What skills are needed in life. Where to start self-development. Ability to make informed decisions

Human body is a real mystery. It seems to you that you know absolutely everything about it, but every time it gives you reason to think when you discover its new ability. Your best course of action in this situation is to study your body and develop useful skills that involve the use of special abilities.

Sleeping bed

If you're having trouble sleeping, constantly feeling uncomfortable when you go to bed, you can use a trick to get your body and your brain to fall asleep faster. To do this, you need to use the bed solely as a place to sleep - no breaks, TV, and so on. So your body will remember that the bed is associated with sleep - and it will become easier for you to sleep.


If you feel like you're about to sneeze, but don't want to let it happen, press your tongue against your teeth. If, on the contrary, you want to sneeze, but it doesn’t work out, look at a bright light.

"Frozen brain" (ganglioneuralgia)

Everyone knows the unpleasant sensation of "freezing the brain" when you eat something cold too quickly. To get rid of this feeling, you need to massage the palate at the back of your mouth with your tongue.


There can be many reasons for heartburn, one of which is quite unusual. There is a high probability that you will experience discomfort in the stomach at night and in the morning if you sleep on your right side. To eliminate the possibility of heartburn, try sleeping on your left side.

Hold the breath

If you want to hold your breath for more long time than usual, you need to breathe quickly and sharply before you take a deep breath. This kind of breathing tricks your body into thinking that you have a large supply of air, so that you will have enough of what you have inhaled for a little longer.

Remembering information

To better remember the information, it is better for you to study it or review it right before bed. Research has shown that it is during sleep that your brain processes the data it receives best, so you can remember everything better.

Improved Hearing

If you want to better hear what is being said to you, listen with your right ear - it perceives speech better. If you want to understand what kind of melody is playing in the supermarket, listen with your left ear, as it recognizes music better.

Decreased toothache

Toothache torments everyone from time to time. And if you have such a problem, then you don’t have to immediately go for painkillers. It is enough to take an ice cube and hold it on the outside of the palm at the place where the index and thumb are connected.

Get rid of side pain

Many people experience discomfort in their right side while running. They are due to the fact that you exhale when you step on your right foot, which has a certain effect on the liver, and this causes pain. If you breathe out while stepping on your left foot, the pain will go away.

Fight myopia

If you do not see very well into the distance, then you need to deal with this problem. IN modern world it most often occurs due to constant concentration on nearby objects, such as your computer. Periodically close your eyes, take a deep breath and contract all your muscles - this will allow your eyes to relax.

Relieve numbness

Is your hand numb? You can get rid of this sensation by shaking your head from side to side - this will also reduce the unpleasant tingling when your arm wakes up. If your leg is numb, then the best way out is to walk a little.

Itchy throat

It often happens that you have an itchy or sore throat, but you cannot reach the place. Naturally, you will not put your fingers in your mouth. Try not scratching your throat, but your ear - when you do this, the throat muscles will also contract, which will help you get rid of the discomfort.

To hold back tears

If you want to hold back tears, then you need to open your eyes as wide as possible and not blink. If tears have already flowed, then you need to look up without raising your head.

clear your sinuses

The sinuses of the nose periodically torment very many, but it is not possible to clean them. To do this, you need to move your tongue across the roof of your mouth while you press your finger between your eyebrows on the bridge of your nose.

Avoid burns

Very often people touch something very hot and get burnt. To prevent blistering, you need to clean the burn and apply pressure. Don't water the burn cold water because it will only hurt you.

Prevent yawning

If you feel like yawning but can't afford it, try touching the tip of your tongue - this will kill the yawn in the bud.

Get rid of hiccups

There are a huge number of ways to get rid of hiccups that your relatives and friends can tell you. But if none of these work, you should try to fill your lungs with air and hold your breath for as long as you can, and then exhale slowly.

Overcome nausea

If you feel nausea or burping coming on, you need to hold thumb hands in a fist as hard as possible to prevent this.

Improve memory with cinnamon

Cinnamon is used for weight loss and just for fun, but few people know that you can improve memory if you sniff cinnamon.

Don't fall asleep

There is a way to keep you awake without using energy drinks and strong coffee. You need to look at the blue light for a while - this discourages the body from sleeping.

Good day, dear reader! Today I want to tell you about one of the most important skills in life for any person. Many people want to be successful in life. However, for some reason, for most of us, the gloomy everyday life of routine days (wow expression) is the norm. And nothing can be done about it ... Or can it?

Still, you must agree with me that there are a sufficient number of examples of people in the world who have made a global upheaval in their lives. How did they manage to move from point A (their current position) and come to point B (the place where all their dreams come true)? What helped them to make a qualitative breakthrough? Connections? Blat? Lucky case? Or something different?

Standard life, or I live like everyone else

In order for you to understand what is the most important skill in life (in my humble opinion), I will tell you a story about a person I know (let's call him Alexander). So that's how it was. Let's start with the school bench. At school (as, indeed, in other educational institutions, be it a college or a university), it is not customary to do something in excess of the norm. If you're doing something that most of your peers aren't doing, then you're either a sucker or a nerd.

This worldview is cultivated among students, thereby forming a certain public opinion among schoolchildren (or students). At the same time, Alexander, in order not to be a black sheep among his peers, never really strained. He did exactly what was needed. Everything is standard. Maybe less, but nothing more.

For average young man“Being your own” among a company of peers is much more important than self-realization of one’s potential (and, of course, it is in each of us). After leaving school, Alexander enters a university and there also continues to follow his habit - to do exactly as much as necessary.

The key word here is habit. As you can see, Alexander's environment had a special influence on the formation of this habit. Perhaps he, in the depths of his soul, would like to do more than he is asked, but the environment, in other words, public opinion, give him a different “installation”.

So, 5 years come, and our friend graduates from his higher educational institution. He never really stood out among his peers, he was a typical "middle peasant".

It's time to go to work. With grief in half, our friend finds a more or less worthy (in his opinion) job and begins to "realize himself as a professional." As you know, especially in commercial structures, management is trying to "drink all the juice" from their subordinates. It is clear that entrepreneurs need every ruble spent to work and “generate” new money. Therefore, Alexander has to plow like hell in order to stay in his current workplace.

Management constantly demands that he work more efficiently, more productively. At the same time, Alexander seems to want to work more, but some inner strength does not allow him to fully realize himself. Why is this happening? You must have already guessed. It's all about a habit acquired in the distant past, and backfired at the present time.

A habit can make a creator out of a person who realizes all his dreams, or it can gradually limit a person, instilling in him that doing something in excess of the norm is bad, that the one who does this is either sick or just a fool.

This philosophy of striving for doing nothing is implanted in the brain of a person by his immediate environment. Every day you are fed by your loved ones with the energy of “freebies”, “lying on the couch”, etc. It is very difficult to deal with the beliefs that you have formed over the course of several years. As they say, with whom you will behave ...

What conclusion can be drawn from the story about Alexander that I just told you? Every person has the inner makings for success. It is a fact. However, not everyone is able to fulfill themselves in this life. This is also a fact. Why does this happen in most cases? That's right, because negative impact of your surroundings. We live by someone else’s opinion, as if we don’t have our own opinion at all.
How, then, is it possible to break through the opinions of the “experts in life”? How can you overcome any stereotypes and become what you want? What, in the end, is a skill necessary for success in life? So you have read up to the moment when I will tell you what, in my opinion, the skill is main skill in life.

Main skill in life

So. You have been reading this article for a long time and, finally, now you will learn about the most important skill that you need to achieve your goals. Meet the most important skill in life- This ability to do.

Yes, yes, what did you think? Would you like to hear about some "new bike"? In vain. Believe me, if you master this skill (at least 50% of your potential), then you will begin to live happily ever after. If on large quantity percent, then - a great man. If you are close to 100%, then you will be a genius.

Ironically, many of you are disappointed right now. “I also have a habit! I already knew about it very well, ”or“ ... I already work like a damned one, but I live far from clover. Well, then, as they say, Game Over or game over for you. You are unlikely to be convinced.

If you do not think so, and are constantly in search a better life then you really need to master this skill.

You think that you have this skill, however, in fact, they don't own.

Do you want me to prove it to you? For example, you are probably the kind of person who likes to create something new and interesting. At the same time, a person, inventing something new, always asks the opinions of his friends. On the first successful occasion, you turn to your friends or acquaintances and so, by chance, ask: “What do you think about this?” Like any other "normal" person, your adviser tells you that your idea is good, but you will not implement it.

In the same way, you turn to your other "adviser" and get about the same answer. After several such "appeals" you already stop believing in yourself. “What if my idea really isn’t feasible?” Again, that's it, Game Over.

However, if you at least half master the skill of doing, then I assure you that the opinion of other people will not be in the first place for you. You just go ahead and do what you planned to do in your head. Dot.

Just imagine how much you would have already done if not for this notorious public opinion. However, the problem with public opinion is solved quite simply. If you really like to listen to other people's opinions, then I advise you to do the following.

Algorithm for dealing with public opinion:

1) Listened to other people's opinions about your project;

2) Forgot other people's opinions about your project.

Well, how? A simple algorithm for a (really) simple problem. By the way, here is another topic that I want to warn you against. Even if you do something with passion and something doesn’t work out for you at first, then your “advisors” will hundred percent say the following: “Yeah, I told you that you won’t succeed!”

Never, never, never take these words to heart! These are the words of those people who in their lives have not done a damn thing (forgive the expression) for anything worthwhile. If you communicate with really normal people, then I assure you that such people will never tell you that you are losers, your life is a series of failures.

Believe me, if you find among your surroundings the right people who have already achieved something in this life, then by communicating with them you will be able to cope with your difficulties and achieve what you dream of.

Even if your idea fails to smithereens (which I doubt) - this is not a reason for despair. As Napoleon Hill, the author of famous books on self-development and success, said: “In every failure there are seeds of good luck.” Always remember these words, and then any problem will be a springboard for you to higher achievements.

Conclusion: In this article, I told you about the most important skill in life is the ability to. At the same time, it is important to be able to do in any situation, with any opinion about your idea. No public opinion can make you stray from the intended course if you really have the skill of doing.

You may be wondering, “How can you acquire this skill?” I answer: and you remember the story about Alexander. How did they kill the makings of great efficiency in it

That's right: by daily bombarding his mind with formed public opinion (God, what an expression). To put it simply, Alexander simply developed the habit of not doing anything in excess of the norm.

Again, the key word here is habit. If you do, do, do every day, then after 21 days (as they say in smart books), you will simply develop a habit, thanks to which you will be able to make such revolutions in your life (or quantum leaps) that all your relatives and friends will be simply shocked.

By the way, just think about it. 21 days to form a habit. And you have been bombarded with public opinion for several years now. Think about it.

Now you know about main skill in life.

First, a flood of information swept us away from the island of established stereotypes. With the birth of the new millennium, humanity found itself face to face with an incredible amount of knowledge for which we were simply not ready. Having wiped the dirt of the mudflow of data from our faces, we began to find and comprehend previously inaccessible information. And among this knowledge is the invaluable understanding that we can completely change our destiny through the development of new skills.

And it turned out to be a difficult task. Because at school we were diligently taught to assimilate theoretical information, but they did not tell us how to develop skills and abilities. Because at university the magic word "practice" was too often just a word. And so we came to the realization that we simply do not know how to apply practical skills.

And there are a lot of them, and even the simplest ones can radically change our personality. And today we will talk about the basic skills necessary for successful work, improving the quality of life and harmonious communication. But first, I will share with you a general algorithm for developing skills and abilities.

How to quickly develop skills?

There are four main pillars to learning new skills quickly and effectively.

  • Master only one skill at a time. In order for the skill to take root in our lives, rooted to the level of automatism, we need to pay maximum attention to it. Childhood is a period when a person is able to embrace an incredible amount of new knowledge. At this time, we simultaneously learn to walk, talk, hold a spoon and tie shoelaces. This takes years - despite the fact that our consciousness is most open to the new. In adulthood, this ability is blunted. Even mastering one skill will become a real stress for the psyche and body. In addition, the skills we learn at the same time will subconsciously link together and act as a complex phenomenon. This can lead to a completely unexpected effect. For example, if for some reason you cannot use one skill or it is not needed at a given time, the second one may “fall off” by analogy. Learning one skill in one period of time should take place in a concentrated form, then you can master it as quickly as possible and move on to the next.
  • Train a lot, at first not paying attention to the quality of the work done. I do not urge you to complete tasks in the "bang-bang" mode. But the thing is, nothing works out well at first, no matter how hard we try. By trying to emphasize quality in learning, we slow ourselves down. IN this case quantity is more important - it is better to do a lot of repetitions with an average result than few, but with a good one. Studies show that with constant intensive practice, shortcomings go away by themselves, people learn much faster than when trying to do everything perfectly in the first stages.
  • Practice the new skill many times. An interesting observation: after attending any training or master class, most participants show worse results than they would show with an amateur approach without professional information. This is because the application of new skills in practice is always associated with inexperience, we feel discomfort and helplessness, because our mind and body are not used to performing these actions. To understand how well a particular skill is given to you, you need to repeat it several times, at least three.
  • Do not use new skills in important matters. I think after reading the previous three points, you can guess why. Imagine that you have just mastered the skill, and immediately try to test it in "combat" conditions. The importance of the situation makes you nervous, stress from the inconvenience of novelty is superimposed on the excitement, the skill has not yet been worked out properly ... And-and-and everything turns out even worse than if this skill was not used at all. Remember - you must first rehearse it well in a calm situation, and only then apply it in stressful circumstances.

What skills to develop?

There are many skills available to master. Some of them will be useful to any person, regardless of profession, the need for others depends on the field of work. Today we will briefly talk about what skills to develop in order to improve your personal characteristics. If you want to get more information about certain skills and abilities, pay attention to the large number of links that you will meet in the process of reading - they all lead to articles published on our website. These materials describe in detail the methods of developing skills, exercises for mastering them, and provide a lot of useful theoretical information.

Skills can be divided into several groups:

For example, increased resilience includes a whole range of ideological "upgrades": ability to deal with stress, understanding the importance of the actions taken to change one's own destiny, the correct perception of the challenges that life throws at us. A person with high resilience regards all the events that happen to him as a source of important experience, and problems as tasks that need to be solved, and not as a reason to go on a binge or become discouraged.

For any kind of activity it is important development of personal responsibility. In addition to the fact that a high level of responsibility is necessary for business growth, it helps to gain the trust and respect of those around you. Without this, career advancement and financial success are impossible, no matter how hard you try.

It is rightly said that only 10% of a person's achievements is talent and 90% is hard work. For this we must have high level self-discipline, since almost any result comes through daily and often boring work.

But in order to quickly develop skills, first of all, you need to get out of the minus at least to zero, and then start growing. If you can’t force yourself to do even ordinary things, then what kind of success and achievement can there be? First you need to overcome laziness ( beat procrastination).

Even in order to take the first step towards your goals, you will need perseverance and perseverance. Someone thinks that these are innate qualities, but in reality we can even development of purposefulness.

Our lives are largely dependent on help and cooperation. And, probably, you know that a business partnership is always more pleasant and productive if both parties experience ordinary human sympathy for each other. Whether you're a business starter, a successful entrepreneur, or just dreaming of an exciting career, developing your communication skills should be your daily homework. It will also improve family relationships and help you make new friends.

Much of the communication information is non-verbal means communication, and especially on facial expressions. We can tell a lot more through a facial expression, raising an eyebrow or looking at it than we can with words. Therefore, it is necessary develop facial expressions to be able not only to talk with her help, but also to control when you don’t want to give out your feelings.

Knowing how to develop communication skills, we will be able to pick up master keys to the hearts of many people, make them our reliable friends and partners.

Pleasant speech is a requirement not only for employees, but also for business owners, because they have to negotiate a lot. This concept includes a huge number of components. For example, in order to be able to speak beautifully, we must have rich vocabulary . He is an indicator intellectual development person, helps correctly formulate your thoughts. No matter how interesting your ideas are, who will believe in their genius if you try to convey them with the help of ridiculous designs.

For a beautiful pronunciation, we need to be able to use our speech apparatus. This also does not appear by itself - you will need development of articulation. Have you noticed - people who speak beautifully are drawn like a magnet? I want to listen to them again and again...

The development of speech skills will be incomplete if we do not pay attention to the beauty of the voice. You can have excellent articulation and speak almost in verse, but if you wheeze or wheeze at the same time, the whole effect is in vain. Exists whole line good habits and exercises to help make the voice pleasant and beautiful .

Development of the imagination will make you more creative, help you learn to find new and extraordinary solutions for any task. It's not just for people creative professions- new approaches are necessary for businessmen, engineers, and marketers. In order to get around competitors, you need to follow an unworn path, and for this you will first have to find it.

In order not to miss a rare opportunity and at the same time not be a victim of your own mistakes - develop observation. Studies have shown that mindfulness not only improves the quality of work, but also increases a person’s luck. Indeed, in many cases, luck is just an opportunity noticed in time.

But in order not only to notice, but also to draw the right conclusions, we need a well-pumped logical thinking . By clicking on the link and reading the article, you will learn a lot interesting facts- for example, that logic is not our innate property, and that it can be developed at any age.

It is also important for us to be able to remember the necessary information in such a way as to find it in the back streets of memory - for this we recommend using basic mnemonic memorization technique through associative visual and abstract images.

So that skill development does not turn into a boring "obligation", treat it like a game. In fact, the character of a person is a kind of equalizer, a set of parameters, on the settings of which our characteristics depend. A little more or less responsibility, self-control, fantasy, attentiveness and other qualities - and now we have absolutely different people. After all, is it really interesting to experiment on one's own personality, observing how one change entails another?

Skills need to be developed, no doubt. Stop fooling yourself into saying that character can't be changed, or that you're too old to change. Not true. You can learn, grow above yourself and improve all your life. And as long as you follow this path, you will always be young at heart. It is sad to be a person who can no longer be surprised by anything - such people simply stopped in their development. Those whose eyes and minds are wide open always find something that can capture their imagination and inspire them to new achievements.

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Every man learns in life what he believes will be useful to him personally. Something important and irreplaceable. But at the same time, there are useful skills that could also be mastered, because these skills usually remain on the sidelines, but can be in demand at any time by the people around him. So that if suddenly there is some local apocalypse, an emergency or just a difficult situation, they would say about such a man: “There is a real man among us, he will do everything!” And this “do” can be about anything from the very basics of survival, finding water and providing first aid, to cooking, buying clothes and fixing a car.

Therefore, here are 50 skills that are extremely useful and necessary for every man to learn ...

1. Carpentry

Carpentry is one of the oldest and most useful human skills. We can say that this is one of the reasons for the existence of our civilization. Carpentry has been around for thousands of years, and is more than relevant today. You don't have to be able to build a house from scratch, but some common things like sawing, planing and drilling, using power tools, hammering nails, driving screws, assembling and disassembling furniture, building something as simple as a shelf, or even a birdhouse. - it is simply necessary to know and be able to.

2. First aid

After obtaining water, first aid is the most important survival skill. Fortunately, in our time, the ability to provide first aid is not something that will be required of you every day, but if you know how to treat a wound and stop the bleeding, sooner or later it will save your life or someone else's life. Simply that knowing the basics of first aid means knowing your limits. If you're not a doctor, you don't need to try to put a broken bone back in place, because in the end, this attempt will lead to more damage or even rupture of large blood vessels, and, ultimately, death ...

3. Building a fire

The skill of building a campfire is suitable for survival situations, as well as for hiking and camping. It is important to remember that the guarantee of a good flame and a "tenacious" fire is its breathing, that is, the flow of oxygen. Still need to know the advantages and disadvantages various kinds wood while burning, and "kindling" options for a fire (for example, freshly cut branches will be too wet to start a fire). Creating fire is a very slow process if done right. This is not a bunch of dry branches at the bottom of the barbecue, which you need to douse with lighter fluid and throw a burning match there. Here you have to actually coax the fire into life, slowly feed it and grow it in order to get the maximum benefit later.

4. Construction of a hut or any other shelter

We hope you never have to spend the night in wild nature in a situation where you have never planned it and did not want to. But, if this happens, you will have to build a shelter from the weather and wild animals. Any design will do - from a simple hut to a more advanced shelter. However, remember that it is not enough to simply build a pile of branches and spruce branches, it is more important to think about bedding that insulates you from the cold ground when you sleep, and how such a design can protect you from rain, wind and predators. And one more thing - choose wisely and the area itself. A survival shelter set up in a riverbed or on a wildlife trail can do more harm than good.

5. Buying a suit

You might think that an event like buying a suit is something simple and not very necessary. But here you are mistaken, this is a very complex and useful skill. Buying a good suit is more like buying a car. To make a successful purchase, you will not only have to learn to distinguish between style, cut and cut, but also be well versed in pricing, distinguish good propositions from divorce. Most the best option here - turn to a professional tailor or atelier to ultimately get a suit that will perfectly fit your figure. In this it is not a shame to go to an interview, to a wedding best friend or any other formal event requiring respectability in appearance.

6. Fishing

There is a saying: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish - he will be fed all his life! A hackneyed phrase, but that's the way it is. Fishing is a useful skill and great way get the essential protein, whether you're on a river, stranded on a desert island, or just love sushi and rolls. Fishing is also a great opportunity to relax in nature, relaxing and enjoying the great weather. There are several ways to fish, look, study, maybe something specific will suit your taste.

7. Changing a wheel on a car

According to statistics, every man at least once in his life punctures a tire on a wheel, even if he does not drive a car =)

The vast majority of cars have a spare tire, in the trunk, on the roof or on back door. IN emergency when you have a flat tire on your car, you should be able to replace it with a spare. At the very least, this will save time, because instead of waiting for someone to come to the rescue - and will they? - you will change the wheel and return to the intended route.

8. Engine oil change

Changing the oil in your car's engine is undoubtedly more important and responsible than changing a wheel. If you "kill a tire" - buying a new one is not difficult, and it's not that expensive. But an irregular oil change or no oil change at all will lead to engine breakdown - its repair will be much more expensive, by an order of magnitude. Hint: knowing how to change your oil saves you time and money - you will pay much more in a car service than just buying oil and a filter. Of course, you don't always have to change the oil yourself, but you can save money and learn something new if you decide to do it yourself.

9. Photographing

Aimed the lens and pressed the shutter button, what could be easier? But seriously, it's much more complicated. To do good photo, you need much more time and attention than just pressing a button. It is necessary to take into account the location of both the subject and secondary objects, find a good background, catch the necessary focus, lighting. Ideally, get confused with depth of field and shutter speed. This is a useful skill, because even if you are just photographing relatives for a family album, you will have great photos as a keepsake.

10 CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be seen as a necessary addition to basic first aid skills. We have taken this useful skill separately, since it involves saving the life of another person, and not your own. CPR techniques are constantly evolving, and the theses of 20 years ago are very different from modern methods, mainly due to research and practice. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a skill that needs to be practiced regularly - if you ever learned how to do CPR, it does not mean that you will do everything right today. And you probably won't even. Remember, this knowledge has saved as many lives as ignorance has ruined.

11. Making cocktails

Whiskey and cola is not a real cocktail. Sorry, but it's true =)

Real alcoholic cocktails require a little more knowledge and the ability to select ingredients and their quantities. Especially if you have your own home bar and you want to really enjoy your drinks, you'd do well to learn at least a few really good cocktail recipes. You can start with simple and time-tested flavors, and then, when you feel confident, move on to more modern alcoholic cocktails.

12. Critical thinking and situational awareness

Noticing everything around you and reacting correctly is one of those things that is much easier said than done. It's hard to learn, and it's easy to "jump off" this way of behaving. Nevertheless, if you can devote at least a little time to development every day, you will see that at any moment you can easily look from the outside both your own life and your environment and everything that concerns you. It is called critical thinking is one of those qualities that will help you succeed in training all the other skills on this list.

13. Dancing

Perhaps you don't always have rock and roll in your head and you're not ready to start dancing at the first notes of tango. However, there is much more dancing in our society than we would like to think. This happens especially often at weddings, for example - there dancing is generally a mandatory phenomenon. Therefore, learn at least one popular dance - at least you will not lose your face, and if circumstances coincide, you will win the heart the best girl at a party just by dancing with her.

14. Playing cards

Have you been to Las Vegas? This city is unforgettable, and one of the reasons is that playing cards is elevated to an absolute art there. And even if you never intend to visit Sin City, you can always have a good time playing cards with friends. There are many card games that can and should be learned. From the American classics, of course, this is Texas Poker, Blackjack and Rummy. We are closer to such old men as Preference, Brizhd, Goat and of course the Fool.

15. Ability to dress "for the occasion"

Do not wear jeans to a formal meeting. Don't wear a tuxedo to a pool party. Don't wear your favorite band's T-shirt to an interview. These cases are greatly exaggerated, but nevertheless they give a good idea of ​​what clothes, where and how to wear. Whoever thinks, but the ability to dress properly for the occasion is akin to an art, often in addition to experience, it requires highly developed intuition, and sometimes even luck.

16. Driving in bad weather

Wherever there are roads, there are difficult driving conditions dictated by bad weather - heavy rain, snowstorm or even a storm. Safe driving in bad weather includes not just continuing to drive, but also ensuring safe conditions for other road users. Some of our advice is simple - for example, don't brake hard on wet roads, avoid hydroplaning, don't steer in strong crosswinds. Be careful, and you will save yourself and your car from trouble.

17. Driving a car with a manual transmission

At first glance, it may seem that the era of manual transmission cars is coming to an end. And here is nothing like that, partly thanks to lovers of extreme driving. Believe me - far from always you will be able to travel by car with a gun. Therefore, the ability to control a mechanical gear lever is in demand and necessary - master this useful skill if you have not already done so! Moreover, with a manual “box”, the car is much better controlled and felt on the road or track. Well, and another - an important plus - you simply will not have free hands to be distracted by your smartphone while driving.

18. Driving with a trailer

Imagine that you decide to move, or you just need to transport a few things from your house to the country. Maybe you want to go on a cross-country trip with a motorhome attached to your pickup truck. In any case, you should know that driving with a trailer is fundamentally different from driving a car or even a truck. Driving with a trailer is much more difficult - this applies to accelerating, braking, turning and turning, and especially reversing and maintaining stability on the road at speed. And it takes practice and more practice.

19. Felling trees

To fell a tree, you will simply chop and chop the wood with an ax until a crack is heard, after which you will yell “Be afraid! Tree!"? Not really an option. Chopping and felling trees requires a lot more knowledge than "picking up an ax and felling a fucking tree." By using correct technique felling, you save the lion's share of your strength, and set the direction where the tree will fall. And this will ensure the safety of you and the people around you, as well as convenience in subsequent processing.

20. Search and purification of water

As we said, getting water is the most important and useful survival skill. Lost in the wilderness, in the steppe or in the desert, you can live for weeks without food, but die in a matter of days without water. At a minimum, learn how to find and extract water - and this will save your life. Developing a skill involves studying options when water cannot be consumed, or you can - but after careful disinfection and filtration. For example, stagnant water is almost guaranteed to cause acute poisoning, and then dehydration will come much earlier.

21. Elimination of leaks

A leaking pipe, faucet, or hose is a fairly common occurrence within city limits. In addition to the fact that this is a waste and can generally damage the floor, walls and ceilings, constantly dripping water causes irritation. And calling a plumber can be expensive. Therefore, be patient and try to fix everything yourself, you will save time and money. And, yes, buy the appropriate set of tools to get started.

22. Gardening

Historically, gardening has been a purely male occupation, no matter how strange it may sound. According to sources, it was men who were more likely to agriculture. Perhaps this is due to the fact that initially fruits and vegetables were grown in gardens for survival and, in general, autonomous existence. So gardening does not mean growing flowers, but cultivating food.

23. Cooking and frying meat

Barbecue or barbecue in the backyard, on the beach and in the park is one of our favorite activities, because it combines two beautiful things: food and nature. However, you need to understand and comprehend the basics of frying meat - marinating barbecue, cooking methods, what kind of firewood, coal, how to grill meat on a barbecue (here, by the way, a whole layer of science, including the safety of handling propane). In the end, thanks to this useful skill, you can cook delicious kebabs, fry killer steaks and juicy burgers whenever your heart desires.

24. Ability to write by hand

We live in a digital world - and this is kind of a sad fact, because in this way we will soon completely forget how to write by hand. So don't let that happen and practice whenever you can. Believe it or not, but if you write something down on paper, and not drive it into a tablet or smartphone, then it will take root in our memory much more reliably. Sometimes writing something by hand in a notebook will turn out even faster than typing in a laptop. In any case, you will be happy that you can write beautifully and quickly, if suddenly digital technology fails ...

25. Ability to hang something anywhere

Why is this a simple matter allocated space in our article? Imagine, here, too, not everything is simple. Hang the picture on a nail driven in with a hammer wooden wall, does not require special skills. And if the wall is brick, concrete? And then how to check if the picture hangs exactly? Here you need, for example, a level ... Excuse me, what?

But, let's say, you have to hang something heavy on a plaster wall - here you will need a completely different level of this kind of simple skill. Rest assured, you will soon find out what are anchor fasteners, stainless steel profiles, drywall dowels, and so on and so forth. Therefore - at least buy a drill, dowels and a few anchors. And the level.

The parents are responsible for the children. Everything that is vital and necessary to know and be able to do in order to be successful and happy should be taught to children by their parents. This article will give you 10 life skills to teach kids.

The knowledge that is necessary to be happy, successful and healthy is not given from birth. The instinct of self-preservation and other innate features of the human body do not guarantee psychological well-being insofar as a person is not only a biological, but also a social being. Everything that is really necessary for survival in society has to be learned.

Man learns from his birth. Knowledge comes from experience or brought into consciousness as a result of their transmission to children from adults. The process of transferring and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities is education as the main means of preparing a person for life and work.

A special role in the education of the younger generation is assigned to school. Although this is usually not the only educational institution in a person's life, it is here that he acquires the greatest amount of knowledge.

One can argue for a long time about what children are taught at school and how useful this knowledge is. It is clear that most of them are purely theoretical. Children in school study science, but not practice and not life. Vital and practical skills should be taught to children by their parents.

Parents are responsible for their minor children, and this responsibility is not only legal, but also psychological character . For quite short term childhood father and mother need to learn the child a lot.

In order to understand what the baby should be taught, you need to be aware of the goal, namely, to know the answer to the question “What kind of person would you like a child to grow up?”. Most loving parents only want the best for their children, so they respond: Healthy, successful, happy».

Vital Skills

The first thing to understand when raising a child is that it is impossible to demand and expect from him what he is not taught and what he does not observe in the behavior and character of his parents.

It is foolish to demand determination, courage, independence from the baby, if the only thing that is instilled in him is the obligation to obey his elders, sit still, fall asleep quickly, not meddle with questions, and so on, that is, be submissive and lack initiative.

It is ineffective to wean the child from bad habit if the parents have it.

Of course, self-education also plays an important role in a person’s life, but still it is based on parental education.

You can help your baby grow up healthy, successful and happy if you instill in him such skills and abilities:

How older child, the more lively, active interest in the world around him, he shows: first, silently feeling with his hands and trying “by the tooth”, and then turning into a “why” - why is the grass green; why the sky is blue; where the babies come from? The kid wants to know everything! And it is very important not to drown out this desire in him with banal or false answers or even silence in response.

To ask questions- a skill that a person needs throughout his life. This is the basis of curiosity. Thanks to this skill, a person learns not only the world, thus developing the intellect, but also oneself.

All the great scientists, inventors, discoverers, businessmen were distinguished by the ability to ask questions.

Do not "swallow" all the information coming from outside, do not take a word, do not trust unverified sources, but analyze, compare, compare, verify, find necessary information among the mountains unnecessary, to have own opinion You can only learn to ask questions.

In addition to asking questions, components of curiosity are:

  • the ability to learn;
  • love for knowledge;
  • hobbies, hobbies.

Self-reliance and self-confidence

These undeniably necessary qualities for a person are also formed in early childhood. Already at the age of three, the child strives and should be able to do what he wants on one's own. No matter how scared the parents are for the baby and no matter how much they want to protect him from any danger, you need to give him freedom (naturally taking the necessary security measures).

By drowning out initiative, activity and the desire to do everything on their own, you can raise an infantile, fearful, passive, insecure child.

Self confidence It is formed when parents support, praise, encourage the baby in his endeavors and give him the opportunity to be alone.

Personal space and time forms the child's ability to don't be afraid of loneliness, do not consider it something terrible, but perceive it as an opportunity to understand yourself or do what is interesting.

Having realized their "I" at about three years old, children understand what is "mine", "alien", "general" (and not only things, but also feelings). The ability to share, give, selflessly help, sympathize, empathize, compassion, reckon with those who nearby create a counterbalance to natural egoism and help a person to socialize in a society where there is no order and peace without goodness and mutual assistance.

It is easier to be an egoist than an altruist. But, being an altruist, it is also important not to go to extremes and not forget about reasonable selfishness for your own good.

At some point, the child begins to realize the value of money. He establishes a connection between the ability to satisfy a need, the availability of money and work. Parents are paid wages because they work. But different work is paid differently, there is also one for which a person receives not money, but spiritual values.

How to encourage a child for work, materially or non-materially, is a private matter of the family. But so that the child does not grow up greedy and does not believe that everything can be bought for money, in any case, he must know what labor is " thank you».

Homework is not paid, but the love of work most often begins with the performance of this particular work. The kid helps his mother with the housework, and the reward for his help is her admiration, gratitude, care and love, which cause a lot of positive emotions. It is happiness as "payment" for work that gives rise in the child to the desire to work again and again with joy.

On the other hand, children must learn manage money, because in adulthood they cannot do without it, which means that parents need to please their children with pocket money.

Ability to negotiate

Tolerance for differences between people and the understanding that all people are different needs to be conveyed to the child, starting at about the age of three. Skill respect another, its features and interests will come in handy already in kindergarten when the child enters the stage of socialization.

If these skills are reinforced in a preschooler, they will later turn into a skill agree find compromises and resolve conflicts. Such qualities as diplomacy and non-conflict are formed, which in adulthood will help build harmonious relationships both at home and at work.

Time Management

Important components of time management:

  • observance of the daily routine,
  • making plans for the near future,
  • goal setting and goal setting.

If children are taught to the daily routine from early childhood, then other skills are developed later, at about 12-18 years old, when the child is already sufficiently developed intellectually.

The most important thing that a child should learn from parents is the ability to appreciate the time, do not waste it, understand that it is an important life resource.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to have values, principles and life guidelines, but it is also important not to “ossify” in them. The world is changing rapidly and sometimes shocking with its innovations, but if you do not adapt to them, it is difficult to be successful and happy.

What helps to be labile - creativity in the broad sense of the word:

  • the ability to look at things from a different perspective,
  • unconventional approach to problem solving
  • think not only logically, but also creatively,
  • go beyond the usual and traditional,
  • be the creator of your life
  • develop as a person.

The need to change with the world, adapt, learn new things and not stop in development should be taken as a rule by a child in childhood. And to be more precise, he don't forget how it's done, because all preschoolers think figuratively, fantasize, see the world differently than adults.

Small children look at the world for the first time, therefore they are interested not only in form, but also in content, which is why they are sometimes wiser than adults.

Schoolchildren are taught to think logically, thereby driving thinking into the framework, eliminating "as unnecessary" creativity, curiosity, freedom of choice and the plurality of correct options.

Know how to find your

In life it is important to understand and know yourself: their individual characteristics, abilities, talents, focus, goals, preferences, and so on. Knowing "your own", it is easier to find it. This knowledge and skill helps to make right life choice.

One of overriding choice in life - choice of profession. It has to be done by a child, a teenager who is not yet mature enough as a person. This choice cannot be made correctly if you do not know the characteristics of your personality and do not understand what profession you will like.

It is from ignorance of oneself and the inability to find “one’s own” that children go to study anywhere, where it’s prestigious, where their parents said, where classmates went, and so on, and then the money for five years of study is thrown away because the diploma is gathering dust on the shelf , and the child does not work in his specialty.

Of course, not always the wrong choice becomes the reason for the inability to get a job in the specialty. Many other factors influence this. But still, a person who has studied in his field has a much better chance of being realized in the profession and becoming successful, because he loves the business he has chosen.

The second, no less important choice in the life of every person is choice of life partner. Here it is also important to know “one’s own”: what kind of person is suitable, with whom it will be comfortable, what relationships will become the key to personal happiness, how to distinguish love from self-interest, deceit, dislike, and the like.

Getting married “because all the girlfriends are long gone” or getting married because of age, parents want grandchildren and so on is often the wrong way.

The herd feeling and behavior "as directed from above" are the problems of very many people, the existence of which some scientists associate with the ideology that reigned in our society in the last century. Like everything in the world, collectivism is not bad if it is not exaggerated. Listening to the advice of elders can be useful, but you need to make decisions on your own.

Survival Skills

The modern world is comfortable to live in due to the large number of benefits of civilization, but is still very fragile. It is good when a child grows up surrounded by everything necessary, but it is bad if he grows up too pampered and cut off from nature.

Although many schools teach the basics of life safety, it would be good to on practice to teach your child in adolescence to survive in extreme and primitive conditions:

  • provide first aid,
  • organize life in field conditions,
  • make a fire,
  • distinguish between edible and non-edible edible plants and fruits
  • look for water sources
  • navigate the area.

The ability to be happy is perhaps the most important and vital skill for a person. Like creativity, the ability to enjoy life is inherent in all young children, they do not need to be taught this.

The problem is that over the years this skill lost and what was simple in childhood becomes an unattainable dream in adulthood. Therefore, the task of parents is to reinforce the skill to be happy, to enjoy every little thing and not to lose heart both in the child and in themselves!

Components of being happy:

  • optimism,
  • positive thinking,
  • the ability to enjoy the little things
  • the ability to regard mistakes as a useful experience,
  • concern for their psychological well-being.

child skill taking care of their psychological well-being, few people in society take into account. Meanwhile, this is an extremely urgent problem!

Why is physical education taught at school, but there is no “psychological culture” subject? But the horrifying statistics testify to the urgent need to teach children about psychological culture.

Many countries that were part of the USSR today occupy a leading position in the list of child mortality due to suicide. Among the twenty-five countries with the highest number of suicides are Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Russia ranks first among European countries in terms of the number of suicides among children and adolescents.

Every child should know that any problem is solvable, that he can be happy, no matter how hard it is for him at the moment, that you need to believe in yourself and never give up!

This is what parents really need to teach their children!

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