Techniques for increasing physical and mental performance. The natural and stable mode of the day is the most effective remedy. Indications for the use of performance-enhancing drugs


Establish a stable daily routine. Experts say that this is the simplest and most effective remedy raising one's own. It is the most underestimated and unloved by us (it's so boring - to streamline your every day). Nevertheless, it is a stable daily rhythm, based on the natural cycles of all life on earth, that is the most important condition for replenishing high performance. Correct Mode days is a full-fledged sleep (for someone it is 5-6, for someone 9-10), easy morning awakening, energetic daytime wakefulness, evening rest and sleep again.

Get rid of blockages in the workplace. If you are an office worker, the easiest way to do this is to remove everything down to the last piece of paper on your desk. Sit down at a clean table, drink water, inhale and - take on. Get what you need as needed. In any case, you will make sure that more than half of what you have removed will not migrate back to the table.

Take care of fresh air. If there is no air conditioning, ventilate the room frequently and regularly. The lack of oxygen significantly affects the degree of performance, sharply lowering it.

Try to change something in your workplace. For example, rearrange the table, closet, change the lighting (for example, replace the deadly cold light of an office desk lamp with a lamp with a lampshade that gives a warm light). By the way, experts say that yellow color invigorates and activates brain activity. Put it on your desk or hang it on the wall that your eye falls on yellow color(shade, tone). Occasionally take a break from the process and just contemplate it. To avoid overstimulation from saturated yellow, experts recommend edging / shading it with green.

Do a little exercise from time to time. This is a great way to revitalize stiff muscles and joints. Particular attention should be paid to the warm-up of the muscles of the neck, hands, and feet. It is these parts of our body that have the maximum number of mechanoreceptors, the impact on which stimulates the brain.

Include in your diet foods that increase. First of all, these are nuts, carrots, ginger, oily fish, dried apricots, shrimp. But from the use confectionery it is better to refrain, tk. their digestion consumes a lot of B vitamins necessary for an active brain. An acceptable source of fast carbohydrates can be dark chocolate.

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Do not forget about a good rest after work. Do not join the ranks of workaholics, whose incredible work capacity and fantastic productivity burst sooner or later, like bubble, leaving behind such "gifts" as neurasthenia, breakdown or even worse.

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  • how to increase efficiency

performance is the ability of a person to carry out certain work without omitting qualitative and quantitative indicators. The Internet is currently full of instructions that teach how to survive in the office. They often mention how to maintain and improve your performance.


To improve performance, you need to know and take into account the factors that affect it the most. Interest It will be much easier for you to perform the one in which you show interest. In such cases, we do not notice fatigue until it reaches its highest peak. Work that is not interesting to us lends itself to us with difficulty, we suffer while doing it.

A number of professions are associated with a constant strain of physical strength. And in this case, fitness usually arises - the habit of physical activity. Take an athlete's body and compare it with ordinary person. I will give just one example: in Tunisia, I went to work out in the gym at the hotel. I must say - inferior: the barbell on the street is rusty, simulators with such chains and ropes that it is just right to hang people up for torture, and not to train, stuffy and stuff like that. And a black guy is training nearby (as it turned out later, a capoeira animator from Brazil). And his whole workout is built on exercises with rusty dumbbells. Cheerfully trains like this - on the verge of exhaustion. Finished and left. And after half an hour I meet him in a restaurant and see how this Brazilian lad puts ice cream on his plate about half a kilo!? Wow!

Contradicts all my ideas that fatty blocks metabolism in the muscles after a workout, and sweet leads to fullness. And an hour later, this Brazilian lad did about a dozen back somersaults across the stage, not to mention other capoeira tricks. Such is the metabolism: his body burns calories like “that stove is a piece of paper”. And let's take the majority of us who, after a week of work, decided to ride on a chair to work in the country or who gathered in the gym a couple of times during the same sitting week. Where can you get such physical performance so that the work is for the benefit, and not for sciatica with a heart attack? We will turn your body into a perfect food-to-energy factory.

What determines your physical performance?

From how quickly fatigue sets in. Why is one more resilient and the other not? Minute X, when the body says enough is enough and will not allow the muscles to contract more actively, will happen when the production of motor impulses decreases in motor neurons with a decrease in the formation of ATP in them under the influence of toxic combustion products accumulating in the body. In other words, all we have to do is get extra energy through the proper breakdown of food, deliver nutrients to the muscles with blood, improve the excretion of metabolic products through the liver and increase motivation. With a bad mood and a sluggish body, you won’t gain much. In principle, we do not use chemistry at the same time - only natural remedies, since we are talking about health, and not about a temporary momentary effect.Where to get extra energy if you need to work physically or for training:

1. Improve emotional condition

2. Cleanse the liver

3. Support the heart and blood vessels: improve blood flow to the muscles

4. Help insulin better convert glucose into energy

5. We normalize the level of hormones

6. Start eating regularly and getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night

Total. It is necessary and sufficient to increase physical performance in a person who does not suffer from serious illnesses.

Monotonous work and stress reduce the amount of your physical strength. This is the easiest way to increase performance. In this case, I usually recommend not just sleeping, but using those natural remedies that protect nerve cells from damage and provide nutrition for the production of happiness hormones in the body. This is tryptophan, and therefore its relative serotonin, as well as acetyl-levo-carnitine. Such substances are absolutely safe, since they are amino acids. They are just food for the nervous system and are not even close to antidepressants and stimulants in their chemical structure. At the same time, the effect of them is no less.

For 8 years, I have been recommending the use of strictly defined, proven combinations of these substances.5NTR (5 hydroxytryptophan)NSP companies for states when the key word is “self-pity, lack of mood, do not want to do anything” andacetyl-L-carnitine Ortho for cases when you need to move mountains (at work, in your personal life, etc.) and it is important that at the same time that you have enough strength nervous system. This natural preparation literally protects neurons from damage in a stressful situation.

How to take: 5HTP1 capsule per day,Acetyl-L-carnitine1 caps. 2 times a day. The course of both is a month.
Needless to say, the effect will be only from genuine funds, so do not look for them in online stores. Is it worth pointing out separately that a good emotional state is great in itself. You can find all the natural remedies listed here on our website in the "catalog" section.

Improve liver function and you will have more strength

We continue to create ideal conditions to improve physical performance. During muscle work, the most important metabolic processes take place in the liver: glucogenesis, beta-oxidation of fatty acids, ketogenesis, gluconeogenesis, neutralization of ammonia through the synthesis of urea. It depends on how much nutrients will go to the muscles when breaking down glucose and fatty acids and how many toxins formed as a result of combustion will block your brain and muscles. If you have never heard of Liver 48, which cleanses and restores the functioning of liver cells, then try it for at least a month of taking it.

Are there other so-called. hepatoprotectors? Of course, any specialist knows about them, and the Internet is full of information. But I have been recommending Liver 48 for 9 years now, because I can guarantee positive changes in biochemical blood tests after taking it in the vast majority of people. Talks about it practical experience. Read about techniquese liver cleansing details.
In addition, if you have a short period of physical activity (for example, a camping trip or building a summer house) or you start training in a fitness club after a long break, then be sure to add Glutamine amino acid to Liver 48 ( Vitaline) 1 tablespoon per day. Its task is to help the liver to utilize toxic ammonia, thereby accelerating the recovery of working capacity.

How to use:Liver 48 1 caps. 2 times a day, preferably before meals and drinking warm mineral water (for example, hepatic Stelmas) + Glutamine (manufacturer Vitaline) 1 tablespoon per day with juice or water.

The state of the heart and blood vessels affects performance

Of course, I don't mean very young. If you are under 40 years old and there are no heart diagnoses, then all the impact on work vascular system comes down to training. More running, walking, exercising in other ways improves blood circulation. Because when the heart pumps more blood at a time (the pulse is higher), tissue washing occurs naturally: more nutrients are brought to all organs and combustion products are removed.

But from the age of 40, it begins (it’s just starting, don’t be scared ...) a decrease in the activity of the heart muscle and the first symptoms of narrowing and thickening of the vascular wall appear. Blood enters the working muscles worse and does not bring nutrients there. First of all, less begins to be producedcoenzymeQ10a substance that literally explodes energy metabolism - contributes to the final process of energy production in any muscle, including the heart. By the way, it can be added to the body. For example, a product highest quality, which is specially produced in the Czech Republic for the Recipes of Health center. Accept p o 4 capsules in the morning or 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening. It is advisable to repeat such courses 2-3 times a year, when you have the most stress, and nature does not help (in autumn, at the end of winter).

Often I am also approached by people who enjoy playing tennis or football at the age of 50-60, but whose blood circulation fails. In addition to coenzyme Q10, I also recommend the amino acid Arginine in these cases before playing or training. It dilates the small blood vessels and helps blood flow evenly to all working muscles. Hence, there is less risk of increased pressure, vasospasm during physical activity, and faster recovery without pain in the muscles.

I will not delve into the topic of hypertension and atherosclerosis, as well as impaired cerebral circulation. Since there are separate sections of the site for this. But don't give a damn about these problems if you don't have them. There is no normal blood circulation - there is no physical activity. It is a big mistake to believe that pressure and ischemia can be overcome by increasing the load. Such people often say: ran - the motor began to work better. Such a practice without nourishing the heart muscle with natural means and without improving the fluidity of the blood, as a result, leads to an early heart attack. And it would be better to use at least onceconsultationat the Sokolinsky Center "Health Recipes" to choose a course to support the heart's performance individually.

TO Of course, my staff and I will show you how to restore the correct balance of magnesium, potassium, calcium, improve blood flow and reduce its tendency to thrombosis, strengthen blood vessels. As a result, the heart will receive support, and the blood will flow more calmly through the vessels.

In general, I don’t think that retirement is inevitable at 60. Improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is not such a difficult thing if you use not chemistry, but natural remedies. Only laziness and short-sightedness can be an explanation for the fact that only the first time the pressure increased at the turn of the 45-year-old, so they immediately sat down on the daily intake of chemical drugs. It is possible without it, if not taken to extremes. But the cardiologist rarely talks about it ...

Let insulin work and you will be less tired yourself

Energy is produced by burning glucose in the body under the action of insulin, a hormone produced in the tail of the pancreas. It works not alone, but together with microelements chromium and zinc. In a huge number of people, according to statistics, these substances are in short supply due to modern nutrition and malabsorption in the intestines. My experience with deciphering hair micronutrient tests shows that approximately 30% of all women who are tested are at risk of indigestion of carbohydrates or even diabetes due to a deficiency of chromium and zinc. In men, everything is worse - about 50%, since zinc is greatly lost in us during ejaculation.

How to use: Zinc (Vitaline) 1 tab 2 times a day for the first month, then 1 tab. In a day. Men 3-4 times a year. At the same time support the prostate gland for prevention chronic prostatitis. Chromium chelate or Halsey chromium 1 tab. In a day. The course is 2 months in a row, then periodically. Ortho-taurine 1 caps. 2 times a day before meals for 2 months in a row, then periodically.
Of course, you don’t need to try to improve carbohydrate metabolism while eating sweets, buns and other flour at the same time. Be smart about your food.

Men need testosterone to improve performance

We are made in order to run, chop wood, get a mammoth, produce numerous healthy offspring with a beloved woman, and not sit on a chair in the office. Therefore, the whole body of a man, sorry for the slang, is “imprisoned” to ensure work muscle mass. Including the hormonal background. In politically correct Europe and America, I would probably have been lynched for such statements, but let them themselves deny biology there until they completely degenerate. In the conditions of civilization, a man's level of sex hormones decreases, hence many diseases, and at least chronic fatigue.

Any jock will tell you that after proper training he is drawn to bed, but not to sleep. Training "on the legs" stimulates an erection, etc. And you can increase the level of testosterone, by the way, by the safest natural means. At the same time, as a bonus, you will receive not only improved physical activity and performance, good mood but also the prevention of prostate adenoma.
The following natural remedies are 100% effective for most men:co palmetto ( NSP) saw palmetto extract,Orgamax. Male formulawith damiana and muira puama. Taking So-palmetto of this particular brand - NSP for three months in a row, is simply life-changing. How to take in more detail in the section on prostate adenoma. And Orgamax. The male formula significantly increases potency when taken regularly due to the normalization of testosterone production.

Just please do not take this recipe in isolation from the one written above. Otherwise, it will resemble an attempt to start the engine in a 30-degree frost on a dead battery. It seems to turn, but does not grab.

Outcome. What do we do step by step to increase physical performance

To write this section, I did not just spend an hour of my time. This is a summary of 18 years of experience and hundreds of practical cases. Of course, there are no two similar people, so I always advise you to use an individual consultation, but for the majority there will be benefits from the implementation of the scheme. Therefore, when you come to my natural pharmacy "Health Recipes" or place an order in your city, you just need to collect these natural harms in a bag to restore and increase physical performance and then do not forget to take them at the same time. In total it will turn out from 2 to 4 natural remedies in a day. But, even if there are four of them, then do not forget that this means simultaneously supporting health in several areas at once.

What to buy and take at the same time:

    To normalize mood and against stress (if necessary according to the condition) - 5 NTR or Acetyl- L- carnitine 1 pack

    To improve liver function (always) - Liver 48 1 pack each and Glutamine (Vitaline) 1 pack at the start of training in the gym, etc.

    To support the heart and blood vessels (if you are over 40 years old) - Coenzyme Q10 1 package. If you are over 50 years old and have questions about the heart or blood vessels, consult

    To enhance the absorption of glucose in the muscles (everyone who has extra pounds) - Chromium chelate or Helsi chromium 1 pack each or Ortho-taurine ergo 1 pack + Zinc (Vitaline) 1 pack is mandatory for men

    To increase the production of testosterone (for men) - So-palmetto NSP 2 packs if there are questions about the prostate gland or erection or Orgamax. Male formula 2 packs if you have questions about sexual desire.

As you can see, women only need to take less to increase physical performance. But we don’t expect cute barbell exercises or construction from you. country house. So ... spud a couple of hectares of potatoes or wash the whole house ...

Do as I wrote. Write about the results later. You will like them. Something remained incomprehensible. It's okay - ask for advice. Doubt? For my part, I can only guarantee the authenticity of everything offered, if, of course, you purchase drugs from us and say that I recommend the same to myself. There is no better, in my opinion. And of course, if there are any doubts about the quality (which is unlikely), we are always ready to solve this problem. Then the choice is yours, listen to my experience or not.

The main thing is that these recommendations, as always in our oldest natural pharmacy in St. Petersburg, are easy to use, safe and do not require self-denial. live ordinary life and make it more active, thanks to natural remedies.

If you need to force active work brain and then this is the next chapter.

Video. How to increase efficiency, get rid of chronic fatigue

Our brain is a complex mechanism with billions nerve cells, command and control centers. The desire to increase the efficiency of the brain is simply necessary at any age.

By controlling our actions and thoughts, the brain controls our entire life, and in order to improve its quality, it is necessary improve brain performance.

There are certain ways that will help you improve brain function:

1. Development of mental abilities.
Great physical activity leads to an increase in the working capacity of the brain. Go in for sports not only to maintain tone, but also in order to increase the efficiency of the brain.

2. Training of mental abilities.
In addition to exercise exercise inactive areas of the brain - if you are right-handed, do something with your left hand from time to time; try previously unknown tastes and smells; choose new travel destinations; read serious literary works.

3. The question "Why?"
Curiosity leads to increased brain performance. You can verify this by asking the question "Why?" from 10 times a day.

4. Laughter.
The endorphins released during sincere laughter help relieve tension.

5. Eating fish.
First of all, fish as a food product is important for mental development children. The norm is three servings of fish per week.

6. Development of memory.
Looking at school photos, remembering the events of youth and childhood will help improve brain function.

7. Proper nutrition.
First of all, reduce your fat intake - this will increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Sources of fats entering the body should be nuts, fish, olive oil.

8. Solving riddles.
Collect a mosaic, solve crossword puzzles - this activates brain activity.

9. Musical works of Mozart.
Listening to the works of Mozart leads to an increase in the working capacity of the brain, especially to the activation of mathematical abilities.

10. Development of skills.
If you are passionate about embroidery, drawing, try to develop yourself by performing familiar actions in new ways and achieving better results at the same time.

11. Drinking alcohol within the normal range.
Exceeding the permissible dose of alcohol leads to the destruction of brain cells, and moreover, prevents the restoration of mental abilities.

12. Games.
Play in your free time Board games, cards, video games. The game improves mood and allows you to increase the efficiency of the brain.

13. Always keep a notepad and pen with you.
If you are haunted by some thought, transfer it to paper. Study the key information before going to bed, this will increase the amount learned by 20-30%.

14. Concentration.
You are not always able to notice things that interfere with concentration - for example, intrusive thoughts. From time to time ask yourself the question “What thoughts are distracting me right now?”. If you need to call someone, just put it on your to-do list.

15. Love and sex.
Regular sexual intercourse increases the level of the hormone estrogen, which helps improve brain activity.

16. Game and creativity.
If you're wondering how to boost your brain's performance, get creative! Remember your childhood hobbies and make time for them.

17. Time of increased activity.
Determine the time of your greatest activity and solve the most important tasks during this period.

18. New knowledge.
Expand your vocabulary, find a topic that interests you and start studying it. New knowledge and reflection will bring you closer to using your brain 100%.

19. Personal diary.
Keeping a diary stimulates the brain and expands its capabilities. Try new ways - start a blog and start writing for others.

20. Aromatherapy.
Aromas can both tone up (citrus fruits, mint, cypress) and relax (rose, geranium).

21. Tonic drinks.
Often in recommendations on how to increase the efficiency of the brain, there is advice to periodically take a coffee break. But no worse than coffee and tea, the concentration of the brain increases the drink based on Gingko Biloba.

22. Inspirers in the immediate environment.
Connect with people who inspire you; read motivational books and articles; find new opportunities.

Read all the tips again

The pace and intensity of work make many think about how to raise performance organism and increase your productivity. by the most simple option one sees, of course, various stimulants - from coffee to large quantities to power engineers.

However, such methods of increasing performance in the long run are fraught with health problems. How to "shake" your organism and encourage him to be active without facing harmful consequences?

To begin with, it is necessary to understand what exactly affects our ability to work, and what are the biological bases.

Our activity (both physical and mental), attention, perseverance, ability to concentrate directly depend on the state of the nervous system. Nerve cells are in process continuous work: they receive signals from each other, process them, conduct them through the nerve processes - every second thousands of processes take place in our nervous system, and, of course, they require energy. Conducting a signal along the nerve processes is an electrical activity, and the need for energy for it is obvious. The interaction of one cell with another is an activity of a different nature, a chemical one - a nerve cell produces special substances, mediators that bind to the receptors of another nerve cell and cause a certain “response”. The synthesis of mediators also requires energy.

Where did organism takes strength for all these processes? The natural "generator" of energy in the cell is the oxidation of nutrients. Oxidation processes are the "treatment" of certain substances with oxygen. Where do cells get oxygen from? Of course, from the air, in the process of breathing. However, it is not enough just to get oxygen - it is necessary to provide conditions before it is delivered to the tissues. The blood is “responsible” for the transport of oxygen, so it is necessary to ensure a constant and uniform flow of blood in the vessels.

In addition to oxygen, cells need many substances for the synthesis of neurotransmitters. This requires amino acids, trace elements (calcium, magnesium), enzymes and much more.

And finally, cells need time to synthesize all the necessary substances and produce energy. The brain and nervous system function cyclically - each structure of the brain has its own “working hours”, during which they show the greatest activity, but at the same time they can suppress the activity of other structures. The fact is that nerve cells need time to produce mediators, restore the supply of necessary substances, and form new connections. However, all these processes in the brain do not occur simultaneously, but in turn. Therefore, in order to achieve the maximum return from your nervous system, it is necessary to take into account the cycles of activity and rest of its components.

However, it is not necessary to delve into neurophysiology for this, it is enough to have an idea about the work of the main cycle - the daily one. It is worth starting a story about ways to increase body performance.

The most important condition for the return of activity and strength is proper organization sleep. Almost everyone has heard of the need to sleep "at least eight hours a night", and many believe that this proper sleep and limited. In fact, everything is arranged much thinner and more complicated.

The mode of activity and rest in most living organisms on Earth is due to a cyclic change in lighting. The only exceptions are deep-sea fish and cave reptiles, accustomed to living in pitch darkness. The organisms of other living beings, including humans, are very sensitive to the level and quality of lighting.

Cyclic fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes, the so-called circadian rhythm, are built on the change in the level of illumination. The circadian rhythm is subject to both the level of hormone production and activity digestive system, and the work of various parts of the brain, and many other processes in body. It is “getting” into the circadian rhythm that guarantees high performance and good health, while a mismatch with it is fraught with various failures in body. Relatively speaking, organism“does not understand” what and at what time he needs to do.

The circadian rhythm is regulated by a hormone called melatonin, which is produced in the pineal gland. It is melatonin that is responsible for ensuring that the biorhythms of the body do not go astray. This hormone is produced during sleep, but not at any time, but only at night, in the absence of sunlight. Insufficient levels of melatonin lead to disruption of the body at all levels - from insomnia and weakness to digestive problems and exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is obvious that in such conditions to talk about performance do not have to. Therefore, the first thing to do if you want to regain your strength and performance- learn to sleep enough hours and be sure to dark time days.

At the same time, it is important to remember that optimal amount sleep time is individual for each person. Not everyone fits the standard "eight hours" -

someone needs nine, someone needs six or even five. However, if you notice that you need more than ten hours of sleep per night, this should be cause for concern - especially if this condition lasts two weeks or longer. An increased need for sleep can signal a range of health problems, from nervous exhaustion to clinical depression and even thyroid disease.

  1. Go to bed at night. This recommendation may sound absurd, but many at least once in their lives have faced exams, urgent work, and similar situations that force them to stay awake at night. In an emergency, this can be allowed, but completely switching to a nocturnal lifestyle is harmful - the production of melatonin decreases, and all the well-established cycles of the body are upset. However, switching to daytime wakefulness with nighttime sleep can significantly improve your well-being in a couple of days.
  2. Go to bed and wake up at about the same time. This is very important when restoring daily cycles. Your body loves the routine and will thank you.
  3. Make sure you have enough darkness, silence, and Fresh air. It is also desirable that the room where you sleep is not too hot.

This phrase is known to many, however, not everyone understands what constitutes a “change of activity”. In order for the rest to be really effective, it is not enough to switch to a business that is slightly different from the main occupation: if you work as a programmer or designer, then computer games are unlikely to be suitable as a rest, and if, for example, you are engaged in translations or preparing for an exam, then reading the book would not be the best option.

Rest can only be a cardinal change of activity. You need to find an occupation that will be as different as possible from your work. Moreover, the more it differs, the more effective the rest will be.

Today, a huge number of people work in conditions of low mobility. The best option rest in conditions of sedentary work - physical activity. Any - you can do light gymnastics, squat, even just walk. This will not only help to distract from the main activity, but also raise muscle tone and activate blood circulation.

Physical activity should be given special attention and not neglected, if possible. We are not talking about sports or even regular training - in order to feel better, a light exercise is enough. Even minimal movement helps to "disperse" the blood through the vessels and improve the supply of oxygen to tissues. And oxygen, as already mentioned, "burns" the nutrients in the cells, turning them into energy.

If we talk about long-term rest (vacation, vacation), then during it it is useful to change the situation. The ideal option there will be a trip - not necessarily a long trip, a simple trip out of town will help. The main thing is to get away from work as much as possible. During a vacation or vacation, it is necessary to change the type of activity as much as possible - such a vacation will be truly useful.

A curious and unusual remedy for restoring strength and working capacity is cleaning.

It is not customary to think of cleaning as a way to relax, but in this case does not mean laundering the entire apartment throughout the weekend. Cleaning means the minimum tidying of the workplace and, if possible and desired, the space around it. Already by myself easy process cleaning works as an effective psychotherapeutic tool - you renew the space around you, bring into it certain changes. This helps to relieve mental stress and releases strength for further work.

In a situation where it falls performance and there is a strong fatigue, the first thing that comes to mind is to use medication. This seems to be the easiest and fast way recover. It should be said right away that this method is really very fast, but it is hardly possible to call it simple. Selection necessary funds- a very responsible process; inappropriate drugs or the wrong dosage can, on the contrary, deplete the nervous system, turning ordinary fatigue into asthenic syndrome.

Among the medicines that help raise performance and at the same time have minimal risks when taken, we can name:

  • glycine. Glycine is an amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter. By binding to receptors in the brain, it contributes to the processes of inhibition, which is expressed in a mild tranquilizing effect and improving the process of falling asleep;
  • means-adaptogens. Adaptogens include agents that have a moderate tonic effect and increase brain activity. Eleutherococcus, ginseng, aralia tinctures are used as adaptogens. True, you should not expect an instant effect from them - it will appear after about a week of admission;
  • multivitamin complexes. The benefits of vitamins are obvious to everyone. But you should not abuse vitamin preparations - a monthly course will be more than enough.

The question is how to increase performance' worries many. The answer to it turns out to be simpler than it seems - you just need to listen to your body: improve sleep, diversify your daily activities, if necessary, support the nervous system with medicines, and your strength will return to you again!

In the last post, I wrote about what not to do if you have performance problems. In this part, I will talk about an effective method that does not require medication. Medications are only support, addition. But this method requires organization and willpower, and therefore is so unloved by most of us.

Material part

First, I'll tell you a little about some of the basic principles of the nervous system. I do not pretend to be complete here, rather, I deliberately shortened the presentation so that it was clear to the majority.

The work of the nervous system is the processes of excitation, inhibition, conduction, integration. Neurons receive and process signals, conduct them along their processes and interact with each other.

Conducting a signal along the processes of neurons is electrical activity. A change in the polarization of the membrane propagates along the processes; this process requires energy expended for the operation of ion pumps.

Another important process is synaptic transmission. One cell secretes into the synaptic cleft molecules-mediators, mediators that act on the receptors of another cell, stimulating or inhibiting its activity.

The activity of neurons requires energy. Lots of energy. Where does it come from? One of the most important biological processes is respiration. At the cellular level, respiration means the oxidation of nutrients and the production of energy. Let me tell you very simply. Oxygen and nutrients enter the tissues with arterial blood. Then they enter the cage. There are whole chains of enzymes and coenzymes, the work of which ensures the oxidation of nutrients with oxygen. Carbon dioxide, water and other products are formed. They must be removed from the cell and from the tissue into the blood.

In addition to respiration, there are many more biochemical processes. For example, the synthesis of cell components (the same membrane, enzymes, ion pumps, etc.), as well as mediators. All these processes also require energy, nutrients, enzymes and coenzymes. No mediators - no synaptic transmission.

The work of the nervous system should not be considered only at the cellular level. There are supracellular structures: groups of neurons, nuclei and centers of the brain, as well as such a mysterious thing in many respects as the reticular formation, and also the pineal gland, the limbic system. They affect the cerebral cortex.

There are structures in the brain that are characterized by cyclic activity. They stimulate or inhibit the activity of other structures. One of the important cycles is the daily cycle. The cyclic change in the activity of neurons is extremely important for recovery processes. The reserves of nutrients, macroergic compounds, mediators, and the components of the cell itself should be restored. New connections between neurons should be formed. Structural changes must occur in the neurons themselves.

By the way, using stimulants, you simply "burn the emergency reserve." As stupid party nomenklatura, in order to increase meat production in reports, let dairy herds go to slaughter, so you, taking caffeine, "energy" and similar substances, slowly kill your neurons.

What to do?

Natural and stable daily routine is the most effective remedy

A natural, sustainable daily routine is the most effective remedy. Moreover, it is non-drug. And this tool is the most underestimated and most disliked by most of us. You can eat pills, but without a day regimen, you can flush them into the toilet with almost the same effect.

The mode of the day is not just "sleep eight hours." For some, six is ​​enough, for others, nine. The most important thing is to develop and maintain a stable daily rhythm. And not anyhow, but natural. It is natural for a reasonable person to wake up in the morning, stay awake during the day, rest in the evening and sleep at night.

Anticipating the invasion of crazy red-eyed coders who are pathologically proud of being "owls", I will say that after the return of "owls" to the natural cycle, their productivity increases, their mood improves. In fact, the division into "owls" and "larks" is quite arbitrary. Among those who work better at night than during the day, there are almost no real "owls". There are just people with a steady unnatural daily cycle.

Each person has slightly different body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate. But these parameters, nevertheless, have a norm. How normal temperature in the armpit is 36.6 degrees Celsius, so the normal rhythm is the one I described, let's call it "morning".

I myself have experienced periods when I work better at night than during the day. But let's look at this situation in the following way. Let's take for 100% the maximum working capacity of a person. And now let's make it an "owl". During the day he will nod off and work at thirty percent, and by night he will become more active, say, up to seventy percent. But all the same, he will not reach that maximum and that comfortable state that would be with the natural biological rhythm of Homo Sapiens.

For millions of years, all life on Earth is subject to a daily rhythm. And almost all living things get this rhythm due to the cyclic change in lighting. One of the substances cyclically produced in the brain is melatonin. Approximately 70% of its secretion occurs at night. The pineal gland increases the production of melatonin when it is dark.

It is very important to go to bed and wake up at about the same time. I recommend going to bed at about 11:30 pm and waking up at about 7:30 am. You can go to bed at another time, a little earlier or a little later. It is important to wake up consistently.

And again I foresee objections about "deadlines", "blockages at work." Let me remind you the story about two lumberjacks who had a competition. One chopped without stopping, and the ax of the other fell silent periodically. And when the second woodcutter stopped chopping, the first heard it and started chopping even faster. Imagine his surprise when it turned out that the second woodcutter chopped twice as much. “How is it that you stopped every hour and did nothing?” - asked the first. “How is it nothing? I rested and sharpened the ax, ”the second answered him.

You'll be much better at meeting deadlines and rushes if your ax is sharp. Remember, I spoke about the processes of synthesis, about the restoration of reserves of neurotransmitters and energy connections? So, during healthy sleep, they are restored. And many more little-studied processes are going on. Some authors believe that it is during sleep that new connections between neurons are formed, and information is recorded in long-term memory.

We wake up easily

By the way, about the right awakening. If you wake up shortly before the alarm goes off, don't "fill up". Gotta get up. And if the alarm clock rang, but you don’t want to wake up, you still have to get up. Get up in the literal sense of the word. You have no idea how important it is to take vertical position body. In most cases, drowsiness goes away immediately. You will be surprised that a minute ago you considered it impossible to crawl out from under a warm blanket.

Awakening is facilitated by stable morning “rituals”. A contrast shower "washes away" drowsiness. The key word here is stability. The body will get used to the fact that it is necessary not only to wake up, but also to do something invigorating.

A little earlier, I talked about circadian rhythms, melatonin, and the role of lighting. So, it will be very cool if you wake up in the light. There are alarm clocks that first turn on the light, and then, if you do not wake up, they ring. I will talk about the role of lighting during the working day a little later.

Fall asleep easily and sleep well

If you do not have a pathology, then a stable circadian rhythm with morning awakening after a while will lead to the fact that it will be easy to fall asleep.

It is very important that the room is not too light, and also hot or stuffy. Also, don't stuff up your nose. It happens that a person complaining of morning "brokenness" is monitored for sleep. It turns out that the poor man wakes up 10 times a night, but he simply does not remember this. Turns out he has trouble breathing through his nose.

Do not use sleeping pills. Their principle of action is based on the oppression of the nervous system. This is not what we need, and side effects are very bad.

To rebuild the body to a normal rhythm, the drug "Melaxen" helps. These are tablets of melatonin, a substance produced by the pineal gland when we need to sing. You can use it for about 5-7 days, no more, one tablet 15 minutes before bedtime (most of this drug will be removed in 45 minutes) Be sure to drink at least half a glass of water (as with any tablet, so as not to stick to esophagus, it happens). This is not a sleeping pill in the usual sense this word. This drug helps the brain to adjust to a normal rhythm.

Glycine can also be used before bed. It is necessary to apply it correctly: do not swallow, but place it under the tongue or on the cheek.

I also heard about such alarm clocks, sliptrackers, which wake a person in the right phase of sleep. I have not tried it myself, I have not used it on patients, but the thing is interesting.

To fall asleep easily, it would be nice to get moderate aerobic exercise 3-5 hours before bedtime. And here we will touch on the next topic - hypodynamia.

The fight against hypodynamia

I will not dwell on the pathological mechanisms of physical inactivity. Let me just say that we all suffer from it. You can't even imagine what a truly huge traffic deficit that a city dweller experiences. Especially IT people.

Two good ways are morning jogging or cycling. For myself, I chose a bike. By personal or public transport, with the current load of St. Petersburg streets, it will take me about 50-70 minutes to go. So much for cycling.

I exchange an hour of traffic jams or hustling in a sweaty subway for the same hour of moderate aerobic exercise. I don’t spend such precious time extra, as if after work I went to the fitness center and pedaled on the simulator. By the way, it turned out that you sweat more in the subway.

I recommend getting up and leaving early, before rush hour and traffic jams. First, the air will still be fresh. Second, it's safer. Thirdly, you will arrive at work, and there are few people there, it is easier to concentrate. And finally, not always immediately after sleep there is an appetite. After a bike ride, the appetite will be good, the food will be absorbed better, and there will be cheerfulness.

When you return home on your bike, you will have a few more hours to "calm down". I recommend taking an evening shower not a contrast, but a warm one.

Not everyone and not always can afford to ride a bike. Let me share my life hack. Get out of the transport for one or two stops and go through them on foot. Or easy running.

Rest at work

The topic partly intersects with hypodynamia. How do IT people usually "rest"? They go down, pour coffee, read blogs, play something, smoke (a ray of diarrhea for tobacco companies).

Rest is a change of activity. Many people know this, but they don't use it. Changing "Photoshop" to "Bashorg" is not a rest, although it is better than "stupid" over the layout when the head is no longer cooking.

It’s right to relax like this: get up from the computer, open the window, leave the room and do at least some physical activity, without thinking about work and “deadlines”. For this we have table hockey, darts and badminton in warm weather. You can at least squat and push up a few times. And it’s better to eat food not at the workplace, but at least go somewhere in a cafe.

During prolonged sitting, some groups of muscles and nerve cells receive a static load, while others are relaxed. Physical activity allows you to restore the tone of relaxed muscles and blood vessels, restore normal blood flow, and accelerate the removal of waste products from the body of cells.

For a good rest during the working day, a change of activity, physical activity, distraction from the problem and a change of scenery are important (get out of the cubicle, finally!)

Rest outside of work

There are two big parts here: “after work” and “on vacation”. I won't talk about vacation for a long time. Let me just say that the sense of vacation will be when the situation changes. This is its main psychotherapeutic effect. It is necessary to leave, forget about work, problems, turn on the phone and computer only when necessary.

Let's take a closer look at the regular rest "after work". I recommend several types of such recreation: outdoor games (football, badminton, tennis), jogging, cycling, rollerblading, and also a swimming pool. The pool is generally very cool, at least once a week. But all sorts GYM's will not give such an effect as aerobic motor loads.

Another thing that few people know about. Cleaning on weekends is not just about “cleaning and tidying up”. It is a psychotherapeutic agent. I'm not going to paint the mechanisms here, just trust the doctor ;-) Get out of the apartment, at the workplace, or even clean the computer. Refresh your space.

My colleagues who treat neuroses use such concepts as "psychological microclimate" and "microenvironment". Use the weekend to arrange a change in this environment. Ideally, of course, to go somewhere out of town, but it does not always work out.

The advice of one of my colleagues is not without common sense: sometimes take a break from those with whom you work, even if they are very good and interesting people.

Try to diversify your life as much as possible. If you go to work one route - try others. You buy everything in one store - try the next one. Eat pasta all the time - try boiled socks (you read this far, ho-ho) Don't limit yourself to specialized literature. Get yourself a non-computer hobby, sometimes go to the cinema, theaters, museums. It sounds trite, but in three months you will really get a significant effect.


A lot has already been said about glycine, nootropics and vitamins. I will also say a few words.

Multivitamins, especially drugs like Vitrum Superstress, should be taken only in the indicated dosage. Usually this is one tablet per day. Take in the morning, at breakfast. Do not exceed the dose! The duration of the course of vitamins is 30 days, then take a break for 1-2 months.

Nootropil. Relatively safe drug, has an antihypoxic effect, improves the processes cellular respiration. Don't abuse. It would be better if a doctor prescribes it to you, who will indicate the dosage and observe you, but I won’t paint the “du it yoself” schemes here. The effect is not instantaneous, it does not come immediately.

Glycine. It is also relatively safe. Before going to bed, one tablet under the tongue makes it easier for many to fall asleep. About "Melaxen" I wrote a little higher.

Everything else: caffeine, dietary supplements, stimulants, sleeping pills, amphetamines, antidepressants - forget it. Just forget about them unless your doctor has prescribed them for you. If the doctor prescribed dietary supplements, then forget this doctor. If psychotropic drugs were prescribed not by a psychiatrist - the same thing.
If you suspect that you have depression, see a psychiatrist. If you have problems with sleep, go to a sleep center or a psychiatrist, again.

What else prevents it from working properly?


Whatever mental homosexuals say (I have no other decent words for these citizens), who defend smoking, smokers, the tobacco industry, but hypoxia and constriction of cerebral vessels under the influence of nicotine have never contributed to the good functioning of brain cells. Hypoxia - main reason inhibition of neurons.

Smoking contributes to the development of hypoxia at several levels at once. Firstly, under the influence of nicotine, the vessels that bring arterial blood narrow. The supply of oxygen to the tissues with blood is reduced. Secondly, the transport capacity of hemoglobin decreases. The blood itself carries less oxygen and it is more difficult to give it to the tissues. One of the reasons is the formation of carboxyhemoglobin, a reaction product of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide ( carbon monoxide). Thirdly, in addition to nicotine in tobacco smoke there are still a bunch of substances that penetrate the cells and block the processes of cellular respiration. That is, even the reduced amount of oxygen that enters the tissue, the neurons themselves cannot properly assimilate, since the enzymes and cytochromes of the respiratory chains are suppressed.

And these effects do not appear in long-term smokers, in contrast to, say, emphysema or erectile dysfunction.

Now citizens will come running here who will claim that “they can’t work without a cigarette”, that “a cigarette helps to mobilize”. The crap is full. The simplest analogy - breaking without a dose is also very bad for a drug addict. The systematic use of tobacco leads to the formation of sustainable pathological condition, and without the next dose, performance really decreases, dysphoria sets in. But here's the thing: if you didn't smoke, then your performance during the day would be much higher than you now have for a short time after the "mobilizing cigarette".

For office workers: smoke only one at a time and outside the office. And do not choose a constant time! By strictly following this rule, you will significantly increase your chances of quitting smoking. Destroy the pathological tradition, social attachment and this ugly ritual. Drive the person who offers to “discuss in the smoking room” away, not embarrassed in expressions and measures of influence. This is your enemy.

Improper nutrition

If you regularly eat homeless bags, instant noodles and mashed potatoes, chips, then along with all this goodness you consume glutamic acid or its salts, glutamates. Glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Glutamate is also an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It has a short-term nootropic effect, but the systematic consumption of high doses of glutamate leads to a change in biochemical processes in the nervous tissue. For a snack, you can read about the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.

But even if there were no glutamates, such nutrition is bad for its inferiority. For example, a lack of vitamins. Remember, I talked about tissue respiration, synthesis and coenzymes? So, many vitamins act as coenzymes. There are not enough coenzymes - the cell cannot work normally.

By itself, the homeless package is not so harmful. To get harm, like from one cigarette, you need to eat ten of these instant noodles. But chronic nutrition of inadequate and monotonous food leads to a growing lack of vitamins. And many other substances.

Your diet must include fresh vegetables, fish and vegetable fats. Vegetables are not only vitamins, by the way. And not just vitamins, but also their various derivatives and precursors (provitamins). And not just pill powders, but "packed" in the cell membrane.

Fish and vegetable fats are polyunsaturated fatty acid and fat-soluble vitamins. For example, vitamins A and E are involved in a huge number of synthesis reactions, and are also antioxidants (block chain reactions free radical oxidation of cell components, some of these reactions are triggered by hypoxia).

But you should not engage in veganism, it is unnatural. The natural diet of Homo Sapiens is mixed. Meat contains essential amino acids, as well as iron and other elements in the form in which absorption occurs incomparably more efficiently than from plant foods.

You should not listen to those idiots who promote microscopic breakfasts. "Cosmo girls" let them go through the forest with their advice. You have to eat breakfast like a human being. You work all day, the body must receive energy from food. The stove should be fired with wood, not logs from your own home.

Wrong environment

Most often there is improper lighting in the workplace. Well, IT-shniks like to sit in the dark or twilight. It is not right. First, darkness is a natural signal for the brain that it's time to party. Secondly, the contrast between dark room and a luminous monitor is very harmful to the eyes. And yet - the visual analyzer gets tired.

Dull offices - I think everyone understands everything here. But there are also unnecessarily “creative offices” with bright walls, a lot of glare, multi-colored light sources. It's cool to put it on a blog to get customers or future employees hooked. But putting people to work in such offices is a crime.

Music in speakers or headphones is extraneous noise and tension of the auditory analyzer. Now brave guys will come running here, who code at night under “tynz-tynz” or “Sepultura”, they will prove that they work better this way. Physiology claims the opposite, but I won’t argue with the “red-eyed people”, this is a stupid exercise.

Wrong workplace. This is generally a very large topic, just give one example. It costs, say, the monitor is too high. The person is sitting, the neck muscles are in constant tension, the head is fixed. The venous outflow is disturbed (sometimes the blood flow too), the blood supply to the brain gradually worsens, but not critically (no fainting). But constantly. Water wears away the stone. Efficiency decreases, a person gets tired faster, headaches often occur.

Wance again

So, the most important and most effective (better than nootropics and glycine) is a stable natural “morning” day regimen. Start today!

And finally

Well, of course, of course, lieutenants. This is also very important. One verse comes to mind here:

Don't drink alcohol
Don't smoke cigarettes
Don't take any drugs

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