Better post-workout recovery. Recovery after training - rest and grow

Muscle Recovery - This actual topic for any sport, because, other things being equal, the more often and more intensively an athlete trains, the faster he progresses, and in order to train more, more often and more powerfully, it is not -ho-di-mo recover-hundred-but-twist after training. Co-from-vest-ven-but, absolutely any sports-shifter is looking for ways to speed up the process of restoring. Is it possible? Yes it is possible! Moreover, it needs to be done. This topic is especially relevant in speed-growth-but-strength sports, since technical skill in this case plays a lesser role than in game disciplines or martial arts. In this regard, it’s not-about-ho-di-mo-rob-but to understand the basic principles of restoring-new-le-niya and auxiliary ways of its us-ko-re-niya.

First, it should be understood that different systems organisms have different terms and after-le-do-va-tel-ness of re-stand-nov-le-niya. That is why the regeneration of muscle tissue never starts until the moment of complete restoration of energy systems. In this regard, in the process of training, some systems are constantly not-up to-restoring-a-hundred-nav-whether-wa-yut-sya, which, in the end, can lead to « plateau » , so it is necessary to go-do-vom tre-no-ro-voch-nom plan take this into account and, in accordance with this, draw up macro-cycles. Secondly, you should understand that there are basic things, and there are secondary things. The basic conditions for resurrection include nutrition and sleep, and everything else is secondary. And if you don’t follow the basic conditions for restoring after a tre-ni-ditch, then no secondary ma-ni-pu -la-tion will not be able to replace this!

Basic Recovery Factors

Nutrition: the most fundamental recovery factor, since with a lack of one or another macro or micro nutrient, the regeneration of organic tissues and energy systems will be significantly slowed down. Many people think that the most important food nut-ri-en-tom is protein, because all the magazines scream about how important protein . But the magazines are screaming about it only because the protein costs much more gay no-ra , but, in fact, the principal-qi-pi-al-noe value is precisely the corner-le-water. And precisely because of this, all si-lo-vi-ki, for which the presence of the press does not play a significant role, allow themselves to have " excess weight". So, remember , the more ka-lo-riy-ness of pi-ta-niya, the faster you recover! On the other hand, without measure, but corrode, in order to “dry” all this later, losing the accumulated results, it’s also meaningless, but, in this way it is recommended to count calories and eat according to circadian rhythms. You can read more about this here: men's diet ; bio-lo-gi-ches-kie rhythm-we .

Dream: the same fundamental factor in muscle recovery as nutrition, since it is impossible to compensate for its lack of current. It is necessary to sleep at night, in the dark time of the day, because at this time you-ra-ba-you-va-et-sya is more than all-me-la-to-no-na, pain- More than when a person sleeps from 10 pm to 6 am, this allows you to achieve the greatest production of growth hormone. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, and you should sleep at least 10: 8 hours at night and 2 hours during the day. It is clear that not everyone can afford such a schedule, but you need to strive for the ideal! Especially ben-but important is sleep at the time of hu-de-nia, since the utilization of subcutaneous fat in-ten-siv-nothing goes on just in a dream, in connection with which , it can be argued that the more you sleep, the faster hu-de-e-those.

Recovery training methods

Split: we are talking it's not about organizing a training schedule by muscle group, it's about dis-membering tre-ni-ro-wok. The shorter the workout, the faster you can recover after it. And it’s not about the fact that the author needs a “boat”, like ma-te-ro-mu “ka-pi-ta-nu”. The point is that the total time required for muscle recovery between three training sessions will be shorter than the time that will not be -di-mo for restoring-new-le-tion, in the event that you put the volume of three tre-ni-ro-wok in one well. For example, if you do 6 exercises of 5 sets for 5 reps for a tre-ni-ditch, then you need to-to-beat-sya to restore new-le-tion time equal to n. If you are half-no-those 2 exercises in the morning, go home, sleep, then in the afternoon go back to the gym and you-half-none-those 2 more exercises, then rest again and already in the evening you-half-none-those 2 more exercises, then it’s time for a complete recovery-new-le- niya will be equal to n-1. At the same time, the intensity of more short workouts will increase. Therefore, if you are tre-ni-rue-tes 3 times a week, it is better to break the same volume into 6 times.

Warm-up and cool-down: two very important factors in muscle recovery, since both help prevent injury, and also allow you to quickly restore energy after training. And you remember that the muscles begin to re-stand-nav-li-va-sya only after the energy-ge-ti-ka was restored! Sa-mo so-fight, to the post-le-tre-ni-ro-voch-no-mu re-sto-new-le-niyu warm-up it has nothing to do with it, it is more needed for preventing injuries, but for this it is necessary for a min. What's for-min-ka? Za-min-ka pos-vo-la-et to speed up the process of removing lactate from the muscles, and this is the first thing that can not be done in order to start re-ge-not-ra-tion energy-ge-ti-ki.

Toning workouts: Another great training way to speed up recovery, the essence of which is to conduct light workouts. You can run in the morning, or “pro-ka-chi-va-sya” with light dumbbells, dispersing the blood, in general, doing something that allows you to achieve pumping. For what? Then, that, together with the blood, hormones and nutrients are put into the muscles, so the body is faster you-we-va-et from them, the products are dis-pa-da and in-lu-cha-et to-half-no-tel-nye re-sur-sy for their restoration.

Stretching: this method largely repeats the previous one, but it should be distinguished from del-but due to the fact that toning workouts and stretching can be done in parallel. Exercises for stretching you can see. This method of re-ko-men-du-em should be used not only as a way to accelerate the recovery of muscles after training, but also as a way to improve speed power ha-rak-te-rice-tic. Stretching helps to avoid injuries, improves muscle feeling, promotes the development of technical masters and, in general, is important aspect of training.

Procedures to speed up recovery

Massage: more effective procedure, if we are talking about the restoration of muscles, but more costly in terms of time and fi-nan-sam. If you are a completely poor student, then you can ma-sa-zhi-ro-vat yourself, but sa-mo-mu, although this sounds ambiguous. Sa-mo-mas-soot a completely effective procedure, and it is re-com-men-du-et-xia to perform even in the event that you can call yourself a massage therapist. If you are a crazy fan and you have a friend who is the same crazy fan as you are, then you can learn the procedure dispute-tiv-no-go mas-sa-zha and don’t spend on pro-fessio-nal-no-go mas-sa-zhis-ta.

Preparations to speed up recovery

the most effective of the additional muscle recovery methods, which is why d-oping is so popular in professional sports. Without observing the basic factors, ste-roi-dy, of course, will not work. But, if the athlete correctly tre-ni-ru-et-sya, eats and sleeps dos-ta-precisely, then in the case of using steroids, his progress will be faster at times. It can be said that all other ways of accelerating the recovery, in comparison with the ste-roi-da-mi, are nothing! Does this mean that we are re-ko-men-du-e-e-using steroids? By no means! Steroids are harmful , and the harm that they inflict is not co-pos-ta-wim with the benefit that they can bring to the lover. As for the pro-professional sports shifts, then they do-ping, unfortunately, to take ku "natural" "chemist" is not a rival. And, nevertheless, the use of do-ping in a pro-professional dispute is pro-ti-in-re-cheat sports ethics!

Sports pit: the main sports nutrition products that can accelerate the process of recovery after a workout should include isotonics , creatine and ami-but-sour-lo-you. All these preparations accelerate the process of resynthesis of energy systems, and you remember that the restoration of muscle structures begins only after then, how the energy was re-established. Isotonics should be drunk during training, ami-no-sour-lo-you before and immediately after, and creatine should be taken at off-tri-no-ro-night time, since this supplement ka ob-la-yes-et effect on-cop-le-niya. All other products of sports pi-ta-niya are la-yut-sya or ma-lo-ef-fek-tiv-ny-mi in the sense of us-ko-re-niya of re-stand-new-le-niya, or pre-naz-na-che-us for solving other tasks.

Conclusion: the most important thing for quick recovery after tre-ni-ditch-ki, it’s right to eat and sleep. Frequent and short tre-no-ditches, light tre-no-ro-voch-ny sessions, a hitch at the end can help you recover faster developing tre-ni-dov-ki, stretching, massage, hardening and special preparations, pre-appointed for re-sin-te- for energy-ge-ti-ches-kih systems.

How to recover quickly after exercise

And intense training is physiological stress, which is accompanied by micro-ruptures of muscle fibers, stress on the heart, blood vessels and nervous system. Recovery after can not be neglected. It must be organized competently in order to avoid reaching a training plateau (lack of results).

What we restore

It is during the period that the muscles grow, and the body to physical activity. But in addition to muscles, it is important to normalize:

  • cardiovascular system;
  • immunity.

Full recovery of the athlete's strength goes through several stages.

Sports medicine considers 4 phases:

Fast recovery.

Lasts 20-30 minutes. The body is brought into balance metabolic processes, replenishing the reserves of ATP, creatine phosphate, glycogen. During this phase, an active synthesis of anabolic hormones - insulin, growth hormone - begins.

slow recovery.

For experienced athletes, it lasts 2-3 days. Here there is an intensive synthesis of proteins due to the intake of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract, and damaged muscle tissue regenerates.


Lasts 4-5 days. If the rest after was competent, then during this phase there is an increase in the physical and muscular endurance of the athlete, the tissue thickens. It is at this stage that the next workout for the target muscle group is needed.

The athlete returns to the previous level - this happens in the absence of training in the supercompensation phase.

The rate of recovery of muscle tissue after training depends on the following factors:

According to world standards, the average time for muscle recovery is 2-3 days. It is not recommended to artificially accelerate muscle recovery after strength training. However, the body can be helped in this complex process by proven methods.

It should be noted that the main tasks of the athlete after training:

  • have time to recover before the onset of supercompensation;
  • Don't skip this phase by doing the next workout at its peak.

Recovery after physical exertion should begin immediately after training, making a short (10-20 minutes) and stretching.

During and after a hitch, the muscles are released from lactic acid, and the process of removing decay products begins.

Then, after training the target muscle group in the gym, the body needs during the slow recovery period:

To understand exactly how to recover after a workout, only the athlete himself can, listening to his body.

Baths are also suitable for effective:

  • with addition coniferous extract or turpentine emulsion(white or mixed) will tone the vessels, remove the remains of lactic acid;
  • hydromassage will help to achieve the most total relaxation;
  • pearls are taken to activate blood circulation;
  • carbonic have a tonic effect;
  • ice restore and strengthen tendons (cryotherapy).

The main goal of all these methods is to give the muscle tissue a complete rest, free it from clamps, lactic acid and decay products.

For amateurs, in order to recover faster, it is advisable to master the techniques of auto-training and meditation.

According to world standards, you should train three times a week. But only the athlete himself can determine how much the muscles should rest after training according to the following indicators:

  • lack of sharp pulling pain in the muscles;
  • cheerful state of health after sleep: a feeling of weakness and fatigue in the morning indicates insufficient recovery;
  • a good appetite: the absence of it means most often about overtraining.

The most reliable indicator of fullness is a burning desire to exercise.

Two hours after training, you can calculate the heart rate: if it is less than 75 beats / min, then the recovery was successful. With an overestimated frequency, you should increase the rest time and apply the described methods.

Being engaged in the restoration of the body after a workout, one should not forget about and: this will help deliver quality material for building muscle tissue.

    Success and achievement in any sport depends on three constituent elements- nutrition, training and recovery. And if you find a lot of information about nutrition and training in any fitness magazine, then recovery is usually spoken of more than succinctly. “Be sure to recover to avoid” - that’s all the “expert” recommendations.

    But how exactly to recover? What are the criteria for a quality recovery? How does post-workout recovery affect sports performance, can it be accelerated or made more effective? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

    General information

    Before we talk about how to speed up recovery after a workout, let's find out what recovery is from a physiological point of view. Any exercise for the body is stressful. It can be compared to a drunk bottle of vodka, a broken liver during a fight, or other serious damage. The only difference is that with these examples, one organ suffers, but severely. After training, damage is distributed among all organs and systems.

    Recovery, or "supercompensation" is the body's response to the resulting stress. From a survival point of view, the body seeks to adapt to the stresses received in order to make them less stressful. Due to limited resources, processes do not always go as they should.

    There are two types of recovery mechanisms:

  1. Adaptive. This perfect case when a person has enough rest, eats a lot and is not nervous. Due to this recovery, his performance improves, adipose tissue disappears, muscles and strength indicators grow.
  2. Optimization. It occurs when the body tries to adapt to the resulting stress, using only internal resources. In other words, in one you will become stronger, in the other - weaker. For example, with intensive drying, the body learns to use adipose tissue more efficiently, but in order to survive, it also seeks to reduce the amount of muscle. You will become stronger, but weaker and smaller.

How long does it take for muscles to recover?

The easiest way to repeat the conventional wisdom is that muscles recover on average in 48 hours from the moment of training. But this is fundamentally wrong and looks like the average temperature in the ward. Muscle recovery time after a workout depends on many factors, including individual ones. Some of them can be influenced, others are beyond our control.

Let's list these factors:

  1. Load intensity. Obviously, if you do light workouts, then the muscles can recover in an hour, since they do not receive serious stress. The reverse is also true: if you have surpassed yourself and set a record in competitions, then you can not approach the iron for a week, or better, two.
  2. Availability of sufficient quantity. Nutrition is an essential part of recovery. It determines whether recovery will follow an adaptation path or an optimization path.
  3. Hormonal background. It is usually associated with the level of the hormone testosterone, which is used as a dope to speed up and increase the intensity of protein production in the body. In fact, growth hormone, peptide hormones, thyroid hormones, etc., also affect muscle recovery after training.
  4. Speed ​​. It depends on it how quickly your body will begin the process of regeneration after stress. The faster the metabolism, the faster the body can cope with the load.
  5. Somatotype. It was from here that the main division into endo-ecto- and mesomorphs began. The somatotype of a person determines how the body and muscles react to stress, which fibers are involved, and how the body copes with stress.
  6. General condition of the body. If you are in a depressed mood or have recently overcome an illness, then you will need an order of magnitude more time to recover between workouts.

How much time does the body need?

How to quickly recover after a workout in the absence of serious stress in the form of overtraining, artificial, dehydration.

The body needs at least two days to fully recover between hard workouts. This is due to the fact that in the process of training, the body must reconfigure its systems for a large load:

  1. Increase hormone levels.
  2. Optimize resources for recovery processes.
  3. Establish the work of neuromuscular synapses.
  4. Compensate for a calorie deficit.
  5. Improve the work of the heart muscle.
  6. Eliminate the effects of an adrenaline surge.

Interesting fact: any work with weights in the amount of 70 to 90% of a one-time RM causes our body to produce hormones of the adrenaline group. Partly because of this, people then find it easier to work with smaller weights in more repetitions. This principle is the basis of the striptease lift training program, in which a person first works with maximum weight, and after each approach reduces the weight load by 5-10%.

Recovery rates

Indicators of body recovery after training are a large set of biochemical processes and characteristics that cannot be determined independently without a medical examination. But some basic indicators can be determined independently.

  • Pulse and pressure. After training at normal intensity for 120 minutes, the heart rate should drop to at least 75 beats per minute (or be below the level of the aerobic zone). If your heart rate after a workout is in a wide range, this indicates overtraining or chronic fatigue.
  • Dream. If the training is carried out correctly, you should not have problems with sleep. As a rule, problems begin with a chronic violation of the training process. The only exception is if you completed your workout less than 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Well-being. If you overtrain or don't recover enough, you will feel worse and worse with every workout.
  • Progress. Possible only with a full recovery. The only exception is the power plateau.

Recovery Acceleration Techniques

Do I need to take something to recover after a workout? With a competent approach using quick recovery techniques, you will not need supportive pharmacology and sports nutrition products. Just look at the table with ways to speed up recovery.

Method/Technique/Factor Effect on the body Effect on muscles
Emotional dischargeEmotional unloading implies active endorphin stimulation. This type of emotional unloading allows you to stimulate the production of hormones of pleasure: and. This, in turn, will reduce the effect of stress on the body's regenerative abilities.Under the influence of endorphin, muscles relax faster, which allows blood to circulate freely in damaged areas, accelerating physical regeneration.
Complete peaceComplete rest is an ideal restorative method, which, due to the modern rhythm of life, is not available to everyone. With complete rest, the body, as well as during sleep, optimizes all resources for a speedy recovery.With complete rest, the recovery processes in the body will be somewhat faster, but the intensity of super recovery, which makes the athlete stronger and more enduring, will be much lower.
Massage is a great endorphin stimulant. In addition, the impact on the lymph nodes and nerve points can significantly improve the efficiency of recovery of the body after stress.Physical impact stimulates blood flow to damaged areas to accelerate recovery processes in muscle tissues.
Increasing protein in the dietAn increase in calories and protein in particular is a kind of stress for the body, so it is important to select nutrients that will not overload the gastric system. An excess of protein allows you to quickly stabilize the work of most systems in the body.Of (which are part of the protein) all muscle tissue consists. The more free amino acids for building muscles, the faster and better they will recover.
Thermal exposureSimilar to massage.Similar to massage.
Increasing the amount of sleepSleep is an integral part of rest and recovery, as it allows you to reboot all systems and direct free resources to a speedy recovery from stress.During sleep, the main and. If sleep is not enough, catabolism will take precedence over anabolism.

Additional incentive

So, it is impossible to radically speed up the recovery processes, but faster recovery after a workout can be obtained through the use of sports nutrition products:

  1. (tribulus, etc.). They increase the natural production of male hormones, which increases the synthesis of building protein. Allows you to reduce recovery time between workouts by 20-25%.
  2. . At correct use accelerate tissue regeneration. It is important to give a full 24 hours of rest when using nitrogen donators, as the nervous and hormonal systems may simply not have time to recover in such a short period.
  3. Adaptogens. Depending on their class, they can affect both tissue regeneration and general state central nervous system.
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes. Body support essential trace elements accelerates the recovery of the body.

Which of these should you drink after a workout for recovery? Primarily vitamins and minerals. Nitrogen testosterone donors and stimulators are taken in a course, usually in the morning. And adaptogens - only in accordance with the instructions.

How to understand that the recovery has passed?

To determine that the recovery after a hard workout was successful, you can use one simple sign. This emotional condition. With the right training regimen, you have a desire to get more physical activity after some time. You will feel more alert and energetic. In addition, determine how the recovery from the last strength training, you can use the weights on the bar. If you can easily lift weights that seemed unbearable for you in the last workout, then the recovery was successful.

To correctly predict your progress and not overdo your training, keep a training diary that will help determine how well you recovered from the last


From a medical point of view, professional competitive CrossFit does not allow athletes to progress and recover normally after training. But do not forget that athletes often scale the load for themselves. And even if they train 2 times a day, they have the most difficult workouts no more than 2 times a week.

At the same time, CrossFit stars use the entire arsenal of sports nutrition and supportive pharmacology. This makes the body recover faster and better.

Remember simple rules if you want to fully feel and develop in CrossFit:

  1. Keep a training diary.
  2. Stick to proper nutrition.
  3. Always focus on how you feel: if you think you are not ready to perform a particular WOD today, tell the trainer about it.
  4. Use sports nutrition recovery.

And remember, recovery is not only about the muscles, but also about the rest of the body's systems. Do not take risks and give your body more time to rest - this will allow you to progress much faster.

What are Recuperation Products? This is food that restores vigor and activity of a person - after high loads, illnesses, poisonings or any other stressful situations. Experts believe that to achieve the result, it is necessary to combine two factors: products for the restoration of the body plus good sleep.

A diet that restores strength after exercise should contain a lot of protein. It supports muscles and increases overall energy. The second factor is drinking plenty of water. mineral water, serves to restore and maintain water-salt balance.

Restoring the strength of a sick person occurs in a different way. Discomfort from energy losses, due to the fight against the disease, can last for a long time. After all, it takes time to fully recover. good conditions for recreation and proper nutrition fast-digesting products to restore the body. A temporary taboo is imposed on heavy, fatty, spicy, salty foods.

Sample menu consists of vegetables, fruits, honey, dried fruits, nuts, citrus fruits, dairy products; drink - juices, teas, water, decoctions. More about energy rich foods:

  1. Mate is the best alternative to coffee.
  2. Honey - creates an energy reserve for a long time.
  3. Pumpkin seeds - stimulate the formation of proteins, increase endurance.
  4. Walnut- an excellent energy source.
  5. Banana - contains both fast and slow carbohydrates; instantly satisfies hunger and stores energy for "later".
  6. The egg is rich in leucine, which is essential for energy production.
  7. Apple - supplies quercetin, which stimulates the ability of muscle cells to release energy.
  1. Legumes - a source of vegetable proteins and many others useful substances.
  2. Oatmeal - the popularity of breakfast is due to the presence of thiamine, which increases stamina and the ability to withstand daily stress.
  3. Yogurt - increases immune strength, prevents intestinal disorders.

Experts emphasize that in order to speed up rehabilitation after an illness, a person’s psychological focus, his desire to recover faster, restore physical and mental strength are important.

Fast Recovery Products

In the process of recuperation after an illness, food plays a major role. With the help of products for the restoration of the body, it is necessary to make up for the loss of calories, protein, vitamins and other components used to fight the disease. And with them, strength and energy will be restored.

In the diet menu, the following dishes are very useful:

  • boiled fish, meat;
  • fresh, stewed, pickled (especially cabbage) vegetables;
  • semolina, oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • cheeses;
  • tea, cocoa, fruit and berry drinks.

In addition to nutrition, it is important for the patient to drink more, sleep and breathe more. And not only clean air, but saturated with pleasant smells, essential oils: lavender, mint, pine needles, lemon balm, orange peels, ground coffee. It has been proven that all these incense, as they were called in the old days, contribute to recovery in the most miraculous way.

At the same time, for this period, it is necessary to exclude lactic acid drinks, cottage cheese and sour cream, marinades, salinity, heavy food, chocolate, nuts from the menu.

Energy supply is needed and healthy people, for example, after performing intensive work - physical, intellectual, or sports activities. To do this, use products for the rapid recovery of the body, for example, such:

  • bananas;
  • boiled rice;
  • potato dishes;
  • coffee.

Fast Muscle Recovery Foods

Rapid muscle recovery products are mainly used by athletes after intense training. During exercise, the ligaments, joints and muscles are overloaded, with abundant sweat the body loses a large amount of useful substances. Therefore, products for the restoration of the body should contain carbohydrates, protein, fats, liquid, fiber, trace elements. Food should be fresh, high quality, tasty.

To make up for losses, it is important to eat at a certain time; the best option for a snack, according to experts, is the first hour after class. Carbohydrate-protein ratio depends on the intensity of exercise; as a rule, it ranges from 2:1 to 4:1.

Grocery list:

  1. Water - salted, honey, with the addition of orange juice.
  2. Whole grain bread, pasta, cereals (rice, oatmeal).
  3. Salmon fish.
  1. Chicken eggs, fillet.
  2. Legumes.
  3. Yoghurts.
  4. Peanut butter.
  5. Broccoli, carrots, greens.
  6. Dried and fresh fruits.
  7. Chocolate.

A sandwich made from the listed products, for example, with salmon, chicken fillet or egg, lettuce, perfectly copes with the task of satisfying hunger and quickly restoring muscle strength. Yogurt or oatmeal with fruit is also a good option.

Foods for post-workout muscle recovery

During intensive training, ligaments, joints and muscles are subject to heavy loads, and many microelements are removed from the body with sweat. To restore full functioning, the muscles need protein, and the body as a whole needs to replenish losses, including energy ones.

One of the ways to relieve fatigue and resume an active state is proper diet, made up of products for muscle recovery after training. An athlete needs a variety of products to restore the body: carbohydrates - "fuel", proteins - "building materials", healthy fats, liquid. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates is important, as well as the diet, depending on the intensity and other characteristics of training.

  • Carbohydrate foods: whole grain bread and pasta, oatmeal and brown rice porridge, berries, (dry) fruit, natural chocolate.
  • Fat-containing: salmon, salmon, tuna, trout, peanut butter.
  • Protein: chicken fillet, legumes, nuts, yogurt, eggs.

You can combine these products different ways: Supplement bread sandwiches with fish or meat with leafy vegetables, pour oatmeal with unsweetened yogurt, add dried fruits, nuts, chocolate.

For a quick recovery after exercise, the following products are recommended:

  • green fruit and vegetable smoothie;
  • protein shakes;
  • coconut milk;
  • avocado fruits;
  • nuts or seeds;
  • bananas;
  • oatmeal.

For a full recovery in the period between workouts, in addition to nutrition, the muscles must be given peace and rest.

As soon as you leave the gym, the body switches to recovery and muscle growth mode. Optimize these processes to prepare for your next workout!

Many bodybuilders pay close attention to every aspect of training - from selection the best exercises down to specialized training protocols and the smallest details in the process - and then consider the job done as soon as they cross the threshold gym. But in order to achieve results - or rather, to optimize them - you need to treat the post-workout protocol with the same attention as the training itself, otherwise you will not reach your full potential.

“In my opinion, the most underestimated aspect of the entire mass-building cycle,” says Mike Kundla, competing in the Mens Physicist category. - Your body needs adequate rest and recovery. He needs to fix muscle fibers damaged during training, replenish muscle glycogen stores, allow the central nervous system to recover.

Fitness trainer Brandon Strong believes that this is far from the only reason for optimizing recovery. “You want to be 100% ready for your next workout, and recovery plays a very important role in preparation,” he says.

We decided to use the knowledge of two successful athletes, and asked them to talk about their post-workout protocols to determine which recovery strategy is most effective. What steps help them train to their limits day in and day out?

1. Start with Stretching and Cooling Down After Your Workout

The journey to optimizing recovery begins before you even leave the gym. First stop after the main workout: static stretch and cool down.

If you don't work on flexibility, muscles will shorten and lose elasticity over time. Static stretching increases the range of motion in the joints, and this is of great importance in minimizing the risk of injury.

To pave the shortest path to recovery, Strong stretches for at least 10 minutes after each workout, and uses a Pilates topper on leg days. “I also spend 15-20 minutes water procedures in cold water after intensive leg training; I have noticed that it helps me reduce muscle inflammation,” says Strong.

Kundla doesn't like the cold, although he puts ice on his knees for an hour after a workout to ease the pain from old football injuries. His recovery protocol varies depending on the specifics of the workout. Some of his days are purely power: he works with a lot of weight and combines into supersets, like variations and. His other days are auxiliary: the athlete does, for example, and, and at the same time cardio and exercises for general physical fitness.

“Power days require more intense recovery, which takes longer,” says Kundla. “I do a lot of stretching using three pieces of equipment that every athlete should include in their recovery arsenal: kettlebells, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball), and a Pilates top hat.”

On accessory training days, Kundla does more static stretches in classical style. “So do I these days: 100 bipedal jumps, 100 alternating legs, and another 50 single leg jumps,” he says. - It strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot and ankle joint which helps reduce the risk of injury."

Mike Kundla's Post Workout Protocol on Strength Days

  • 10-15 - camel to remove stiffness in the back and shoulders.
  • , muscles of the back of the thigh and back on the cylinder for Pilates; as an alternative for legs, you can use a barbell.
  • Work out the trigger zones of the shoulder, pelvis and calves with a lacrosse ball: 30 seconds of pressure in 2-3 sets for each zone.
  • 10-15 with own weight (for each leg).
  • 20 circular movements of the hands in each direction.
  • 3-5 minutes cooldown on a stationary bike.

2. Water - not just for hydration

Water plays an important role in recovery and both athletes emphasize the importance of water. Not only should you drink water to keep your body properly hydrated - which is critical to achieving peak physical performance - but also use water for active recovery.

“Once a week I train in the pool for active recovery. Either swim or run in shallow water, combining it with pelvic and leg exercises, Strong says. - Water resistance helps to relax stiff muscles, which is especially effective after a hard leg workout. At the same time cold water Helps to normalize body temperature after exercise.

3. Break your post-workout "nutrition" into two meals

Both athletes use the two-step principle of post-workout nutrition, which consists of covering immediate needs and post-workout meals. This approach not only speeds up recovery, but also begins preparation for tomorrow's workout.

Before leaving the gym, Kundla takes care of the hydration of the body by adding 1.5 scoops to a shaker with water. "It gives me a great combination of and that helps speed up my recovery." An hour later, he cooks 1.5 cups of egg whites with 30-60 grams of young broccoli or green vegetables, or takes about 40 grams, in which no more than 5 grams and fat. “When I have to run errands, I stir 1.5 scoops of 100% Combat Isolate MusclePharm into water.”

Strong's post-workout dressing starts with MusclePharm products, which he takes right away: Amino 1 supplemented with 5 grams of glutamine to help with recovery, and the Combat Crunch Bar, which provides 20 grams of protein and 25 grams of carbohydrates. An hour after training, Strong prefers food rich in nutrients: His favorite dish is a delicious Burrito salad loaded with protein to the top.

When 24 hours in a day is no longer enough, many people begin to sacrifice sleep. But in terms of muscle recovery, you need to do exactly the opposite; special role in the secretion of hormones and the general replenishment of the body's strength makes sleep one of the most important aspects recovery. Both athletes say that really getting enough sleep is always hard.

Everyone has developed a specific evening ritual for themselves. Kundla begins by soothing sore muscles. “I often use evening myofascial relaxation by applying ice or warm compresses to certain areas that are painful or inflamed. In addition, after 6 pm I reduce my fluid intake so that I do not wake up again at night.

Strong is an avid fan of a relaxing cup of hot tea before bed. He also takes from MusclePharm, which contains magnesium and to maintain natural levels and improve the quality of sleep.

According to Strong, meditation is another effective method relax after a stressful day, and he devotes 10-15 minutes a day to her. “I started meditating in college to help manage my stress levels and found that calming my mind and focusing on goals that I still have to achieve helps me a lot.”

5. Keep fueling up in the morning

Most guys think that by going to sleep, the recovery mission is done, but Kundla says that proper post-workout nutrition continues right up to the moment you pick up the dumbbells again. This period of time includes further refueling of your body the right products And food additives. Immediately after waking up, Kundla has breakfast and takes. “It has an excellent balance of vitamins, minerals and natural substances, as well as probiotics for immune system and a complex for the heart and blood vessels.

Then he goes into the hall. But before taking on serious weights, Kundla begins a pre-workout warm-up and does a series of flexibility exercises that are similar to post-workout exercises, but in a different order. “You have to make time for stretching and flexibility both before and after your workout,” he says. - It is useful both for the training itself and for post-workout recovery. Stretching helps prevent injury and improves the quality of your workouts.”

Mike Kundla's Flexibility Pre-Workout Program

  • 3-5 minutes warm-up on a stationary bike.
  • 10-15 walking lunges with your own weight (each leg).
  • 10 stretches in the cat-camel position.
  • 20 deep with own weight.
  • Stretching the quadriceps and back on the Pilates cylinder; as an alternative for legs, you can take a barbell.
  • Stretching and kneading the calves with a barbell.
  • 20 circular movements of the hands (in each direction).
  • with 13 kg kettlebell.

Strong is convinced that he needs to continue recovery the next day, so he starts the morning with a glass of water. “There is a saying that water makes us stronger,” he says, meaning that even minimal dehydration can dramatically worsen physical performance. After breakfast, Strong uses another pre-workout tool, MusclePharm, a pre-workout energy drink and psychostimulant. “It energizes me and helps me pick up the pace of my workout,” he says. “I mix 1 scoop in water and drink the drink either while stretching before a workout or during a warm-up run.”

He also takes BCAAs before training - about two scoops - to fuel his muscles and greatly facilitate recovery by providing the body with substances that are used up during intense training.

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