Curtain ideas - the concept of using curtains in design and the basic rules for creating a style (109 photos). Unusual curtains: original window design ideas Unusual ideas for curtains

Have you noticed how many curtains are in stores, but among them there are quite a few really original ones? We propose to look at this problem as a good opportunity and do not ordinary curtains with your own hands.

Method number 1: buy the most ordinary curtains on sale (or take those that you already have in your house, but do not please) and turn them into a spectacular interior detail with your personal authorship.

Method number 2: create original curtains not from fabric, but from the most unexpected items.

In this small inspirational collection, we have included 17 ideas for creating unusual DIY curtains from the well-known authority among needlewomen and fans of beautiful little things - Marie Claire Idées magazine. You will see: both methods listed above are interesting both in the process and in the result. Pleasant bonuses - significant savings in money and time for searching original variants window decor.

In addition to the curtains themselves, you will also see several ideas that allow you to design doorways - interior, on a loggia or in a country house, as well as a couple of options for window glass decor, if you want to make it partially closed from prying eyes(for example, in the bathroom of a private house, in the country house or end windows of a balcony).

Browse this collection and find yours interesting idea to make original curtains with your own hands!


unusual curtains with pendants on the fabric with their own hands

In this section, we will assume that you already have some curtains. More precisely - light curtains, for example, white or very light. Those without a picture are usually sold for a penny, which is understandable, given the extremely simple appearance. The difference can be in the shade and the level of transparency. IN this case this is what you need.

And, of course, all ideas related to decorating light translucent curtains can also be used to decorate a canopy over a bed in a bedroom or in a girl's room of school age.

1. Funny DIY Hanging Curtains:

Simple mesh curtains or sheer curtains organza + ping-pong balls, dyed acrylic paint in 1-2 colors. Attach them with small pins or sew them on. Such light unusual curtains will decorate a window or turn into a wonderful canopy.

2. romantic curtains handmade silk flowers

Lightweight organza curtains, white or any other delicate shade+ silk flowers + branches (sold in wedding salon or at a craft store). Sew individual flowers to the fabric, and attach those on the branches along the edge of the window opening or to the frame. Great idea for a wedding or romantic bedroom.

3. DIY bohemian style curtains:

Lace canvas with a pattern that has flowers + bright flower stickers made of fabric or hand-tied. Glue them directly onto the lace flowers or sew them on. Such a bohemian-gypsy curtain will add a touch of folklore to a country house or to a room of a bright creative personality.


original curtains with a pattern with their own hands

Here, on the contrary, you will need an opaque fabric for curtains or bamboo blinds. On them you can draw what you like or match the chosen interior style. Stock up on fabric paints and brushes, and then feel like an artist.

Never done anything like this? Create light ornaments in ethnic style by making simple strokes. If you have enough talent - draw complex patterns.

4. batik curtains tropical style do it yourself:

A piece of white cotton + fabric dyes in 3 colors (blue, green and white). By mixing paints, achieve the shade that you like and associate with a tropical island. Paint the fabric and then use the brush to paint light geometric patterns and stripes while the fabric is still slightly damp to create a slight blur effect. Such a curtain can be made even more exotic by alternately dyeing the fabric first blue and then green while it is still damp.

Creamy pink veil with a bucolic pattern ("French rural scenes") + burgundy paint + the ability to draw a balcony balustrade and topiary trees. If you are not sure of your artistic talents, find such a pattern on the Internet (high resolution picture is required) and order printing on fabric in a specialized salon.

Light bamboo blinds + a matching picture in a 2-color palette. Also, as in the previous guide, here you need to order printing in a specialized salon. Amazing addition to the room oriental style or the design of the loggia-winter garden.


unusual curtains from different textile elements

And this section is for those who like to use small pieces of fabric when doing quilting, or prefer to use their other talents - embroidery or photography.

7. graceful curtains with embroidery cutwork do it yourself:

Small piece of fabric or short white curtain+ beige threads for embroidery + decorative tassel to match. In the middle of the canvas, make cutwork embroidery, cut the bottom of the curtain with graceful waves and process with threads, attach a brush in the middle. If you do not know the technique of such embroidery, buy a ready-made double-sided element and sew it to the cutout in the fabric, and then process the edges of the cutout.

8. DIY French Country Curtains:

White linen towels with red stripes or a piece of fabric for them (optionally with wider red stripes) + embroidered monograms (ready-made or handmade). Sew the monogrammed patches onto 2 different lengths of fabric, then hang the curtains from the garden door. If you like asymmetry, as in the picture, sew an additional red and white strip along the edge of one of the curtains.

9. chinese curtains with chrysanthemums with their own hands:

Colored and white linen or linen towels different shades+ chrysanthemums made of floss or silk threads. Make the red element the base-middle, and along the edge (except for the top), sew a border to it, assembled from pieces of different shades. Attach fabric chrysanthemums to white areas. Complement the interior with candles to feel the exotic atmosphere.

10. fashionable curtains with retro prints:

White translucent curtains + family photos converted to black and white. Order printouts of photos on a white opaque fabric, and then sew the finished plots to the curtains. Chair covers can be decorated in the same way. This is especially true in the children's room.


original curtains-collage of postcards and photos with your own hands

The ideas in this section may not be very practical for a city apartment, but in a setting country house or on the balcony will look impressive and original. However, if you are overwhelmed by the desire to make something amazing for the guests, such window decor will tell you great finds.

11. DIY Bohemian Spanish Curtains:

Curtain net in blue or any other bright color + postcards on the theme of flamenco and retro themes (Spanish architecture, bouquets, costumes). Attach the postcards in several rows so that each photo is framed by a grid. By the way, we advise you to make this curtain double-sided. From below, attach threads collected from beads or multi-colored beads. Complete the interior with bright floral pillows and candle lanterns.

12. do-it-yourself curtains-shutters:

Your favorite landscape photos or postcards + white cardboard + wooden clothespins+ cord thread. Cut out squares from cardboard imitating the basis of Polaroid photographs (about 10x10 cm), glue photographs to them (squares 8x8 cm) and hang them on clothespins to a thread fastened to window frame with the help of cloves.


do-it-yourself thread and tape curtains

And here you will see how to create fashionable filament curtains, as well as improvised shutters, lambrequins and a nice replacement for a mosquito net on the door of a country house.

13. color film shutters:

Vinyl film with adhesive edge or colored tape in 2 shades. Glue directly on the glass at intervals equal to the width of the strips, leaving part of the glass exposed. The result looks like a symbiosis of blinds and frosted glass, will be a great find for windows that you were going to make opaque. Unlike stained glass film, they let in more light, but they mask just as well.

14. Thread Curtains with Tassels DIY:

A thin decorative cord of different harmonizing shades + tassels of the same color (if there are no ready-made ones, make them yourself - from suitable silky threads). Tie knots in the cord the same distance from each other, cut the required number of "threads" of different lengths. Attach a tassel to each from below, connect from above on a common basis of braid and hang it to the upper window slope.

15. do-it-yourself thread curtains from braid:

Several rolls of cotton or silk braid 1 cm wide (solid indigo colors and with 2-3 blue-white patterns) + strong thread of blue color. Cut the braid into equal lengths, twist into rolls and fasten the edges, then sew to the threads, alternating patterns and plain ones. Fasten the threads on top of the pieces of blue braid and hang on a bamboo stick.

16. do-it-yourself air curtains-ribbons:

White very light non-flowing fabric (chiffon, veil, organza) + beads or imitation pearls. Cut the fabric into equal strips 1.5-2 cm wide along the height of the doorway + 10 cm. Attach it to a rigid base from above, hang the beads from below as a weighting agent. Enjoy the light breeze and fluttering curtains like a resort breeze.

17. original curtains made of cocktail straws with your own hands:

Cocktail straw 2 bright colors(for example, pink and orange) + wood beads+ a roll of nylon fishing line + paint to match the straw. Color the beads the color of the straws, use fishing line and a gypsy needle to attach a bead to each straw. Pass the line through the top finished parts, fasten its edges with a loop and hang it on carnations nailed to the window frame. At the same time, make the 2 upper rows of curtains the same in length, and the lower one - in the form of corner scallops, cutting off the straw before threading the fishing line into it.

Today, no interior design option can be imagined without beautiful curtains that effectively frame the window opening. Every year, designers delight users with new models of original, creative curtains. Considering the richest choice, it is not easy for the hostess to make right choice the first time. To decorate the windows of your house with creative models of curtains, it is recommended to study the proposals of designers that delight the masters in the new 2019 season. various ideas, it is necessary to note for yourself the main trends that are considered fashionable and stylish today. Using the recommendations of professionals, you can easily choose the most successful model window textiles.

fashion fabrics

Creative do-it-yourself curtains must be made of natural fabric. Today the trend is cotton, linen, velvet, jacquard, satin, taffeta, jute, tulle. No less popular are products from bamboo canvas and others natural materials from which you can create beautiful curtains for any room.

If you don't know which creative living room curtains to choose, pay attention to the designers' recommendations. According to experts, for guest rooms, it is more expedient to purchase satin, brocade, voile models of curtains. They look impressive and very original, successfully fitting into any interior design.

Choose a type

In the 2019 season, the living room can be decorated with light, weightless loft-style curtains, in the photo. Products from tulle, chiffon and voile are suitable for creating creative interior the best way.

IN color solution, designers recommend giving preference to white. But, the artistic vision of any living room design may require the use of brighter, more saturated colors. If you need to use red or deep curtains to get a creative living room burgundy, then you need to use this color palette.

Modern fashion trends allow light creative curtains in the photo to drape, giving volume to the product.

Curtains creatively for the kitchen, as well as for the bathroom, bedroom and hall, can be attached to the grommets. It's comfortable functional solution, which you can do with your own hands.

The kitchen or dining room can be decorated with bamboo panels or roll-up curtain designs. With your own hands, you can make great options roller blinds from bright fabrics, combining them with plain canvases.

Thus, it does not matter which room needs to be decorated. Whether it's a kitchen or a bathroom, a living room or a bedroom, today designers are ready to offer creative, original and spectacular models of curtains for any design.

To choose the most suitable option, you just need to decide on the model of the curtain structure, style and color scheme.

The creativity of curtains can be expressed in the original selection of fabrics of different textures, or in the choice of unusual decorative additions.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to curtain the window with curtains and curtains. This element of decor makes the room cozier and darkens it from the sun. There are many types of curtains, and the fabrics and materials are endless! But it also happens that even such a variety is not able to help realize the original idea of ​​the owner of the apartment. Help is here custom curtains for extraordinary interiors.

So what can be unusual in the most ordinary curtain?


▸ Sew a ribbon to the edge of the curtain and tie chic bows on the curtain. The work will not take time at all, and unusual curtains will surprise your guests and decorate the room.

▸ All sorts of unusual clips, buckles and even curved cutlery are also used to fasten curtains.


In addition to traditional fabrics for the manufacture of curtains, you can risk using unusual materials.

▸ Build stunning DIY curtains with colored beads. Of course, they will not shade the room, but the view of such curtains will be fantastic.

▸ Curtains can even be made from tinted corks. They can be used for doorways in an eco-style interior.

▸ Photo printed fabric. Modern technologies allow you to create fabric with absolutely any pattern. The Stickboutique online store offers its services for the manufacture of original photocurtains from three types of fabric: blackout, satin and gabardine.

original curtains can be sewn from the remnants of the fabric. Gather bright pieces of fabric and create your own designer curtain. You can think of a pattern or sew as your heart desires.

▸ The most ordinary curtains can be made original by using fabric of different textures to decorate the window.

Unusual pickups with your own hands:

Even if you have the most ordinary and familiar curtains, but you want to do something extraordinary, add original decorative elements.

▸ Tiebacks in the form of ribbons. A beautiful pickup can be made from one wide ribbon or from several thin ones. You can tie a chic complex bow, or string beads on the ends and leave them to fall freely. Artificial flower arrangements can be used along with the ribbon.

▸ Tiebacks from soft toys. This option of pickups is perfect for the rooms of your children.

▸ Tie-beads. Old beads can be used as tiebacks for your new curtains.

▸ And hundreds more ideas that will come to your mind after reading this article.

Creative individuals are never satisfied with what stores offer them. Even the curtains in their home should be an expression of their personality. Fortunately, to create unusual curtains on your own, you only need inspiration and the desire to work with your hands.

Create designer things at home, surprise your guests!

When talking about interior design, most often they mean wallpaper, paint, tiles, skirting boards - repairs, in a word. When people talk about interiors, they mean furniture. But when it comes to decor, it usually means curtains, curtains, paintings, stained-glass windows, carpets, and so on. At the same time, the term "design" can be used to refer to the design of the room as a whole, to characterize the interior and decor.

Curtains must comply with the overall style, design concept. In this case, the design will be harmonious, aesthetic, you will not want to change anything. In 2017, design in eco and ethnic style is popular. For fashion, as you know, it is desirable to keep up.

Curtain concept

Curtains help give space correct proportions. This element must be paid attention to. The main character of the famous fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” knew absolutely nothing about curtains, she was not fond of design, and yet she checked it in practice - reality really has proportions.

Photos of curtain ideas in the interior invite you to a world where everything is possible. The small dimensions of the apartment, the low ceiling, the spaciousness beyond measure, the unfortunate shape of the rooms - nothing will prevent dreams from coming true.

The need for aesthetic pleasure must be satisfied at the first request, at one glance at the surrounding space.

A lot depends on curtains. This is the source of creativity. With their help, magical illusions are created. Modern Ideas for curtains imply risk, rejection of stereotypes. Permissible and acceptable:

  • crooked hanging cornice;
  • cornice painted in non-standard color;
  • consisting of several parts suspended at different heights;
  • curtains and curtains different colors, length;
  • fixation without a cornice along an uneven line;
  • horizontally painted canvases.

A few decades ago this was not possible. Chaos complements harmony. Lambrequins, ruffles, flounces, drawstrings are also used.

Illusion trap

looking through the photo different options, they usually choose not those curtains that they liked, but the decor that produces good impression. Sometimes you can't repeat an idea. Beauty is blinding, it's easy to fall for its tricks. In practice, everything may not be as good as in the photo.

This decor element is a tool for dividing the area. This must not be forgotten. Curtains can replace a wall. This is a popular take.

Previously tried to emphasize window hole, its isolation. Times have changed, and this design option is becoming less common, giving the impression of a more extravagant solution. In modern rooms, there is usually one window - not two, three, as before.

Curtains can create a separate space - a window sill. The question is whether this is included in the plans or not. Simple rules and design secrets allow you to avoid mistakes.

Basic Rules

Curtains on the windows must be chosen, focusing not only on emotions, sensations. Taken into account:

  • the purpose of the decorated room;
  • dimensions;
  • specific features - the amount of light, the shape of the window, the dominant shades in the decor, etc.;
  • curtain functions.

Paying attention to these moments, changing if necessary beautiful ideas By bringing them into line with reality, good results can be achieved.

Curtain functions

Curtains should give aesthetic pleasure, decorate the room, hide flaws, emphasize dignity. But not only for this they are bought. They protect from sun rays, dust, smells coming from the street, from the views of strangers.

Since ancient times, the Slavs closed the windows with shutters. This took a lot of time. Today, the rhythm of life makes every minute to cherish.

It is irrational to restrict access to flowers and other items placed on the windowsill. Curtains should move easily. Caring for them should also not turn into a tedious, lengthy process.

The best curtains for the kitchen

In the kitchen, lush curtains are usually useless. Nearby may be a sink or stove, geyser. Moisture, steam, heat - all this is the kitchen. Appetite cause bright colors, have a conversation pastel shades. If the kitchen is very spacious, splendor is just the way. The size of the room is critical. Safety and practicality come first.

Curtain ideas 2017 will definitely come in handy here. Straw and bamboo curtains, wooden knife holder, natural stones for their sharpening - this is a fashionable, modern ensemble, Japanese motifs. Ethno-style offers to look at the world from a different angle, to be surprised, it becomes wiser.

living room decor

It is customary to welcome guests in the living room. More precisely, at entrance doors but it wasn't like that before. The doors were opened by servants. The hosts waited in the living room or in the hall. What to tell them about yourself, your character, everyone decides for himself. One person will be happy to tell you what style he likes, convey his emotions in design, while the other will choose a neutral atmosphere, classic decor.

The use of four or more canvases from the same material, but in different colors, unusual fastenings, sewn bright lining to the wrong side are trifles that can soften conservatism.

To more bold decisions can be attributed to the decoration of the canvas with accessories for fabrics, such as beads, ribbons, braid. Accessories have a special charm. This is a detail that catches the eye or does not attract attention, but without it the impression is completely different.

With their help, you can break the harmony of the original canvas, which is not so bad. Curtain design ideas are not limited to the options offered by the manufacturer.

Curtains for bedroom

Sleep is an important part of human life. The bedroom should be comfortable. The design of the room can influence dreams. If every day is full of fuss, it is important to choose delicate fabrics, calm tones. The sense organs will rest.

However, you can also pay attention to bright, extravagant curtains, cornices, fixtures - when you wake up, the mood should be good. In some cases, it is better to compromise, hide some curtains with others, change the decor from time to time, or choose the best option for yourself and stop there.

The use of shiny elements, fabrics is relevant in this room. The ideas of curtains for the bedroom of bachelors, dreamers, lovers, spouses are a sea of ​​​​surrealism, minimalism, and classics. A resident of a metropolis may not have enough starry sky or nobility, sophistication, chic. Cupid, Eros or Cupid loves White color, without a doubt.

The room dimensions are great importance. If the bed is located next to the window, it is important to decorate it with curtains. middle length. Otherwise, they will interfere. They should be dense, protect sleep from streams of light. Twilight is sometimes needed during the day.

Photo of curtain ideas

Why is the question still relevant today individual tailoring curtains, because specialized stores are simply inundated with all sorts of options finished products, starting from the usual models a la "two absolutely identical rectangles" and ending with intricate "mazes" made of fabric. And all because we, as women, always want something like this ... Something like that ... What is nowhere and no one has. That's when we rush, first to the warehouses of fabrics, and then to the nearest atelier. Today I suggest you skip the latter and sew the curtains yourself. So, how to cope with this difficult task - to sew something grandiose without much practice? First you need to decide on the style. Do you want something extraordinary? Consider several ways to make your curtains unusual ...

1.Custom mount

Even the simplest and plain curtains can "play" thanks to some intricate method of fastening. Clothespins? And why not?

The curtains on the ties at the very eaves look very nice. If necessary, they can be tied with a beautiful bow or simply left hanging picturesquely from the ceiling. For such curtains, you just need to sew on the top (on the edge where the curtains will be attached to the cornice) on both sides along the tape (approximately 20 cm long). When you attach your piece, simply tie these ribbons around the cornice.

2.Unusual material

Do you think that only fabric can be used as a curtain material? Craftsmen proved that even cork stoppers, bottoms are quite suitable for this plastic bottles, cloth napkins, weightless scarves, old tablecloths, paper clips, shreds sewn together, beads and even ... an egg tray!

To make an unusual kitchen curtain using an egg tray, you first need to soften it in water (sometimes the trays are even boiled and beaten with a mixer to make the mass more homogeneous). Then, after a while, the mass is squeezed out, glue is added to it, and the beads are molded (the process is very similar to clay molding). The texture of such beads is very original, and the paint falls on them in a peculiar way, especially mother-of-pearl.

Tip: in order to make it easier to string beads on threads, sculpt them directly on a wire or a long knitting needle so that the necessary hole is already made inside.

Before painting the beads, you can treat the material with glue or modeling paste to slightly level the surface. But I prefer their "wild" roughness. Remember that after the "tray" mass dries, it will become unsuitable for modeling - it will be hard, like plastic. Therefore, sculpt immediately, without delay.

3. Creative model of curtains

When it comes to models, you have an endless field of possibilities. You can come up with several if you wish. original varieties! But if you feel like taking action right away, then here are a couple of great options…


A very easy way to make an original curtain. You don’t even have to use fabric for this, paper or cardboard is fine (do you understand why this model has such a name?). Cut out the same circles from the material of your choice and start methodically gluing them onto a tape, thread or straw. Glue two circles at once (to each other), so that the thread is between them.


For this original model you need: fabric of different colors (preferably pastel and plain) and a stencil for circles (just take a glass 6-7 cm in diameter). Also, do not forget about the fabric to which you will sew the "petals" themselves. First you need to cut many, many multi-colored circles, and then sew each one individually, as close to each other as possible. It's simple: take one circle, fold it into four and sew in the middle. Drape the top with "petals" completely and reduce their number to the bottom of the curtain. Try to make the transition as smooth as possible. Yes, the robot is painstaking and takes a lot of time, but such a curtain looks very, very original!


It's a good idea to use old photos as material. But there is one "but" here. Exposure to sunlight can fade your pictures very quickly, so place your work away from a window. Let such a curtain become a curtain over the door. You can attach a photo to a friend with paper clips, threads, brackets or glue.


One of the most elegant curtains I have ever seen! And here is a step-by-step simple master class ...

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