How to arrange a bath on a hike. How is a bath made in the field? Camping sauna tent Nova Tour

It is impossible to express in words the feeling of delight and renewal that a person experiences after a good bath. If bathing procedures were carried out after hard physical work, a long expedition, hunting, fishing, or simply staying in the forest, mountains, near a river, the effect is indescribable. Camping bath with your own hands - this is what a tired person needs to restore his strength, communicate with nature.

A bit of history

There is an opinion that our geologists, gold miners, taiga hunters and just travelers borrowed the idea camping bath among the peoples living in the plague, covered with deer skins with a hole at the top. In the middle of the plague, a fire was burning, lined with stones. When the stones warmed up well, they were poured with water. That's the whole bath! A similar do-it-yourself camping bath is available for our travelers. Rate our photos, maybe they will tell you useful ideas to turn them into reality.

Various options for a camping bath

The idea of ​​the taiga people was picked up by industrialists. They developed a bath-tent project in modern design complete with stove, collapsible frame, fireproof cover. This option is used by some travelers who travel in a roomy car that can carry all the components.

For the installation of such a bathhouse does not require much experience. All components ideally fall into place. The wood-burning stove has an output chimney and provides good heating and soft steam. Such a portable bath has two drawbacks: the need for transport and high price finished kit.

A more modest option is a homemade blank, in which metal tubes for the frame, tarpaulin, stones, and a metal blank for the furnace are stocked. Made from modern materials, such camping baths also require transportation and investment Money. There may be a stove-heater made of cobblestones, or a finished stove with a chimney.

The most optimal inexpensive option- do-it-yourself camping bath, made of dead trees, poles, spruce branches. Stones lying on the banks of reservoirs are suitable for the heater. Firewood for the hearth is also collected locally. All materials are natural. In extreme cases, you need to save a plastic film or a piece of tarpaulin and a rope for attaching the film or tape. Although in this case, travelers can take advantage of the young bast of deciduous trees.

Attention: When arranging a sauna, do not use modern tourist tents made of synthetic material, they are poorly resistant to fire.

Stages of work carried out during the construction of a camping bath with your own hands

Do-it-yourself camping bath is not a very simple matter without prior home training. But our people are "cunning to invent", they will be able to make a small sauna for 2 people and one where several people can sit.

To build a mobile sauna, you need to choose a place near a river or other body of water. After all, water will be needed for washing, watering stones.

1st stage: heater installation

by the most important point in the construction of an impromptu sauna is the device of the hearth.

The whole effect of soaring will depend on how the pebbles heat up. For the furnace you need to prepare large stones. They heat up longer, but also "exude" more heat. They are folded in such a way that there is a place inside for laying firewood 50-60 cm deep for long logs. An inlet with a width of 40-45 cm and a height of 40-45 cm will be convenient for laying firewood and maintaining a fire. Specialists, who are not the first to install a sauna fireplace, choose stones of a certain shape for this, which are stacked with each other securely, but not too tightly. In order for firewood to burn well, they need access to oxygen. Properly laid cobblestones provide access to the air that supports combustion. Do not use granite and stones with a heterogeneous or layered structure for a sauna. Cobblestones of a rounded or oblong shape are most suitable for a sauna.

Handmade blank

Some travelers bring with them a blank of steel reinforcement bars. rectangular shape, which will serve as a stove when arranging a sauna, and in other cases will become an impromptu table, chair.

Attention: It is necessary to heat the heater for at least 5 hours. The result of all the work will be a hot sauna, where you can warm up for 2 hours. The number of bathers depends on the size of the camp bath.

Tip: In order for the stones to heat up well, you need to prepare firewood that gives a high heat transfer. It is desirable that the company should have one person responsible for the heating of the stove. The stove must not be allowed to go out and then rekindled.

2nd stage: frame manufacturing

While the stove is heating, you can mount the frame. It is made by any convenient way. In some cases, even the trunks of growing trees are used. The simplest and safe way for the construction of a camping bath - not a thick round timber.

The frame can be mounted square, rectangular or in the form of a hut. Round timber is dug into the ground and fixed in various ways.

Tip for building a bath from improvised materials: In order to ensure better stability of the structure, the diagonals of the roof can be connected to each other with poles. In some cases, you need to connect the sides obliquely.

Some "experienced" travelers use tubes from a tent, a board, metal pipes, prepared in advance and brought by car. This option will significantly reduce your work, but again - requires the use of vehicles.

3rd stage: interior arrangement and preparation of benches for sitting

The floor inside the steam room can be covered with branches, moss, and benches can be installed for sitting. For a low bench, a round timber (for several people) or hemp is suitable - for one sitting place.

Final stage

The taiga dwellers first “heat” the bathhouse, and then remove the coals and ash. This is done when the stones are well warmed up. Ashes and coals are raked out with a shovel or a wide stick. The remaining coals must be extinguished with sand or moss. This is done in order not to “burn out” (not to get poisoned carbon monoxide). Then the frame is wrapped with a film, fixed with ropes or a bast. In order for the film not to swell and hold tight, you can dig around the heater strip foundation. The covered film is pressed down with stones, sand, cobblestones. When arranging a camping bath, you need to provide an exit. Each builder has his own version of the entrance window. It is carried out, depending on the design and dimensions of the bathhouse, construction methods and the material available. The ideal option for covering the bathhouse is an old tent without a bottom. During the day, it will serve as a cover for the sauna, and at night it will perform its direct function. But this option also has its drawback - poor illumination.

The process of soaring in a camping bath

They take a steam bath in a field sauna, pouring water over hot stones. At the same time, a high temperature is reached in the plague, causing sweating and a pleasant sensation from natural aromas. In such a sauna, you can warm up well, relax, relieve yourself of the burden of everyday worries. A broom brought with you or made from fresh birch or oak twigs will not be superfluous in a camping sauna. A fresh broom is steamed in a camping setting cold water. Fragrant herbs, leaves, needles, balms can be added to water for watering stones.


Armed with the proposed ideas and knowledge, you can not be afraid that you will not be able to wash yourself during the campaign. If desired, you can find stones of appropriate sizes, firewood for the hearth, trunks for the frame. If there is no film, in this case pine or spruce green branches can help.

Truth heightened comfortable temperature in such a camping bathhouse it will be stored much shorter. To each his own choice!

Today I will tell you how to build a camping bath with your own hands and not suffer at the same time =)
And then in the taiga, you know, anything can happen ...

Drinking, having a bite, sitting by the fire, talking is of course cool ... But the coolest thing, no joke, in the taiga is a camping bathhouse, with my own hands piled, well, or took part =)
There is such a bath in almost everyone.

Before writing this briefing, I climbed into the Internet, looked at how it was with the coverage of this issue ...
In general, it’s good with lighting, I would even say that such powerful lighting, almost spotlights shine ... But ...
I noticed two interesting points - either a bathhouse is installed purchased (including a stove), or home-made, but of such size and design, as if a motorized rifle platoon will soar there ... This can scare many away - buying is expensive, and building a hefty structure is troublesome ...
Both, in my opinion, are either impractical or suitable for big company, who camped for several days, or even major ...

Here I want to tell you how we do it, when we leave for a couple of days (respectively, the bath is needed for 1-2 pm), the company is small, and either there are problems with the material at hand, or I don’t want to bother too much ...

To begin with, let's consider the simplest option, in which only film and adhesive tape (well, maybe clothespins) are taken from special materials for manufacturing.
So ... how to make a camping bath with your own hands ...

First of all, we need to make the actual room in which we will bathe.

What will be required:
* Hatchet
* wide tape(minimum 1 skein)
* local vegetation(willow or something else, the main thing is that the branches are even)
* Film. Meters 10-15. Take the thinnest, it will be cheaper, and easier to carry. As practice shows, more than 1 time the film is used very rarely, so do not go broke.
* Clothespins(pieces 20). You can use the same tape instead.

When suitable branches are found, we begin to make a frame.
We need 8 sticks at least a meter long. The maximum is up to you. Suddenly you have a company of basketball players or sumo wrestlers there =) It is better not to do much more than a meter, it is more problematic to warm up the steam room.
From these 8 sticks you will make a cube or a parallelepiped, figure out for yourself what size you need it to fit the company. If the company is large, then it is better to bathe in batches of 3-4 people, it is not recommended to push a motorized rifle squad into such a bath at a time)). 3-4 people is quite optimal.
You can make more spacious rooms, but then there is a different frame, and a specific firebox, more on that in another post.

So, we take 8 long sticks and make the frame of the main room where people will sit. We fasten the sticks together with adhesive tape, and there is no need to feel sorry for him for this matter. In addition to fastening, it will also act as a protection and will not allow the sharp ends of the frame to tear the film, because ventilation in the bath is absolutely useless to us ...

When the frame is ready, we attach a place under the heater on the side)) To do this, you will need three more sticks of 50 cm and three of 30.

As a result, you should get something like this design. The bottom of the future "stove" is lined with stones, however, this is optional. In this bath, in general, a lot is optional =) The main thing is to catch the essence, and then there is always room for creativity...

Speaking of optionality and creativity ... You can not bother at all and make it easier - just three longer sticks at an angle from the main frame. In this case, it will simply be necessary to carefully monitor that hot stones do not accidentally melt the film where we put them.

If time is running out or really bad with natural material(we once stood on the island with practically no trees at all), then you can make an economy option in the form of a figwam ...
Here you can see a frame of only three branches. It will be cramped, but it's better than nothing ... In cramped, as they say, but steamed))

The next stage is wrapping the frame with a film. Usually the film sleeve is a meter and a half wide. Having cut it, we get a film 3 meters wide and 10-15 meters long (if something happens, use the excess on the farm - cover the firewood there from the rain or cover the beds with something =)).
With this film we wrap the frame around the perimeter. We do this carefully so that any knots do not make holes in the film. Again, we don't need a colander...
For convenience, you can make such a size of the frame so that the width of the film (3 m) is enough for both the walls and the roof, then the fitting is carried out quite quickly, without extra hassle in the form of additional seams and everything is made from a single piece of film (including the door). After all, everyone likes to be simpler and faster, right? ..

Wrapping figs =)

We fix the film on the frame with clothespins or tape.

On the side where you will enter the bath, leave enough film on the "door" and think about how to close it more securely so that the steam does not escape. We either fasten the film from the inside with clothespins, or someone sits at the entrance and holds the door =))

At the ground along the perimeter, the film is pressed down with stones.

The floor in the bath can be covered with spruce branches. The smell is pleasant and good for health. (see topmost photo). You can sit right on the spruce branches, you can put hemp, folding chairs, put a tourist rug. In general, optional at your discretion =))

Now, of course, the steam room needs to be warmed up somehow.

What you need for the oven:

* River stones in the amount of 20-25 pieces (not necessarily straight from the river, better from the shore =)))
* Dry firewood,
* Rogatulins from branches or a sapper shovel to carry stones from a fire to a bathhouse

Stones need a medium size of about 2-3 male fists. If your girlfriend is engaged in weightlifting or bodybuilding, you can measure her with your fists)))
Remember that too large a stone is more difficult to warm up, and a small one will quickly cool down. The shape of the stones is desirable oval-flat, but then how it will turn out, no one will specially spread the stones along the shore for you right size and forms =))
In no case do not use sandstone or other fragile stones that can crack either in a fire (this is still okay) or in the bath itself (this will be sad). Shrapnel wounds are of no use to us in the taiga ...

We put the collected stones in the form of a well not far (10 meters) from the bathhouse, so that while you are sorting with your legs, the stone does not cool down along the way.
The well must be stable enough (for which flat stones were needed).
After ruining everything 4-5 times and swearing, you should definitely succeed, we believe in you =)

Next, we carefully line the well with firewood so that the stones are not visible, well ... Mahmud, set it on fire! (With).
It all depends on the availability of firewood and your desire.
The bonfire can turn out to be so small and neat:

Or maybe this one:

Or even this one, from the series: Do not deny yourself anything =)
Please note that there is also a frame on top covered with branches to keep warm longer, well, for the surroundings))) Just some kind of partisan camp with a hut and a signal fire for aircraft)))

While the stones are warming up, prepare rogatulins or sapper shovels to carry the heated stones to the bathhouse. Here, too, you need to practice first, experience ... he is the son of difficult mistakes ...
The stones are heated up desired temperature about an hour. Firewood should burn actively all this time, no coals for barbecue or potatoes, we do not yawn, we put firewood as it burns.
As soon as the stones have warmed up, we grab the horns or shovels in our hands and, with a light gait at the pace of the waltz, quickly carry the hot stones to the bathhouse. It’s better to run in pairs in order to drag everything faster and not cool it down, we still want to take a steam bath, and not just do physical education ..
Do not forget about safety precautions - the stones will be very hot. You don't need blisters in the taiga, just like shrapnel wounds?

The process has begun

Well, what happens next is what all this was started for =)
Those who wish like a bullet fly inside, close and ... let the whole world wait =)
Put a couple of one and a half liter bottles of cold water inside in advance to water the hot stones, but what will happen then - you know without me, everyone has been in the bath at least once))

You can hold spruce branches over the steam - you get a great effect. You can even whip with brooms if there are brooms and space for a duel =)
However, it's optional...

As for any bath, it makes sense to put on your head, if not a special hat, then at least some kind of panama, it greatly alleviates suffering \u003d))

And here, just in cramped quarters, yes ... what kind of insults are there at such a temperature ...


Well, as soon as it comes "there is no more strength to hold on" we also fly out like a bullet and buy-buy in a mountain river))) Awesome, I tell you, sensations ...
Thus heated stones, in this type of bath, there is enough entry for 4, after which the stones are already cooling down. If you want more - then you need a bath like "Major", which I will talk about next time)))

After all this, you can arrange a photo session ...

And of course .. and I was there, drinking honey-beer =)))

Next time we will talk about a home-made camping bath like "Major" =))
Thank you for your attention)))

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In the days of the USSR, when the word tourism was inevitably associated with hikes and evenings by the fire, it was especially important to be smart in all matters related to personal hygiene. Do-it-yourself camping baths were built in short time from improvised and lightweight materials. And today, "father's methods" are used not only by hikers, but also by summer residents, as well as everyone who is interested in easily and quickly building a steam room.

Start of construction and site selection

It is advisable to choose a location for the construction of a steam room near a lake or river. Why? Naturally, after the body is steamed, I would like to wash myself. Plus, when located above the water, there is no problem with the soil: it is softened, it will be easy to drive stakes into it. Then you should prepare flat stones to create a stove.

Tip: it is desirable to create a heater with a diameter of 70 cm and about the same height.

In order to build a bathhouse, you will need:

  1. Stones for the stove.
  2. Firewood for a fire.
  3. 6 wooden stakes.
  4. Polyethylene is dense, about 40m.
  5. Boilers for water.

Prepare and clear a fairly spacious area for a fire pit. Lay a stone around. It is necessary to kindle a fire on this site and let it burn out for at least 3-4 hours so that the stone walls are calcined.

Building a wall structure

While the fire is burning, we advise you not to waste time and start driving in wall stakes. Strong branches or torches, trunks of young trees are suitable for them. The height of each is about 2m to make the frame of the walls. That is, only four stakes in the corners.

Tip: install the stakes with the pointed end into the prepared hole, turning them in a circle and keeping a distance of about 2m between them.

Two more similar stakes need to be fixed at the top with a cross. At that time, the fire will burn out, and it will be necessary to remove all the ashes from the hearth so as not to start a fire.

Do-it-yourself camping bath It is built from polyethylene, which is literally screwed onto stakes and fixed with a rope, the hem can be fixed with stones or small stakes (any heavy material at hand). So, the bathhouse is ready, it remains to put it into action.

process parks

You should first pick the branches, dry them a little and tie the brooms. Oak, linden, birch are best suited as a material. You can also brew Herb tea on berries and drink it while taking the procedure.

Outside the structure, in order not to cause a fire hazard, build a second fire at a distance of at least 5 m. The task is to heat water in pots to create steam and then wash yourself with this water.

Tip: add herbs, rowan berries, roots to the water to make a fragrant steam. It is best to choose plants whose properties you know - for example, mint or lemon balm can be easily distinguished by smell.

In the process, parks are poured with water over a red-hot heater, one “watering” is enough for 5 minutes of thick steam. In general, the viability of such a bath in a hot state is about 1.5-2 hours, so more than enough for a company of 5-6 people.

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Speaking about the bath, we mean not only the possibility of a high-quality wash, we are talking about health. Going on a hike, we also go for rest, health, beauty and energy. So, a bathhouse on a hike is health squared! And how to strengthen it? The only option - mobile bath. Here's how you can get it, we'll talk ...

Who needs camping baths and why?

Remember how you bathe on a long hike: after a whole day of active rest (which, by the way, gets more tired than hard work), you find the first body of water that comes across, set up camp next to it and put yourself in order, as God wills. Sometimes, it happens, you have to go to bed hastily washed. No pleasure. Now imagine that you have the opportunity to lie down not just clean, but relaxed and exhausted after a good bath. The difference is huge! And you will feel it right away! How you rest at night determines your entire next day. Draw conclusions ... Often, camping baths help summer residents who do not have the opportunity to build a full-fledged building. It is also a great option for a construction team that is “tied” to an object near a reservoir for a long time. In general, if you know the price good rest, take care of your health and love the steam room, then, of course, a mobile bath is for you.

What does a camping bath look like?

The design of the building almost does not differ much from the usual: you will need a closed space that functions as a steam room and a stove for a camping bath. Sometimes, in field conditions, they do not use a special stove, but build something from stones that resembles a fireplace in which they make a fire. Stones are then placed in it. The most important thing is to heat these stones enough to get the right amount of hot steam. If such a home-made “oven” is installed, then they usually try to find rounded stones for it, because flat and layered ones can crack. Scattering into different sides fragments of stones can injure others, therefore, while warming up the bath, it is better to stay away or go another, more “civilized” way - to purchase a finished stove, and possibly the entire structure.

While the stoves for camping baths heat the stones, you need to build a frame of poles. You will need four vertical posts, four more poles for connection from above. Four diagonal poles will hold the "walls" and two more - the "ceiling". Having assembled the frame, you need to cover it with plastic wrap - this will be a kind of warming of the steam room, the cracks must be carefully closed. This will be the wig. To take a steam bath, you have to constantly throw firewood. Don't count on high temperatures either. So, this is a labor-intensive, but “one-time” option. It is better, of course, to make something more reliable and durable, or still splurge on the finished design. Read more about all this.

Ready camping bath: what, why and how

As for ready mobile structures, then there is a choice. You can buy just a tent for a mobile steam room or together with a stove. There are also separate awnings that do not come with a frame: you will have to assemble it yourself.

If you buy a ready-made kit right away with the oven, then the problems will take a steam bath “in field conditions You won’t have one at all, but it’s desirable to have some kind of vehicle: it’s not so easy to carry a tent and a stove, even if they are as light as possible. But this is an ideal option for summer residents and builders.

You can simply buy a special awning in the hope that in the place where you are planning a vacation, there will definitely be poles for the frame. You can also buy a tent-bath, in which the frame is already provided. In any case, this is convenient: the problem of heat loss is much easier to solve, since these awnings hold steam very well, unlike polyethylene film. Only the stove for the camping bath will remain. Having correctly built it, you get a full-fledged steam room - warm, cozy and, most importantly, hermetically sealed.

How to make a camping bath: features

If you have firmly decided that you need a mobile bath with your own hands, feel free to build it. There is nothing difficult in this. How to do it? You will need the following materials and conditions:


Racks are needed for the frame. Carbon fiber or aluminum are fine. Take ready-made racks from a 4-person tent. It is believed that they may not withstand the "bath" temperature, but practice shows that these materials are quite safe and relatively durable. You can, of course, use wooden poles, but they are unreliable and quickly fail. In addition, wood is a combustible material, and you constantly have to worry about safety.

Covering material

If you do not buy a special awning, then take the usual wide polyethylene. When buying, make sure not to make a mistake with the size of the piece. Calculate it based on the fact that the area you need to cover is 6X6 m. This amount of material is enough to build a steam room for 6 people. Some of our practical compatriots have adapted to use old banners as a covering material. You can try too. The main thing is not to take risks and do not put up a regular tent from a modern tent, otherwise you will quickly say goodbye to it, but Soviet-era canvas tents can withstand temperatures very well.



You need to put a mobile steam room in a place where there is an abundance of firewood. Moreover, for the bath you will need dry firewood with a maximum diameter of 10-15 cm. Do not harvest logs that are too thick.


They also need to be prepared in advance. For one run, you will need approximately a bucket of stones. Get more - good. Pick up large rounded boulders. Carefully inspect the finds: stones with chips and impurities of other rocks, flat and layered, do not take in any case. If the right amount It was not possible to collect large stones, take smaller pebbles.


A camping bath is being built on the shore of a reservoir. If necessary, organize a dam in advance so that you can swim normally.

Step by step instructions for building

Stage one

Lay firewood on the ground in one layer, and a layer of stones on top. Light a fire. When it flares up well, lay the second layer of firewood, after which - again stones. The procedure for throwing firewood and stones continues until all the collected stones are in the fire. After that, just keep a good flame going. The fire should give a good heat.

Stage two

Take the prepared racks and set them crosswise. Collect the frame near the fire. If you decide to use poles, then they should be 3-4 cm thick. Using a rope, adhesive tape or electrical tape, build a cube without a bottom or a hut out of them, covering the ends of the poles with a cloth so that they do not tear the polyethylene.

Stage three

When the stones in the fire turn red, it's time to set up the tent. Take a shovel or long thick sticks and roll stones from the fire into the frame. Perfect option- dig a hollow for them in advance so as not to drive all over the camp. When all the large stones are under the frame, remove all the small fragments and spill the “path” along which they rolled with water. So you will save both the future tent and your own legs. Next, cover the frame with a film, avoiding the place where the stones were placed. Press the edges to the ground with pebbles, logs, you can sprinkle with sand. The wig is ready. From the opposite side of the hill of stones, make an entrance.

If you are satisfied with a camping bath in a black way, then the frame and awning can be placed directly above the fire. In this case, you won’t have to roll the stones anywhere, but the fire is prepared a little differently. You can build something like a furnace with the letter P, put a box with stones from rods or thick wire over an ordinary fire, or build a structure like a pyramid with big boulder in the center. Keep in mind: such a bath is less safe, so constantly make sure that the materials do not burn or melt.

Some nuances of a camping bath

Remember: stones crack when heated. So try to stay away from them. But there is also good news: when you water them, they no longer scatter into fragments, so you can safely bathe. You can draw conclusions about how high the temperature in the steam room is by observing the steam. If it rises in a hot wave, then the temperature is high, you can steam for a long time. And if the steam spreads throughout the tent in a thick fog, then this entry is the last one. The disadvantage of a camping bath is in the relatively low temperature near the ground. In order not to catch a cold, spread a rug or dry grass under your feet. Take care of your health!

When we talk about a bath, we first of all understand not only that this is an opportunity for high-quality bathing, but also that it is a huge health benefit. Going on a hike, we know for sure that we get rest, strengthen our health, and recharge ourselves with energy. And if there is a camping bathhouse made with your own hands, then all the beneficial effects increase many times over.

Why do you need a camping bath

In conditions of a long trip, sometimes problems arise in order to wash up. But if you imagine that you can go to bed not only clean, but also relaxed and exhausted after visiting an excellent bathhouse. The difference will be felt immediately, and your rest at night will allow you to fully spend the next day.

Do-it-yourself camping baths come to the aid of those under construction. In addition, she is great option for construction teams permanently attached to the construction site.

What does a bathhouse look like?

There are no fundamental differences between this design and the usual bath: you need an organization closed space, which performs the functions of a steam room and the manufacture of an oven for such a camping bath. Sometimes a special stove is not used in the conditions of a hike, and using stones, something similar to a fireplace is built, where a fire is made.

Stones are later placed in such a fireplace, and main task it becomes the heating of these stones to the temperature necessary to obtain the required amount of hot steam.

They try to use rounded stones, because of the fragility of flat and layered ones. When heated, they become covered with cracks, fragments are formed that scatter to the sides, which can lead to damage to others. Therefore, two options are possible here: stay away when heating stones, or there is another, more civilized way - to buy either a finished stove, or the entire structure.

In addition to the stove, there is a frame that is covered with some kind of material that prevents heat leakage. In order for the heat to be constantly present while in the bath, firewood must be constantly thrown up.

Ready-made constructions of a camping bath

When we are talking about ready-made, it must be said that the choice is quite large. You can buy only a tent for organizing a hiking steam room or complete with a stove. There are only awnings, without a frame, which is assembled independently.

After acquiring a ready-made kit right away and if the stove is included, then there will be no problems associated with organizing a steam room in the so-called field conditions. True, the price will be much higher.

The only negative is that all the elements, although they are as light as possible, are still not easy to wear. Therefore, it is necessary to have some vehicle. Although for builders or summer residents it will be an ideal option.

It is possible to purchase a special awning, knowing that on the spot you can find material for the frame or it can be a sauna tent, complete with a frame.

Be that as it may, it is quite convenient, because the tasks of keeping warm are solved much easier, since such awnings perfectly keep the temperature. After the construction of the stove, a full-fledged steam room is obtained - warm, cozy and, most importantly, hermetically sealed.

Making a camping bath

So, you are faced with the task of how to make a camping bath with your own hands. There is nothing complicated, the first thing is to clearly plan what actions we perform and what materials will be needed.

We prepare material for the frame

For mounting the frame, racks are required, which can be carbon fiber or aluminum. Wooden poles can be used, especially if it is in the forest, but they are not reliable and short-lived. Also, wood is a combustible material, so you have to constantly monitor this.

Tip: It is very convenient to use the ready-made racks included in the four-person tent kit. There is an opinion that they do not withstand the "bath" temperature, but it is known from practice that these materials are safe and relatively durable.

We prepare covering material

If the purchase of a special awning is not planned, then it is possible to use ordinary wide polyethylene. When buying it, you must not make a mistake when calculating the dimensions.

It is necessary to perform calculations, starting from an area of ​​\u200b\u200b6x6 meters. This amount of film is enough to make a steam room that can accommodate 6 people.

Ambient conditions

  1. Firewood. A camping bath is placed where firewood is present in large quantities. For a bath, dry firewood is most suitable, the diameter of which is not more than 15 cm. Thick logs will burn badly.
  2. Stones. Must be prepared in advance. For one call, you need about a bucket of stones. The stones should be rounded, those that have chips, impurities of other rocks, layered or flat should be immediately rejected.

  1. Water. Well, if the bath is built on the banks of a reservoir or river, you can swim in cool water. If there are no such conditions, you still have to stock up on water.

We build a camping bath

As already mentioned, this is not difficult, and the instruction showing how to build one of the options for a camping bath looks like this:

  • A fire is made and with the help of spears and a crossbar a bucket of stones is arranged above it, the volume of the bucket is selected according to the principle - the more the better. It is necessary to heat until the stones turn red or turn on intuition. Washing water is also heated here.

  • Prepared racks are taken and a frame is assembled from them, not far from the fire. You can tie the corners with a rope or tape, thereby constructing a cube that does not have a bottom, or a hut.

Tip: The ends of the poles should be covered with some unnecessary cloth so that they do not tear the film.

  • A film is stretched onto the resulting frame, glued with adhesive tape in places of overlap. At the bottom, he clings to the ground and falls asleep.
  • A bucket of stones is transferred inside the resulting room, water is brought in there, and you can wash.

The second option may be the so-called "black bath". In this case, a special do-it-yourself stove is made inside the frame for a camping bath. It is made in the form of the letter P, above it, using rods or thick wire, a box or pyramid is made, in which stones are placed.

Caution: Such a furnace is not safe, as it must be carefully monitored, because materials can burn or melt.

After the stones are heated to high temperature, wait until the firewood burns out completely, ventilate the room, pack and wash.

  • In the process of heating, the stones can crack badly and, accordingly, fragments can scatter from them. Therefore, we must be careful.
  • It is advisable to water the stones hot water so that the water begins to evaporate almost immediately. Cold water may lead to cracking.
  • A do-it-yourself bath on a hike has a drawback: a low temperature near the surface of the earth, and indeed the surface itself. Therefore, under the feet it is necessary to lay some kind of rug or a layer of dry earth.


Summing up, we can say that a bath in field conditions is a necessary thing, and you can do it yourself. We found out how to do this, detailed information can be obtained on our portal or by watching the video in this article.

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