Forgotten inventions of Heron. Ancient Greek steam engine of Heron of Alexandria

(1st century AD), outstanding mathematician, surveyor, mechanic and engineer of the Hellenistic era. None biographical information not preserved. It is known that he lived and worked in Alexandria, as most scientists assume, in the 1st century. AD He left behind works on mechanics, mathematics and geodesy (at this time, according to the classification of Gelinos of Rhodes (1st century BC), mathematics included arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, optics, geodesy, mechanics, musical harmony and practical calculations) ; invented a prototype steam engine and precision leveling instruments. From the works of Heron of Alexandria, “Mechanics” (in Arabic translation), “On lifting mechanisms", as well as the above-mentioned "Metric" and "Diopter". Three treatises of Heron are known in Greek: “Pneumatics”, “Book of War Machines”, “Theater of Automata”, “Catoptika” (the science of mirrors; preserved only in Latin translation) and etc.

The most popular were Heron's automata, such as an automated theater, fountains, etc. Heron described a "diopter" - a device for measuring angles - a prototype of a modern theodolite, based on the laws of statics and kinetics, he gave a description of a lever, block, screw, military machines. In optics he formulated the laws of light reflection, in mathematics - methods for measuring the most important geometric shapes. Heron used the achievements of his predecessors: Euclid, Archimedes, Strato of Lampsacus. His style is simple and clear, although sometimes it is too laconic or unstructured. Interest in the works of Heron arose in the 3rd century. n. e. Greek, and then Byzantine and Arab students commented on and translated his works.

Heron's mathematical works are an encyclopedia of ancient applied mathematics. His works have not reached us in full. The best of his books, “Metrics,” gives a definition of a spherical segment, rules and formulas for accurate and approximate calculation of the areas of regular polygons, volumes of truncated cones and pyramids, and the so-called Heronian formula for determining the area of ​​a triangle on three sides, found in Archimedes; rules for numerical solution are given quadratic equations and approximate extraction of square and cubic roots. Metrics examines the simplest lifting devices - lever, block, wedge, inclined plane and screw, as well as some combinations of them. When studying “Simple Machines” (the term was introduced by him), he uses the concept of moment. He took into account the force of friction and recommended, when working with complex mechanisms, to slightly increase the forces applied to them. In “Pneumatics” he examined a number of ingenious hydropneumatic devices. In “The Theater of Automata” he described the temple and theater automata of his time. Heron has the ratio C2 » 17/12, where 17/12, as is known, is the fourth suitable fraction for C2. The content of Heron's mathematical works is dogmatic; the rules are most often not derived, but explained with examples. This brings Heron's works closer to the works of mathematicians of Ancient Egypt and Babylon. In 1814, Heron’s essay “On the Diopter” was found, which sets out the rules for land surveying, which are actually based on the use of rectangular coordinates. Heron described the main achievements of the ancient world in the field of applied mechanics. He invented a number of instruments and machines, in particular a device for measuring the length of roads, which operated on the same principle as modern taximeters, a machine for selling “sacred water,” various water clocks, and more. The influence of Heron's work can be traced throughout Europe until the Renaissance.

I hope many will be curious, he is truly an amazing person... unfortunately I don’t remember where I downloaded this article.

Rice. 1. Heron Heron of Alexandria lived in Egypt in the city of Alexandria and therefore became known as Heron of Alexandria. Modern historians suggest that he lived in the 1st century AD. somewhere between 10-75 years. It has been established that Heron taught at the Alexandria Museum - scientific center ancient Egypt, which included the famous Library of Alexandria. Most of Heron's works are presented in the form of comments and notes to training courses in various academic disciplines. Unfortunately, the originals of these works have not survived; they may have perished in the fire that engulfed the Library of Alexandria in 273 AD, and they may have been destroyed in 391 AD. Christians, in a fit of religious fanaticism, destroyed everything that reminded them of pagan culture. Only rewritten copies of Heron's works have survived to this day... The Metrics examines the simplest lifting devices - a lever, a block, a wedge, an inclined plane and a screw, as well as some of their combinations. In the work “On the diopter”,. This work outlines methods for carrying out various geodetic works, and surveying is carried out using a device invented by Heron - a diopter. 

 Rice. 2. Diopter The diopter was the prototype of the modern theodolite. Its main part was a ruler with sights attached to its ends. This ruler rotated in a circle that could occupy both horizontal and vertical position, which made it possible to outline directions in both the horizontal and vertical planes. To ensure correct installation of the device, a plumb line and level were attached to it. Heron gives a description of the device he invented for measuring distances - the odometer.
 Rice. 4. Odometer (appearance) 

 Rice. 5. Odometer (internal structure) The odometer was a small cart mounted on two wheels of a specially selected diameter. The wheels turned exactly 400 times per milliatri (an ancient measure of length equal to 1598 m). Numerous wheels and axles were driven by gears, and the distance traveled was indicated by pebbles falling into a special tray. In order to find out how much distance was covered, all that was needed was to count the number of pebbles in the tray. 

 Rice. 6. Eolipil Eolipil was a tightly sealed cauldron with two tubes on the lid. A rotating hollow ball was installed on the tubes, on the surface of which two L-shaped nozzles were installed. Water was poured into the boiler through the hole, the hole was closed with a stopper, and the boiler was placed over the fire. The water boiled, steam was formed, which flowed through the tubes into the ball and into the L-shaped pipes. With sufficient pressure, jets of steam escaping from the nozzles quickly rotated the ball. Built by modern scientists according to Heron's drawings, the aeolipile developed up to 3500 revolutions per minute! 
. There was one step left before the discovery of the principle of jet propulsion: having an experimental setup in front of us, it was necessary to formulate the principle itself. Humanity spent almost 2000 years on this step. It is difficult to imagine what human history would have looked like if the principle of jet propulsion had become widespread 2000 years ago. Perhaps humanity would have long ago explored the entire solar system and reached the stars. I confess that sometimes the thought arises that the development of humanity has been deliberately delayed by someone or something for centuries. However, we will leave this topic for development by science fiction writers... It is interesting that the re-invention of Heron’s aeolipile took place in 1750. Hungarian scientist J.A. Segner built a prototype of a hydraulic turbine. The difference between the so-called Segner wheel and the aeolipile is that the reactive force rotating the device is created not by steam, but by a jet of liquid. Currently, the invention of the Hungarian scientist serves as a classic demonstration of jet propulsion in physics courses, and in fields and parks it is used to water plants.
 Another outstanding invention of Heron related to the use of steam is the steam boiler. .

 Rice. 7. Heron's steam boiler The design was a large bronze tank, with a coaxially installed cylinder, a brazier and pipes for supplying cold and removing hot water Gerona. One of the most impressive miracles was the mechanism he developed that opened the doors to the temple when a fire was lit on the altar. The principle of operation is clear from the animated drawing.

 Rice. 8. Diagram of the “magical” opening of doors in a temple© P. Hausladen, RS Vöhringen Air heated from the fire entered a vessel with water and squeezed a certain amount of water into a barrel suspended on a rope. The barrel, filling with water, fell down and, with the help of a rope, rotated the cylinders, which set the swing doors in motion. The doors opened. When the fire went out, the water from the barrel poured back into the vessel, and a counterweight suspended on a rope, rotating the cylinders, closed the doors.
 Quite a simple mechanism, but what a psychological effect on parishioners!
 Another invention that significantly increased the profitability of ancient temples was the holy water vending machine invented by Heron.

 Rice. 9. Vending machine for selling “holy” water The internal mechanism of the device was quite simple, and consisted of a precisely balanced lever that controlled a valve that opened under the influence of the weight of a coin. The coin fell through a slot onto a small tray and activated a lever and valve. The valve opened and some water flowed out. The coin would then slide off the tray and the lever would return to its original position, closing the valve. According to some sources, a portion of “sacred” water in the time of Heron cost 5 drachmas.
 This invention of Heron became the world's first vending machine and, despite the fact that it brought good profits, it was forgotten for centuries. And only in late XIX century .

Rice. 11. Amphora for pouring wine and water Half of the amphora is filled with wine, and the other half with water. Then the neck of the amphora is closed with a cork. The liquid is extracted using a tap located at the bottom of the amphora. In the upper part of the vessel, under the protruding handles, two holes are drilled: one in the “wine” part, and the second in the “water” part. The cup was brought to the tap, the priest opened it and poured either wine or water into the cup, quietly plugging one of the holes with his finger.

In Europe, many Greek inventions had to be rediscovered after 1000-2000 years. This was the price of three victories - Rome, Christianity and the barbarians. For example, a construction crane was used in the construction of temples Ancient Greece

around 515 BC The first "modern" mention of a tap dates back to 1740, France.

Gear mechanisms were used in the 5th century BC, and were further developed only after the 13th century. Excavations in Athens and Olympia have shown the presence of shower rooms, baths and running water hot water

, which was built in the 5th century BC. A similar invention was re-made in the 16th century in England.

Urban planning was first carried out by the architect Hippodamus during the construction of the city of Miletus (around 400 BC). It was not until 1800 years later, during the early Renaissance, that Florence was planned. The crossbow (gastropet) appeared in Ancient Greece around 400 BC. IN medieval Europe

it began to be used in the XIV-XV centuries. The Temple of Artemis of Ephesus was heated by circulating warm air back in the 4th century BC. System central heating

was resumed in the Cistercian monasteries in the 12th century.

The astrolabe was known in Greece around 200 BC, but re-entered Europe via the Arab world and Spain in the 11th century.
The odometer (a device for measuring distances) was used by Alexander the Great and was reinvented by William Clayton in 1847.

It is characteristic that many inventions were made in the largest scientific center of the Greeks - Alexandria, and the most famous inventor of Alexandria was Heron of Alexandria.
Heron of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician and mechanic who lived in the 1st century AD, is considered the greatest engineer in all of human history. Heron of Alexandria was obsessed with passion for various devices And automatic mechanisms . In addition to the first steam engine, Heron designed mechanical puppet theaters, fire truck , odometer, self-filling oil lamp, a syringe, a topographic instrument similar to a modern theodolite, a water organ, an organ that sounded when a windmill was operating, etc. A number of ingenious devices, which he described in detail in a series of textbooks in the 1st century. n. uh, amazing.
His money-depositing machine, like many of his other miracles, was intended for use in temples. The idea behind the mechanism was that the believer would put a 5-drachma bronze coin into the slot and in return receive some water for ritual washing of the face and hands before entering the temple. At the end of the day, the priestesses could pick up donations from the machine. Something similar is done in some modern Roman Catholic cathedrals, where people put change into machines to light electric candles.
The ancient apparatus worked as follows. The coin fell into a small cup, which was suspended from one end of a carefully balanced rocker. Under its weight, the other end of the rocker rose, opened the valve, and holy water flowed out. As soon as the cup dropped, the coin slid down, the end of the rocker with the cup rose, and the other fell, closing the valve and turning off the water.
Heron's ingenious mechanism may have been partly inspired by the idea of ​​a device invented three centuries earlier by Philo of Byzantium. It was a vessel with a rather mysterious mechanism built inside that allowed guests to wash their hands. Above the water pipe was carved a hand holding a pumice ball. When a guest took it to wash his hands before dinner, mechanical arm disappeared inside the mechanism and water flowed from the pipe. After some time, the water stopped flowing and a mechanical hand appeared with a new piece of pumice prepared for the guest. Unfortunately, Philo did not leave a detailed description of how this exceptional mechanical marvel worked, but it appears to have been based on the same principles as the automaton.
About 2000 years ago, Heron invented automatically opening doors for the temples of the Egyptian city of Alexandria.
In addition, Heron was also a specialist in organizing public spectacles. His design of automatic temple doors was a gift to the Egyptian priests, who for centuries had used mechanical or other miracles to bolster their power and prestige.
Using relatively simple mechanical principles, Heron invented a device that would open the doors of a small temple as if by invisible hands when the priest lit a fire on the altar opposite him.
In a metal ball hidden under the altar, the fire heated the air. It, expanding, pushed water through the siphon into a huge tub. The latter was suspended on chains by a system of weights and pulleys, which rotated the doors on their axes when the tub became heavier.
As the fire on the altar died down, another amazing thing happened. As a result of the rapid cooling of the air in the ball, water was sucked into the siphon in a different way. The empty tub returned upward, setting the pulley system back into motion, and the doors were solemnly closed.
Another design described in the works of Heron is the horn that sounded when the doors of the temple were opened. It played the role of a doorbell and a burglary alarm.
There is no doubt that the system of automatic doors described by Heron was indeed used in Egyptian temples and perhaps elsewhere in the Greco-Roman world. The inventor himself casually referred to alternative system, used by other engineers: “Some of them use mercury instead of water, since it is heavier and is easily separated by fire.” What Heron meant by the word translated as “disconnects” is still unknown, but the use of mercury instead of water in mechanisms similar to Heron’s design certainly made them more efficient.

Heron's steam engine.

Heron of Alexandria invented the first working steam engine and called it the “wind ball”. Its design is extremely simple. A wide lead cauldron filled with water was placed over a heat source, such as a burning charcoal. As the water boiled in two pipes, in the center of which a ball rotated, steam rose. Jets of steam shot through two holes in the ball, causing it to rotate at high speed. The same principle underlies modern jet propulsion.
Could the steam engine be used for practical purposes? To find the answer to this question, the antiquity specialist Dr. J. G. Landels from the University of Reading, with the help of specialists from the Faculty of Engineering, made an accurate working model of Heron's device. He discovered that it had a high rotation speed - at least 1500 revolutions per minute: "The ball of Heron's device was perhaps the fastest rotating object of his time."
However, Landels had difficulty adjusting the connections between the rotating ball and the steam pipe, which prevented the device from being effective. A loose hinge allowed the ball to rotate faster, but then the steam quickly evaporated; a tight hinge meant that energy was wasted in overcoming friction. Making a compromise, Landels calculated that the efficiency of Heron's mechanism may have been less than one percent. Therefore, to produce one tenth of a horsepower (the power of one person), a fairly large unit would be needed, consuming a huge amount of fuel. More energy would be spent on this than the mechanism itself could produce.
Heron was able to invent a more efficient way to use steam energy. As Landels noted, everything necessary elements for an efficient steam engine are found in the devices described by this ancient engineer. His contemporaries made extremely high-efficiency cylinders and pistons, which Heron used in the design of a water pump to fight fires. A suitable valve mechanism for a steam engine was found in his design of a water fountain powered by compressed air. Its mechanism is similar to a modern insect sprayer. It consisted of a round bronze chamber, which was more advanced than the lead boiler in his steam engine, as it could withstand high pressures.
It would have been easy for Heron or any of his contemporaries to combine all these elements (boiler, valves, piston and cylinder) to make a workable steam engine. It was even argued that Heron went further in his experiments, collecting the necessary elements into an effective steam engine, but either died during testing or abandoned this idea. None of these assumptions are substantiated. Most likely, due to his busy schedule, he was unable to implement this idea. However, there were many other knowledgeable and inventive engineers in Alexandria and the Greco-Roman world. So why didn't any of them develop this idea further? Apparently it's all about economics. The potential of many inventions was never fully realized in the ancient world due to the slave economy. Even if some brilliant scientist managed to create a steam engine capable of doing the work of hundreds of people, the latest mechanism would not arouse interest among industrialists, because they always had labor at hand in the slave market. But the course of history could have been different...

Fountain of Heron.

One of the devices described by the ancient Greek scientist Heron of Alexandria was a magic fountain. The main miracle of this fountain was that the water from the fountain flowed out on its own, without the use of any external water source. The principle of operation of the fountain is clearly visible in the figure. Perhaps someone, looking at the diagram of the fountain, will decide that it does not work. Or, on the contrary, he will mistake such a device for a perpetual motion machine. But from the law of physics on the conservation of energy, we know the impossibility of creating a perpetual motion machine. Let's take a closer look at how Heron's fountain worked.
Heron's fountain consists of open bowl and two sealed vessels located under the bowl. A completely sealed tube runs from the upper bowl to the lower container. If you pour water into the upper bowl, the water begins to flow through the tube into the lower container, displacing the air from there. Since the lower container itself is completely sealed, the air pushed out by the water through the sealed tube transfers air pressure to the middle bowl. The air pressure in the middle container begins to push the water out, and the fountain begins to work. If, to start working, it was necessary to pour water into the upper bowl, then for further operation of the fountain, the water that fell into the bowl from the middle container was already used. As you can see, the design of the fountain is very simple, but this is only at first glance.
The rise of water into the upper bowl is carried out due to the pressure of water of height H1, while the fountain raises the water to a much greater height H2, which at first glance seems impossible. After all, this should require much more pressure. The fountain should not work. But the knowledge of the ancient Greeks turned out to be so high that they figured out how to transfer water pressure from the lower vessel to the middle vessel, not with water, but with air. Since the weight of air is significantly lower than the weight of water, the pressure loss in this area is very insignificant, and the fountain shoots out of the bowl to a height of H3. The height of the fountain jet H3, without taking into account pressure losses in the tubes, will be equal to the height of water pressure H1.
Thus, in order for the water of the fountain to flow as high as possible, it is necessary to make the structure of the fountain as high as possible, thereby increasing the distance H1. In addition, you need to raise the middle vessel as high as possible. As for the law of physics on the conservation of energy, it is fully observed. Water from the middle vessel flows under the influence of gravity into the lower vessel. The fact that it makes this way through the upper bowl, and at the same time shoots there like a fountain, does not in any way contradict the law on the conservation of energy. As you understand, the operating time of such fountains is not infinite; eventually, all the water from the middle vessel will flow into the lower one, and the fountain will stop working.
Using the example of the construction of Heron's fountain, we see how high the knowledge of ancient Greek scientists in pneumatics was.

Fire of Heron of Alexandria.

Every morning, the priests of the temple lit a sacrificial fire on the altar. And as soon as the fire flared up properly, then immediately, by the will of the gods of ancient Greece, the doors opened from an unknown force. When evening came, the priests extinguished the fire and still, by the will of the gods of ancient Greece, the doors were closed. Nothing but the fire on the altar could open the doors to the temple. The ancient Greeks perceived this as a great miracle, and this made faith in the gods only grow stronger. Even the early Christians considered it a miracle. True, this miracle, in their opinion, was performed not by God, but by the devil.
The principle of operation of this miracle is described in his book by the great scientist of ancient Greece, Heron of Alexandria.
The doors of the temple were not fastened on ordinary hinges, but on round supports that went under the floor of the temple. There was a rope wound around the supports, which could be pulled to open the doors. To automatically close the doors, a counterweight was used in the design. But this is not yet a real miracle. Hiding a person under the floor is not best idea. It is too easy to detect such deception.
For a real miracle, the property of air to expand when heated was used. The altar was made airtight, and when heated, warm air came out of the altar through a special pipe. Through this pipe, air entered a vessel filled with water. The pressure of hot air began to displace water from the vessel. Water filled a bucket tied to the door opening system through a curved tube. A bucket filled with water pulled a rope, and the doors, at the behest of the great gods of ancient Greece, opened.

In the evening, when the priests stopped maintaining the fire, the air inside the altar began to cool. A weak vacuum was created in the altar and the top of the vessel with water, and water from the bucket, under the influence atmospheric pressure was directed back into the vessel. The bucket became lighter, and the counterweight closed the doors.
As you can see, the gods of ancient Greece have nothing to do with it. But the boys of ancient Greece did not learn the basics of thermodynamics at school at the age of 14, and girls did not go to school at all. Therefore, even if someone finds out about the mechanisms under the temple, he will still believe that the doors to the temple are opened by the gods of ancient Greece. And certainly not by the priests of the temple.
The mechanism described by Heron is one of the first in the history of heat engine technology. It's actually a water pump. But a very unusual water pump. In this design, the working fluid is not water or steam, but air.

Fire pump of Heron of Alexandria.

One of the devices described in the book of the ancient Greek scientist Heron of Alexandria was a fire water pump. The creator of this fire pump is considered to be another great scientist of ancient Greece, Ctesibius, the teacher of Heron of Alexandria.
The pump described by Heron of Alexandria had all the features of a modern hand pump. It consisted of two working cylinders. Each cylinder had two valves. One is suction, the other is discharge. The pump was equipped with an air equalization cap. A balancer lever was used to drive the pump cylinders. The pump was designed to be operated by two people.
The principle of operation of the pump is quite simple. When the pump piston moves upward, a reduced pressure is created in the cylinder, and water from the reservoir, under the influence of atmospheric pressure, enters the cylinder.
When the piston moves downward, water under the pressure of the piston exits the cylinder into the air equalization cap. The movement of water in the other direction is prevented by the pump valves.
The main purpose of the equalizing cap is to smooth out fluctuations in water pressure at the outlet of the pump.
Before starting the pump, the equalizing cap is empty and completely filled with air. When the pump is running, the equalizing cap is filled with water coming from the cylinders. Since all air outlets are quickly blocked by water, the air has no choice but to compress under the pressure of the water entering the hood. At a certain stage, the pressure in the system is balanced and water begins to flow out of the equalizing cap up the pipe, and compressed air remains in the upper part of the cap.
When the pistons reach the top or bottom dead points, there is a slight pause in the operation of the pump. But water still continues to come out of the pump. It is the compressed air in the equalizing cap that continues to squeeze out the water. As a result, water flows from the pump constantly, without any pulsations.
The presence of an equalizing cap in the pump shows how high the knowledge in pneumatics of the ancient Greeks was.

Heron Alexandrian (Heronus Alexandrinus) (years of birth and death unknown, probably 1st century), ancient Greek scientist who worked in Alexandria. The author of works in which he systematically outlined the main achievements of the ancient world in the field of applied mechanics, in “Pneumatics” G. described various mechanisms driven by heated or compressed air or steam: the so-called. aeolipile, i.e. a ball rotating under the action of steam, an automatic door opener, a fire pump, various siphons, a water organ, a mechanical puppet theater, etc. In “Mechanics” G described 5 simple machines: lever, gate, wedge, screw and block. G. was also known for the parallelogram of forces. Using a gear drive, G. built a device for measuring the length of roads, based on the same principle as modern taximeters. G.'s vending machine for selling “sacred” water was the prototype of our vending machines for dispensing liquids. G.'s mechanisms and automatic machines did not find any widespread practical application. They were used mainly in the construction of mechanical toys. The only exceptions are hydraulic hydraulic machines, with the help of which ancient water drawers were improved. In op. “About Diopter” lays out the rules for land surveying, which are actually based on the use of rectangular coordinates. A description of the diopter ≈ a device for measuring angles ≈ a prototype of a modern theodolite is also given here. G. gave an account of the fundamentals of ancient artillery in the treatise “On the Manufacturing of Throwing Machines.” G.’s mathematical works are an encyclopedia of ancient applied mathematics. Metrics provides rules and formulas for the exact and approximate calculation of various geometric figures, for example Heron's formula to determine the area of ​​a triangle based on three sides, rules for numerically solving quadratic equations, and approximate extraction of square and cube roots. Basically, the presentation in G.'s mathematical works is dogmatic - the rules are often not derived, but only clarified through examples.

═ Lit.: Diels G., Ancient technology, trans. from German, M. ≈ L., Vygodsky M. Ya., Arithmetic and algebra in the ancient world, 2nd ed., M., 1967.

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Heron of Alexandria

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GE) by the author TSB

Many of us, studying physics or the history of technology, are surprised to discover that some modern technologies, objects and knowledge were discovered and invented in ancient times. Science fiction writers even use special term: “chronoclasms” are mysterious penetrations of modern knowledge into the past. However, in reality everything is simpler: most of this knowledge was actually discovered by ancient scientists, but then for some reason they were forgotten about and rediscovered centuries later.

In this article, I invite you to get to know one of the amazing scientists of antiquity. He made a huge contribution to the development of science in his time, but most of his works and inventions sank into oblivion and were undeservedly forgotten. His name is Heron of Alexandria.
Heron lived in Egypt in the city of Alexandria and therefore became known as Heron of Alexandria. Modern historians suggest that he lived in the 1st century AD. Only rewritten copies of Heron's works made by his students and followers have survived to our times. Some of them are in Greek, and some are in Arabic. There are also translations into Latin made in the 16th century.

The most famous is Heron's “Metrics” - a scientific work that gives the definition of a spherical segment, a torus, rules and formulas for accurate and approximate calculation of the areas of regular polygons, the volumes of truncated cones and pyramids. In this work, Heron introduces the term “simple machines” and uses the concept of torque to describe their work.

The diopter was the prototype of the modern theodolite. Its main part was a ruler with sights attached to its ends. This ruler rotated in a circle, which could occupy both horizontal and vertical positions, which made it possible to mark directions in both the horizontal and vertical planes. To ensure correct installation of the device, a plumb line and level were attached to it. Using this device and introducing rectangular coordinates, Heron could solve various problems on the ground: measure the distance between two points when one or both of them are inaccessible to the observer, draw a straight line perpendicular to an inaccessible straight line, find the level difference between two points, measure the area of ​​a simple figure without even stepping onto the area being measured.
Among other things, Heron gives a description of the device he invented for measuring distances - the odometer.

Rice. Odometer (appearance

Rice. Odometer (internal device)
The odometer was a small cart mounted on two wheels of specially selected diameter. The wheels turned exactly 400 times per milliatri (an ancient measure of length equal to 1598 m). Numerous wheels and axles were driven by gears, and the distance traveled was indicated by pebbles falling into a special tray. In order to find out how much distance was covered, all that was needed was to count the number of pebbles in the tray.
One of Heron’s most interesting works is “Pneumatics”. The book contains descriptions of about 80 devices and mechanisms. The most famous is the aeolipile (translated from Greek: “ball of the wind god Aeolus”).

Rice. Aeolipile
The aeolipile was a tightly sealed cauldron with two pipes on the lid. A rotating hollow ball was installed on the tubes, on the surface of which two L-shaped nozzles were installed. Water was poured into the boiler through the hole, the hole was closed with a stopper, and the boiler was placed over the fire. The water boiled, steam was formed, which flowed through the tubes into the ball and into the L-shaped pipes. With sufficient pressure, jets of steam escaping from the nozzles quickly rotated the ball. Built by modern scientists according to Heron's drawings, the aeolipile developed up to 3500 revolutions per minute!

Unfortunately, the aeolipile did not receive due recognition and was not in demand either in the era of antiquity or later, although it made a huge impression on everyone who saw it. Heron's aeolipile is the prototype of steam turbines, which appeared only two millennia later! Moreover, aeolipile can be considered one of the first jet engines. There was one step left before the discovery of the principle of jet propulsion: having an experimental setup in front of us, it was necessary to formulate the principle itself. Humanity spent almost 2000 years on this step. It is difficult to imagine what human history would have looked like if the principle of jet propulsion had become widespread 2000 years ago.
Another outstanding invention of Heron related to the use of steam is the steam boiler.

The design was a large bronze container with a coaxially installed cylinder, a brazier and pipes for supplying cold and removing hot water. The boiler was highly efficient and provided rapid heating of water.
A significant part of Heron’s “Pneumatics” is occupied by a description of various siphons and vessels from which water flows by gravity through a tube. The principle inherent in these designs is successfully used by modern drivers when it is necessary to drain gasoline from a car tank. To create divine miracles, the priests had to use the mind and scientific knowledge of Heron. One of the most impressive miracles was the mechanism he developed that opened the doors to the temple when a fire was lit on the altar.

Air heated from the fire entered a vessel with water and squeezed out a certain amount of water into a barrel suspended on a rope. The barrel, filling with water, fell down and, with the help of a rope, rotated the cylinders, which set the swing doors in motion. The doors opened. When the fire went out, the water from the barrel poured back into the vessel, and a counterweight suspended on a rope, rotating the cylinders, closed the doors.
Quite a simple mechanism, but what a psychological effect on parishioners!

Another invention that significantly increased the profitability of ancient temples was the holy water vending machine invented by Heron.
The internal mechanism of the device was quite simple, and consisted of a precisely balanced lever operating a valve that opened under the influence of the weight of a coin. The coin fell through a slot onto a small tray and activated a lever and valve. The valve opened and some water flowed out. The coin would then slide off the tray and the lever would return to its original position, closing the valve.
This invention of Heron became the world's first vending machine. At the end of the 19th century, vending machines were reinvented.
Heron's next invention was also actively used in temples.

The invention consists of two vessels connected by a tube. One of the vessels was filled with water, and the second with wine. The parishioner added a small amount of water to a vessel with water, the water entered another vessel and displaced an equal amount of wine from it. A man brought water, and “by the will of the gods” it turned into wine! Isn't this a miracle?
And here is another vessel design invented by Heron for converting water into wine and back.

Half of the amphora is filled with wine, and the other half with water. Then the neck of the amphora is closed with a cork. The liquid is extracted using a tap located at the bottom of the amphora. In the upper part of the vessel, under the protruding handles, two holes are drilled: one in the “wine” part, and the second in the “water” part. The cup was brought to the tap, the priest opened it and poured either wine or water into the cup, quietly plugging one of the holes with his finger.

A unique invention for its time was a water pump, the design of which was described by Heron in his work “Pneumatics”.
The pump consisted of two communicating piston cylinders equipped with valves from which water was alternately displaced. The pump was driven by the muscular power of two people, who took turns pressing the arms of the lever. It is known that pumps of this type were subsequently used by the Romans to extinguish fires and were distinguished by high quality manufacturing and amazingly precise fitting of all parts.

The most common method of lighting in ancient times was lighting using oil lamps. If with one lamp it was easy to keep track of it, then with several lamps there was already a need for a servant who would regularly walk around the room and adjust the wicks in the lamps. Heron invented an automatic oil lamp.

The lamp consists of a bowl into which oil was poured and a device for feeding the wick. This device contained a float and a gear connected to it. When the oil level dropped, the float dropped, rotated the gear, and it, in turn, fed a thin rail wrapped with a wick into the combustion zone. This invention was one of the first uses of a rack and pinion gear.
Heron’s “Pneumatics” also provides a description of the design of the syringe. Unfortunately, it is not known for sure whether this device was used for medical purposes in antiquity. It is also unknown whether the Frenchman Charles Pravaz and the Scotsman Alexander Wood, who are considered the inventors of the modern medical syringe, knew about its existence.

Heron's Fountain consists of three vessels, placed one above the other and communicating with each other. The two lower vessels are closed, and the upper one has the shape of an open bowl into which water is poured. Water is also poured into the middle vessel, which is later closed. Through a tube running from the bottom of the bowl almost to the bottom of the lower vessel, water flows down from the bowl and, compressing the air there, increases its elasticity. The lower vessel is connected to the middle one through a tube through which air pressure is transmitted to the middle vessel. By exerting pressure on the water, the air forces it to rise from the middle vessel through the tube into the upper bowl, where a fountain emerges from the end of this tube, rising above the surface of the water. The fountain water falling into the bowl flows from it through a tube into the lower vessel, where the water level gradually rises, and the water level in the middle vessel decreases. Soon the fountain stops working. To start it again, you just need to swap the lower and middle vessels.

Unique for its time scientific work is Heron's Mechanics. This book has come to us in the translation of an Arab scholar of the 9th century AD. Costa al-Balbaki. Until the 19th century, this book was not published anywhere and was apparently unknown to science either during the Middle Ages or during the Renaissance. This is confirmed by the absence of lists of its text in the original Greek and in the Latin translation. In Mechanics, in addition to describing the simplest mechanisms: wedge, lever, gate, block, screw, we find a mechanism created by Heron for lifting loads.

In the book this mechanism appears under the name barulk. It can be seen that this device is nothing more than a gearbox, which is used as a winch.
Heron dedicated his works “On Military Machines” and “On the Manufacturing of Throwing Machines” to the basics of artillery and described in them several designs of crossbows, catapults, and ballistae.
Heron's work On Automata was popular during the Renaissance and was translated into Latin and cited by many scientists of the time. In particular, in 1501 Giorgio Valla translated some fragments of this work. Later translations followed by other authors.

The organ created by Heron was not original, but was only an improved design of the hydraulic system - musical instrument, invented by Ctesibius. Hydraulos was a set of pipes with valves that created sound. Air was supplied to the pipes using a water tank and a pump, which created the necessary pressure in this tank. The valves of the pipes, as in a modern organ, were controlled using a keyboard. Heron proposed to automate the hydraulic system using wind wheel, which served as a drive for a pump that pumped air into the tank.

It is known that Heron created a kind of puppet theater, which moved on wheels hidden from the audience and was a small architectural structure - four columns with a common base and architrave. Puppets on his stage, set in motion complex system cords and gears, also hidden from public view, reproduced the ceremony of the festival in honor of Dionysus. As soon as such a theater entered the city square, a fire flared up on its stage above the figure of Dionysus, wine poured from a bowl onto the panther lying at the feet of the deity, and the retinue began to dance to the music. Then the music and dancing stopped, Dionysus turned in the other direction, a flame flared up in the second altar - and the whole action was repeated all over again. After such a performance, the dolls stopped and the performance ended. This action invariably aroused interest among all residents, regardless of age. But the street performances of another puppet theater, Heron, were no less successful.

This theater (pinaka) was very small in size, it was easily moved from place to place. It was a small column, at the top of which there was a model of a theater stage hidden behind the doors. They opened and closed five times, dividing into acts the drama of the sad return of the victors of Troy. On a tiny stage, with exceptional skill, it was shown how warriors built and launched sailing ships, sailed on them on a stormy sea and died in the abyss under the flash of lightning and thunder. To simulate thunder, Heron created a special device in which balls spilled out of a box and hit a board.

In his automatic theaters, Heron, in fact, used elements of programming: the actions of the automatic machines were performed in strict sequence, the scenery replaced each other in the right moments. It is noteworthy that the main driving force, which set the theater's mechanisms in motion was gravity (the energy of falling bodies was used); elements of pneumatics and hydraulics were also used.

The diopter was the prototype of the modern theodolite. Its main part was a ruler with sights attached to its ends. This ruler rotated in a circle, which could occupy both horizontal and vertical positions, which made it possible to mark directions in both the horizontal and vertical planes. To ensure correct installation of the device, a plumb line and level were attached to it. Using this device and introducing rectangular coordinates, Heron could solve various problems on the ground: measure the distance between two points when one or both of them are inaccessible to the observer, draw a straight line perpendicular to an inaccessible straight line, find the level difference between two points, measure the area of ​​a simple figure without even stepping onto the area being measured.

Even in the time of Heron, the water supply system on the island of Samos, created according to the design of Eupalinus and passing through a tunnel, was considered one of the masterpieces of ancient engineering. Water through this tunnel was supplied to the city from a source located on the other side of Mount Castro. It was known that in order to speed up the work, the tunnel was dug simultaneously on both sides of the mountain, which required high qualifications from the engineer in charge of the construction. The water pipeline operated for many centuries and surprised Heron’s contemporaries; Herodotus also mentioned it in his writings. Precisely from Herodotus modern world learned about the existence of the Eupalina tunnel. I found out, but didn’t believe it, because it was believed that the ancient Greeks did not have necessary technology for the construction of such a complex object. Having studied Heron’s work “On the Diopter”, found in 1814, scientists received the second documentary evidence of the existence of the tunnel. It was only at the end of the 19th century that a German archaeological expedition actually discovered the legendary Eupalina Tunnel.
Here is how in his work Heron gives an example of using the diopter he invented to build the Eupalina tunnel:

Points B and D are the entrances to the tunnel. Near point B, point E is selected, and from it a segment EF is constructed along the mountain, perpendicular to the segment BE. Next, a system of mutually perpendicular segments is built around the mountain until a line KL is obtained, on which point M is selected and a perpendicular MD is built from it to the entrance to the tunnel D. Using lines DN and NB, a triangle BND is obtained and angle α is measured.
Throughout his life, Heron created many different inventions that were interesting not only to his contemporaries, but also to us - living two millennia later.