Do-it-yourself bathroom and toilet renovation. Toilet repair: design features and ideas. Prices for various types of sanitary ware for toilet and bathroom

Before starting repairs toilet room, most of us think, firstly, about the choice suitable materials for decoration, and secondly - about the development of a beautiful interesting design, which would hide the lack of space. Crowding can be effectively dealt with using visual techniques to help widen walls, raise ceilings, or change the geometry of a room so that it looks harmonious. And for finishing such a room, the modern construction market offers a lot of practical and original materials. Today we will tell and show how stylish and comfortable an ordinary toilet room can be - photos of more than forty-five illustrative examples will help you to verify this.

How to make a bathroom renovation with your own hands?

Consider a situation where a home toilet needs a major overhaul. This event is quite laborious, despite the modest dimensions of the field of activity, and usually consists of the following stages:

  • Wall alignment;
  • Door replacement;
  • Leveling and raising (if necessary) the floor;
  • Laying plumbing communications and replacing old plumbing;
  • Installation of a false wall or niche for hiding water purification filters;
  • Installation of shelves or cabinets;
  • Finishing the ceiling, walls and floor;
  • Installation lighting fixtures and accessories.

Many are perplexed by the very concept of “layout of the toilet room”, because usually on such a small piece of free space it is considered sufficient to at least successfully place a toilet bowl and a water heater. However, even the interior of a toilet room in a Khrushchev apartment can be functional and ergonomic. The video below describes how to repair a small toilet with your own hands, spending a minimum of resources, and without even resorting to laying tiles, but simply pasting the room with waterproof vinyl wallpaper:

Practice shows that most owners still prefer to use ceramic tiles for finishing the toilet room. This is a universal solution, since the tile meets all specific requirements: it is resistant to high humidity, easy to clean, and does not lose its excellent appearance over time. But there are other options for finishing, no less practical and beautiful. We invite you to take a look at the most interesting photos restrooms after renovation:

Features of finishing a small toilet room

Let's move on to ways to visually correct small, narrow, low and disproportionate toilet rooms. The first and main tool in this business is color. Shades of light and cool spectrum have the ability to visually expand any room. And this property is definitely worth using.

Advice If the toilet room is small, use light cold shades for interior decoration: white, silver, lemon, sky blue, soft lilac, purple or pink, as well as light shades of aquamarine.

Great care should be taken when using bright and dark colors. In many fashion magazines devoted to interior design, you can find photo examples of dressing rooms in a bold, flashy style using black, red, orange and burgundy tones. Please note that, most likely, the interior of the toilet room, the photo of which you are considering, is much wider and more spacious than yours.

Actually, a spacious toilet room happens only in two cases: if it is combined with a bathroom, or if such a solution was laid down by the project, and we are talking, for example, about private wooden house. And the owners of apartments of mass development are forced to face a common problem - the cramped toilets.

Important According to the norms of SNiP, the minimum depth of a toilet in a residential building is 1.2 m, the width is 0.8 m, the ceiling height is 2.5 m if it is horizontal, and 1.1 m above the level of the toilet bowl if it is inclined (mansard). Toilet area - at least 1.2 square meters. m, and the toilet room with washbasins - 1.5 sq. m.

Another important aspect in the design - the right choice of pattern. The design of walls with large ornaments or laid out panels requires a certain distance for adequate perception. And in our case, there simply will not be such a distance, so attempts to decorate the interior with landscapes, portraits or large bouquets of flowers are unlikely to be successful. Below you see some interesting options for the design of the toilet room, the photo gallery shows examples of modest interiors:

Tiles, wallpaper and plastic panels in the interior of the toilet

Now let's start considering the range of finishing materials. The first thing that comes to mind is tile. We have already talked about the choice of shade and pattern, but in the case of a tile, we can also come to the rescue geometric shape, location, dimensions and combination. Here are the most current ideas for the toilet room:

  • If the bathroom is very narrow, lay a rectangular tile on the floor so that the long side is along the short wall;
  • If the narrowness and tightness are combined with sufficiently high ceilings, you can level the situation by making a tile border approximately at the middle of the wall height. At the same time, it is better to finish the upper part in more light color, and the lower part - in a darker or brighter one;
  • If the room is the opposite, too low ceiling, and the width is sufficient, vertical inserts of contrasting or patterned tiles can be placed on the walls;
  • Laying tiles diagonally, both on the walls and on the floor, is a universal technique that allows you to harmonize and expand any cramped room. But such a repair will require a large supply of materials, because there will be a lot of scraps.

Tiles for the toilet room (see photo below) can be different size, however, keep in mind that too small, as well as a huge tile looks disharmonious in small interiors. Therefore, mosaics and large floor tiles should be used with caution, and only if such a decision is justified by the overall design concept.

Wallpaper- the simplest and most logical answer to the question of how to decorate a toilet room beautifully and with minimal cost. For the repair of such premises, you should choose special moisture resistant wallpaper, which can be distinguished by the corresponding marking on the roll. It can be vinyl or non-woven fabrics, as well as modern liquid wallpaper, which is applied to the walls with a roller and coated with a water-repellent compound after hardening. Below you see how diverse and interesting wallpaper for the toilet room can be, the photos confirm this:

Plastic panels also meet the requirements of moisture resistance, in addition, they are easily exposed to wet cleaning, and do not lose their presentable appearance over time, unlike wallpaper. But in the process of repairing walls with their use, the installation of a crate is required, and this, in turn, will take away part of the area, which is already small. Therefore, we would recommend such material for interior design of the toilet only to those who do not complain about tightness.

Cabinets, shelves, bathroom furniture and accessories

Beautiful washrooms are made up of many elements, including not only stylish design finishes and quality sanitary ware. A harmonious and finished interior is impossible without comfortable shelves, cabinets and other useful accessories. It may seem strange why we even started talking about furniture in relation to the interior design of the toilet? In fact, this definition means not only a room in which a person can send natural needs.

This is interesting A “toilet room” is a place where a person can put his toilet in order, that is: wash his hands, wash, comb his hair, fix his makeup and clothes. And for this you need a mirror, washbasin, towels or napkins.

Such complex premises are often envisaged in public institutions, as well as on the ground floor of private houses, where they are intended primarily for guests. But even in a modest toilet of an ordinary apartment, you can provide convenient shelves for storing air fresheners, household chemicals and other attributes. The video below shows how to equip a small toilet with a full and functional system storage of things:

There are even more elegant and stylish design options, when the closets for the toilet room are made completely hidden behind the wall decoration. At first glance, it is not even clear that there is a locker - the interior looks absolutely complete and very neat:

It is also very important to choose suitable accessories for the interior: a holder for toilet paper, a brush, as well as hooks for towels, a soap dish and a stand for toothbrushes, if there is a washbasin in the room. Here are some stylish accessories can be purchased at modern hardware stores:

How to decorate a toilet room: unusual decor, decoupage and lighting

Imagination and skill, which almost every housewife possesses, will help to give a unique personality to your dressing room. Objects made with love by their own hands will be a wonderful addition and decoration to the interior. For these purposes, magazine clippings, old photographs, beautiful pictures, dried plants, pebbles, shells, knitwear, as well as paints and brushes will fit. What can be created from such a strange set, you ask? All this will come in handy for decorating the toilet using the decoupage technique.

This is interesting The French word "decoupage" literally means "cutting". Using this technique, even a person who cannot draw can beautifully decorate any surface, using fragments of pictures, or painting objects through a stencil.

A very important role in the formation of a beautiful interior design is played by proper lighting. Stylish, original and well-placed washroom lamps can visually expand a cramped space, harmonize it and set an emphasis on a certain part of it. Below you see successful examples of lighting, as well as do-it-yourself decor:

What style to choose for the design of the toilet room?

Even before the start of the repair, many think about choosing the style of the future premises. Even for such a modest-sized room as a toilet, this issue is very relevant. If you keep the entire interior in a certain style concept, an excellent result is guaranteed. It remains only to choose suitable style. For example, Provence style design is perfect for both private wooden houses, and for apartments in which the mistress is a lady who loves provincial romance and sophistication. And for active, energetic natures who prefer functionality and conciseness, we can recommend strict high-tech or Japanese minimalism. The photos below will help you make your choice:

Answers to frequently asked questions about design and finishing

How to rationally equip a toilet with an area of ​​​​1x1.5 m with a ledge?

The main goal of toilet design is to make the most efficient use of a small area. The toilet bowl should be used compact, preferably hanging. It will save space completely, or a drain tank partially built into the wall - then it does not look so massive.

A small washbasin will also fit into the 2 m 2 room. It can be an angular model located on a wall with a ledge. Above the washbasin, you can hang a small towel holder with a mirrored facade - it will add extra volume to the room.
For wall cladding, it is preferable to use glossy tiles in light shades. If the color of the walls is white, be sure to dilute it. bright elements, otherwise the room will turn out faded. An example of a small toilet design is a photo.

What is important to consider when repairing a toilet with your own hands?

Often, apartment owners, when carrying out repairs in the toilet on their own, forget or incorrectly organize access to taps to shut off water, meters, and a sensor for adjusting the operation of a warm floor. Counters can be located on any segment of the cut, but at such a height that will be convenient for taking readings, repairing them, or replacing them, without damaging the wall and plumbing fixtures.

Similarly, the location of the shut-off valves should be considered. It is much more convenient when they are above the drain tank than below it. Most often, counters and valves for shutting off water are located on the wall behind the toilet. Therefore, it is important to organize access to them by installing special doors. Good idea close this wall with shutters, then in the event of a breakdown, or the need to replace equipment, you will not have to destroy the wall. An example of how to arrange access to communications when repairing a toilet is a photo.

In what style will the design of a small toilet look advantageous?

It is better not to clutter up a small bathroom with an abundance of accessories and various accessories. Optimal styles for its design:

  • minimalism - concise, restrained. The color scheme is calm, based on a combination of 2-3 colors. Sink and toilet simple forms, compact and comfortable. Of the accessories, it is better to leave a small mirror and an original lamp;
  • classic - elegant restraint and chic. Pleasant colors are used to decorate the premises. pastel colors, plumbing streamlined shapes. The decor is represented by an elegant door handle, paper holder, faucet;
  • eco - gives a feeling of rapprochement with nature. Light warm colors, natural materials are used for decoration. This style is ideal for decorating a bathroom in a wooden house.

Before proceeding with the design of the bathroom, it is recommended to visualize the project to make sure it fits perfectly. Successful modernist design of a small toilet - photo.

What you need to know when choosing tiles for lining the toilet?

The popularity of using tiles in the toilet is due to its practicality, durability, variety of decor. It may vary in size, shape, technical specifications. With heavy loads, porcelain stoneware is installed on the floor, tiles and mosaics are installed on the walls.

When choosing tiles for the toilet, remember:

  • floor tiles are not suitable for wall cladding, as they are heavy;
  • wall tiles are not suitable for flooring, as they can crack from the load;
  • material for facing the bathroom should be purchased with a margin of 10-15% (for technical needs).

An example of how harmoniously floor and wall tiles for a toilet can be matched is a photo.

What to look for when decorating the interior of a small toilet?

Decorating a small toilet is more difficult than a spacious bathroom. To make the room more attractive will allow well-chosen Decoration Materials and plumbing. The best option is to finish in several tones of the same color. This will create the effect of expanding the space.

The interior of a small toilet will turn out to be more attractive if all pipes and communications are hidden. To disguise them, it is better to use lightweight structures that can be easily disassembled in the event of an accident.

Proper lighting plays an important role in a limited space. In the toilet, it is better to install one small lamp in the center of the ceiling, or several small ones around its perimeter. You can also additionally highlight the mirror, shelves - the interior of the toilet, photo.

Is it possible to use photo wallpaper to decorate the walls of the toilet?

Wall mural - universal remedy interior decorations, they can also be used in non-residential rooms. If you want to contemplate beautiful landscape during hygiene procedures, you can paste such wallpaper in the toilet.
The design of such wall covering selected depending on the size of the room. A large bathroom will decorate any landscapes, city panoramas. Wall murals for a small toilet should visually expand the space. If the canvases will be located behind the toilet, it is better to choose vertical pattern(abstraction, flowers, but not stripes). The floral theme of the photo wallpaper will bring a feeling of freshness, closeness to nature into the room. Images with a perspective (a road going into the distance, a view from a balcony) will create the illusion of an increase in volume. The stronger sex likes imitation bookcases on the walls, turning the toilet into a kind of office.

What is the best way to finish the walls of the toilet so that it is budget?

One of the most inexpensive is the decoration of the toilet with plastic panels. Its advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease and speed of installation (no need to pre-align the walls);
  • practicality (easy to clean);
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength, durability.

When choosing plastic panels, you should pay attention to the stiffeners - the more there are, the stronger the material. The optimal sheet thickness is 8 mm. It is better to buy panels from the same batch, the pattern on them will be of the same intensity. In what sequence is the toilet finished - look at the video:

How to improve the functionality of the toilet?

To arrange not only beautiful toilet, but also functional, it should be supplemented with various accessories. Small narrow shelves will not take up much space on the wall, but will allow you to place necessary fixtures(household chemicals, cosmetics, air freshener, toilet paper, towels). Shelves fixed asymmetrically on opposite walls look interesting.

In a medium-sized toilet, even a small locker will fit. It can be made to order, given the dimensions of the bathroom. The design can be open type, or be equipped with frosted glass doors. It is better to give preference to a closed closet, as it makes the space more organized, tidy.
It is also important that furniture, plumbing and decoration are made in the same style. An example of what functional and beautiful toilet rooms can look like is a retro-style design photo.

Is it possible to remove the old toilet in one day, put floor tiles in the toilet and put in a new toilet?

All repair work are carried out according to a clear technology, and this takes a certain time. It will take 10 minutes to remove the old toilet by breaking it. If dismantled without breaking - half an hour. And then it all depends on the quality of the subfloor. If the screed is even, laying the tiles will take 1-3 hours (depending on complexity). The drying time of the glue is indicated on the package, as a standard it is 2-4 days. Only after this time, the joints are grouted and a new toilet bowl is installed.
speed up this process You can buy quick-drying tile adhesive. It dries completely in 4-6 hours. After that, you can fix the toilet bowl, and grout the joints the next day, after the glue has completely dried and the toilet tile is fixed - photo.

In what sequence is it correct to mount the plastic panels in the toilet?

Repairing the toilet with plastic panels with your own hands, Special attention should be given to the construction of the frame. It can be executed:

  • from wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

In the bathroom, it is recommended to install a metal, or plastic crate, since fungus and mold can accumulate under the wooden one. With the help of self-tapping screws, the profile is fixed on the walls in increments of 40-50 cm. If the PVC panels are located vertically, then the crate will be performed in a horizontal direction. A starting U-shaped profile is installed on the ceiling and floor.

Installation of panels begins from the corner of the room, inserting the mounting shelf into the starting profile. Next, the material is attached to the crate using a construction stapler. The next panel is placed in the groove of the previous one. Thus, sheathing is performed around the entire perimeter. In the corners, special corners are used to connect parts. At the end of the installation, the joints near the window and the doorway are sealed with sealant and covered with decorative strips.

Is it possible to complete the design of the toilet yourself?

Making a toilet in an apartment is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to properly install and connect plumbing. If you do not have experience in performing such work, it is better to entrust them to a professional.

It is quite possible to do the decoration of walls, ceiling and floor with your own hands. This requires knowledge of the installation technology of certain finishing materials, basic skills in working with them, tools and fixtures for styling, attentiveness, accuracy.

The level of complexity of repair work depends on the finishing material. The most time-consuming is the laying of tiles, besides, it is also heavy, fragile, expensive. If you do not have the skills to work with this material, it is better to call a good master.

Also, certain knowledge of technology and skills is required to perform rough work - leveling walls, floors, waterproofing. Violation of technology threatens that the finish will crack or fall off and everything will have to be redone.
Special preparation does not require wallpapering, installation of plastic panels - they can be done independently.

What wallpaper can be used in the toilet?

A bathroom is a place of high humidity and frequent use, so finishing materials must be durable and practical. If you decide to decorate the walls in the toilet with wallpaper, then choose vinyl canvases with special coating which makes them resistant to moisture and other negative impacts. The material is practical, easy to clean, easy to install, has different colors, patterns. Paper sheets for pasting the bathroom are not recommended.
Before decorating the walls in the toilet with wallpaper, they should be treated with an antifungal compound - this will protect the coating from mold. It is also necessary to choose a high-quality glue, moisture resistant. But even if you use expensive, dense washable fabrics, in places where there is a risk of water ingress, it is better to lay tiles laminated with MDF.

What is the best way to close the back wall of the toilet in Khrushchev, where the pipes pass?

The most difficult thing when decorating a toilet in Khrushchev is to achieve a functional and aesthetic finish of a wall with a riser. At the same time, it should be remembered that it will not work to sew the pipes tightly; in case of breakage, the structure will have to be broken.

There are several options for decorating the wall with communications in the toilet. If the pipes run in the corner of the room, they can be sewn up with a plasterboard box by installing a revision hatch to access the meters and valves that shut off the water. Next to the box will still remain free space for installation of shelves, water heater.

If the rear wall of the toilet is completely equipped with pipes, it can be closed completely with a collapsible box. Suitable for this purpose laminated chipboard thickness 16-18 mm, wooden panels, from which it is possible to build a structure with an opening door. The photo below shows the repair of the toilet in Khrushchev - before and after.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

The toilet is one of the smallest rooms in the house, which is visited quite often. This combination creates certain difficulties: care should be taken that the atmosphere of this room is conducive to peace, is cozy and functional, and the decoration is practical, but a modest area limits the possibilities and dictates its requirements. Therefore, starting budget repair do-it-yourself toilet, you need to responsibly approach the choice of materials, think over the design of the room in advance, draw up a work plan. And inspiring photos will help you with this, original ideas and helpful tips below.

Toilet renovation steps

So, the decision to repair was made, at the family meeting they discussed and approved the budget - it remains only to figure out where to start the repair. Even experienced craftsmen a small repair of a toilet in an apartment risks turning into a headache if you do not adhere to a clear action plan that will look something like this.

  1. Decide on the design of the toilet.
  2. Select and purchase the materials you will need for the repair.
  3. if they have fallen into disrepair.
  4. Prepare toilet floors, walls and ceiling - remove old tiles, clean surfaces.
  5. Pave necessary communications- electrical wiring, propylene pipes etc.
  6. After completing all the preparatory work, you can carry out repairs to the floor.
  7. If necessary, install a plumbing cabinet.
  8. Repair the ceiling and walls.
  9. After that, the final finishing of the floor in the toilet can be done.
  10. Install the toilet on the prepared floor.
  11. Then everything else is mounted - lighting, ventilation, washbasin and so on.
  12. Finish the walls and ceiling.
  13. Install a boiler.
  14. If necessary, replace the toilet door.

The list is significantly reduced if you have planned a simple redecoration of the toilet without replacing plumbing and laying new communications.

Choosing a toilet design

Starting planning the future design of the toilet room, consider both your own wishes and current ones. fashion trends. To do this, you can visit friends and relatives, noticing interesting solutions in the design of the bathroom. Or you can look for inspiration on numerous sites where people share their experience in repairing a toilet with their own hands, post photos, and discuss bold ideas.

When choosing a design, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Small or colorful details should not be used, as they can create a subconscious feeling of anxiety, which can negatively affect bowel function.
  • Toilet is not the best the best place to use bright, saturated colors. It would be better to opt for pastel, muted colors.
  • Vertical stripes on the walls will turn an already small and narrow bathroom into a kind of tower. A horizontal drawing, on the contrary, will “push apart” the walls, make the space more harmonious, proportional.
  • The division of the wall horizontally into two sections using the principle of the golden section looks beautiful. You can choose contrasting combinations colors.
  • Not in the best way objects hanging overhead - shelves, cabinets, a boiler - affect the physiology. Try to place them in more suitable places or somehow disguise them.
  • And finally, doing flooring in the toilet, it is better to choose enough dark colors- dark yellow, brown or gray.

The choice of materials for the repair of the toilet

When choosing materials for repair, it must be taken into account that a liquid saturated with biologically active substances (biologically active substances) still gets on the floor in the toilet, although in small quantities. And also a certain amount of substances with a sharp unpleasant odor evaporates into the air - ammonia, hydrocarbons, etc. In this regard, you should think about how to abandon a number of materials, even despite their external attractiveness.

  • It is not recommended to use wooden panels in the toilet, as well as MDF, laminate and similar organic coatings - they are porous and quickly absorb unpleasant odors and moisture, becoming a breeding ground for microbes.
  • Porous tile is not suitable for repairing the floor in the toilet - it can be calculated by color reverse side other than white. With such a tile, an unpleasant smell will linger in the toilet for a long time.
  • Washable PVC wallpapers also perfectly retain odors, paper wallpaper, dropped ceilings armstrong and foam ceiling panels.

Good to know: paints based on organic pigments and fillers quickly lose their attractiveness, acquiring yellow and dark shades.

What materials are suitable for repairing the toilet?

  • For cladding - porcelain stoneware. Density, resistance to chemicals and strength fully pay off its cost.
  • Tiles - faience or kaolin ( white color on the reverse side, at the break, the material is shiny, fine-grained).
  • Choose a paint with mineral pigments and with a filler of microcalcite (marble flour). A filler made of dolomite flour will be a little worse, however, such paint can last 7–10 years.

If you decide to stick washable wallpapers, then they should be made of polypropylene, foam or polyester.

  • Profiles for drywall constructions- only galvanized or aluminum, the gypsum board panels themselves are necessarily moisture resistant (green).
  • The plaster can be any, but after the composition has hardened, do not forget to impregnate it with a deep penetration concrete primer.
  • As a waterproofing, it is recommended to use polyester or aquaizol.

Screed floors are the best choice for the toilet. The base floor screed is based on cement, and on top of it is a liquid polymer.

Many are afraid to start repairs on their own, even in a small toilet. are afraid that their skills are not enough to replace the toilet or install the panel. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice of craftsmen who have already carried out repairs with their own hands, a video with lessons on this topic will not hurt to carefully study. Even simple photo can greatly facilitate understanding of how to make repairs in the toilet with your own hands.

The toilet room in small apartments, the smallest room in size. However, it is it that is the most visited. When repairing this room, they pay little attention, but in vain, because its interior can be made cozy, very functional and beautiful.

Despite the fact that the toilet room has a small size of 1.2 sq. m. or 1.5 sq. m., its area should be used with maximum benefit. Thanks to modern materials and novelties in the plumbing market can come up withentertaining design small toilet.

Starting the repair in the toilet, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the ongoing work:

  • leveling the surface of the floor uneven walls;
  • replacement of communication and toilet bowl;
  • erection of a niche or openings;
  • wall and floor decoration;
  • ceiling decoration and installation of fixtures;
  • plumbing connection.

After compiling a list of works, go to buy the necessary materials.Paying attention to the functionality of this room, we must remember that the toilet room is a place where you can put yourself in order. In the presence of large areas in such rooms, not only a toilet is installed, but also a bidet and a washbasin. You will probably be surprised by the fact that all this equipment can be had in a small toilet, only it will be more compact and functional. This will allow you to use a small toilet area maximum. It is enough to buy a combo toilet and you will get three in one. A sink with a mixer is located on the lid of the barrel, the soapy water washed off the hands enters the barrel of the toilet bowl, and then flushes into the toilet, making it even cleaner. This toilet model is also equipped with a hygienic shower and is a replacement for a bidet, it is a necessary element not only for ladies, but for all family members. The hose with a shower head is mounted on the wall with a clamp and does not take up extra space.

Now let's talk about wall decoration and more advantageous color scheme for a small toilet. Most people use tile to finish the toilet. On modern market tile is presented in a wide range, which helps to implement any design idea, it is durable, wear-resistant, with it it is easy to maintain perfect cleanliness in the room. To visually enlarge the room, use only light-colored tiles (white, beige, coffee with milk, light green, etc.). In addition, tiles can only be laid up to the middle of the wall, and the rest painted over.

Moisture-resistant material for finishing the walls of the toilet are plastic panels that look presentable and easy to clean.

The option with tiles and panels is good, but given the curvature of the walls, you will have to apply a lot of mortar or install the crate, which will take extra centimeters from an already small area. Therefore, washable paints will be a good alternative and you can choose any colors, and if necessary, you can repaint at any time.

Another way to visually enlarge the space is to install good lighting. economical and profitable solution there will be installation of small built-in light bulbs in the center of the ceiling, the light from them will be soft and bright enough.

To completeentertaining small toilet designit is necessary to complete the installation and design of the sanitary cabinet, which is located on the back wall of the room. Such a niche can be closed using lifting blinds or wooden hinged doors. In such a niche can be stored paper towels, soap, toilet paper, fresheners, household chemicals And so on.

The accessories you choose can make the interior of the washroom cozy and fun. Toilet paper holders, a brush, towel rings, containers for liquid soap - all this can be chosen in modern supermarkets.

Learn more about finishing the bathroom by reading the article about "". Perhaps you are interested in creative ""?

Make the design of your small size toilet beautiful and cozy!

And now we bring to your attention detailed master class on the theme of "entertaining small toilet design"!

At the first stage, we will clean the walls and floor from excess debris, from old coatings, if, of course, you got secondary housing such as Khrushchev Soviet buildings.

The second and most important point is the replacement of all old rusty pipes with new plastic ones. Modern sewer pipes are now reminiscent of the Lego constructor, and it is not difficult to assemble them in the desired sequence. As for water supply, it is better to contact a specialist, since installation will require a professional soldering iron and experience that you do not yet have. We used the services of friends, of course, a more experienced specialist could assemble the pipes by hiding them in the wall, but he would also charge 2-3 times more for this.

The installation of pipes is completed, and we proceed directly to repairing the toilet with our own hands, to preparing the walls and floor. We cover with putty all the irregularities and properly coat everything with a primer. The next step is the floor screed. To do this, we need iron beacons, a small package of alabaster and a bag - two of a cement-sand mixture. We expose the beacons by the level in 2-3 rows on small slides of alabaster. Since alabaster dries very quickly, try to do everything quickly. After all the beacons are leveled, you can begin to knead the screed mortar. For this, an ordinary bucket and a drill with a mixer are enough. Gradually adding the mixture to the water, mix thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous composition of thick sour cream. Try to keep all the following batches approximately the same in consistency, otherwise the screed may crack. Carefully pour the solution so as not to move the beacons, and level the surface with the rule.

Do-it-yourself toilet renovation saves a lot of money. Naturally, we put tiles on the floor, but since I had more than two packs of wall tiles left from the renovation of the bathroom, it was decided to make the floor in the toilet as well. Although it is designed for walls, it behaves quite normally on the floor, does not crack and does not particularly slip. We lay tiles in the toilet with our own hands, starting from the observation wall - this is the one that you see first of all when opening the door. We pre-coat the screed well with a primer. Wet the tile with water, apply glue with a notched trowel and press it well. Unforgettable about the crosses, I took small ones of 2 mm so that the seams were smaller and more accurate. You will also need a tile cutter. It is better to choose the grout for the joints to match the color of the tile or darker, the light one will quickly change color and will look dirty.

There were many options for how to design a small toilet, photos that were previously viewed on the Internet suggested a lot. interesting solutions. It was decided to stick on the walls ordinary wallpaper, thereby saving on tiles. We chose dark ones with a crinkled fabric texture, they look quite interesting, and if you smoke in the toilet, they will not darken over time.

Two well fit into the design of a small toilet spotlights embedded in . Since we did not have tiles on the walls, the installation of the ceiling cost a penny. There are a lot of installation prejudices. stretch ceilings in wet rooms, during repairs in the bathroom and toilet, but as practice has shown, all this is nonsense, for more than 2 years no problems have been noticed, and there will not be, even if it is a toilet repair in Khrushchev.

The design of a small toilet leaves not so many options for creativity, but even here there was a place for its use. It was decided to cover the pipes with a backlit shelf. The design was chosen in the style of minimalism, simple and at the same time practical. Toilet repair in panel house hampered by a large amount of work with a perforator. To assemble the frame for the shelf, I had to tinker a lot, we used a standard drywall profile. Having previously outlined the attachment points, the installation was carried out and the main structure with drywall was assembled. The upper part was assembled from a translucent plastic used in outdoor advertising. All elements were lined in corel, sawn out on a milling cutter and glued into small blocks with a cosmofen.

When choosing lighting for our design of a toilet in a panel house, moisture-proof was preferred led strip. Due to the flexibility and ease of switching, such a backlight is easy to mount even in the most inaccessible places and give the backlight any shape, in our case it is a semicircle. For fastening, ordinary plastic clamps were used and the entire installation process took no more than 30 minutes.

In the final, the upper part of the shelf was assembled from plastic blocks, which are simply inserted between the wall and the edge of the protruding drywall like puzzles, and do not require additional fastening. So we got a rather unusual design of a small toilet in a minimalist style, simple and quite modern.

Remained finishing touch- make a locker in the toilet with your own hands! After some thought, we decided to complement our small toilet design in a minimalist style and add another bright touch. We took a standard Soviet closet in the toilet as a basis, sanded everything with our own hands metal elements, returning them to their former brilliance of Soviet design. Well, club flyers from parties were pasted on the yellowed plastic in a chaotic manner. Finally got another one interesting element decor, which perfectly complemented our design of a small toilet with colorful bright colors.

There are other equally interesting repair options.

Summer is a time not only for vacations, but also for repairs. Everyone wants to put the apartment in order, but not everyone has enough money for this: the crisis has passed only in words, but in fact “things are still there”. But we are Slavs, which means we will get out, because the saying “need for inventions is cunning” really works.

Today we're going to take a look at the cheapest (oh, sorry, the most economical) toilet repair option. So!

Toilet- this is not only (forgive the expression) a latrine: this is a place where not only you go, but also your guests. And if the toilet has peeled walls, cracked tiles, and there are holes on the floor, then such a place can be called a toilet purely hypothetically: in fact, it is easier to call such a place a “toilet” or “slop” (sorry for the expression). Naturally, after visiting such an “attraction”, your guests will have a not very positive opinion about you - a fact!

How to correct the situation in this matter?

Clearly, repairs are needed. But, as mentioned a little higher, you may simply not have money for expensive tiles, plumbing, etc.: all this is pretty worth it. But did you know that if you need to make repairs in the toilet, then you can get by with a fairly small amount of money?

How? We look;

In the toilet it is not at all necessary to glue expensive tiles

  • Firstly, this repair option has become boring for a long time, and even if the tile is very beautiful, it’s still just a banal tile.
  • And secondly why spend money on tiles when you can buy ordinary foam tiles for this purpose?

Yes, yes: the same patterned tiles that are glued to the ceiling! Benefits of this repair option:

1 incredibly low cost;

2 very low specific gravity, which will allow you to significantly reduce repair time: foam tiles do not “float”, they do not need to be constantly held and corrected;

3 adhesive paste for gluing foam tiles is very inexpensive;

4 no need to buy grout separately: as a grout for joints, use the same paste on which the tiles were glued;

5 tiles come in different color shades, so it is not at all necessary to glue white tiles: there are turquoise, blue, yellow, etc.;

6 foam tiles are very easy to cut to size (unlike tiles, which is very difficult to cut even with a tile cutter). In general, solid benefits!

The only thing that is required of you is to make the walls even. To do this, knock down the old tile

(or remove old paint) and, using the "level", perform an algorithm for leveling the walls using a mortar.

The smoother the walls are, the cooler the foam tiles will look on those walls!

After gluing the walls with ceiling foam tiles, do not forget to glue the top plinth (padogu): so to speak, for a better “calico”

The ceiling, of course, should also be covered with the same tiles. In general, everything ingenious is not only simple, but also economical, fast, understandable and beautiful!

And the last tip: if you want to visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet,then put a blue tile on the floor!

Do-it-yourself toilet installation

Rarely when visiting friends, we admire how the toilet is installed in the toilet. But, when we need to use the services of the restroom, then we can appreciate the convenience of this necessary element. Is it difficult to install a toilet yourself? Let's try to figure this out.

First, decide on the model of the toilet. Pay attention to the fastening systems in the product design. Basically they are the same, but in some cases they may differ. Attention should also be paid preparatory work. So, let's get to work.

Preparatory work

Before installing a new toilet, decide what method you will use to secure it. The simplest is to screw it to the floor with heavy duty dowels. It is important that the intended location is level. Otherwise, tightening the bolts or self-tapping screws more tightly, the fixing ears in the toilet bowl will simply burst.

Another way to fix the toilet bowl is cement pouring. In this case, it is necessary to take care of a sufficient thickness of the screed. Otherwise, it will not withstand the loads - and then it can turn out very funny.

Before installing the toilet, you must first check the communications. The water supply must be at the right distance from the drain tank. Sewerage must also be in proper condition (pipes must be airtight and have the desired slope). All this must be taken care of in advance, so that subsequently you do not have to remove the toilet every now and then in order to perform the necessary work.

Toilet installation

After we have prepared the base for the toilet and checked all the suitable communications, you can proceed directly to the installation of the "chair". Before attaching it to the base, we connect the drain pipe. Thanks to modern technologies this can be done fairly quickly and without any difficulty. To do this, you can use a corrugated siphon. If the drain tank involves fastening directly to the structure of the toilet, take extra care. Such models of toilet bowls, even with small cracks or chips, become unusable.

Some further process connecting gaskets silicone sealants. This will provide maximum leakage protection. The drain pipe does not need to be treated with such materials, as this can complicate the repair work if such is required. In addition, all connecting elements are ideally sized to each other. They are also supplied rubber gaskets that provide leakage protection. Do not worry that the pipe is not fixed tightly. The fact is that there is no pressure in the sewer system. Therefore, such connecting systems are quite reliable.

In the event that the flush tank is attached to the toilet itself, care must be taken to ensure that it is not broken by those who will use the "services" of the toilet. The fact is that when a person sits on the toilet, he can automatically lean his back on the raised lid. As a result, negative pressure is exerted on the tank, and it can come off the mount. Therefore, such toilets are advised to be installed near the wall of the room. Even if someone leans back against the tank, he will not break.

Dear forum users and undecided guests! Here I did a cosmetic renovation of the bathroom and toilet and filmed the whole process especially for you. I will be glad if my modest photo report will save some of you some time, money or nerves
This is about separate bathroom in a typical treshka house of the I (209) A series.

with a huge bathroom (150x140) and a majestic toilet (110x70)
All this is enclosed in a box of asbestos-cement sheets with a height of 230.
I'll make a reservation right away - it was initially decided to make a modest redecoration without moving the walls and installing a jacuzzi. Just to make it nice to go there, nothing more.
So let's get started.
Here's what it was:

A terrible sight, isn't it?
First, we knock down the old tile.

The tile is easily knocked off, it was glued 20 years ago, no one knows what. But old glue remains on the wall and must be removed. Otherwise, a new tile is not normally put. The old glue is removed along with the paint on which it was applied with a heat gun (building hair dryer) and a spatula.

Removed easily. But the work is boring and not interesting. Along the way, the tiles on the floor are knocked off. In the toilet, I knocked her down, because. it did not hold well there, but in the bathroom it held firmly, so I left it there as a base for a new tile.

Along the way, replaced the eyeliner to the washbasin.

For adventures related to this, see the section "Learning from mistakes"
Also, in between cleaning the walls, I change the drain in the bathroom.

He, of course, is no longer unscrewed, so it remains only to cut.

Here's what's really going on inside your pipes

It cannot be pierced by anything, so put removable plastic pipes 50 mm, which can always be removed and cleaned. Which is what I did.

To be continued...

We continue to repair.
Drain-overflow was purchased like this:

The cast-iron pipe in the toilet also could not be removed, so it was smashed with a hammer (several neighbors hanged themselves)

And a flexible corrugation is inserted through a rubber gasket.

This further helped in that the toilet could be moved back and forth when laying tiles on the walls. Otherwise it would be inconvenient.

Since you can’t live without a toilet bowl for a long time, I immediately laid the tiles on the floor and put in a new toilet bowl (I don’t remember how big it is with a guarantee), without screwing it to the floor yet.

Then he removed the old doors along with the box. And this is where it stalled.
Boxes for them used to be made specifically for this configuration of the bathroom, and in order to insert new doors, I had to pretty pervert with new jambs. The fact is that standard carton insert into such an opening with thin walls, and even so that the size is under door leaf compliance is quite problematic. opening:

I had to tighten the jambs with an additional beam (in the photo - white)

Then I hung the doors, cut in the handles and locks, and glued the trim on the outside.

Before that, I spread the electric between the doors, replacing the wires with copper and cut out a place for a mortise switch.

To be continued...

I removed the flexible wiring in the riser and put the filters on the surges. The pipes were pressed with bars.

The metal-layer decided not to install. There is a lot of fuss to get him behind the wall, and we (I hope) will not have long to live in this apartment.

Now the towel warmer.
The wife wanted a ladder with a shelf instead of a curved pipe. No sooner said than done. The supply there is, of course, quite different. To begin with, he called the ZhEKovsky plumber, who turned off the water, welded in a jumper, cut off the old heated towel rail and installed taps. (For everything, about everything - 5 tyr.)

I hid the pipe between the walls, making cuts with a grinder

Everything, you can lay tiles ...
The tiles were bought 10x10 cm, slightly different in tone from each other and with jagged edges. Rough edges are very helpful for inexperienced tilers (like me). They forgive small shifts in the masonry - as if it were meant to be.

After a long study of the market (the chief technologist of Knauf was already ready to give me the chemical formula), the glue and primer were chosen by Lugato, these are:

Ideal for application on a flexible surface (asbestos-cement sheet). True, dear, contagion. For 12 sq.m. walls and 2 sq.m. floor took exactly 3 bags of 25 kg.
Without a tile cutter - nowhere, I had to buy

But even without a grinder - too. Cut-out for a recessed outlet for a hair dryer and a light switch above the bathroom mirror:

Glue can be applied both on the wall and on the tile, where it is more convenient. You can put it from top to bottom - it does not slip.

Since the bathroom itself and the sink are green, I bought some of the same tiles, but in a green tint. Its quantity was gradually reduced from bottom to top. The tiles in the bathroom on the floor are also greenish.

I bought a mirror almost in the entire wall - 120x60 and decided not to hang it on the tile, but to do it flush with the tile. To do this, pasted on the back of Double-sided tape 3M rubber of desired thickness

I also glued the back surface with adhesive tape so that the fragments would not scatter if it suddenly breaks. And hung.

Now the ceiling.
Since the ceilings are already so low, and the task was set for me to make a suspended one with a built-in light, I screwed the bars only 2 cm thick, and cut holes for the lamps right in the asbestos-cement ceiling. There is 20 cm of empty space.

And he put plastic panels, pre-cutting holes in them for lamps and fans. Fans turn on simultaneously with the main lighting. The lamps are energy-saving, that is, they do not heat up at all, which is important for the bathroom.

Then grouting. This is where my best friend, my wife, came to the rescue.

Towel dryer installation:

And shells. Holes for the sink were drilled with a special drill:

Faucets bought "Damixa".
Skirting boards and sills in the bathroom and toilet made of tiles

Now you can glue the platbands from the inside:

Well, all kinds of baubles

Well, it went something like this:

Though it's not over yet..
I want to hide in some plastic box sewer pipe from the bathroom and sink. And still haven't figured out how to do it better back wall and the door to the riser.

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