The subtleties of fastening eurolining. How to fix the lining? - A few useful tips from Professor Opilkin

To make the finish look attractive, it must be properly fixed.

When considering how to attach a wall paneling to a wall, most reviews recommend only one option for the job. We will analyze as many as 3 ways, you need to choose the one that best suits your conditions and provides maximum reliability. After reading this review, you will understand all the nuances and easily do the work on your own.

Mounting methods

We will analyze how to properly fix the lining on wooden frame different ways. Each of them has its own pros and cons, so read all the information below carefully.

Option 1 - use finishing nails

This fastener for lining is traditional and has been used for several decades, for work we need special studs with a reduced head. The length should be such that 2/3 of the nails are included in the bar, most often products with a length of 30 to 40 mm are used. The price of 100 grams is 40-50 rubles, so this is also the most cheap way mounts.

Let's figure out how the lining is attached in this case:

  • The first installation option is fastening into a groove, that is, into a recess on one of the sides, in this case the nail is hammered at an angle of 45 degrees and closed by the next element. Below is a diagram of this technology;

  • You can also fix the elements through the spike, below it shows how to properly fasten the lining with nails in this case. Here the nail is also closed by the next element, providing a perfect appearance finishes;

  • After choosing the option that you will use, you can get to work. Before attaching the lining to the wall, it is necessary to cut the elements of the required length so that there are gaps of several mm to compensate for material deformations during temperature changes;
  • The first element in the corner on one side is fixed through the top, anyway, the corner is closed with a plinth or another decorative element. On the second side, a carnation is hammered into a spike or groove, this is done very carefully so as not to split the material and damage it. Thus, you quickly and reliably finish walls and ceilings.

Advice! Nails thicker than 1.4 mm should not be used, as they are much more likely to split the material.

Option 2 - use kleimers

You can not disassemble the question of how to fix wooden lining, and not to mention the kleimers, the so-called special staples that are placed on the spike of the elements and fixed with cloves. For lining, option No. 4 is used, and for block house and timber imitation - No. 5. Products are sold in packs of 100 pieces and cost about 50 rubles per pack, carnations are included.

Do-it-yourself instructions include the following steps:

  • To begin with, the number of fasteners is calculated, they are located on each frame edge, you need to multiply the number of structure edges by the number of lining panels;
  • The location of the kleimers with a vertical arrangement of elements does not matter, and if the finish is horizontal, then they should be from below;

  • The workflow is very simple: the lining is put in place, fits well with the previous element, after which the clamps are placed and fixed with small studs. To make them more convenient to score, use a spacer.

Advice! If you want to ensure higher fastening strength, then instead of studs, you can use self-tapping screws to fasten the clamps, the 3x20 mm option is best.

Option 3 - use self-tapping screws

If you are thinking about how to fix the lining on the wall as securely as possible, then self-tapping screws are best. Their use is associated with some difficulties, but the fixation strength will be maximum, and if necessary, the finish can be disassembled without damaging it, which is also important.

The workflow in this case looks like this:

  • IN groove connection lining with a drill 3 mm thick, holes are drilled at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • The element is attached to the crate, tightly joined, after which a self-tapping screw is screwed into it. The work should be done very carefully: the hat should sink into the material so as not to interfere with the docking, but at the same time, do not press too hard so that the wood does not crack.

The question is often asked, on what to fix the PVC lining, in this case all the above options will do. Alternatively, you can use a simpler option - construction stapler, it is perfect for plastic.

How to fix eurolining to reveal all the beauty of these planks?

The lining of the decade is in demand. This material, preserving the natural pattern, ennobles the room at the same time, retains heat and serves as a high-quality sound insulator. In rooms lined with environmentally friendly materials, the healthy aroma of the forest is preserved for years, and the humidity regime is always within the optimal limits. Wooden lining absorbs moisture in excessively damp rooms and releases it into the air if it is too dry around. The panels are equipped with special locks, so the installation and fastening of the panels is within the power of even a novice master.

Eurolining is a popular material for interior decoration due to its environmental friendliness and ease of installation.

However, those who make the cladding on their own for the first time often wonder how to properly mount it so as not to spoil the charming appearance of the lining.

There are several ways, and all of them require not experience and special skills, but patience and accuracy.

Fastening with nails

Some experts answer the question of how to fix this lining: with nails or screws. How to do it?

The simplest and at the same time the most barbaric way is to fasten the lining with nails from the “face” of the product. It is possible that sometimes the plan of an architect or designer allows this method, but then the planks are fixed with special finishing nails. They differ from ordinary ones in a tiny oval hat and a small diameter. This is necessary to make the nail invisible against the background of the lined wall. Sometimes (very rarely) finishing nails can have a decorative cap. Regardless of whether the lining is fastened from the outside with ordinary or decorative nails, special care must be taken: the boards can split.

More experienced craftsmen fasten the lining, driving the finishing nails into the groove of the plank. It's hard to do this job without experience.

Approximately 600 nails are required per 10 square meters.

The nail must first be carefully inserted into the groove, then driven into the mounting rail, then the caps must be drowned with a puncher so that they do not interfere with further installation.

To fix the lining in this way, you need skill, experience, skill and time. And still there is a risk of damage to the plates.

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Fastening with self-tapping screws

The usual (not eurolining) was often fastened with screws, guided by the following algorithm.

  1. A hole for a screw was drilled in each panel.
  2. Countersinked a secret hole designed for a hat.
  3. The screw was driven into the frame rail to failure with the help of a screwdriver.

The first difficulty was to fit the screw head flush with the lining. The second is at the risk of splitting the plank. The screw was supposed to go into the place intended for him.. Otherwise, it interfered with the attachment of the next element. Today, when eurolining has appeared (it has more grooves and spikes than the old configuration), this method of fastening has been somewhat simplified.

  1. Neat holes are drilled in each wooden panel, the depth of which is equal to half the length of the self-tapping screw selected for this purpose. Of course, you can try to screw in a self-tapping screw without a previously prepared hole. Experience shows that the number of damaged (cracked) planks increases dramatically.
  2. Using a screwdriver, the self-tapping screw is completely recessed into the wood.
  3. Holes are plugged with pins and ground flush.

This method of fastening the lining also leaves the risk of damage to the panels and takes a lot of time. You need to have a lot of experience in order to correctly and accurately drive nails, screws, self-tapping screws into Right place lining or eurolining. It also requires some physical strength.

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Fastening eurolining with a stapler and clamps

Fastening the lining with a clamp is the most reliable.

How else can you mount eurolining? Those who fastened eurolining to the wall on their own for the first time often claim that the most convenient way- use of staples and a construction stapler. It is enough to insert the staple into the groove at an angle of 45 ° using a stapler. If the bracket lies correctly, then the planks are connected as usual.

Today, the most practical and reasonable is the method of fastening eurolining with the help of clamps (clamps).

They do it like this:

  1. The lining board is installed and leveled.
  2. A clamper is put on the bottom of the groove.
  3. With the help of nails or staples, the kleimer is attached to the wall or batten.
  4. The next board is inserted with a spike into the groove, the operation is repeated. Every 5-8 rows it is recommended to check the compliance of the lining with the chosen direction (vertical, diagonal, horizontal).

Why is it better to fasten eurolining with clasps? Because the advantages of kleimers are obvious:

  1. The possibility of cracking the board is excluded.
  2. The lining process is accelerated.

During the installation process, a perfectly even wall sheathing is obtained.

This article provides instructions for installing a lining with your own hands.

The lining can be plastic, MDF or wooden.

Using a wooden example, we will tell you how to properly nail a lining.

First of all, you need to decide on the direction:

  • Vertically, from the floor to the ceiling - the room visually becomes taller and narrower.
  • Horizontally, from wall to wall - looks lower, but wider.
  • At an angle (diagonal laying) - a slightly more complicated way and more material consumption.

If the surface is wooden, perfectly flat and vertical (an almost improbable case), we nail the lining directly to the wall.

In other cases, a crate of slats with a pitch of 500 mm is required.

Let's say that we chose the vertical arrangement of the lining.

Lathing installation

They are made of dry, even, planed pine slats with a cross section of at least 20 * 40 mm.

It is desirable to treat Reiki with an antiseptic composition:

  • In the corner of the room, we install the first rail vertically, checking its position with a plumb line. It is necessary to fasten the rail to the wall with a 500 mm pitch with screws of sufficient length, using plastic dowels and wooden spacers.
  • IN opposite corner mount the second rail in the same way.
  • We stretch two cords along the top and bottom of the wall from rail to rail, which will serve as beacons when installing the upper and lower rails.
  • We strengthen the horizontal rails under the ceiling and near the floor, controlling their position along the cord.
  • Stepping back from the lower rail 0.5 meters, we install the next rail horizontally.

Advice. You can also check the correct installation by pulling the cord between the extreme rails. Or according to the rule (flat rail), resting it on the upper and lower horizontal rails.

  • The rest of the battens are installed in the same way.

Do the same on the other walls.

Note. With a horizontal arrangement of the lining, the laths of the crate are located vertically. At diagonal laying- at right angles to the lining.

Installation of lining

Vertical arrangement

How to nail a lining with nails vertically?

They begin to fasten the lining from the left corner of the wall:

  • Having sawed off (with an electric jigsaw or saw with a fine tooth) the required length, which should be 5 - 10 mm less height premises, put the first strip with a crest to the corner.
  • What kind of nails to nail the lining? Along the crest with thin nails with a small hat (they are also called finishing).
  • Then you can proceed in several ways.
  • Nail the lining with finishing nails in the middle of the strip to each lath of the crate and putty the nail heads, drowning them in the wood, or you can not putty.
  • Fasten in the same way, but use screws instead of nails (for example, 2.5 - 3 mm in diameter).
  • Fasten with nails or screws not in the middle, but along the ridge (due to the small thickness of the ridge, it is necessary to drill holes for fasteners, otherwise cracking is possible).

  • Hammer nails or tighten screws in the grooves of the lining. In this case the comb next lane hides fasteners.

How to properly nail a lining?

Advice. Nails must be beaten at an angle and not completely, so as not to damage the front side. Nails are finished using a punch or core with a blunt end.

  • Use special fasteners. These are metal brackets that are put on the bottom shelf of the groove and nailed to the crate. Their price is low.

Note. Clamps can be fastened with nails (usually included), 3 * 12 screws or staples using a construction stapler.

  • We insert the second strip with a comb into the groove of the first and knock it all the way.

Advice. In order not to damage the groove, when finishing off the lining, use a piece with a cut groove. It is inserted with a comb into the groove of the strip, and it is struck with a hammer.

  • The remaining strips are attached in the same way. It is necessary to periodically control the vertical position of the lining with a plumb line and, if necessary, correct it.
  • The last strip is cut to the desired width and nailed to the crate along the right edge.
  • On the first strip of the next wall, the ridge is cut off. This strip will cover the nail heads on the last lining of the first wall.
  • Further installation is carried out in the same way as on the first wall.

Horizontal arrangement

How to nail the lining horizontally?

When mounting from the bottom up, it is better to see how to nail the lining with nails almost to the very top, but under the ceiling there will be a strip cut in width, which is not always beautiful.

With this method, gaps between the stripes are visible.

Important. At horizontal trim walls of a bath or sauna, moisture gets into these cracks and the lining will quickly lose its beautiful appearance.

If you start from above, then the first strip is attached under the ceiling.

The next strip is inserted from below with a comb into the groove of the first, nailed, and so on.

The last strip is cut in width, and wound into the penultimate groove, while it is convenient to use the simplest lever(for example, a nail puller or pry bar).

The gap near the floor is covered with a plinth.

diagonal arrangement

More commonly used on ceilings than walls.

The technology for nailing the lining diagonally is slightly different.

  • You need to start from the corner.
  • The ends of each strip are cut according to the template at the required angle.
  • When, it is most convenient to fasten with clamps using screws, using a screwdriver or a cordless screwdriver.

Little tricks. In order not to leave marks on the front side of the sole electric jigsaw, it is better to cut on the wrong side, using a nail file “tooth up”. In order not to break a thin comb when sawing, you can put a piece of lining on it with a groove.

Final stage

After the planes of the walls and (or) the ceiling are ready, it is necessary to decorate the corners - vertical and horizontal, internal and external.

For external corners, wooden corners are usually used, which are nailed with finishing nails.

Internal knots can be closed with a special jute (or hemp) cord or a special shaped corner rail - fillet.

How to nail eurolining demonstrates the video.

Any economical and efficient owner probably wants to save his cash and to repair or build your home, as little as possible resorting to the help of builders.

In this article, we will tell you how to nail the lining to the walls and ceiling, explain the conditions for building the right frame, and also pay attention to the necessary materials.

Frame installation

The wrong decision when finishing would be to start nailing the material directly to the wall itself.

But then how to nail the lining to the wall? Professionals advise doing this on a special frame or crate.

This is due to the fact that the surface must be perfectly flat and made of wood. In this case, the frame will help out the owner.

The crate is made of slats or beams. When erecting a frame, care is required, since if its elements are at different levels, then the finishing material will not be evenly nailed to the wall.

The sequence of creating the crate:

  1. Nail the extreme slats to the corners of the wall, leveling them. To ensure the evenness of the future frame, you can put wooden pieces under the slats.
  2. Pull a fishing line, thread or rope between the extreme rails. Focusing on their level, arrange accordingly all other elements.

The main thing is to remember just the rule: before nailing the lining, you need to pay great attention to the crate, which will ensure the evenness and beauty of the future sheathed wall.

Features of vertical, horizontal and diagonal mounting

Before you start nailing the lining, you should disassemble everything possible ways its attachments. There are three in total.

Vertical fastening assumes that construction material(slats, bars) it is better to nail in the center of the working surface. It is better to start sheathing the frame from the corner.

In this case, the first rail should be well fixed. Do not forget about checking the deviation level. It is advisable to do this when attaching every 10th board.

How to nail the lining in this case? Often this is done by the so-called finishing nails, which are distinguished by a small cap along the crest. Also convenient to use are iron staples - kleimers. Sometimes installation is also carried out using screws.

Mounting sequence vertically:

  1. You should start from the left edge of the working area;
  2. We row the lining to the corner, which is already adjusted to the size of the surface;
  3. Nail the first board in a convenient way;
  4. Fix nails or any other fasteners in the grooves;
  5. The second is placed in the groove of the first, then reaches the end;
  6. Further it is necessary to follow similarly;
  7. The final strip is adjusted to fit right size and fasten from the right edge of the surface.

Sometimes on the first plank of the next wall the comb is cut off to hide the nail heads on the last strip of the first wall.

At horizontal mount it is necessary to install the lining up with a comb so that moisture does not accumulate inside the lining, which can adversely affect the quality of the wood.

Installation in this way is best done from top to bottom.. If you act in the opposite direction, then gaps between the strips may be visible. finishing material.

Video - how to fix the board on the ceiling (in Finnish, but everything is clear and so):

Horizontal fastening sequence:

  1. Fix the initial board to the ceiling;
  2. Insert the second from the bottom into the groove of the first;
  3. Fasten with nails or screws;
  4. The final board is sawn to the desired size and inserted into the groove of the last strip.

It is the fasteners from top to bottom that allow you to close the ugly gap between the wall and the floor with the help of a plinth. The diagonal arrangement is more suitable for execution on the ceiling.

Sequence of diagonal arrangement:

  • 1. The first board is attached from the corner;
  • 2. The ends of each are cut at the required angle according to the sketch.

But how to nail a lining to the ceiling? To fix it, it is most convenient to use iron brackets with screws that will be screwed in with a screwdriver.

When all installation work is completed, for more aesthetic appearance cladding, you can close all corners either with special corners or with a corner rail.

4 mounting options

Method 1: Him the essence is to drill a hole for the screw in the stripe spike.

This hole must completely match the diameter of the screw or self-tapping screw. After that, the hole can be closed with a dowel.

Method 2: He based on stapler with brackets that are attached at a certain angle into the groove.

The method is especially convenient when mounting from top to bottom. It is also imperative to ensure that the bracket is “retracted” into the strip, otherwise the spike of the next panel will not be able to enter freely.

Method 3: This option is the best suitable for the installation of eurolining and is implemented using kleimers. Staples are attached to the back of the lining, and the kleimers are fixed to the wall with nails.

First, a clamp is attached to the next strip, and then it is joined, and the clamp is fixed at the surface.

Method 4: This method used for facing from the bottom to the top. The initial strip is connected to the second self-tapping screw. The next self-tapping screw is inserted into the top of the board.

His hat should be flush with the spike. The next strip is inserted onto the spike of the previous one and installed with a self-tapping screw.

Video - how to properly nail (you can use a screwdriver):

Cost of work

will cost an average of 350 rubles for 1 square meter. Ceiling decoration - 450 rubles per square meter.

If we talk about how much the material itself costs, then it will cost about 340-350 rubles per square meter.

Often the price depends on what kind of wood is used in the manufacture of lining.

It can be spruce, pine, larch, linden, aspen. Eurolining made of larch is considered to be especially expensive, elite and of high quality due to its unique texture.

So, in this article we tried to cover as much information as possible on how to properly nail the lining to various surfaces, as well as what tools and materials are best suited for this job. We wish you good luck in this difficult task.

Clapboards are wooden facing boards that can be used to transform any interior. It is often used both for wall cladding and for exterior cladding of a house. The work of decorating walls with clapboard is simple and accessible even to a non-professional, but for this you need to know the basic subtleties of installation. When using lining as a finishing material, it turns out beautiful and Smooth surface without significant financial outlay. In addition, it has good soundproofing properties. In this article, we will talk about how to properly sheathe the walls of the room with clapboard.

Do-it-yourself lining installation

When working with lining, you do not need to pre-align the walls with putty and plaster.

Frame manufacturing

First of all, you need to make a frame. For him, wooden blocks with rectangular section 15x30 mm or 20x40 mm. The choice of their thickness will depend on the degree of unevenness of the walls.

If the surface is absolutely flat, then slats with a thickness of 10 mm to 15 mm are used. They can be attached to the wall with glue or nails. They should be located in increments of 50 cm - this will ensure air circulation between the base and the cladding. Wooden lining has high hygroscopic properties, therefore, waterproofing must be applied along the bottom of the wall to which it is attached.

For walls with uneven surface bars are taken larger section. They are fastened with bolts, dowels or screws. During frame installation, uneven walls, it is necessary to use a plumb line and a level that will help track its vertical and horizontal. If necessary, thin wooden wedges are used, which ensure that all the bars are in the same plane.

If work is planned to insulate the room, then the frame should be made of bars no thinner than 50 mm. In this case, heat-insulating material will be laid in the space between them.

When attaching the frame around windows and doors, they must be circled with bars. This is done so that the ends of the slats are mounted on them, and not lying on the door and window frames.

Various lining installation technologies

After the base is mounted, you can start lining the walls with clapboard. In total, there are several methods for mounting the lining to the frame:

  • with a stapler or nails. In this case, work is performed in any direction. When using nails, you will need a hammer to completely drown the hats in the wood;

  • with the help of special staples - kleimers. This method is only suitable for mounting thin lining, which is used for internal works. Kleimers are attached to the wall with nails or self-tapping screws. Each next bar is joined to the already fixed one, thereby closing the fastener. In order to close the caps of the screws at the last bar, a dowel is used.

  • when using strips with a wide internal latch that can be mounted on nails, screws, clips or paper clips. This way of placing the lining is made both from the floor to the ceiling, and from the ceiling to the floor. To do this, before installing wooden planks, holes are drilled from the side of the spike equal to the size of the screw head. It is in them, when mounted to the frame, that self-tapping screws will be screwed. After completion of work, all protruding parts should be cut and sanded

Due to the wide variety of clapboard cladding technologies, you can choose suitable way finishes for any surface.

Tips to help when decorating a house with a clapboard with your own hands

  • Regardless of the height of the walls of the room and the length of the plank, the most practical is the docking method. This clapboard sheathing technology creates a rigid connection even in the absence of a backing bar.
  • Before mounting the lining near sockets and switches, they should be de-energized and dismantled.
  • It is advisable to cut the edge of the first plank and install it in the corner, checking the vertical with a plumb line.
  • It is important to ensure free air circulation between the lining and the wall. For this, thin wooden slats around the perimeter of the floor and ceiling.
  • When hit with a hammer, it is necessary to use a wooden plank, which will soften the blow and avoid damage to the lining.
  • With a vertical arrangement, lining should be sheathed from left to right.
  • You can close the upper and lower sections of the planks using a carved plinth, which will not interfere with the free circulation of air.
  • After the wall decoration is completed, all planks must be covered with several layers of varnish.

How much does it cost to sheathe a room with clapboard

When decorating walls with clapboard, the price of work is 300-400 rubles per square meter, which is equivalent to the price for the material. Therefore, you should stock up on knowledge of how to fix the lining to the wall and independently perform all the work on its installation. This will halve the cost of facing the room.

But if you decide to hire professional workers, you need to take into account a number of nuances:

  • when not large volume work, the price per square meter will be above average;
  • the tree needs additional processing: plastering and varnishing. You will have to pay extra for this separately;
  • for large volumes of work, there may be an individual discount.

The total cost of lining a house with clapboard will depend on the quality of the material from which it is made. The variety depends only on the presence of natural wood defects and shortcomings that appeared during the production process. Differences in technological process production different varieties there is no wagon.

When choosing it, you should also take into account the characteristics of the wood from which it is made. So, material from conifers trees can be used for outdoor and indoor use. And hardwoods, except for aspen, can be used exclusively for interior decoration premises.

Interiors with lining walls

Most often lining is used for the interior country houses. It is perfect for rooms in Provence or country style. With the help of lining, a special home comfort, and the environmental friendliness of the material inspires the choice of appropriate furniture and interior items.

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