- if the wax has taken the form of this symbol, then this is not a very good, alarming sign that tells you that you need to pay very close attention to the person you especially favor. Most likely, he shamelessly uses your good attitude towards him, and moreover, he is also trying to intrigue you.

Sleeve- this symbol indicates that in your personal relationship, both of you need to learn how to compromise.

Weight- if the wax has taken the form of a weight, then this is a symbol that recommends you to improve the virtues of your character. Perhaps it would be better for you to remove unnecessary categoricalness from your decisions, and perhaps you should be more correct in dealing with people. After all, in the end, the kettlebell is too heavy for love and love adventures.

Guitar- this symbol indicates a romantic situation and the fulfillment of a desire. This symbol also indicates passion. Also, the guitar can quite often mean that your appearance "in the light" can lead you to a new love, to a love affair.

Eye- this is a symbol that says that it would not hurt you to look at the current situation in more detail, while, first of all, remembering your interests.

globe- if the wax has taken the form of a globe, then this symbol advises you not to give in to sadness, which can be caused by unrequited love, because there are still many paths and roads around you that have remained unexplored.

Nest- this is a symbol of the family at home, a symbol of guardianship and security, as well as full-blooded relationships.

Dwarf- if the wax during fortune-telling took the form of a gnome, this means that if at the moment, someone seems extremely curious to you, think, what if he simply has not yet revealed all his real intellectual potential?
Also, the symbol of a gnome can sometimes mean an indication of the right moment to surprise your chosen one, to surprise him.

Head- a symbol indicating that if the head is in order, then everything is in order with the soul. Also, this symbol is a harbinger of a new degree of awareness of oneself, awareness of one's inner world and your inner self, or clarifying the understanding of what kind of person your acquaintance really is. But in any case, it will be better for you to mentally prepare for surprises.

Tadpole- a symbol that tells you not to rush to conclusions about your chosen one, because everything changes, just like a big frog grows from a small tadpole ... And there, perhaps, it will even turn into a beautiful princess!

Pigeon- an auspicious symbol, a sign of peace and good news.

Mountain- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a mountain, then this symbol will soon portend you with very serious difficulties.

Peas- an auspicious symbol, meaning financial luck, money.

Pot- this symbol advises you how to think about your life. After all, something in life is important, and something is secondary. Think carefully about this, do not confuse these concepts.

Rake- this symbol informs you that it is simply necessary to put things in order in your affairs. And if you start with yourself, then you will succeed.

Grenade- this symbol indicates that lately you have self-confidently rejected all criticism, and that it would not hurt you to change your mind.

Decanter- this symbol means that now is the time, slowly, and how you should think about what is still preventing you in life.

Mushroom- an auspicious symbol, meaning the fulfillment of your secret desires. The mushroom tells you that your gentle friend deserves to hear and learn your secrets. Do not be afraid to trust him, he will not betray you.

Coffin- if the wax has taken the form of a coffin, this means that disastrous meetings with enemies await you, but you must be persistent and try to get out of these collisions as a winner.

Grotto- this symbol tells you that your chosen one is magnificent and beautiful, but at the same time, he is at the same time an extremely narcissistic and arrogant nature, and therefore, it is likely that he may soon lose everything.

Truck- if during the casting of wax, he took the form of a truck, then this is a sign that if you want change, you need to move forward.
Also, sometimes this symbol can indicate the violent temperament of your new acquaintance.

Pear- this symbol informs you that you are under suspicion of infidelity, your chosen one does not pay attention to gossip, he purposefully and intentionally obtains information about any of your movements, meetings and acquaintances, therefore, be very careful.

Lips- a symbol indicating that in your chosen one you are attracted by hot passion and sensuality.

Goose- a symbol indicating that you may soon be invited to an event where you will hear a lot of unexpected things about yourself. And not all revelations will be pleasant.


Door- if during fortune-telling the wax formed into this symbol, then this indicates to you the opportunity provided. Take advantage of this opportunity, be decisive and open this door!

Girl- wax, which has taken this form, indicates childish spontaneity. But childish spontaneity is not always what you should show in a relationship with your chosen one.

Grandfather- a symbol that says that your expectation of a miracle has been going on for too long. While you are waiting for gifts and miracles from fate, you will not grow old for long.

Dolphin- this symbol indicates to you that you have enough strength to cope with the situation. Either you will cope with it thanks to your own self-confidence, or you will cope with it, having received help from a side where you hardly expected it.

Trees- if the wax has taken the form of trees, then this is a sign indicating the stability and reliability of your spirit, as well as indicating its strength and stamina. It is the strength and fortitude of your spirit that will help you in solving your problems and in your affairs.

Genie- this symbol means that you have a chance, and that if you are currently looking for help, then most likely you will find it. Only now there is a high probability that the service will be bearish.

Diadem- not a very favorable symbol, indicating your problems and troubles, which simply have no number. So hold on!

Sofa- this symbol indicates that you would do well to be more prompt. Don't forget that movement is life!

Porcupine- if during wax casting, the wax took the form of a porcupine, then this symbol tells you that you are lucky, because fate almost touched you with its sharp edge, and yet, just in case, it would not hurt you to group like a porcupine and be more careful.
Also, this symbol may mean that it would not hurt you to shake yourself up and try something new and unknown, to touch the still unknown sides of this life.

Dinosaur- a symbol indicating that the person to whom your thoughts are devoted at the moment is extremely and stubborn and determined to go to the bitter end. He is ready to storm the peak many times until he finally conquers it. You are lucky if this person has real, sincere feelings for you.

Airship- if the symbol has taken the form of an airship, then this means that if you do not try to independently realize your abilities that nature itself has given you, then someone will use your chance instead of you, and naturally, not in your favor, but in their own favor.

House- this symbol is a sign of your family, designates your home and personifies family relationships. Perhaps this means that you will find your home, but in any case, this symbol portends you good luck in family relationships.

The Dragon- if the wax during divination took the form of a dragon, then this symbol tells you that you are an enterprising person, hopeful and striving for their implementation. This symbol also says that you are in anticipation of grandiose changes, while attracting other people as allies.
But if the wax has taken the form of a two-headed dragon, then it tells you that there is a high probability that you are not very honest with yourself.

Oak- this symbol speaks of strength, but at the same time it also indicates a lack of flexibility. Perhaps it's time for you to think about how you can become more diplomatic.

club- if the wax during divination took the form of a club, then it is very likely that battles and fights await you in life. And you will have to fight both in defense and in attack.

pipe- this symbol is not at all as harmless as it might seem at first glance. After all, a person, who in this situation means a pipe, can use his influence for his own purposes, and he is endowed with the talent to subjugate people. This is a very dangerous ability, be careful.

Hollow- this symbol informs you that the feeling of emptiness formed after the departure of your loved ones can forever leave its mark on your soul.

Woodpecker- this symbol indicates that there is some incomprehensible mystery in your chosen one. Probably, he interests you so much that you are ready to knock and knock on his soul, perhaps even if it comes to the detriment of your dignity.


Unicorn- the unicorn symbol means and embodies the most terrible secrets of the world, in order to solve which your like-minded people will gather around you.

Hedgehog- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a hedgehog, then this symbol informs you that it would not hurt you to set the thorns like a hedgehog. After all, soon you will have to defend your interests.

Spruce- an auspicious symbol, meaning quick success.

Raccoon- says that, alas, delusions are common to everyone. But still, you should be more careful and try to reduce their number.

Ruff- this symbol indicates to you that you need to save time. He also points out to you that no matter how much you want to ignore problems, no matter how much you want to forget about them, you still have to solve them, and the sooner you get started, the better.


Toad- a symbol indicating heaviness in the heart. Probably, you would do well to sort out the dark corners of your soul, and for this, a frank conversation may help you.

Firebird- if the wax during fortune-telling took the form of a firebird, then this symbol indicates to you that your chosen one believes in the possibility that everything will turn out like in a fairy tale - do nothing, but get everything in the end. Think about it, is it worth it for you to dissuade him from this if you want to be with him?

Acorn- a symbol indicating that the beginning of a business and the beginning of a relationship may well be modest, and as a result lead to true triumph. After all, a real mighty oak can grow from every small acorn.

Giraffe- a symbol indicating a beautiful, but long and stupid person. It is possible that at that moment you were guessing at your chosen one. But if so, then think carefully about whether you should get carried away with bright exoticism, and will this not make the path to your true goal longer?
Also, wax shaped like a giraffe speaks of confusion between reality and dreams. You need to think carefully about all this, because there is a high probability that your hopes for quick changes may not come true.

Bug- wax that has taken this form is a symbol of hypocrisy. There is a high probability that someone is plotting behind your back. Be careful and attentive - you should not open your soul to unverified people.

Crane- this symbol will inform you that there is something important in your life, but this is something that it is better not to talk about even with your closest and best friend.


Fence- this symbol indicates some kind of obstacle. You probably have some trials in your life. But do not be afraid, but instead try to reconsider your strategy of behavior and actions, evaluate your actions from the outside.

Lock- this symbol informs about a certain secret that lies in one of the two deep in the heart. This secret does not allow your relationship to develop safely and calmly. Perhaps you should trust each other more, because if love is real, then sincerity only benefits it.

Curtain- indicates the poorly hidden mismanagement that your current chosen one is so famous for.

Stud- this symbol indicates that you already know everything yourself, but you simply do not have the strength to admit it to yourself.

Hare- if the wax has taken the form of a hare, then this symbol warns you of danger. Probably, the way circumstances are developing around you at the moment puts you in a state of horror.

Comma- this symbol tells you that the thoughts and feelings of your chosen one are currently hidden from everyone. But after all, it is not known in advance what will happen after the decimal point.

Clasp- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a fastener, then this indicates that your friend likes those secrets and secrets that are usually hidden under the fasteners, and not only under yours. But perhaps he is just too young, you should not be extremely angry with him.

Latch- this symbol tells you that you should not despair, because what has closed may reopen, just a little later.

Star- an auspicious symbol, meaning happiness and true love. It is highly likely that your hopes will come true and that you will finally be able to fulfill your dreams.

Corn- this symbol is a sign of the wisdom of one who does not seek justice from nature, realizing that the earth does not give preference to someone separately.
This symbol also means that your chosen one has a calm disposition and philosophical view for life.

Snake- is a symbol of wisdom and strength, but at the same time, it is also a symbol of danger. This sign tells you that your relationship is actually serious, but it is under attack. The reason for the strike is likely to be insidious and very dangerous enemies.

Question mark- if the wax during divination took the form of a question mark, then this indicates to you that you should not lose your vigilance, that you be as careful as possible in your actions. Before taking the next step, ask yourself many times, think it over carefully.

Umbrella- This is a symbol of protection from minor troubles. If the wax has taken the form of a closed umbrella, then this tells you that you will receive help from the outside, and it is possible that even your alleged troubles will turn into good luck and a generous gift for you.
If the wax has taken the form of an open umbrella, then this means that you have taken all the necessary measures and that you can handle the situation yourself. minor annoyances at the same time, they are likely, but you should not be afraid of them.


Needle- if during wax casting, the wax took the form of a needle, then this indicates your vulnerability at the moment and warns you of very painful injections from your friends coming soon.

Turkey- if the wax has taken the form of a turkey, then this tells you that you should not be afraid of anything, because soon you will have a good reason to celebrate.

Alien- if you were guessing at a certain person, and the wax during fortune-telling took the form of an alien, then this tells you that the person you were guessing at is so different from most people that it often causes great bewilderment among others.


Cockatoo- this symbol informs you about the fragility of relationships and connections, which, alas, is typical of our life.

Cactus- the cactus symbol is a kind of warning and advice to be more careful. After all, a cactus, despite the fact that it is a home plant, has too many needles.

tower- if during fortune-telling, the wax took the form of a tower, then this indicates who is at the top, probably, in this case, we are talking about career success. But the one who is now at the top does not even know how painful it is for you to experience his inattention, constant absences and late return.

Kalach- this symbol indicates a large amount of importance, self-confidence, a sense of self-importance. But he's just a low-ranking official.

Flounder- this symbol informs you that your chosen one has the ability to reduce even the most positive and reverent spiritual movement to a miserable and bad joke.

Stone- this symbol indicates the lack of practicality of your chosen one.

reeds- this symbol indicates that only your heart can tell you what will be right for you. Listen to yourself, listen to your intuition.

Canary- this symbol suggests that sometimes little things can ruin the life of both. Try to be direct, but at the same time, always watch your words carefully.

Trap- if the wax has taken the form of this symbol, then this is a warning that someone is trying to catch you, and quite for real. Be careful!

Drops- a rather favorable symbol, like other small splashes. It can mean unexpected money, or money already earned, although not yet paid. Most likely, they will not be very large, but then you have the right to spend them as you see fit, for your own pleasure.

Cabbage- this symbol indicates that your mood is in your hands, so try to put together all the positive that is present in your life and you will notice how the world around you brightens.

Loaf- if the wax has taken the form of a loaf, then this symbol indicates that your chosen one is a very desperate type, so be prepared for any surprises. He may even want to volunteer to join the army to serve there, in one of the hot spots, or his work is very likely to risk his life.

Coach- this symbol asks you, but are you really so sure that you are on the way with that person? After all, if he slanders about other people, then in this case, can you be sure that such behavior will not turn against you later?

Map (geographic)- this symbol indicates that your current depression has no real reasons, this is only your vision of the world. But you can try to change the situation. Try to cheer up and do something.

Card (playing)- this is a symbol of a difficult choice. After all, most likely for you and your chosen one to be apart is unbearable, but it is impossible to be together. But the choice in this situation is only yours.

Potato- if the wax has taken the form of a potato, then this indicates that your chosen one is modest to the point of shyness, and some people, and not necessarily stupid ones, even believe in his worthlessness. Try to help your chosen one overcome his shyness, because he is worth it.

Carousel- this symbol tells you that you are running in place. Most likely, you are spinning, changing acquaintances and circumstances, in your life there is a rich series of impressions and events, but gradually all this bothers you a lot. The real change in your life will be a serious and stable relationship.

Helmet- this symbol warns you that if you think that you are well insured, then you are not entirely right, because most likely you forgot one important thing that your main problem is yourself.

Pot- this symbol tells you that temporary difficulties await you, which will be associated with financial losses.

Swing- if the wax has taken the form of a swing, then this symbol tells you that the choice is yours, because two equivalent paths are open to you at the moment.

Kangaroo- this to some extent auspicious symbol, which suggests that family circumstances will not be able to prevent you from making a leap towards success.

boat- this is an auspicious symbol, meaning that in your life there will soon be an opportunity for a small trip. It is also possible that you can go on this journey with your loved one.

Coil- this symbol portends you an unpleasant phone call soon.

caftan- this wax symbol tells you that, most likely, your friend's opinion of himself is somewhat exaggerated.

rocking chair- this symbol indicates that you will borrow a certain amount of finance for new acquisitions, although poverty does not threaten you.

Chestnut- if the wax during casting took the form of a chestnut, this indicates that the matter must be brought to the end, even if the meaning that you saw at the beginning, as it seems to you, has been lost.

Skittles- this symbol informs you that with one precise blow you can acquire everything that others earn by hard work.

Cap- this symbol tells you that you may soon have trouble, you will need to do something. Decide what is more important to you - coquetry, or still love.

Dagger- this symbol tells you about the strong feelings and movements of the soul of your chosen one. They are so strong that it can even be dangerous. And whether you can, perhaps even together, cope with their manifestations depends on the strength of your love.

Cypress- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a cypress, then this tells you that even though your chosen one pretends to have forgotten his past love, in the meantime an unquenchable flame burns in his soul, which cannot be extinguished simply by an effort of will.

Brick- this symbol tells you that building long-term relationships is sometimes very difficult, even with strong and mutual love.

tassel- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a brush, then this informs you that you will have a walk with an old friend, it may even be your relative whom you will have to persuade.

Whale- this symbol tells you that you can be calm and confident, because your rear is covered by reliable partners.

Kitel- if the wax has taken the form of a tunic, then this symbol informs you that soon you will have to actively fight against a very serious opponent.

Maple Leaf- This is an auspicious symbol, meaning good luck and wealth. The maple leaf is also a symbol of spiritual power and honor. If your plans are not planned for such a long time, they may need to be reconsidered.

Claw- this symbol warns you that you need to prepare for a trick from the most unexpected side for you.

Wedge- if the wax during divination took the form of a wedge, then this symbol indicates to you that your chosen one is most likely very conservative and is unlikely to easily agree to change his principles and views on the world.

Clown- this symbol indicates to you that despite the fact that your chosen one promises you an easy life without unnecessary worries, all the same, everything is not so smooth as it seems, and your honor may be affected.

Key- if during wax casting the wax took the form of a key, then this symbol tells you that you will get everything that you intended. Most importantly, believe in yourself, and this will help you on the way to achieving your goal.

Hockey stick- this symbol informs you that even if a person has a very wide soul, the need for the mind still remains.

Book (closed)- this symbol indicates secrecy, perhaps it tells you that one of your loved ones is trying very carefully to hide something from you.

Book (open)– if the wax has taken shape open book, then this symbol tells you that you have to study soon. There is a possibility that you will gain access to knowledge that is unknown to most of humanity and closed to it.

Button- this symbol tells you that, despite the fact that you are nearby, your neighbor will suffer.

Whip- this symbol warns you that someone is very jealous of you, and the one who envies you is your ill-wisher and is ready to start acting to your detriment.

Cobra- if the wax has taken the form of a cobra, then this symbol indicates to you that your chosen one, apparently, is not always able to adequately evaluate himself, and, as a rule, he blames you later. You don't have to take the blame for his failures.

Holster- this symbol means that you are really sure that your concern has such good reasons that it is time to rush into battle? Perhaps you do not act deliberately, being under the strong influence of emotions? Think about it properly.

Ladle- this symbol informs you that, despite the observance of external decorum, real promiscuity can be hidden under them.

Claw- not a favorable symbol that warns you of danger. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the circumstances, so beware of an accident.

Goat- this symbol is a symbol of a person with whom few would just want to communicate.

Cocoon- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a cocoon, then this symbol tells you that you should not ignore the need for quick decision-making. But in the event that you nevertheless decide to choose for a long time which of the two opportunities presented will be more preferable for you, then in this case, you should know that both of them may disappear.
Coconut- this symbol tells you that strength of character can be great to help your chosen one do correct conclusions in this situation.
Flask- this symbol is for you, which is probably worth finding out more carefully, if there were too many novels before meeting you in the life of your current chosen one.
Wheel- this symbol is an auspicious symbol, portending you good luck in the future.
Kolobok- if the wax has taken the form of a kolobok, then this symbol tells you that you should not spin and constantly look at others, you are only responsible for your feelings to yourself.
Bell- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a bell, then this sign means that news will come to you, and most likely it will be news from afar.
In the event that the bell has smooth edges, this means that good news will come to you. But if the edges of the bell are crooked or chipped, then bad news will come to you.
Ring- is a symbol of marriage. It is possible that soon they will make an offer to you or offer a friendship that promises to be long-lasting.
Compass- this symbol speaks of a change in direction in your life, that new paths will open before you and that you will have to choose.
Envelope- a favorable sign that informs you that you will soon receive good news, and it is possible that even you will be able to greatly change your life.
Horse- this wax symbol tells you about passion, inner strength and determination. If you were guessing at your betrothed and in this fortune-telling this symbol represents him, then you are lucky.
A spear- if during casting the wax, the wax took the form of a spear, then this symbol means that soon you will have a battle for your rights, so beware of provocations.
Ship- if during divination the wax took the form of a ship, then this symbol means travel and adventure. Apparently, the time has come for big changes, and a path leading into the unknown awaits you ahead.
Basket- this symbol means that you probably came to remember the past, soon it will manifest itself again. Be careful this time not to repeat past mistakes.
Box- the appearance of this symbol from wax means that it is time for you to wait for a gift. The box never means trouble or trouble, it is only an auspicious symbol.
Also, the box can also mean that the gift that you have been secretly waiting for for a long time will soon become yours.
Cow- this symbol means stability and prosperity that surrounded you in your parental home.
Queen- the symbol of a female figure in a crown means that you are waiting for a meeting with an influential person who can help you achieve your goals.
King- the symbol of a male figure in a crown means the image of a powerful person who will play a very important role in your life.
rocker- if during divination the wax took the form of a rocker, then this indicates a very monotonous and hard work. This also indicates that some circumstances prevail over you that cannot be called pleasant, but in any case you need to do your job, even despite the fact that you are already rather tired of it, but still, you need it. the goal can only be achieved in this way.
Crown- if the wax has taken the form of a crown, then this is a rather complicated symbol, because in addition to the fact that royal power implies power and luxury, it also means the presence of restrictions and a number of specific duties.
This symbol may indicate that you have long realized your responsibility. Therefore, you should not give up the leadership role, you are already quite ready to be responsible for other people.
Bones is a symbol indicating that you can, when necessary, be reliable and strong man, your resilience and endurance in relation to life's difficulties is higher than it might seem at first glance.
Dice)- if the wax during casting took the form of dice, then this indicates that fate certainly has its influence on your life.
Boiler- this symbol indicates that your state of mind is currently in disarray and confusion. Try to cope with this state by separating one from the other, just as you separate one from the other when cooking.
Cat- this symbol is a pointer to the vices of the lower stratum of society - this is deceit, and a tendency to steal, and poverty. Most likely, you once managed to escape from there, but from time to time, the past still overtakes you, and at the most inopportune moments. But be firm, don't let yourself be pulled back into something dubious.
Also, wax in the shape of a cat can mean treachery and betrayal from those from whom, as you thought before, you could not expect it. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid this, so it is better to take measures in order to reduce the possible consequences.
Crab- this symbol indicates that your affairs are currently moving right like a crab, that is, sideways, wrong from our point of view. Therefore, try to treat various unforeseen or acute situations as calmly as possible, because your unbalanced reactions will still not be able to affect the real state of affairs.
The crab also symbolizes someone else's interference in your personal affairs, in your personal space, and also symbolizes your friends or relatives who are stubbornly trying to impose their opinion on you. Believe in yourself, do not succumb to other people's influence, but stand up for decisions taken.
Fortress- this symbol indicates your security.
Armchair- if the wax during divination took the form of a chair, then this indicates comfort, relaxation and well-being. It also says that your aspirations are mostly material, that you look at things soberly and know well the price of everything.
Rocking chair- this symbol shows you that you need to sit down and think about your life properly.
The cross is a rather alarming symbol, warning that it is possible that one of your loved ones may die this year.
Bed- this symbol tells you that your satisfaction is both sexual and emotional.
Rabbit- this symbol advises you that the time has come to overcome your shyness and stand up for yourself.
Circle- this symbol is a sign of the completion of your project.
Circle (broken)- this symbol is a sign that reminds you of your unfinished business, or of your collapsing relationships.
Wings- if the wax has taken the form of a pair of wings, then this symbol indicates that you will soon receive an interesting message or unexpected news.
Rat- this symbol is a sign of lies and deceit. Be vigilant, most likely, someone really wants to harm you.
Fist- this symbol indicates that, most likely, you are used to working in a team, helping your friends, and when you need to get help from them. This symbol also indicates that you are used to making joint decisions and bearing mutual responsibility for the decisions made.
Chicken- if during fortune-telling the wax took the form of a chicken, then this is a symbol of a hen, who cares very much about her chickens. Most likely, yours has a very large influence on you throughout your life. Even despite the fact that you have already matured, her opinion is still important to you, you come to her with your troubles.
Also, the wax chicken symbol can mean change and new beginnings.
Bush- this symbol tells you that a great opportunity will open up in front of you, suitable for fulfilling your intentions, or the bush may mean that you will have a new good friend.


Lamp- if during casting the wax took the form of a lamp, then this is a harbinger of a holiday or some happy event.
Also, the lamp may indicate that there were bright moments in your life, the memories of which help you in difficult times. Therefore, turn to your inner source more often, and your life will become brighter.
a lion- this symbol indicates your inner strength. Most likely, many people recognize you as more authoritative than themselves, often ask you for advice and listen to your opinion.
Leopard- this symbol warns you of some danger, perhaps even exotic. This symbol also indicates that your current obstacles appear to have appeared due to the influence of a certain person in the past. You may be able to find the cause of your current failures by looking at older documents.
The leopard also indicates that there is no need to try to change someone.
Ladder- if the wax has taken the form of a ladder, then this is an auspicious symbol, because a ladder always means an ascent. She talks about your career, in which you have already achieved a lot, but you should not stop there, keep moving forward.
creepers- this symbol speaks of great difficulties, indicates non-standard problems, which are probably also complicated by someone else's intent. Most likely, you have long been deliberately confused in problems, so do not let yourself be deceived and completely confused, but seriously think about how you would unravel these creepers.
Lemon- if the wax has taken the form of a lemon, then this symbol means that you have been torturing yourself all your life, while looking at the external imitation of someone else's life. But in fact, in fact, there are no reasons for such a serious disorder, you yourself artificially invent for yourself the outstanding virtues of other people.
Also, the lemon tells you that you will soon have to go through not the most pleasant moment of envy of someone else's luck. Do not worry and be generous, you will succeed too, although a little later.
Fox- this symbol tells you that your entrepreneurial spirit can help you achieve business success.
tree leaf (tree leaves)- if the wax has taken the form of a leaf of a tree or many leaves of a tree, then this is a good sign that speaks of financial income. After all, trees change foliage every year, and even when we are sad, and it seems to us that the leaves have fallen off forever, deep down we always know that we just need to wait out the winter, and after winter, in spring, new leaves will appear on the trees.
Also, the leaves of the trees can warn that someone, watching your progress, may envy you or even intrigue, so be more vigilant.
Face- this symbol is a sign of friendship, love, trust and intimacy. It also means that you know how to help loved ones, and want to help them, so they treat you with love.
Also, a wax face symbol can mean change or possible stagnation in the near future.
Boat- if the wax took the form of wax during casting, then this symbol informs you that a journey awaits you soon, perhaps even that this journey will turn out to be romantic.
But if you got several boats out of wax during divination, then this tells you about impressive commercial success.
Spoon- this symbol indicates that your house is a full bowl, and that you are a very hospitable host who is able to accommodate even a very distant relative.
Shovel- this symbol tells you that you are literally burying your certain talent in the ground. Also, this symbol can also indicate work in the sweat of your face, which you are most likely doing not for yourself, but in order to help others out.
Horse- this symbol tells you that if you rely on your intuition, then changes for the better are possible in your life. But do not forget that you still need to work hard and make efforts if you want to achieve your goal.
Onion- this sign indicates a large number of tears, and it may look like the problems and grief of the one who holds the bow are huge, although in fact, he is just cleaning it. Therefore, you should not feel sorry for yourself for any reason, but rather gather your strength and smile. And then you will see how the world smiles back at you.
Moon (or month, part moon)- if the wax has taken the form of a full moon, an incomplete moon or a month, then this symbol can mean the beginning of a love affair or its end.
Luke- this symbol informs you that most likely, your nerves are already at the limit, you just need good vacation, and best of all, if it is a vacation with a change of scenery. And the sooner you start to relax, the better! Even if it seems to you now that you don’t have time for a vacation at all, or that now is just not the right time at all, or that you don’t have the money for it, anyway, you should choose at least a couple of days in order to get out of town.
Frog- this symbol informs you about changes in your appearance. You are probably planning to radically change your image.
Also, the frog symbol may portend you some joy in the near future.


Raspberries- if the wax has taken the symbol of raspberries, then this speaks of the joys and pleasures in your life.
Daisy- this symbol informs you that light should soon be shed on a secret that has long tormented the ace. Perhaps you were very worried about the question: "does he love, or does he still not love?" You will soon find out the answer to this question.
brand- this symbol is a sign that soon you will receive some important letter, which you may have been waiting for a long time.
Mask- this symbol tells you that you are most likely feeling insecure. Try to be more confident in yourself and your abilities.
Medal- this symbol means that your efforts will be appreciated.
Bear- not a very auspicious symbol. The bear informs you that you are simply on the heels of the failures made at the same time, by you solely through the fault of your own stupidity. It is possible that this is a consequence of a very difficult and complex nature. If this is the case, then you should try to be kinder to people. This will allow you to see how the circumstances around you will begin to soften, and life will become better.
Also, this symbol can also mean that soon, some understanding and intelligent person will offer you his help and support.
Jellyfish- this wax symbol indicates that you, apparently, have something to hide. But the person who knows a lot of secrets risks a lot. Perhaps for a while you should forget about the various numerous secrets and live in peace.
Broom- this symbol indicates to you that you are a person who is not afraid to change his image, that you are prone to experimenting with your own appearance. The broom also indicates that you are characterized by courage and determination.
Bag- if the wax has taken the form of a stuffed bag, then you can count on financial success and a significant increase in income. But if the bag looks empty, then on the contrary, a decrease in income awaits you.
Baby- if during casting the wax took the form of a baby, then this indicates that soon you will launch a new project that will soon be implemented and which will bring you profit.
Lightning- this symbol suggests that excessive fun can have very bad consequences.
Hammer- this symbol tells you that you have more than enough strength, that you are a very energetic person.
The hammer also says that one should not forget that concentration and stubborn labor activity necessarily lead to the desired goal.
Easel- if the wax has taken the form of an easel, then this is a symbol of a creative person, which indicates that you or someone close to you has artistic abilities. Most likely, you really like to draw, or someone close to you really likes to draw and really likes painting.
Don't worry, this talent will definitely find its realization. Do not be embarrassed by the fact if you are already quite a few years old. There are many examples in the world when the creative principle in a person began to flourish only after he reached a certain age and gained a certain life experience.
coins- a favorable symbol, indicating that income awaits you soon.
Monster- if the wax during divination took the form of a monster, this indicates that the dark sides of your soul began to manifest themselves. Most likely, this is a consequence of severe fatigue, overwork, or strong nervous tension, stress. Rest properly, or at least take a short break from business to recover, do not allow your soul to embark on a dark path.
Sea Horse- a rather favorable symbol that reports successful projects in the future, and says that it would not hurt you, will be filled with self-confidence.
Bridge- this symbol tells you that the best way out of your current situation would be a compromise. Because if you are determined to stand your ground, you will most likely lose.
Although, the likelihood that you are very good at negotiating and resolving other people's conflicts is quite high. Therefore, most likely you will be able to avoid such problems in the future.
Also, the bridge may indicate your secret desire to travel. He can also say that soon you will have to make a serious decision and successfully implement it.
But if the wax has taken the form of a crooked bridge, destroyed or broken, then this may indicate the presence of a disease.
Ant- this symbol is a sign that you feel confident in a team and that you have the ability to work hard. The ant also indicates that your work is a small, but no less important contribution to one big common cause.
Fly- if the wax has taken the form of a fly, then this is a symbol of empty gossip. It is very likely that one of your acquaintances strongly dislikes you, envies you and dissolves various gossip because of this. Try to turn away from such an acquaintance, be above it. After all, is it really worth starting a war with an annoying and stupid fly? And yet, be careful in your statements, even sat down they are fair. It can cause such a negative reaction that that fly will buzz on your back for a long time.
Mouse- this wax symbol indicates that once, most likely, you were not particularly picky in the selection of business partners, and as a result, now you have constant material losses.
The mouse also says that you need to use the opportunities while you have them, or you may end up with nothing.
Mouse (flying)- this symbol tells you that some old friend or admirer from your past sends you greetings.
This symbol also means that something good or something bad awaits you one night. Pay attention to your dreams.
Ball- this symbol indicates that in life you are thrown up and down. You are the person who is most likely to move easily and change jobs without much thought.
Also, this symbol indicates that your luck, just like the ball, will jump for better or for worse. But soon, it is very likely that you will be able to catch your luck.


Anvil- this symbol speaks of a stable and lasting position, which was achieved in an honest way and conscientious work. The only thing that may threaten you in the near future is the game. Therefore, it would be better if you refrain from gambling, especially when it comes to gambling with unfamiliar people.
Thimble- if the wax has taken the form of a thimble, then this indicates that you will have a new home, or your environment will change.
Insect- if the wax during divination took the form of an insect, then it is a symbol of the fact that you are currently in fear and confusion.
Also, if the insect is in the form of a bee or an ant, then this indicates painstaking work. And if the insect is in the form of a cockroach or dragonfly, then this is a warning that minor troubles will await you.
Insects- this symbol tells you about worries and troubles, although they will be short-lived.
UFO(wax sign resembling a flying saucer in its shape) - this sign is a warning about a possible meeting with people or about experiencing events that go beyond reality.
Scissors- this wax symbol advises you to make something new, and like scissors, "cut off" something old.
Also, scissors say that if you are now in a state of difficult choice, then you do not need to worry about this very much, but after a while, you will still need to make some decision and take action. If you don't, chances are you'll regret your slowness very much later.
Scissors can also indicate that the people you always considered your friends did not come to your aid when you needed it. Perhaps you were wrong about those people from the very beginning. There is also a high probability that the person who has been very trusted so far, and it is possible that you still trust him very much, is planning to deceive you in some way.
Another of the meanings of scissors is that they can indicate discord in the family.
Nose- if the wax took the shape of a nose during casting, then this symbol is a warning that sooner or later, but in the end, all the same, your curiosity will come to you sideways.
Sock- if the wax during fortune-telling took the form of a sock, then this symbol indicates that your character has the ability to show your love for loved ones, while in a very simple, but no less important way - taking care of their health and their comfort.
Rhinoceros- this symbol informs you that a certain man, who is distinguished by excellent health, simply burns with the desire to get to know you, while not even allowing the thought that it might be unpleasant for you.


Monkey- this symbol points you to a friend who is deceiving you. Also, the monkey is a sign of pretense and ambiguous situations.
Obelisk- if the wax during divination took the form of an obelisk, then this symbol indicates solitude, loneliness and isolation in life. How good or bad it is, it is up to you to decide. But this sign also says that one, without support, is harder than those who have it.
This symbol also indicates that you feel cut off from family and good friends, as if you are in isolation. But in fact, this is not necessarily the case at all, and if you look at yourself, you may find a way to fix all this.
In addition to these meanings, the obelisk may also indicate that a secluded place of residence awaits you in the future.
Clouds- if the wax has taken the form of clouds, then this symbol indicates creativity, dreams. He tells you that you are able to rise to the clouds that you see in your dreams. New ideas bring you good luck, your plans come true.
Clouds also mean what is possible, you should remember your childhood dreams of great achievements and accomplishments, because now they are closer than ever to fulfillment.
Vegetables- This is an auspicious symbol, a sign of prosperity, long life and fertility. And if the wax during divination took the form of several vegetables, then this indicates longevity, abundance, prosperity and growth. And the more these symbols, the more these qualities will manifest themselves.
Vegetables also tell you that you are able to make wise and fair decisions, that your capital and your property are legally earned, that the period of your prosperity and development will be long.
This symbol also says that all the benefits await you: longevity, wealth and comfort in life.
But at the same time, do not forget that at any moment you may have troubles, due to someone else's envy or jealousy, and it is possible that even your own. Therefore, it will be better if, just in case, you moderate your temperament.
Sheep- this symbol tells you that the plan you have already made

The most famous and widespread prediction is wax divination. It has come to us since ancient times and is still in great demand. There is an opinion that for accuracy and truthfulness it is necessary to take exactly and not paraffin. These manipulations can be performed not only at Christmas time, but also on any other day.

What does it mean This exciting activity is interesting because it does not bring negativity. There is a classical way of prediction. It is necessary to be able to correctly interpret wax figures during divination. How to do this, read our article.

on wax?

Today, there are many different predictions in order to find out your future and destiny. One of them is divination on wax. Many magicians claim that wax with water is a strong positive combination for every person. That is why there is an opinion that it is not scary to carry out rituals with these materials, since nothing bad will happen. Fortune telling on wax allows you to look into the future without negative consequences.

Before starting fortune-telling, you need to find natural wax. Usually paraffin candles are sold in stores. You can, of course, guess at them, only, according to the magicians, the result is likely to be untrue. Wax prediction shows a person various figures that determine the future or present. They need to be able to decipher, because for each fate the meaning of the same figure can vary. For example, for one person, fish is a good sign, for another it is a bad sign.

It is important to know the interpretation of wax figures when divining. Only then can you understand what exactly the prediction promises. Not only girls, but also mature women, serious men and windy guys are fond of this exciting activity, because everyone is interested in what lies ahead for them. Next, we describe the classic method of divination on wax. A transcript of some of the figures will be provided. Everything else depends solely on your ability to fantasize.

Classic on wax

To date, there are two options for obtaining such a prediction.

1. Take a bowl and pour water into it, but not from the tap, but consecrated or melted water. Take a real wax candle, crumble it into a deep spoon so that the wick does not get there. When you're done, turn on the gas or electric burner. Hold a spoon over it until the wax melts. As soon as one liquid remains, pour it sharply and quickly into the center of the bowl. In just a few seconds, you will notice that the wax turns into a figure that you have to decipher.

2. This fortune-telling is called "Brownie". For him, you need to pour a glass of milk into a small deep bowl and put it on the threshold of the dwelling. Now melt the wax in the same way as described in the first method, only you need to pour it into a bowl of milk while saying the following: “Brownie, I invite you to the threshold to taste milk and wax.” A wax figure will appear, and you will only have to decipher it.

Fortune telling on wax is very interesting and fascinating. The transcript may shock you, because it tells the truth. Read the interpretation of the most common symbols.

Embryo wax figure

It can be of two types when divination is performed on wax - an embryo with and without an umbilical cord. These are two different predictions. The first symbol indicates that you or your close friend will soon become pregnant. But this is optional. Starting new ideas, changing jobs, finding new friends is allowed. The umbilical cord itself means that everything new will be given to you with an obstacle.

How to explain if divination on wax brought an embryo without an umbilical cord? This is also for pregnancy. However, this symbol may also mean new beginnings in the near future. The only good thing about an embryo without an umbilical cord is that you will go through any business without obstacles. And if pregnancy occurs, it will pass very easily.


There are several migratory species that appear in wax. For example, if the figure looks like a crow or a magpie, then you are waiting for the loss of a friend or his betrayal. What else will fortune-telling on wax tell? The bird can be interpreted in different ways.

Dove - receive pleasant unexpected news. It will probably be possible to get an answer to a very important question. This information will help you in the future, even decide your fate.

If you have a bird that is in flight, good news is on the threshold.

Did you see a small bird that looks like a sparrow, a tit or a bullfinch? This means that it is necessary to implement the plan in the near future. For example, if you have long wanted to quit your job, do not be afraid. Your luck will return. They couldn’t decide on a divorce or separation, but do you understand that your relationship has come to naught? It's time to decide!

So, what does such fortune-telling on wax promise? The bird will certainly bring happiness.


What does it mean if you had to see a waterfowl? What does such divination on wax imply? Fish will bring only good and good news. Most often they are associated with water. Even if you don’t know what we are talking about right now, you will definitely understand after a while. For example, a girl might meet an overseas prince, and an older woman might make a trip to where there is plenty of water. It can be the sea, the ocean or just a river. What else does such fortune-telling on wax carry in itself? Fish speaks of an early pregnancy and easy childbirth. Listen to your family and friends. They definitely don't wish you well.


What does divination on wax mean? A dog, as we all know, is a man's best friend. It's the same in divination. If you saw a dog in the water, it symbolizes the faithful and whom you have. This image suggests that you are ready in difficult times to help someone who really needs it.

What else is hidden in such fortune-telling on wax? Is the dog running? This means that a friend is in a hurry to help you, he really wants to be there in a difficult situation. If a comrade is a man, most likely he will be able to help you with his strength. A woman will give wise advice that can change your life for the better.

A dog is the most good-natured and wise omen. It will teach you a lot. If, for example, you have problems, and there is no one to help, most likely, fortune-telling indicates that a reliable person will soon appear in your life who will help you succeed.


It is very important to consider the meaning of symbols when predicting. What else can be divination on wax? The tree has several meanings. If you saw him with branches that are located up, success, joy and dreams come true in the near future are guaranteed. There is an opportunity to climb the career ladder. Therefore, if you have made an interesting offer, accept it, do not be afraid of anything. This is a great opportunity.

Sometimes it happens that the branches of a tree are lowered. This means longing, boredom. However, if the branch is raised on the right side, then everything is not so bad, and you have the opportunity to overcome your problems.


This symbol has several meanings. If you have spent divination on wax, the embryo means that you are close to new business and victories. It is at this moment that you can start a new business, and everything will definitely work out. You just need to try to overcome your fears, weakness and confidently move forward. Only then will the long-awaited result appear.

If fortune-telling is carried out on wax, the embryo also means that a baby will appear in your family soon. But not necessarily yours. There is a chance that a child will appear with a sister, mother or close friend. However, doctors cannot be avoided, as the fetus warns of a difficult pregnancy.


This symbol is inextricably linked with the family. The interpretation of wax figures during divination can shed light on many things. Do you feel what is going on in the family? If so, then it will be easy to understand what the image of the house promises. He is a very good symbol. It is believed that your family will finally change for the better. Perhaps you are renting an apartment, waiting for changes. If you have long wanted to move, but could not, this means that now is just the right time.

Feel free to start changing your life for the better. For this, a sign from above is given. Now is the time to fear nothing and act.


This sign speaks of love. If you saw a whole and smooth heart, a big and bright feeling that will never fade away will not keep you waiting.

If the heart is broken, this means that your love has begun to crumble, but it can still be saved. You need to be patient, and everything will certainly work out. Relationships almost always depend on the woman, so try and fight for your love.

If you saw a broken heart, this is a sign that you are in search of your love, or nothing will save your feelings. Therefore, you can part with your partner without hesitation.

Before you start fortune telling, read the recommendations of magicians who adhere to certain rules.

1. Water for divination must be clean - melted, filtered or consecrated. It carries special information and energy, so you should not take it from the tap.

2. In classical divination, a mirror helps a lot. The prediction will be more true if you put a mirror at the bottom of the bowl, and only then pour water into it.

3. It is better to use real wax. A paraffin candle is not an option for divination, it is unlikely to tell you the truth. Many magicians think so. But fortune-telling girls claim that paraffin has no less power than wax, and shows only the truth.

4. You can’t break a candle, as you can damage a loved one. It is better to carefully cut the required amount of wax with a knife.

6. If you are unable to buy wax from beekeepers, then purchase candles from the church.

7. If you cannot independently interpret wax figures during divination, then it is better to look into special literature.

All interpretations described in the article above are general. Remember that each person has their own decoding. When you learn to understand the meanings of the symbols, then it will be much more interesting to do wax divination.

If you follow all the above rules, proceed. Don't be afraid of anything. There is an opinion that this is the most harmless fortune-telling.

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