Rectified ceramic granite. Rectified tiles, pros and cons of application. What does rectified porcelain tile mean?

Ceramic granite is relatively new to the market. building materials, but, meanwhile, it is gaining more and more popularity every day. Ceramic granite - artificially manufactured flooring, which consists of a mixture of clay and natural granite chips. This technology makes it possible to imitate various textures: natural stone, wood and even leather.

Porcelain tiles are distinguished by their high strength, durability and resistance to various types of atmospheric phenomena. With the help of porcelain stoneware, the most original design ideas are embodied, both indoors and outdoors.

Advantages of porcelain stoneware coating:

  • Resistant to frost and sudden temperature changes.
  • Not afraid of moisture (moisture absorption level 0.05%).
  • Has a high fire resistance.
  • Wear resistance and durability.
  • Suitable for decorating both interiors and exteriors in various styles.
  • A wide range of different textures and colors.

Disadvantages of ceramic granite:

  • Fragility - the material is easily damaged by a blow of medium force.
  • Despite the high conductivity of heat, if the room does not have underfloor heating, porcelain tiles remain cold and unpleasant to the touch in winter.
  • Relatively high price facing covering.

The service life of porcelain stoneware is several decades, which makes it very popular among buyers. It is used to decorate rooms with a high level of vapor generation (kitchen, bathroom, area near the pool, sauna, etc.). This versatility is due to the fact that porcelain stoneware coating is not deformable under the influence of moisture and sudden temperature changes. But it is known that a significant level of waterproofing is provided by tile joints. It is for this reason that rectified porcelain tiles cause some mistrust among buyers. Let's try to figure out what edged porcelain tiles are.

What is rectified porcelain tile?

Just ten years ago, laying a floor that looked monolithic in a room seemed like an unattainable dream. But progress does not stand still, and the building materials market is replenished with new products every day. Relatively recently, rectified (which means “edged”) porcelain tiles have appeared, which expands the capabilities of interior designers. The effect of integrity of the floor covering is achieved through special processing of porcelain tiles, which allows installation without visible seams.

The question “What is edged porcelain tile?” haunts ordinary people who want to decorate the interior of their home in a stylish and original way. Rectification is a complex technological process, which involves specific processing of ceramic granite: the edge of the tile is cut at an angle of 90 degrees, which ensures the geometric perfection of the elements. This action is performed immediately after firing the porcelain stoneware, so as not to damage the integrity of the fragile material. The edges of the tiles turn out to be perfectly smooth, and the elements of the batch have exactly the same size and caliber. Both ordinary porcelain tiles and polished or polished ones can be processed.

Seamless technology for laying porcelain tile flooring

Porcelain tiles, which are laid with high quality and in compliance with the rules of the technological process, will emphasize the attractiveness and individual style premises. In order to achieve a monolithic floor covering, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the sequence of stages of seamless installation. Edged, due to its geometric perfection, creates the best possible effect of floor integrity.

The choice of material depends on the purpose of the room in which porcelain tiles will be laid. For example, in a bathroom, sauna or kitchen, it is better to give preference to matte porcelain stoneware with a rough surface: such a coating is less slippery and significantly reduces the risk of injury. should be carefully selected in size, color and pattern to create a monolithic composition. But you should remember that you need to buy rectified porcelain stoneware with a reserve: it is unlikely that you will be able to select a coating from other batches that will be harmonious in color and size.

Preliminary surface preparation

Before laying porcelain tiles, you need to take care of the base on which it will be installed. The quality of the future coating directly depends on the condition of the surface. To obtain optimal results, it is necessary to level the base and thoroughly clean it of dust and other contaminants. Uneven surface will provide an uneven load, as a result of which the porcelain stoneware may peel off or even burst. After preparing the base, it is necessary to treat the surface with a primer and begin laying ceramic granite. Porcelain tiles can be used to decorate homes with wooden floors. To do this, you need to create a uniform coating using a reinforcing structure so that the surface does not spring back under the pressure of human weight.

Method for seamless laying of ceramic granite

This method of installing porcelain stoneware has recently appeared on the construction services market. The technology for laying a monolithic composition of porcelain tiles requires certain knowledge and skill. To get high-quality work, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  1. The surface for installation must be free of flaws: any unevenness creates a risk of damage to the material.
  2. When laying a complete floor covering, it is recommended to use edged ones (manufacturers can produce batches with other parameters: 59.5x59.5 cm or 59.6x59.6 cm).
  3. Installation of ceramic granite should be carried out at air temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees.
  4. High-quality binding materials (glue, jointing, etc.) will ensure maximum service life of the porcelain tile flooring.

How to lay edged porcelain tiles?

The technology for installing rectified porcelain tiles is not much different from laying conventional ones. The adhesive solution is applied to the surface using a comb spatula and leveled with the serrated side. After this, the tile is carefully laid on the surface with its edges towards the adjacent elements and smoothly placed in place. The seam between the tiles when laying edged porcelain tiles should be at least 1 mm. The process of complete drying of porcelain tile adhesive takes about 3-4 days. Only after this time has passed can subsequent work begin, so as not to accidentally damage the integrity of the monolithic composition.

Grout for seams: is it necessary or not?

Don't underestimate the importance of using grout when installing rectified porcelain stoneware. To do this, between edged porcelain tiles you should use polyurethane or epoxy resin. It is these substances that will ensure tightness and waterproofing. Stagnation of moisture under the porcelain stoneware coating can cause swelling or complete detachment of the elements. Epoxy grouts provide the necessary moisture resistance.

To make the seams less noticeable, it is recommended to select a shade of grout that best matches the color of the porcelain stoneware. Modern products contain antiseptic agents, which will significantly reduce the risk of fungus. The use of high-quality grouting agents significantly increases the service life of porcelain tiles.

It is necessary to apply grout to the seams between porcelain stoneware slabs using rubber spatula. The product is evenly distributed over the surface, and residues are easy to remove with the same rubber tool. The grout dries within two hours, which allows the room to be used in the shortest possible time.

Thanks to the proportionality of rectified porcelain stoneware tiles, it becomes possible to embody even the most original design ideas. You can use ceramic granite of different textures and shades during the installation process, which allows you to arrange the interior in accordance with your own preferences and emphasize your individual style. But in order for the result to please you with its high quality and attractiveness, the installation of ceramic granite should be entrusted to specialists.


Edged porcelain tiles, what is it?

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No matter how production technologies develop ceramic tiles, but it is not possible to achieve ideal product sizes and, as a result, there is a need to install tile joints of various widths.

Today, many manufacturers of high-quality ceramics are switching to the production of rectified tiles

Some design options, to create the effect of a monolithic surface, require laying fragments with the location of one element as close as possible to another, and sometimes even without a seam between the individual tiles.

Ceramic tiles made using conventional technology will not be able to cope with the task, but there is a way out.

Sales consultants, in specialized stores finishing materials, will offer you rectified porcelain tiles, with which you can tile any surface of the floor or walls practically without seams.

What kind of product is rectified tile and what does the concept of “rectification” mean? For the uninitiated layman, it may seem like something complicated and abstruse. In fact, this is the same ceramics, but has additionally gone through the stage of processing the ends, so that the products are obtained with identical geometric parameters and the edges of the fragments are exactly 90 degrees. It is these qualities that make it possible to lay fragments without visible seams.

Such tiles make it possible to create a single monolithic canvas on any surface

Differences from traditional ceramics

The tiles or porcelain tiles that are familiar to us have a peculiar end with a rounded chamfer; this feature of the material necessitates the installation of fragments with a certain gap, the width of which depends on the quality of the ceramics and the size of the individual elements.

Rectified porcelain tiles have smooth ends and, accordingly, there is no need for joints between tiles, which accordingly expands the possibilities of using such a finishing material. You need to understand that rectified tiles do not make it possible to completely abandon the use of joints for a number of reasons, but ceramic tiles that have gone through the rectification stage make it possible to achieve a more significant effect of a monolithic surface.

Rectified porcelain tile is ceramic granite with additionally processed edges

Unlike traditional tiles and porcelain tiles, the size of the elements, which may differ within 1 mm, rectified porcelain tiles have a maximum permissible error in the discrepancy in geometric dimensions, no more than 0.5 mm.

Information about whether the ceramics is rectified or not must be indicated on the packaging of the finishing material.

Production technology

Seamless tile production process initial stage no different from ordinary ceramics. A mass consisting of a mixture of clay High Quality, quartz sand, spar, granite chips and dyes, pressed into molds under pressure. The workpieces are then subjected to a firing process using high temperatures.

At the moment of pressing the mixture into molds, the formation of rounded ends of the products occurs. The chamfer also facilitates the process of removing workpieces from molds. Under the influence of high temperatures, the product significantly changes its original dimensions, and the output is a product with a wide range of linear parameters in length and width. After this, the process of calibrating the finished ceramics is carried out; it consists of sorting individual fragments with suitable sizes into different boxes.

Rectified tiles can be laid seamlessly

The solution to the problem of discrepancies in the sizes of products is also solved by another method - by carrying out a rectification operation, namely processing the ends of the fragments on special equipment, on which the workpiece is cut with diamond-coated cutters, as a result of which each tile will receive the specified dimensions and a finished end at an angle of 90 degrees.

Additional operation and the use of high-precision machines for processing the ends makes this type of finishing material more expensive in comparison with traditional porcelain stoneware.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rectified porcelain tile, like any other type of finishing material, is not without a set of advantages and disadvantages when used in comparison with traditional types of ceramics. Its main advantages are:

  • Possibility of seamless installation. Ceramic tiles of this category make it possible to cover the surface both with and without seams, resulting in an original surface that imitates marble finishing, natural stone or a tree. This effect is achieved thanks to the perfectly matching sizes of the individual elements, as well as high-quality processing the ends of the ceramics and the possibility of placing the fragments as close as possible to one another.
  • Easy to maintain cladding. Minimizing the width of the seams reduces the area of ​​possible accumulation of dirt and areas of potential growth of mold and fungi, which greatly facilitates the process of caring for the ceramic surface.

And yet, the use of such ceramics is not unlimited and there are a number of restrictions on its use in facing work . Thus, we moved on to formulating the disadvantages of seamless tiles:

  • Increased requirements for the condition of the surface being coated.
  • Labor intensive and complex installation process. To perform the work, it is advisable to use additional accessories, as well as the availability of relevant experience or the involvement of qualified specialists.
  • Impossibility of laying seamless tiles on large surfaces. Due to the resulting thermal expansions, the recommended cladding area should not exceed 3 m x 3 m.
  • The relative high cost of this type of material.

It is necessary to take into account such a condition as homogeneity temperature regime in a room with cladding made using “seamless” technology and in the case of “warm” floors, a minimum seam of at least 05 mm-105 mm is simply necessary.

The rectification process is the processing of porcelain stoneware edges on special machines

Application area

Pay attention to positive traits and the properties of rectified ceramics, and the possibility of creating unique images in design using it internal space, this type finishing materials are increasingly used in the cladding of various surfaces:

  • Implementation of an expensive interior. Imitation of surface finishing with various natural and artificial materials with a monolithic effect. Widely used in hotels and restaurants, in public buildings and in the private sector.
  • Seamless finishing of floors and walls.
  • Due to the absence or minimal width of the seam, it becomes possible to create a pattern or pattern on the surface, with the effect of its continuity.
  • Cladding of building facades.
  • Device kitchen countertop or an apron. In addition to the fact that it looks quite impressive, surface care is simplified due to the minimal width of the seams.

Having decided to create a monolithic surface using quite expensive rectification ceramics, be sure to take care of the necessary qualifications of the worker.

They also include such a variant of products as rectified. In other words, these are edged or seamless tiles. Such material often costs much more than traditional ceramics. But the differences in price are fully justified. So, what does rectified tile mean?


Rectificate refers to tile products intended for finishing floors and walls, decorating interior spaces. Thanks to the special shape of the plate, it is possible to achieve a special result - a holistic appearance of the surface, emphasizing the individual design.

It all lies in the features of the cut edge of each element. Traditional products have small recesses at the ends, due to which small joints are formed during installation, which subsequently require rubbing. Moreover, the gap can be of different widths, varying depending on the size of the tile products.

Compared to standard tile squares, rectified ones are characterized by a completely smooth edge, which allows the plates to be laid end to end. Thanks to this, a gap does not form, and the coating looks intact. The similarity of monolithic surfaces, recreated using rectified tiles, has recently become increasingly popular.

Disadvantages during work

True, such an effect can be achieved not in one hundred percent of cases. The possibility depends not only on one type of product, but also on how smooth walls or the floor in the room.

Unscrupulous manufacturers have brands that are cheaper than on the market, but with a defect, which subsequently affects the quality and integrity of the surface. Although some craftsmen manage to work with tiles in such a way that neither unevenness nor poor quality of the product is reflected in the final result, and the surface is obtained with virtually no gaps.

Production Features

Technologically, the production of rectified tiles is not much different from the traditional mechanism for the production of ceramic finishing products. The raw materials used are the same clay, granite chips and mineral components, mixing which in a certain proportion allows us to obtain a high-quality product.

According to its characteristics ceramic products similar to porcelain stoneware, often used in cladding, including external surfaces. As a result of special processing of porcelain stoneware - cutting and polishing of sections, rectified tiles are obtained. At correct execution The result is elements with perfectly smooth edges. In other aspects, the production technology does not differ significantly.

Rectificate design options

A larger percentage of tiles are produced in large format with a glossy finish. smooth surface. Some of the rulers attract attention thanks to the relief elements on the surface, although during installation you have to work hard, selecting and adjusting them in order to create a uniform relief. But as a result, you will get a spectacular monolithic surface that looks like a solid stone.

Features of base preparation

The surface on which the tile products are intended to be installed must be perfectly flat, without cracks, recesses or elevations. This effect can be achieved only by properly preparing the materials used in leveling the base for the tiles.

So, when mixing the solution, you should make sure that it uses sifted homogeneous sand that does not contain large fractions, and cement with a valid shelf life.

Please note that experts and specialists strongly do not recommend using seamless tiles for tiling surfaces in rooms with sudden temperature changes - from plus to minus, as well as for arranging heated floors in rooms. Products will quickly become unusable.

Laying is not carried out on wooden bases. Before laying the tiles, you will have to tear off the wooden floor covering and make concrete screed, which is ideal for installation.

Laying rectified ceramic tiles is difficult. Here, installation on a perfectly flat base is mandatory, since even a small deviation, just 1-2 mm, will lead to damage. appearance surface and its unaestheticness.

To install tiles on concrete base, prepare the following equipment:

  • rubber hammer;
  • notched spatula;
  • drill with attachment;
  • Master OK;
  • sponge;
  • level;
  • knee pads

Stages of laying rectified coating

The layout of rectified tiles, in principle, does not contain any specific features and, like the arrangement of the traditional version, includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the surface in the form of marking and determining the location of the first tile square.
  2. Each product is first cleaned of dust and dirt and lightly moistened with water.
  3. The adhesive is prepared according to the instructions for the selected composition, described on the packaging, after which the mixture is applied to the working surface of the tile in an even layer, using a notched trowel.
  4. During the installation process, make sure that no voids form inside (light tapping will help prevent this rubber mallet according to the tile square placed on the glue), and the surface itself corresponded to the set level.
  5. Checking the correct position of the horizontal surface using a level. Moreover, this option should be performed after installing each square. Using this technology, the entire area of ​​the floor surface is installed.

What to pay attention to when carrying out work

Often, during the installation of tiles, small voids without glue are formed on its surface. This inevitably leads to cracking of products due to the accumulation of condensation in such places. To avoid unpleasant consequences, apply the glue carefully, slowly, carefully press the tile to the base. In addition, the procedure is accompanied by surface treatment with a soft rubber hammer, as described above.

Don’t lose sight of this feature, because even experienced master may allow errors in work, therefore there is always a place for practice in handling tile products.

Laying the tiles is half the battle. In addition, it is necessary to sand all seams to protect the surface from negative impact water and moisture. For this purpose it is used special composition- fugue, which is rubbed with a dry sponge. The remains are removed after the seams have dried. Only when working with rectified porcelain tiles, this stage is sometimes not carried out.

When choosing tiles, pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Purpose of products.
  2. The abrasion resistance of the model you like, which is determined based on need and is indicated in the characteristics of the product.
  3. Surface properties, including hydrophobicity, which is important for floors, walls, kitchen apron, since, based on this indicator, a product option will be selected for one or another functional room.
  4. Shape and rectified.
  5. A design that is determined depending on the color scheme of the room being decorated and the stylistic direction in the interior.
  6. Caliber - indicators of the height, width and length of a product unit indicated on the packaging. It is important to pay attention to them and buy tiles of the same caliber, since manufacturers may have differences even within the same collection, which means that products of different calibers will not make it possible to form a monolithic surface due to deviations in size.

Now, having figured out what it means - rectified tiles, and knowing how to work with them, you can easily cope with laying the floor, but only if you follow the tips and instructions described above.

Behind last years, thanks to the advent of new technologies, not only many varieties of finishing materials have appeared, but also their subspecies. Porcelain tiles were no exception. You can often hear about lapped or glazed floor and wall coverings. One of the most expensive types of porcelain tiles is rectified porcelain tiles.

What is this article about?

What is this

Porcelain tiles, although relatively new, have already confidently won a leading position in the market for finishing building materials. Externally, this material is similar to ordinary tiles. The difference is in composition, strength and thickness. dimensions can be completely different, their range is regulated more by demand than technical capabilities. However, in addition to such a concept as size, there is also a second concept, “calibration”. The emergence of this definition was facilitated by the technological process of tile production itself. The fact is that after molding and applying the top decorative layer, the products go into the oven for baking. It is the effect of high temperatures that causes varying degrees of spreading of the glaze and deformation of the entire product. Speech, in in this case, is about one percent of the total tile size.

At first glance, such a deviation is almost not noticeable, but when paving large areas rows may shift. This problem has to be adjusted by changing the dimensions of the inter-tile distance or by carefully pre-sorting the tiles. This is not always possible, especially when decorating large areas where porcelain tiles from batches produced in different time, and sometimes on different production lines.

To eliminate errors in the dimensions of elements, the rectification method was developed. With this process the edges finished products are brought by grinding into a perfectly flat state corresponding to the same size. The calibration accuracy is tenths of a millimeter. In other words, rectified porcelain stoneware is a precisely calibrated type of finishing material.

This processing method is quite expensive and significantly increases the cost of finished products, which is why it is used only in the production of elite collections of porcelain stoneware.


The main consumer property of rectified material is the possibility of its almost seamless installation. When using high-quality products, you can achieve the effect of an almost monolithic coating. This is the main difference from simple tiles, which are laid at a short distance from each other, which is called a seam. These seams are subsequently sealed with special grout mixtures.

But the concept of seamless installation of rectified material often leads to misunderstandings between consumers and installers. Although the overall surface turns out to be almost monolithic, it still consists of individual well-fitted elements. Although very invisible, there is a seam in any case. You must always take into account this difference between rectified porcelain tiles and self-leveling floors.

Another feature that must be taken into account when using this product is the mandatory need for preliminary thorough leveling of the surface. This is a costly matter, requiring the use additional materials and performing qualified significant amounts of work. But the result of such work will always emphasize the status of the room. At the same time, the rectification will not only completely change the appearance of the surface, but will also become reliable protection for decades. So, despite the costs, rectified porcelain tiles are in great demand, especially by large developers. For some brands, there is even a constant queue in the sales showrooms.

Bottom line

The use of elite finishing materials has become popular not only by wealthy companies, but also by individuals who sometimes do not have large funds, since this allows for almost permanent renovation of premises and significantly increases their value on the real estate market.

The monolithic surface, made using seamless porcelain stoneware, looks very elegant. There are no visual joints, which allows you to create a variety of modular designs, lay out a beautiful ornament. Seamless installation is possible if rectified tiles are used.

What does rectified porcelain tile mean?

During production, ordinary porcelain stoneware is fired, as a result of which it is slightly deformed. Therefore, elements of the same collection, albeit slightly, still differ from each other. Fluctuations in size do not exceed 3-5 mm.

Rectified tiles have no differences from each other - each element is adjusted to the same parameters. During rectification, the edges are trimmed and processing makes them perfectly smooth.

Seamless texture of rectified tiles - the simplest and reliable way create a monolithic surface. It is large-format (from 60 x 60 cm), which also contributes to a perfectly even floor laying.

Where is seamless texture applied?

Rectified cladding is a universal solution for large spaces. The effect of a monolithic surface is especially appropriate in halls and restaurants, and huge bathrooms.

Designers often resort to this type of decoration in order to favorably emphasize image details. The seamless structure creates an atmosphere of solidity and exclusivity.

This does not mean that it can only be used in spacious interiors. IN small room a combination with small format tiles will also be advantageous. You can use small elements for the floor, and decorate the walls with large-format ones.

However, designers still recommend seamless installation in rooms with an open space of 20 square meters or more.

Just two drawbacks

1.High cost of material. Compared to regular tiles, rectified tiles are 20-30% more expensive due to additional processing.

2. Difficulties in installation. To get a seamless texture, simply buying the desired gres in the store is not enough. It's important to find good specialist who can perform installation work accurately and accurately.

At this stage, misunderstandings often arise between the master and the customer. The fact is that manufacturing companies do not recommend making the floor 100% seamless. It is advisable to leave a minimum seam of 1-2 mm.

Firstly, if this new house, it will definitely shrink. Secondly, when drying, glue for porcelain tiles, like any other, decreases in volume. To achieve a monolithic surface, installation must be done by a real professional. He will make the seams invisible and select an epoxy grout to match the color of the tile.

Popular patterns

1.Under a stone. Manufacturers Ceracasa and Kerama Marazzi have collections with imitation onyx and marble. IN classic interior they will look harmonious. Rosetons are recommended as additional decorative elements.

2. Imitation of concrete. These tiles are produced by Apavisa and Atlas Concorde.

3.Imitation metal. For finishing a room in a loft, high-tech style, large-format porcelain tiles from Imoca Ceramica and Oneker are perfect.

4.Under the tree. The Russian brand Kerama Marazzi has a whole series of wood-look porcelain tiles: Dover, Merbau, Fregate, Chalet, Caravelle. A decent range is presented by Atlas Concorde, Italon and Ceracasa.

Subtleties of choosing porcelain tiles for seamless installation

Any type of tile is subject to rectification:

  • with matte,
  • with polished finish,
  • structured,

In order for a seamless layout to look impressive and highlight the interior of the room, it is important to adhere to certain selection rules.

1.When purchasing facing material, you should take into account spatial parameters. Dark colors for offices and small rooms- Not the best option. Such a surface makes the room even smaller and is not suitable for creating a work environment.

2.During installation, it may be difficult to select a pattern. It is much easier to lay seamless porcelain tiles under wood or stone.

3. When planning floor cladding in the kitchen or bathroom, preference is given to rough cladding. Porcelain stoneware with an anti-slip surface will be appropriate in saunas and swimming pools.

4.To make a floor without seams in a production workshop or on industrial enterprise, it is recommended to buy rectified technical porcelain tiles with a matte surface. It is not only strong and durable, but also easy to maintain.

5.When choosing a material, take into account its format, working surface area, and layout design. It is better to purchase cladding with a reserve.

Rectified porcelain tiles in the interior

When choosing porcelain stoneware, you can purchase classic tiles or opt for seamless edged material. More and more consumers prefer the second option.

The main secret of popularity lies in the solidity of such a coating, which allows you to create real masterpieces. However, you need to understand that it will still not be possible to create a completely seamless floor.

Epoxy grout is placed in the gap between the tiles. It smoothes out the visual perception of joints and serves as a kind of shock absorber. If you lay it closely, without leaving even a minimal gap of 1-2 mm, the consequences can be disastrous.

Seamless porcelain tiles preserve unique properties material: environmentally friendly, durable and hygienic, durable and easy to maintain. Using this material, you can make amazing renovations in any room.

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