How to protect the front door from thieves. How to scare away thieves from home Simple devices for the door from thieves

Spring has come, which means that a series of holidays, long weekends will soon begin, and there it is within easy reach until summer - the vacation season. Of course, thieves are on the alert at any time of the year, but it is in spring and summer that our houses become especially easy prey: at least, because all the windows are open in the heat, and at most, because apartments can be empty for months.

Bait for thieves

Not a single fake video camera or a dog barking simulator will scare away thieves if a huge home theater flickers invitingly in the window of your house, and you inform all the grandmothers on the bench about your upcoming vacation. Before using tips to deter thieves, you need to figure out what attracts them and make sure that your home does not have such lures.

  • Demonstration of well-being. Of course, curious passers-by will certainly envy your expensive equipment, which is visible from the window or through the fence, but, most likely, not only they will be interested in your well-being. Incidentally, this applies not only to household appliances or gadgets, but even the front door with chic upholstery will indicate that there is something to profit from inside.
  • Open window. For some reason, there is an opinion that before leaving, the main thing is to close the windows, but this rule does not apply to the window. But for an experienced thief, this small hole is enough to get into the apartment, so the open window looks like a real invitation.
  • According to statistics, it is the inhabitants who are most often theft. Why? Yes, because if people can afford to move to a new house, then they are quite wealthy. In addition, the tenants have either not yet moved into neighboring apartments, or have not had time to get to know each other, so stranger who opens the door will not arouse their suspicions.
  • Long tongue. Warning neighbors with whom you are on good terms about going on vacation is good. Telling everyone and everyone that you recently bought a new laptop or your husband gave you a fur coat or diamonds for your anniversary is bad. Believe me, sooner or later this information will reach the ears of impious citizens, and you risk being left without a fur coat and without a computer.
  • Set an alarm. the most obvious and effective method protection - set an alarm. Of course, this is not a cheap pleasure, especially if we are talking about a real alarm connected to the guard post. If you cannot afford it, you can install a snag in the hallway: such an alarm will not cause a police squad, but it will scare away thieves with a loud noise and attract the attention of neighbors.
  • Make friends with your neighbors. By the way, about the neighbors. Get to know at least those who live with you on the same landing, and even better - with the residents of the upper and lower floors. When leaving on vacation, you can safely ask them to look after the apartment, and you will simply be calm, even just leaving for work. Remember that grandmothers have no equal in the matter of public safety, so use their vigilance to your advantage.
  • Reinforce windows and doors. Don't skimp on windows and doors. Ordinary plastic windows open even easier than wooden ones, so invest in good double-glazed windows and equip them with an external grille or special protective film if you live on the ground floor or next to the fire escape. There should be two doors: both iron or iron and wood. Moreover, the latter should not be internal, but external, so that a “pleasant surprise” awaits the thief who starts hacking. Do not be lazy and replace standard locks with more complex and reliable bolts. Ideally, if there is a lock on the inner door that opens and closes only from the inside without the help of a key.
  • Get a dog. Of course, this advice is only suitable for those who love animals and are ready to properly care for them. If you are ready to take responsibility for the dog, then this will also be an excellent protection against a thief. It is not necessary to buy a fighting or hunting breed - even a small poodle will make enough noise that the thief wonders if he should continue. Don't use an answering machine An answering machine is a very useful invention, except that it will let burglars know you're not at home. Turn it off during holidays and other long trips, or better yet, don't use it at all.
  • Make it harder for thieves to work. Even if thieves get into your apartment, there is a chance to save at least some of the property: do not store money and jewelry in easily accessible and obvious places, and even more so - together. An idea to note: jewelry can be stored not in a jewelry box, but wrapped in a yoga mat.

Reliable home protection: 6 key points

  • Set an alarm. The alarm is equally relevant for the apartment and for the house. If you live in a private house only in the summer, then you can turn on the alarm for the period when you are not there - it will be much cheaper.
  • Put up a dummy surveillance camera. And do it right. Let the camera look natural, and wires stretch from it to the house: this way the robbers will definitely doubt whether it is worth messing with your house. To be more convincing, find a model that will run on batteries or electricity and wink with a “red eye”
  • More light and noise. No thief wants to be seen, so they always act quietly and quickly, mostly under cover of night. Trees, walls, hedges and niches are their best friends, so you should turn light and noise into allies. Use outdoor lighting on the site, motion or heat sensors and loud sirens.
  • Use fake stickers.“Caution, angry dog!”, “Attention: video surveillance is underway”, “The house is under protection ...” and other stickers will become additional protection for your home, even if they do not contain a word of truth.
  • Create the appearance of presence. A suburban area can very easily give out a long absence of owners: an overgrown lawn, a riot of weeds in the garden, dry land in the flower beds. If you're away for a long time, pay the grandmother who lives across the street or ask your neighbors to occasionally water the beds, pull out the weeds, and mow the grass.
  • Buy a safe. If Vacation home- your only home, and for the period of departure you have nowhere to take expensive equipment, money and jewelry, this problem is solved by buying a safe. If possible, give the thieves extra difficulty and carefully hide the safe with valuables.
New Year's holidays, in addition to pleasant hassle, may add another kind of anxiety. Traditionally, the number of thefts and robberies increases during the Christmas season.

What can be done to scare thieves away from the apartment? What can be done to protect yourself at the minimum level? How to do it without significant expenses?

Here are some practical tips*:

First of all, this applies to rented apartments (apartments). Many residential complexes in the USA, they are traditionally limited to remote controlled gates and a pair of video cameras (CCD camera) at the entrance. This most often does not stop thieves and robbers:
- it is enough to wait for someone to enter the territory without a card
- it is enough to remove / cover up the numbers so that it is impossible to identify the car
- it is enough to put on a hoodie (hood) so that most security cameras (which often suffer from low image resolution and low light sensitivity) cannot capture the suspect
- a simple pick is enough to open most standard locks

*Tips are not universal for everyone, but may partially reduce the attractiveness of your apartment for thieves.

What we have:
1. rented apartment, in which it is not always possible to put an expensive alarm with wiring. In which it is impossible to make repairs, redevelopment, etc. An apartment from which you will sooner or later move. So, you plan to take all your belongings, including security equipment. This means that these funds should be inexpensive and easily removable.
2. Often unprofessional thieves and robbers. According to statistics, thieves try not to touch apartments in which the lights are on and which can be equipped with an alarm.
3. Restrictions of the apartment owner (apartment management), which may not allow the installation of devices outside (on the site, on the street).

Suitable solutions:

Fake sticker
Cost - 1-5 dollars
How it works: stick on the door. It scares off thieves, creating the illusion of a stationary alarm installed.

Fake security camera
Cost - 5-20 dollars
Operating principle: Install at the entrance, on the balcony, in the aisle. It scares off thieves, creating the illusion of a stationary alarm installed.

Door breakers
Cost - 3-8 dollars
How it works: Install on the door/window. When opened, a siren sounds.

Wireless alarm (Motion sensor, siren, remote control)
Cost - 15-40 dollars
Principle of operation: The motion sensor reacts to movement in the room, after which the siren turns on.

Motion sensor with signal (door chime)
Cost - 10-15 dollars
Principle of operation: The motion sensor reacts to movement (at the entrance, on the balcony), after which a signal is turned on (bell, etc.).

Solar powered motion sensor light
Cost - 20-50 dollars
Principle of operation: The motion sensor reacts to movement outside, after which the light turns on.

There is a smaller version of such lamps for indoors
Cost - 10-20 dollars
Principle of operation: The motion sensor reacts to movement in the room, after which the light turns on.

Pepper spray
Cost - 5-20 dollars
How it works: Liquid pepper briefly paralyzes the attacker. Keep at home, in your pocket, in your car.

Devices for turning on the light, creating the illusion of presence: light sensor, ligh timer
Cost - 5-20 dollars
Operating principle: By connecting the device to the lamp, the light can turn on at the programmed time, creating the illusion that someone is at home.

Who these options are for:
- For apartments
- For houses where there is no fixed alarm
- As an inexpensive security measure against thieves.

Hope the information is helpful. Happy and safe holidays everyone!

hpost in

Many hosts rarely visit summer cottages during the winter months. Harvest is harvested autumn work and insulation completed. Now is the time to take care of the safety of property from theft for 3 months. Simple but effective ways will help you protect your dacha.

According to statistics, theft in dachas occurs more often in winter than in other seasons. In the season, the sites are always crowded, but in the cold, on the contrary. Although they can climb into the house on a dark summer night. It all depends on what you have stored in the country and who knows about it. Even on the simplest site, thieves will be interested garden tools(for scrap, for sale in general), building materials. In inhabited houses, the list can expand due to electronics (both new and old, from which you can smelt copper or even gold parts), household and cutlery, bedding, dishes, valuable rare things (samovar, icon, etc.).

Attention! Most often, on any summer cottage and garden plot, thieves seek to get hold of the harvest. The beds are “cleaned up” with both ripe and unripe vegetables, berries and fruits.

Usually, dachas far from dwellings are visited by drinkers. The goal is to find something to sell in order to get money for alcohol and a snack. Thieves will not be deterred by the modesty and small size of the house. For the homeless, your cottage in the country can also become a place of temporary residence when it comes to winter.

There are practically no serious robbers in the practice of country thefts - the scale is not the same, therefore, there is no need to take ultramodern measures to protect the site. But the minimum economical ones are a must.

Advice. It is better to find out the features of the winter life of a dacha cooperative even before buying from future neighbors: how often dachas are opened and how they deal with it.

Basics of the safety of the suburban area

Dacha is the same private house. Therefore, to protect it, the same principles and techniques apply:

  1. Fence. Reliable is the first means of protecting your territory. It will become an obstacle to the penetration of many animals. Fence from edged board or chain-link mesh - a proven option. This, of course, is not 100% protection of the dacha from thieves, but it is quite acceptable. Especially if you pull a barbed spiral along the upper edge. A diameter of no more than 0.5 m is suitable. Such a fence can protect the cottage even during a long absence of the owners.
  2. Timeliness. Try to harvest on time, without delaying it.
  3. Good neighborly relations. In warm weather, neighbors in the area will be the first to sound the alarm if they see a stranger in your country house. It would be nice to meet and make friends with the inhabitants of nearby plots.
  4. Lock. The choice of locks for giving should be approached responsibly. If you use a hinged one, then it must be massive. Make sure that precipitation does not fall on it, otherwise you will not be able to open the room yourself in the spring.
  5. Horticultural associations. As a rule, summer residents are united in a common village. It already provides minimum protection measures for all sites:

Take care of a secure lock
  • the work of a watchman;
  • organization of voluntary duty at the dachas of members of the partnership;
  • the presence and integrity of the common fencing of the horticultural association.

Advice. Experts advise putting on the dacha mortise lock. A mounted analogue will immediately tell intruders that there is no one in the house.

The simplest ways to protect the cottage from thieves

Before considering security measures for your site, take advantage of folk experience. Recommendations of experienced summer residents, how to protect the cottage:

  • The higher the fence, the better. But, having penetrated the opaque fence, the thief will become invisible to the watchman or neighbors. Therefore, it is better to dwell on a chain-link or similar translucent option.
  • Strengthen front door but don't overdo it. Strong metal structure is not able to protect a house made of wood - an attacker can simply cut it out around the perimeter.
  • Window bars are very effective. The only condition is reliable doors. A thief won't climb through a window if he can get in through a traditional entrance.
  • Use shutters on windows. The conditions are the same as for lattices.
  • Use LEDs with relays. Hang some pulsating tiny red lights under the roof around the perimeter of the building. From a distance, they will pass for an alarm.
  • Print and stick in a prominent place a warning sign with the inscription: “Attention! The building is guarded by the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is unlikely that anyone will want to check the veracity of this statement.\
  • Make dummies of video cameras and stick a warning about video filming in the country. It is especially effective if the crafts are deliberately disguised. On the other hand, the desire to get a video camera can become an additional incentive for a particularly reckless lover of easy money.
  • In winter, do not be lazy to visit the dacha from time to time: trample paths, remove snow, etc. This way you will create the effect of the presence of people.
  • If we are talking about the warm season or heating is provided at your dacha, invite friends or acquaintances to live during your absence.

Attention! All tricks are appropriate only against those people who do not know you closely and do not know the real state of affairs in your country house.

How to protect the cottage with doors

Strengthen wooden door in a country house - it's not expensive and quite simple:

  • beat with tin or a sheet of steel;
  • put steel protection for the lock;
  • step up door frame metal corners.

For special strength, drill several holes (10 mm each) in the end of the box and drive metal pins into them. After strengthening, be sure to check the hinges. If they are too weak, a heavier door will lead to sagging and problems opening and closing.

Can be installed in country house And steel door. Do not buy a copy with artsy exterior trim- an economical option is suitable when it comes to protecting the cottage. Characteristics of the door and features of its installation:

  • steel sheet - thicker than 2 mm, so that the material does not succumb to a kitchen knife;
  • the door must open outward, otherwise it can be knocked out;
  • to be sure, fix the structure with a pair of complex diverse locking mechanisms.

Such a door is an excellent defense if all other parts of the house are impregnable. You can open it only with an autogen, and this is too noisy and bright. Still, the best way to protect the cottage is to be careful. Take valuables home, and calmly celebrate the New Year.

Fighting thieves in the country: video

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