Ideas for what to open in a small town. Business from scratch in a small town: pros and cons. Examples of profitable small business options

What is profitable to trade in small town? What is the best business to run at home? How to open your own business with minimal investment?

Working for yourself is like growing up. Anyone who wants to gain independence sooner or later leaves their home - leaves the hired service and begins to work exclusively for themselves.

Good, The choice of areas for personal business is unlimited. The only problem is to find the type of activity that will truly reveal your talents and abilities to the fullest.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on the HeatherBober portal on economic and financial matters. In a new article I will tell you what business to start to earn a lot and consistently, what business ideas are the most promising today and now, and what is more profitable - a YouTube channel or a home photo studio.

Don’t switch – you will learn a lot of interesting things.

1. Business with minimal investment - let’s stop work and let's begin earn

There is an opinion that successful businessman need to be born. They say that this requires a special mindset, extraordinary abilities and a specific character. Millions of people believe that entrepreneurship is not for them. That they won’t be able to work for themselves. That their business will fail. That they don’t know how to count money, etc.

Of course, we are born with different abilities and inclinations, there is no doubt about that.

However, I personally prefer this point of view: every person from birth is an entrepreneur. When he is born, he already has ready-made company- yourself. It depends only on you whether this company will become successful. You are the manager of this company, its CEO and owner controlling stake shares

Thousands of people are working for themselves right now. They do not expect a salary from the employer, are not afraid of dismissal, and set their own working hours.

This does not mean that their life is complete euphoria. There are enough problems in the life of a businessman. Perhaps there are even more of them than an employee. But all the disadvantages of “free swimming” are outweighed by a big plus - you become the master of your life and your time, set your own goals and determine your priorities.

And a few more advantages:

  • a huge selection of destinations for commercial activities – if you want, teach painting to everyone who wants to own studio, if you want, make soap in the garage;
  • the amount of income is unlimited– you set the upper limit yourself in accordance with your ambitions and goals;
  • free schedule, vacation not when allowed, but when wanted– you independently manage your main asset – time;
  • you are not tied to a workplace– work wherever you want: at home, in the garage, in an Internet cafe, on a personal plot;
  • you set the rules yourself– no one obliges you to follow strict regulations and schedules.

If you fail to achieve results in one area of ​​business, you always have the right to change the direction of activity to the diametrically opposite one. If your online business is not working out, get involved in purely earthly technologies - open a shawarma shop or start a business.

I have a friend who dealt successively with: animal feed, video equipment, Indian gems and jewelry (he brought it from India himself), equipment for private (home) cinemas, commercial real estate, and information products.

Not to say that he failed in every type of activity - on the contrary, reaching a certain level, he realized that he was losing interest in the chosen topic, and saw broader prospects in another area.

But do not confuse freedom with sloppiness, indifference and projectism. A naturally lazy and undisciplined person is unlikely to achieve serious success in business. The money will not be transferred to your account on its own– simply because you declared yourself an entrepreneur.

You will definitely have to work hard and persistently. Perhaps even more than in the office or production. You will need self-control, self-confidence, the ability to calculate options and make decisions independently.

Being an entrepreneur means working hard and being a multitasker.

Is it necessary to have initial capital? It all depends on the type of activity you plan to engage in. If you open an online store, you will have to purchase goods and launch a website. And this requires money.

Similarly with production - Consumables and equipment require investment. But there is different variants– lease, rent, find investors.

But if you sell exclusively intellectual services, then capital is not required. You only have to waste your time. But time doesn’t pay off right away. It is necessary to acquire clients, develop skills, and ideally undergo training.

Give up the hope that a couple of weeks or even months after launching a business, gold coins will start pouring into your wallet. Business, especially small business, is patience and painstaking work. Everything will happen, but not right away - remember this phrase!

And for those who need a reliable and proven option with a guarantee of profitability, we suggest investing in ready business– purchase a franchise from the company. The co-owner of a chain of restaurants serving Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine is Alex Yanovsky, an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience, the owner of his own School “Business Behind Glass”.

The founders of HeatherBeaver magazine know Alex personally - his business schemes really work and generate income.

Moreover, our good friend Sergei opened a business under this franchise in the city of Maykop - he launched a point in the “island” format. His investment of 1.5 million rubles paid off within six months. So we can confidently recommend his franchise to both beginners and experienced businessmen.

Alex Yanovsky about the advantages of a franchise:

2. 5 popular areas in business

In fact, there are more directions, but these five are proven and well-trodden paths along which thousands of aspiring businessmen like you are successfully and confidently walking right now.

Let's look at all the pros and features the most popular areas of small and medium-sized businesses.

1) Resale of goods

The most accessible type of business.

Its principle is simple and has not changed since ancient times: buy goods in bulk in one place at a low price and resell them in another at a higher cost.

Stable incomes come from those goods that everyone needs - food, clothing, shoes, household chemicals, cosmetics. The consumer goods market has billions in turnover and the same profits.

Another thing is that large corporations take the lion's share. Beginners are left to look for narrow niches and maneuver between mass-market products and exclusive goods.

When choosing the profile of your company, focus not only on demand, but also on the state of the economy. For example, during a crisis, most people have no time for luxury - Swiss fountain pens with a platinum nib are unlikely to be sold quickly and profitably in a small town, where the average salary is half the cost of this very fountain pen.

In such settlements it is worth choosing more hot commodity – for example, open a stock store with inexpensive branded clothing. Or a smartphone store - analogues of well-known companies, but originally from the People's Republic of China.

Small towns, on the one hand, offer excellent prospects, but on the other hand, they are unpredictable in terms of business development.

The table will outline the situation with trade in small towns more clearly:

Universal salvation for everyone modern trade- Internet. Here the audience is not limited geographically. Live in Torzhok, and send goods to either Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Provision of services

You don't have to sell material things. Professional services are no less in demand than clothing or food.

There are many examples:

  • accounting services;
  • printing center;
  • Interior design;
  • writing texts to order;
  • organization of banquets;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • Pizza delivery;
  • bicycle repair or household appliances;
  • writing term papers, etc.

Any matter that you understand or want to understand is suitable. Modern world– differentiated and belongs to narrow specialists. Family lawyer, tutor, commercial writer and other specialties are no longer a curiosity and are constantly required.

3) Production

More and more small enterprises are opening in the Russian Federation: in conditions of crisis and sanctions, domestic producers entered new markets.

Are in stable demand natural products nutrition. If you focus on quality, then even the relative high cost of production will pay off due to a higher price. The modern consumer is ready to overpay for healthy and environmentally friendly products.

You will find more details about production activities in the article “”.

4) Real estate transactions

An option for those who have substantial starting capital. The real estate market, despite gloomy forecasts, continues to bring profits to owners of liquid housing. Earnings from rentals, sales and other operations with residential and non-residential premises are traditionally high.

5) Business on the Internet

The most promising modern direction. And the least expensive if you sell not a product via the Internet, but your skills or services.

But first, you need to master at least one of the most popular professions - website designer, SEO promotion specialist, copywriter, social media administrator. Or make money on your website, affiliate programs.

It's not as difficult as it seems - the main thing is not to be lazy and not stay too long in the status of a beginner. If you want to succeed, read the large article on our website, which is called “”.

3. What kind of business can you start - TOP 10 ideas for a beginning businessman

Let's get down to specifics.

Ten promising ideas for beginners with minimal experience.

1) Homemade soap making

The first private soap makers of our time made soap right in their apartments. Some people still do this, but it is better to have a separate room for these purposes.

I have a friend who lives in Chisinau. Katerina started making handmade soap 7 years ago. The first experiments - multi-colored ellipses of soap with herbal scents, which she sent me as product samples - cost her too much. In addition, in Moldova the demand for this product was almost zero.

She gradually improved the technology, accumulated a customer base and now has a full-fledged online store, where, in addition to designer soap, there are a lot of other exclusive and natural products. High price does not confuse buyers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They care about quality, original execution and purely natural ingredients.

2) Tutoring

If you are fluent in foreign languages, a six-string guitar, school subjects, and other useful skills and knowledge, no one will forbid you share your experience with others for money.

Thanks to Skype you can teach people all over the world

3) Management of corporate events and holidays

An idea for people with organizational and public speaking skills. Creative thinking, self-confidence and a little courage, and you will become the soul of any audience.

The ingredients for success are as follows: constant practice, original scripts, competent room design, and a constantly changing repertoire.

4) Equipment repair

If you were born with a screwdriver in your hands, you clearly understand how they work Appliances, are knowledgeable about electronics, why not turn your skills into a source of income?

Modern technology has a low safety margin. Most people are better off fixing it washing machine than buying a new one. Meanwhile, repairing one “washing machine” costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles . Several orders a day, and the income will be enough not only for bread and butter, but also for annual leave on Bali.

Minimum costs – tools, diagnostic equipment, spare parts. If you have a garage, then the problem of renting a room disappears. Large equipment can be repaired at the customer’s home.

5) Food delivery

In Novosibirsk, where I live, you can order anything to your home or office, from hot corn to a full meal from a Chinese restaurant.

Such a business requires investments - renting premises and transport, purchasing raw materials, paying employees. Need permissions from sanitary services: there must be ventilation in the room, that’s all necessary communications, and employees must have health certificates.

6) Transportation of goods

Are you the owner of a truck? Engage in the transportation of large-sized cargo. You don't even have to buy a car - rent or lease it.

You will need 2-3 responsible workers, and not people from the street, but experienced riggers who know how to properly transport furniture and household appliances, how to pack fragile cargo, how to lower a piano from the third floor.

7) Video channel on YouTube

The YouTube channel's audience is more than a billion viewers. This is every third Internet user on the planet. Promoted TV channels bring their owners millions in profits. Some of the presenters are not even 15 years old.

The ingredients for success are as follows:

  • popular destination– video games, beauty blog, TOPs and lists, entertainment;
  • signature feature– original image, unique format;
  • competent promotion– use professional techniques.

Most Internet users are young people raised on gadgets. They prefer to see it once rather than read a long text, which is why video blogs are so popular.

A little educational program from popular YouTube video bloggers:

8) Home photo studio

You will learn how to take satisfactory pictures in a couple of weeks. Will need professional equipment for shooting and equipment for printing photographs. And then work in the format that you prefer - photos for documents, wedding photography and videography, albums graduation ceremonies, image processing and photomontage.

Just six months after the start of her career, she was invited to major city events as an official photo-chronicler. I don’t know why, but clients like her photographs even more than photographs of experienced professionals.

9) Growing vegetables and fruits in a greenhouse

An idea for those who are interested in gardening and gardening. One greenhouse will give you several harvests a year, and people need fruits, herbs, vegetables and flowers every day.

Before buying a greenhouse and seedlings, take care of the product market, study competitive environment, price, read specialized literature and thematic sites.

A greenhouse is an excellent tool for your own business

Additional income: canning, processing and freezing vegetables, selling seedlings and seeds.

But this is a long-term business for the patient and smart. If you would like, read the special publication.

10) Seasonal storage of tires, skis, bicycles

Income close to passive. Very nice idea. You just need to prepare the room: an empty garage is best suited for these purposes. Install shelves, insulate the room, place security system. In summer, store winter tires, sleds, skis, snowboards here, in winter - bicycles, scooters, summer tires, etc.

Such a question as business ideas for a small town worries a large number of people in any country in the world, including ours.

If no more than 100,000 people live in a settlement, then it is considered not a very suitable place for entrepreneurial activity, since there is a high chance of simply not finding your client or buyer. Small cities usually have modest average salaries, a shortage of active population, and this calls into question even the most sound plans and calculations.

But not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. If you approach the matter wisely and show some dexterity, which is simply mandatory for an entrepreneur, then even in populated areas with a population of 20, 30 or 60,000 people, you can find your niche and make good money.

Features of doing business in small towns

If you are a resident of a small town, but do not want to let go of the idea of ​​becoming a businessman, then the very first thing you need to do is understand key features competent conduct of business activities in your region. There are both pros and cons here.

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  1. A small number of people will not be able to create a truly large demand even for the highest quality products. The question of what to trade is very acute here. They won't often buy new cars from you.
  2. Limited opportunities for partnerships. If a person plans to produce or create something, then he will have to travel far away for components and materials, which increases costs.
  3. You need to correctly calculate the quantity of goods offered. If, for example, these are agricultural products, they may deteriorate over time, so it is important to provide as many products as the local market can absorb.

Among the advantages, the following points can be noted:

  1. A small town means a minimum of competitors and possible problems with industry giants. Here, even a product of mediocre quality can be quite in demand.
  2. Organizing production will not be so expensive - renting premises will not require large investments, modest salaries for employees will also play into the hands of the entrepreneur.

Taking this into account, you can protect yourself as much as possible and protect yourself from the rapid collapse of even the most productive ideas.

What business to start in a small town

It is very important to immediately outline those areas that will bring maximum benefit in such an area. What type of activity should you engage in so that it brings a stable profit?

Obviously, it is not worth organizing a car production plant in a town of 40,000 people, just like opening a company for organizing flights to the Moon.

The most cost-effective business will be the one that is aimed at the majority of residents or a significant part of it.

There is no need to invent something exotic - traditional look activities can bring maximum benefits. Residents of the capital and large cities are fed up with the abundance of offers around, but in a small settlement everything is different - even a simple good grocery store with familiar products or an experienced tiler can have constant demand for their activities.

It is worth noting: Of course, it’s difficult to come up with a win-win option, because there are risks everywhere, but if you do everything wisely, then even the most banal things can “work” and be beneficial.

Business for women in a small town

Representatives of the fairer sex are traditionally considered less inclined to active entrepreneurial activity, but they often achieve great success in this direction.

Good result in small business A resident of a small locality can also get it, but for this, again, you need to find your own business. Which one is a pressing question.

What can a woman do, what can a representative of the fair sex reveal? Many things, for example:

  1. A good job for a woman can be making some things, sewing clothes, handicrafts, knitting beautiful tablecloths for the table, author’s decoration bed linen.
  2. The issue of making delicious food is always relevant. You can bake cakes, beautiful decorative cookies, pies and other goodies that the population will buy up in small quantities, to dining table, and large ones - on various red days of the calendar.
  3. Class agriculture. Many housewives found themselves working on the land. In breeding various birds. This is a troublesome business, but it can provide significant financial profit.

There are others interesting options– it all depends on the skill and desire of each individual woman.

What store to open in a small town

The traditional option for doing business in a small town is opening a store.

To start your own business and not burn out from the very first days of work, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. It is necessary to choose a product that can be traded with minimal competition, but it must be in demand among people.
  2. You should not get involved in incomprehensible and complex things, for example, trying to open a pharmacy. This is the sphere of activity of large corporations, and daredevils who decide to engage in such amateur activities can pay dearly for such a decision.
  3. You just need to take a closer look at the typical needs of people and open the appropriate store. What people go to a big city for is high-quality and varied food, fresh modern clothes, interesting children's toys, some inexpensive electronics. All this may well be popular everywhere.

Business without investment in a small town

How to start your own business and not invest a penny in it? The question is complex, but there are options here too.

Here are some of them:

  1. If you have the premises and certain skills, you can organize repairs of automobile and motorcycle equipment there.
  2. Repair of computer equipment and gadgets, which is now in great demand.
  3. Installation of various consumer electronics and its repair (air conditioners, hoods, TVs, satellite dishes, office equipment and much more).
  4. A woman can open her own hairdresser or makeshift beauty salon right at home - do manicures, beautiful haircuts and other beauty services.

There are various projects that do not require investment and they are all interesting in their own way.

Ideas for a profitable business in a small town

Let's move from theory to practice - so what kind of small business can be created in a town for 20,000 - 100,000 people, where to start, so that it brings good earnings?

Here are some great ideas:

  1. Trade in food, clothing, and household essentials. Vegetables and fruits, meat products, milk, inexpensive wardrobe items, various consumables for the household are perfect for the province: nuts, bolts, grinder wheels, nails, building materials, etc. People need all this all year round: winter and summer.
  2. An excellent option for individual entrepreneurs is the provision of repair services. Plastering, puttying, laying tiles, installing windows and doors, laying paving stones in the yard - your enterprise will be in demand, since all this is always of interest to the population.
  3. In the service sector, the population needs to look at demand - if it is sufficient, then you can open your own hairdresser, beauty salon or something like that.
  4. What else can you make money on? You can create your own thematic forum or even an online store on the Internet. Minimum investment and reach a huge audience far beyond your hometown.
  5. Rental business. If you have a couple of apartments or a garage that are not used for personal business, then why not rent them out to another family for use. This will bring, albeit small, but constant, noticeable income.
  6. Tutoring. If you have knowledge and know how to share it, you can open your own tutoring school to prepare children for admission to universities. There will be few competitors, but the demand for such help always exists; even for a small town this type of activity is relevant.
  7. You can open your own bar or cafe, make it there unusual interior And interesting menu. There are practically no entertainment facilities in small towns; people want to better organize their leisure time, so demand will be guaranteed.
  8. Making a small construction company. 2-3 experienced people are enough, and the company is ready - you can carry out repairs of any complexity and make good money.
  9. Creation of water wells. Many people in the private sector do not have access to a centralized water supply system, and they need to create a personal source. You can organize your own company and, at the request of residents, equip water wells for them.
  10. Buy a 3D printer and use it to make various interesting things, toys for children, custom parts, etc. It’s a business without large investments, simple and profitable in the long term.

These are the ideas for your own business from scratch that can be implemented in small settlements. A mini-enterprise will not bring in millions, but it can also be for beginners interesting thing, bringing a stable decent income.

What to produce or what to sell, in what quantities, what initial investments to make - everyone must decide for themselves. The most important thing to remember is that with the right and thoughtful approach, almost any business can make a profit.

We bring to your attention a video that may help you make a choice in business for a small town:

In a small town you can organize profitable business no worse than in the big one. Many people think that it cannot be profitable in a small town. Anyone who thinks so is immediately setting themselves up for failure and does not consider the positive aspects of this issue.

Differences between small cities and large ones

There are many advantages of living in small towns. Here are some of them.

  • There life flows slowly and measuredly. The population is more conscious about the choice of goods and services.
  • People here are more conservative in their views and are not so influenced by fashion. They prefer to spend more time searching for the product they need at reasonable prices.
  • Everything is nearby, objects are not far from each other.
  • Much better environment.
  • Residents of tiny towns are less susceptible to stressful situations.
  • The population does not spend money on public transport, and this saves money significantly.
  • Small places have almost everything the same as big ones. If you need to go to a large city, you can go there by private car or public transport.
  • There is a big difference between mentality and lifestyle.
  • The population of small towns has its own established value system, which determines their way of life.
  • In small towns, the risk of crisis and globalization is reduced.
  • The degree of protection from the risk of ruin due to decreased demand is slightly higher than in a big city.

Business ideas in a small town

Residents of such settlements should not rush to choose the specifics of their future business. You need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons and only then make the only right decision. Only in this case will the work bring you a good profit. The ceiling on sales volume in small towns may be limited by the size of the population and its purchasing power.

From the very beginning, you must “soberly” assess the market of your locality. Find out what services or goods residents want, what they need and what they expect. Clarify the number of your future competitors, their strengths and weaknesses.

It would be great to start your own business using the system franchising. There are hundreds, or even thousands of items. In this case, the entrepreneur can count on a loan and comprehensive assistance from the franchisee. This can be a good way to get going. Work under famous brand much easier.

For the little ones, organize a Leisure and Development Center, where they will study and explore the world.

A popular business in a small town is a private one with a range of services: haircut, hair coloring, holiday hairstyles, manicure, pedicure. This type business will never fail. Women always strive to be beautiful and attractive.

Freight and taxi services. In small towns, people also sometimes prefer taxis to public transport. Recruit a few drivers with personal transport, and things will go according to the established pattern. Thanks to this direction, business in a small town in winter will become even more popular.

and selling them in big cities. To do this, you need to have a small plot of land and the desire to work on it. The population of megacities gladly buys such products.

Massage at the client's home. Many pensioners or people with disabilities cannot afford to get to the clinic and wait in long lines there. Several experienced masseuses - and your business will flourish.

Having a small room at your disposal, you can open studio for sewing clothes, bed linen or repairing leather goods, umbrellas or making keys.

A new, in-demand type of service not only in big cities, but also in small ones - the provision of assistance with garbage removal, old furniture and household appliances for recycling. In the towns small size The problem with the disposal of household appliances is even more acute, since in megacities this issue is solved better.

Considering the unique location of your town, you can start making jewelry, which would be ideally suited to the original culture of the city.

Even in tiny towns there are people who will spare no expense for cleaning clothes, since not everything can be washed or cleaned at home. And you can provide this service to the population.

Opening a small branded sweets store, which will have several tables for tasting your products. A cup of tea or coffee will attract those who want to enjoy delicious products to the establishment.

Gifts and cards shop. If you try really hard, you can make an original boutique with beautifully designed gift sets and postcards with the appropriate theme. In this business you need to take into account next feature: Customers should be treated with respect and warmth. Need to don't just sellgifts, but also to be able to offer a product that is appropriate for this particular occasion. Calculate how much customers can leave in your store, and based on this, formulate your pricing policy.

Mini bakery. This type of business will provide your town with always fresh baked goods. The bread that is brought from a large city is not always soft. You can bake not only bread, but also: straws, buns with various fillings, and so on. Such a business has much more opportunities to flourish in small towns than in big cities.

In the conditions of life in a small town, there is an urgent need to open a business related to modern technologies : repair mobile phones, sale and installation of satellite dishes and other related products.

Opening a private dental clinic. The population of our cities, both large and small, cannot boast good condition your teeth. Therefore, treatment, removal, prosthetics may be precisely the type of activity where you can earn a lot of money.

Private driving school. You will be able to provide driving training services. In small towns, a car has long ceased to be a luxury and almost every family has a car.

Service " Husband for an hour" Having several men on staff who know how to do everything around the house, you can organize a good business. This includes minor repairs, connection and repair of equipment.

Private kindergarten or babysitting services. In small cities the problem is no less acute than in large ones. Sometimes parents have nowhere to put their children, especially during school holidays. In small towns, everyone knows each other, and finding good teachers or nannies is not difficult. It will be difficult for you to make a mistake about the staff and their work ethic.

Car repair and maintenance workshop,. You don't need a very large room for this. It is enough to equip it with the necessary equipment. A few competent car mechanics will be able to attract many clients to the workshop. Believe me, there are not many good specialists, to whom people can trust their cars. You can open it nearby.

If you live near a village, you can organize ethnotourism. Residents big cities They will be happy to come to you. Many people want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis and feel the village spirit for a few days, dig in the soil, and look after their pets.

An excellent way to earn capital can be opening sports or gym . Young people in small towns have long understood the benefits healthy image life.

Opening computer store or a store selling mobile phones. Innovative technologies are not alien to residents far from large cities.

Workshop on furniture manufacturing and repair. Surely in your city there are several skilled craftsmen who have golden hands. Offer them cooperation with you, together you can achieve good success.

Can become a bringer good income And hotel business. If you have a premises that can be converted into a small hotel, motel or - this would be a good option. The rooms can also be rented out on a daily basis. At proper organization labor and advertising, success will not take long to arrive.

For residents of small towns, one of the best options may be Internet business. In this case there will be no restrictions or barriers. No one will “put a spoke in your wheels”; you will depend only on yourself.

Bureau of funeral servicesis also profitable business in small towns. Unfortunately, people die everywhere, regardless of where they live. The moment comes when we are faced with the problem of burying loved ones. List of services that you can offer to clients:

  • hearse services (morgue – house – cemetery),
  • manual hole digging,
  • delivery of all necessary attributes,
  • making coffins,
  • provision of porters for burial,
  • making crosses and tombstones,
  • delivery of musicians or priests to funerals,
  • provision of necessary transport,
  • assistance in organizing a funeral dinner.

Is it profitable to open a business in a small town?

Whether a certain type of activity in a particular city is profitable or not depends on many components.
Before starting work, you need to thoroughly study the consumer market of your locality and assess possible competition. Then you need to select competent personnel whom you can trust. It will be necessary to treat product suppliers responsibly (if the specifics of the work require it). It will not be profitable for you to attract suppliers from big cities - look for them in nearby settlements.

How quickly the investment can pay off will depend on certain conditions. Residents of small towns do not have a lot of money, so you should not count on quick profits. It may take several years for the business to break even. Much will depend on the demand for the type of services that you offer to citizens.

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Business ideas for a small town

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Business ideas in a small town

What profitable business can you open in a small town? It all depends on your preferences, capabilities, starting capital. It is best for a beginner to try to gain a foothold in the field of trading. To begin with, it is enough to open a small food store or a kiosk selling newspapers. In the service sector, you can also organize a small but profitable business. Small towns often lack basic services that citizens need. For example, dry cleaning, car diagnostics, clothing repair, entertainment center, etc. When choosing a niche to organize your business in a small town, consider the competition. There is no point in opening another grocery store if there are already several in the neighborhood. Competently analyze what people lack in their city and give it to them.

What you can open in a small town: weighing the pros and cons + 3 tips for choosing your business + 40 business options in a small town.

Do you live in a small village or town and have a commercial background?

At the same time, you think what can you open in a small town?

Then the article is written for you.

Of course, there will be fewer potential buyers, but the costs of opening a project will also decrease (compared to a metropolis).

Competition in small towns and villages is usually low.

A small town is a populated area with a population of 50,000-100,000 people.

There are more than 80% of such towns, cities and villages in Russia.

Experts believe that opening a business in such towns is more profitable than in megacities.

What to open in a small town: taking into account the pros and cons

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the idea of ​​opening a business in a small town:

Lower capital investments than in a metropolis: lower rental costs and advertising costs.Low purchasing power reduces profits.
Lower employee salaries.It is difficult to select qualified specialists.
Word of mouth will reduce advertising costs.Word of mouth can quickly destroy a reputation if it gets screwed up. A personal negative reputation can also affect a business.
Cheap local raw materials.Expensive imported raw materials.
There is less competition: it is easier to open something that is not yet available in the locality.There is higher competition for the main, traditional groups of goods.
When competition is low, demand for goods and services is higher.Fewer buyers means less profit.
Starting a business has fewer obstacles than in a metropolis. There are preferential programs.More narrow choice ideas for business due to conservative tastes. It is better to refuse exotic ideas.

Let's analyze the table and try to decide on the choice of case:

    Are there not many entrepreneurs in the city selling basic consumer goods (food, clothing, shoes)?

    Choose this particular line of business.

    Basic goods should be understood as products that you cannot do without in everyday life.

    There is always a demand for it.

    Occupying this niche means ensuring your success.

    Let's say the niche of traditional goods and services is relatively occupied.

    Then you need to determine what there is demand for, but what competitors do not yet have.

    You can offer these products to your fellow countrymen, simultaneously expanding the range of consumer goods.

    The highest profits can come from organizing a small plant or production using local raw materials.

    But it’s worth immediately taking into account one very important point, characteristic of .

    Basic end-user- these are not city residents.

    Such an undertaking will bring profit when producing large quantities of products aimed at delivery to regions.

    This is the most capital-intensive type of business in a small town.

Options for starting your own business in a small town

You are not the first to think about the question of what to open in a small town .

Let's look at various projects that have already been successfully implemented more than once in different localities of Russia.

Maybe one of these business options will appeal to you and will suit the area.

Its business in food and agriculture

“A man who is lucky is a man who has done what others were only about to do.”
Jules Renard

Therefore, selling food is an eternal business.

If you are near big city, you can arrange deliveries there.

Sell ​​the surplus products in your village.

What kind of business can you do?

    Prepare pickles, marinades, preserve vegetables, fruits and berries.

    They are sold to factories, cafes, and restaurants.

  • Engage in milk processing (cottage cheese, cheese, cream are in demand).
  • Open a small cheese making shop.

    A business in a small town can easily be positioned as an eco-economy.

    And this topic is popular now.

    Semi-finished products are also in demand today due to the total employment of people in large cities.

    Good quality minced meat, dumplings, pasties, pancakes, dumplings, meatballs, meatballs, cutlets, dough is the key to your income.

    Take up baking bread and baked goods.

    The service will definitely be in demand.

    Grandmothers now are not what they used to be: working and not in a hurry to burden themselves with grandchildren, knitting and staying at home.

    A young mother often has no one to entrust with looking after her child.

    Service station with driving school services.

    This endeavor can be combined with a store selling auto parts and car resale services.

    Photo salon.

    Business can be combined with organizing the design and holding of special events (video and photography, production of booklets, photo books, portraits, toastmaster for parties, corporate events);

    Sewing and clothing repair studio.

    Additionally, you can open paid training courses.

    Shoe workshop.

    An establishment that, in times of total price increases, only becomes more popular.

    Business can be combined with shoe making.

    Creative activities for children.

    Fitness, yoga for kids, foreign languages, drawing.

    "Green tourism".

    If a small town is located in a picturesque place.

    Internet cafe.

    With photocopying services, printing photos and texts.

    Additionally, you can open training on using a PC.

    Repair service for household appliances and appliances.

    Like a shoe workshop, the business will definitely be in demand.

    Workshop for reupholstery, repair and production of furniture.

    Household services service.

    An analogue of the “husband for an hour” business: chop wood for a client, dig a garden, hang a chandelier, fix a faucet, an electrical outlet.

    The demand will be not only from single women, but also from retirees and busy young people.


    You can start such a business without any start-up investment at all.

    It is only important to have sufficient qualifications.

    Vet clinic.

    It also requires a specialized education.

    It is a big plus if clients have the opportunity to contact us around the clock.

    After all, in small towns few people have such a competitive advantage.

How to open a business in a small town in the field of trade?

Trade is a simple and popular line of business.

Often in small towns and villages, one store offers different product segments at the same time.

In this business niche you can open:

    Flower shop.

    In addition to arranging bouquets, they organize sales indoor plants, seeds, household and garden chemicals, tools, related literature.

    The organization of banquets and celebrations can be combined with the services of a toastmaster.

    Baby food and goods store.

    In especially small cities, it is better to present this product segment in a regular store.

    Classic store (groceries or clothing,).

    Online store.

    You can organize the delivery of large equipment and other goods, and the buyer will not need to go to another locality to pick them up.

Your own business in handicrafts

You can try to make money from your hobby or skill, teach your craft.

But here the final consumer of the product will definitely be in large populated areas.

You will have to participate in fairs and outdoor events.

This will incur shipping costs.

If you don't have any ideas for what to do, take a look at these ideas:

    Wicker weaving.

    There is a prospect of expansion into furniture production.

    Demand, however, cannot be called high.


    You can present products not only at exhibitions and public events, but also in online stores.

    Blacksmith craft.

    A promising business that can be combined with welding work.

    At the moment, the trend is voluminous scarves - snoods.

    They are easy to produce and the demand for the product is high.

    Making soap and candles.

    IN last years became especially popular.

    Involves making original blankets, pillows, bags, and panels from scraps.

    Making jewelry and jewelry.

    They use cold porcelain techniques, quilling, soutache embroidery, wool felting, wood carving, beadwork, tatting, and a traditional set of jewelry made from beads and stones.

    Leather production.

    Such products (saddles, harnesses, belts) are sold only to special categories of buyers.

    Finding sales points is not so easy, and this needs to be understood.

What else to do in a small town and how to generate business ideas,

explained in the video:

An example of what you can open in a small town: your own apiary

Capital investments (30 hives): 130,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 1 year.

Let's look at how to open your own business using the example of an apiary (for central Russia and further south).

To begin with, you can purchase 10 hives and work without assistants.

Such an apiary will allow you to become familiar with the business, especially if you have never dealt with it.

You will pump out honey for yourself and sell the excess.

But in fact, such a volume of production is not a business yet, but only additional income.

An apiary of 20-30 hives is the minimum volume for self-employment status.

Such an enterprise can become the main source of your income.

As a rule, this is a family affair.

Apiary staff

We can talk about 50-100 hives.

Such a business cannot be opened without additional workers.

You will need at least 2 people for every 20-30 hives during the honey harvest season to look after them.

Duties need to be organized in shifts.

What tools will you need for your business?

  • overalls (gloves, suit, mask with mesh);
  • frames, wire;
  • foundation;
  • beekeeping chisel;
  • bee knife;
  • smoker;
  • fork;
  • drinking bowls, queen cells;
  • preparations for the treatment of bees;
  • honey extractor;
  • wax grinder;
  • hives.

From the second season, the apiary can generate on average from 20% to 150% of net profit.

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