Types of lumber names. Lumber and their types and classification according to appearance and processing method. How lumber is divided depending on processing

The main method of primary mechanical processing of logs is sawing, during which three types of products are obtained: lumber, various blanks, finished parts made of wood. The main difference between the results is the readiness of the products for subsequent use.

The types of lumber are numerous; their use covers almost all areas, from large-scale construction and large-tonnage production to manufacturing country houses and devices.

Wood sawing

A common feature of all materials obtained by sawing is the presence of at least two planes parallel to each other. In the specialized literature they are usually called layers.

Long longitudinal ends are called edges; no additional terms are used to name short transverse ends. The places where the faces, edges and ends meet are called ribs.

The main importance for shaping the appearance of lumber is the type of wood, the quality of wood raw materials, and sawing technology. The process is carried out with tools and equipment in the following areas:

  • along the longitudinal axis;
  • perpendicular to the main axis;
  • at an acute angle relative to the longitudinal axis;
  • in a tangential direction with respect to the core rays.

Sawing in a perpendicular direction is actually carried out along the radii of the ends of the logs, which is why it is often called radial. Sawing at an acute angle to the axis of the core leads to the formation of a special pattern on the faces, which is popular when decorating houses in the ethnic style. Therefore, the process is often defined as rustic, which is Latin for “very simple” or “rustic.”

If the acute angle of the sawing plane is strictly 45° relative to the longitudinal axis of the core, then the type of sawing is called semi-radial.

Sawing tools

For sawing, tools and equipment with various technical capabilities are used.

When carrying out current household work, ordinary hacksaws are used, as well as mechanized units powered by fuel or electricity.

For amateur work, craftsmen often buy cheap, not the most expensive raw materials, so it makes no sense to spend money on special equipment.

The type of boards obtained after is quite acceptable for the construction of fences, sheds, utility rooms on the outskirts personal plot, as well as some production tasks.

The production of parquet and high-quality lumber for construction purposes is based on the use of woodworking machines, which make it possible to produce both edged and unedged products, and to carry out sawing along the main and angular axes.

Special equipment ensures the production of a minimum amount of waste and delivers a defect-free product. Hand tool, any sawmill produces, in parallel with the required lumber, a large amount of sawdust, which significantly reduces the profitability of the process.

Classification by purpose

Before planning sawing, you need to have a clear understanding of the purpose of the product, the requirements for it operational properties, shape and size.

Beam - the main structural element that performs load-bearing functions, has a thickness and width greater than 100 mm.

Boards are a product of longitudinal sawing of logs, characterized by a thickness not reaching 100 mm, and the width exceeds twice the thickness. Standard sizes boards vary as follows:

  • thickness from 16 mm to the usual maximum of 75 mm;
  • length from one to 6.5 m.

The minimum length of boards made from hardwood logs, in contrast to coniferous trees, may be equal to 0.5 m.

The widths of any boards in accordance with regulatory requirements fit in the range from 75 to 275 mm. Boards are the most popular type of lumber, used everywhere: from industrial to household facilities.

In the manufacture of furniture, gazebos, various frames and floorings, timber is widely used - a type of lumber with a thickness not reaching 100 mm, a width less than twice the thickness. A bar, in fact, is a bar in miniature, which explains such a diminutive name.

Sleepers are a specific type of large beams intended for laying railways. Taking into account the harsh operating conditions, this type of lumber is impregnated with antiseptic composites made from petroleum or coke fractions.

Note! It is strictly not recommended to use sleepers in domestic construction due to the high harmfulness of fumes.

Obapol is a rough version of a board in which only one side has the appearance of a high-quality plane. As a result of inexpensive, fast sawing, the product has a variable width and shape, can be used for scaffolding, formwork, construction of sheds, sheds, fences and other utility structures.

A croaker is obtained by sawing off the outer plate from a log, in which one side remains pristinely round. The sizes of slabs are not strictly regulated. Just like both sexes, they are used for general technical purposes.

Classification according to processing specifics

Sawing is an important, but not final stage in the formation of the presentation of lumber. It is often followed by additional stages of work, allowing to obtain a wide range of products.

Unedged material

Consumers receive unedged material, mainly boards, on the edges of which the primary cover of wood raw materials has been preserved. The number of remaining wanes of varying thickness occupies almost the entire area of ​​the side edges. The width of the product is determined in the place of the material in which the minimum amount of outer covers remains.

Trimming material

IN edged lumber the sidewalls are processed, as a result of which they do not have residues of wane or contain them in a minimal, strictly regulated quantity. All planes (faces, edges, ends) in edged products are parallel, the angle between the axes of adjacent sides must be straight, which is one of the quality control parameters.

For a narrow range of production tasks, products are produced with one edge cut off, while the opposite side part remains unchanged and contains a large amount of wane. Logically, such lumber is called single-edged.

Planed material

More Smooth surface formed during planing, which can be subjected to both lateral opposite sides, and only one wide plane. Thus, planed products have two edges processed to obtain a high-quality appearance, or at least one face.

In accordance with the thoroughness of the board processing, the beams are sorted into groups. Wherein best products from softwood wood is grouped by visual or automated control into selected material. The remaining products are sorted into four groups. The roughness of products of the first three groups does not exceed 1250 microns, the size of grains on the surface of materials of the 4th group can reach 1600 microns.

Lumber made from hardwood raw materials is sorted according to domestic standards into three groups. There are also other types of sorting, in particular, special requirements apply to carpentry and structural lumber.

Features of the use of lumber from different species

Most common among domestic producers and consumers has wood raw materials from coniferous and deciduous trees. Exotic breeds do not grow in our territories; imported raw materials are very expensive and are not used often.

Coniferous wood has good mechanical strength, is distinguished by the possibility of long-term use, and is not prone to biological contamination leading to damage.

Great resistance to rotting, mold, and fungal attack is explained by the high content of specific resinous substances. This advantage is accompanied by the presence of dangerous features, expressed in an increased tendency to ignite.

Note! Of all coniferous trees, spruce has the optimal concentration of resins in wood, which explains the reduced tendency to ignite compared to other coniferous raw materials.

Among deciduous wood, oak products are the most expensive and high-quality lumber. The advantages are valued at a correspondingly high cost.

Lumber from other tree species fully satisfies the everyday needs of industrial and household consumers and has an affordable price range.

Nowadays construction has many modern materials and ways to work with them. But wooden plank still remains a leader in functionality and ease of use.

Edged board, which can have different lengths and sizes, is excellent for the construction of a fundamental base, installation of rough and finished floors, installation of walls and partitions, floors between floors, for interior decoration rooms in rustic interior styles.

So why the board? And what are the advantages of this building material?


Since ancient times, wood has been considered the best building material. Edged boards have several advantages, thanks to which they are chosen for various jobs.

The material is characterized by the following advantages:

  • ease;
  • ease of operation;
  • efficiency;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • thermal insulation.

It is lightweight, so it simplifies the work of builders. No need to use force or move heavy objects: light board will perform all the functions assigned to it.

Construction with wood requires relatively little cost. Low cost is very important for anyone who decides to build a house or any other building from scratch. If you buy a board, more money remains for interior and exterior decoration.

In addition, the board is environmentally friendly. This is one of the main indicators for housing. After all, the quality and naturalness of raw materials for construction in the future may affect the health of those in the house.

A very important parameter for a residential building and not only is thermal insulation. Wood has the ability to retain heat indoors for a long time and does not allow cold outside.

Types of edged boards

There are several criteria by which the type of this product is distinguished. The first of them is the type of cut.

There are the following cutting options, differing in their special characteristics and functionality:

  • radial;
  • semi-radial;
  • tangential.

The main difference is the angle of inclination of the wood fibers during cutting. The first type (from 60 to 90 degrees) is considered resistant to moisture and little susceptible to deformation.
The second type of cut (45 degrees) involves less waste during processing, unlike the first. Tangential cutting is considered the most popular and budget-friendly.

Another distinguishing criterion is the method of application. In accordance with this, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • planed;
  • batten.

The indicator of surface cleanliness is important here. Planed boards are used to make furniture, doors, and window structures. Why? Each edge is carefully processed to achieve a smooth and even texture. The second is used for laying floors. Its smooth edges ensure reliable fastening, no space between joints, helping to avoid deformation.

Products in this category also vary in moisture content. It can be raw or dry. The choice is influenced by the type of work expected and the time frame for its completion. Experienced builders know how to correctly select the type of building material that is suitable for the presence of moisture.
There are also different varieties lumber, each of which is suitable for a specific type of construction and production.

But the main parameter by which such material is selected and distinguished is size. They range from 100*25 to 200*50. This criterion is important, because it is what ensures correct and durable operation. It is necessary that the board completely fits the dimensions.

The length can vary from 1.7 to 6. The choice is influenced by the area of ​​application and the functions that the board must perform.

Where to find the product

Such products can be purchased from the Drevtorg company wholesale and retail. We always have a wide range of products, we have the right sizes and lengths.

The lumber that we sell meets all the requirements put forward to it. We only use the best wood different breeds and carefully process it.
Many customers often have a question: how to choose a suitable edged board among others? The first thing you should consider is the length of the material. Such a board can be up to 6 meters. In such cases, the price per m3 is standard, as for three-meter products.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the sizes. This indicator is in the table on our website, where you can compare and evaluate the dimensions of lumber in detail. The board can have a thickness of 25, 32, 40 and 50 mm, which also affects its functionality.

"Drevtorg" invites you to buy materials from the "Board" section. The cost for all types of products is indicated in the table. If you would like to know what the wholesale price will be, leave a request on the website. Our managers will send you to email all necessary data.
For more detailed information, call one of our phone numbers.

Lumber is produced by sawing wood into individual parts - plates, quarters, beams and beams, boards, slabs. There is a wide variety of types of lumber.

The thickness of boards made in production conditions can be no more than 100 mm; the width has a value greater than the thickness value multiplied by two. The beams have a thickness of no more than 100 mm; the width should be less than twice the thickness.

How lumber is divided depending on processing

According to the method chosen for processing raw materials, lumber is divided into unedged and edged. The latter are characterized by processing on four sides; on the faces and edges, wane values ​​should only be allowed as determined in accordance with the type of product. Wane is the part of the log surface that remains on the part after mechanical trimming. The result is a piece of board, untreated at the edges, which can be used in architectural structures or for carpentry finishing of buildings.

Uncut lumber has edges that are partially sawn or not sawn at all. Single-sided products have one edge and sawn edges, while the sawn lump is not allowed to have wane that is larger than the parameters allowed for a particular product. This type is used somewhat less frequently in construction. It can be used for cladding various parts of the structure, making flooring, and other options are possible.

Depending on the processing method, materials can be called unmilled or milled, that is, planed. The latter are a material in which at least one of the cavities is planed. In order to produce planed timber, timber is taken only with a certain diameter, so that the blanks for the timber are formed in compliance the right size. The workpieces must be dried - this is done using steam chambers or under natural conditions. Products are obtained by processing raw materials on machines.

Classification of lumber by size, shape

When processing wood using modern technologies perform different types products. The assortment includes bars and sleepers, boards and slats, quarters, slabs, plates and other products. Types of lumber may vary depending on the methods of working with raw materials. You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Types of lumber

Depending on the number of sides processed, the beam will be called two-edged, three-edged, or four-edged. The thickness and width of products is, as a rule, more than 100 mm. The main area of ​​their use is the construction load-bearing structures, cottages or dachas, since these products can easily withstand significant loads.

The bar is similar to the timber, but has different dimensions. It is made with a thickness of up to 100 mm, the width is less than double the thickness. It is used in the furniture and carpentry industry, for finishing buildings, for example, door frames and crossbars are made from them.

Table of shrinkage coefficients and mechanical strength lumber.

The boards are made from logs or beams of sufficient thickness. Boards can be uncut or trimmed. The thickness can be no more than 100 mm, the width more than double the thickness. Application: wall decoration, flooring, furniture production.

The sleeper is a product with a short length, but wide and thick. This is in some way a type of timber, the cross-sectional size of which differs in size. The most common application is for making railway tracks.

A croaker is a piece of log, a side cut. In the process of sawing logs into various boards, waste is produced, which is called slab. It is convenient to make temporary buildings like sheds from it; they are also suitable for constructing roof sheathing.

Quarters (obapol) are also obtained from the side parts of logs. One of the surfaces of the product is propylene, the other is not. Convenient to use for making small carpentry products.

The plate is half of a log, which is obtained by cutting it down the center. The plates have only one straight side. The length depends on the log used as raw material. They are used mainly for the production of the above products - sleepers, beams, and sometimes for the production of solid boards.

How lumber is classified by wood species

For lumber, the grade will also depend on the tree species - they can be deciduous or coniferous.

Coniferous forests include larch, spruce, pine, cedar, and fir. Deciduous trees - oak, birch, beech, aspen, poplar, maple. Coniferous trees are often chosen for the construction of buildings because they are less susceptible to moisture, are easier to process, have good hardness and are quite durable. They can be used to create load-bearing structures. But it should be borne in mind that coniferous species contain a lot of resinous substances, which means that any type of lumber made from them is faster and easier to ignite.

Spruce wood is especially popular. It also contains the smallest amount of resins, so the susceptibility to fire is reduced. Among deciduous trees, oak has become widespread - it is very strong and durable. Lumber can be divided into four grades. Thus, the selected grade is used in the manufacture of parts in shipbuilding, for sheathing car sides, and in other important areas.

Today, almost every industry National economy applies in for different purposes wood products. This is explained unique properties this material. Synthetic products are not yet able to replace it. Therefore, it produces a variety of types of lumber.

Their properties and classification deserve detailed consideration.

Main characteristics

Wood products are made by sawing. This is where the name comes from. The demand for this material is explained by its availability and proximity unique qualities. Existing types Timber products made from wood are very diverse. They are environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, they are durable and have a long service life.

However, wood also has negative traits. If lumber has been improperly processed or used in unfavorable conditions, rotting and destruction may occur.

In the selection process, you need to pay attention to the quality of their processing. If the wood has not been properly dried, it will become deformed. Therefore, you should know what properties each type of product has.


There are many characteristics that divide the main types of lumber into groups. The most popular classification is by type of cut:

  1. Board.
  2. Beam.
  3. Bar.
  4. Sleeper.
  5. Gorbyl.

There are also edged and unedged materials. In the first case, the workpiece is processed from all sides, and in the second - only from one. There are mixed varieties of them.

According to the cutting method, the workpieces are divided into radial and tangential. This classification depends on the positioning of the cut relative to the tree's growth rings.

Another important classification factor is humidity. Dry materials have this indicator at the level of 8-10%. Such products are solid and are used for arranging, for example, flooring. Universal lumber has a moisture content of 12-15%. These are blanks for skirting boards, platbands, timber. Exterior lumber has a moisture content greater than 18%. They are suitable for cladding facades and creating a rafter system.


The first type is a lightweight but durable product. It is most often made from tropical wood. The board for window sills has a special impregnation and is characterized by good drying. Engineering varieties have a bottom layer of plywood, and their top is made of natural wood.


One of the most popular types of boards today is lining. These types of lumber are used for cladding indoors and outdoors. Even in technical documents this type of product is called cladding board.

The profile of the lining may be different. The material from which it is produced is also characterized by a wide range. When choosing it, the operating conditions are taken into account. Coniferous and soft hardwoods are suitable for dry rooms.

If this is a bathhouse, then the use of resinous types of wood is not allowed. Otherwise, you may get burned. They are used for street cladding. They are treated with various substances to extend their service life.

Sleepers, small timber

In addition to the products considered, such types of lumber as sleepers, as well as small moldings, are in demand today. These are narrowly targeted products, but their importance is difficult to overestimate.

Wood sleepers have a number of advantages when compared with reinforced concrete varieties. They dampen train vibration well and hold the rails securely.

The need for regular maintenance of existing communication lines, as well as the installation of new lines, requires a large number of high-quality sleepers. They are made from expensive wood, because sleepers are subject to heavy loads and adverse effects environment. They are impregnated with special substances to avoid rotting processes and rapid destruction. Depending on the type of trains moving along the communication line, sleepers of different strength classes are used.

Also narrowly targeted varieties of lumber are small molded products. These include baseboards, corners, platbands, glazing beads. They are produced in various sizes. This allows you to select best option to each.


In the process of making timber or boards, a slab is obtained. This is the side of the log. These lumber are convex on one side and flat on the other.

This material is also in demand today. The slab is quite suitable for arranging temporary buildings and technical premises.

It has also become quite popular today to perform decorative finishing using this type of lumber. The croaker is mechanically processed only on the single-slope side, so before installation work it must be impregnated with a special antiseptic. Otherwise, in a couple of years the croaker will turn into dust. Relatively low cost makes him popular. New areas are emerging in which this material is used.


The types of lumber and their use determine the dimensions. Each type of processing has its own clearly defined boundaries of form. Dimensions sometimes even determine the name of the product. A board is edged products whose width is greater than double the thickness.

If this ratio is not met, the product is called a bar. Its width is less than double the thickness. And the bars generally have minimum established dimensions. Their thickness and width must exceed 100 mm.

The usual one is 6 m. The standard width and thickness parameters are 100 by 100 mm, 100 by 150 mm or 150 by 150 mm. If the project requires the use of material with even larger dimensions, the product is made to order. But the cost will be significantly higher than the standard one. Therefore, when developing a project, the engineer must take these dimensions into account.

The board is also produced in accordance with the standards. Its thickness is 25, 40, 50 mm. The length is usually 4, 5 or 6 m, and the width is 100 or 150 mm. The bar is usually made with standard dimensions of 40 by 40 or 50 by 50 mm. The length of the workpiece can be 3, 4, 5 or 6 m.

Today, a certain type of board is produced for arranging flooring. They have a width from 85 to 140 mm. Depending on the load level, its thickness ranges from 27 to 45 mm. Standard dimensions must be taken into account during the design process.

Having considered the main types of lumber, their properties, scope of application, everyone can choose best type products for your conditions. The variety of shapes, sizes and materials allows them to be used in almost any field of human activity.

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An assortment is understood as a set of types and standard sizes of a particular type of product, that is, as far as boards are concerned, the most important criteria are the grade and size range. It is based on these factors that all products are divided of this type, we will look at the basic information that every developer who selects lumber from the group in question should know.

Types of products

As for the main types of products shown in the diagram above, the following can be said about each of them:

Unedged board This option is distinguished by the fact that only two sides are cut off and the ends are not processed. Such elements are most often used for lathing and other structures where appearance is not particularly important; the main advantage of this solution is its affordable price, which is why it is the most affordable
Semi-edged board This type of product most often has two sides and one of the ends processed, but there may be bevels and bark residues on the edges. In general, this solution is of higher quality, but nevertheless it also cannot be used on visible structures where aesthetic appeal is important
Edged board The highest quality type of product, in which all sides are processed, so the geometric parameters of the elements are the same, and the strength indicators are much higher. This group of products is used most often and is in demand among developers much more than other types

Important! According to scientific definition, a board is a type of lumber, the thickness of which does not exceed 100 m, and the width is at least twice as thick as the thickness. Elements up to 32 mm thick in hardwood and up to 40 mm in coniferous trees refer to a thin board, the remaining options refer to a thick board.

Main design parameters

Assortment wooden planks includes requirements for grade and size, we will consider the first criterion in more detail in the next section, and in the table below we indicate the generally accepted sizes of elements:

As for the length, the generally accepted options vary from 1 to 6 meters; upon agreement, other standard sizes can be produced

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