Modern types and types of air conditioners. Types of split systems: wall, cassette, duct, column, ceiling Split systems characteristics and features

When choosing an air conditioner, the modern buyer faces difficult task. To solve it, you need to know the basic classifications of split systems. They are all divided into:

  • household– floor and ceiling type systems, the power of which, as a rule, does not exceed 5 kW;
  • semi-industrial- split systems of wall, ceiling, column and cassette type with a power of more than 5 kW. They are formed by connecting several refrigeration units to one external unit;
  • industrial systems– these are duct air conditioners with a power of more than 25-30 kW, this also includes cabinet monoblocks and rooftops. In this case, the equipment is divided not by power, but by operating principle.

Window air conditioners

Air conditioners of this type are the simplest to install. To install them in a window opening or on a thin wall, you do not need special tools or professional skills. Devices of this type They are distinguished not only by ease of installation, but also by durability. But at the same time they have a number of significant disadvantages.

During operation, window air conditioners cause a lot of noise, and technical features do not allow them to be installed in a room further than the window opening, which makes it difficult to cool the room irregular shape. There are also difficulties with blinds, since they are an obstacle to the penetration of cold air into the room.

Split systems

Unlike window air conditioners, split systems consist of two blocks: external and internal. This feature allows the noisiest block to be moved outside without spoiling the aesthetics of the window. Systems are distinguished by type internal structure: channel, wall, floor-ceiling, cassette and column. Regardless of the type chosen, the external part of the split system looks the same.

Devices of this type have low noise levels and high performance. Indoor units are wall-mounted, duct-mounted, column-mounted, mobile, ceiling-mounted, console-mounted, floor-mounted and cassette. There are usually no problems with installing the internal part.

Types of indoor units

It's no secret that the most popular indoor units are wall-mounted. Typically, for a room up to 20 m2, 2.7 kW is enough, more powerful systems in in this case use irrationally.

Floor-ceiling air conditioners are mainly installed in shops or offices. Their main advantage is that the outdoor units are attached to the ceiling. This is especially convenient if the stores have completely glass display cases (there is nothing to attach the system to).

In offices where there are a large number of people, it is also not always convenient to use wall split systems. It turns out that a zone is created around its internal unit in which it is contraindicated to stay for a long time (mostly 4-6 m2). It is for the purpose of saving rented space that they use floor option. In this case, the air flow is directed upward and does not pose any harm to humans.

Air conditioners are used to cool large premises (cinemas, museums). column type. They are characterized by high cooling capacity and are able to create a powerful air flow.

If the room has a suspended ceiling, then preference is given to duct and cassette type systems. To install cassette air conditioners, the ceiling height must be at least 30 cm. In this case, the air is distributed throughout the room, which is especially important for rooms of non-standard shape. For example, the internal unit of the system can be located in the center, which will allow air flow to be directed in two or more directions.

Split systems channel type most often used in apartments. Their indoor unit can be located under suspended ceiling, distributing air through channels in a given direction. With the required power of the device, it can be used to cool several rooms at once.

In order not to lose the useful volume of the premises, the indoor unit is located in utility rooms (storage room, toilet), where the excess volume is not so important. In refrigerated rooms, the ceiling height should be 10-15 cm in order to be able to install air ducts. If available in the apartment plasterboard partitions air ducts are pulled inside them.

If there is no suspended ceiling, the indoor unit duct air conditioner located in the corridor, and air grilles in the room above the doors leading to the corridor.

The main advantage of a ducted air conditioner is that to cool a room with several rooms, one device of appropriate power is sufficient. This is especially convenient in rooms that require a device with a power of about 1 kW for cooling. In this case, a split system would be an irrational purchase, since its nominal performance starts at 1.8 kW (buying a more powerful one will lead to excessive energy consumption). In turn, the duct air conditioner is selected according to the total power, regardless of how it will be distributed.

Another advantage channel systems is that they allow you to ventilate the room, but for this you need to install an additional air duct to the street.

One of the main disadvantages of a duct air conditioner is that it does not allow you to set different temperature conditions for separate rooms. Accordingly, by setting one temperature in a room, you automatically determine it for another. Installing an individual control system for this solution is possible, but the cost will be comparable to the price of the air conditioner itself. Also, careful consideration is required for its installation. project documentation, since in other cases temperature differences between rooms cannot be avoided. You can't cool a cool bedroom and a hot kitchen at the same time. The dominant temperature will be in the room from which the adjustment was made.

To cool two rooms with one air conditioner, there are still alternative solutions. Using a floor-ceiling type system, it is installed in a partition between two rooms, in one of which a rectangular hole is made. In devices of this type in back wall There is a special hole through which up to 30% of the cooled air will penetrate into the second room.

Multisplit systems

Systems of this type are characterized by the fact that they have several internal units working with one external unit. Many are mistakenly convinced that the cost of this system will be an order of magnitude lower, but in reality this is not entirely true. The power of a multi-split system should be such that it is enough for all rooms, so its cost does not always differ from several mono systems.

The main advantage of a multi-split system is not the price, but the ease of use. For example, to cool five rooms there is no need to install as many outdoor units, especially if there is simply nowhere to install them. In this system, several dozen internal units can operate with one external unit. These do not have to be only wall-mounted air conditioners; duct or floor-ceiling air conditioners can be used together with them. Thus, the use of multi split systems allows you to choose the most profitable combination for a particular home.

VRF and VRV systems

Systems of this type consist of an external and internal unit or several. In VRV type devices, the indoor unit is equipped with an electronic one that is capable of selecting the required amount of refrigerant from the common route. They can maintain the temperature within specified limits without fluctuations (unlike devices that maintain the temperature by periodically turning on and off).

The difference between VRF systems and VRV is not significant and is determined technical parameters: number of connected blocks, route length, reliability, convenience and some other aspects. The main advantage of air conditioners of this class is the variety of indoor units. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to develop a cooling system for several rooms without disturbing the aesthetics of the room, and the significant distance between the indoor and outdoor units (sometimes up to 100 m) allows you to move the latter to any secluded place.

It should also be noted that VRF and VRV systems They have a long service life and are economical in terms of energy consumption.

Mobile air conditioners

A mobile air conditioner is a compact device that is used in cases where other systems are inaccessible. It has the following types of execution: monoblock and split system.

In a monoblock type air conditioner, all elements are located in a single housing. According to the principle of operation, it does not differ from the others, only heat is removed through a flexible air duct. The mobile split system consists of two blocks connected using a flexible one, so outer part You can just hang it outside the window.

The main advantage of mobile air conditioners is that they do not require special installation. This is convenient when frequently changing housing or traveling to the country. At the same time, cool with them three-room apartment it will be unrealistic. By cost mobile air conditioners comparable to conventional split systems.

Other types of cooling devices

A central air conditioner is designed to heat or cool outside air. Passing through the supply air duct system, it is cleaned and supplied directly to the consumer. The cooled air gradually warms up in the room, after which it again enters the central air conditioner through a system of exhaust grilles and air ducts. A central air conditioner is often used according to the chiller-fan coil system, since it does not need water coming from the air to cool the air. They are used in museums, large government agencies, and hypermarkets.

The chiller-fan coil system is fundamentally different from other air conditioning systems, since it uses water instead of water. A chiller is a device designed to cool liquid. Water circulates in it, which, with the help of a pumping station, flows through heat-insulated pipes to the fan coil units. Fancoilo is a heat exchanger with forced airflow that delivers Fresh air into the room. The fan is intended only to supply air, and the heat exchanger is intended to heat and cool it. The length of the pipeline between the chiller and the fan coil can be quite significant and depends on the characteristics of the pumping station. The system allows the use of several fan coil units. Their number directly depends on the power of the chiller. To connect the chiller and fan coil, do not use copper pipes, but ordinary tap water.

Please note that fan coil units in separately installed rooms are regulated on an individual basis (both the speed and temperature of the air supply are regulated).

Inverter split systems automatically regulate the cooling power in the room. Compared to conventional systems, they produce less noise, more accurately maintain the set temperature, are economical and have a long service life. Energy savings are achieved by reducing the power of the device: when the temperature approaches the set point, the inverter begins to work only to maintain it. Such refrigeration systems have smooth micro-regulation, guaranteeing temperature stability without sudden fluctuations.

There are air conditioners that are installed on flat roofs buildings (rooftop air conditioner). This is a powerful, high-performance device used for both air conditioning and ventilation of rooms. Their advantage is that their installation allows you to completely preserve the interior of the room, since of all its elements only the air grille will be visible. Cooled air is supplied through a network of air ducts.

Cabinet air conditioners are often used in industrial premises. They provide constant temperature regulation and air purification. They are produced in monoblock and double-block versions. The second option is used when the cooled room is located at a distance from the outer wall. Their variety is precision air conditioner. It is distinguished by more accurate maintenance of the set temperature in the room and is used to ensure the safety of high-tech equipment.

Modern types of air conditioning systems are divided into various categories and subcategories according to purpose and type of design. The abundance of types is not at all a marketing ploy; a wide selection will allow you to choose an air conditioner or air conditioning system that fully meets the user’s needs.

The classification of air conditioners begins with the purpose or place of use of the device. Initially, all modifications are divided into:

  • household;
  • semi-industrial;
  • industrial (production).

To class household appliances(RAC) include all split and multi-split systems whose power does not exceed 5 kW - these are the air conditioners recommended for use in an office or small apartment. The advantages of such systems lie not only in their reasonable cost: their external design does not harm the interior, and operation does not cause difficulties.

Semi-industrial category(PAC) includes split systems of all types with a power of at least 5 kW. This class also includes air conditioning systems when several internal modules of any model, including duct ones, are connected to one external unit.

It is rational to install devices of this class in private houses, cottages, adjacent offices or large apartments.

The average power of the external module will allow you to cope with servicing several rooms, offices or large areas without loss of efficiency. The external unit is mounted on the facade, or installed on the roof of the building, if technically possible.

Production or industrial group contains all versions of duct systems with a power greater than 30 kW, as well as cabinet units of various capacities. Equipment with such characteristics is intended for large areas - warehouses, work shops, exhibition halls, where it is not the external design of the system that plays an important role, but its performance.

Variety of air conditioning systems

Varieties of air conditioners contain many types and subspecies, which often leads to confusion. It is optimal to systematize all this diversity by type of installation and consider options for designing air conditioning systems.

It is important to understand the operating principle and purpose of various modifications. Expert recommendations are based on rational use air conditioning systems, which increases their service life and guarantees the expected result.

Structurally, devices are divided into two main categories:

  • single-block (monoblock);
  • split systems.

Single block air conditioners- This is a single unit that transfers air from indoors to outdoors. In some cases, a flexible hose is connected to the device for air venting. These are noisy units large sizes, depending on the modification, they are installed in the window opening or used for production areas.

is a pair of indoor and outdoor modules. Inside the external unit there are the main sources of background noise - the fan and compressor. It is mounted outside, most often on the facade of a building. The internal part of the system is connected to the external part by several pipes, its housing contains filters, and, depending on the modification, control buttons and temperature sensors may also be located here.

Specification of split systems

Split systems or multi-systems are not a specific model, but a whole class of air conditioning equipment, internal modules can be of any type.

All types of split systems, due to their low cost and simple installation and operation, have received wide use among the population and business. They are used at home, installed in administrative or semi-industrial premises of various sizes. The advantage of the two-block design is ease of control, aesthetic appearance of the internal units, as well as comfort, because they are almost silent.

Despite the fact that only specialized organizations are engaged in servicing systems, the high demand for these services guarantees a low cost of work or repairs.

What types of split systems are there:

  • standard;
  • inverter;
  • "multi" systems.

Standard systems- This is a simple two-block design. Each pair of modules is connected to each other by a freon line of two to three tubes. The systems are easy to use and maintain a constant temperature by switching on and off alternately.

Inverter models differ in the principle of operation - this technique maintains the temperature set by the user by changing the frequency of the compressor. Simply put, the system allows you to smoothly regulate the intensity of the air supply; when a given degree is reached, the air flow speed decreases. Technical feature An inverter air conditioner does not require regular switching on/off, which makes it 30–35% more economical than the classic version.

Multi-systems more difficult to install than others and require special attention when designing. Unlike the classic air conditioning system, here the external module acts as a pair to 2 - 5 internal ones, maintaining the set temperature in several rooms at the same time.

The disadvantage of multi-systems is the absolute dependence of all indoor modules on one outdoor module, where the main and only compressor is installed. If it fails, all rooms will be deprived of cooled air. The second difficulty is laying separate lines to each internal module.

Classification by installation type

For various types of split systems, one of the modifications of household-grade air conditioners is selected.

Monoblock versions of air conditioners

Single-block or monoblock types of air conditioners are divided into several types, among which there are models for home and industrial premises. From the outside, air is forced into the unit during fan operation; inside it is cooled and directed into the room.

Monoblocks are structurally simpler, which explains their lower cost, but there are also disadvantages: large dimensions and obvious background noise. There are three main types of such air conditioners.

  1. Window Air conditioners are mounted in the lower part of the window opening or in the wall. This is the most affordable and primitive type of air conditioner, designed for home or work space. Window versions are cheaper than others, but are not without typical inconveniences such as loud noise and big size. During installation in the opening, it becomes necessary to reduce the window and glazing area, and installation with double-glazed windows will require large labor costs.
  2. Mobile Air conditioners come in two types. Mobile monoblocks are a large module with a flexible air outlet that is installed on a plane, for example, on the floor. Mobile split systems differ from classical types: outdoor unit mounted outside the window and connected to the inside using a flexible air vent. In this case, the compressor is located in the indoor module, therefore, the level of background noise during operation will create discomfort.
  3. Roof type air conditioning systems are a large unit installed directly on the roof of a private cottage or building. The system is led from the main unit to one or more internal modules (multi-system). These are powerful and efficient units that are used for air conditioning several rooms. Most often, rooftop models are purchased for organizing VRF/VRV systems, but they can also be used for private houses or cottages.

Functionality of air conditioners of any type

For air conditioners, the functionality of the model comes in second place, after the area of ​​use. If the first models were simple devices, then modern versions can have a fairly solid set of useful options.

Air cooling is a basic function of any air conditioner, but in practice it is only required in the warm season, and for many regions - several times a year. Thanks to special properties

freon, air conditioners can not only cool, but also increase the air temperature. Heating is not present in every model, but this option allows you to use the device in the cool off-season: spring or autumn.

It is most practical to choose an air conditioner that combines cooling and heating functions, but it is important to understand that such systems cannot completely replace a heating system.

  1. There are other convenient features that you should look for when choosing an air conditioner. As a rule, their presence is indicated in the description of the device. Option "automatic"
  2. stores the last few settings in memory and plays them back at the touch of a button. There is another useful option - “ night
  3. ", the air conditioner automatically switches to night mode, reducing compressor noise or regulating the air temperature. Filtration systems

Understanding what types of air conditioners there are, the user will be able to make right choice at the time of buying. It is enough to clearly define for what purposes and premises a device or air conditioning system is required.

Summer can be hot, or it can be stuffy and humid. In any case, you will need air conditioning. You should think about buying it in April-May, while there is no general excitement. What types of air conditioners are there? What kind of air conditioner do you need?

Do you think the answer to this question is obvious? This is true, but only at first glance.

1. Many modern air conditioners work not only towards cooling, but also towards heating the air. So, they could easily be called radiators.

2. An unobvious advantage of modern air conditioners is air filtration.

3. Air conditioners lengthen your work time by eliminating temperature inconveniences (remember how difficult it is to work in the heat!).

4. Air conditioners allow you to keep the collars and cuffs of light-colored shirts clean longer (if your partner has a snow-white shirt collar, you can rest assured that he has excellent air conditioning in his office).

5. Finally, an air conditioner is an indicator of a certain level of well-being of its owner. The light breeze that your guest feels gives him a subconscious feeling of flight.

Invention of air conditioning

In his modern form Air conditioning first appeared in 1902 in New York. It was developed by American engineer Willis Carrier in 1902. It was an industrial unit for regulating temperature and humidity in a Brooklyn printing house in New York.
However, the prerequisites for creating an air cooling system arose back in 1754, when Swiss Leonhard Euler, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, developed the theory of a fan.

Air cooling principle

The air in the air conditioner is cooled by passing it through a circuit consisting of tubes filled with refrigerant gas (freon, ammonia, etc.). Moving through the tubes of the circuit, the refrigerant takes heat from them, and they, in turn, take heat from the air. The heart of the air conditioner is the compressor.

Effect on air humidity

While cooling the air, the air conditioner circuit tubes condense moisture on themselves. If this process is not entirely clear to you, try opening cold water in your bathroom. Within a few seconds, the faucet will fog up, and later become covered with droplets of water (dew) - this is how the moisture contained in the air of your home condenses. In modern air conditioners, condensed moisture is discharged into the street through a drain tube, or into the sewer using a pump.

Some air conditioner sellers advertise this feature as an advantage. However, this is not always justified. Air conditioned over-dried air causes headaches; some may die houseplants. This factor should definitely be taken into account when purchasing and installing an air conditioner.

Air filtration

Many modern air conditioners filter the air. This function is always useful, no matter what your living conditions. Air conditioners are equipped with special filters, the number of which varies different models unequal. Models with big amount filters provide multi-stage air purification. Filtration protects not only your lungs, but also the air conditioner itself from contamination.

The noise of an air conditioner

Different air conditioners produce different sounds when operating. The best air conditioner models operate almost silently. When purchasing an air conditioner, be sure to check it for noise during operation. Your comfort in the future will partly depend on this: after all, it’s difficult to talk with a noisy air conditioner. The noise forces the TV to turn up louder, which leads to worsening relations with neighbors. Split system air conditioners can be considered the quietest (read more about split systems below). The noise level of indoor units of split systems does not exceed 30 dB (for comparison, a person’s whisper is 20 dB).

Air conditioner power: approximate calculation

You can make an approximate calculation of the required power of the future air conditioner yourself. For every 10 square meters, 1 kW of air conditioning power is required (with a ceiling height of 3 m). 100 W should be added for each person living in an apartment or house. 200 W per frequently used household appliances. And at least 700 W for any stove or oven. If the room to be cooled is on the sunny side, this is also a factor requiring increased design power air conditioner
If the power of your air conditioner turns out to be insufficient, this will lead to two negative consequences: firstly, you will not receive the expected comfort, and secondly, the air conditioner will work at the limit of its capabilities and will fail faster. Fortunately, the price of an air conditioner does not particularly depend on its power.

Types of air conditioners

1. Split system

Recently, so-called split air conditioning systems (from the English split - to separate) have become widespread. These are split-type air conditioners, some of which are installed outside the building, and some inside. The main working part, including the compressor, fan and heat exchanger, is left outside the home. Only a presentable unit with a remote control is mounted indoors. To connect two parts in the wall, it is done through hole. Most of these systems are also suitable for heating a room, but in severe frosts (below 15°C) they are not recommended.

Typically, split systems do not supply air from the street. They clean and cool the interior atmosphere of the room. Air filtration systems in some air conditioner models involve not only removing dust, but also removing odors, killing bacteria and even ionizing the air. However, for oxygen to enter, the room should still be ventilated periodically. The split system is the most convenient, economical and silent type of air conditioner.

Like most air conditioners, the operation of a split system is tied to the air temperature in the room. As soon as the air cools, the system automatically turns off. However, this principle cannot be called optimal. The fact is that when turned on, the system consumes more energy, and frequent shutdowns and starts shorten the service life of the air conditioner and place additional load on the electrical network. Therefore, in modern models and expensive models The compressor does not stop but only changes speed. This saves energy and extends the life of the air conditioner. Such models are called inverter. We recommend that you pay attention to them first.

All modern models of split systems are controlled using a remote control. Control involves setting the desired air temperature, switching air conditioner operating modes, and changing the direction of air flow. Some models are equipped with a timer with presets that allows you to maintain the desired temperature in the absence of people (or when they arrive). A very useful feature is the operation of the air conditioner in night mode. As you know, during the night the air temperature in the room decreases. Therefore, in the evening the air cooling should be stronger than in the morning. This is exactly what an air conditioner with night mode provides. Thus, you protect yourself from hypothermia and sudden colds.

Multisplit system

Along with monosplit systems, there are multisplit systems. These are systems that also have one (but more powerful) external unit and several internal ones. Multi-split systems are designed for air conditioning large areas with many rooms and partitions. The cost of multisplit systems is significantly higher than monosplit systems.

The main disadvantage of split systems is their expensive and complex installation. Its cost can reach up to 20-30% of the price of the system itself. However, such costs are fully justified in the future.

Types of internal (room) units of split systems

Wall blocks. They are small in size, but are capable of cooling rooms up to 60 square meters. m. Wall-mounted units are equipped with mono- and multi-split systems, models with cooling only and models with heating, as well as inverter models. The average power of air conditioners with a wall-mounted unit is 1.5 - 7 kW. As a rule, wall blocks are made in a modern design and easily fit into any interior.

Floor-ceiling blocks. These indoor air conditioner units are fixed in one place (on the wall or ceiling) and cannot be moved. They are designed for large rooms and have a power of 7 - 15 kW. The design of floor-ceiling blocks is designed to make them as invisible as possible on the ceiling or floor. The main advantage of ceiling blocks, in addition to power, is that they practically do not take up space and do not interfere with anything. But they are inconvenient to wash and replace filters. In this aspect, floor blocks are much more convenient. Ceiling blocks, due to their power, are used mainly in work areas (offices, beauty salons, canteens and cafes).

Cassette and channel blocks

These are real ventilation systems. Typically, these types of units are installed in office centers and large stores. From the outside they look like ceilings ventilation grates. As a rule, cassette-channel blocks are mounted together with suspended or decorative ceilings. The main feature is the ability to distribute air flows in several directions at once. And duct blocks also provide an influx of fresh air from the street. One duct unit (precisely thanks to the distribution channels) can be enough to cool and ventilate an entire apartment or floor of a house. The power of air conditioners with a duct or cassette unit can vary from 4 to 17 kW.

2. Floor standing air conditioners

These air conditioners are a single floor-mounted mobile unit that includes a compressor, a cooling circuit, and curtains to direct air flow. Hot air from such a monoblock is drawn out into the street using a hose. The length of the hose is usually 1.5 - 2 meters, the diameter is about 10 cm. To remove the hose, in a window or balcony door Usually a hole is made. Sometimes the hose is connected to the ventilation hatch.

What is the advantage of such a system? She is as mobile as possible. You can bring it to your dacha and use it rented apartment, easy to take with you when moving. Modern design makes a block of such an air conditioner stylish element interior (high-tech). Monoblocks are equipped with a chassis for ease of transportation. Some monoblocks also work as heaters. This air conditioner is controlled from the front panel of the case or via the remote control. The mobile all-in-one can also filter air, depending on the model.

The disadvantages of a monoblock include:

1. Increased noise (after all, the compressor is not located on the street, but directly indoors);

2. Necessity manual removal condensate (moisture deposited on the pipes of the cooling circuit is not discharged to the street, but flows into a special pan).

There is also a combined option floor air conditioner– mobile split system. Its compressor and fan are placed in a separate unit, which can be placed on the balcony. And the indoor unit is installed in the room on the floor. This principle serves, first of all, to reduce the noise level of an operating air conditioner.

The total weight of monoblocks of both types varies in the range of 20 – 55 kg.
Average power: 2 - 6 kW.

3. Window air conditioners

This is essentially yesterday's conditioning. However, they are still in some demand. That's why even companies such as Mitsubishi, Panasonic and Fujitsu produce them. Window air conditioners are installed in wooden frame window. To do this, part of the window is simply cut out. If the frame is double-leaf, then the second leaf remains functional. Another way is to install the air conditioner in a hole in the wall (if there is one). In this case, two problems are solved at once - cooling the room and masking the hole.

Most modern window windows have a quite presentable appearance and operate quietly. They inherited two undeniable advantages from their bulky predecessors:

1. They can pump in fresh air directly from the street (which allows you to remove unpleasant odors or tobacco smoke);

2. Condensed moisture flows out without any problems.

Some window models also work for heating. However, they have a limitation in their operation when low temperatures air outside the window: at -5-7°C, the window air conditioner may fail. The exception is White-Westinghouse window air conditioners, manufactured specifically for Canada and Russia. But energy saving in such models leaves much to be desired.

Modern models of window air conditioners are controlled using a remote control. Economy class models - manually. The air filtration function is available in most models, but it is not perfect everywhere. The power of window air conditioners is usually from 2 to 6 kW.

An air conditioner is usually purchased several years in advance. Therefore, when doing so, you should be especially careful. We hope that our article has helped you better understand which air conditioner best suits your needs.

If you have any questions about choosing the type of air conditioner or installing it, write in the comments and we will definitely try to help you!

What types of split systems are there? The answer is quite simple: those that hang on the wall, cassette and channel, column; which stand on the floor, multi, inverter. This equipment is installed separately for each type of room; for houses, wall-hung equipment is used; where there is a large distance from floor to ceiling, cassette equipment is used. Ducted options are installed in places where there is a suspended ceiling, freshness is distributed throughout the area using air ducts, and ducted ones supply clean, cooled air into the room. Systems with strong power allow you to save money, while cooling a large amount of area, using a minimum amount of energy.

The floor view often works in office spaces, where many people gather; the wall view is simply not possible. The purpose of each split system is to create an area near itself where there will be more free air; there will be no work in that area. One square meter will be enough; with this type of work, fresh air will rise high, and employees will not be able to catch a cold.

Columned ones are used in spaces where there is a lot of space; it is prohibited to install the block on walls and ceilings; installation in theaters and museums is prohibited. The system produces a lot of cold air, it is usually used in places such as corridors and cafes.

Types of split systems

This type of system comes in different modifications; we will consider the one that is used in everyday life. These include window, mobile versions, they contain a single block. It is customary to distinguish several options for these systems:

  • Household RAC (Room Air Conditions);
  • Semi-industrial PAC (Packages Air Conditions),
  • Industrial (Unitary).

Household appliances were defined as systems whose power is higher than 5 kilowatts. These included all cassette, column, floor-ceiling, wall versions.

Split systems with a power greater than 5 kilowatts were classified as semi-industrial. These included cassette, column, floor-ceiling, and wall versions. They are connected using electrical connection methods. Determined by their strength from 2.5 to 30 kilowatts.

The industrial category included duct split systems, the power of which is more than 30 kilowatts, and cabinet monoblocks.

There are certain types of split systems, which are divided into:

  1. Window
  2. Duct
  3. Multisplit
  4. Mobile

The window is a good split system, with good assembly. Inserted into a window or into a thin gap in the wall. Anyone can insert it, it doesn’t require anything special and can be done with an ordinary tool. The system is designed for easy maintenance and durability.

Duct - this type is very unique. The system is located under the ceiling, which is hung, and air is exchanged throughout the entire system network. If the power cools down and the fan works well, the system can cover a large office. It needs to be carefully cleaned; the area will be cooled efficiently.

The multisplit outdoor unit performs its functions better than the indoor one. Its power runs on one indoor unit. Its price is much lower.

VRF is most often installed in luxury premises and cottages. Components of indoor and outdoor units, its capabilities belong to central air conditioning. They can cool a large number of rooms from 100 to 1000 square meters at once. meters.

Mobile phones are a good thing, they are easily portable for people who often change their place of residence, and can easily go to the country with it. To work on large areas It is not suitable while one room is cooling; when moved to the second it will be very hot.


A split system is an air conditioner that consists of several units: external and internal. It works almost silently. Types of split systems: duct and industrial.

Duct air conditioners are equipment for closed works. There is a spinner inside. The selection goes separately for individual ventilation; only an experienced specialist can select it. If you do something wrong, the cooling performance may be affected. The main thing in work is not strength, but the ability to circulate oxygen throughout the entire network. If the equipment works efficiently, there will be no extraneous sounds that may appear at its maximum load. The split system is used where the space is more than 300 square meters. m. Split is installed in warehouses and commercial premises. The equipment can be cooled at low cost.

Industrial duct-type systems serve large areas in size; the manure system must be installed in the ventilation. In offices, the cassette version is usually used. The indoor unit is placed next to the suspended ceiling, the space should be more than 250 mm. Column type systems have cooling options for large spaces, suitable for boardrooms and large spaces. The main disadvantage of such structures is the very small distance between the blocks.


Air conditioners are air coolers that consist of several units: external and internal. The operating principle is to transfer heat from a warm room to the street. The air conditioner has the ability not only to cool the room, but also to heat it. When supplied to heat, freon will disappear in the outdoor unit, changes will be carried out inside. Specifications Split systems are as follows: the indoor unit can be located on the ceiling or wall, it all depends on the type of air conditioner. New the lineup consists of many parts: a separate remote control and the possibility of self-cleaning, a timer, and temperature settings. The displays show all information about the specified parameters.

The external split unit is placed outside the room for cooling: this is the roof, facade, balcony. The indoor and outdoor units are connected to each other by a drainage line and an electrical connection. The compressor is located outside the unit, which reduces the noise where the room is cooled. If you do not perform a technical inspection on the indoor unit, the cold air output may be greatly reduced. Maintenance is done with complete disassembly of the unit inside, with detergents and disinfectants.

What types of split systems are there?

The most important division of systems is the indoor unit; the outdoor unit is always the same. What types of split systems are there? The simplest ones are: wall-mounted, multi, inverter.

The wall-mounted option is the most standard for home use. It hangs on the wall, cools both small and large rooms, they are installed in homes and offices.

Multi consists of several blocks located inside, connected with a single block inside, this installation helps to cool many areas of a small area.

The inverter changes the operation of the system, the compressor rotates at a different frequency, a standard air conditioner can turn on and off independently when a certain temperature is reached. The inverter version works constantly, operates stably, without increasing the speed.

Split system for an apartment

It is necessary to select a split system before renovating the room: hide all unnecessary wires in the wall (installing the system during the renovation process is cheaper than installing it in the room where they live). Before choosing an air conditioner, keep in mind that they vary in power and have different cooling temperatures. Some have a room heating function, if available plastic windows, heated floors, and in winter the apartment is well heated, then the heating function will not be useful. Which split system to choose for an apartment, popular systems are very expensive, but the practicality during operation is much better than that of those brands that you do not know about, and it is very difficult to say how it will behave in operation.

You need to look at the warranty period provided by the manufacturer. The more time is given, the more reliable the air conditioner will work. The cost of all split systems is approximately the same; they differ only in functions and additional capabilities.

Split system for office

Before purchasing a split system, you need to decide on the purpose and the room in which this device will work. Choosing a split system for large office is as follows: inexpensive models are suitable, it’s not worth paying a lot of money for a brand or a cool brand. The focus should be on the quality of work, how expensive it is and the appropriate appearance. In a space where there are a lot of people, it is always very noisy, and take silent air conditioner it makes no sense.

The organization does not have heating, they purchase an inverter model, it will insulate the territory in extreme cold. The operation of inverter split systems consists of high-quality and non-hazardous operation, there are no pressure drops, motor power is regulated, and energy is saved. You can control the fan strength. Therefore, its operation is very quiet. If on the street subzero temperature, then it heats the air perfectly, and they are also protected from freezing. Basically, air conditioners distinguish only appearance and manufacturers. Choose those models that suit your interior and the design of your office. You should not pay a lot of money just because the brand is very famous if you cannot afford it due to your financial capabilities.

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