How to open your own nail studio. How to open your own nail salon

More and more entrepreneurs are wondering how to open nail salon. In our article, this process is described in stages.

♦ Initial investment in the salon: 500,000 - 800,000 rubles
♦ Business payback period: 12 months
♦ Nail salon profitability: 35%

Women want to always be beautiful and desirable. A complete image is impossible without a beautifully and high-quality manicure.

Demand creates supply. Therefore, more and more entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a nail salon from scratch.

This business promises the owner a big profit.

Of course, in the event that a businessman takes the time to calculate all costs, analyze the indicators of the existing manicure services market and, of course, compile data on payback periods and the amount of expected revenue.

This process does not seem so complicated if you paint it in stages.

This article-instruction will perform this task.

Planning to open a nail salon

Business Summary

To achieve the goal, you first need to concretize it, highlighting the main goals and objectives manicure business that the entrepreneur wants to achieve through his activities.

Goals of opening a nail salon:

  1. Creation of additional jobs for specialists in the sphere of rendering services to the population.
  2. Making profit by an entrepreneur from the manicure activities of the salon.
  3. Creating a circle of regular customers of the salon by attracting new visitors by advertising methods, and retaining them thanks to various great deals and discount systems.
  4. Rendering additional services to increase profits and improve the reputation of the salon (for example, original methods performing a pedicure or nail extensions on the hands).

Target audience of a nail salon

The main audience of nail salons are, of course, women.

Moreover, most of them are young mothers or housewives. That is, those of the fair sex who want to look good every day, and not just for any particular event.

This category visits studios close to home, and will rarely leave their area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence for a manicure or pedicure. As well as the need, because in this area of ​​​​business there is high competition and it will not be difficult to find a nail salon near your place of residence.

The second part of salon visitors are business women. As a rule, they are also limited in time. And sometimes tougher than mothers on maternity leave.

But they have more opportunities to choose a nail salon based on the quality of work performed and other indicators, and not just on the location.

First of all, because they can do a manicure “on the way” to work or in between business meetings. And secondly, due to the fact that most of them have a personal car at their disposal.

Depending on the assortment, prices and location, the first or second category will be the clients of your nail salon.

But in rare cases, it is possible to combine them, increasing the overall profit from the business.

Advertising campaign for the opening of a nail salon

Interesting fact from history:
IN Ancient Egypt were sure that long nails helped to better communicate with the gods, it was a symbol of wisdom. In general, only noble people were allowed to grow nails, their slaves cut them very short. And by the color of the nails one could judge the significance and position. The brighter and richer the manicure, the higher the position in society. Cleopatra preferred to paint her nails with henna, which gave them a terracotta hue.

Although the studio's success is 80% dependent on the professionalism of the masters, investment in advertising is an integral part of promoting a nail salon.

  1. The first thing a studio client sees is a sign.
    Therefore, its development must be delegated to design specialists.
    Do not spare money for this.
    A bright and beautiful sign will attract the attention of potential customers passing by and serve as the best advertisement.
  2. Also, to attract women who live or work near the nail salon, leaflets are distributed in places of heavy traffic.
    Intersections, entrances to shopping centers and business centers, underground passages and metro stations are ideal.
    The places of distribution and the design of leaflets should be changed periodically so that they do not “get bored”.
    An additional motivation is the offer of a discount or special conditions to the bearer of such leaflets.
  3. To keep attracted visitors, enter a discount system for regular customers.
    They can also be included in the SMS mailing to inform about current promotions for manicure services or just to congratulate you on the holidays, reminding you of the existence of the salon.
  4. Can't forget about this important element manicure advertising campaign like social media promotion.
    It does not require a large budget, but it significantly increases brand awareness and attracts potential customers.
    Young mothers and housewives, who spend a lot of time on the Internet, respond especially actively to such advertising.
  5. To advertise a manicure studio in the media, an entrepreneur should use “female” sources.
    For example, TV channels for this category of the population, glossy magazines.
    To save money, you can contact regional firms.
    In addition, they have a better effect on potential customers on a territorial basis.

Choosing a room for a nail salon

When choosing a room for rent for a future nail studio, you should be guided by the following requirements:

  • Like many other types of business, it is advisable to place this one in places with a large concentration of your potential clients.
    Depending on the category, these will be: shopping centers, business centers, neighborhoods of working offices, busy streets in residential areas.
  • Only the most desperate from the beginning of the manicure business decide to buy a room for their salon.
    Life can be very unpredictable, and what can we say about business!
    To begin with, you need to spend six months or a year on the formation and analysis of project indicators.
    If things are clearly going well, you can try to expand by buying a more spacious room.
  • Even before how to open a nail salon, the entrepreneur should already know how many craftsmen will be on his staff.
    After all, according to the requirements of the law, each employee should have from 6 m 2.
    At the same time, there should be a distance of at least 3 meters between the tables.
  • Employees need to provide comfortable conditions labor, so that the level of manicure service rises and the salon has a good reputation. After all, so much depends on the satisfaction of manicure and pedicure masters with their working environment!
    Equip a rest room, purchase a separate wardrobe, refrigerator and microwave.
  • In addition to the main hall for work, it is necessary to have utility room(for storing equipment) and a toilet.
  • Placement in the basement of a nail salon is prohibited by the requirements of the SES.

Staff to open a nail salon

To begin with, when only basic services are provided in the nail salon, and the entrepreneur analyzes the chosen location, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and other points, it is enough to hire the following positions:

A manicure and pedicure master is the main employee in a nail salon.

And there are special requirements for his work:

  1. A requirement that is not even discussed is the presence of a special education in this category of customer service.
  2. A significant bonus will be the presence of a medical education or at least completed medical training courses.
  3. The master must be able to politely communicate with the client, understand his wishes and concerns, competently and clearly explain incomprehensible points.
  4. The appearance of a specialist is his business card.
    The whole appearance should be well-groomed, and even more so the hands!
  5. Great decoration for manicure working area will be diplomas, medals and other awards from various professional exhibitions and competitions.

But it makes no sense to keep a cleaning lady and an accountant at work all the time.

To fulfill the duties, it is enough to hire people on a part-time basis with hourly pay or contact an outsourcing firm.

Financial calculations for opening a nail salon

Nail Salon Opening Costs

Monthly expenses for a nail studio

Implementation of the opening of a nail salon

Possible risks of opening a nail studio

Interesting fact:
French manicure appeared for the first time in 1976. The idea belongs to the ORLY company, which created it for Hollywood actresses with the goal that it would fit various looks and outfits.

This will emphasize the seriousness and reliability of the entrepreneur in the eyes of potential investors. And for the businessman himself, it will help him feel more confident in his actions and become an exit plan in case of problems.

Possible risks awaiting the studio from the moment of opening are:

  • In a crisis, competition becomes tougher, and customers are looking for salons with the most affordable prices.
    Opening another nail salon nearby with lower rates is a serious risk.
    Also the competition is made by the masters working at home.
  • In the future, legal requirements may be tightened, which will require the allocation of additional money from the budget and time to achieve them.
  • In an effort to save money, clients may choose to do their own nail services at home.
  • But this business is almost completely protected from seasonal fluctuations.
    Demand is usually stable. But on holidays and weekends it becomes much higher.
  • Due to the low qualification of specialists or their lack of customer focus, visitors may be dissatisfied with the provision of services and refuse to visit a nail salon in favor of competitors.
  1. Your salon should be decorated as stylish and original as possible.
    Modern manufacturers even allow you to choose equipment “to match” the situation, and this should be used.
  2. For savings and better control over the work process, recently open salon the duties of an administrator should be performed by the initiator of the business himself.
    When positive result you can hire new administrators.
  3. Limit as much as possible, or better yet, prohibit employees from smoking at work.
    The terrible smell of tobacco from the master will negate any Beautiful design studios and a wide range of products.
  4. Good manicure and pedicure specialists can be poached from other salons.
    Offer them more high salary, Better conditions work.
    Also, professionals can agree to the same conditions if their place of work is unprofitable and may close soon.
    As a bonus, you can get an extensive customer base.
  5. Before launching a project, an entrepreneur should analyze the market, assess the prospects for its development, and the business model of competitors.

We invite you to watch an informative video

about opening a nail salon from scratch

enterprising girls:

Conclusion on the profitability of opening a nail salon

Those who wondered how to open manicure parlor , from the article had the opportunity to understand what it is profitable business.

On average, the payback time for a studio in Moscow is 1 year.

But if an entrepreneur invests everything in his business free time, diligence and desire, it is possible to achieve a high level of profitability and significant profits.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, not be afraid to experiment and plan a development vector.

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Nail salon - great idea to start a business in the beauty industry. This is a profitable and profitable type of business. The demand for quality nail care does not fall even in times of crisis. How much does it cost to open your own manicure salon, what difficulties you will face, how to promote a business in a highly competitive environment - we tell below.

Why a nail salon is a profitable business

Beautiful well-groomed nails are considered an indispensable attribute of a modern person. Not only girls and women are interested in manicure, but more and more often men who want to look presentable. Many have budgeted in advance for this procedure. Therefore, a good manicure parlor will be in demand and make a profit.

The beauty industry is extremely competitive. When entering the market, aspiring entrepreneurs and masters have to compete with large network beauty salons, with studios like them, and even with private specialists working at home. Only thoughtful business management and a competent approach to promotion will help you find your niche in this area.

A good manicure parlor will be in demand and make a profit.

How should work be organized?

There are many options for how to create a manicure studio. Depending on the chosen format, you need to draw up a business plan, plan expenses and promotion. The most common are:

  1. Full studios nail design and service. The most expensive option, requiring significant costs for rent, staff and promotion. Its significant advantage is the ability to organize an institution more high class, build a circle of loyal customers, as well as organize fashion events and training sessions.
  2. small manicure parlors. They require much less rental costs. Often placed inside another beauty salon. The master can only pay rent or give a certain percentage of his profits. It is very profitable, because at a lower cost it brings almost the same income as a separate studio.
  3. Manicure tables("islands") in shopping malls. Focused on a stream of random clients who impulsively wished to put their nails in order. Rent is relatively inexpensive, but the profit is likely to be lower.
  4. Studio "at home" and "out". Many masters accept clients at home or come to them. This a good option for one self-employed professional. In this case, there are no rental costs at all, and movement between clients is not a serious expense item.

What is required to open a business

So, how to open a nail salon from scratch? The list of expenses for opening your own nail service studio depends entirely on the chosen form of the institution. Consider the approximate list of expenses and their volume:

  1. Premises for rent, 20-50 thousand rubles. The most variable component. Renting a separate room costs around 50 thousand rubles, and besides, it may need repairs. You can rent a separate office or "island" in a shopping center for 20-30 thousand (sometimes cheaper).
  2. Purchase of equipment. This list necessarily includes tables for manicure, chairs, carts for tools. In most cases, masters are now acquiring ultraviolet lamps for drying gel polish, as well as nail care machines. Typically, such studios offer care not only for fingernails, but also for toenails. For a pedicure, you will need a special chair. All these expenses fit into approximately 40-50 thousand rubles.
  3. Consumables. Manicure tools (scissors, files), varnishes and gels, cosmetics for care, cotton pads, disinfectants, etc. are necessary to work in very large quantities. Some items will last a long time. For example, good files and scissors. Others, for example, varnishes in popular shades, will have to be bought regularly. To form an initial working set, it will take about 10 thousand rubles.
  4. video surveillance costs fire alarm . For security, it may make sense to spend about 10-15 thousand rubles for these purposes.

Thus, the opening of your own manicure establishment will require at least 100-150 thousand rubles. Of course, this amount will vary depending on the region, the format of the salon and some other features. This is a relatively small investment that is likely to pay off fairly quickly.

Depending on the format of the manicure studio, you need to draw up a business plan, plan expenses and promotion.

What documents are needed to open a nail salon

For any entrepreneurial activity legal registration is obligatory on the territory of Russia. Masters who receive clients at home usually do without documentation. However a full-fledged salon must be registered.

The most beneficial form would be status registration individual entrepreneur. Individual entrepreneurs also have the right to hire employees, but pay less taxes, submit fewer reports, and sometimes even receive support as part of the development of small businesses.

You can register as a sole trader at regional administration tax service or through the portal "Public Services". The whole procedure, including the collection of documents, usually takes no more than 1 month.

How to choose a room

If an entrepreneur intends to open a studio in a separate room (not in a shopping center or at home), you need to carefully consider his choice. It is much more profitable to rent a premise with a new renovation, so as not to invest a lot of your own money in it.

Practice shows that manicure salons pay off well not only in central areas with high traffic, but also in residential areas in remote parts of the city. This is due to the fact that part target audience Entrepreneurs in the beauty industry want to receive services close to home without spending time and money on the road.

For comfortable work, 40-60 is usually enough. square meters. The studio space should be beautifully and stylishly decorated, as well as connected to all communications. It is advisable to allocate a waiting area, a place for staff to relax, and also install several showcases with nail products.

The list of services of a modern nail salon

A modern manicure and pedicure parlor should offer not only nail design and painting, but high-quality care and some other services. For example, simple and effective care procedures will attract a wider range of clients. The list of services usually includes:

  • male and traditional female manicure, including color coating and the so-called "French";
  • male and female pedicure;
  • manicure and pedicure with gel polish, as well as gel removal;
  • hardware manicure;
  • nail extension (currently not very relevant);
  • paraffin therapy and other care;
  • special design (rhinestones, stickers, pattern).

A modern manicure and pedicure parlor should offer not only nail design and painting, but also other services.


Often, nail care masters will think about opening their own salon. It's a good choice though one person can not cope with the work of the whole salon. In any case, you will have to think about finding 3-4 employees.

How to find good craftsmen and bring them to work? Firstly, you can ask your friends where they do their manicure and contact their specialists. Try to convince them to either move into your studio entirely or for individual hours. This option is good because along with such an employee, his regular customers will come to you.

Secondly, you need to conduct a thorough search on the Internet. Check through social media which of the masters provides services at home. Also try to attract them to your business. Thirdly, you can advertise on the search for employees on the Internet and on training courses attended by people who want to work in this area.

The issue of wages in a nail studio is usually solved quite simply. The master and the head of the salon share the profit in a predetermined proportion (most often 60 to 40 or 70 to 30, in favor of the employee). The point is to take more high percent the entrepreneur will most likely not be able to. Good specialist considers the overpayment unprofitable and finds another job, taking away some of the clients.

Nail service franchises

When planning to open their own nail salon, some entrepreneurs are thinking about buying a franchise. Really, there are many proposals in this industry, including the creation of a turnkey business. The most famous manicure franchises in Russia are Pilki, 4hands, Nailmaker, Lena Lenina's Manicure Studio.

A significant advantage of opening a franchise is the opportunity to learn from the experience of a more advanced businessman, to get ready business plan and a lot of useful recommendations, as well as with the help of a well-known name to attract customers.

On the other hand, buying a franchise will require significant financial investments, in fact, doubling or tripling the costs. If you can open a modest manicure parlor within the limits of 100 thousand rubles, then only 150-200 thousand rubles will have to be prepared for a lump-sum (one-time) franchise payment.

The monthly payment to the franchisor (royalty) will also eat up 3-5 percent of the profit. Generally, this is not the most profitable option for opening a highly specialized institution. Any enthusiastic person, and even more so any master, is capable of understanding what a successful nail salon needs. It makes no sense to overpay for unnecessary services.

Any enthusiastic person, and even more so any master, is capable of understanding what a successful nail salon needs.

Search for the first clients and promotion

The success of launching a nail service studio depends on rapid attraction customers and ensuring their return visit. To do this, it is important to fulfill several conditions. The first of these is to clearly indicate your location with a noticeable and understandable sign.

After reading the sign, any passer-by should understand that manicure services are provided here. Therefore, if the name of your company has nothing to do with nails, be sure to sign “manicure” or “nail service” on the sign.

The second condition is the quality of services and friendly employees. A manicure takes an average of 30 minutes and all this time the client must be in a comfortable environment. Otherwise, he will not return to this institution or, worse, will recommend to his acquaintances to avoid it. Keep order in the studio, turn on pleasant music or movies. Masters should win over and please with the quality of work.

The third condition is associated with the active promotion of the salon through the Internet and social networks. It is not at all necessary to make your own website, but you need to register pages on social networks. The most suitable for sales are Vkontakte and Instagram.

You need to maintain accounts regularly, posting beautiful pictures and customer reviews. Share your work useful advice, congratulate subscribers on the holidays, and also hold promotions. For example, a small discount for subscribing to a community or a skin care product as a gift.

These recommendations will help not only attract the first visitors, but also ensure their loyalty. Keep in touch with them, provide special loyalty programs for regular customers, and the result will not be long in coming.

How to quickly pay off investments in a nail salon

A manicure studio is a fast-payback type of business. Currently, a check for a manicure and similar procedures (care, gel removal) is 800-900 rubles. In an institution where 3 masters work during a full-time working day, the flow of customers can be 30-40 people. Accordingly, the entire income of the salon per day will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Of course, such a turnover will not happen every day. Typically, nail studios pay off in 4-6 months, and then bring a net profit. This is a profitable option for starting a business in the beauty industry at minimal cost.

How to open a nail salon from scratch, what format to prefer and whether this business will bring profit? Such questions are of interest to every entrepreneur who decides to occupy his niche in the beauty industry. To answer them, you should figure out how much the business is in demand, what services are most in demand, and find out the features of its opening and maintenance.

The entrepreneur must find out at the planning stage how cost-effective and profitable the project will be. It should be noted that a nail salon is one of the most highly profitable activities, because even with a decrease in personal income, people do not stop monitoring and caring for themselves. The average profitability of a nail salon is 35%.

The level of income that the salon will bring depends on the chosen format. Can be opened:

  1. Salon at home. Its advantage is that there is no need to rent a room, since the master travels to his clients or receives them at home. But this is acceptable for craftsmen who already have their own client base.
  2. Nail bar. Such a salon is a small counter, behind which there are specialists, and several chairs for clients. It is best to locate a mini-studio in shopping centers - there is a fairly large number of potential customers. This format is the least expensive.
  3. Separate office. To open a salon of this type, you will need to rent a separate room. The advantage of the cabinet is the ability to provide customers with a wider range of services and the sale of products for body care.
  4. Nail design studio. It is an analogue of a beauty salon, but it provides only manicure services.
  5. A complete salon. In it, the client can receive a whole range of services - the client can tidy up his hair, visit a spa treatment, and so on.

What does it take to open a nail salon?

Before solving organizational and legal issues, you should find out how much this business is in demand and whether the salon will be competitive. Most women prefer to do their manicure in the salon, so there are no problems with clients, but the level of competition in this business is very high. To win the trust of customers, you will need to hire high-quality craftsmen, and you should do this even at the stage of setting up a business.

A nail salon is a business, the opening and running of which is fraught with certain difficulties and requires considerable investment. Money. In order for the enterprise not to become unprofitable, but to bring steadily increasing income, it is necessary to draw up a detailed and competent business plan, which will reflect the amount of initial and current investments, the level of expected income, calculate the risks and outline ways to get additional profit.

Business plan

The business plan of a beauty salon should describe in as much detail as possible each step of registration, opening and conducting activities, in particular:

  1. Studying the state of the service market - how much the business is in demand, whether the competition is strong.
  2. Assessing your own capabilities, choosing the format of the salon - having decided on this, you can calculate the size of the required investment.
  3. Salon registration in government bodies and obtaining documentation authorizing the conduct of activities.
  4. Preparation of marketing and financial plans.
  5. Risk assessment - here are the reasons that may affect the decrease in income, and options for dealing with them.

Step-by-step instruction

To open a nail salon on your own, you need to register with tax office as IP or get status legal entity(LLC) and decide on the taxation system. After receiving the documents, you should decide on a place for the cabin and obtain permits from the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

Premises selection

Depending on the format, a nail salon can be located:

  • in the apartment or house of the master - this option is suitable for craftsmen working independently;
  • in shopping centers - this is true for small "islands", which are very popular;
  • in a beauty salon - here you can open your office by renting an area;
  • in a separate building - here it is desirable to open a salon with a wide range of services.

When choosing a room, you should take into account the requirements that apply to it. state inspections- each employee must have at least 6 square meters of space and the premises must be equipped with communications. The room also needs to be renovated - the interior design should attract customers, so you should not spare money for decoration.

Equipment and materials

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of furniture - it must match the design of the room, be comfortable and practical. In addition, it must be made of materials that can be sanitized. From furniture you will need:

  1. Comfortable armchairs and sofas for masters and clients.
  2. Safe for storing money and documents.
  3. Rack.
  4. Tables - one for each employee.
  5. Hangers or wardrobe.
  6. TV for customers waiting in line.

It is also necessary to purchase a minimum set of equipment - a manicure set, a fraser, baths, brushes, a UV lamp, a sterilizer, a paraffin furnace. If finances allow, the range of equipment can be expanded at your discretion. You will also need to purchase materials - different kinds varnishes, means for their removal, caring cosmetical tools, acrylic/gel, Consumables(towels, napkins, gloves, etc.).


If the entrepreneur himself is not a manicurist, he will need to hire workers. When selecting candidates, attention should be paid to those applicants who have significant work experience, have received awards in this area for winning competitions. You should not hire smokers - often clients refuse services if the master comes from bad smell. As a rule, employees receive 50% of the money they earn, and the other half of the money remains with the businessman. To save money, an entrepreneur can himself perform the duties of a cleaner, accountant, administrator.

You can find employees through a recruitment agency by posting ads on thematic resources and social networks. You can also simply “poach” an employee from another nail salon, providing him with more loyal working conditions and high wages.


  • distribute and distribute mailboxes leaflets;
  • place ads in the media;
  • create salon groups in popular social networks;
  • place an attractive sign above the entrance;
  • create a beautifully designed website for the salon.

An excellent way of PR is to conduct various drawings and promotions. For regular customers, it is worth developing a system of discounts and other loyalty programs. Working masters can also make a good advertisement for the salon by taking part in manicure contests and winning them. In the first months of work, the advertising campaign should be as active as possible. In the future, when the salon gains a reputation, word of mouth will become the main source of advertising - customers themselves will tell their friends about the nail salon.

The average cost of opening a nail salon is the sum of the initial and monthly investments. Initial expenses include:

  • documentary registration of activities - from 5,000 rubles;
  • rent and repair of premises - from 100,000;
  • purchase of equipment and materials - from 150,000;
  • advertising - from 25,000.

Current expenses consist of:

  • monthly rent - individually, depending on the region;
  • payment of tax deductions and utility bills - from 10,000;
  • payments wages- at least 15,000 for each master;
  • advertising fees - from 5,000;
  • purchase of additional equipment and materials - from 15,000.

Accordingly, the average cost of opening a salon is 310,000 rubles, to this amount it is necessary to add the salary of employees and rent. A nail salon brings its owner a profit of 200,000 rubles or more per month, of which at least 60,000 is net profit.

A nail salon is a profitable and fairly stable type of business that does not require initial stage large financial investments. In order for it to bring in a steadily growing income, it is necessary to provide customers with exceptionally high-quality services, hire responsible and experienced employees, and monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

  • Where to begin?
  • What do you need to work?
  • Features of doing business
  • Last step

A nail salon is a profitable business, because there has always been, is and will be a demand for beauty, and a bright, stylish manicure is an integral part of a woman's image. But what do you need to know to open your own business in this area and make it successful? In this article, we tell readers of the Lady Business website how to open a nail salon from scratch and how much it costs.

Where to begin?

Always remember that any undertaking requires experience. In second place is the desire to create your own business from scratch. It should not be assumed that newfangled trainings and seminars conducted on-line will help increase motivation, prompt new idea and the opening of a nail salon will immediately bring in money after a snap of the fingers, because the main thing is the idea, the rest is secondary.

In fact, there is no need to reinvent the wheel or listen to those who are trying to do it. Everything has already been invented and works flawlessly. Main Rule successful business- raise the fifth point and start learning something, because knowledge and success come only with experience. Therefore, the opening of a nail salon should start small - gaining experience and skill.

It is better to start training at home. Every girl or woman has the basics of nail care, now you should expand your knowledge and hone your skill. The Internet will become an effective assistant in this. There are a huge number of free videos that contain step-by-step instructions from A to Z of various manicure techniques, methods, methods. It does not hurt to open an album or take a sheet of paper to sketch several manicure options. An example of training equipment can be viewed in the photo:

You should definitely study what equipment is needed to open a nail salon. But you should not immediately borrow money and take loans to buy expensive professional equipment. Suddenly it turns out that the soul does not lie in this business, the money will be lost, but the debts will remain. You should choose the best set of equipment for the budget in order to open a salon without significant financial losses. More details about how to make money doing nail extensions we have discussed in the corresponding article.

What do you need to work?

Opening a salon at home does not require impressive costs. On average, you will need about 50,000 rubles. What will these funds be used for?

  • Cutters and other tools.
  • Specialized lamp.
  • Hand baths.
  • Consumables: varnishes, creams, powders, antiseptics, wipes.
  • Manicure table. But at home, ordinary furniture is also suitable, so you can save money here.

The first customers will be acquaintances, friends, relatives. Their nails are a testing ground for honing their skills. When the skill appears, you can begin to attract customers. This moment is the opening of your salon.

Features of doing business

It is advisable to work privately at home for some time. This is necessary to study the specifics of the activity, because the nail salon will subsequently require the application of certain knowledge in practice:

  • How to communicate with clients. This can be quite difficult;
  • To be able to calculate the required number of consumables so that there are no interruptions in work and to satisfy the wishes of customers;
  • Supervise staff.

To know all this, you need to work at home for some time. In addition to experience, this will allow you to raise funds that will later become a significant help and help you open a manicure studio. According to estimates, on average, you can earn no less than 15,000 rubles a month.

The best way to promote a home business is to use word of mouth or social media. This will bring the desired effect - it will attract customers to an impromptu salon and will not require any cash costs.

When the confidence comes that the time has come to expand, you can safely proceed to the process of opening a nail salon. You should not immediately strive for a grand scale, rather, on the contrary, you should be modest. Today, small nail bars are in trend. These are cozy cabinets designed for 1 chair. It won't be hard to open them.

But there is one problem - high level competition, so most likely you will have to promote a new place from scratch. Do not be afraid of this, as modern information technology greatly simplifies this process. In addition, the nail salon is popular not because it is located in a hyped place in the shopping center, but because professionals work there who are ready to implement any idea regarding nail design, give useful advice, keep up the conversation.

By the way, the opening of small manicure corners for 1 chair in a shopping center is not very good idea. Most people come to shop and often plan their budget in advance. Therefore, the percentage of girls, women who carry out shopping, as they say, is small for the soul. And it’s not a fact that they decide to spend money on a manicure, rather than buy some other item or accessory.

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The manicure parlor makes a profit mainly due to regular customers. And when one point is loaded with work to failure, you should expand - put more chairs or open a new office for 2 more masters and start its promotion. Thus, in a few years, you can create a whole network of small manicure, pedicure and other services.

An example is the Fingers brand, which today sells its franchise, although there is nothing supernatural and complicated in organizing such a business. All that is needed for this is the desire to succeed and the willingness to engage in self-study. And the above information is a step-by-step instruction, an indicator of movement towards success and in some way summary franchises. It will help to significantly reduce costs, because the opening of a nail salon from scratch under a franchise is estimated at 3-5 million rubles. It is quite realistic to significantly reduce this figure.

In order to find out how much it costs to open a manicure studio, you need to draw up a business plan that describes the cost of equipment, repairs to the premises and other initial costs. This will allow you to understand whether it will be profitable to organize such activities in your city. Download nail salon business plan detailed calculations you can with our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

Last step

To legally register your business, you need to open an individual entrepreneur, which can later be transformed into an LLC or OJSC. Step-by-step instruction of this process is on the official website of the fiscal authorities. To obtain the status of an entrepreneur, it is necessary to collect a package of documents and pay a state fee. By time independent discovery IP will take no more than ten business days.

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The concept of a small nail salon (also called nail bars) has become popular due to the lack of space for rent and due to the fact that many women often need a procedure urgently. As a rule, small nail salons can also do a pedicure and offer a cup of coffee to the visitor while waiting.

There are several chains of nail salons in Moscow and other cities that offer to purchase their own franchise. So, for example, the franchise of the network of Lena Lenina will cost 3 million rubles, the franchise of the Fingers salons, taking into account the first installment and investments in the opening, will cost about 2.7 million rubles. A large partner will relieve you of the need to select equipment and materials for the salon (you will work with a wholesale network supplier), help with promotion and search for customers. On the other hand, opening your own salon, you can, firstly, save money, and secondly, you will not be bound by numerous obligations and instructions.

According to H&F estimates, opening a small nail parlor can cost around 500,000-800,000 rubles, which can pay off in about a year.


You have to decide how many masters will work for you, and, based on their number, look for a room in the calculation of 8-10 m 2 per workplace for one nail technician. pay attention to non-standard options- pavilions in shopping centers and premises on the first floors of business centers. It is in these buildings that your clients often spend time. Sanitary standards It is forbidden to work in basements. Renting a room of 30-60 m 2 can cost 40,000-90,000 rubles per month.


For lamps for building and drying nails, as well as for various cutters, you will have to make several additional sockets for each workplace. Your salon should be clean and comfortable, but there are no special requirements for the repair of a nail studio.


You do not need to obtain a special license for the operation of a nail salon, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and issue SES documentation. Employees of Rospotrebnadzor will help with the latter when they come with a check. All tools used by the craftsmen must undergo a sterilization procedure, departments can talk about this and the procedure for conducting it. You will also need to conclude a contract for the disposal of fluorescent lamps.

Other expenses


As a rule, masters in a nail salon work for a percentage of the cost of the procedure. Depending on the agreements, the salon itself may receive less than 50% of the price of each manicure. Everyone wants to get famous masters with an established client base so that they don’t have to call clients from the street. Meanwhile, the manicurists themselves are reluctant to get a job at an unknown salon. The staff costs should include the payment for the work of the administrator (or two) and the cleaning lady.

Small equipment and fixed costs

The price of a manicure table ranges from 3,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. Finding tables even more expensive is also easy. To the table you will need to purchase cutters, nail extension lamps, hand baths, a variety of coasters for varnishes, creams and tools, and you may also need a manicure trolley to store other cosmetics. The cost of large equipment can rise to about 100,000 rubles.

You have to agree with the masters about who will buy small consumables: varnishes, hand creams, oils, powders, antiseptics, napkins and nail files. If they want to work with your funds, their purchase will cost almost 100,000 rubles.


Thank you for your help in preparing the material:, the network of nail salons "Fingers" and the company Nail bar

Illustrations: Natalia Osipova

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