Master class with step by step photos. Christmas decorations from cold porcelain. New Year's angel. Master class with step-by-step photos DIY cold porcelain angel

Sculptures and garden figures have been very popular in recent years landscape design. Now it is rare to find a garden in which there is not a single garden figurine. After all, thanks to them, the garden is transformed and becomes brighter and more interesting. But not always, and not everyone has the opportunity to acquire garden figurines because they don't cost much. That is why our craftsmen create them with their own hands from improvised materials. We have already collected a lot of author's master classes on making various garden figurines on our website, from the simplest to the more complex. So today we will look at a very interesting master class for making an angel with your own hands. The author of this master class is Natalia Chusovitina.
Even in the old days, they used and created figures of angels for the garden, and also decorated their home with them. Only very rich and wealthy gentlemen could afford such figures. Now, if desired, anyone can buy or make any garden figurines with their own hands.
A cute angel with funny curls, chubby cheeks, kind eyes and beautiful wings will guard and protect your garden. Probably many of you would like to have a garden angel figurine in your garden, now your dream has come true, we can make an angel with your own hands in your garden.
Angels have always amazed people with their bright and calm appearance, and looking at them is impossible not to feel tenderness. Angels have always borrowed from man special place, because the Lord created them for man, so that they would protect and keep him. Often in souvenir shops you can see various figurines in the form of angels, which means that they are in demand among people. Of course, you need to understand that the figurine will not save us from troubles, this is just the work of a person !!! But for beauty, you can also purchase or make a cute angel yourself. Angels are always created in white, which is why they are often made of marble. Also made of glass, cement, gypsum, etc. Our angel will be created from papier-mâché and cement mortar.

To make an angel you will need:
* Plastic bottle.
* Wire.
* Newspapers.
* Scotch.
* PVA glue.
* Self-tapping screws.

How to make an angel:
First we need to create a framework. We make it from improvised materials. Natalia used a plastic bottle to make the body. We fill it with various unnecessary segments. Then we create a ball from newspapers and fix it with adhesive tape so that it does not fall apart. We fasten it to plastic bottle. We take the wire and make legs and arms out of it and also fix everything on the bottles. Wings can also be made from any available materials and attach to the frame. Everything, approximately the frame we have made.

Now we need a lot of newspapers. We crush the newspapers and wrap the body of the angel, thus giving volume to our figure. We fix everything with tape. In conclusion, when the frame is almost ready, we papier-mâché technique with pieces of newspapers on the paste - we sculpt layer by layer, the more the better, continuing to create volume in several passes. Everything, when you see that enough, we remove our figure to dry.

When our workpiece is completely dry, we begin to screw the screws over the entire surface, directly into the paper base.

We take thick, dense threads and begin to braid along the screws, this is necessary in order for the cement to better adhere to the frame.

Now we do cement mortar, approximate ratio 1:3 (1 part of cement and 3 parts of sand). We also need to make a mass of papier-mâché, but in terms of volume it should be less than cement. Ready mixes put together and mix well.

To make the solution more plastic, a plasticizer must be added to it. Natalya used "Ferry - for washing dishes", you can take any product. We coat our angel completely with these compositions. If suddenly something doesn’t work out very well, don’t be afraid to fix it before everything is frozen. We fashion the eyes, mouth and nose.

Similarly, apply to the base of the wings. Apply a thin layer so that you do not get heavy and huge. We take stacks or something else and use them to draw a pattern on the wings. Stacks are often found in children's plasticine. When the wings are done, you need to dry them a little.

When the wings are dry, try them on and fix them in right place self-tapping screws, and only then we apply a mass of papier-mâché and cement on top.

Everything, the angel is ready with his own hands. When it dries well, coat it finishing putty, and then with a primer, only then we paint in gray black.

When the paint dries, paint again but this time in white.

Let's make a wreath of roses for our angel. Natalya made a wreath from cold porcelain. At the base of the wreath there is a thick wire, if you have a thin one, then we bend it in half. This is necessary to keep the wreath better. We sculpt roses from porcelain and glue them on the wire with polymer glue (for ceiling tiles). We paint acrylic paints and cover with several layers of universal varnish.

Also, Natalia made a ball of cement, on which she put our angel. After all, an angel definitely needs some kind of stand or pedestal. The ball is made of two halves, for this we use a 7 liter cauldron.

We close our cauldron with a film and apply the first layer of cement mortar. Then you can put mosquito net or use thin metal mesh. Wet the mesh in liquid solution cement and put on a cauldron. Then once again we will coat with a solution of cement.

The thickness of the walls of the ball at Natalia is about 5 cm.

We connect the two halves together and get a ball.

We also need to decorate it. You can use unnecessary CDs. We cut the discs into pieces of the desired shape and size and glue them onto the ball.

We sit the finished angel on the ball and install it in the right place. Everything, the angel is ready with his own hands. Such garden figurines in the form of an angel will become an incomparable decoration of your garden and will attract all your acquaintances and friends.

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Master class with a step-by-step photo "Angel" using the technique of modeling from cold porcelain based on soda.

Borzakova Valeriya
Teacher: Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher additional education MBU DO DDIU Millerovo

The master class is intended for everyone who wants to master the technique of working with cold porcelain, as well as learn how to cook porcelain based on soda.
Purpose: souvenir, birthday present.
Target: mold the composition "Angel" from cold porcelain based on soda.
Educational: master the technique of cooking cold porcelain. Features of working with porcelain;
Developing: develop accuracy in working with porcelain;
Educational: stimulate the desire to give gifts made by oneself.
Required material:

Potato starch (required) top grade), baking soda, water, paper napkin, stack, ballpoint pen without paste, brush, PVA glue, silicone mold "child", rolling pin, cutting "Flower", "Leaf", cutting for dough "circle" diameter 6 cm, glitter for nails.
Cold porcelain recipe.
1. Pour 100 g of soda + 50 grams of starch + 75 ml into a small saucepan cold water.
2. Stir until smooth. (the mixture will turn out similar to sour cream).

3. Put the saucepan on medium heat and stir continuously. After about a minute, you will see small bubbles. It was soda hiss. We continue to interfere.
4. The mixture begins to thicken and becomes like thick jelly. A lump forms, but we continue to interfere.
5. As soon as the mixture becomes like mashed potatoes, lags behind the walls of the saucepan, immediately remove from the stove. It took no more than two minutes to cook porcelain. Try not to overexpose on fire, do not overdry. It is very important.
6. Quickly put the already cooked porcelain on the table with a spoon, let it cool for one minute.
7. As soon as the porcelain has cooled down a bit and you can already pick it up, knead it for 1-2 minutes. Porcelain will become very soft, plastic, pleasant to the touch and does not stick to your hands.
8. Everything. The porcelain is ready. Put it in a plastic bag until it cools completely. According to this recipe, cold porcelain is enough for three angels. As soon as the porcelain has cooled down, you can start sculpting.

Take a lump of porcelain the size of a small egg. Roll it out with a rolling pin 4-5 mm thick. Cut out the circle with a punch. (Before rolling porcelain, dust the table with starch, and porcelain will not stick to the table. Just do not overdo it with starch, porcelain is easy to dry out, and he is very afraid of this)

Transfer the cut circle to a napkin using a stack. Porcelain is very delicate and any scratch or dent becomes very visible as the porcelain dries. ballpoint pen push the pattern along the edge of the circle.

silicone mold dust with starch. Fill it tightly with porcelain. Remove excess china.

Gently squeeze the baby figurine onto a napkin.

Lubricate the previously cut porcelain circle in the center with PVA glue. Using a stack, carefully transfer the baby figure to the center of the circle and press lightly. After drying, the baby will hold firmly.

Dust the table lightly with starch. Roll out a small lump of porcelain 2-3 mm thick and cut out the wings of an angel by cutting out a “leaf”.

Cut the edges of the leaves with a stack to make wings.

Lubricate the back of the angel with PVA glue and glue the wings.

Roll out a thin, small flagellum from porcelain and glue the rim of the angel with glue.

Cut out the flower by cutting and glue it on the rim with glue. It is important that all elements of the composition are well lubricated with PVA glue. If the glue didn’t get somewhere, the element will fall off after drying. Composition - Angel is ready. You need to dry the angel in a dry, warm place. The higher the temperature in the room, the faster the composition will dry. On average, drying takes 2-3 days.
After drying, paint the angel with paints. Any paints, the main thing is not to wet the composition with water. The final stage is to cover the angel with glossy varnish and decorate with dry gloss.

And more options:

I wish you creative success.

I would like to offer modeling lovers to take a course on modeling a baby from cold porcelain. The video master class below is not in Russian, but everything is clear even without knowledge of Portuguese. Cold porcelain traditionally made from corn starch, which is sometimes not so easy to get, it is not sold in all stores, most often you have to order it via the Internet. Mass for modeling can also be prepared from potato starch, more affordable food product. This recipe for making cold porcelain is not suitable for sculpting flowers !!! (not suitable for flowers), namely, to create figurines, a baby, as in our case.

The recipe for making cold porcelain from cornstarch and the method of coloring the mass for modeling, see here:.

I want to note that a baby can also be sculpted from plastic, from sugar mastic for a cake, from polymer clay or from salt dough - depending on what exactly you have at hand and what you like to sculpt most of all.

Video master class on modeling a baby

The recipe for making cold porcelain from potato starch from Olya Sokolova


  • starch - 1 glass;
  • PVA glue - 1 glass;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon;
  • glycerin and petroleum jelly, one tablespoon each (flavoring - vanillin).

Let's get started. Dilute citric acid in a glass with a small amount of water. Pour starch with water, mix thoroughly. Add more starch to such an extent that the mixture remains liquid. Add a pinch of vanilla and citric acid. Pour glue into a bowl and add glycerin.

Add vaseline oil to the mass, then citric acid. Mix the mass until smooth. Add starch water and mix. The mass should get a creamy consistency.

We put it in the microwave, after 15 seconds we take it out and mix. So several times. Gradually, lumps should appear, the mass should thicken greatly.

We put a film on the table and grease it with a nourishing hand cream, dump the lump out of the bowl and knead. You should get an elastic lump, very pleasant to the touch. Everything, you can sculpt a baby)

DIY Christmas gift

Very soon the so-called "Christmas spirit" will be in the air. Let's start fussing, decorating houses with bright toys and lights, running around in search of gifts...! But why look for something, because best gift- This handmade Christmas present). You can make a themed souvenir that will remind you of a magical holiday all year round and give good mood.
In this lesson we will learn how to sculpt cold porcelain angel.

Tools for work:

  • Cold porcelain:
  • a tool with a curved tip;
  • stationery knife;
  • a set of paints (I have oil);
  • gypsy needle;
  • brushes.

Cold porcelain angel. Master Class

Making the head of an angel from cold porcelain. We separate the desired piece from the main mass and tint it with pink paint. Add it gradually so that the color is not too bright and looks natural.

After the mass is thoroughly mixed and the paint is evenly distributed, roll the ball. On one side in the center, make a small indentation with your index finger.

Let's start shaping the face. Here it will resemble a person's face when polyurethane foam molding is used.

With a tool with a curved tip, make a recess for the eyes, select the nose, chin and cheeks. We follow the arrows in the photo.
We make nostrils with a gypsy needle. And with the tip of the tool - the mouth and form the lips.

Let's move on to modeling the clothes of an angel. Let's start with the skirt. Add white paint to porcelain, knead. Roll out the sheet and cut out a rectangle. Don't worry if it doesn't line up perfectly.

Now we need to fix the skirt on something and leave to dry. I used for this hourglass after removing one leg. We wrap the clock and fix the joint with PVA glue, close the top, and make a border with our fingers at the bottom of the skirt.

We continue to sculpt an angel from white porcelain and, while the skirt dries, we move on to a shirt for which we need a ball and two cylinders. In the wide edge of each cylinder we make a recess as in the photo. Here in the future we will glue the palms of an angel from cold porcelain. We assemble the parts, coat all the joints with glue. Please note that I leave the shirt to dry in the following position: the sleeves are on a flat surface, and the central part is in the recess.

We glue the shirt and skirt with a small ball of porcelain, coat with glue. Stretch the ball with your fingers in both directions (see the arrows in the figure).

Now we need blue porcelain for the costume elements. Roll up the ball and press it between the head and torso. Thus, we will not only glue the parts, but also get an even blue collar.
From two stripes of blue porcelain we twist the tourniquet - the belt for the angel is ready.

We glue a ball of pink porcelain to the holes of the sleeves and form fingers (you can use a toothpick or any other thin tool).

To make angel shoes, roll up two identical balls of pink porcelain and give them an oval shape. Then we press them with the edge of the skirt so that after drying the shoes stick tightly to the border. They can also be decorated with a strip of blue porcelain.

Now the most interesting thing: we give the character of the cold porcelain angel, namely, we sculpt the hair and draw the face.
Coloring a piece of porcelain yellow. Hair consists of many small spirals, the number and direction of which depends on your imagination.

While the hair is drying, make the wings. We sculpt two such white porcelain hooks. We roll out the long part of the hook a little and push parallel grooves with the back of the brush - feathers. When the wings are dry, glue the angel to the back.

After the entire product has completely dried, we begin to draw

Good day! Our calendar is already moving towards the end of the year, and therefore we need to prepare for the New Year today. To do this, I suggest you create cold porcelain New Year's angel as a souvenir or a Christmas toy for the New Year tree.

To create a New Year's angel, we need:

  • Cold porcelain
  • Gouache for coloring
  • Shadows for coloring
  • Sculpting stacks
  • Foil
  • rolling pin
  • Patterned durable napkin
  • toothpicks

New Year's angel from cold porcelain master class.

We take a ball of foil and a painted ball in the flesh color of cold porcelain.

We roll the foil into the ball, blowing out the air.

We form a ball.

Now we make holes with a stack or a thin stick to form eyes.

Let's take small piece porcelain and make a spout.

Side view.

Let's put the head a little to the side. Now take a larger piece of foil and roll the torso into an oblong shape.

We also take an unpainted mass and roll the foil into the middle.

Rolled it turned out such a torso of an angel.

Now we take a new piece of porcelain and roll it out with a rolling pin of medium thickness.

We apply a napkin with a pattern to the mass and walk a little with a rolling pin on the surface.

This is how the pattern turns out.

We wrap our torso going down a little.

Here is our dress.

Now let's make a collar. To do this, we also roll out a small piece of the mass and squeeze out the pattern, then cut off the edges of the mass with the help of a stack figuratively.

And attach to the upper part of our torso.

Let's make waves at the bottom of the dress. Now we will fix our head. We take a toothpick, shorten it a little and insert it first into the body, then grease it with glue and put on the head.

Now we roll the sausage and thicken it on one side, then we make a recess with a stack.

Now we ride flesh color balls and glue to the recess in the handles.

Now we will fasten the arms to the body with the help of toothpicks and substitute the materials at hand so that the hands do not fall.

Now we take a piece of brown mass and roll it out to medium thickness.

And immediately you can glue our hair to the head of an angel.

Lubricate the head with glue and then attach each curl.

You can experiment with the length of the curls.

Here we go from one side to the other.

Now we will glue the top.

Just right, you can make a mount for the suspension. For this we take copper wire and we begin to twist it and immediately insert it into porcelain in the middle of the head.

We attach hair around our wire.

Here we get our hairs and the actual hairstyle itself.

We glue the hairs along the edges.

Now let's make a bang.

To do this, roll out a small piece of brown porcelain.

and make stripes with a stack. Bend into an arc and glue on the forehead.

Now we will make a decoration and a symbol of the new year. We take the green mass and a little red, and from the red we roll up small balls 3 pcs, and from the green mass we will make green leaves also 3 pcs.

On the head we will add hairs near the bangs.

Back view.

Now attach the leaves one opposite the second.

And at the junction we will attach our balls.

Now let's make wings for our angel. We take the white mass and roll it out a little thicker than before and draw the wings of an angel on the mass.

Now we make any pattern, I have it with the help of a mesh.

Here is such a pattern turned out.

Now we will glue our wings on the back.

We try to substitute a little wings under the hair.

This is such an angel.

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