Universities with a minimum passing grade on a budget. What are the chances of being admitted to the budget: by number of points, by university, by specialty?

The time for entrance exams to universities is coming. Naturally, many of yesterday’s schoolchildren would like not only to go to university, but to get into a budget department, and even into one of the leading universities in Russia. We suggest you familiarize yourself with who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

The time is coming entrance exams to universities. Naturally, many of yesterday’s schoolchildren would like not only to go to university, but to get into a budget department, and even into one of the leading universities in Russia.

Let us immediately emphasize if Unified State Exam results are not pleased with high scores, then you will most likely have to forget about entering a prestigious university (even a commercial department). If you are confident in your abilities or are not applying for a place at a leading university, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

Who can apply for a budget place at a university?

To receive special advantages when entering a budget department, an applicant must meet at least one of the three criteria below.

High USE results

The result of passing the Unified State Exam plays a decisive role in admission. Choosing necessary items(according to the chosen profession), you need to earn the maximum number of points, which guarantees successful completion on the budget.

In order to get a high score on the Unified State Exam, you need to start preparing in advance. If with choice of university If the issue is resolved long before the Unified State Examination, then you can take preparatory courses for passing the state exam at the chosen university. This method will help not only improve your knowledge, but also prove yourself in advance to future teachers.

A good way to prepare for the exam is to contact a tutor. Thanks to individual approach A tutor will help fill exactly the gap in knowledge that is necessary to achieve success in the exam. Some students may need assistance from both additional courses and a tutor.

Both types of preparation will require considerable financial expenditure from parents. However, if you take into account the cost of studying at a university on a commercial basis, you can understand that paying for a tutor or additional courses is a profitable investment.

Winners and medalists of the Olympiads

Some students are still in primary school show certain abilities in certain subjects. They take an active part in Olympiads at various levels (Internet Olympiads, international, regional and regional competitions). Such students can also apply for budget place at a university. At the same time, since the universities themselves are interested in the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads enrolling to study with them, they are given the right to enroll without entrance exams.

However, it is important to understand that winners and medalists of the Olympics can count on benefits only if they enroll in a specialized field. If the award is received for participation in the Olympiad in another area, then the applicant is enrolled on a general basis.

Special category

  • disabled children;
  • children with disabilities;
  • low-income families;
  • military personnel;
  • orphans;
  • Chernobyl victims.

Despite meeting the preferential category, passing state exam compulsory for them. Having a high score also plays a role. If necessary, such applicants are given the opportunity to take preparatory courses at the educational institution free of charge.

The following tips will help parents not waste time and help their children prepare as much as possible for the upcoming exams and, accordingly, get an advantage when entering a budget department:

  • Clearly plan the student’s daily routine.
  • Don't let your child's education take its course. At the same time, devote morning hours to difficult subjects and approach the question several times.
  • Provide your child with active rest, walks fresh air, proper nutrition.
  • Consider the exam as a way to demonstrate your accumulated knowledge.
  • Conduct regular training on passing the exam and jointly analyze mistakes.
  • Remember that the parents’ peace of mind is the key to the child’s balance.
  • Provide good sleep before the exam.

To increase your chances of admission to budget department the future applicant needs:

  • begin preparation for studying at a university at least 2 years before admission (provided that the direction of training has already been chosen);
  • decide in advance on educational institutions and the number of exams;
  • take an active part in all public events related to specialized subjects;
  • use all methods to improve the quality of knowledge (additional literature, tutoring, additional courses);
  • send documents to at least two educational institutions;
  • choose a related specialty, with fewer people per place (with the possibility of further transfer).

Advantages and pitfalls of the budget department

The very name “budget department” suggests that you can count on free education, which allows even the poorest category of our compatriots to receive higher education. At the same time, a good help for students of the free department is the availability of a monthly stipend (subject to good grades per semester).

It is also worth noting that students budget forms of education who have to achieve everything through their own labor, as a rule, become highly professional specialists, ambitious and in demand in the world. modern market labor.

Those students who are lucky enough to enroll in free education need to remember that they will be under the close attention of the university teaching staff. If behavior does not meet the norms and academic performance is low, the expulsion documents will not take long to arrive and will quickly end up on the rector’s desk.

Documents required for enrollment in the budget department

List of documents required for receipts for the budget department, is actually no different from the package submitted by an applicant entering the commercial department:

  • a document indicating receipt of complete general education (certificate) or secondary vocational education (diploma from a technical school or college);
  • application for enrollment (accepted without marks or corrections);
  • certificate of passing the Unified State Exam (in the required examination subjects);
  • passport or any other document confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • medical certificate form 026-U (086-U);
  • black and white photographs (6 pcs.);
  • documents confirming membership in a preferential category (if any);
  • prize documents for Olympiads and other events.

You must make several photocopies of all of the above documents in advance. good quality. It is better if there is an extra copy left over than to rush around looking for the necessary copy.

If necessary, written submitting documents to the university, it is best to send documents in advance by registered mail with notice.

Some educational institutions add additional items to the main list of documents, which can be found on the website or in the admissions office of the university.

The phrase “free education” has long been turned into a humorous expression. In the new socio-economic conditions in which our country has lived since 1991, the right to study exists, but no one guarantees that such services will be provided completely free of charge.

Let's consider the question of the right to such training at a university.

So, is there hope for today's school leavers?

Of course, there is such hope. Many of the graduates of this year and the next few years will study in budget places and receive a long-awaited scholarship. Many, but not all.

After all, completely free education in the Russian Federation is provided only in schools, and even then there are paid additional educational services. It is also possible to study for free in colleges and universities, but not everyone who wishes ends up in such places.

If you have a benefit (you are disabled, an orphan, the son or daughter of a Hero of Russia), then it is easier for you to get into a university on a budget-funded place, but if you are not among the beneficiaries, everything becomes much more complicated, and you enroll on a general basis.

But it is very, very difficult to enter a university on a budget-funded place on a general basis.

But more about everything.

All about budget places in universities

Every year the Ministry of Education determines the number of budget places in our country. As you know, such places assume that an applicant admitted to a university will receive his education completely free of charge (that is, without investing his personal funds in it), and the state itself will also pay him a small financial incentive (in other words, a scholarship) .

However, if the applicant does not score enough points to be admitted to a budget-funded place, he can study in a paid department, paying a certain fee for his studies at the university every semester (naturally, he will not receive any scholarship).

It would seem that budget places in universities - this is a real free education. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

After all, then our education system would be simply ideal, but this is far from the case.

Number of budget places

The number of budget places is calculated based on the number of school graduates. It is equal to approximately half of all eleventh-graders in the country who graduate from high school.

At the same time, not every second school graduate ends up enrolling in a state-funded place at a university, because in addition to yesterday’s schoolchildren, there are also college graduates, as well as graduates of previous years. As a result, throughout the country the competition for budget places is on average 4-5 people per place. For some specialties there is less competition, for others it is many times greater and reaches 20-30 people per budget place.

It all depends on the prestige of a particular specialty.

Therefore, with such “arithmetic”, getting a free education at a university becomes much more difficult.

Number of budget places in full-time and part-time departments

It should be noted that the number of budget places in full-time and part-time departments, as a rule, differs. Universities distribute to full-time departments large quantity places, for the correspondence department - less.

It also happens that it is generally impossible to get a correspondence education for free. There are specialties in universities, but they are completely transferred to a paid basis.

The only thing that can be advised to an applicant is to collect as much as possible useful information. Already in the spring, the exact number of budget places is always known. All universities have their own websites, where you can always find a page for applicants. The appointment plan is always posted on this page.

Hence the advice - if you want to get a free education, make every effort to achieve your goal. Find out in advance the number of budget places for a particular educational profile and calculate your strength.

What specialties can you enroll in for free?

There are quite a large number of specialties in universities that are considered non-prestigious, so there is little competition for them.

Trends, of course, change over time, but in general such professions always exist.

For example, every fifth or sixth large university has teaching specialties that require training with the qualification “Russian language teacher.” And there is another department, after graduating from which you can get a diploma not as a teacher, but as a philologist or journalist. Of course, the last two professions are considered more prestigious, and therefore there is more competition for the budget for them.

The same can be said for other professions: livestock specialist, sociocultural specialist, librarian, etc. Here, it will not be at all difficult for a school graduate with an average Unified State Examination score to get a government-funded place.

But, for example, becoming a lawyer or economist for free will be much more difficult. And a specialist in international law- and even more so...

What is a target location?

However, there is another option for free. It is connected with admission to the so-called “target” place.

About what we're talking about? The fact that an agreement is concluded between the employer of a potential applicant and the university, according to which the employer pays for the training of a young student, and then he has the right to demand that the specialist work for him for a certain number of years. Often such an employer is the state itself, represented by ministries and departments that need specialists of a certain type of training.

For example, a federal subject needs doctors (there is an acute shortage of them now). A quota of 30-70 target places is allocated for this subject. and studies on the same basis as other students, however, after receiving a diploma, he is required to work for several years in public medical institutions of the subject, thanks to which he received his target place.

Otherwise, the student is obliged to reimburse the state for the costs of his studies in full.

Is it possible to get professional retraining for free?

Some young people who already have a higher education realize over time that the profession does not suit them.

But they have already received higher education for free once in their lives. They have a need to undergo professional retraining to engage in a new type of professional activity.

Is this possible? Yes, it’s possible, but if budget places in universities are still available, then additional professional education offered exclusively as a paid option educational services. Therefore, such a person, in fact, has two ways to solve his problem.

First solution: pay for your own education.

Second solution: try to have the employer pay for it.

In fact, there are cases when employers are interested in improving the level of professional skills of their employees and even giving them the opportunity to gain the right to engage in a new type of professional activity.

You can use this to get a professional retraining diploma for free.

Is it possible to get a second higher education without paying?

Unfortunately, according to the law on education of our country, it is impossible to obtain a second free education at a university. The state guarantees only one education. Let’s make it clear right away that we are not talking about continuing education, for example, in a master’s or graduate school.

But, alas, it is no longer possible to study for a bachelor’s degree twice for free or to study for a master’s degree twice. This applies even to those cases where there was a fee for receiving the first higher education.

Is it possible to transfer from a paid branch to a free one?

Many students who enroll in paid departments of universities, sparing their financial resources, and sometimes simply not having enough of them, strive to transfer from a paid department to a free one.

Thus, they want to get higher education for free, just starting not from the 1st year, but a little higher.

Is this possible?

In general, this is possible, but there are certain nuances that you need to know.

Firstly, a paying student can get a budget place only if there are vacant budget places at the university. Simply put, if one of the state-funded students was expelled. Next, it is necessary that its translation be agreed upon with the curator of the group, the dean of the faculty. Many universities prescribe rules for transferring from a paid department to a budget one, indicating that such a student candidate for a budget place must be an excellent student or a good student, must show himself with the best side, his teachers should speak positively about him, etc.

If you received secondary education for free, is it possible to enter a university on a budget?

Yes, such a procedure is possible. Secondary specialized and secondary vocational education will not hurt young man continue your studies at a higher educational institution. Moreover, college graduates today have an opportunity that school graduates are deprived of: they can enter universities without the Unified State Exam, passing only entrance exams.

Moreover, practice shows that such applicants receive higher scores on entrance exams than school graduates, so they have a better chance of getting a budget place.

What can help an applicant get a budget place?

Well, firstly, good knowledge in the field of the sciences that he will have to study. A high Unified State Examination for a modern school graduate is a “real ticket” not only to a budget place, but also to a prestigious university.

Secondly, the applicant needs to show real ingenuity, study carefully all the specialties that are offered at universities, find out what the competition is for these specialties, etc.

Thirdly, the applicant must be well aware of his rights. Nowadays, members of admissions committees, at the instigation of university heads, often refuse to accept documents for budget-funded education for far-fetched reasons. This is done in order to prevent “people from the street” from participating in budget training. Therefore, the applicant himself and his parents must firmly know all their rights and be able to defend them.

Are there other ways to get a budget place?

Basically, all the ways to a budget place have been listed above. There are, however, several more ways. For example, there are free competitions of the Ministry of Education. The prize for winning them is often the right to a budget-funded place at a particular university. Also, in rare cases, a university may accept promising student not for a budget place, but for a place that he himself will finance from his own internal funds.

Thus, in general, everything depends on the will of the heads of universities themselves and the executive secretary of the admissions committee.

What conclusions can be drawn?

Based on the above, we can conclude that getting education for free in modern conditions Maybe. However, this requires a lot of effort. You also need to have high academic performance, be able to navigate the modern labor market, and wisely choose a suitable specialty and a suitable university.

In fact, today, despite significant achievements of progress, a person who dreams of knowledge and scientific degree, it is also difficult to prove one’s worth, as in the time of M.V. Lomonosov. What the Russian genius did not go through to get the proper degree of education: hardships, hunger, and cold. Meanwhile, he also studied at government expense, that is, speaking modern language, occupied a budget place.

His example proves that anyone who wants to learn can get a higher education for free. Therefore, everything is in our hands: our successes and our failures. You just need to boldly move forward and not be afraid of anything.

Higher education is traditionally considered the key to obtaining a decent job and, as a result, achieving certain successes in life. The percentage of graduates entering universities in the post-perestroika years is 80%; for comparison, in the USSR this figure was only 20%. But not everything is so rosy, since the vast majority of new students study on a contract basis - in other words, for money. An alternative for those who cannot or for some reason does not want to pay for tuition is to go to the selected university on a budget.

Among future students and, mainly, their parents, there is a widespread opinion that admission on a budgetary basis is possible only if you have a substantial amount of money or connections. It is quite difficult to refute this statement completely. Based on personal experience, we can confidently say that honest admission is still possible, but it requires considerable effort and serious preparation.

So, we will try to answer as briefly and succinctly as possible the question that is pressing for many - is it realistic to go to the budget and consider the main options, ways and features of going to the budget as of 2013.

How to apply for a budget?

1. To begin with, the future applicant should decide on the purpose of admission - whether he is really “sick” of any specialty and wants to study a certain field, or whether he just needs a diploma of higher education. The choice of faculty and university depends on this - in the second category it is easier to simply choose a simple humanities subject with low competition.

In order to decide where it is easier to enroll on a budget, you should monitor universities, information about which is available in open access in the Internet. You can apply to several at once, because it often happens that a student who does not pass the competition for a popular specialty at a prestigious university easily gets into a “simpler” educational institution.

2. Preparation for the Unified State Exam (in Russia) or External Examination (in Ukraine). Final assessment results school knowledge are a determining factor for admission, since a rating system for applicants has been introduced in recent years. The key to successfully passing the test is preparation, so you should decide on your field of study as early as possible and focus on it.

After the submission of documents is completed, universities form ratings of applicants, which are based on the scores received for the final assessment or exam. After the lists are announced, time is given to submit original documents to the educational department, after which a “second wave” of lists is published, in which those who ignored the submission of documents can give up their places to those who occupy the next lines of the ranking.

3. Training courses- a certain guarantor of admission to the budget, because those teachers who will subsequently directly or indirectly decide the issue of admission will deal with applicants. And the level of training differs significantly from school. Of course, these courses cost a lot of money, but in the end these costs will be justified, because the cost of training in the commercial department is much higher.

4. Participation in Olympiads. Prize-winning places in Olympiads often provide, if not an absolute guarantee of enrollment, then they add a lion’s share share of points for admission to the budget, which in itself will make the task easier.

Re-receipt of the budget

This question is often puzzled by those who either want to get a second higher education, or are disappointed in their choice of profession and university and want to study in another to get more. The answer is clear - repeated higher education at state expense is impossible, but for those who want to change faculty or alma mater, there is the possibility of transfer, subject to passing the “academic difference” - tests and exams in those subjects that were not in the curriculum of the previous university .

This year it will be easier for school graduates to enter universities.

For future first-year students, the number of budget places in bachelor's and specialty programs has been increased. If this academic year (2017-2018) universities received 298 thousand places for bachelors and 70 for specialists, then in 2018-2019 bachelor’s will receive 315 thousand places, and specialty – 75 thousand. 208 thousand budget places were allocated to master's programs, which is 3 thousand more than a year earlier.

The most big number free places on the budget will be received by pedagogical faculties and pedagogical universities, IT areas, agricultural and medical universities. Which specialties will have the fewest budget places? "Nursing", "Weapons and Weapon Systems", "Art Studies", "Theology", "Performing Arts and Literary Creativity".

The Ministry continues to support engineering by devoting Special attention IT technologies, mining, production of aviation and rocket and space technology, light industry, nanotechnology and management technical systems, - emphasized the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva at the investment forum in Sochi.

According to her, 45 thousand people will be accepted into teacher education programs this year.

Peculiarity recent years- interest in agricultural and veterinary specialties. Rector of the Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after. Skryabin Fedor Vasilevich told RG that school graduates are especially attracted to new areas related to genetics, genomics, and biotechnology.

A new specialty has appeared at the Faculty of Zootechnology and Agribusiness - nutriogenomics, where they study molecular mechanisms the impact of food on changes in animal genes. The Academy has created a laboratory of molecular genetics and genomics of birds, which is responsible for European standards, - explained the rector.

A new direction in “commodity research of veterinary and biological drugs” has appeared in the bachelor’s degree, and a module “furriery” is offered. Academy graduates receive knowledge that allows them to work in the field of genetic engineering, creating transgenic organisms with new properties, and monitoring changes in heredity in animals. These are areas in demand today. As well as research into the creation of immunobiological drugs - vaccines and serums common to humans and animals.

In one of large companies for the sale of fertilizers, pesticides and seeds clarified that they need general agronomists, specialists in the maintenance and repair of equipment, including robots. Salary is discussed with each individual individually. Livestock specialists needed. They are offered 25-30 thousand rubles a month. There are proposals, for example, in Smolensk region, for 70 thousand rubles plus office housing. At the large Bryansk meat processing enterprise, veterinary paramedics and doctors, animal engineers, and feed preparation section engineers are very welcome.

Universities offer new programs: “Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems”, “Sports Diplomacy”, “Medieval Studies”

Information for future teachers: two new departments are opening at the undergraduate level of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU) - Institute international education and Graduate School of Education. What programs will be the most popular at the university this year?

Firstly, all programs related to inclusive education. For example, primary education and special education; preschool education and special pedagogy; Russian language and inclusive education; typhlopedagogy and others. Secondly, programs related to family values, including family education, the psychology of child-parent relationships,” Olga Knyazeva, head of the department for organizing admissions at Moscow State Pedagogical University, told RG.

Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova

As before, applicants are willing to study foreign languages, including Chinese. Enrollment for the program "Fundamental Physics (in English)" will continue.

In 2017, we accepted 84 thousand applications for all forms of education, of which three and a half thousand applications for teacher education. This year, I think, there will be no less,” Olga Knyazeva is sure.

This year, the Moscow City Pedagogical University offers about 200 undergraduate and graduate programs. According to Vice-Rector Dmitry Agranat, the most big competition usually happens in programs related to foreign languages. The competition for history and mathematics has grown. Pedagogical specialties with two training profiles are in great demand. This year, 254 budget places have been allocated for them.

In addition to traditional areas, the university offers, for example, the specialty “Organization of Work with Youth,” “Adaptive Physical Education,” and “Socio-Cultural Activities.” Future freshmen need to know: starting from this year, in many university programs, students will be able to choose the modules to study themselves. For example, a future political scientist may choose economic or psychological modules. A student can have up to 30 percent of such elective classes.

What kind of teachers are needed most in schools? Philologists - teachers of Russian and foreign languages, mathematics, physical education, primary classes.

New programs in master's programs at universities:

"Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems" - HSE

"Medieval Studies" - HSE

"Languages ​​and Cultures of Africa" ​​- St. Petersburg State University

"Urban real estate and territorial development" - St. Petersburg State University

"Sports Diplomacy" - MGIMO

"Industry marketing of goods and services" - MGIMO

"International humanitarian cooperation and external relations of regions" - MGIMO

Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova


Students named the best and worst universities. Among the leaders are MEPhI, Law University. Kutafina and MGIMO.

The results of a study of universities based on the opinions of students and their reviews on the Internet (the so-called Internet leaks) have become known. Most positive feedback received from MEPhI, Moscow State Law University named after. Kutafina, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University, RANEPA, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian State University oil and gas named after. Gubkina, Financial University under the Government, MSLU, LETI.

The most negative reviews from students were received by MAI, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, UrFU named after. Yeltsin.

So, what do students like most about their university? Professionalism, interest of teachers, rich student life, good hostel, justified expectations from the university, good practice, high reputation of the university and position in the ranking. By the way, the new ranking “Three Missions of the University” includes 13 Russian universities in the top 200. Including those that students called the best.

But why does the university receive negative reviews from students: boring, useless lectures, weak students, corruption, problems with the hostel, incompetence of the dean's office staff.

What worries students most? In the first place - the professionalism and interest of teachers, in the second - the quality of lectures, seminars, the availability of master classes, practices, in the third - student life and the atmosphere at the university, in the fourth - the quality and comfort in the hostel, in the fifth - the location of the university. In the last positions (18th, 19th and 20th places) are canteens, scholarships and the cost of studying.

Enrollment into the budget occurs in the first and second waves. At the first stage, 80% of the total number of free places is filled, at the second - the remaining 20%. How not to get confused in all this and go on a budget? We have prepared for you step by step instructions with all the important dates.

Clarify all controversial issues immediately when submitting documents

Step 1. Submit copies of documents

You have the right to immediately enter 5 universities, 3 directions in each. Use this opportunity, so you will have a better chance of passing the budget. If you have benefits or the right to admission without entrance tests, you can use it only in one educational institution. The original supporting document must be provided immediately.

Important dates:

  • June 20- start of accepting documents;
  • July 7-11- completion of receiving documents if you will take additional entrance tests of a creative nature or internal exams instead of the Unified State Exam;
  • 26 July- last day for submitting documents if you are applying based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Step 2. Pass internal tests

If necessary. You will find information about which exams and in what form you need to take on the university’s website or information stand. There will also be a schedule there. All tests take place between 11 to 26 July. If exams at several universities fall on the same day, find out about reserve dates.

Step 3: Follow the Lists

July 27 everyone is starting to publish ranking lists of applicants. Last names are listed in descending order of points. The higher your last name, the greater your chances of enrollment. Count names according to the number of budget places from top to bottom, yours should not be below the threshold line for the number of places. This criterion is especially important in last days submitting applications for admission.

Step 4. Submit original documents and consent to enrollment

Dates for submitting original documents in 2018:

Submit your originals to the university where you have the best chance of being accepted. Even if you don't rank that high on all the lists, remember that things can change. Universities enroll only those who bring originals on time, regardless of scores. If several people with high scores in front of you do not bring documents, you will automatically move up.

If August 1 you bring the originals and go through the ratings, then August 3rd you will find out if your name is on the enrollment order .

If you were not included in the first wave or did not manage to bring documents on time, you have to submit the originals to the second wave before August 6. Already 8 August orders will appear for the admission of applicants who will be enrolled in the remaining budget places.

An application for consent to enrollment must be submitted along with original documents

At this stage, the race for budget places ends. But you can still get into the paid department. Some universities offer discounts for applicants with high scores.

Getting on budget is difficult, but possible. Take every chance. Do not hesitate to ask questions to the admissions committee if something is not clear. Go for it, you will succeed!

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