How to evaluate the quality of service. Service quality monitoring. Best practics

When a crisis hits, the market is filtered. Weak companies leave, strong ones remain.

A pre-assembled client base is one of the tools that makes a company more resilient to changes in financial weather.

Because you already know by sight the customers who have already bought something from you or who have at least once been interested in your products, and you can quickly and effectively restore contact with them.

Moreover, it does not matter whether you have a wholesaler, services or a store - a client profile and the formation of a database through it is necessary for everyone.

base formation. Why is this?

Just do not immediately say that it is impossible for you to conduct customer surveys. At one time, we collected contacts and customer reviews even in a butcher shop.

Where people most often go after work, tired and with a great desire to quickly get home, and not to write, moreover, for an ordinary counter.

You can collect contacts anywhere and anytime. And first of all, you must decide what information you will collect.

You need to think and decide which information about the client will be useful and practical for you, and which is just for show.

The questionnaire is just a pad in front of your next steps in which you will use this information.

If we take as a basis the minimum marketing package: calls, mailings, birthday greetings. Then you must collect the following items:

  1. Company name (only for B2B);
  2. Birthday;
  3. Cellular telephone;
  4. E-mail.

Further points you take from the needs. For example, in the store you can also find out the birthdays of loved ones.

This is necessary in order to make your customer special. sentences with the text: “Your wife / friend / mother has a birthday soon.

You can purchase a gift from us for them with a 30% discount.” By the way, we successfully practiced this for a flower salon.

In the B2B segment, you will need to sweat a little more, because there the more information you collect, the better.

Examples of the questionnaire in action

There is a big difference in data collection on the trading floor and over the phone, now I will tell you more.

In the case of the phone, you can say that you fill out the questionnaire yourself and most often weave additional questions to identify the needs of the client during the conversation.

Based on the results of communication, information is also already entered not on a printed sheet of paper, but immediately in order to simplify further work with the data.

Therefore, this section will be of most interest to shops or companies where the client fills out the questionnaire himself.

In addition to the fact that you only need to collect useful information, You also need to know that the fewer fields in the questionnaire, the more willingly they will fill it out.

Do not think that additional fields give the questionnaire solidity. No, they only irritate the client. Therefore, the “colder” the client, the shorter the client profile should be.

Below you can see the survey questionnaire template (not designed version). This is the most minimal version of the new client questionnaire that you can create.

It is not difficult to supplement it, but we first need to implement this fundamental part according to the rules and laws of marketing, and only then move on.

Questionnaire example

  1. Name. We specifically emphasize that this questionnaire is only for special people.

    This flatters the client and eliminates the reluctance to fill it out, because everyone wants to be treated as a VIP client.

  2. The purpose of the collection. Under the heading, you must write why you are collecting contacts.

    In our example, it is no coincidence that “Closed sales” is at the beginning, this once again emphasizes the status of the client and shows his future benefit, that this is a questionnaire for receiving various bonuses.

  3. FULL NAME. This item combines three components - the name, surname and patronymic.

    You also don't need to break it into several parts, because each answer is additional field, which visually makes the profile more massive.

  4. Birthday, phone number and e-mail. We help the client understand in what format to enter his data so that he has a minimum of thoughts and a maximum of actions.

The printed questionnaire must contain consent to receive mailings and data processing (below).

This is very important point! Without it, do not even launch the “to the people” questionnaire. Fines are now huge, and people who will take advantage of your omission are waiting for it.

Therefore, we received a signature on the questionnaire and put it in a distant box (do not throw it away).

Important. The database needs to be constantly updated. People leave, lose phones, change mail, and if this is not tracked, then you can make hasty conclusions about efficiency and, in general, work for nothing.


Additional feature

Remember I talked about collecting dates of birthdays of friends and relatives? This is a very useful feature.

But I have an even more advanced mechanic for you, where the client leaves instead of dates (because they are not so easy to remember) the contact details of your potential customers who may be interested in your product.

The mechanics are very simple. You promise to give a gift to three people whom he will indicate in the questionnaire.

To do this, you just need to write their names and contact numbers / emails. Moreover, you can also give him an additional gift for leaving these contact details. This will be the second motivation.

Another example of a survey

And then attention. After receiving the completed questionnaire with the contacts of three friends, you need to contact them with the words: “Your friend Ivan Ivanovich has prepared a gift s_____ for you, you can pick it up at the s_____ store at: s_____”.

The phrase is not verbatim, but just an idea for reflection that you need to refer to the recommender and do it as if he was doing a great job, and not just handed over your contacts.

5 motivations for completing the questionnaire

It is not enough to do and put the questionnaire near the cash register. She will lie there and no one will fill her.

You also need to motivate people to fill it out. Moreover, you should come up with additional motivation even for those who somehow contact you, and not just buy from you.

To do this, I have prepared for you the 5 most popular ways for us to collect and form a base.

Base Collection Methods
  1. Proposal to inform customers about novelties. This method is especially relevant in the wholesale.

    Almost all wholesalers like to receive SMS about new arrivals of goods and, accordingly, be among the first to purchase them, because they think that new items on their shelves are the key to the chest of money.

  2. Questionnaire for receiving a bonus card. In Russia, they still love discounts and willingly fill out a questionnaire if you offer a discount or bonus card instead.

    And there's a little one more little trick. You can not give the cards right away, but take the completed questionnaire from the client and call him in 2-3 days, invite him to pick up the card. T

    Thus, the client will appear at least 2 times, and even better - leave with a purchase.

  3. A small gift in exchange for filling. Everything is simple here, the client fills out a questionnaire and receives a gift in exchange.

    Be sure the gift must be valuable (mind you, not expensive, but valuable). In each niche, different products can be valuable gifts, but as a rule, this is what you always need, but it’s a pity to buy it yourself.

  4. Lottery. You are launching a win-win lottery, where you only need to fill out a questionnaire to participate (even if you didn’t buy).

    The lottery can be instant and the person will immediately receive a prize, or you can assign it to a specific day and time if the gift is significant and you are sure that people will come for it.

  5. Staff competition. An effective way if you run it simultaneously with the lottery.

    The meaning is simple - the seller / manager who brings the most completed questionnaires in a certain time will receive a reward.

    As a reward, trips to a camp site or trips to a beauty salon for women diverge well.

In order for the questionnaire of a potential client to be well filled out and the base to be collected, there must be some kind of pretext.

And this pretext should be valuable for your customers. Do not just put the questionnaires next to the seller / sales manager, but hang up the appropriate information boards.

Run lotteries and staff contests at the same time. Believe me, the client base is not something worth saving on.

Important. You don't need a customer satisfaction survey right away. First, collect the database, and only then conduct a quality survey of customers on it.

Your gifts from partners

Briefly about the main

Every day people are less willing to leave their data. I myself confirm this. Therefore, do not rely on 100% filling and collection in the “as it goes” format.

You need to approach this systematically and a little creatively, especially if you have a lot of competition.

But I assure you, when you collect your customer base and it will help you out in right moment You will never underestimate this process again.

Just don't get too excited. Collecting the base is only half the battle. Much more important is not the number of questionnaires, but the quality.

And this indicator is measured by how positively your base reacts to promotions and offers.

Achieving this is not easy and will require other work from you. But no one said it would be easy.

In the conditions of fierce competition and excess in the market of goods and services of your company it is necessary to "keep the brand" , because dissatisfied customers will not need much time to find you a worthy replacement. Customer surveys will help you monitor the level of satisfaction of your customers, take the necessary measures in time in case of a problem and take into account the wishes of consumers. Online customer surveys are one of the simplest and most effective feedback methods, and there are many uses for them.

Online customer surveys

Customer Satisfaction. You can ask the client to evaluate your product, service or company as a whole. Is he satisfied with the quality of the purchased products? What did he like about the service provided, and what did not? How did the client feel about visiting your company? The answers to these and similar questions will allow you not only to instantly correct shortcomings in your work, but also to understand in which area you have potential for improvement.

Determination of the Loyalty Index. Effective way customer satisfaction is (NPS - Net Promoter Score). With it, you will understand how the client is "loyal" to your company.

Customer satisfaction with service. Employees who are in direct contact with the customer and represent the entire company in their person have a huge impact on the attitude of the client to your company. Ask the customer if they are satisfied with the service? Was the attendant polite? Did he provide comprehensive information about the product/service? Did it help solve the problem? Make sure that your company representatives are competent enough to make a good impression on customers.

Surveys of corporate clients. Sometimes corporate clients need more attention from your company, because the needs of each of them are unique, and the loss of a corporate client is always painful. Ask your corporate clients about their satisfaction with the level of service and the professionalism of the employee working with them.

How to write customer feedback and suggestion questionnaires so you always get the most accurate data

All of us have gone through them. And all of us could not reach the end. Poorly designed, incomprehensible, overly specific, or overly general quality of service surveys. We opened the survey with good intentions, ready to transfer our knowledge to an organization that we thought was interested in our opinion, only to find leading questions aimed at obtaining only positive feedback. Surveys of this kind are annoyedly abandoned by respondents halfway through or pass thoughtlessly, providing meaningless data. Make sure this doesn't happen to you. Consider the right (and wrong) ways to write customer feedback and suggestion questionnaires that will provide you with the valuable information you need.

5 ways to compose wrong service quality survey

  1. Limited set of answer options. If among the options for answering a question there is no option that the respondent needs, this puts him in an unpleasant position. Now the respondent has a choice: to answer inaccurately, skip the question, or stop taking the survey altogether. This does not provide the desired results. Consider adding “Don't know” or “Other” options to multiple-choice questions, or provide a way for the respondent to add their own response options.
  2. Two-part answers with only one choice. “Did you like our service and assortment? Yes or no?" What if your service was impeccable, but the assortment was incomplete? If the respondent does not have the ability to accurately answer this question, be prepared to receive missed questions or, worse, inaccurate answers. Make sure you ask for one separate answer for each question. See our blog post on getting the most value from multiple choice questions or follow-up questions.
  3. Requiring an answer to every question. Yes, it would be great if every single question in the quality of service survey was given a thoughtful and complete answer. However, this simply does not happen in real life; people are too busy and unable to concentrate. Sometimes questions are skipped by accident, sometimes the respondent does not want to provide relevant data, and sometimes the question is simply confusing. If you require an answer to every single question (even the most minor ones), be prepared to high percentage pending surveys. Keep the number of required questions to a minimum and allow respondents to skip what they see fit.
  4. Too many questions. Please don't annoy your kind respondents with endless pages of very detailed questions about every aspect of your business. Keep your customer feedback and suggestion survey as concise as possible and your chances of getting useful information will increase significantly. Sometimes a simple one-question survey is sufficient, as is the case with the Net Promoter® Score questionnaire. Remember that you can conduct clarifying polls at any time and learn more with each opinion poll you conduct.
  5. Forgetting the goal. It is very easy to ask a lot of questions to get as much information as possible. However, each survey should have a specific purpose, to which each individual question should contribute. Keep your goal in mind and you will gain valuable information.

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Find out how we can tailor the right surveys for your business and automate your surveys across all customer touchpoints.

5 Ways to Build Great Surveys to Get Customer Feedback and Suggestions

  1. Keep an open mind. It's hard to be objective if you think your customer service is excellent. Forget about what you know for a while and let the buyers express their opinion. Avoid embellishing questions with qualitative assessments, such as "What do you think of our friendly customer service representatives?" This is a leading question and is unlikely to yield accurate results. Instead, ask a focused question about some aspect of your customer service, such as "How quickly did our customer service representatives help you?"
  2. Avoid hypothetical questions. Most people find it difficult to pinpoint exactly what they can and cannot do in a hypothetical situation. Don't make up "what if" situations in customer service that the respondent may never have experienced. Focus on situations that accurately represent the real world of customer service. Use Likert questions to help clients rate their experience.
  3. Use clear questions. If respondents have to re-read questions several times to understand them, or if they are required to give extended essay-sized answers several times, this can lead to a large number of incomplete surveys. Write questions that are easy to understand and that don't take a lot of thought to answer. A question like “How responsive is our company?” much easier to read (and answer) than the question "If you have used our website, phone system, or help system in the past, e-mail, did our customer service representative contact you in time?”
  4. Don't ask unnecessary questions. You may want to get as much information from each survey as possible, but don't be tempted. Customer service surveys that go off course and contain seemingly unrelated questions can annoy or confuse respondents, and in some cases can even arouse suspicion.
  5. Try to use questions that begin with the word "how much". You can ask questions like "Is our company professional?" that require a "yes" or "no" answer. However, positive and negative answers have a whole range of shades of meaning. To make your data even more accurate, try to ask questions that begin with the word "how", for example: "How professional is our company?" with response options such as "very professional", "professional" and "totally unprofessional". This will give you a better idea of ​​what aspects of your customer service need to be improved.

Examples of Online Quality of Service Survey Templates

SurveyMonkey has developed a set of methodologist-approved quality of service survey templates to help you get started quickly and easily. Naturally, you can adapt the questions at any time to tailor the survey to your needs.

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey Template
    This customer satisfaction survey template measures customer satisfaction with your company, products and services. Thanks to the skip logic, your customers will answer questions about the products or services they have actually used, and you will be able to receive information about your potential for improvement.

The efficiency of the front line staff is very important. However, personal effectiveness is relatively easy to measure only for active salespeople. Usually this is the implementation of the sales plan, the average size check, less often - conversion. For all other front line employees (operators, cashiers, client managers, etc.), the indicator of personal effectiveness is customer satisfaction, which depends, first of all, on the quality of service. Therefore, in order to manage the personal effectiveness of front-line workers who are not actively involved in sales, it is absolutely necessary to control the quality of customer service. In addition to this, it is desirable to control the emotional loyalty of customers (how satisfied they are in general with the purchased goods or services and whether they are ready to recommend the company to their friends) and be able to quickly diagnose the root causes of their dissatisfaction and low loyalty.

Monitoring the quality of service is a difficult task, and only by installing red and green buttons on the cash registers or workplaces of client managers and collecting statistics on which button was pressed how many times, this task is not solved.

Firstly, most customers are not eager to click and rate something. If no special measures are taken to motivate customers, no more than 30% of customers will evaluate the quality of service, and the general population will be presented in it with strong distortions. This means that the statistics obtained in this way will not correspond to the real satisfaction of customers.

Secondly, if the information received from the EFM system (Enterprise Feedback Management, service quality assessment system) is incomplete or unreliable, its use to motivate staff will lead to an effect that is directly opposite to expectations, namely, complete demotivation of staff. The fact is that not all the factors that affect the assessment of the quality of customer service can be influenced by the front line staff. The cash system hung up, the air conditioner broke down, an unexpected influx of visitors - there can be many factors. Therefore, if the service quality monitoring system does not allow determining in what cases the customer’s dissatisfaction is caused bad job personnel, and in what factors beyond the control of the personnel (something broke, a long queue, etc.), such a system will do more harm than good.

EFM systems are good and not so good, but even the most effective system will not be able to cope with the task of quality of service management if it is not supplemented effective methodology. This article arose as an attempt to generalize and systematize the practical experience of our company, as well as the experience of our customers and partners in the field of service quality management. It's five simple rules, which can be called best practices ( best practices) in the field of assessing the quality of service in retail and the service sector. We do not pretend to the ultimate truth, but nevertheless.

Five rules for monitoring the quality of customer service in retail and services:

  1. Motivate customers to evaluate the quality of service;
  2. Measure the number of silent people (customers who refused to evaluate the quality of service);
  3. Respond to customer dissatisfaction in real time;
  4. Ask customers understandable questions, ask customers different questions, ask questions not only to clients;
  5. Link the assessment of service quality with the staff motivation system, but distribute responsibility fairly.

Let's take a closer look at these rules.

Rule number 1. Motivate customers to evaluate the quality of service

Figure 1. Source:

Most clients are not eager to evaluate something. Studies show that no more than 30% of customers press the buttons on the service quality assessment consoles installed at the cash desks and at the workplaces of client managers ( Picture 1). This is not much, but even worse, the desire to give a rating correlates with a number of factors: satisfaction with the service, education, income level, and even the gender of the client. And this means that the final picture of customer satisfaction obtained from this sample will be highly distorted, and therefore cannot be considered reliable.

To avoid all this, you need to either correct the sample (which seems impossible), or motivate each client to answer the question about the quality of service. This can be done in different ways. The main and most effective is to directly ask him about it. The client manager, finishing (or starting) the service, offers the client to put his assessment. If the client is satisfied, in the vast majority of cases he will not refuse.

It is important to observe three conditions. First, front line workers themselves must be motivated to conduct surveys (see Rule #5). Secondly, the client must be aware that his failure to evaluate the quality of service will be regarded as dissatisfaction with the quality of service (see. Rule #2). Thirdly, one of the options for answering a question about the quality of service (for example, “How did you like it?” or “Rate our work”) should be: “Difficult to answer” (see below). Rule #4). For details, see the description of the relevant rules. If, under all these conditions, the client, nevertheless, refuses to evaluate the quality of service, then this is also an assessment ( Rule #2).

If there are relatively few customers or the customer service process takes long time, then the above approach works fine. If the flow of customers is large, and the average service time, on the contrary, is small, then the load on the front line staff will increase significantly. The problem can be solved if the invitation to evaluate the quality of service will be pronounced not by the employee himself, but by the computer, playing an audio or video file: “It is very important for us to know your opinion. Please [what to do].” The employee launches the invitation by pressing the Seller Button (we will talk about it in Rule #2), or it can be done automatically, for example, when a certain transaction is performed by the cash transaction system. In the second case, the cash system should be integrated with the service quality monitoring system.

To diversify the process and additionally attract the attention of customers, you can beat the service quality assessment, for example, by presenting it as a competition for the best employee. Jury - customers voting (or not voting) for the employee serving them. The prize for the best employee can be a valuable gift, a sum of money, a ticket to warm sea and so on. The prize must lie somewhere in a conspicuous place. It will also help to display the current rating of each employee on the big screen in real time.

Rule number 2. Measure the number of silent people (customers who refused to evaluate the quality of service)

A client who used your service, but was not satisfied with the quality of service, will most likely not press any buttons, even if asked to do so. As practice shows, those who are dissatisfied prefer not to press anything, but to “vote with their feet”. Therefore, in order to have complete and reliable information about the quality of service, it is necessary to measure not only the number of positive and negative feedback, but also the number of customers who did not want to take part in the survey. Let's call them "silent". Information about the number of silent people is no less important than information about the number of positive and negative reviews, because. it is the number of silent people, in most cases, that characterizes the level of customer dissatisfaction.

The silent count is, first of all, a new understanding of the process of assessing the quality of service. The client should not press the button on the keypad when he pleases. Pressing a button must be preceded by a prompt (see below). Rule #1), after which the client has a certain time to evaluate the quality of service, for example, 3 minutes. All scores made after this time will not count. If during the allotted time the client voted several times, then it is considered that the client has chosen the option “I find it difficult to answer”. The service quality rating is tied to the service act itself, and this allows you to determine how many customers abstained from voting. We call this practice Allowed Window Method.

To count the silent people, one keypad is not enough, you need a special button on the side of the employee - the Seller Button. The Seller button has two uses and two modes of operation. If an employee wants to report some kind of abnormal situation, then he must hold the Seller Button pressed for about 3 seconds. In this case, the Seller Button functions as a Force Majeure Button (more on this in Rule #4). If the employee presses and immediately releases the Seller Button (does not keep it pressed), then, thus, he fixes the fact and time of the start of the survey. In this case, the Seller Button performs the function Poll Buttons.

An employee, starting (or finishing) customer service, offers him to evaluate the quality of his work and presses the Poll Button (short press of the Seller Button). The invitation can be recorded to an audio or video file, in which case it is played when the Poll Button is pressed, see below. Rule #1(and the employee himself does not need to say anything). The client has a certain time (Permitted Window) during which he can evaluate the quality of service. If during this time the client does not press any of the buttons designed to assess the quality of service (red, green, gray), then such a client qualifies as a silent person. By measuring the number of clients who did not press any of the buttons during the allowed window, we determine the number of silent people. If this is done Rule #1, then in fact we determine the number of customers dissatisfied with the quality of service. Therefore, quality managers need to know that the number of dissatisfied customers is the number of customers who pressed the red button, plus the number of silent ones.

Rule number 3. Respond to customer dissatisfaction in real time

If most customers who are dissatisfied with the quality of service do not press the red button, but “vote with their feet”, then what does it mean if the client presses the red button? It means DEMONSTRATION of discontent. The client wants to show you: “Although I use your services, but know that I don’t like it here,” or maybe he wants to see the manager and express his displeasure to him.

A client who demonstrates dissatisfaction should be tried to listen to, and most importantly, to show that he has been heard. A listened and reassured client will not only maintain a good relationship with you, but can also turn into a promoter (distributor of good rumors). If, however, the demonstration of discontent is left unattended, then with high probability your client will no longer appear and may even become a peddler of bad rumors.

Keeping a count of the number of customers showing dissatisfaction and not even trying to listen to them is like keeping a count of the number of patients and not trying to treat them. Maybe someone does, but it's bad practice. It is better not to evaluate the quality of service at all.

The display of dissatisfaction by the client should be treated as an incident that should be diagnosed and, if possible, investigated and closed (appropriate measures taken). The first line in solving this problem should be the administrator (head) of the point of sale. In order for the administrator to always be aware of events, when the client presses the red button, he should receive an alert - on a special pager, by e-mail or by phone. The notification is sent directly by the keypad (to the pager) or by the quality of service monitoring system ( emails and sms).

Upon receiving the message, the administrator should try to get in touch with the dissatisfied customer and, at a minimum, give him the opportunity to “let off steam”, and at the very least, try to eliminate the cause of dissatisfaction. At proper organization each press of the red button should be recorded (for example, in the Service Desk), and the administrator of the point of sale should report for each such incident (indicating the cause of the incident and the actions taken to eliminate it). If there are few red clicks, it will not be difficult. (If there is a lot, this is already a systemic problem.) If the root cause of customer dissatisfaction lies outside the administrator's area of ​​responsibility, the relevant information should be conveyed to the quality manager and higher.

Rule number 4. Ask customers understandable questions, ask customers different questions, ask questions not only customers

To get a clear answer, you need to ask a clear question. If the question or answer options are ambiguous, the value of the answer is low. I'll give you an example. Most often, wanting to evaluate the quality of service, the client is asked directly: "Evaluate the quality of service." But what does it mean quality of service? One interprets this as a proposal to evaluate the work of a particular employee, the other - the office as a whole. If, at the same time, several quality options ratings, for example good, fair, bad, then problems arise with the interpretation of the answers. Grade satisfactorily Is the client satisfied, the client dissatisfied or the client finds it difficult to answer?

Therefore, to really know what customers think, ask them questions that do not allow for double interpretation, and offer answers that are understood unambiguously. Do not ask clients to give qualitative ratings: good, bad, etc. Clients are not experts, so they should be asked whether they liked it or not, whether they are ready to do something or not. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary that one of the answer options be: “I find it difficult to answer.” This significantly increases the reliability of positive and negative assessments.

Another one important recommendation. To get objective information about the level of customer satisfaction and their attitude towards the company, one should not be limited to any one question. Instead of one vague question, ask several precise ones. This will allow you to look at customer satisfaction with different sides and, comparing the answers received, localize the object of discontent.

But asking each client several questions means killing any desire to answer them. Therefore, each client should be asked only one question, and the overall picture is obtained from the fact that different clients are asked different questions. At the moment this seems to be the best practice. If a question is accompanied by an audio or video file, the questions can be automatically selected randomly. If the question is formulated on the keypad (for example, on acrylic insert), then questions can be changed periodically. For example, in the first ten days of the month, customers are asked one question, in the second - another, and so on. See Questionnaire button for more details.

A few questions that should be included in the rotation:

  1. Please rate my (our) work. specific employee. The measured indicator is the ratio of the number of red clicks and silencers to the total number of surveys. The indicator characterizes the professionalism of employees.
  2. How did you like us? In this question, the emphasis is on the evaluation of work Total office, restaurant, beauty salon, shop, etc. The measured indicator is the same as for the first question: the ratio of the number of red clicks and silencers to the total number of polls. The value of the second question is in comparison with the first question. If the first question characterizes the work of a particular employee, then the second question characterizes the work of a particular employee, and business processes, and the work of the office as a whole.

    Comparing the results of indicators for the first and second questions, you can find out who is responsible for the negative feedback from customers - staff or other factors (business processes, office comfort, etc.). If, when answering the second question, the ratio of the number of red clicks and silencers to the number of surveys will be significantly higher than when answering the first question, then this is an occasion to think about the organization of business processes, office comfort and other factors. If approximately the same, then the bottleneck is the staff, because if the client is dissatisfied with the quality of service, he will give a negative assessment both when answering the first question and when answering the second question. If he does not like the atmosphere in the office or the time he spent in line, then a negative assessment will be given only to the second question.

  3. This is an adaptation for the service industry of the key issue of the Net Promoter Score concept. The main measured indicator in this case is Emotional Loyalty Index (IEL), which is calculated as the proportion of green clicks (positive answers) minus the proportion of red clicks and silencers (negative answers and non-responders). The proportion of silent people is taken with a coefficient, for example, 0.8. The value of the coefficient depends on the type of business and is determined by conducting a special study. When benchmarking, to ensure comparability of the IEL, subtract 80% from the proportion of silent people (i.e. if there are 30% of total silent people, then subtract 24%).

Questions How did you like us? And Would you recommend us to your friends? you can ask not only clients, but in general all visitors, regardless of whether they used your services or not. Indeed, only those who have been served can fully appreciate the quality of service. But there are always those who left unsalted slurping. How many? Why did they leave without using your services? Maybe you are doing something wrong? This is very important information, and with the help of the Loyalty Button you can at least find out the number of "refuseniks". For this, it is better to use not desktop consoles, which a person may not reach, but floor consoles, and install them in a conspicuous place near the exit. This will allow us to collect a certain minimum of statistics on "refuseniks".

Rule number 5. Link service quality assessment with the staff motivation system, but distribute responsibility fairly

For front-line workers who are not actively involved in sales, customer evaluations of their work may become main indicator of personal effectiveness. I think it is unnecessary to talk about the importance of this task. It is advisable to link at least two indicators with the personnel motivation system:
  1. Customer Dissatisfaction Index (CIN). If the Emotional Loyalty Index (ELI), which was mentioned above, is the main indicator positive customer, then the Customer Dissatisfaction Index (CSI) is an indicator negative client in relation to the item being valued. INC is calculated as the sum of the share of red clicks and the share of silent people in total number surveys in which clients are asked the question: “Please rate my (our) work” (or a similar question). The proportion of silent people, as for the IEL, is taken with a coefficient. The standard value of the coefficient is 0.8. INC characterizes the quality of work of the front line personnel, therefore, by linking it with the personnel motivation system, you will motivate the personnel to work better. The calculation excludes red presses and failures, which are the result of force majeure circumstances confirmed by an expert (more details below).
  2. Personnel Activity Indicator. The Personnel Activity Index characterizes the activity of personnel in conducting surveys, and is calculated as the ratio of the number of surveys to the number of visitors. Number of Polls - the number of times you press the Poll Button (see Rule #2). The number of visitors is measured by the visitor counter. By linking this indicator with the staff motivation system, you motivate the staff not to underestimate the number of surveys, i.e. number of service quality ratings (see Rule #1). If the number of surveys is measured automatically (for example, when integrating a monitoring system with a cash system), this indicator is not used.

The service quality assessment system, linked to the personnel motivation system, is an effective Motivator. However, if special measures are not taken to protect personnel from liability in cases where customer dissatisfaction is caused by reasons beyond the control of the personnel (force majeure), such a system can become a Demotivator. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to introduce protective measures, which can be divided into three groups:

  1. Minimizing the possibility of false clicks of evaluation buttons. The most effective solution, in our opinion, is Allowed Window Method. The allowed window is the time interval during which the client can evaluate the quality of service. If an estimate is made outside this window, it is not taken into account. For more details, see Rule #2.
  2. The ability to evaluate the reliability of button presses, performed by an independent expert. For this, Expert Monitoring technology is used, which allows an independent expert, based on a video recording and information about the time of pressing each button stored in the database, to evaluate and qualify all events and button presses for reliability.
  3. Fair distribution of responsibility. Provides an opportunity for staff to quickly report events (force majeure) that may affect the quality of service, but which are beyond their area of ​​responsibility. For this, the Force Majeure Button is used, i.e. in the event of a force majeure situation, the employee presses and holds down the Seller Button for about 3 seconds. By doing this, the employee, as it were, relieves himself of responsibility for the possible subsequent dissatisfaction of customers. The reliability of information about force majeure and the timing of its validity are established using Expert Monitoring technology.

Instead of a conclusion

Support for the 5 rules described above allows you to:

  1. Receive COMPLETE and RELIABLE information about customer satisfaction with the quality of service. This is ensured by the simultaneous execution Rules: #1, #2, #5. Complete and reliable customer satisfaction information can be used:
    • To create on its basis an effective SYSTEM of MOTIVATION of front line personnel;
    • As an indicator of the effectiveness of business processes at the point of sale.
  2. Show customers the importance of their opinion for the company and, thus, strengthen the image of a CUSTOMER-ORIENTED company. This is ensured by the simultaneous execution Rules: #1, #3. Customer focus is an important competitive advantage.
  3. Get OBJECTIVE information about the emotional loyalty of customers and at the same time study their tastes and preferences. This is ensured by the simultaneous execution Rules: #1, #4


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An indicator of customer loyalty is the Emotional Loyalty Index (ELI), which takes into account: the share of positive answers, the share of negative answers, the share of customers who refused to answer questions, etc. More about the ELI

Of course, customer loyalty, as measured by NPS or IEL, and customer service quality (quality of service), as measured by SQI and CSI, are not exactly the same. In addition to the quality of service, customer loyalty depends on the attractiveness of the brand, past personal experience, choice and other factors. But for practical service quality management, this difference is not critical. The target function of service quality management is to increase sales, for which it is enough to have an indicator that characterizes customer satisfaction and correlates with their economic behavior. Since this requirement is met by both NPS and IEL, as well as SQI and CSI, it is advisable to choose the indicator that is easier and cheaper to measure. For retail and service industries, such an indicator is the Emotional Loyalty Index.

Question Index Formula for calculating the Indicator
Are you satisfied with the quality of work? ? INC@Staff



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Satisfying the needs of the population is the main goal of work, both for public institutions, and for commercial organizations. The degree of customer satisfaction, although not the only indicator characterizing the quality of goods and services, is the most significant criterion.

The main tool for obtaining information about the satisfaction of consumer expectations is a sociological survey.

Sociological survey- this is a method of collecting primary sociological information about the object under study by asking questions to a specific group of people called respondents. basis sociological survey constitutes indirect (questionnaire) or non-mediated (interview) socio-psychological communication between a sociologist and a respondent by registering answers to a system of questions arising from the goals and objectives of the study. A sociological survey occupies an important place in marketing research.

A sociological survey, unlike other methods of collecting information, allows you to "catch" not only the opinions of respondents, but also the nuances and shades of their mood. Therefore, the survey is considered the simplest and most accessible method of collecting information. In fact, the efficiency, simplicity, cost-effectiveness of this method make it very popular and a priority. However, this simplicity and accessibility are often apparent. The problem is not with conducting the survey per se, but with obtaining qualitative data. And this requires appropriate conditions, compliance with certain requirements: the availability of reliable tools, the creation of a favorable environment for the survey, the professionalism of specialists, etc.

In the practice of sociological research, the most common type of survey is a questionnaire, or questionnaire survey. This is due to both the diversity and the quality of the information that can be obtained with its help. A questionnaire survey is conducted in order to identify the subtlest nuances in the opinion of the respondents. Method questionnaire is the most important source of information about real-life social facts and social activities.

Basic principles and stages of conducting a sociological survey

  1. Setting the purpose of the survey. Basically, surveys are conducted to identify consumer satisfaction with the quality of goods and services and identify problem areas.
  2. The definition of the target consumer segment should be as clear as possible, taking into account the characteristics of each group of respondents.

    This allows you to more accurately determine the wishes of consumers. Questioning is rarely continuous (encompassing all members of the community under study), much more often it is selective. Therefore, the reliability and reliability of the information obtained by the survey depends primarily on the representativeness of the sample. If this sample is not drawn correctly, then the sociological study cannot be considered representative and reliable, and its results cannot be trusted.

  3. Drawing up a questionnaire. The questions of the questionnaire should exactly correspond to the subject of the sociological survey, since the result of the study depends, first of all, on the clarity of the questionnaire and its compliance with the objectives of the study. Developing a questionnaire is the hardest part. You can read more about this in our article "How to write a questionnaire"
  4. Conducting a pilot study, that is, testing a questionnaire on a sample of consumers. At the same time, respondents not only answer the questions of the questionnaire, but also evaluate the quality of the questions themselves. Based on the information received, the questions of the questionnaire are subject to adjustment.
  5. Collection of information. Conducting a survey requires sufficient qualifications of the interviewer, as well as the staff involved in interpreting the materials of a sociological survey. The survey method provides for obtaining sociological information in a situation of socio-psychological communication, therefore, it is especially important psychological characteristics interviewer, his willingness to conduct a friendly dialogue.
  6. Analysis of results. Based on the findings, a report is generated that characterizes consumer satisfaction with a product or service.

    Service quality assessment In modern

    Based on the results of the analysis, it is possible to draw conclusions about the specific needs of each of the groups, to prepare recommendations for eliminating the facts of consumer dissatisfaction. special attention they deserve trouble. To do this, it is recommended to include in the questionnaire an approximate list of reasons for dissatisfaction with the quality of the service provided.

Sociological surveys of consumers are the main tool for feedback between the consumer and the company's management. As a rule, surveys are conducted at certain intervals of time. Comparison of the results obtained allows us to assess the degree of customer satisfaction in dynamics.

In general, the results of the survey in a visual form characterize the situation that has developed in the process of acquiring a product or providing a service. Identification of weaknesses in the company's activities allows you to evaluate, plan and implement the necessary changes in the process of selling a product or providing a service. In addition, consumers who take part in the survey get the opportunity to influence the quality of the final product, which increases their confidence in the company.

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03 April 2018Marketing research in Russia

Conduct marketing research means to hear your customer and get to know your competitors.

Implementation of an electronic service quality management system

Business development in the service sector is impossible without the introduction of modern and efficient automation systems entertainment centers. Often, business leaders pay little attention to the quality of service. According to current practice, work in this direction gives tangible results. The product is designed to solve issues related to obtaining truly independent data. "Quartech - customer service quality control system". The complex for collecting information is produced as a series of hardware elements. The C&C server is responsible for managing system components and processing incoming information.

How do your customers see the solution?

Installed in entertainment center automated customer service quality control system fundamentally different from traditional analysis tools.

Evaluation of the quality of customer service

Visitors to the institution in an unobtrusive form are invited to answer questions that require directive intervention and refinement. The choice of means of collecting information is based on the preferences of the customer and the characteristics of the interior of the commercial premises. Your customers will be able to answer questions through:

  • Large radio remote control on a stand. It is a device with a monitor for displaying information, equipped with buttons for selecting an answer option;
  • Button remotes. The number of buttons corresponds to the selected scale for assessing the quality of service. Devices can be located directly at the place of service provision, or used in a mobile version;
  • interactive panel. the device can combine a panel for collecting and providing information, displaying advertising;
  • Account or tablet folders;
  • Racks of quality service.

What the customer expects after implementation

Collecting information from direct customers on the basis of an entertainment center automation system allows for an independent analysis of the quality of service. A unique algorithm for setting up the software package eliminates distortions, and also makes it possible to link each client's opinion to a specific employee. Due to the flexibility of the system, you will be able to set the content of questions and the format of interactive communication with visitors. All settings are changed in one click. After implementation, you get an effective business process control tool and a unique tool for optimizing hidden costs.

The first approach (let's call it classic) is a survey or questionnaire. Clients are asked a lot of questions, each of which has several answers, from which the client needs to choose one. Most often, you need to answer on a seven-point Likert scale (from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”). The responses are processed and a QoS score is calculated from them. The classical approach is used when calculating SQI (Service Quality Index) using the SERVQUAL method (short for Service Quality). The same approach is used to calculate a very common indicator - CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index, consumer confidence index). There are American and European methods for calculating CSI, which today is actually one of the global non-financial economic indicators.

From the point of view of customer service quality management, the classical approach has a very important advantage and at the same time a significant drawback. The advantage is that as a result of the survey, you will receive not only an assessment of the quality of service, but also the information necessary to diagnose the causes of customer dissatisfaction. In other words, after analyzing the results of the survey, you will be able to determine who is to blame and what to do.

However, this advantage is difficult to take advantage of due to the reluctance of customers to respond to big number questions. For example, to calculate the SQI, respondents must answer two sets of questions twice, each with 22 questions. There are fewer questions for calculating CSI, but also a lot. Since a very small percentage of clients agree to take part in such surveys, and since this is usually a very specific category of clients, the sample is biased. As a result, low reliability or very high price results. It is for this reason that a different approach is becoming increasingly common for quality of service management.

The essence of the new approach is to separate the assessment of the quality of service from the diagnosis of the causes of customer dissatisfaction. This approach was first proposed in 2003 by the American scientist Frederic Reicheld. In his research, he showed that in order to assess customer loyalty (the highest form of satisfaction with the quality of service), it is not necessary to ask him a lot of questions. It is enough to set only one main question: "How likely would you recommend our company to your friends?" Answer options - from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. A loyal consumer will always choose 90% or 100%. Reicheld called such clients promoters. If the answer is between 0% and 60%, the client is negative. These are detractors, or critics. If the answer lies in the range of 70%–80%, then we have a passive client, about which nothing definite can be said. He was undecided. Customer loyalty is characterized by the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is calculated as the share of promoters minus the share of detractors. Additional questions within the framework of the new approach are also used, but not to assess the quality of service, but to diagnose the reasons for customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

The Net Promoter Score is ideal for assessing the loyalty of corporate clients. When calculating NPS, it does not take into account what percentage of respondents agreed to take part in the survey, and what percentage refused. This is a very important point, because refusing to answer is also a response. To avoid the problem of representativeness of the sample, online surveys are more often used to measure the Net Promoter Score, in which regular customers of the company (whose contacts are always known) are invited to participate. If this is not possible - in a store, restaurant, and even banking retail - the effectiveness of the classic NPS raises questions.

We took the liberty of adapting the Net Promoter Score concept somewhat for use in retail (including financial) and the service sector. The adaptation is as follows:

To assess customer loyalty, it is proposed to use push-button panels installed directly at points of sale (points of service). Clients are asked the question: “Would you recommend our company to your friends?” and three possible answers are offered: Yes, No, Difficult to answer. If the client responds positively, we classify him as a promoter. If the client answers in the negative, we classify him as a detractor. If the client finds it difficult to answer, we consider the client to be passive.

Since the key issue of any study is the representativeness of the sample and the reliability of the results, a special survey methodology has been developed that ensures almost 100% reliability of the results obtained. Among other things, the methodology makes it possible to take into account the "silent people" - customers who refused to take part in the survey. More about this technique

An indicator of customer loyalty is the Emotional Loyalty Index (IEL), which is calculated taking into account: the share of positive answers, the share of negative answers, the share of customers who refused to answer questions, etc.

More about IEL

Service quality assessment using keypads has several important advantages:

Keypads allow you to “link” service quality assessments to specific front line workers. This provides the ability to manage front line personnel by KPI. All other methods allow you to get only general estimates, without reference to specific employees.

Keypads make it possible to integrate service quality assessment into the fabric of business processes, which increases staff self-control, and improves the company's image as being attentive to the opinions of its customers.

Keypads allow you to monitor the quality of service in real time and, thus, manage the quality of service proactively (proactive management). Proactive management is the elimination of bottlenecks before they affect sales or other indicators.

Of course, customer loyalty, as measured by NPS or IEL, and customer service quality (quality of service), as measured by SQI and CSI, are not exactly the same. In addition to the quality of service, customer loyalty depends on the attractiveness of the brand, past personal experience, choice and other factors. But for practical service quality management, this difference is not critical.

Service quality control. How to measure customer satisfaction

The target function of service quality management is to increase sales, for which it is enough to have an indicator that characterizes customer satisfaction and correlates with their economic behavior. Since this requirement is met by both NPS and IEL, as well as SQI and CSI, it is advisable to choose the indicator that is easier and cheaper to measure. For retail and service industries, such an indicator is the Emotional Loyalty Index.

It is necessary to have a measure of customer satisfaction, but it is not enough. It is equally important to be able to quickly identify a bottleneck in the quality of service, which can be, for example, low qualification or motivation of staff, inconvenient front office infrastructure or business processes, poor service price / quality ratio.

To monitor the quality of customer service at points of sale, push-button panels, video cameras and additional buttons are installed to ensure the reliability of the information received. Monitoring should ensure the solution of three tasks:

Assessment of customer satisfaction with the quality of service;

Identification of the bottleneck of service quality;

To solve these problems, push-button panels are used, in which you can change the question asked to customers. If clients are asked several questions at once, many will not answer, and the representativeness of the sample will decrease. Therefore, each client is asked only one question at a time, and the rest are put in rotation. For example, from the 1st to the 10th of each month, one question is asked, from the 1st to the 20th - the second, from the 20th to the 30th - the third.

Learn more about asking questions

To determine the bottleneck, it is minimally necessary to evaluate:

Customer loyalty (includes everything);

Customer satisfaction with office infrastructure and business processes;

The attitude of customers to the quality of work of the front line staff.

To assess customer satisfaction, they should be asked: “Would you recommend us to your friends?”. To assess the quality of infrastructure and business processes, we suggest asking: “Did you like the atmosphere and organization of our office work?”, “How did you like it here?”, “How do you like our coffee house? " and so on. To evaluate the work of the staff, clients need to ask a question that does not allow for double interpretation, for example, “Are you satisfied with the quality of the work of the client manager Elena Ivanova?”.

Thus, at the monitoring stage, clients are asked at least three questions and, on their basis, at least three Key Service Quality Indicators (KPIs) are formed: IEL, INK@Office, INK@Personnel.

Question Index Formula for calculating the Indicator
Are you satisfied with the quality of work? client manager Elena Ivanova? INC@Staff Number of valid polls / (Number of negative ratings + Correction factor* Number of Silent People) Polls are considered reliable if they do not raise doubts among the expert. Negative answers (“No” answers) and Silent People recorded during the period of validity of force majeure circumstances confirmed by an expert DO NOT BE CONSIDERED.
Did you like the atmosphere and organization of our office? INC@Office Number of Reliable Polls / (Number of Negative Ratings + Correction Coefficient * Number of Silent People) Polls are considered reliable if they do not raise doubts among the expert. Negative answers (“No” answers) and Silent People recorded during the period of force majeure circumstances confirmed by the expert are taken into account.
Would you recommend our company to your friends? IEL (Number of Valid Polls / Number of Positive Responses) - (Number of Valid Polls / (Number of Negative Responses + Adjustment Factor * Number of Silent People)) .

The figure above shows the correspondence between critical gaps in the retail and service industries of the Gap model and the technologies used to diagnose them. The methodology for identifying quality bottlenecks and their causes is as follows.

Quality of service = What you got (perception) - Expectation. In general, this is one equation with two unknowns. Therefore, for practical quality of service management, when evaluating each potential bottleneck, one unknown must be removed.

When evaluating the work of personnel, it is logical to assume that the personnel know how to work, therefore, if the values ​​of the INC@Staff indicator turn out to be poor (high), then the reason is most likely that the personnel do not meet the required standards. The best way to verify or disprove this - use the services of Mystery Shoppers, which will allow you to determine the root cause of dissatisfaction. If this is the fault of the staff, then they need to be better motivated or trained. If corporate standards are followed, then the standards need to be revised.

When evaluating the office infrastructure and the characteristics of the service itself, what customers receive is known even without monitoring. Therefore, if the values ​​of IEL or INK@Office turn out to be poor (with low values ​​of INK@Personnel), then the reason is that the office infrastructure or the characteristics of the service itself do not meet the expectations of customers. The only way make sure of this, and determine the root cause - conduct market research using a questionnaire, survey at the point of sale or online survey.

To increase the effectiveness of online surveys, it is advisable to integrate the service quality assessment system with loyalty program questionnaires. This will allow you to conduct different surveys for satisfied and dissatisfied with the quality of customer service. If there is no integration with the loyalty program, then a series of surveys should be conducted directly at the point of sale or an appropriate panel study should be ordered.

Note. Dissatisfaction with the work of the staff can affect the evaluation of the work of the office and the parameters of the service. Therefore, the indicators of IEL and INK@Office should be analyzed at low values ​​of the indicator INK@Personnel .

Systematic service quality management is the management of various components of service quality in terms of customer satisfaction. This control consists of three parts:

Monitoring customer satisfaction (loyalty);

Diagnosing the causes of customer dissatisfaction;

Corrective actions to address the root causes of customer dissatisfaction (low loyalty).

Three technologies are used for systemic quality of service management:

Service quality assessment system (keyboards and other equipment), automatically generating Key Indicators Service Quality. This system is used to monitor customer satisfaction and identify "bottlenecks" in the quality of service.

Method of Mystery Shoppers (Mystery Shopping). It is activated in cases where the Customer Dissatisfaction Index is worse than a certain threshold value.

Surveys (online or at the point of sale). They are carried out in cases when the Office Customer Dissatisfaction Index or the Emotional Loyalty Index turn out to be worse than certain threshold values.

All three technologies complement each other, so their combined use allows you to manage the quality of service most effectively.


Remember the parable of the blind men who were asked what an elephant looked like? The one who touched the feet said that the elephant was like a tree. Whoever touched the trunk said that the elephant looked like a snake, and so on. The same goes for customer service management. If you rely only on Mystery Shoppers, you can see one thing, surveys allow you to see another, pushbuttons - a third. The results of each method are certainly interesting in themselves. But they don't give the full picture. Only by linking all three technologies together, you can see the whole elephant and, thus, manage the quality of service effectively.

It is important to understand that a systematic approach to service quality management is not just a “wishful” idea. It's very specific technical requirements to the system for assessing the quality of service and to the form (format) in which historical data on the results of the work of Mystery Shoppers and surveys should be stored. Briefly, the format of all received data should provide the possibility of their correlation, on the one hand, with financial indicators, on the other hand, with indicators that affect the quality of service (number of visitors, response time of business applications, etc.).

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The essence of the ServQual concept is in the analysis of the quality of services. Purpose and task of the method of complex assessment of the commodity system. Form of a questionnaire for assessing the quality of service using the SERVQUAL and MCOTS methods, analysis of the results of a consumer survey.

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Quality of services: quality indicators, assessment methods, features of provision

The concept and indicators of the quality of services, features of its provision. Quality system documentation. Methods for assessing the quality of service: the concept of SERVQUAL "expectation minus perception", the methodology for calculating the customer satisfaction index (CSI).

term paper, added 05/10/2010

Orientation to the consumer. Tree of consumer expectations. SERVQUAL method.

Analysis of the quality of service in the hotel "Sputnik"

CSI method. Mystery Shopping Method

Determining the needs of the consumer. Product quality assessment. Correction of the company's work to improve products. Study of the tree of consumer expectations. Consideration of the main features of the SERVQUAL, CSI, Mystery Shopping methods.

abstract, added 02/04/2016

Theoretical aspects of service maintenance

Requirements for high quality service. Essence and types of service maintenance. Characteristics of methods for assessing the quality of service. Ways to differentiate a service company. Analysis and forecasting of particular quality indicators.

abstract, added 04/23/2011

Development of service quality control by example hotel complex JSC Cosmos

The concept and essence of the service. Model of service quality at the enterprise of social and cultural sphere. Relationship between service quality and business performance. Forms and methods for assessing the quality of goods and services. Indicators of quality of service at the enterprise.

term paper, added 06/14/2014

Analysis of the quality of services in the management of a hotel enterprise

The concept of quality and the importance of applying service quality models in the hospitality industry. Analysis of the quality of services provided by the Bristol Hotel. Proposals for improving the level of service quality and expanding ties with travel agencies.

term paper, added 02/20/2011

Commodity expertise

The concept and means of commodity examination. Mathematical data processing and analysis of measurement and test results. Measurement and evaluation of the quality of goods. The essence of the trial operation method. Basic methods and means of assessing the quality of goods and services.

abstract, added 12/03/2013

Trade service quality

The concept and indicators of the quality of trade services.

The culture of customer service as one of the indicators of quality. Regulatory support for the quality of trade services. Analysis of the quality of trade services in commercial enterprise"Astor".

term paper, added 05/25/2013

Improving the service activities of the enterprise (on the example of Dimand LLC)

The value of quality of service in modern economy. Quality of service as a factor of competitive advantage of the enterprise. Classification of services provided by enterprises of the socio-cultural sphere. Methodology for assessing the quality of service.

thesis, added 09/02/2006

Comprehensive assessment the quality of transport services by the method of expert assessments

Characteristic transport companies"KIT", "Stagecoach", "Khors", "TransLogistic" (Yekaterinburg). Algorithm for selecting criteria for evaluating a transport operator company. Comprehensive assessment of the quality of transport services by the method of expert assessments.

thesis, added 01/05/2014

Analysis of the quality of the hotel from the point of view of the consumer, on the example of the Bliss House Hotel

The concept, essence and methods of assessing the quality of service in hospitality enterprises. Analysis of the performance of the service quality of the Bliss House Hotel. Performing the basic functions of the tourism industry. Search for optimal management decisions.

thesis, added 07/05/2017

Monitoring of corporate clients of a commercial bank

In the face of fierce competition, banks come to understand that it is important not only to increase the number of corporate clients, but also to have information about them. In this sense, monitoring observations should be considered as necessary condition ensuring the competitiveness of the bank and as a tool for managing client relations. Both commercial banks and the Bank of Russia are interested in monitoring corporate clients. The author analyzes in detail the tasks, methods, tools, directions, as well as the structure of the organization of banking monitoring of corporate clients.

The need to monitor corporate clients is due, firstly, to the special role that banks play in economic life society.

The performance by banks of the function of an intermediary between economic entities - enterprises of various forms of ownership has an impact on the volume and structure of the money supply, thereby actively influencing the overall economic situation.

A special relationship should be established between banks and their customers, based on full confidence to the banking system, because only in this case it is possible to ensure the stable performance of the functions of the banking system to attract and redistribute temporarily free funds in society. Only then can commercial banks realize their economic interests - to receive the necessary profit in the course of their activities.

The concept of "banking monitoring of corporate clients" can be defined as a system of measures for the implementation of continuous monitoring of the activities of corporate clients, the collection and systematization of data on their financial condition to assess the current state of affairs in the real sector of the economy and, accordingly, the banking sector, to forecast their development in the future. Monitoring of corporate clients in a broad sense should be carried out to address issues of development of the bank's relations with corporate clients.

Obviously, both commercial banks and the Central Bank are interested in monitoring corporate clients. Russian Federation. Of course, the tasks, methods, tools, directions, as well as the structure of the organization and the coverage of segments, will be different from the positions of both sides.

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