Rest and treatment: Trans-Baikal Territory (SFO). Soils and land resources of Transbaikalia

Transbaikal region- a subject of the Federation in the Asian part of Russia. It is located in the extreme south-east of Siberia, within the limits of Transbaikalia. The relief of the region is dominated by medium-altitude mountains separating them by plateaus with areas of hilly relief and plains. In the north and east of the region there are the Stanovoe Upland, Olekminskiy Stanovik, Vitim Plateau, Patomskoye Upland, Olekmo-Charskoye Upland, in the south-west - the Khentei-Chikoy Upland. In the west and in the center - the Transbaikalian middle mountains. Most of the ridges and depressions of the Trans-Baikal type are elongated from the southwest to the northeast. Rivers flow through the lowest places of the depressions or the depressions are filled with lakes. In the south, between the Borzi and rivers, the vast Prionon Plain stretches. The peculiarities of the Trans-Baikal Territory include a significant number of anthropogenic landforms, which is associated with the predominant development of the mining industry in the region.

Transbaikal region part of the Far Eastern Federal District. The administrative center is the city of Chita. Until November 3, 2018, the region was part of the Siberian Federal District, all comparisons in the article are given taking into account the entry of Transbaikalia into the Siberian Federal District.

The territory of the region is 431,892 km2, the population (as of January 1, 2017) is 1,078,983 people.

Surface water resources

The watershed between the basins of the Arctic and Pacific oceans runs through the territory of the region, the upper reaches of the rivers of the Yenisei, Lena and Amur basins are located here. Not far from Chita, on the Yablonov Range, there is Mount Pallas, on the slopes of which small rivers of the basins of all three rivers originate. Part of the territory in the south of the Trans-Baikal Territory belongs to the internal runoff basin.

The river network of the Trans-Baikal Territory is represented by 44,310 rivers, of which the total length of rivers over 10 km long is 88.42 thousand km, the estimated density of the river network is 0.7–0.8 km / km 2. Water resources are unevenly distributed over the territory of the region, the least provided are the northwestern, central, southern and southeastern regions, which at the same time are the most developed and populated. The rivers are predominantly mountainous and semi-mountainous streams. The rivers of the region are characterized by the predominance of rain feeding (55–80%), snow and glacial feeding of most rivers is insignificant. The water regime of the rivers of the Trans-Baikal Territory is characterized by a low spring flood, which is replaced by a series of powerful rain floods, often causing floods. The rivers freeze in October - early November, open in late April - early May. Most rivers freeze to the bottom in winter, and runoff may be absent for up to 100 days a year or more. The largest rivers in the Lena basin are its right tributaries Vitim and Olekma with tributaries Kalakan, Kalar, Karenga (Vitim basin), Nyukzha, Tungir and Chara (Olyokma basin). The main rivers in the Amur basin are the Amur with tributaries of the first and second order: Amazar, Argun and Shilka (tributary and components of the Amur); Gazimur (a tributary of the Argun); Nercha, Chernaya, Ingoda and Onon (tributaries and constituents of the Shilka). The largest rivers of the Trans-Baikal Territory in the Yenisei basin are the tributaries of the Selenga - Khilok and Chikoy with a tributary Menza. The largest river in the drainless region is the Uldza (on the territory of Russia there is only a small estuarine part of the river).

Functions for the provision of public services and the management of federal property in the field of water resources in the territory of the region are carried out by the Department of Water Resources of the Amur BVU for the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Powers in the field of water relations transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, functions for the provision of public services and the management of regional property in the field of water resources in the territory of the region are carried out by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Industrial Policy of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Implemented in the region Government program"Reproduction and use of natural resources", the structure of which includes the subprogram "Protection from the negative impact of water and ensuring the safety of hydraulic structures", aimed at protecting the population and economic facilities from the negative impact of water, increasing the operational reliability and safety of hydraulic structures, protection, conservation and restoration of water bodies . As part of the implementation of the subprogram, it is planned to build and reconstruct engineering protection structures, increase the carrying capacity and regulate river channels, capital and Maintenance hydraulic structures, establishing and fixing on the ground the boundaries of water protection zones and coastal protective strips water bodies, development of the system of state monitoring of water bodies, cleaning of reservoirs, reclamation of watershed areas, settlement of reservoirs with hydrobionts, planting of aquatic vegetation and other works.

In preparing the material, data from the State reports “On the state and protection of environment Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the state and use of water resources of the Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the state and use of land in the Russian Federation in 2015”, collection “Regions of Russia. socially economic indicators. 2016 ". The ratings of regions in terms of surface and underground water resources do not take into account the indicators of cities of federal significance -

surface waters. On the territory of the region, the waters of three large water systems of Siberia and the Far East originate and are largely formed; Amur basin (it accounts for about 55% of the region's area), Lena (30.4%) and Baikal-Yenisei (13.3% of the region's area). The world watershed between the basins of the Arctic and Pacific oceans passes through the territory of the region. Part of the territory in the south of the region is included in the endorheic Uldza-Torey basin (1.4% of the region's area). The region accounts for the formation of more than 7% of the flow of the Lena basin and more than 5% of its catchment area, respectively, more than 7 and about 13% - of the Amur, about 18 and 10% - of Baikal.

The main rivers are Shilka and Argun (the sources of the Amur at the exit from the region), Khilok, Chikoi, Olekma, Vitim. Rivers, and to a lesser extent lakes, determine the water content of the territory of the region. They account for more than 80% of renewable water resources. The location of the sources of three basins on the territory of the region predetermines relatively low indicators of water supply in comparison with Eastern Siberia and Far East. Water resources are distinguished by a pronounced uneven distribution over the territory of the region and by the seasons of the year. The least provided with local water resources are the northwestern, central, southern and southeastern regions, which at the same time are developed and populated. However, due to the transit runoff, the southern and south-eastern regions can be classified as having a medium supply of general water resources. In winter, many rivers freeze, and there is no runoff. During this period, the formation of ice is characteristic.

Lakes are not numerous and do not play a significant role either in the structure of the hydrographic network or in the formation of the runoff of most of the territory. Their role is noticeable only in the south, where areas of internal runoff are characteristic. Lakes accumulate here a significant part of the local runoff. The largest lakes of the region: Bolshoe Leprindo, Leprindokan - in the north, Ivano-Arakhlei - in middle lane, low-mineralized Zun-Torey and Barun-Torey - in the south. In the city of Chita there is a unique lake Kenon. The main pollutant of water bodies is metallurgy.

The groundwater. For water supply of cities, regional centers, large industrial facilities, 71 deposits have been explored in the region groundwater, whose operating reserves are approved. The region is characterized by unsatisfactory replenishment of groundwater resources. Many types of waters significantly reduce their debit in winter period, especially supra-permafrost, which freeze. On the territory of the region, 23 sites of contaminated groundwater were found, the main part of which is located in Chita. Sources of groundwater pollution are industrial enterprises and Agriculture, as well as pulling up substandard natural waters.

The variety of inland waters of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Activity goal:

    creation of conditions for obtaining new knowledge on the topic "Reservoirs of our region" based on development technology critical thinking with a focus on concepts on the topic, the relationship of rivers with relief and climate.

Development goal:

    the development of students' cognitive interest, the desire for an independent search for knowledge;

    fostering love for the native land, careful attitude to nature.

educational goal:

    fostering love for the native land.

Lesson objectives:

    to consolidate the skills of working with the map;

    repeat the main geographical terms in the section “Hydrosphere”;

    create a comfortable environment in the classroom.

    improve individual work in the classroom.

During the classes

And I will proudly say

native land:

“I love and know.

I know and love.

And the more I love

the deeper I know »

Hello guys!

- What topic have we been studying for the last 2 months? (HYDROSPHERE)

Let's recall a few key terms on this topic.

    Test - association

tree branch

river system

River system-river with all tributaries

Glass with dirty oily water

Water pollution

The water of rivers and lakes, seas is polluted with household waste, oil

Door key, cranberry and ice

Sources of the rivers

Rivers originate from springs, swamps, mountains

Fork, spoon, as well as sand, water, a piece of ice, a snowflake (cut out of paper)

River feeding

Rivers are fed by underground, rain, snow, glacial

Plate with water and cocktail tubes

waste lake

A sewer lake is a lake from which a river originates.


What lake or sea is this?



What is superfluous?

Students must find a group of words that combine something and an extra word.

1 Baltic Sea, Bering Sea, Mediterranean. (Beringovo M.)

2 Baikal, Volga, Issyk-Kul (Volga)

3 mouth, source, tributary, spring (spring)

4 low water, waterfall, high water, high water. (waterfall)

5 channel, pond, lake, reservoir (lake)

6 Amazon, Atlas, Terek, Ganges (G. Atlas)

7 Sand, clay, gravel, pebbles (clay)

8 Ladoga, Red, Onega, Caspian (Red Sea)

Each person has especially dear, close and sweet places where he was born, studied, began to work, and often lived all his life. This is his native land. The name of our native land is Transbaikalia.

– G. Heine also wrote: “Love and know your native land. Love for the Motherland begins with love for the native land.

About Motherland

I probably won't be able to

To speak in earthly language

What is simple happiness

Don't dream of happiness

I don't care for wealth,

I am rich in love for the earth,

I say to my Motherland: "Hello,

Prosper, live, young!" —

The edge of the taiga, the steppe - Transbaikalia,

It is all different and full of wonders:

Miracle - get out foggy early

For gifts in a generous forest.

How mysteriously the dew falls

On mushrooms ripened overnight,

And sneaks along the old clearings

A patch of fog is a shaman of the taiga.

Is there somewhere on the earth's outskirts

A land comparable to such beauty?

Sun, sky, forests and rivers,

Gentle springs, a riot of thunderstorms,

Everything is given to man.

In this land of bagul stars.

Elena Shumkina

Lilia Kraus

What do you think the lesson will be about today? What theme?

- And what tasks do we have to solve in order to understand the topic?

Guys, today we are going on a journey along the rivers, lakes, swamps and mineral springs of our native land. During the trip, you will see how beautiful the nature of the native land is, including rivers with a smooth flow and not only mighty beautiful waves. You will also see how the waters change their beautiful lyrical appearance and give a SOS signal to all of us. At the end of the lesson, we will answer the question: “What are the features of the waters of our native land?”

2. Working with maps of the Trans-Baikal Territory

- Name the representatives of the inland waters of Transbaikalia? (examples of rivers, lakes, mineral sources)

- What rivers flow only in Zab.krai? (Gazimur, Ingoda, Kalar, Nercha and Shilka.)

- Speech: Gazimur and Argun.

The main feature of Argun is BORDER,

We'll show you on the map.

- Lakes, miner. sources on the map.

- performance: Nichatka and Barun-Torey.

3. Working with text.

- Which special place for the rivers of the Earth is in Transbaikalia? – MOUNTAIN PALLAS (WATERSHED)

- What is its specialty? —The object of protection is a mountain with abs. mark 1236 m, located on the ridge. Apple bass at the articulation. pp. Amur, Lena, Yenisei. The boundaries of the monument pass along the sole of the V., framed by valleys pp. Kadala (flows into Lake Kenon), Gryaznukha (flows into Lake Arakhley) and Khara-Kadala (flows into Lake Ivan). The uniqueness of the watershed point was first noted by the rural geography teacher T.U. Zhalsarayn (1977): there are no other mountains on the planet that simultaneously belong to the bass. three major rivers (in this case of the twelve longest rivers in the world).

Where on Earth is there such a place? — TIBET

— What are the feeding habits of our rivers?

4. Viewing a video clip.

What is the epic name of the area of ​​the Chikoy River? - THE LIVING THREAD OF BAIKAL.

What is special about the Chikoy River? - CARRIES WATER TO BAIKAL.

What tributaries do you know?

Tributaries on the left -

Lilia Kraus

5. Physical education

Paintings by Vladimir Forov and photographs of the inland waters of Transbaikalia.

What feelings did this viewing evoke in you?

6. Work in contour maps.
















7. The result of the lesson.

What are the features of the waters of the native land?

Of course, in the lesson so far you have received only the most basic information about native land, but there are still a lot of secrets and mysteries that you have not discovered. You can find answers to all your questions in additional local history literature.

8. Homework.

Drawings on the theme "Internal waters of Transbaikalia"

Crosswords on the topic "Internal waters of Transbaikalia"

Composition - miniature on the topic: "The importance of water in nature and human life"

9. Reflection.

Exercise "Plus-minus-interesting" Edward de Bono

In the column "P" - "plus" everything that was liked in the lesson is written, information and forms of work that caused positive emotions, or, according to the student, can be useful to him to achieve some goals. In the column "M" - "minus" everything is written that did not like the lesson, seemed boring, caused hostility, remained incomprehensible, or information that, according to the student, turned out to be unnecessary for him, useless from the point of view of the decision life situations. In the column “I” - “interesting”, students enter all the curious facts that they learned about in the lesson and what else they would like to know about this problem, questions to the teacher.




The relief of the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory is formed by medium-altitude mountains, in places reaching 1700-1900 m. The Daursky, Kodar and Yablonovy ridges are the largest. In the south, between the Borzi and Onon rivers, there is a vast Prionon plain, which is a unique place for the penetration of the flora and fauna of the Amur water basin into the steppe Dauria. There are 3 complex, 15 botanical, 20 water, 1 zoological and 13 geological monuments of nature in the district. Daursky and Sokhondinsky nature reserves are located on the territory of the region.

The climate of the region, like most Eastern Siberia sharply continental with insufficient precipitation. Winters are long and severe with precipitation in the form of snow, summers are short and warm (sometimes hot) - dry in the first half and wet in the second. Fluctuations in daily and annual temperatures are large. Transitional seasons (spring and autumn) are short. The average January temperature is -19.7°C in the south and -37.5°C in the north. The absolute minimum is -64 °С, the average July temperature is +13 °С in the north to +20.7 °С in the south, the absolute maximum is +42 °С. The frost-free period averages 80-140 days.

Also a characteristic feature of the climate is the significant duration of sunshine per year.

The Trans-Baikal Territory is confined to the border of the middle taiga forests and steppes. Soils are predominantly mountain-taiga podzolic, in the steppes - chernozems and chestnut soils, in intermountain basins - meadow-frozen and meadow-chernozem. Over 50% of the territory is occupied by mountain taiga forests (Daurian larch, pine, cedar, birch), in the south and along the bottoms of the basins - grass - forb steppes. Sable, Siberian weasel, brown bear, lynx, reindeer, red deer and others. In the forest - steppe regions - badger, wolf, chipmunk, hare, ground squirrel, and others. Of the birds, capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse, crane, bustard and others. Found in the rivers valuable species fish (omul, sturgeon, taimen and others).

Most of the territory of the region belongs to the zone of insufficient moisture. The distribution of precipitation is extremely uneven, both by season and by territory. Their number decreases annually from north to south. The mountainous regions belong to the humid climate zone. River valleys, intermountain basins - a zone of insufficient moisture.

On the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory, almost all the main types of mineral cold carbonic and thermal nitrogen waters of Russia are found and there are about 300 sources.

Transbaikalian province of cold carbonic hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium waters of the Kislovodsk narzans type. Three regions are distinguished. In the east - Nerchinskaya Dauria, in the west - Selenginskaya Dauria, in the south - Vitimo-Olekminskaya Dauria. The richest is Nerchinsk Dauria, where over 220 mineral springs. Used for balneotherapeutic purposes radon water Molokovsky, Urguchansky and Yamkunsky sources. Promising mineral water springs of Arkiinsky, located 16 km from the city of Sretensk, Olentui - Zubkovshchinsky, 4 km from the resort of Olentui, Darasun-Nerchinsky in the Shilkovsky district, etc.

Nitrogen siliceous springs are known in the south of the region: Semiozersky in the valley of the Hot River - sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium water, temperature + 36 degrees, Bylyrinsky in the Kyrinsky district - radon hydrocarbonate sodium, temperature + 42 degrees, Verkhne-Charsky near the railway station Chara of Baikal-Amurskaya highways. - chloride-sulfate-sodium water, temperature + 49 degrees. In the north of the region, the Eismakhskoye deposit of carbonic hydrocarbonate deposits has been explored. sodium water(mineralization 7-15 g/l) in the area of ​​the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

The main rivers: Shilka, Argun, Onon, Ingoda (sources of the Amur), Khilok and Chikoy (tributaries of the Selenga), Olekma and Vitim (tributaries of the Lena). Large lakes: Bolshoe Leprindo, Leprindokan, Nichatka, Chita Lakes, Kenon, Zun-Torey, Barun-Torey

Water resources are distinguished by a pronounced uneven distribution over the territory of the region and by the seasons of the year. The least provided with local water resources are the northwestern, central, southern and southeastern regions, which at the same time are developed and populated. However, due to the transit runoff, the southern and south-eastern regions can be classified as having a medium supply of general water resources. In winter, many rivers freeze, and there is no runoff. During this period, the formation of ice is characteristic. Lakes are not numerous and do not play a significant role either in the structure of the hydrographic network or in the formation of the runoff of most of the territory. Their role is noticeable only in the south, where areas of internal runoff are characteristic. Lakes accumulate here a significant part of the local runoff.

The groundwater.

For water supply of cities, district centers, large industrial facilities in the region, 71 groundwater deposits have been explored, the operational reserves of which have been approved.

The region is characterized by unsatisfactory replenishment of groundwater resources. Many types of water significantly reduce their debit in winter, especially supra-permafrost waters that freeze over.

Natural resources.

Transbaikalia has significant natural resources. Mineral resource base includes explored industrial reserves of an extensive group of minerals. Monometallic deposits of iron ores are known in the Kalarsky (Charskaya group of deposits of ferruginous quartzites) and Nerchinsko-Zavodsky (Berezovskoye deposit of siderite and brown iron ore) regions. The main reserves of iron are concentrated in the complex ores of the Chineysky deposit of iron-titanium-vanadium and copper ores (Kalarsky district), as well as the Kruchininsky deposit of iron-titanium-phosphorus ores (Chitinsky district). Industrial reserves of copper and silver are located in the deposits of cuprous sandstones (Udokan copper deposit, one of the largest in the world, Unkur copper deposit, etc.) in the Kalarsky district, lead and zinc in the deposits of the Priargunye (Vozdvizhenskoye polymetallic deposit, Novoshirokinskoye polymetallic deposit, Noyon- Tologoy polymetallic deposit, etc.).

Deposits of molybdenum (Bugdainskoe gold-molybdenum deposit, Zhirekenskoe molybdenum deposit, etc.), tungsten (Bom-Gorkhonskoe tungsten deposit, Spokoininskoe tungsten deposit, etc.), gold (Baleysko-Taseevskoe ore field, Darasunskoe gold deposit, Itakinskoe antimony and gold deposit) are widely represented. , Klyuchevskoye gold deposit, Ukonikskoye gold deposit, etc.), rare metals (Zavitinskoye rare metal deposit, unique Katuginskoye cryolite-rare-earth-rare metal deposit, Olondinskoye lithium deposit, Orlovskoye lithium and tantalum deposit, Etykinskoye rare metal deposit, etc.), tin ( Nameless tin and silver deposit, Khapcheranga tin deposit, Sherlovogorsk tin-polymetallic deposit, etc.). The Trans-Baikal Territory has the largest uranium reserves (Antey, Argunskoye, Streltsovskoye uranium deposits, etc.)

Coal reserves in the region are mainly concentrated in the southeast, west and north of the region (Kodaro-Udokanskaya, Kharanorskaya, Chikoiskaya coal-bearing areas, see Apsat coal deposit, Bukachachinskoe coal deposit, Krasnochikoi coal deposit, Kutinskoe deposit brown coal, Olon-Shibirskoe coal deposit, Tarbagatayskoe brown coal deposit, Urtuyskoe brown coal deposit, Kharanorskoe brown coal deposit, Chernovskoe brown coal deposit, Chitkandinskoe coal deposit). In the BAM zone, a deposit of synnyrites was discovered - a valuable complex raw material used for the production of aluminum, cement, chlorine-free potash fertilizers. Large reserves of zeolites have been found in the south of the Trans-Baikal Territory. On the territory of the region there is one of the largest in the country Larginskoye magnesite deposit, huge resources of building materials. The region has significant reserves of refractory clays, which make up 42% of the all-Russian, as well as 12% of kaolins, which makes it possible to level the existing deficit in this.

A large mineral resource potential was the basis for the functioning of the mining and industrial complex. Ore (Baleyskoye gold deposit, Darasunskoye, Kazakovskoye gold deposits, Klyuchevskoye, Lyubavinskoye gold deposits, Taseevskoye gold deposit, etc.) and alluvial (Darasun, Kariysky placers, Kruchininskaya gold placer, Menzinsky, Turinsky, Undinsky placers, Shakhtaminsky gold placer and etc.) gold, molybdenum (Gutai molybdenum deposit, Davendinskoye gold-molybdenum deposit, Zhirekenskoye deposit, Shakhtaminsky molybdenum deposit), tungsten (Antonovogorsk tungsten deposit, Belukhinskoye tungsten deposit, Bom-Gorkhonskoye, Bukukinskoye tungsten deposits, Shumilovskoye tin-tungsten deposit, etc.) , tin (Khapcheranginskoye, Sherlovogorskoye, Etykinskoye, etc.), rare metals (Zavitinskoye, Malo-Kulindinskoye tantalum deposits, Orlovskoye), silver, lead and zinc (Akatuevskoye deposit, Blagodatskoye polymetallic deposit, Vozdvizhenskoye, Klichkinskoye, Savinskoye No. 5 polymetallic deposits and others), uranium (Ermakovskoye, Krasny Kamen, Streltsovskoye, Tulukuevskoye molybdenum-uranium deposits), fluorite (Abagaytuyskoye, Brikachanskoye, Kalanguiskoye, Solonechnoye, Usuglinskoye fluorite deposits).

Flora and fauna

Unique flora and fauna of Zabaikalsky national park, on the territory of which there is the largest seal rookery on Baikal and noisy bird markets, invariably arouse interest among scientists, the park is especially popular. On the territory of the park, you can meet such rare species of birds listed in the Red Book as whooper swan, black crane and black stork, peregrine falcon and white-tailed eagle.

Animals: Amur lemming, elk, hare, snowy owl, ptarmigan, taimen, grayling, burbot, dzeren, Mongolian marmot, Daurian pishuha, Dahurian hedgehog, steppe polecat, corsak, manul, Mongolian foot and mouth disease, Mongolian lark, Amur tiger, raccoon dog, mandarin duck, white-naped crane, black mallard, Far Eastern tree frog, kaluga, gubar horse, bighorn sheep, black-capped marmot, common magpie and pink starling (myna), wild boar, roe deer, viviparous lizard.

The flora is widely represented various groups useful plants: medicinal (Siberian bloater, Baikal skullcap, membranous astragalus, kopeechnik lespedeza, Gmelin's wormwood, Pallas' or Fischer's euphorbia), decorative (Bush, Pennsylvanian, or Dahurian, dwarf, or narrow-leaved, small beautiful, or yellow lily, milky-flowered peony, platycodon , or wide-flowered large-flowered bellflower, Argun snakehead, large St. , or Chinese leimus, types of fescue, or fescue, types of bluegrass, bent grass, bonfires, clover, peas, sweet clover, volodushka, reed grass, hardish sedge, Korzhinsky, veinless, types of rank), food (eastern strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, black currants , mokhovka, red, edible honeysuckle, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, white, russula, fly mushrooms, boletus), vitamins, phytomeliorative (soil protection - large-fruited elm, types of meadowsweet, or spirea, semi-shrub wormwood Gmelin), insecticidal (killing harmful insects- wormwood Gmelin, or starodub, wormwood Sievers, hellebore Dahurian, TSPR and the degree of favorable living conditions

Resource types:

Coal. Intra-district values ​​(1 point);

Oil and natural gas. Not mined (0 points);

Hydropower. Large (2 points);

Black metals. Large (2 points);

Nonferrous metals. Large (2 points);

Non-metallic industrial raw materials. No (0 points);

Forest resources. Intra-district value (1 point).

Mastering conditions:

* Transport - geographical: satisfactory (2 points)

* Level of economic development of the territory: satisfactory (2 points)

*Engineering and construction: satisfactory (2 points)

*Climatic: satisfactory (2 points)

*Water availability: satisfactory (2 points)

The total score of the studied TSPR is 18 points (resource component - 8 points, development conditions - 10 points), which exceeds the average Russian indicator of 16.5. This suggests that the Trans-Baikal Territory is quite well provided with natural resources and has satisfactory conditions for development in all respects, in comparison with the average values ​​for Russia, 2/3 of the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory is located in an unfavorable zone, and 1/3 of the territory is in a favorable zone.

The Trans-Baikal Territory is rich in minerals. The region has a significant and practically unrealized hydropower potential, abundant timber reserves for the region, valuable for Transbaikalia chernozem and chestnut soils. The region has the largest copper deposit in the country. The region has the country's largest proven reserves of molybdenum, tin, lanthanum and polymetallic ores.

Water resources are among the most important natural factors for the socio-economic growth of the Baikal region. It is very rich in water. Significant territories of the largest basins of the Russian Federation are located here: the Yenisei (including the Angara and Baikal), Lena and Amur; such large rivers as the Angara, Lena, Olekma, Argun, Selenga, Lower Tunguska and others flow; the world's largest storage of high-quality fresh water is located - Lake. ; there are extensive reservoirs of the Angarsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations: Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk; there are many medium and small rivers, as well as significant groundwater reserves of various aquifers. Thanks to Baikal, which holds 23 thousand km 3 of water, the region occupies a special place even among other well-provided Siberian regions: the volume of Baikal waters is more than a quarter of the fresh lake water reserves of the globe.

However, stationary water supplies should be considered mainly as required component environment, which implies their preservation in a relatively unchanged state, and only a small part of the huge reserves of Baikal waters, limited to a certain proportion of annually renewable resources, can be used for water supply. The actively used water resources are, as a rule, the resources of surface and ground waters, or the total river runoff.

The value of river runoff in an average year in terms of water content in the region is 473 km 3 . Of it, ⅔ refers to the Irkutsk region, 18% - to the Republic of Buryatia and 16% - to the Trans-Baikal Territory. The region contains the world watershed of the basins of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, as well as the endorheic Central Asian region. Therefore, it is here that the main area of ​​formation of the runoff of the above rivers (except for the Selenga) is located, and the vast majority of the river runoff of the region (about 95%) is formed on its territory (local runoff). In this runoff, about 75% of surface origin, about 25% - underground. On average, about a third of the river flow is sustainable, which determines very favorable opportunities for water supply to the economy and the population of the Baikal region. Of particular note is the very high (67% of the total river flow) concentration of the "golden fund" of water resources - sustainable river flow - in the Angara, which is due to its high regulation by Baikal and a cascade of large reservoirs and is of paramount importance - that is why Largest cities and enterprises in the region.

Hydropower resources

The most important advantage of the region's hydropower potential is the availability of the most efficient hydropower resources of the Angara in the country. The exceptional economic efficiency of the Angarsk HPPs is due to the unique natural conditions their construction and operation - the high water content and the fall of the Angara, the high natural regulation of its Baikal, the convenience of the selected alignments for the concentration of pressure. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain a large amount of the cheapest electricity in Russia, and, consequently, a significant economic (rent) effect both for its producers and consumers.

The main indicator of the use of hydropower potential is the average annual electricity generation at operating HPPs, which today is 48.76 billion kWh. Three powerful HPPs are operated in the region: (4.1 billion kWh), (22.6 billion kWh) and (21.7 billion kWh) and one smaller capacity at Mamakan - Mamakanskaya (0.36 billion kWh).

The Angara cascade has currently developed 81.2% of the potential and technically possible to use the hydropower resources of the Angara within the region, and with the commissioning of the Boguchanskaya HPP in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the degree of development of the river increases to 94%. Consequently, the vast majority of the most economical hydropower resources are already actively used in hydropower. The construction of the Telmamskaya HPP on Mamakan is underway, the design of the Mokskaya HPP on Vitim (on the border of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Buryatskaya HPP) is underway - the only real hydropower project outside the Irkutsk Region so far. In the long term, it is possible to use the hydropower potential of the Lena, Chuna, Kirenga, Oka, Biryusa, Irkut, Chara, Bol. Patoma and other rivers. The energy potential of the river runoff of large and medium-sized rivers in the Irkutsk region alone exceeds 200 billion kWh of average annual electricity generation.

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