Ceiling moldings for the length of a window or wall. The right baguettes for the ceiling are the key to the success of your repair. More about the types of baguettes

The sign "Framework Workshop" involuntarily evokes associations of some kind of elegant chic. baguette and what is it used for? The simplest explanation is a frame around an image, for example, a picture or But, in addition, baguettes for the ceiling are also used. In this case, the installation frame is understood as the structure on which the stretch ceiling is attached.

Types of baguette for the ceiling

Masters will be happy to tell you about what a baguette is. After all, this design has become a real discovery in the field of repair. The distance between the wall and the baguette is closed with a masking gap. The baguette can be aluminum or made of PVC. But in fact, and in another case, it will differ in increased strength and lightness. Baguette for stretch ceilings may be invisible or, conversely, the design may provide the ability to see it around the perimeter of the room. An invisible baguette for a stretch ceiling allows you to hide all surface irregularities, and you can create intricate structures from it - arches, waves, domes, etc.

Baguette Benefits

So, you have learned about what a baguette is. And if you, as the owner of the apartment, decided to use a baguette for your ceiling, you should think about how to fix the ceiling above your head. Usually the bar is fixed to the wall with a puncher or a screwdriver. During the installation process, it is worth equipping the puncher with a dust bag or a vacuum cleaner - this will become much less tiring. Most important nuance, which you should pay attention to during installation is the determination of the lowest level of the ceiling in the room: it will need to be aligned with the rest of the surface. It will not be easy to cope with such a task without special equipment, because construction teams have a rangefinder and other tools in their arsenal. PVC baguette is resistant to fire, it easily tolerates temperature changes, and also does not release into the air harmful substances. Baguettes for the ceiling do not crumble, do not fade in the sun, for a long time keep their appearance.

Baguette fastening process

Now you have figured out what a baguette is and what are its advantages. How is the structure attached? Installation begins with fixing the level on the wall; it must be marked so that the horizontal line drawn by the laser overlaps the perimeter. Holes are drilled with a perforator in the baguette and the wall, and the baguette is fixed with self-tapping screws with a screwdriver. The fixing process is repeated every 10-15 cm, and no more than 3 cm should be retreated from the corner. Usually the length of the baguette strap is 2.5 m, and it is joined only in the corners. Docking points must be treated with masking tape. After installation, the structure can be checked for strength - for this you need to pry off the baguette with force with your finger.

There is another method of attaching a baguette - using mounting glue, which is applied with a dotted line to the bar, and then pressed against the wall with force. Spots of defects can be brought to perfection with the help of

With progress, everything changes, even the purpose of things. The most common baguette in ours has more extensive areas of application.

Back in the last century, wooden planks were used to create various types frames and cornices.

But over time, the scope began to expand, and the products received names: molding, plinth, fillets, platbands.

All of them rightfully deserve their unique name, because each product refers to a certain part of the room, such as the ceiling or floor.

What are baguettes?

Nowadays, there are no longer old manufacturing technologies and many substitutes from another material have appeared. Baguettes can even be made of plastic and in the style of space wars.

Many models of baguettes are very necessary, for example, aluminum or steel ones allow you not to worry about mechanical stress and last much longer than wooden ones, but they are hardly suitable for rooms with a humid environment.

The best material for a baguette is still wood. Even today there is no more acceptable material for the design of paintings. It is worth noting that many frame structures are created by hand and convey a touch of the unique skills of the master.

Country and Provence styles cannot do without wooden baguettes at all, but its capriciousness and difficult conditions content, leaving material behind their competitors.

Wooden baguettes are not only elegant and unique, but also emphasize respectability in the room. Still, this is not enough to lead the sales market. Even plastic baguettes can easily replace these leaders of their time.

In addition, they are very flexible and lightweight, which allows you to mount the structure yourself and to uneven surface. As for the assortment, it remains only to enjoy the extensive color palette and variety of models.

Plastic models are used to install stretch ceilings and other ceiling structures.

In appearance, they look like skirting boards with places for locks, most often in white tones. For special connoisseurs and those who do not mind the money, there are even decorative models.

The most natural models made of wood and plaster. The most durable models are made of aluminum, and the cheapest and at the same time the lightest models are made of foam.

ceiling design

A baguette is used to hide joints and complement the overall design of the room. Fastening the entire structure is short and simple enough. In most cases, a special adhesive is sufficient.

You can even attach baguettes to the clock on the wall. Simply put, all work with baguettes is limited only by imagination and ingenuity. The main thing is to follow all the rules and be able to correctly dock baguettes, for example, in the corners.

If everything is connected correctly, then the whole room will have smooth transitions, and this is important for comfortable design. But if you need to attract attention, then it is better to use contrasting models and curtains in addition to them.

Framing works for small-sized elements

A designer who knows his business will not miss even such trifles as mirrors and posters on the walls.

Correctly using baguettes, you will create an interior with a twist that is rarely found or not repeated at all in other design projects.

Baguette decorative type, will allow you to change the accent and bring a new sound when using the old attributes.

Bringing everything to perfection

Here are some more tips from experienced designers:

  • a narrow ceiling molding visually increases the height of all walls, and this, in turn, creates the impression of a high ceiling
  • vertical thin lines give the impression of austerity, and the horizontal model will add dynamics

  • wide models are suitable for large rooms, and small rooms they weigh down. There may even be a feeling of tightness, and therefore discomfort.
  • when choosing a color, do not neglect white tones. They tend to fit in anytime and anywhere, but this does not mean that this particular color will look the best.

It's always best to experiment before making a final decision. In addition, the palette of shades and types of models allow you to choose exactly what you like.

Combine all the moments correctly so that you feel both the measure and the style and other nuances of design. Then you will be able to achieve the most acceptable result for you.

Photo of baguettes in the interior

When installing the ceiling, you can not do without a baguette - a special plinth that gives the design a complete look. This is a special element that differs depending on the function performed. Let's get to know him better, find out his varieties, materials of manufacture, popular sizes and features through the advantages and disadvantages.

What is this?

Baguettes are great way masking visual repair errors. These are strips of a certain size and thickness that are used on finishing stage finishes ceiling systems. Often they are called a ceiling plinth. However, in reality they differ in width and the presence of curly ornaments. They are larger than the skirting board, which is characterized by a smooth shape. Connecting together around the perimeter of the ceiling structure, they create the appearance of a frame.

Types and features

Existing varieties can be divided into decorative and fixing. The former are more aesthetic appeal. They are designed for fixing to ceilings or walls. The second is a hidden variety. They are durable and flexible.

According to the type of fastening, they are mounted in the wall on fasteners or glued to a particularly strong adhesive. In the first case, a perforator, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver are enough for this. In the second, liquid nails can be used. The baguette is pressed against the wall and held for a few seconds. It can have a thickened lower part, as well as a special groove for mounting a flexible LED strip.

The ceiling baguette differs from the wall analogue. It has two gluing faces: side and wall. In addition to its main application, it is used as decorative frames panels, mirrors, for decoration architectural elements. When painted, it looks especially expensive. This allows you to significantly increase the scope.


Baguettes for the ceiling are a popular type of finishing of ceiling structures (single-level, two-level, multi-level view). Let's outline their main advantages.

  • They are aesthetically pleasing. This finish able to bring elegance and completeness to the design of the ceiling structure.
  • In most varieties, they are resistant to temperature changes. The material will not be deformed, will not spoil general form ceiling structure.
  • The baguette does not crumble and does not fade in the sun. Its surface will retain its attractive appearance for a long time. You do not have to change it before dismantling the ceiling.
  • This finish is compatible with ceilings of all types and configurations. If necessary, you can choose any type of material.
  • It allows you to create the appearance of a relief in single-level structures of ceiling structures. So you can make any laconic design interesting, saving it from boredom.
  • Baguettes are not limited in stylistic decision. With a wide variety of choices, you can pick up options for classic, modern, ethnic and vintage design branches.
  • Depending on the type of material used, they allow you to install hidden strip lighting. At low power and a low density of diodes, the tape will not melt the fillets.
  • Baguettes are able to bring the desired mood into the space, supporting the chosen style with the help of identical curly elements in the form of a pattern.
  • They are easy to install. This will take a minimum of time, and the process does not need to involve a specialist from outside.

Baguettes are applicable in any ceiling designs. They look equally good with a stretch fabric, drywall, plastic, ceiling tiles, cassette and rack options ceiling decoration. In this case, the type of construction does not matter: it can be glued, hemmed or suspended.

The scope of their application is not limited. They can be used in offices, clubs, medical and educational institutions, city apartments and country houses.


Existing types of baguette can be classified according to the type of material from which it is made. Let's get acquainted with the main varieties.


PVC is a common material. Such baguettes are made specifically for systems with stretch fabric and suspensions. It is versatile, suitable for curved systems, durable, flexible, easy to install. Among the varieties of plastic baguette there are options with a special purpose, which are used to finish complex ceiling assemblies. These products are characterized by the clarity of the relief, the cleanliness of the front surface. Their price is quite acceptable, they are sold in any hardware store.


These varieties are environmentally friendly. They do not emit toxic substances during operation, so they can be attached to the ceiling in children's rooms and homes of allergy sufferers. They are odorless, light enough, do not weigh down even a multi-level structure. Look expensive, remind plaster molding and perfectly combined with the same decorative elements. Such products are cheap, they can be painted in any color.

The disadvantage of foam products is fragility: these baguettes are quite fragile, so they need to be glued especially carefully and without strong pressure.


The polyurethane profile is good decision to install a variety of ceiling lights. Due to polyurethane, such a baguette is characterized by flexibility and strength. It does not break in places of bends and transitions. It can be used in unheated premises (for example, in a country house or covered veranda). This material is resistant to moisture, provides for the organization of hidden lighting. It characterizes high price, but its properties are better than previous analogues.


Such baguettes are natural and harmless. Due to natural ingredients, they are the best choice those who care about health. Fastening of such profiles is carried out on self-tapping screws. Wood is able to favorably emphasize the interior, it looks respectable and is perfect for different directions design. At proper processing will decorate the ceiling for a long time.

Profiles of this type are especially appropriate if the room is equipped with an expensive wooden furniture. However, they are expensive.


A distinctive feature of such profiles is the need for mounting on putty or alabaster. At the same time, the formed gaps and shortcomings are masked with the same composition. This material it is rather a way of showing prestige.

It has more disadvantages than advantages: it is afraid of water and moisture, it is erased with every cleaning, it makes the ceilings heavier, so it is used extremely rarely. During the installation process, it is fragile and complex.


Aluminum baguettes are universal and invisible. The latter varieties are used to connect the canvases to each other. Universal ones are attached to the ceiling of the film. In addition, when creating complex frame systems, sometimes they use wall profiles by combining varieties with each other. For their fastening, self-tapping screws are used, attaching the profiles directly to the ceiling. These baguettes are strong and durable.


Not every type of baguette has the right flexibility. For example, this quality is not wooden varieties. In addition, they, regardless of the width, seem massive, so they need to be carefully chosen, otherwise they can violate the concept of the chosen style. The same applies to plaster products. Compared to wooden counterparts, they are much heavier. Some baguettes may break during cutting or bending. Cutting is complicated by the presence of relief.

To make the joint in the corners correctly, you will have to put the baguette on the edge, otherwise gaps will form during the docking.

Dimensions and shape

The shape and size of baguettes are varied. The profile shape can be concave, spherical, convex, straight, curvilinear, wavy and combined. The width of the back side is different. Depending on the model, the upper and lower sides of the profile can be 22x25, 30x30, 45x45, 32x33, 46x50, 70x70, 62x80, 35x35, 50x50 mm. For ease of choice trade marks offer marking in catalogs with the indication of the sizes. You can choose the option you like, taking into account the height of the ceiling and the desired relief.

Ceiling profiles can be symmetrical top and bottom, or different in thickness and pattern. For example, the upper part may be semicircular, while at the bottom there may be a complex ornament for gypsum stucco molding. An interesting option decoration is a combination of wooden baguettes with gilding. The shape of such a plinth can be stepped, decorated with gold in two rows.

Notable decorative elements of such fillets are different leaves, swirls, feathers, plant branches. In addition, often baguettes can be decorated geometric shapes. This allows you to choose products most harmoniously for each specific design style, without violating its concept. Strict lines and carved elements are often intertwined in baguettes.

How to choose?

In order for the choice of a baguette for the ceiling to be successful, it is worth taking note of a few useful recommendations.

Baguettes are selected based on the style and the desired type of material.

  • For the classics best solution will be baguettes made of foam, polystyrene foam and polyurethane.
  • Wooden fillets are not combined with modern glossy finishes. Do not buy them to the plastic ceiling. They need structures with a wood-like texture made of PVC or MDF.
  • Gypsum baguettes make the ceiling heavier, they are afraid of moisture. Do not load them with two-level and three-level hemming and suspended ceilings.
  • For tension coatings, it is better to buy aluminum fillets. These products are flexible enough to repeat any figured contour of the profile ceiling.

The width of the baguette matters.

  • Narrow varieties will increase the room, but are out of place in big room. Wide products will make small space heavy.
  • If you need to raise the height of the ceiling, it is better to choose beautiful narrow baguettes.

If you want to buy a polystyrene baguette, choose extruded products. These fillets are characterized by greater density and the ability to bend. To make the ceiling visually appear higher, buy a white baseboard and paint it to match. ceiling covering. Painting possibilities are one of the factors of choice.

To choose a quality styrofoam baguette, look at front part fillets. If you notice heterogeneity in the form of pimples, this is a cheap and low-quality material. If the surface is smooth and dense, the product is worthy of purchase.

Ask the seller to bend the product. If he is confident in the quality of the product he is selling, he will do so.

What types of ceiling baguettes are used for decoration? How to fix the ceiling plinth, and at what stage of finishing the room should this be done? Is it possible to use a baguette for mounting hidden lighting? Today, the reader and I will have to answer these and many other questions.


  1. What is a ceiling baguette, and what functions does it perform?

Usually this is the name of the profile for decorative design wall-ceiling junction. It solves several problems at once:

  • Masks minor defects in the finish (uneven edges of wallpaper strips, uneven coloring of the ceiling perimeter, etc.);
  • In the case - hides the gap at their junction with the walls;

  • Eliminates the room from visible corners. From the point of view of psychologists, smooth curves and transitions of surfaces in a living room contribute to relaxation and stress relief.

In addition, a profile for mounting a stretch ceiling (harpoon, clip or bead) is called a baguette. It is attached to walls or a flat floor and in most cases is hidden after stretching the canvas (fabric or vinyl film).

Finally, ceiling baguettes for curtains hide from the viewer located in the center of the room a cornice or a string on which the curtain is suspended.


  1. What materials are ceiling moldings made of?

The most widespread are ceiling,.

Their main advantage is their low price. Most important, but not the only one:

  • Styrofoam is easy to cut;
  • Light weight simplifies the installation of the baguette;
  • For installation, you can use almost any glue, except prepared on the basis of acetone: polystyrene dissolves in it;
  • The outwardly smooth surface of the foam is practically no different from the much more expensive gypsum stucco;

  • The material is compatible with any water-based paints and can be easily dyed to desired color.

Polyurethane baguettes are somewhat less in demand - they are more rigid and dense compared to foam ones. A strong argument in favor of this material is its much lower combustibility compared to polystyrene foam (polyurethane with flame retardant additives belongs to the G3 group: the flame dies out immediately after contact with the source of ignition ceases).

(to be precise, made of PVC) is a profile for attaching honeycomb vinyl panels. It is usually used in wet rooms- kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

A rather expensive material, positioned as an attribute of an elite repair. In practice, its only unequivocal advantage is the absolute Fire safety. Otherwise, gypsum is much inferior to competing solutions: it is much more difficult to install, fragile and does not tolerate contact with water when flooded by neighbors.

On the contrary, they deserve every kind of approval: they allow you to make the interior of the room truly sophisticated. For their manufacture, both noble woods (oak, mahogany, ash), as well as ordinary or veneered pine or fir, can be used.

Why do we need a plastic baguette for stretch ceilings - we have already mentioned. Depending on the type of fastening of the web, it provides for reliable fixation of the harpoon (vinyl profile welded around the perimeter of the film), glazing bead..

The aluminum baguette for stretch ceilings performs the same functions and differs from its PVC counterpart in a noticeably higher strength.


Now let's move on to the use of the baguette different types when decorating a room.


  1. What and how to cut the foam plinth?

A sharp knife in a miter box. The baguette is pressed tightly against the bottom and one of the side walls of the miter box, and the guide grooves are used to position the knife exactly at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees to the axis of the plinth.

If there is no miter box at hand, marking the cut lines in the corner can be done locally:

Photo of the stage of work Description

Attach the cut the right size baguette to the wall and ceiling and mark with a pencil the position of its upper edge.

Attach the second plank of the plinth to the other wall and mark on it the point of intersection with the markup made earlier.

Without shifting the second plank of the plinth, mark the position of its edge on the ceiling; then attach the first plank and mark on it the point of intersection with the markup just made.

Cut both planks, connecting the marks with a cut with a corner.

Glue both planks, after checking their joining in the corner.

By the way: a polyurethane baguette is cut in the same way with the same tool.

  1. How to cut a wooden baguette?

A fine-toothed hacksaw in a miter box or a circular saw with workpiece positioning.

  1. How can you cut a plastic skirting board?

It is most convenient to use a grinder with any abrasive cutting wheel for this purpose. The cut is clean, without burrs and chips. When cutting for a long time, be sure to protect your nose and mouth with a gauze bandage: inhaling plastic dust is not so good for your health.


  1. When to glue a baguette - before or after wallpaper?

After. It will help to hide the imperfectly aligned edges of adjacent stripes. In addition, the sticker of the ceiling plinth after the wallpaper will save you from having to cut their edges along the edge of the baguette with the risk of damaging it.

  1. How to glue wallpaper if the baguette on the ceiling is already fixed?

Leave the top of each strip free of glue and make a slight overlap on the ceiling plinth. pressed wide spatula the overlap is cut off along the edge of the baguette with a clerical knife.

  1. How to fix a decorative (we emphasize, not a mounting) baguette for stretch ceilings?

It sticks only to the wall; at the same time, the position of the upper shelf is positioned as accurately as possible according to the level of the stretched film or fabric.

  1. What to glue foam or polyurethane plinth on?
  • Universal glue("Titan" and its numerous analogues). It has a low viscosity, but quickly thickens upon contact with air, so it is better to stick the plinth in the following order: apply glue, press the baguette to the stream and the wall, tear it off, pause for a minute, glue the bar again;

  • Liquid Nails(acrylic mounting adhesive). They are applied pointwise to the bar, with an interval of 5-10 cm;
  • acrylic putty for internal works . It is superimposed on the baguette shelves with a spatula. The excess squeezed out during fixing of the plank is used to seal joints between adjacent elements and gaps at the junctions to the surfaces of the ceiling and wall.

  1. How to fix a wooden ceiling plinth?

The simplest method of fastening is a sticker on liquid nails.

Captain Evidence suggests: the ceiling and wall must have durable coating and be absolutely clean. On a dusty surface or lime whitewash, mounting adhesive does not adhere well.

Alternative instruction: pre-fix triangular cross-section bars on the walls and ceiling. Skirting boards are nailed to them with brass or copper nails without caps. This method of fastening will allow you to remove the baguette, if necessary, without damaging either it or the rest of the finish.

  1. How and on what is the plastic ceiling baguette attached?

As a rule, ceilings made of PVC honeycomb panels are assembled on a crate made of thin-walled galvanized profile. Plastic plinth mounted to the guide profile along the perimeter of the room using 9 mm self-tapping screws for fixing sheet metal.

Tip: use self-tapping screws with a drill and a press washer. They will prevent the appearance of cracks in the skirting board shelf and securely fix it.

Last panel plastic ceiling mounted with a piece of plinth put on it. It makes it difficult to fix the baguette shelf with self-tapping screws, so liquid nails, universal glue or silicone are used to connect plastic and galvanization.

Attention: the most common acrylic mounting adhesive is suitable for gluing surfaces, at least one of which is porous and has a fairly high absorbency. To connect a smooth skirting board to a galvanized profile, use rubber liquid nails or high-quality silicone sealant from well-known manufacturer(Grover, Moment, Ceresit, etc.).

  1. How are ceiling moldings for curtains mounted?

The answer quite predictably depends on the type of product. Lightweight foam moldings and skirting boards are glued to the ceiling with glue or putty.

More durable and massive, plastic baguettes are installed using regular fasteners - dowels and screws.

  1. What to glue a plaster baguette on?

There are several options here:

  • On building gypsum alabaster. Its main drawback is its quick setting: you will have no more than 3-6 minutes to apply and position the decor element;

  • For finishing gypsum putty. It sets within 40-60 minutes;
  • On the finished acrylic or vinyl acetate putty. In particular, best reviews deserved a mixture of Shitrok APJC putty with PVA glue.

Vinyl acetate putty Shitrok, photo

And in this case, the ceiling and wall in the places of gluing with a baguette should be treated with a penetrating primer on an acrylic binder.

  1. How to fix a profile for a stretch ceiling with your own hands?

For mounting on solid walls, screws with plastic dowels are used. The fastening step should not exceed 15-20 centimeters.

Fastening aluminum profile to the main wall, photo

When assembling multi-level ceiling the baguette willy-nilly has to be attached to the frame elements. In this case, they are reinforced with additional cuts or wooden mortgages.

Which better baguette choose: choose a design and mount it yourself


  1. What baguettes can be used for hidden ceiling lighting?

And there are different options here:

  • Foam and polyurethane skirting boards with a niche for LED strip;

Plinth for lighting, photo

  • Any skirting boards and moldings with wide vertical and horizontal shelves. The vertical shelf is used for wall stickers with an indent of 5-10 cm from the ceiling, and the horizontal one hides the backlight tape from the viewer's eyes;
  • Finally, the tape can be glued to the stretch ceiling baguette before installation. Such a backlight scheme is only compatible with film ceilings and has an obvious drawback: if the backlight tape fails, you need to remove and re-stretch the vinyl sheet to replace it.

Stretch ceiling lighting is mounted after the baguette, but before the film, photo

This is what the backlight looks like after installation, photo


We hope that we were able to answer the questions that are relevant for the dear reader. The video attached to the article will show you more clearly how the installation can be performed ceiling baguette. Good luck!

When the repair is almost over, looking at the corners where the ceiling meets the walls, and the uneven edges of the pasted wallpaper, I want to achieve completeness. In this case, baguettes and skirting boards will help. They perfectly hide all the irregularities and complement the overall interior.

When choosing the type of baguettes and their quantity, you should pay attention to several nuances:

  • room dimensions;
  • ceiling and wall material;
  • baguette material.

Each material from which a baguette is made has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to know them so that the work when gluing products goes quickly. This requires some skill, but anyone can master this science. If the walls and ceiling have large irregularities, then it is recommended to entrust the gluing to the master.

Baguette or plinth?

Today on the Internet you can find two concepts: a baguette and a plinth. The question arises: what is the difference between them? By by and large, these two concepts denote the same interior detail.

The main difference between them is the width. Baguette - a product with a width of more than 5 cm, which is made of gypsum, wood, polystyrene. Another one of his main characteristic is a relief pattern, ovals. The plinth is usually made of polystyrene without a pattern, its width is less than 5 cm.

Varieties of ceiling baguettes

The modern market presents a wide range when choosing this product by model, size, material, relief and color. It can have a concise form or carved molding. Sticks tightly to the ceiling and wall. But if it is planned to LED lightening, then it is glued only to the wall with an indentation of several centimeters from the ceiling.

A laconic combination is the same tone of the ceiling and baguette. But there are many styles in which you can choose the color to match the walls or wallpaper. Or, in general, you can perform a finish that will successfully delimit the walls from the ceiling. In any case, you need to select this part of the decor in such a way that at the end you get a harmonious look of the interior.

  • Gypsum is attached to alabaster. The product is not to be painted. The material has good moisture resistance.

  • Tree. This material is attached with nails or self-tapping screws, the caps of which are masked with putty, and it is also mounted on a special glue. The product can be painted. Beware of high humidity. The material is durable and environmentally friendly, it gives the interior a rich look.

  • Polyurethane. When gluing this material, silicone sealant is used. There will be no difficulties with small irregularities. Such baguettes are glued before the walls and ceiling are completed. The material is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. The polyurethane material is perfect solution when planning LED backlight. It's a little more expensive than the rest, but it looks more refined.

  • Styrofoam. If the irregularities are more significant, then it is better to use a foam product. At the same time, large gaps are filled with putty. You can attach products to putty or glue. They have good moisture resistance. If necessary, you can paint the material. It is light in weight and has a decent appearance for a low price.

  • Plastic. To install plastic baguettes, you need metal or wooden slats. Baguettes are attached to them using self-tapping screws. The material is light, moisture resistant, allowing the possibility of painting. Due to their flexibility, they are recommended for designs with ovals and curved lines. For the price of such a baguette is quite affordable.

Three basic steps before gluing

  • Step 1. The first step is to calculate the amount of all material. To do this, you should know the perimeter of the room for which it is intended. Baguettes vary in size. For a large room, it will be more practical to take a longer length so that fewer joints form. For a smaller room perimeter and a shorter length will be required.

Better buy right amount with little margin. After all, every work has flaws, and a small nuisance can happen with the working material - breakage, damage or lack of a very small piece.

For quality work special tools will be required: a marking pencil, a knife with a sharp blade, a hacksaw for metal and a miter box, as well as a suitable adhesive for the material used.

  • Step 2 When the surfaces have already been leveled with plaster or putty, painted, covered with wallpaper, the turn of gluing comes. If the baguette is subsequently painted along with the ceiling, then a primer should be applied to the attachment point. Otherwise, no additional work not required.

If it is planned to carry out LED lighting above the plinth, markings must be made along the bottom gluing line. To do this, nails are hammered in the corners of the room with the necessary indentation from the ceiling. Then, between adjacent nails, you need to stretch the cord along the wall, attach the plinth rail to the cord, and make pencil marks on the wall.

  • Step 3 Do not pre-cut the material. It is better to do this in the process of work, so as not to be mistaken in size. The edge of the product, which reaches the corner, must be cut with a miter box. This guarantees correct angle cut, which will not lead to gaps at the joints.

If the gaps are still formed, you can close them with putty or hide them under decorative inserts. They can mask the joints of external and internal corners. This option is quite appropriate if you are not afraid of extra expenses. Two-level ceiling it's best to do it this way.

We stick on our own. Step-by-step instruction

In order to perform gluing as quickly as possible, you must follow the instructions.

Polyurethane and foam material attached in several stages:

  • Sticking should start from the entrance to the room. Glue is applied at the joints and along the edges of the ceiling plinth, the plinth is applied according to the markings on the wall and pressed against it for a while. Excess adhesive should be removed immediately with a damp cloth.
  • Each next baguette is measured, the excess is cut off and glued in the same way. It is important to press the product with the palm of your hand, and not with your fingers. Otherwise, you can leave dents on it.

  • When all the gluing work is completed, it remains only to putty the joints and allow the entire structure to dry. Putty places after drying should be rubbed with fine sandpaper. After that, the baguette is covered with paint, if provided.


You will have to tinker with this material. But the whole time-consuming process is justified by the refined and luxurious appearance of such a finish.

It is important to follow the work algorithm:

  • The surface of the walls is leveled.
  • The markup is in progress.
  • Joints and edges should be well measured, and then cut off in the miter box.

  • A light small baguette can be glued onto liquid nails. But it is better to attach a wide and heavy one with self-tapping screws. You can pre-grab it with glue to make it more convenient to work. Each next piece is measured to the desired length, the edge is cut with a hacksaw, and the corner part is in the miter box.
  • Joints and nail heads are covered with putty. You need to let it dry and then clean it with sandpaper.
  • Joints should be painted over with varnish or paint to match the color of the tree.

Sometimes the following technology is used: special small wooden corners are attached to the wall at a distance of about 40 cm from one another. A baguette is already fixed on these supports according to the steps described above.

PVC ceiling plinth

In most cases, such material is used in bathrooms and kitchens, where there is high humidity. In such products there is a special groove for connection with plastic panels which are often sold as a set. Panels decorate the walls or ceiling. Plastic is very practical. It does not turn yellow over time, it is easy to clean. Installation is carried out only after installing the panels in the appropriate grooves. You need to cut the PVC baguette with a hacksaw.

  • Attach the frame rail to the surface, depending on where the panels will be located.
  • The baguette is attached to the frame with staples or self-tapping screws. The edges are cut in the miter box with a hacksaw. The gaps formed during installation are covered with silicone.

Gypsum baguettes

Such material is considered the most expensive and heavy, but at the same time very fragile. Work with such a product is best entrusted to experienced craftsmen.

Choosing glue

Universal remedy for gluing a baguette, liquid polypropylene or acrylic nails can be considered. They fix the product in one moment. So there is no need to hold the structure with your hands until it grabs.

After repair work there is usually putty left. Some craftsmen use it as an adhesive for baguettes. In the course of gluing, you can immediately close up the cracks and gaps that form between the wall and the baguette. But experts prefer adhesive solution. It quickly seizes and firmly holds the part for a long time. The only drawback is that the solution is not suitable for foam baguettes. Silicone sealant can also be used as glue. Only now it will not be possible to paint it later.

Stretch ceiling adhesive

In the presence of stretch ceilings, the baguette is attached strictly to the wall, only closing the joint between the wall and the ceiling. Otherwise, you can hopelessly spoil not only the appearance of a two-level stretch ceiling, but also the canvas itself. After all, glue tends to tighten the surface, leaving waves and spots on it. Gentle adhesives will not work either. Smooth surface blade requires a fairly aggressive adhesive with good adhesion. Therefore, it is difficult to glue anything to stretch ceilings.

one more important rule when installing ceiling moldings, the stretch ceiling must be perfectly flat. Otherwise, in the presence of baguettes, the slightest irregularities of the canvas will be noticeable, which will be impossible to correct. After all, unfortunately, it will not work to putty the gaps between the stretch fabric and the baguette. Therefore, if there is no 100% confidence in the evenness of the ceiling, it is better to refuse to glue baguettes, otherwise all defects will be visible.

The space from the canvas to the plinth is almost invisible. It can be large if backlighting is provided. At stretch ceilings any material can be used. But still, lighter raw materials (polyurethane or polystyrene) will be easier to mount.

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