The main signs of how to distinguish a wasp from a bee. How are wasps different from bees


bees- flying insects of the suborder Stalk-bellied, related to wasps and ants.

The bee is one of the most beneficial insects living on our planet. The worker bee not only gives healing and unique products, such as honey, bee bread, royal jelly, propolis, wax, but also pollinates plants, contributing to the continuation of life on Earth. Bee venom is used in medicine.

Bees are social insects: they live in a large colony called a swarm.

The bee is equipped with a stinger, which serves to protect against insects that try to enter the hive, but sometimes the bees can sting a person. This happens, as a rule, by chance, if a person, without noticing the bee, crushed it, or if the bee got tangled in the hair. Sometimes a bee can get into the mouth along with a piece of something sweet. An attack by a swarm of bees on a person usually occurs near their home, so the bees try to save their nest and the inhabitants of the colony from the enemy. When attacked, a bee releases poison, to which nearby individuals react and join the attack.

The sting of the bee is equipped with teeth bent inward, which are tightly stuck in the skin of a person or animal, after which the bee will no longer be able to remove it. Together with the sting, the bee also leaves a poisonous gland, and part of the digestive organs.

The pain syndrome and the severity of edema after a bee attack depend on the individual reaction of the body to the bee venom.


wasps- the name of some stinging insects from the suborder Stalk-bellied, not related to bees and ants, which does not have a strictly scientific definition. Wasps are social, such as hornets, a swarm of which can reach several thousand individuals, and solitary, such as wasps - excavators or flower wasps.

Wasps, unlike bees, when defending against external factors, threatening their existence, use not only their stings, but also the jaw apparatus, biting the object of alarm. Their sting, unlike bees, does not have notches, therefore, when stinging, they do not cripple their sting. Like bees, nearby individuals react to the smell of poison and unite to attack the enemy.

The pain and severity of swelling after a wasp attack depends on what kind of wasp stung you, as well as on the general reaction of the body to the poison.

What to do and how to behave so that insects do not sting you?

- No need to panic, wave your arms and make other sudden movements. If a bee or a wasp flies around you or sits on your clothes or body, you should calmly let the bee examine you, because this does not mean that the insect is aggressive, it just smells an interesting smell on you - after reconnaissance, it will fly further.

- When arriving in nature, especially in areas where there are many flowers, do not walk barefoot. There may be stinging insects in the grass.

- Be careful when eating outdoors. Sweet foods and drinks attract bees and wasps. Before drinking sugary sparkling water, make sure there are no bees or wasps in it. Fruits also attract various insects, so be very careful. Do not leave fruit waste near your resting place.

- Try not to wear too loose clothes and let your hair down - the insect can get tangled in them and sting you.

- Try not to wear too bright clothes and do not use decorative cosmetics, especially perfumes and floral scented toilet water, so as not to attract the attention of insects once again.

- Keep your car windows closed. If a bee or a wasp flies into your car, stop and open all the windows, the insect will fly out on its own.

If you are still bitten by a bee or wasp, then first aid is:

In removing the sting, if it remains at the site of the bite (only bees leave).

In no case do not comb the affected area, as this contributes to the spread of poison into neighboring tissues and increases the risk of infection.

To reduce pain and swelling, apply ice to the bite site for 10 minutes.

Apply antiallergic ointment. If it is not available, then you should apply a gruel prepared from a simple baking soda and water. You can moisten a cotton swab in a solution of baking soda and apply to the bite site to reduce itching (it is better to tie for 1-2 hours).

You can use ointments with an antihistamine effect, they will help relieve symptoms

If the swelling at the site of the bite is very pronounced, the area of ​​redness is more than 10 cm, there is pronounced itching, take an anti-allergic agent of general action.

If severe itching persists, swelling increases and the diameter of the redness increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Try to avoid swarming bees and wasps. Do not have picnics or halts if you notice a nest of these insects nearby.

There is a legend that wasps were created by the devil, and bees by God. Following the legend, it is thanks to the blessing that bees guard human health, supplying such important and necessary components of many medicines like honey, wax, propolis. Wasps, at a minimum, are classified as useless creatures, and as a maximum, as pests. And yet, the similarity of these two insects leads to confusion, which we have to figure out.


If you ask a child who is in front of him, a wasp or a bee, he is likely to get confused. But adults are often unable to distinguish between a bee and a wasp. And yet, these insects have a lot of external differences.

bees belong to the order Hymenoptera of the superfamily Apoidea. They look like this: the body is somewhat rounded, covered with villi. Bee, like many similar insects, has yellow-black stripes on the body, muted color.


At os there is no strict scientific definition, they include those from the stalked-bellied suborder, which cannot be attributed to bees or ants. Wasps have a long body, which is constricted in the area chest. The body of wasps is smooth, without villi. The color of the wasp is similar to that of a bee - the same stripes, but only bright, noticeable.


vital activity

Bees are hard workers by nature. They are ready to work endlessly for the benefit of the hive. Collecting nectar from flowers, bees produce many useful products that are used in pharmaceuticals and human nutrition. Bees build honeycombs from the wax they produce.

Wasps are not able to develop any useful product; they make their hives from a variety of waste. The diet of wasps is quite varied. They do not disdain either fruit or nectar. The diet of wasps also includes delicacies, which include flies and other small insects.


In case of danger, bees sting, but only if they are attacked first. Thus they protect the hive. After the bee stings, it dies, leaving a sting in the opponent's body. In the family of bees, there is a certain hierarchy, in which the queen bee occupies the highest level. It is her well-being that the worker bees take care of. In winter, all conditions for a comfortable existence are created for her.

The wasp is a fairly aggressive insect. Her characteristic features are importunity and the ability to sting at any moment. In this case, the wasp does not die. In addition to the sting, the wasp uses the jaw apparatus for defense against opponents, which, in principle, is uncharacteristic for insects of its family. The wasp queen spends the winter alone, she has no assistants and guards. Alone, she lays larvae and builds a nest.

Findings site

  1. The bee has a more rounded body. The cover has villi, the color is muted. The wasp, on the contrary, has a smooth elongated body and bright colors.
  2. bees produce healthy foods: wax, honey, propolis. Wasps do not produce any useful products.
  3. Bees do not attack first, wasps are predators by nature, they are able to sting for no apparent reason.
  4. After the bee stings, it dies. Wasps are able to sting repeatedly, and in addition, they bite using the jaw apparatus.
  5. Bees feed exclusively on pollen, while wasps have a more varied diet.
  6. The queen bee is surrounded by care from other members of the family, while the wasp queen is forced to take care of herself.

What is the difference between a wasp and a bee?

Do not mistakenly consider a wasp and a bee to be brothers. No wonder there is a legend that tells about the creation of the wasp by the devil, and the bees by God. Indeed, the former are considered pests, and the latter are workers and helpers to our health and longevity. What other differences are there between these insects?

By appearance

According to the classification, they belong to different units - they differ so much in description and behavior. Bees are easily recognizable by their furry bodies. They are round and massive. The yellow-black stripes on the body are not bright, but muted.

Wasps are a special mixture of insects that borrow a lot from bees and ants. Their body is long, narrow, has a characteristic "waist" near the chest. At the same time, the body is absolutely smooth, devoid of villi. And the colors are very combative: black and yellow stripes are bright, clearly defined.

Where do they live

Bees are called hard workers for a reason. They are constantly working for the benefit of a large family and the quality of the hive. Working individuals build housing from wax, which they produce on their own. They also produce bee products that are useful for us.

But the wasps are not capable of producing anything, they are of no benefit to people. Moreover, wasp hives are built from waste, small debris.

Attention! Wasps, unlike bees, eat a wide variety of foods. These are fruits, berries, nectar, flies and other small insects.


Bees are friendly creatures that always stand guard over their home. They can attack only if the hive is in danger. But the wasps are aggressive, always attacking first. They - worst enemies bees, because they rob their hives in order to get ready-made food.

Relationship with the uterus:

  • Bees creates a queen bee royal terms. She is always surrounded by a retinue of helpers, they feed and sing her, take care of her condition, they can even transfer her to more comfort zone hive.
  • The wasp uterus is doomed to a life of loneliness. She independently builds a nest for herself, lives without assistants and guards, and alone makes a laying of larvae.

Grieve differently

A bee sting leads to the death of the insect. Therefore, the bees do not attack first, but only defend themselves. The sting remains in the opponent or on the human skin and comes off along with part of the internal organs. Therefore, bees sting only in extreme cases. Wasp sting is strong, it does not stay in our skin. An insect uses a sting all its life and does not die after a bite. Thanks to this feature, their bites can be easily distinguished.

As it turned out, the difference between the two species of insects is huge. And their visual similarity is very deceptive. Therefore, you should be wary of wasps, but do not drive away or show aggression if a bee flies nearby.

Wasp and bee sting: video

Insects are representatives of the phylum Arthropods, which are especially diverse. Just imagine, in nature there are about 1.5 million species of them. At the same time, scientists suggest that there are hundreds of thousands more of them in nature. One of the brightest representatives of this group of animals is the bee, the structure and features of which we will consider in our article.

Systematic position

First, let's determine the position of this organism in the system organic world. This is a representative of the kingdom Animals and the phylum Arthropods. A bee is an insect that belongs to the Hymenoptera order. The last group also includes ants, wasps, riders, bumblebees, hornets.

The main systematic feature of these insects is the structure of the wings, which have a membranous structure. Mouth organs are of two types. Wasps and ants are gnawing. Bees, on the other hand, have gnaw-licking mouthparts that allow them to feed on the nectar of flowers.

The external structure of the bee

This insect is easy to recognize among many others. The structure of the body of a bee is similar to the structure of the bodies of other members of the class. It is clearly divided into three sections: head, thorax and abdomen. Each of them carries its own organs.

On the sides of the head is a pair compound eyes, and between them - up to three simple ones. Each of them perceives only a part of the image, and in the aggregate a complete picture is formed. This vision is called mosaic. Each eye consists of a lens surrounded by hairs and pigment cells. Thanks to the latter, absorption occurs sun rays. Both types of eyes have their own specialization. With the help of complex bees consider objects that are far away. This helps them navigate in space during the flight. Simple eyes form a clear image of nearby objects. This feature helps them in collecting pollen. The head, which is covered by a single cuticle capsule, also has one pair of antennae. These are the organs of touch and chemical perception.

The structure of the thoracic region of the bee is represented by three segments, each of which is joined by a pair of legs. On the limbs are sharp claws, with the help of which the bees cling to various surfaces. The structure of the legs of the worker bee is characterized by the presence of separate segments. There are nine of them in each limb. All of them are connected movably, outside they are covered with a common chitinous film. The smallest and most mobile are the first legs. They have hairs that bees use to clean their eyes. On the first segment of each limb there are long hairs that serve to collect pollen and cleanse the integument of the body.

An interesting function in bees is performed by the third section of the body - the abdomen. It can grow in size. In worker bees, the digestive organs are located here, in drones and the uterus - reproduction. The abdomen also has spiracles. These are the holes that open the trachea to the outside.


Bees are easy to recognize among many other insects due to the bright color of the body. They have an external skeleton formed by the cuticle. This substance protects internal organs from mechanical damage, the penetration of dangerous microorganisms and excessive evaporation of moisture. Outside, the cuticle is covered with a thick layer of hairs.

The middle layer of the cuticle contains pigments that determine the color of the insect. Why are bees so bright? This is a kind of warning that they are poisonous. The fact is that bees have a modified ovipositor located on the abdomen. It's called sting. Its bees are used to protect against birds and animals.

Caution: Danger

Since the abdomen is quite mobile, and the sting has a pointed shape and resembles a saw, the bite is applied very accurately. As a result, a poison containing dangerous toxins is released. After a bite, the insect loses its sting and dies.

Bee venom, or apitoxin, has the opposite effect on the body. On the one hand, it calls allergic reactions. If the number of bites is more than 180, this causes more dangerous consequences: vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, respiratory arrest. In some cases, numerous stings can lead to death.

The use of bee venom in therapeutic purposes It has positive influence on the body. It is used as an analgesic and antibacterial agent, to increase the overall tone of the body and blood vessels, increase the number of red and white blood cells, and accelerate metabolic processes.

Bee: the structure of the wings

If, according to the saying, "the legs feed the wolf," then the bee's wings do it. There are four in total. The two front ones are larger, since they bear the main load during the flight. The rear fenders act as a steering wheel, allowing you to make smooth turns.

In a static position, the bee folds its aircraft along the body. In this case, the front fenders completely cover the rear ones. During takeoff, they stick together. The wings are connected in one plane.

Wings set in motion pectoral muscles. Bees are real champions of flight. So, in one second they make up to 450 strokes. Within a minute, the insect overcomes about a kilometer. But if a bee flies with nectar, the speed of its flight is significantly reduced.

How far can these insects travel in search of treats? The maximum indicator is 11, and the optimal one is 2 kilometers. The thing is, the further you fly honey bee, the less nectar it will bring. On average, this figure is 50 mg.

If you look at the wings of a bee under a microscope, you can see numerous vessels filled with hemolymph. This fluid performs respiratory and metabolic functions.

Features of the internal structure

Features of the anatomy of the main organ systems of bees are associated with their ability to produce a magical substance - honey. It mainly concerns the digestive system. It has specialized organs - honey goiter and subpharyngeal glands. The first stores nectar, and with the help of enzymes of the second, it is converted into honey.

The developed muscular system, together with the nervous system, allows bees to fly quickly and perform "jewelry" work - building honeycombs, searching for and collecting nectar. This activity is possible due to the continuous process of breathing.

Intensity is also characterized by metabolism. It is supported by numerous excretory organs - Malpighian vessels. These are thin tubes that perform the function of urination. The fat body of bees contains enocytes. These intercalary cells also take part in metabolism and remove decay products from the body.

Public life

The honey bee is a representative of a group of social insects. They also include termites, ants, wasps, bumblebees. A special branch is engaged in the study of their life natural sciences- sociobiology.

Most species of bees live in families. The female social insect is called the queen. It differs from other individuals in larger body sizes, developed genitals and shortened wings. Other members of the family identify the uterus by the characteristic smell that is released along with her milk. Working individuals take care of her, feed her, free the cells of the honeycombs.

basis bee family constitute workers. Depending on the season of the year, their number varies from 20 to 80 thousand. They are all female, but their genitals are underdeveloped. Their duties include caring for offspring, cleaning nests, excreting wax, collecting nectar, regulating temperature regime, the construction of new cells ... In general, everything except the reproduction of offspring and idleness.

The latter is a matter of drones. These are male social insects that are born as a result of the development of unfertilized eggs. They are distinguished from working individuals not only by functional, but also by morphological features. These are larger sizes, large eyes that are in contact with each other, the absence of a pollen collection apparatus, and long wings. But their biological mission is very important. Drones fertilize the uterus, resulting in the birth of fertile offspring.

pollination process

Naturally, insects do not collect nectar and pollen in order to transfer male gametes to the stamen anther. These nutrients they need to feed their offspring.

How do bees collect pollen? For pollination, they choose large bright flowers With pleasant aroma. Of particular importance is the amount and level of sugar in the nectar.

In the process of pollination, not only the oral apparatus is involved, but also the cover of bees. Quite a lot of pollen is attached to numerous hairs.

What is swarming

When the combs overflow with honey, and the number of workers exceeds what is needed, the insects move on to swarming. The essence of this process is the division of a large family. An experienced beekeeper can easily determine the beginning of swarming by characteristic signs. These include stopping comb building, producing less honey, and making swarm egg bowls. New family first finds a home for itself, after which it chooses the most prolific queen. She will become the main in the new environment.

The bees whose structure we have studied are so unique that there is a separate science in biology - apidology. In the future, its specialists will have to discover many more mysteries related to these amazing creatures.

With the onset of heat, almost all insects are activated. Wasps and bees do not stand aside, reminding of their existence in natural environment, on the balconies of apartments, in city parks and squares, on household plots. From the school curriculum, few people remember the difference between a wasp and a bee. Interest is sharply awakened at the sight of stinging insects, and especially after their bites.

External differences

Despite the fact that wasps and bees belong to the same order of Hymenoptera and, in fact, are family ties, they have many differences. We will not take into account the exotic types of flyers and consider:

  • common types of paper wasps;
  • honey bees;
  • hornets - typical representatives of social wasps;
  • bumblebees - ambassadors from the family of real bees.


It is possible to identify the difference between a bee and a wasp visually in appearance. The color of the bee is yellow muted tones with black stripes. The body is covered with hairs.

The wasp, on the other hand, is distinguished by a smooth body without signs of hairline, saturated yellow and contrasting black stripes. The bright "dress" of the insect is noticeable at a great distance. And the wasp does not need a thick pile, because collecting nectar does not belong to its main trade.

The color of the body is one of the main signs of difference between a bee and a wasp.

body structure

The wasp is not in vain famous for its aspen waist - the interception between the abdomen and chest. In the photo, the graceful bend is seen especially clearly. The body shape is elongated. Upon closer examination, powerful jaws and thin legs stand out.

The hornet looks very similar to a wasp, but only with more developed jaws and a thickened waist.

On a note! Hornet - the most large insect among traditional wasps and bees, it exceeds them in size by two to three times. The dimensions of the flyer can reach 5-6 cm.

The bee has a more rounded body and the interception between its parts is barely distinguishable. In comparison with the wasp, the proportions are harmonious. The abdomen differs in shape depending on what step the insect occupies in the bee hierarchy. In honey workers, it is egg-shaped, in the uterus it is elongated, and in drones it is distinguished by a blunt ending. Unlike wasps, bees have so-called baskets on thick legs - containers in which they place flower nectar.

Differences in lifestyle and behavior

Flight path and handling own body- no less noticeable differences between bees and wasps. The honey collector flies smoothly. The wasp, on the other hand, develops a decent speed, because of which its movements sometimes become jerky and it is capable of “hanging” in space for short periods of time.

The calmest "driving style" of bumblebees. Due to their size and mass, they fly slowly, without hurrying. Watching a flying bumblebee, one gets the impression that the poor fellow is holding himself in the air with great effort.

Interesting! For a long time naturalists generally considered the version that the flying qualities of bumblebees manifest themselves contrary to all the laws of aerodynamics.

It is common for all representatives to live in families:

  • Domestic bees live in houses carefully prepared by beekeepers. Wild individuals create hives in tree hollows, rocky gorges. Occasionally there are bees that prefer a solitary lifestyle.
  • Wasps can also live in organized families with a strict lifestyle, where everyone performs their function, or be a hermit. Unlike bees, wasp nest they look like paper, the material for their manufacture is chewed grass and wood.
  • Bumblebees live in small colonies, the number of which does not exceed 200 individuals. They build their nests in abandoned rodent burrows, in hollows of trees. They prefer to go alone for the extraction of provisions, while wasps most often move in groups.
  • Hornets, as befits wasps, build paper nests. Only rotten stumps and branches act as building materials, so their dwelling is brown, not gray.

Nutrition Features

The bee is a true vegetarian and collects only nectar, the pollen of flowers. Her principles of nutrition are shared by the bumblebee - the same connoisseur of flower products.

But wasps and hornets are avid hunters and predators. The larvae need a protein menu, so working individuals attack small insects, sometimes even exceeding them in size. Often their prey is a bee, a fly. To immobilize the victim, the wasps do not always use their main weapon - the sting.

With weak opponents, they successfully cope with powerful jaws. Each species has its own strategy and tactics of attack, but in most cases they drag their prey to the nest, saddling it on horseback.

Wasps stuck around a piece of meat, fish, a fallen animal are a common occurrence. With their powerful jaws, they bite off tiny pieces of meat and bring them to the larvae in a chewed state.

With great enthusiasm, wasps and hornets eat fermented or fresh fruits, sugary foods, sugary drinks and even beer.

What is the difference between insect bites

People quite often become victims of stinging insects. In this connection, the question arises of how a bee sting differs from a wasp sting, and which of them dies after the attack. Both creatures have a sting in their arsenal. They just use it differently.

The sting of the bee is uneven with protruding notches. Outwardly, it is very similar to a harpoon. When an insect attacks, it introduces a sting into the skin, poisonous substances enter through a thin channel. The bee tries to pull out its tool, but uneven surface pity won't let her do it. As a result of efforts, it breaks away from the body, and with it the pouch of poison, as well as internal organs, most often the intestines. Such injuries cause the death of the bee.

The wasp has a more advanced tool. The sting is almost smooth and extremely sharp. It is considered one of the sharpest instruments in the world. During a bite, poisonous components enter through it. Each species has a different composition.

The shape of the body allows the wasp to attack its prey from any angle. After the attack, the insect freely removes the tool from the skin of the victim and moves away or makes a second attack.

On a note! If you want to experience and find out for yourself what the stings of bees and wasps look like and how they differ, be sure to start waving your arms vigorously and making loud sounds when you see the approaching minke whales. So you significantly increase the chances of being bitten.

Pain after bites appear not so much due to damage skin how much due to the components of the poison, which provoke burning, itching and possible allergic reactions. The stings of hornets cause the greatest discomfort and suffering, followed by bumblebees, wasps and bees in terms of the degree of pain.


A bee, wasp, bumblebee, hornet have many differences, despite the fact that they are from the same order. Having carefully studied the photo of each, you can recognize them unmistakably by appearance. All these insects play their role in nature and benefit humans. Bees provide honey, and wasps exterminate and reduce the number of pests.

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