How to open a children's development center from scratch? How to open a children's development center

A business plan for a children's center is a document that an entrepreneur needs to understand what and when to do in order for the business to be successful.

Capital investment in business: 2,285,000 rubles.
Payback of the children's center: from 10 months.

Let's start with why business plan for a children's development center may be needed by a businessman or someone who is just planning to become one.

The fact is that the use of various circles and sections has always been a popular topic for mothers of preschool children.

But government programs gradually reduced, and not everyone can afford private lessons.

But taking your child to a development center where his skills will be improved in many ways is a great idea!

According to statistics, more than half of the parents of children aged 1-8 years think that way.

This makes the business idea of ​​​​opening a children's development center a popular idea.

Often, young mothers themselves come to this idea, who, for one reason or another, no longer want to visit other people's clubs, but are thinking about opening their own children's center.

There is a lot of competition in this business.

And young entrepreneurs may not fully understand how to fill their niche.

In addition, the question arises about the financing and payback of the project.

Finding answers and charting the path for the development of the club is possible thanks to the preparation of a business plan for a children's development center.

Consider its main sections.

We analyze the relevance for the business plan of the children's center

The idea to open a children's center is really in last years gained particular popularity.

Therefore, before you open a children's center, you must conduct an analysis of future competitors in a business plan, target audience and overall feasibility of the solution.

It is not so difficult to perform this task on your own, even without contacting specialists.

However, before starting the analysis, it is necessary to draw up a plan of action.

After all, simply by contacting 1-2 developing children's centers under the guise of a client, you will not get a particularly useful result.

It's best to do this:

    Administrator answers calls, purchases Consumables coordinating the work.

    So you need to hire a serious, responsible girl.

    Experience is not required, but would be a big plus.

    But teachers must have not only experience in child care facilities, but also relevant education.

    Interview them in person.

    After all, a problem with a teacher can become a stain on the reputation of the entire children's center.

    Marketing section in the business plan of the children's center

    As in any other business, nothing can be more effective than word of mouth.

    This is especially true in the social circles of young parents.

    But in order to be remembered, and even told to friends, you need to start somewhere.

    You can attract your first customers using the following methods:

    • placement of outdoor advertising (banners, streamers);
    • creating your own website and its promotion;
    • distribution of leaflets in the area of ​​the center;
    • posting ads on forums, thematic sites and others.

    Financial section of the children's center business plan

    It has already been announced that children's development centers compete strongly with each other.

    And your income (as well as costs) will directly depend on what methods and how successfully you will get ahead of them.

    This may include the range of services offered, location, staff and the level of their training, selected advertising campaign and availability of special offers.

    Business plan for a children's development center: capital investment

    The cost of opening a children's club will depend on many parameters.

    Therefore, below is only an indicative list for a business plan for a children's development center.

    The financial cushion is the source of capital from which you will draw funds for the existence and development of the center until it reaches self-sufficiency.

    Not everyone includes this parameter in their calculations for a business plan.

    Because of this, a common problem for young entrepreneurs arises: a business, having successfully existed for six months or a year, is forced to close, as the money for its work is running out, and there is still not enough income to cover expenses.

    Business plan for a children's development center: monthly investments

    These are the very systematic expenses for a children's center that need to be taken into account at the stage of business planning.

    How to open a children's center and competently run a business,

    experienced owners of this case will tell in the video:

    Calculations of payback and profitability in the business plan of the children's center

    Naturally, the payback period directly depends on the size of capital investments in the business.

    Some sources mention a period of six months, while others call 3-5 years.

    One thing can be said with certainty: opening a children's development center is profitable. If you apply mind and diligence to the development of the business.

    Business plan for a children's center- This is an important document that is simply necessary for an entrepreneur.

    Not just for loans or investments.

    But also to understand what and when to do in order for the business to be successful.

    Therefore, it is important to draw up a plan on your own, specifically for your needs, and not to look for ready-made options in the Internet.

    Or you can turn to specialists if this work is not within your power.

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Today, no one wants to work for someone, and therefore thoughts related to are born in people's heads. It is not so easy to achieve success in this business, so you need to carefully prepare, study all the issues, and then draw up, for example, a business plan for a children's center. Recently, the birth rate has increased, and therefore the number of centers for the development of children began to open more and more. Despite this, success in creating a development center can be achieved if you approach the issue wisely. Today we will touch on the nuances of this case, this will help to draw up a business plan. The prices that will be given are average for such megacities as Moscow or St. Petersburg.

The development center belongs to the service sector that is popular today. You have to hire staff who will be engaged in education, as well as entertainment for children. Let's look at the business plan.

First, outline your potential client. Most likely it will busy man, which has stable income, but he does not have time to raise children. Toddlers aged 1 to 10 require heightened attention to themselves, and their parents want the child not only to be safe, but also to develop comprehensively.

Get a special notebook in which you will begin to create your business plan.

The concept of the children's center

When writing a business plan, you should start with an idea. How would you like to see your early development center? Work out every detail, write everything down on paper. It would be nice if your club was different from others. Visit similar institutions - this will help to create an image of your center.

Decide on the size of the room. For a standard center, 5-6 rooms will be enough for you. It is undesirable to immediately buy a room, it is much better to rent it. Then, when things go uphill, you can think about buying it out. total area a club aimed at the development of children should be at least 150 sq. m. If you rent a public building, then its cost will be about 50,000 thousand rubles a month, and if commercial, then get ready to give about 150,000 thousand rubles. It is difficult to guess the price, because it depends on many factors.

Focus your attention on such trifles as the uniform of the workers of the center, the design of the premises. Perhaps you want to give a single style to the institution, or perhaps you want to make each room different from the others, to conclude a separate world in each of the rooms. There is no doubt that the atmosphere that will reign inside is an important factor that will attract people. Think for yourself, where would you send your child? There, where the wallpaper is pleasing to the eye, New furniture, paintings on the walls, or where the plaster falls off the walls, and the staff is rude to everyone and everyone?

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The business plan must include detailed description each of the rooms. Outline each of them in detail. Every detail is important, so it should be included in the business plan.

The early development room is designed for children from 1 to 3 years old. As a rule, classes here are held together with mothers and their babies, and last no more than 1 hour. Not worth collecting large groups. Most optimal amount children are 5-6 in one lesson. When you start to figure out how many children will pass through this room every day, then do not forget that between classes you need to ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes. If your center opens at 10 o'clock and works until 18, then 36 children will pass through the room.

The early development room will need to be equipped with a computer, which will cost you about 20,000 rubles. A computer is needed in order to store musical and other educational materials on it. In any case, you will need children's toys. Initially, you will have to spend at least 30,000 rubles on them. It is difficult to predict the total cost of furniture, but if you buy 2 racks, computer desk, two children's tables, chairs, you are unlikely to spend more than 30,000 rubles. It will take you at least 80,000 rubles to equip an early development room.

Do not forget that you will need to pay a specialist who will deal with children. The salary of an employee should not be less than 23,000 rubles. Of course, if you are writing a business plan for opening an early development center in small town so employees can be paid less.

Prices for classes in such a room start from 1500 rubles. If you live in a metropolis, then the cost may be 2,500 rubles.

Costs in the first month will be about 100,000 rubles. With full employment, the income will be about 80,000 rubles. monthly.

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Children's fitness and rhythm are gaining popularity every year. Everyone has long known that physical activity is the key to good health and immunity. When creating this room, you can go two ways: open groups for children aged 2 to 7 to attend classes, or joint classes for parents and their babies. The crumbs try to be like their moms and dads in everything, so that they, in turn, can set themselves as an example. Of course, you should not create only such groups where joint visits are possible. Form several groups where parents and children can do physical education together.

Classes in this room should last no more than 1 hour. The group should consist of approximately 6 children.

You will have to pay about 40,000 rubles for sports equipment. Mats, hoops, balls - write everything down in your plan.

The specialist will have to pay about 25,000 rubles.

The total cost will be about 75,000 rubles, but this is if you purchase equipment only for children.

The cost of one lesson is 1.000-1.500 rubles. For groups where parents and children will borrow together, you can set a price equal to 2,000 rubles. If the groups are complete, then the first income will be at least 50,000 rubles.

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Room for Musical Development and Speech Development

The musical development room is designed for children from 3 to 10 years old. The groups here are somewhat larger than, for example, in the physical education room.

You will have to buy a piano or a synthesizer here, don't forget the chairs. In the future, you can show your imagination and purchase, for example, drums or a guitar. Shelves will be useful to you in order to be able to arrange special literature. The costs will be about 50,000 rubles.

During the day you can take about 80 children, taking into account the ventilation of the room between hourly classes.

The salary of an employee of the music room is an average of 25,000 rubles.

Costs in the first month will be at least 75,000.

Provided that you set a price for one lesson within 1,500 rubles, and your groups are filled, then the first revenue will be 80,000 rubles.

The speech development room, or, as it is also called, the intellectual room, is intended for children from 3 years old. Various activities will take place here. game form designed to develop the intelligence of the child. The room should have educational toys, cubes, puzzles, puzzles.

The cost of furnishing this room will be about the same as the price of equipping an early development room.

The salary of a teacher who will help children develop is 25,000 rubles.

Hour group lessons in the speech development room is from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.

If you have full groups assembled, then in a month you will receive about 70 thousand, having first spent about 60 thousand rubles.

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Creativity room and game room

Children should make and draw something in a specially equipped creative room. You will have to spend at least 20,000 on furniture, do not forget what else you will need to buy various materials such as paints, plasticine or paper. In the first month, 15,000 will be enough for you to buy them.

Groups here can accommodate up to 10 people, and they are formed depending on age. You should not mix very young children with schoolchildren, because they will not be interested in each other.

By spending a little over 60,000 in the first month, you can earn up to 110,000 rubles.

Parents will need a playroom if they want to go to the movies or go shopping without a child. In this regard, children are left here for quite a long time.

It will be necessary to buy children's tables, chairs, toys and racks for them in the room.

As a rule, an hour in the game room costs between 3500-4000 rubles.

It is difficult to calculate the income that you can receive specifically from this room, because parents will come here spontaneously.

It is worth remembering that you will have to hire an animator who will entertain the children and watch them.

Now that you have dealt with the rooms, it is worth continuing to draw up a business plan further.

Calculate approximate cost each of the rooms. Don't forget details like curtains or paintings. In the business plan, you need to include expenses for the reception, where the reception desk will be located.

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Goal setting, competitor analysis

When you have outlined the children's center and calculated the costs and income, you need to set goals and objectives. Many people don't take this seriously, but tasks help us focus and get specific for our actions.

An example of a goal is to become a better center over time child development in the city.

Once you can figure out exactly what you want, it's time to start creating an action plan that will lead you to success.

Action plan example:

  1. Create ads that will attract customers.
  2. Choose the right pricing policy, thanks to which the middle class can easily use your services.
  3. Choose the best, unique training methods.
  4. Constantly conduct trainings for specialists who will work in the center.

It is very important to be specific in this matter. Remember, the clearer the goal sounds, the more likely it is to achieve it.

The business plan includes an analysis of potential customers. If you open an average club, then you should focus on the children who live in nearby houses. Of course, in this case, your interior can be simpler, and the prices for services should not exceed the average. If you're targeting toddlers whose parents earn more than the average citizen of your city, then you'll have to do things a little differently. Expensive furniture, highly qualified employees, high-quality advertising - you will have to spend more initially. It is worth paying attention to the area where you decide to stay. In any city, elite areas and not very prosperous ones emerge. Of course, it is pointless to open an expensive development center among five-story buildings, the residents of which will not want to give a good half of their salary for these services.

The best location is the central regions, because many people live there, most of whom have good earnings.

One of the main rules is that the pricing policy should correspond to the audience.

It is not bad if your center is located near kindergartens or schools, because after classes the children will be able to lead directly to you.


A very important role in the development and formation of the personality of the baby is played by the days of his early life period. In this period of time, quite significant procedures for the formation of hobbies and personal interests are being carried out, which the child will be engaged in when he grows up, that is, during adulthood. Every parent wants to give their own baby everything they need for a happy, comfortable life in the future. Therefore, to contribute, to open to the child as soon as possible his most strengths in order to subsequently know in which direction it is necessary to focus its formation - this is the main task. But for effective solution Of course, parental efforts alone are not enough for this task.

To form the necessary qualities in the baby during early period life will definitely need the services of qualified specialists of specialized centers. Today, when the birth rate of the population is quite high, each parent is trying to place their child in such an institution as early as possible. There are quite a few reasons for this:

  • A great desire to help your own baby become a real child prodigy.
  • The inability to give the child everything necessary for his full development due to the constant stay at work.
  • A limited number of places offered today by the state in children's institutions.

How to open a children's center? Where to begin?

Your own toddler development club is a good alternative to a standard kindergarten. According to statistics today, the following pattern can be traced:

  • About 75 percent of the children who attend such centers significantly outnumber their peers when they enter school. They are more developed mental capacity, higher level of intelligence.

Conclusion: today there are all conditions for the organization own business in this field of activity, which will bring a stable high income.

Varieties of children's centers

Today there are two main types of such organizations:

  • Children's club of a narrow focus, in which educators use a variety of educational technologies to teach children. They are all focused on the formation of a specific area of ​​activity in the baby: dancing, singing, art, foreign languages, etc.
  • General education children's educational institutions. In these institutions, teachers make every effort for the multilateral development of kids.

Also similar establishments preschool education may differ in spending time in them:

  • A kids club where children spend the whole day is a type of kindergarten for toddlers.
  • In standard pre-schools, they are brought only to classes lasting from one to three hours.


The most profitable business idea for a young child development center is a children's institution for kids of two to four years old, with a working day from 6 am to 8 pm. The optimal group is 10 people.

To open your center from scratch, you need to decide on the list of services provided. These can be the following services:

  • Teaching children mathematics, foreign languages, choreography, developing their logic, speech.
  • Standard supervision of babies by qualified educators, as in kindergartens, throughout the day (6.00–20.00)
  • Teaching children with a sports bias: holding game, sports and training events.
  • Formation of a clear daily routine with four meals a day.
  • Organization, stimulation of communication between children.

Phased opening of the child development center

How to open a children's center? Where to begin? After determining the direction, you can proceed to marketing research, which will make it possible to identify competitors in this field of activity. But, according to statistics, today there are not enough such training centers for children, so there is practically no competition.

To open your own center for the formation of children from scratch, you must:

  • Register your business, carry out all the procedures required by the state for its legalization. It is necessary to choose the person for whom it will be issued entrepreneurial activity preschool children's institution. It is recommended that this business be registered for one person, so that accounting and taxation can be simplified.
  • To open a general education center for young children, it is imperative to have funds. If there is not enough equity capital, then you can try to attract investors from outside. The main thing here is that all the individual points were spelled out in the contractual agreement.
  • After deciding on organizational measures, you need to select a room for the planned institution. It is recommended to select such premises for rent with the subsequent right to buy it, especially when initial capital small enough. The area of ​​the room must be from 100 square meters.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the location of such an institution. Next to it there must be a parking area for parental cars, a separate area for strollers for babies. Most best option placement of such centers - near children's institutions, shops.

An important point is that the premises that will be used as a child development center must be re-registered as “non-residential”. For solutions this issue It is recommended that you seek legal advice.

Legalization of business

How to open a children's development center?


  • Your own kids club from scratch requires mandatory registration in government bodies. To do this, you need to collect Required documents, submit them at the place of residence to the tax authority in order to register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • When filling out an application for registration, you must correctly indicate the type of activity according to the OKVD, for example, babysitting - 85.32, personal services - 93.05.
  • You must also select suitable option tax systems. Most often, a simplified taxation system is chosen for this business, since it is quite possible to independently conduct a simple taxation this case accounting, submit the necessary reporting materials to the simplified tax system.
  • The company's bank account is opened.


When hiring teachers, opening an LLC, you need to obtain a license for work activity. This will require the following documents:

  • Registration certificate of the institution.
  • Lease agreement for the premises used for this center.
  • LLC Charter.
  • Permission for the work of the fire inspectorate, SES.
  • Children's education program.
  • Information of teaching, educational staff.
  • List of used educational methods materials.

This package of documentation for obtaining a license must be submitted to the education committee. This event is not simple, it takes a certain amount of time, so it is recommended to start it after your business from scratch has already “gained momentum”.

Initially, it is worth registering the center in the IP form, which does not involve the involvement of professional teachers, this event can be skipped.

List of requirements for the layout of the premises

  • Office of teachers.
  • Parents' reception room.
  • Games room.
  • Class.
  • Hall for physical training.
  • Dining room.
  • Bedroom.
  • Bathrooms.

How much does it cost to open a development center for children

How much do you need Money to open your own children's center from scratch? How long does it take to recoup this establishment?

The most lightweight business option in this area requires an investment of at least 600 thousand rubles:

  • From 2 thousand rubles will be needed to register a business, open a bank account, and resolve additional organizational issues.
  • From 250 thousand rubles – improvement of the premises rented for the development center.
  • From 200 thousand rubles you will need to purchase special equipment, children's toys.
  • From 100 thousand rubles - furniture.

How will the center earn?

  1. In such an institution, by appointment, children can be seen by a psychologist, a speech therapist.
  2. The average toddler club is usually designed for about 50 people who will visit the establishment on a regular basis. Their parents, respectively, will buy a subscription to attend 8 classes on a monthly basis. Some children will visit the institution several times a month. In this case, one visit will cost parents about 400 rubles. Profit from classes will completely cover the basic costs of IP.
  3. The center can sell a variety of children's products, books, holiday accessories, etc.,
  4. Parents can order the holding of festive events: the organization of birthday parties for kids, a festive New Year tree, etc.
  5. During the week, several times you can hold master classes in a creative direction for children and parents.
  6. In the evening, you can rent one of the center's offices to a private psychologist.

Conclusion: if you correctly organize the activities of the children's development center, you can recoup the investment in the business from scratch within one year. But it's on its own best case scenario business development. Practice shows that the average payback period for such a center is 2–2.5 years.

Opening a developing club or, more simply, a private kindergarten is quite a profitable business in our time. Very often you can hear from young parents about the problem of lack of places in public kindergartens. Therefore, the option of opening a private developmental center for kids can be great idea business. Do you want to know how to open a children's development center from scratch? What will be needed for this?

Before you open a development center for children, you must decide what is most important for you, the profit from this business or the successful upbringing of kids. If you want to build kindergarten solely for the sake of profit, then it is worth abandoning this idea and choosing something else. After all, this option of earning, unfortunately, cannot be attributed to. Therefore, not every experienced entrepreneur, not to mention beginners, will be able to realize this idea. To succeed in this business, you need, first of all, desire, love for children and educational skills.

How to start a children's development center business?

Before you start, you need to make detailed business plan for a children's development center, this is necessary in order to calculate the amount of costs, the level of competition and the payback period.

Competition. In every field of activity, there is a certain level of competition for services and goods. It is very important to determine how large the demand is, and it is worth starting from this factor.

Business setup costs

Most aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nursery game room from scratch. I will tell you that it is unrealistic to start such a business without material investments. If there is no money to develop your business, look for sponsors.

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The first steps to open a children's development center:


In order to legally engage in this type of activity, you must meet the necessary state standards. This applies to both documentation and safety.

First of all, you need to decide on the substantive form: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Further, it is worth obtaining all the necessary documents and permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspectorate.

room entertainment center must comply with all safety standards.

It is best to entrust the preparation and execution of documents to an experienced lawyer. He will do it much faster, and you will save time and effort and will be able to deal with more important organizational issues.


It is very important to choose both a good location for an entertainment facility and an advantageous interior design. Parents, as a rule, pay close attention to the interior and comfort of the kindergarten. Children should have plenty of space to play and comfort zone for relax.

The staff of the children's educational institution

Children's center management scheme

Particular attention should be paid to the competent selection of educators. The educator must be wise, love children, have the appropriate pedagogical education and work experience.

You should not trust the upbringing of children to an inexperienced person, this will have a bad effect on the reputation of your center. It is best to select staff yourself, because you will personally bear all responsibility for the education and care of children.

Training program

Children's education

How is a kindergarten different from a learning center? First of all, the fact that in the center your child will receive the necessary preparation for school, and will not just play with peers. Educators in the form of games, teach children to read and count, help each child develop his creative talents.

Game development club is profitable business, though not fast-paced. If you enjoy teaching toddlers, you find with them mutual language something that prevents turning a hobby into a job and a full-fledged way of earning.

Actually, it's enough. You can read about other, no less promising options for earning money in our next articles.

Most modern parents at least once in their lives used the services of a variety of children's development centers.

Surveys have shown that almost all major cities more than half of parents with children aged 8 months to eight years are going to take or are already taking their babies to special developmental classes.

If until quite recently visiting such centers was quite expensive, today such services have become available to most people with an average income. It is for this reason that owning your own developmental children's center is enough profitable business.

Despite the fact that there is fierce competition in this segment, opening such a business is quite a profitable and attractive investment of money due to the fact that there are more young children every year, and there are not enough good preschool childcare facilities for everyone. If you said to yourself: “I want to open a similar center!”, then you will have to thoroughly prepare.

Video about the opening of a children's development center

What do you need to open?

Before you open a children's development center, you need to conduct a small marketing research which is best entrusted to a specialized organization.

Marketing research

If you do not want to spend money on professional advice, then the study can be carried out on their own. You need to find out the number of such organizations in your area or city.

You can interview potential customers, ie. parents in clinics, playgrounds and gardens.It is recommended to ask questions about where it would be more convenient for them to take their kids, as well as what kind of developmental programs they are interested in. the main objective survey - to find out what exactly they are guided by when choosing a children's center.


Recently Released new law"On Education", which allowed individual entrepreneurs to officially conduct educational activities if there are employees with a pedagogical education. Now, to open a children's center, it is enough just to open an individual entrepreneur and obtain a special license.

To do this, you either need to have a pedagogical education yourself, or hire employees with such qualifications.

In addition, you will need to develop a program according to which your institution will work, and submit it to the education department.

Children's development center from scratch

To organize a developmental center for children, you will need suitable premises. Most start-up entrepreneurs prefer premises with a small area - 50 m2.


The main criteria to be followed when choosing is its location (preferably in the city center or in the center of a large sleeping area), the minimum need to perform repair work, as well as the availability of a place where parents can wait for the completion of classes and a bathroom.

The choice of the location of your children's center directly depends on the target audience for which your institution will be designed. And also on convenience and your preferences.

Before you rent a room, you need to assess your own financial capabilities. If your children's center claims to serve wealthy parents, then it must have excellent repairs, highly qualified teachers and a professional administrator. Be prepared that this will cost you dearly.

Remember that a premium class establishment simply has to be located in the central part of the city, so renting a room will be quite expensive.

If you decide to open a children's center with a low cost of services provided, then you can rent a room on the ground floor of some high-rise building in one of the sleeping areas of the city. You should decide in advance in which particular area it is best to open a children's center, while taking into account the distance from your place of residence, the presence of direct competitors and the solvency of the population.

The area of ​​rented premises directly depends on your tasks and goals. As a rule, the area of ​​the training room should be at least 30m2. A good place for a kids club are shopping malls and office buildings.

The main requirement for the rented premises is its location on the ground floor so that the kids and their parents do not have to take the elevator or stairs.

When organizing a children's club in mall or office building, several study rooms will be required, as they will most likely have a small area.

In addition to the main premises, a children's early development studio should have a waiting room. Some managers, trying to save money, try to do without such a room. In this case, parents will have to wait for their children on the street and most likely they will stop going to your institution.

Thus, taking into account the training room, the waiting room and the bathroom, the area of ​​the children's center should be at least 50 m2. If you do not have the necessary amount to rent such a room, you can open a children's center consisting of one study room, but this will significantly limit the scope of services provided.


For the correct opening of such an institution, qualified personnel will be required. This applies not only to teachers, but also to administrators.

Statistics show that it is much easier to find a professional administrator than a teacher who understands and loves children, and who will also be able to captivate with classes and find an approach to each child.

For the position of administrator, who will receive visitors, answer customer calls, schedule all classes and solve other organizational issues, you can take recent graduates or students.

You will need at least two administrators to work in shifts. At the beginning, you can perform the duties of an administrator yourself until you find a suitable candidate. With qualified teachers, the situation is much more complicated.

Professional teachers with experience in preschools or schools will cost significantly more than administrators. In addition, it is worth remembering that having a diploma of higher education, diplomas and certificates does not guarantee that the teacher will be able to find a common language with the kids and will not discourage them from attending The educational center and develop.

Practice shows that graduates of the pedagogical challenge can quickly find a common language with children and provide more effective development child than more experienced teachers.

Interview with everyone potential employees best done in person. Be sure to pay attention to appearance applicants, as well as their communication style, try to evaluate their initiative, dedication to work and innovation.

In some cases, mothers of babies apply for the place of teachers. They do not have a specialized education, but they are fond of a variety of developmental methods and attend various seminars and courses, as well as new trends in the field of preschool education. Having an appropriate diploma is, of course, a very important factor, but in some cases it can be neglected.

Furnishings, equipment

You will also have to purchase furniture and various types equipment depending on the types of services you are going to provide. You will also need furniture for the waiting room so that the parents of the children feel comfortable.

All purchased equipment must be made of environmentally friendly materials so as not to harm the health of children.

Toys and Consumables

To operate a children's development center, you will need a variety of toys, such as constructors, cubes, mosaics, puzzles and pyramids. They should be High Quality so as not to harm the health of children. In addition, you will need a variety of materials, such as notebooks, albums, cards, felt-tip pens, etc.

You can buy such items in bulk, because they quickly become unusable. Look for suppliers on the Internet, ask your friends. This will help you save a lot.

Attracting clients

Children's centers are different types. You will have to determine on your own what types of services you are going to provide, it will directly depend on which clients you will have to work with.

Profile selection: additional classes or replacement for kindergarten

The most optimal areas in the activities of such centers are preparing children for school, as well as developing skills that are useful for the future life of the baby, such as communication skills and leadership qualities.

If you plan to carry out classes with groups of kids once or twice a week, then a small room is enough. This is convenient for mothers on maternity leave - they are engaged in a useful activity with a child, but it is not expensive.

The developmental center, in which the children will be all day, will require an additional bedroom, kitchen and increased staff. In this case, your studio will be called a private kindergarten, and, therefore, you must arrange it accordingly: with all the necessary certifications, permits and commissions. To start an educational career, this is a troublesome and not entirely acceptable option.

Developmental methods

You will also have to choose which developmental methods you will use in your children's center. It is recommended that you independently master the basics of child development methods in order to choose the most suitable option and have the opportunity to control the educational process.

The most common methods that ensure the development and creativity of the child are:

  • systems of N. A. Zaitsev,
  • waldorf method,
  • Glen Doman System,
  • Montessori method.

With all the abundance pedagogical technologies best results provide a combination of several methods and individual approach. It's great if your employees have both theoretical training in this matter and are able to create something of their own on this basis.


Do not forget about advertising. On initial stage to attract customers, you can use the distribution of leaflets, posting ads, as well as advertising on the Internet on thematic sites and forums. In addition, free classes contribute to the growth of the client base, as they allow parents to decide whether your center is suitable for them or not.

Nothing will lead to your center more customers than showcasing your abilities and word of mouth. As an option: take part in any social events with your pupils. Or hold an open thematic lesson on the playground.

Business plan

Issue price

So, let's calculate the starting costs. First of all, you will need:

  1. to rent a room and carry out repairs there ( from 150 thousand rubles),
  2. purchase necessary equipment (about 200 thousand rubles),
  3. buy toys and supplies ( from 80 thousand rubles).
  4. For the salary of an administrator, teacher and cleaner, you will have to spend approximately 65 thousand per month,
  5. utilities will cost you about 15 thousand rubles.

In total, the first month of your children's center will cost about 510 thousand rubles.


The average cost of a subscription for eight visits is about 2,000 rubles, or 250 rubles per visit.

Given that the attendance of an average children's center operating in two shifts is thirty people per month, the average income is 30 * 250 * 30 = 225,000 rubles.

Thus, the full payback of the children's development center comes in about a year.

The nuances of the work of the children's development studio

Is it possible to open a child development center in an apartment?

If you want to save money, you can organize your own children's center in your own apartment. The only downside to this approach is that if you work with children at home, you won't be able to take on many clients due to the small amount of available space.

The other side of the coin: the SES authorities may refuse to issue you a permit. Then either deal with the children "underground", or bring everything in line with the instructions of the inspectors.

Age categories of children

As a rule, children in developmental centers can be divided into three main categories:

  • Toddlers who are not yet in kindergarten can visit your center in the morning.
  • Older children will come to you after 18 hours, since that is the time they are taken from preschools.
  • Primary school students - for them you can offer extra classes By foreign language, art lessons.

Opening by franchise

A good option for creating your own business is to open a franchise children's center. Thus, at the initial stage, you will not have problems with customers, because thanks to famous brand visitors will trust you. In addition, you will definitely be helped with teaching materials and development equipment.

However, for such "courtesy" you will have to pay tribute regularly. This is about 15-20%. Consider all aspects of such a job well before agreeing to it.

A child development center can be a profitable business for its owner. But a person who does not understand anything in the upbringing of children should not be led by him. This is a very complex industry. Opening such a center must necessarily be at least a little enthusiastic about their work.

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