How and with what to paint wooden furniture. What paint to paint a wooden bed, table. Paint for furniture - rules for choosing a coating and instructions for restoration

If you want to restore furniture or just admire original item on the spot old bedside table or table, paint is an excellent material. With its help it is easy to realize many decor ideas with minimal costs money, time and effort.

What to stock up on before painting?

Painting furniture is not like drawing on paper. The surface must be pre-prepared, no matter what technique you use. Minimum set for decoration:

  • Sandpaper of two degrees of hardness or a sanding block
  • Degreaser (alcohol or white spirit)
  • Primer
  • Soft cloth
  • Respirator (at least a medical mask)
  • Paint brushes different sizes or roller (depending on the scale of the task) or sprayer
  • Small detail brush
  • Large sponge (can be used for washing dishes)
  • Paint in the desired colors or white + colors
  • Finish varnish (shellac, acrylic or deck)

Protect yourself and the premises

The smell of paint can do more than just headache, but also poisoning. Wear a respirator while working, especially if sanding or spraying paint or varnish. Ideal for painting fresh air, but this is not always possible, so keep the windows open while decorating or ventilate as often as possible.

It is also important to protect the room: the most reliable way is to cover the floor and furniture with film secured with tape. However, if you paint and apply varnish with brushes and rollers rather than using a spray can, covering the floor under furniture may be sufficient protection.


The ideal dyeing process looks like this:

  1. First, the surface must be sanded, regardless of whether it is wooden or plastic. This will improve the paint's adhesion so it won't fall off in the future.
  2. Then remove dust by wiping with a soft cloth or running over it with a wide brush.
  3. Degrease with alcohol or white spirit.
  4. Cover with 2-3 layers of primer, each time waiting for the previous layer to dry.
  5. After this, you can start painting; apply 2-3 layers of paint if the technique does not require more.
  6. When the furniture is completely dry, you need to seal the result with at least 2 layers of finishing varnish. It can be in a can or applied with a brush.

What to paint with?

For decoration, regular wall paint is suitable. acrylic base or spray paint. Specialized furniture paints usually cost more and, if the surface is properly prepared, do not make much difference in the result. You can also buy a separate sprayer to pour paint into it. desired color, and take the paint itself white and tint it using a tint, it will be more economical.

How to paint?

You can paint large areas with a large brush, then refine more difficult places with a smaller brush. In many cases, it is convenient to use a sponge: dip it in paint and apply it to the furniture using point-to-point movements. This way the structure will be porous, but without streaks from the brush. A small paint roller will also make the texture more pleasant.

When using a spray can, you need more skill, otherwise there may be smudges or less painted areas. With the proper skills, spray paint will apply with the most even texture.


Restoring wooden furniture is a task accessible not only to professionals and specialized workshops. Painting furniture with your own hands is real and simple.

Painting is great way update old furniture and revitalize your interior

Renewing old furniture is great idea, which will not only save money, but also create original furniture for modern interior and enjoy your own work. Every craftsman knows the subtleties of working with wooden surfaces, and we will introduce you to some of them. This technology is suitable for various wood-based surfaces, chipboards and veneer.

The very first

So, let's get down to the most important thing - preparing the furniture for painting. It is necessary to stock up on materials and tools for work.

  1. We recommend using a product for removing old paint. You can buy it at a car store. It perfectly removes old coating in just a few minutes. The wash has a gel-like consistency, adheres well and does not spread over the surface. When working with the remover, it is recommended to use a respirator. Another way to remove the old coating is to traditionally sand the surface using an emery sponge or grinder. The smooth texture of veneer is initially even and smooth, and as a result of processing, the surface may lose its glossy shine, so when painting veneer, you should clearly consider what kind of surface you need: matte or glossy. To give a glossy shine, the veneer should be finished with a finishing layer of varnish.
  2. Prepare a small spatula and a medium-hard metal brush. A spatula will be needed to remove old coating from a wide surface, small metal brush for removing paint from sides and corners.
  3. Velor roller, synthetic brush. You can easily find these tools at any hardware store. When applying acrylic paint, craftsmen advise using a synthetic brush, which is sold in an art store. Unlike a traditional construction brush, it “fits” better and leaves no marks.
  4. You will need aids such as an emery sponge, gloves, and sanding equipment if available.
  5. Now you need to remove all the fittings, remove the locks, handles, if it is a chest of drawers or a sideboard, remove the drawers, shelves, remove the doors from the hinges (find out more information on how).

It is important to thoroughly clean the surface of the furniture to be painted.

About paint for furniture

There are thousands of recommendations on what paint to paint furniture with, but experts who work with veneer and other wood bases advise choosing acrylic paint for water based.

Of the many types for homework, acrylic and thixotropic paint are preferable. Acrylic paint dries quickly, has no pungent odor, and is easy to apply. Water-based paint is wear-resistant, acrylic surface

easy to care for and durable. Water-based paint can be diluted with water, if necessary, for example, to achieve a lighter tone.

Masters recommend paying attention to the description for what purposes it is intended. For example, nitro-, glypthal and pentaphthalic paints are suitable for repainting garden and garden furniture, but not suitable for home furniture. The paint is suitable for color selection and tone tinting.

Thixotropic paint has a dense consistency, does not flow and does not leave smudges when applied. It fits perfectly and after drying creates a plastic effect. To achieve a clear wood pattern effect, you need to use a stain or mordant for coloring. The stain is presented in a wide range of types, has natural shades of wood. The product has a low impregnation class, approximately 0.3-0.5 mm. The layer can be easily removed with sanding equipment or sandpaper. The effect of stain is still not as natural as that of mordant.

Using stain you can highlight a beautiful wood pattern

The stain gives the effect of a natural finish; you can hardly tell that the surface is painted. The mordant contains elements of tannins, due to which it is achieved high class grip on wood.

Types of varnish vary in properties and chemical content. There are the following types of varnishes suitable for repainting home furniture:

  1. Nitrolac. This type is used for coating small wooden parts. Easy to apply, dries quickly, but has a low wear resistance class.
  2. Water based varnish. Suitable for all types wooden surfaces. This varnish is odorless, non-toxic, but dries in at least a day.
  3. Polyurethane varnish – best option. Excellent grip on wood, high wear resistance class. This varnish must be diluted with solvent before application. Used for application to veneer and other wood substrates.
  4. Shellac varnish is one of the modern and popular types of varnishes. With it you can achieve the perfect gloss or aging effect. It has a low strength class and belongs to the category of expensive varnishes.

Craftsmen use special tools and materials in their work; they have experience and daily practice with woodworking. But you, too, can achieve an ideal result at home if you take into account all the subtleties of repainting furniture, even in the absence of technological equipment like in a workshop.

Preparing furniture for painting

The next step is to remove the old paint from the furniture. Take a small glass jar and pour out some car wash. Take a construction brush and carefully apply the remover to the surface of the furniture; do not forget to apply the remover liberally to the side and corner parts of the furniture. Give some time for the wash to dry, it will take a couple of minutes. Apply another layer of remover and immediately begin removing the paint using a spatula. This technology will make it easy to get rid of the paint layer down to the wood. You'll see, it's easier and faster than if you removed the paint using sandpaper.

You can remove old paint with a spatula, having treated the surface with a remover in advance.

Now we need a prepared metal brush, with its help you can easily remove the paint from the sides and corners. So, the base is removed, and this is already half the battle, but you still can’t do without sandpaper. Take a small piece of sanding sponge and sand the surface, corners and sides of the furniture. Ideally, if you have sanding equipment, this will speed up the process and make the surface smoother and more uniform. Take a damp cloth and wipe the wood, give the surface time to dry thoroughly before you can start painting.

Inspect the furniture in detail for chips and dents. For example, if there are such defects, putty, then grout, and level the surfaces using a primer. But, if there are no such problems, then we move on.

Everything is ready for painting

The paint is selected and prepared, and there is also a velor roller and a brush with synthetic bristles. To make the painting look perfect, start painting from the sides with a thin brush. It is important to paint very quickly, that is, vigorously moving the brush from side to side, as the paint dries quickly. Having painted the side and corner areas, we proceed to painting the surface.

Take a roller and apply paint to a wide surface of the furniture. We paint quickly to create the perfect smooth surface. The first coat of paint is applied, let it dry for about 20 minutes. And yet, experts advise that while waiting, close the can of paint and wrap the roller in plastic so that air does not penetrate.

Inspect the surface after the first layer, you may have noticed small burrs or roughness; you can use a soft sanding sponge to remove them.

The second layer must be carried out, also starting from the side and corner parts and ending with applying color to wide areas of the furniture. If in your opinion the color is sufficiently saturated and acceptable for the interior, then you do not need to apply the third layer.

If you want a deeper and richer shade, apply the final, third layer of paint, after allowing the surface to dry for 20 minutes. If you need to achieve a glossy shine, apply varnish as the last layer.

There are many technologies for working with wood, but all stages are subject to the same rules: preparation, treatment with preliminary means, staining and finishing layer, installation of fittings and connecting elements furniture.

Most of the work is done, and you're probably already proud of the result. All you have to do is wait until the paint has completely dried and you can return the furniture fittings and arrange the drawers and shelves.

You have already found worthy place For updated furniture in your home, now is the time to see the result of the work in the chosen place.

Nowadays the trend is to update old furniture; it gives your favorite things not only new appearance, but also brings significant savings. Most often, wood furniture undergoes such changes using paint to update it. However, not everyone knows how to paint wooden furniture and what kind of wood paint should be, and because of this alone they refuse to consider this restoration option. Let's figure it out.

Types of paints for wood

Builders have a joke that wood can be painted with almost any paint. And, it’s true, but a small list of funds is not suitable for this. Therefore, paint for wooden furniture is divided according to the type of coating and its properties.

Varnishes, impregnations, stains

These are substances that are either colorless or with coloring pigments. They allow:

  • emphasize the structure of the wood without painting it;
  • the product “breathes”, absorbing/releasing moisture into the room;
  • protect the product from negative impact environment such as burnout

You need to varnish either new furniture, or one that is well preserved. Such products fit perfectly into classic interior or eco-style. It is also important that in the future, for a new change, you will not need to remove the varnish; it can be updated from above.

Dispersion paints

Painting wooden furniture with water-soluble compounds is now very popular. The water in them is a solvent, and the binder is a polymer resin. Such popularity is not surprising, because most often it is odorless paint, which makes it indispensable for children's furniture.

It is also important that it dries quickly, is waterproof and vapor-tight. When working with it, you should not be afraid of the release of harmful substances. A wide selection of colors will allow you to choose your unique color. The coating can be either matte or glossy.

It is a pleasure to paint a product with her. This group also includes acrylic paints, which are characterized by increased durability and all the other advantages of water-based paints.

Organic solvent-based enamel and paint

This paint for wood furniture is less popular now, but literally 5-10 years ago it had no equal. And the reason for its unpopularity is toxicity, fire hazard, bad smell and long drying time. Its undoubted advantage is low price, especially in comparison with acrylic paints.

After drying, a layer is formed on it that protects the product from high humidity. Because of this, it is often used for rooms and furniture that may frequently come into contact with water.

Important! The protective barrier against water does not allow the product to “breathe”. To use such paint, the wood must be completely dry, otherwise peeling and paint shedding cannot be avoided.

How to make a choice

DIY furniture painting starts with the right choice paints. And here the following points are important:

  1. Result: If you want the product to have a matte surface, then the coloring matter should be exactly like that. Usually they remake furniture in existing interiors. A universal solution is to paint it in White color, which fits organically into many styles.
  2. Eco-style. For lovers natural interiors It is better to leave the furniture in its original form, but protect it from destruction with varnish, wax or impregnation. It is recommended to use them on new furniture.
  3. More expensive is not always better. When deciding what paint to paint furniture with, you should not choose extremely expensive options, for example, varnish for parquet or yachts. Stronger furniture It won't help, but it will be incredibly difficult to remove it if you don't like the result.
  4. Acrylic compounds. They are recommended to be used for furniture, despite the fact that there are cheaper options. And all because they have a water-dispersed base, but it is very resistant, which allows it to withstand up to 500 full washes without disturbing the appearance. This paint allows the furniture to “breathe”, which extends the life of the product. You can paint furniture with it without even removing household members from the room, because it is harmless.
  5. Savings. If you need to paint a large volume, but at the same time get a lasting result, then it is advisable to opt for alkyd enamels and paints. They take longer to dry, releasing harmful substances, so all work must be carried out in well-ventilated areas, but this is one of the most economical options.
  6. Wet rooms. Not all acrylic and dispersion compositions are suitable for them, so either choose moisture-resistant options or use alkyd ones, as they provide the necessary color durability.
  7. Oil, nitro paint. These substances are considered unsuitable for wood furniture and other wood products.
  8. Polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride. They are used by professionals, so it is better not to use them for amateur modifications. After all, their price is quite high, and it will be a pity for the money spent and the fact that the result differs from what was expected.

How to paint wooden furniture correctly?

They decided what paint would be best to paint the furniture; all that was left was to do everything correctly. The process begins with preparation, which is rightfully considered the most important stage in repainting furniture. How evenly the paint will apply will depend on how correctly and competently it is done.

The step-by-step preparation technology is as follows:

  1. All removable fittings from handles to overhead decorative elements are removed.
  2. The old coating is carefully removed. To do this, you can use a special solvent, mechanical impact with grinding materials or a hair dryer.
  3. The entire surface is sanded. First with medium-grit sandpaper, then with fine-grain sandpaper.
  4. Wood putty removes all imperfections and imperfections.
  5. Next, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris. It is important not only to wipe the product with a damp cloth, but also to wipe it dry.
  6. Then you should coat the surface with a primer. It will not only reduce the consumption of the main substance, but will also serve as an antiseptic. If you plan to get an aging effect at the end, then do not use a primer, as it will prevent special substances from achieving such a result.

The painting process itself usually does not cause any particular difficulties, even for beginners. However, following the rules below will make it much easier:

  • The distribution of paint over the surface should be carried out strictly along the grain of the wood.
  • Subsequent layers are applied only after the previous one has completely dried.
  • The third layer is often unnecessary. A high-quality result is obtained by painting in two layers.
  • Carry out painting in a dry and well-ventilated area.
  • Products should not dry on straight sun rays. This process should be natural.
  • The brush must be of high quality and special; for example, special brushes are produced for varnishes that do not leave streaks. Only smooth and large surfaces can be painted with a roller.

Thus, repainting a table or cabinet yourself is a completely doable task. The main thing is not to rush, rushing can ruin everything. It's better to spend a little more time, but get excellent result and real satisfaction from the work done.

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Step by step process. Video

Old furniture can always be given a “second life”. To do this, you will need to know what type of material was used, what tools will be needed and the stages of work in each specific case. Furniture is often made from wood, plastic, chipboard, with a varnished or matte surface. How the work will be carried out depends on this.

What you need for work

For wooden furniture: rollers and brushes, sandpaper, acrylic putty and paint of the desired color, primer, wood varnish, if desired, pattern patterns and decorative material.

For laminated furniture you will need fine sandpaper, a special sticky cloth to remove dust after sanding, a primer and a polyester brush for applying it, latex paint for interior work, if necessary - sealant.

In both cases, trays for paint and primer will also be needed, protective clothing, gloves, rubber spatulas(large and small), grinder or whetstone.

Restoration of wooden furniture

How to paint old furniture with your own hands:

  • First, the surface of the furniture is cleaned with medium-grain sandpaper, and then with fine-grain sandpaper. The process is not easy, so it is better to use a grinder. Deleted old paint smooth movements along the wood fibers. Dust is brushed off; a damp cloth cannot be used, otherwise paint residues will become embedded in the base of the wood. Oil paint cleaned with a special solution. To prepare it, take turpentine and ammonia in a ratio of 2:1.

  • If cracking is found, it is necessary to putty them. acrylic composition and sand it.
  • Next, a layer of primer is applied to increase the adhesion of the paint to the wood surface.

  • Painting is done using a brush/roller in two or more layers. How to paint wood? In addition to acrylic paint, oil paint, enamel and varnish are also suitable. Most prefer acrylic materials, since they do not have a strong odor and dry quickly.
  • After the paint has dried, you can decorate the furniture with gilding, spectacular designs, and use the decoupage technique (applying a pattern from a napkin).

  • The last stage is varnishing finished product, to protect it from moisture and mechanical damage.

Restoration of furniture made from laminated chipboards

The stages of work are almost the same, but the laminated surface is sanded only with fine-grained sandpaper and very carefully, since it can be unnoticeably rubbed onto the chipboard. Dust after sanding is removed first with a vacuum cleaner and then with a special sticky piece of cloth.

Prime the surface with any solution for interior work. The layers are applied thinly, with long strokes. Although the soil will dry within an hour, it is better to wait a day for the soil to set firmly. Which paint will do for chipboard furniture? In principle, any, but it is better to use latex for internal painting.

How to repaint MDF furniture

Work begins with sanding and priming. It is recommended to apply the primer using a special pneumatic spray gun with a pressure of up to 4 atm. Nozzle size 1.5-2.5 mm. The thickness of the soil layer is 100-145 microns. At a temperature of 16-40 0 C, the furniture is dried for up to 4-6 hours, sanded and re-primed.

Next, a hardener is added to the paint or tinted primer with vigorous stirring at a ratio of 1:9. Next, the solution is filtered through a 25-95 micron filter. The composition can be used for about 3 hours. A filtering process is required if the dye will be used on glossy surfaces.

Polyurethane two-component water-based paints and varnishes are used as dyes. A pneumatic spray gun is also used. If necessary, painting can be done in several layers, each with a thickness of 80-125 microns. Before the next layer, the previous one is sanded.

To ensure that the furniture has a spectacular appearance - in quality final stage polishing is used.

Which style to choose

At home, you can create vintage, elegant and authentic furniture that is in no way inferior to branded counterparts.

Interior items in the Provence style: wooden furniture, white color, flower decor, porcelain, light floors and pastel shades curtains How it looks is in the photo below. An excellent solution for city apartments or country houses, which you can create with your own hands.

It is also easy to remake old furniture into a modern, classic or Mediterranean style.

Want to learn about painting wood furniture? The choice of paint, stages and application in the interior of the house. Surely you have often caught yourself thinking that you want something new, for example, to update.

To do this, they usually decide to rearrange the furniture. But even this method does not always give the desired result. And then there is another way: change the furniture, and not its location in the rooms.

But very rarely we can afford to simply throw out old furniture and buy new ones, since this is beyond our budget. We will tell you about a method that is more economical and simpler in order to refresh the atmosphere. It consists of painting furniture from.

Tools and materials

Very often, furniture that was produced in the USSR is of such high quality that it can last for many years, which cannot be said about many modern models. In addition, vintage-style home furnishings are now more popular than ever before. For this reason, painting furniture to look like wood would be an ideal solution.

But how to do everything without noise and dust, and at the same time not turn your favorite apartment into the abode of an incompetent painter, which can smell of all kinds of toxic products? To do this, you will need to purchase special tools and materials.

For painting you will need the following:

Before you begin, you should prepare the furniture. For this you will need:

  • Protective glasses.
  • Gloves.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Paint tray.
  • Brushes or .
  • Glasses for protection.
  • Fine grit sandpaper.
  • Wooden block or sanding machine.

When you have prepared all the tools and materials, you can begin. But before painting, it is worth putting it in proper condition so as not to make mistakes when painting.

Preparing furniture for painting

Proper preparation is the key to success. For this reason, you should carefully read the instructions and do everything exactly as described so that after painting you get the desired effect.

Advice! When choosing a primer, try to choose a shade that will closely match the shade of the furniture. This will not only make the color even, but also make it possible to save on paint.

Which paint to choose

The following types of varnishes are usually used:

  • Epoxy.
  • Oily.
  • Alcohol.
  • Alkyd.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Nitrocellulose.

Unlike paint, varnish adds durability and hardness to the surface. But if you have not yet decided on what paint to paint your furniture, make a choice in favor of any paint from the list below:

Stages of painting (using the example of a kitchen cabinet)

Most likely, you are thinking about this or that item that can be painted. Very often these are kitchen cabinets, since they suffer from mechanical stress and moisture more than other furniture. Let's use a kitchen cabinet as an example to paint wooden furniture with our own hands.

Note, what about purchasing kitchen cabinets without finishing, in 8 out of 10 cases you will come across birch. This wood has a fine-grained structure, and stain will look great on it. For example, when using a stain with a cherry tint, you can easily achieve a cherry color.

Stage #1: sanding wood. This is the most important stage in preparation. Use 120 grit sandpaper and you can easily sand the wood. It is important to do this in the direction of the texture to avoid scratching. Next, take 220-grit sandpaper and sand the surface again to remove scratches and create a smooth surface.

Stage #2: tree. To apply impregnation, you should thoroughly wipe the dust from the surface. IN in this case impregnation will serve and contribute to uniformity during painting. After application, you need to wait until it dries completely.

Stage #3: applying stain. Ideally, it should be applied with a brush and in circular motions so that the product is well rubbed into the wood texture. Apply the final coat in the direction of the texture to obtain a perfectly smooth surface.

Painting old chipboard furniture

Perhaps you have old furniture that you hate to throw away and have nowhere to put it. It can be in a barn, in a country house or in a garage. Most of these items are made from chipboard - inexpensive, lightweight and comfortable material. You can give a second life to such furniture if you refresh the coating and paint it a different color. In addition, painting as a reconstruction will help strengthen the surface, which is subject to damage due to technical characteristics.

Before painting furniture, it should be well prepared. Since in this case chipboard material, there are two cleaning methods available to choose from:

  1. Chemical. Chemical cleaning refers to the use of certain products from chemical elements to remove the old coating. The product is selected individually, depending on the type of coating on the furniture. It is important to use gloves when working.
  2. Thermal. In this case, the treatment is carried out with steam or hot air. But for this you will need a tool such as a hair dryer. A stream of air from a hairdryer should be directed at the surface and wait until the varnish or paint softens so that the coating can be removed with a scraper.

After cleaning, putty the surface and rub it with sandpaper.

To paint chipboard furniture you will need acrylic paint in a cylinder. This way the work will be completed faster and the surface will be smooth. Great option in this case, alkyd/oil paints will also become available.

Advice: If you plan to paint furniture with a brush, then it is better to do it only with new tools. Also pay attention to how tightly the bristles hold. If hairs fall out during work, this will have a bad effect on the quality.

You know that painting wooden furniture is done not only for reasons of economy and renovation, but also to create unique style. Fashion and its trends have taken over wooden furniture, and even an old Soviet wall can look great with modern renovation, if you work on it a little.

It will be enough to repaint it using the instructions given in this article. The main thing is that you immediately decide on the design. In the photo on the Internet you can see how to transform boring furniture.

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