Autumn work in flower beds with lilies. When to transplant lilies in the fall and in what month

Lilies are beautiful perennial flowers, but it is impossible to grow them in one place for a long time without a transplant.

Plants lose their attractiveness, flowering becomes scarce. When and how to transplant lilies depends on the variety of the flower.

Some hybrids require an annual transplant, while there are varieties that can be planted once every ten years. How to understand the needs of the plant? Everything is not so difficult!

Transplant dates for lilies in the fall

Often gardeners wonder when to transplant the bulb? There are two options - autumn and spring. Spring transplantation is more troublesome, in autumn it is easier to carry out the procedure, since the bulbs are at rest. Experienced gardeners prefer an autumn transplant of lilies.

When to carry it out? There is no definite answer here, it all depends on the weather conditions, the variety of lilies and the climatic zone of cultivation. The main thing that a gardener needs to learn is that the plant must have time to take root before the onset of frost.

If the bulbs are planted too early, they will begin to grow, and this will lead to death. Late planting of lilies also adversely affects the plant. Temperature is important environment, it should not exceed 10 degrees. With more high temperatures transplant should be postponed.

The timing of transplantation depends on the climatic zone of cultivation:

In the north, transplantation is carried out at the end of September or at the very beginning of October;

IN middle lane transplantation can be postponed until mid-October;

In the southern regions, you need to navigate by the weather. Lily transplantation is carried out throughout October. Under favorable conditions, you can postpone the procedure until early November.

Important! After transplanting, the bulbs need to be well covered. This will help them settle in well in their new place.

Basic rules for transplanting lilies in the fall

Lilies are one of the most beautiful flowers. With their help, exquisite flower beds are created, but growing lilies requires special knowledge. How to properly transplant lilies so that the plants do not experience stress?

We select a place for planting lilies

The plant is very demanding on the composition of the soil. For growing lilies, you need to select light, moisture-permeable soil. Heavy clay soils are not suitable for these flowers. Stagnation of water near the bulb has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant.

The area under the lilies should be moderately dry in order to melt water did not result in flooding. At the bottom of the holes are sure to make a good drainage layer. For this, it is good to use river sand.

Important! Flooding bulbs leads to root rot.

How to prepare the soil before planting

Lilies prefer nutritious soil. The bed is dug up in advance to a depth of at least 30 cm. If required, sand and peat are brought in for digging. If the earth is loose, then you can limit yourself to adding peat.

When growing Asian varieties and LA hybrids, the following fertilizers should be added to the soil:

Humus - 10 kg;

Potassium sulfate - 50 gr;

Superphosphate - 100 gr.

The amount of nutrients is calculated per 1 sq. m. beds.

When planting tubular hybrids, wood ash is added, at the rate of 250-500 grams per 1 sq. m.

Selection of planting material

How to transplant lilies in the fall? To begin with, the plant is carefully dug up, freed from the earth and dead roots, scales. Next, the bulbs are washed under running water.

The prepared material is sorted and disinfected. All damaged and diseased bulbs are selected, they are not used for further cultivation. Disinfection of bulbs is a very important event, which is carried out according to special requirements. For dressing planting material, use foundationol, karbofos or ordinary potassium permanganate. In the prepared solution, the bulbs are kept for at least 30 minutes.

After processing, the lily must be dried. It is better to do this in the shade so that the bulbs do not dry out. After a few days of airing, they start landing. If it is not possible to plant the bulbs, then they are stored in a barn for storage.

Important! For further cultivation, medium-sized bulbs are selected. Plants from small children will not bloom next season, so they are planted separately.

Planting pattern and planting depth of bulbs

The planting depth of the bulbs depends on several factors that must be considered when planting:

Bulb dimensions;

Soil composition;

Features of the variety.

Accurately determine the depth of planting the bulb will help its size and the height of the flower itself. The higher these indicators, the deeper the bulb is planted. Stem-root varieties of lilies are deepened by 25 cm. Medium-sized bulbs are planted to a depth of 12 cm.

Late flowering hybrids also need deep planting. With this method of cultivation, the temperature of the soil rises slowly in spring, the lilies start to grow later, the risk of freezing is reduced when spring frosts. Comfort temperature V summer period allows the bulb to ripen in time and lay a flower bud.

The bulb planting pattern looks like a “layer cake”. A drainage layer of river sand is laid at the bottom of the hole, on which the bulb is placed. Sand is poured over it again, and only after that nutrient soil. This method of planting will help to remove excess moisture from the bulb itself and the roots of the plant.

The distance between the holes in the garden is up to 25 cm. After planting, the beds should be well mulched. You can use sawdust, humus or peat. Mulch will help maintain the right level of soil moisture, and also serve as shelter in snowless winters.

1. How to plant lily bulbs in autumn if they have sprouts?

If planting material was purchased already with sprouts, then it is impossible to plant such bulbs in the fall. You need to wait until the sprout reaches 15-20 cm in height, then carefully remove it. After such a procedure, the bulb can be planted in a permanent place, but this must be done no later than the end of September.

2. How to transplant late flowering bulbs?

Autumn transplantation of medium and late lilies is carried out in mid-autumn. At the same time, at least 1.5 months must pass from the moment the flower arrow wilts to the digging of the bulbs. During this period, the bulb will fully recover, which will help it take root faster and endure the winter well.

3. When transplanting lilies, it is convenient to put signs with the name of the variety.

This will serve as a kind of marker, when digging the soil, the beds with lilies will remain intact.

4. It is convenient to dig up lily bulbs with a pitchfork, which reduces the risk of damage to the root system.

5. How often to transplant lilies?

Fast growing hybrids that form large nests need to be repotted once every three years. American varieties of the plant, which are distinguished by their slow growth, are grown in one place for up to 10 years.

6. How to propagate lilies?

It is very convenient to combine the transplantation of lilies with their reproduction. All varieties of lilies can be propagated by scales. After digging, the scales are separated from the bulb, washed with disinfectant solutions and planted on a separate bed. This method of reproduction is the simplest and brings good results.

The regal and graceful beauty of the lily - although perennial flower, but it will not be possible to grow it in the same place for decades, otherwise the flower bed will be too thickened, the flowers will appear smaller and smaller every year, and then the flowering may stop altogether.

Always want beautiful flowers on country flower bed there were as many as possible, since lilies in garden design allow you to create a wide variety of compositions. Alpine slides, Mediterranean rockeries, Japanese dry streams - everywhere there is a use for this delicate and sophisticated flower.

Lily classification

The international classification distinguishes several main groups of these colors:
hybrid varieties

I - Asian hybrids;
II - curly hybrids (martagon), candidum (snow-white) and American lilies;
III - long-flowered hybrids (longiflorum);
IV - tubular (Orleans hybrids);
V - eastern (oriental) hybrids;
VI - interspecific hybrids;
LO - longiflorum-oriental hybrids;
OA - Oriental Asian;
VII - wild and species lilies.

For normal lily cultivation, a transplant is required approximately every three or four years. Some varieties can be replanted less frequently, once every ten years (American hybrids and martagon), but it is advisable to replant Tubular and Asian hybrids at all annually, since their bulbs grow strongly.
Three years is the maximum period during which lilies
can grow normally in one place.

We figured out the need for a lily transplant, now we need to decide what time of the year is best to carry out this work.
Can lilies be transplanted in the fall, or will the plants tolerate a spring transplant better?
Much depends on what varieties of lilies are planted in your flower garden, as well as on the climatic conditions in your area.


For most flower growers, the most preferred is to transplant lilies in the fall, while the flower bulbs are at rest.
Lilies with medium flowering times can be transplanted in September, waiting about a month after all the flowers have faded.
During this time, the lily bulbs will have time to prepare for the winter and get stronger.

When to transplant lilies if they bloom late enough?
A month and a half after the end of flowering, colds set in, and the transplanted lilies may simply not take root. When the soil temperature is below zero, transplanting lilies can lead to hypothermia of the bulbs and stunted root growth.
If autumn frosts start early enough in your area, it is better to postpone the transplantation of these varieties of lilies in the spring.

In central Russia, the autumn transplantation of lilies is carried out in August or September, when the inflorescences have already faded, underground shoots have accumulated nutrient reserves, and several bulbs have formed at once in place of one bulb.
Can lilies be transplanted in autumn to more late dates, but remember that the colder the autumn weather is, the more thoroughly you will have to take care of sheltering lilies for the winter.
In addition, a belated transplant will lead to the fact that the appearance of flower stalks for the next year will be delayed.


If you decide to choose spring time lily transplants, you will need to take care of preserving the bulbs dug out in the fall throughout the winter. So that the planting material lies well in the winter and in the spring is suitable for planting in open ground, dig up lilies in October so that they properly accumulate nutrients.
Shake off the roots of the bulbs from the ground, put them in plastic bag with holes for ventilation, laying layers with wet sawdust. You can store the bag of lilies in the refrigerator.
In the spring, plant the bulbs in the soil well warmed by the sun, mixing it with sand and rotted leaves.

Unlike most types of lilies, a transplant of a snow-white lily (candidum) occurs in the summer. This kind of lily has a special vegetative cycle - it has a dormant period in July-August, in such a short period you need to have time to transplant the plant.
By September, a new rosette will begin to form at the snow-white lily. Candidum does not need frequent transplantation: once every five years - this is the most optimal interval when lilies of this species can be transplanted.

Even more interesting is the situation with Asian hybrids, since the timing of transplanting lilies is not limited. You can safely transplant Asiatic group lilies even when they are in bloom during the summer.

The main thing is not to damage the roots of the lily when digging, and after planting in a new place, water the plant abundantly. It is better to cut off the buds and flowers, then the bulb will take root well and next year the lily will delight you with large flowers.


So, you have chosen the most suitable time when it is better to transplant lilies, now you can proceed directly to the transplant process itself:

cut the stems of lilies close to the surface of the earth;
carefully dig the bulb, being careful not to damage the roots;
remove all dead and dried scales from the bulb;
carefully divide the onion with a knife into smaller onions, if it has not decayed by itself;
hold the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or karbofos for about half an hour;
dig in a suitable place the desired depth of the hole for the bulbs (taking into account the roots, increase the depth by another 10 cm);
pour some sand into the hole and plant a lily bulb, sprinkling sand on its roots;
top with earth, mulch with sawdust or peat.
! Lilies prefer sandy or loamy soil, in addition, the soil must be “airy” and freely permeable to moisture, for which it must be loosened regularly. Never use fresh manure for lilies! With its presence in the soil, the bulbs are almost always affected by gray lily rot. Planting depth is also very important for the health of the plant - it must be large enough. The norm is considered to be 4-5 sizes of the height of the bulb itself.

Keep in mind that lily bulbs planted in spring will noticeably overtake bulbs planted in autumn and stored all winter in frozen ground. Therefore, it is worth considering well when to plant lilies: in the fall before frost or in the spring, when the earth warms up. Of course, taking into account the characteristics of the varieties of lilies growing in your flower garden.

When to transplant lilies depends on the variety of flowers and the conditions in which they grow. This ornamental culture has beautiful buds and a heady aroma. It is difficult to confuse it with any other. If there are lilies on the site, then their sweet smell will spread throughout the territory.

An amazing plant has dozens of species that differ not only in color and shape of flowers, but also in care requirements. One variety decorative culture can grow for 10 years without a change of place, the other after 3 years will need to be prepared for transplantation.

Bulbous plants, after being transferred to another soil, rejuvenate, become stronger and begin to bloom magnificently again. But this only happens if all the requirements have been met. Therefore, the question of when it is possible to transplant lilies sooner or later confronts all lovers of this culture. There is no single answer to it. It all depends on the type of plant, its condition, climatic conditions and the needs of the owner of the site.

Some choose to work on the transfer of bushes to a new location spring period. However, this is a very laborious procedure that requires careful preparation. In addition, transplanting lilies in the spring almost always delays flowering indefinitely.

Sometimes it takes a whole year for the plant to recover and enter a new phase of development after changing the usual flower bed. Therefore, many call autumn the ideal period when it is better to transplant lilies.

Some varieties of ornamental culture, in case of urgent need, can be transferred even in summer. It is enough just to carefully dig out the bulbous nest, leaving a large clod of earth on the roots, and feed the soil well in a new place. But it is difficult to say whether it is possible to guarantee the full development of flowers after such an intervention in the midst of the growing season.

It is better to choose a more suitable moment when it will be possible to dig up lilies with minimal harm to them. The ideal period is the state of dormancy into which the plant falls after the end of flowering. It is at this time that each excavated specimen will be most resistant to weather changes, soil composition and the effects of various infections.

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    Transplanting lilies in autumn

    At the end of summer, most plants gradually enter the dormant stage, slowly preparing for winter. This is especially true for those species that reproduce by bulbs. Lilies are among them. These flowers shed their bright petals towards mid-September. Therefore, it is the 9th month of the year that is considered the best time to transfer a perennial to a new place.

    The main secret of how to transplant lilies in the fall is exact definition terms of work in the garden. Climatic conditions in various regions of Russia dictate their own rules:

    1. 1 In the northern regions, where autumn comes quickly, you need to have time to complete the transplant strictly before mid-September.
    2. 2 In the middle lane, the first frosts are usually expected in mid-October, so plants can be transferred from one site to another until the 1st day of the 10th month.
    3. 3 In the south of the country, where autumn is characterized by warm and dry weather, the timing garden work usually increase, flowers can be transplanted until November.

    It is necessary to transplant a lily approximately 20-30 days before the onset of frost. This is due to the fact that plants need a certain time to take root in the new soil. If this does not happen, the bulbs will freeze and the culture will die.

    Site selection

    Before transplanting lilies, care should be taken to ensure that the soil meets the needs of the plant. The future flower bed is prepared in advance. Lilies grow best on lands with a neutral reaction. The soil should not be allowed to contain a large amount of limestone or be too acidic.

    Stagnation of moisture is harmful for bulbous flowers. Therefore, if the clay type of soil prevails on the site, it must be structured with coarse river sand and wood ash. They increase the drainage properties of the soil. Moisture and air circulate freely and prevent stagnation of fluid at the roots, which can lead to rotting of the bulbs and the formation of mold on them.

    It is not necessary to break flower beds in a lowland, as well as in places that are poorly lit by sunlight in the spring. The earth must warm up quickly so that the plants can sprout new shoots. Lilies are grown in areas protected from strong winds. Drafts can destroy a decorative culture.

    When transplanting these flowers, you need to take care that in the chosen place within 3 recent years there were no other bulbous plants. They can leave behind in the soil pathogens to which the lily is sensitive.

    Digging and fertilizing the soil

    A couple of weeks before transplanting flowers, the ground in the flower bed needs to be dug up. The plowing depth should be at least 40 cm. Lilies have a very powerful root system, the average length of which is about 20 cm. The bulbs are planted at the same distance from the soil surface.

    Along with digging, it is customary to fertilize the site. Since the flowers quickly form a large bulbous nest, they require a large amount of nutrients to maintain normal development. The soil must be fertile, because the plants will have to stay in one place from 3 to 5 years. Some varieties remain in the flower garden for a whole decade. Therefore, both organic and inorganic fertilizers are used to feed the land.

    During digging on the site, it is necessary to distribute 10 kg of high-quality humus. This best source natural substances for lilies. The use of organics is combined with the use of artificial mineral mixtures. Do not apply in autumn nitrogen fertilizers. It is better to limit yourself to phosphorus and potassium.

    Inorganic substances are processed throughout the winter, gradually filling the plant with the minerals necessary for growth and development. Phosphorus nourishes the roots, makes them stronger. He is also involved in the formation of complex sugars necessary to maintain the life of the flower.

    Potassium increases defensive forces cultures and improves metabolic processes. Receiving a sufficient amount of this element, the plant becomes more resistant to adverse conditions. weather conditions and various diseases.

    The consumption of mineral mixtures per 1 m² of land area is not very large:

    • 50 g of potassium sulfate;
    • 100 g of superphosphate.

    In heavy clay soils, it is necessary to add up to 10 kg of sand, and in soil with a high level of acidity - 250-300 g of wood ash or lime, you can use ordinary chalk, crushed into powder.

    Plant processing

    It is possible to transfer lilies to a new place only after they have completely faded. Planting material must be treated in a special way before transplanting. First, cut off the stem of each plant. Then the bush is carefully dug out along with a clod of earth, trying not to damage the roots and bulbs.

    The soil from the bulbous nest is shaken off by hand, after which the culture is washed. If the lily has grown too much, the small heads are carefully separated. They will serve as planting material for young plants.

    Adult bulbs are washed under running water and slightly dried in a warm, dry place. Leaving the culture near heaters or in direct sunlight is not recommended, as the roots may dry out.

    Then the planting material is once again inspected and sorted out. Dry scales and damaged roots should be removed. After sorting, disinfection is carried out. Plant heads are immersed in a solution of karbofos for 20 minutes. To prepare it, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. active ingredient in 10 liters of warm water.

    2% liquid foundationol is suitable for disinfection. If such compounds are not at hand, you can use ordinary potassium permanganate. Dissolve 5 g of potassium permanganate in a bucket of water and soak the lily bulbs in this solution for half an hour.

    After the planting material dries, the roots of the lily heads are cut off, leaving 5 cm on each specimen. When all preparatory procedures completed, the plant can be transplanted.

    Choosing a new location

    The transfer of flowers to another area should be carried out in dry and warm weather. In a pre-dug hole, you need to pour coarse river sand, after washing it. It will provide the drainage needed for the plant. On sand cushion put the onion and straighten the roots. Then the head of the lily is covered with sand. Only after that landing pit completely covered with earth. The soil is recommended to be well watered and lightly compacted. The transplanted lilies are then mulched.

    The layer of shelter should be at least 4-5 cm. Sawdust or peat are used as mulch; straw or last year's leaves that have fallen from trees can be found in flowerbeds less often.

    The depth of planting lilies depends on the type of plant. For those specimens that have a developed root system, 12 cm is enough. But there are specific varieties of lilies that require a deeper incorporation of planting material into the soil. These are the so-called stem-root types of flowers. The planting depth for them is at least 25 cm.

    If the rules for autumn lily transplantation are followed, in the spring after the snow melts, the plant will quickly sprout new shoots and begin to develop actively. Transfer to another flower bed should not affect the flowering of ornamental culture. In the chosen place, the lily will delight the eye with its bright petals and intoxicate with a tart aroma for about 5 years.

    Change of flower bed for lilies in spring

    Varieties of plants that are characterized by late flowering are transplanted in the spring. This rule also applies to those regions where the summer is short and cold. To move the lilies to a new place in the spring, preparations must begin in the middle of autumn.

    After the plants have faded, they are dug up. The bulbs are separated from the stem and sorted out. Sorting involves a thorough inspection of the planting material. All diseased or damaged heads are discarded. Leave only whole, solid and healthy specimens.

    They are washed with water. Then dry and put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. The hardening procedure helps plants become stronger and gain immunity to diseases. For the same purpose, disinfection is carried out in a diluted available antiseptic. The easiest option is a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The bulbs are soaked in it for 30 minutes and dried thoroughly.

    Then the planting material is placed in a bag with wet sawdust and put back in the refrigerator until spring. Do not forget that small holes should be made in the cellophane for air circulation.

    After the snow melts, you need to prepare a flower bed. The soil is dug up by 30-40 cm, humus or compost is added to it. organic matter mixed with complex mineral additives containing the main elements involved in the development of shoots and flowers. These components are phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

    Spring Planting Technology

    If lilies are transplanted in the spring, then do not rush. We need to wait until the weather is consistently warm. IN different regions countries, the period for gardening is determined individually, depending on climatic conditions.

    The optimal time for transplanting lilies in the spring in most of Russia is no earlier than the beginning or middle of April. The algorithm of actions differs little from what needs to be done in the fall. Sand is poured into the prepared planting pit, then the bulbs are placed, covered with water and thoroughly watered. It is not necessary to mulch the flower bed, as the plants have enough heat.

    Lilies can bloom after a spring transplant with a slight delay. Sometimes the first buds appear only after a year.

    Now they have become a favorite flower of gardeners. The most ancient bulbous plants. For hundreds of years, they have been a symbol of tenderness and purity.

    The beauty and appearance of the lily depends on the bulb, which has a short stem and many scales adjacent to each other. They are laid useful material that affect plant growth and development relocation to a new place.

    The scales of the bulbs differ in shape, size, location. Each species has a bulb of a certain size. The diameter can range from a few millimeters to 10 cm. The same applies to scales, the number of which can be from 8-30 to 120 pieces. Each healthy scale is a full-fledged bulb in the future.

    The color depends on the variety and type - white to dark purple- and what structure (stolon, pseudo-stolon, concentric, rhizome). To determine the variety of lilies, you need to focus on the description external signs: flower size, color, shape.

    Popular varieties:








    Amateur gardeners often do not distinguish between lilies and daylilies, but there are differences:

    1. Lilies are more demanding in care, daylilies are resilient and unpretentious.
    2. Lilies are propagated by bulbs, daylilies - by dividing the bush.
    3. Daylilies have a more developed root system than lilies.
    4. Both flowers belong to the same class - Monocots, but different families. Lily of the Liliaceae family, daylily - Xantorreevs.

    Externally, both plants look the same. To determine which species grows on the site, be guided by the differences described above or consult with specialists in flower shops.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the water lily, or water lily. It belongs to the Kuvshinkov family and outwardly differs from the garden lily. The rules for transplantation and care are also different.

    When is the best time to transplant?

    You can transplant a plant from spring to autumn inclusive, if all the necessary rules are observed:

    Most varieties of lilies are cold-resistant plants, but it is advisable to stick to optimum temperature and do not transplant the plant until the frost period has passed, and the temperature does not fall below + 7 ° C.

    Features of caring for lilies , Ural, Siberia do not differ from care in other regions with a warm climate. This allows you to successfully grow flowers in these regions. Mostly Asian and tubular hybrids are grown here.

    There is one caveat: better cover the bulbs planted for the winter with a thick layer (more than 7 cm) of humus, fallen leaves. If transplant selected oriental lilies for the winter, then additionally cover with agrofiber, film. But curly lilies are not afraid of snow, frost and can do without shelter.

    Transplant in the spring

    1. For spring transplants, bulbs are harvested in the fall. It is very important to dig them out in the fall and provide normal storage conditions. It is better if the storage temperature does not rise above +3°C. The best time for digging is October - so the bulbs can get stronger after flowering and gain the required amount of nutrients.
    2. After winter, the bulbs should be transplanted only in well-heated soil. It is better to dig the soil, fertilizing it with rotted leaves and sand. Landing is carried out depending on the climate and the duration of winter.
    3. Average transplantation in the spring is carried out in April. In May (at the end of the month) or at the beginning of July, this should not be done, there are chances that the plant will be weak.

    Summer transplant

    Summer is not best time for a transplant. It is necessary to transplant with great care so as not to damage the roots of a flowering plant.

    Asian hybrids that can be transplanted at any time of the year will best tolerate a transplant in the summer. Snow-white lilies, which are at rest from July to August, are also ideal for this.

    Transplant in autumn

    Most gardeners choose this period. It is considered the most favorable - the plant has stopped growing and is at rest.

    Rules for the autumn transplant:

    1. Bulbs with an average flowering period, it is better to transplant in late September, early October, at least a month after the last flowers wither. This time is enough for the bulbs to get stronger before transplanting.
    2. Autumn transplant bulbous hybrids depends on temperature regime. They bloom late and transplant dates have to be moved closer to winter.
    3. If frosts are early, then transplant better in spring. Gardeners do not advise planting later than October.
    4. Transplanting lilies into different time depending on the variety. Depends on when the flower fades - you can transplant a month after the buds wither.
    5. The closer the transplant to the cold, the more likely it is to get a weak plant with small flowers in the spring.
    6. If planted at or below 0°C, this will provoke a stunting of the roots or hypothermia of the bulb.

    Choice of landing site

    Features of transplanting lilies:

    • All varieties of lilies are best planted in areas where there is maximum access. sun rays. Shady places are not the most favorable for normal growth and flowering.
    • When transplanting lilies from an old place to a new one, pay attention to the fertility of the soil. The beauty and luxury of flowers depends on it. Heavy loams are not suitable for lilies. They provoke moisture stagnation.
    • You need to dig them out with care, without damaging the bulbs, especially young ones. It is they who will give healthy "offspring".

    In order to prevent thickening of the flower bed, deterioration in the quality of flowers, transplantation should be done at least once every 2-3 years. If this moment is missed, the lilies will stop blooming. The frequency of transplantation depends on the activity of the growth of the bulbs.

    How to grow more crops?

    It is pleasant for any gardener and summer resident to get a big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

    Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

    It has the following properties:

    • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
    • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
    • Absolutely safe

    Preparing lilies for transplanting outdoors

    These tips will help prepare the flower for transplanting:

    • Before removing the bulb from the soil carefully trim the leaves and stems. Pruned not earlier than a month after the end of flowering, not with a knife, but with garden shears.
    • To dig and not damage the bulb, use a garden pitchfork. So less likely to damage it.
    • After removing the bulb from the ground, it must be examined. Rinse healthy bulbs under running water room temperature, process in a solution of potassium permanganate, putting them there for 15-20 minutes. They should dry well, but you should not put them in the open sun.
    • Many amateur flower growers are wondering: "Do I need to trim the roots before planting?" This procedure should be done, shortening them by 7-9 cm.
    • To make the lilies grow fast and gave the desired result, we must not forget about fertilizers before planting. In the amount of fertilizer, you need to find a "golden mean", since busting will provoke an imbalance in development between parts of the plant.

    If the bulb has at least one scratch, it is not used as planting material.

    Lilies of the same year of flowering have a different root system. The scales on such bulbs die off annually, and during the onset growing season new shells are laid in old shells. These tubers do not require an annual transplant. Most hybrid lilies are perennial flowers.

    When transplanting a lily that has been growing for several years, the bush is divided. This type of reproduction is considered the simplest. Division is necessary to prevent the flowers from shrinking.

    After planting the divided bulbs, flowering will occur the following year. Lilies are also propagated by seeds. With this method, flowering will occur no earlier than 5-6 years after planting.

    How to transplant lilies?

    When transplanting lily bulbs, take into account the variety and climatic conditions are properly prepared for the landing process.

    Rules for planting lilies:

    Post transplant care

    Watering and lighting

    • Like any plant, lily requires watering immediately after planting.. These should grow in moderate wet ground, avoiding constant stagnation of water, which is detrimental to them. Watering is carried out as the soil dries out. You need to water the root of the plant and the aisle. A lot of moisture is required in the summer. Watering stops in autumn.
    • Lighting is one of the important factors, which is taken into account when choosing a landing site. All varieties of lilies need a minimum of 4-6 hours of sunlight.


    A procedure is required so that the plant retains its decorative effect longer.

    Be sure to remove wilted flowers. This will help save energy for the tying of new buds. The same applies to dried leaves and stems.

    After all the flowers have faded and a transplant is required, the plant is cut off almost at the root.

    Mulching and fertilizing

    Not only will it save the plant from weeds and keep moisture in the ground longer, but it will also regulate the acidity of the soil. Peat, straw, leaf, coniferous sawdust are used as mulching.

    1. Twice in the spring- break between them at least 2 weeks. Use calcium nitrate.
    2. In summer during active flowering and budding are fed with mineral fertilizers.
    3. After the lily has bloomed- 1 time to apply potash or phosphorus top dressing. To compensate for the lack of boron and zinc by spraying during the setting of buds.

    Features of a lily transplant at home

    No less popular are indoor lilies. They require a lot of sunlight, more resistant to diseases than street ones.

    The lack of aroma during flowering is fully compensated by the number of colors and violent flowering. For landing house lily use a special substrate. When choosing a pot, you need to consider the distance between the bulb and the walls of the container is at least 3 cm.


    In order for lilies to become the main decoration of any garden, and their flowering to please the whole season, you need to choose the right varieties and follow the instructions for planting and care. Growing quality bulbs many varieties, you can not only ennoble your flower garden, but also make good money.

    There is no single answer to this question, as it depends on the area in which you live and on the type of plant that you grow in your garden. But still, let's look into this issue.

    Although lilies are perennials, they still require periodic transplantation. Carrying out this procedure allows you to assess the health of the bulb, separate daughter plants from it, which can interfere with full growth and flowering, and also update root system. The growth rate of the bush, respectively, and the frequency of repetition of work depend on the cultivated variety.

    How and when to transplant lilies? Basic transplant rules

    1. The plant should be at rest. This time comes most often after the end of flowering or in the spring before growth begins.
    2. Before you dig the bulb, you need to cut the stems almost to the root.
    3. Not only children, but also affected scales are removed from the mother bulb. After that, they are placed for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    4. All roots need to be cut, while leaving about fifteen centimeters and not drying after soaking. They are immediately planted in a new place.

    How to store flowers if you are not going to transplant lilies after digging them up?

    In the event that you are not going to plant the bulbs right away, they should be placed in bags with holes filled with wet sawdust and peat or moss. Planting depth is determined by the variety to which the flower belongs. The larger the plant itself and the higher it is, the deeper it is planted. For example, tall lilies are deepened by fifteen to twenty centimeters, and ten to twelve will be enough for low ones. In order not to be mistaken, one rule can be remembered - the depth should be approximately three times the diameter of the hole. The soil itself also affects the level of planting. For light soil, it is greater than for heavy soil. The hole is dug a little deeper than it should be, sand is poured to the bottom, the bulb is placed and covered with earth.

    When can lilies be transplanted?

    Most varieties can be planted in September or August when autumn is just beginning. Many amateur flower growers are interested in the question: "Is it possible to transplant lilies in the spring?" Of course, if your varieties are oriental and tubular hybrids, which are best planted in a new place at this time of the year, since the threat of frost is great in autumn. When transplanting late, be sure to take care of sheltering lilies from frost, and this can also delay flowering next year.

    How and when to transplant white lilies?

    They are more often represented by the Candidum variety, and the period of their "resettlement" falls on July and August. Change of place should be made no more than once every five years. Asian hybrids are universal, because they can be transplanted at any time and even during flowering. There are varieties that are not at all demanding to change places. They can be transplanted once every ten years. These include Martagon and American varieties. Hopefully you have figured out when to repot lilies and our recommendations will help you properly plant your favorite flowers on the site.

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