Useful items for the garage. Great gadgets for the garage. How to make a viewing hole - detailed instructions for beginners

An ideal garage should organically combine the functions of a reliable shelter for a car and a well-equipped place for various repairs and other work. There are a number useful advice By interior arrangement garage, with most necessary fixtures you can make your own without spending money to buy them.

Work on the internal arrangement of the garage involves the use of many different useful gadgets. Read the suggested instructions, and your garage will become the most convenient and comfortable.

Usually in the garage you have to store not only the car, but also a lot of tools and other accessories. For convenient placement of all this, you need to equip the garage with racks, shelves, hooks and other similar devices.

The best option is a spacious shelving. You can do it yourself. Fill the remaining free space with convenient shelves. There is nothing complicated in their manufacture either. More detailed instructions you will get next.

Get familiar with your tools. Arrange them according to frequency of use. What you use most often should be stored in the rack drawers closest to the workbench. Store heavy equipment on the bottom shelves of the rack, for spare tires, allocate a place near the ceiling - you will need them less often.

Fasten the brackets

These tools will help you conveniently store replacement tires. Brackets should be placed closer to the ceiling, so the wheels will not take up usable space. For tires, buy large bags, or better - special covers to protect against dust.

He's a workbench. The design is easily assembled with your own hands from boards and bars. On the table, you can fix a vise and other tools necessary in the garage. It is more convenient when the workbench is installed next to the shelves and racks.

Properly organize the lighting system

You will need several lamps: above the place where the hood of the car is usually located, above the desktop, in other important places in the garage. Ideally, the lighting system should be organized so that you can turn on all the lights at the same time and each of them individually. This will help you make an ordinary double switch.

Install an outlet close to the garage door and above the workbench.

Allocate space to store the worksheet. One shelf or at least an elementary hook will be enough. There is also a place to store work shoes and personal protective equipment.

Security questions

In the garage, substances such as gasoline, oil, etc. are stored. To store them, you need to allocate a separate locker or at least a shelf near the gate. Place a box of sand nearby and hang a fire extinguisher on the wall.

Each tool in the garage must have its own place, otherwise there will simply be no order in the room. For organization convenient storage things, collect a homemade rack. Finished models are quite expensive, and do not always meet the needs specific person. Therefore, it is much more profitable and more rational to make a rack immediately “for yourself”.

Collect the rack in such a way that it can withstand a load of at least 150 kg. In this case, the load on each individual section should not exceed 500 kg. The rack can be assembled from wood or metal. The design can be straight and angular.

From wood, preference should be given to the most durable species such as oak, hornbeam, beech, etc. Everything before assembly wooden elements structures are treated with antiseptic impregnation. Thanks to this treatment, the wood will be more resistant to moisture and a variety of bacteria and will last much longer.

If possible, cut and grind all the elements of the frame with high quality.

Shelves are made of plywood or chipboard. DVL and OSB boards are also suitable. The main thing is that the plate has a thickness of at least 4 mm. The higher the expected load on the shelves, the thicker they should be.

To give the shelves a more presentable look, it is recommended to paste over them with a decorative film or paint them. Also, such processing will allow you to better get rid of pollution in the future.

The simplest rack is made in a few steps. Do each one in sequence. Below are the various sizes. You can stick to them or change the dimensions at your discretion.

First step. Take a board 9 cm wide and cut it into several pieces of different lengths: 30 cm, 27.5 cm and 18 cm. From these pieces you will make spacers.

Second step. Take a board 19 cm wide and saw it into right amount pieces 36 cm long. From these pieces you will make shelves for your rack.

Third step. Mark on the board that serves as the base, places for attaching spacers. Spacers are recommended to be installed at a distance of 2.5 cm from each edge of the base. Glue the top brace, then nail the top shelf with the pre-attached brace to it. Do similar manipulations with the remaining spacers and shelves. The bottom strut is attached last.

Fourth step. Turn the rack over and tighten the spacers with the base of the structure using screws.

Fifth step. Thoroughly treat all wood surfaces sandpaper and apply a double layer of oil varnish. If desired, you can paste over the shelves with a decorative film or finish with other material at your discretion.

Sixth step. Attach the rack to the wall with anchor screws. Fasteners are placed under the lower and upper shelves.

According to this scheme, you can assemble a rack from the required number of sections. To strengthen the structure, place wooden blocks between the sections. This will help uniform distribution loads throughout the system.

If there is no place to install a full-fledged shelving, or, on the contrary, you have installed shelving, and there is some unoccupied space left, be sure to make some comfortable and simple shelves to store a variety of accessories.

First step. Decide where to place the shelves. Accordingly, set the desired amount and optimal dimensions products.

Second step. Prepare the required number of boards and fasteners in accordance with the plan drawn up in the last step.

Third step. Mark on the walls where the future shelves will be attached.

Fourth step. Armed with a puncher, prepare holes in the walls in accordance with the markings and screw the dowels into them. It is best to use dowels with hooks - they will provide a more secure fixation of the shelves.

Fifth step. Attach eyelets to the board. When choosing a distance, be guided by the markings on the wall. Use self-tapping screws to fasten metal hangers. In their absence, you can get by with ordinary nails.

Metal shelves

Garage metal shelves

Metal shelves

Sixth step. Fix the finished shelves to the places intended for them.

Remember: it is better to make several short shelves than one long one that will break under the weight of the items placed on it.

If you wish, you can do decorative trim shelves, for example, paste over them with a film or paint. Make sure the shelves hang straight. A tool called a level will help you control this moment.

To make working in the garage as comfortable and productive as possible, assemble and install a workbench in a convenient place. Behind it, you can repair both car parts and other household accessories. A homemade workbench has a great advantage over finished model factory-made - you can make a table of the size that you need.

Workbench kit

  1. Boards.
  2. Bars.
  3. fasteners.
  4. Plane.
  5. Ties.
  6. Tool for woodworking.
  7. Joiner's glue.
  8. Sandpaper.
  9. Drying oil.

First step. Consider the optimal design of the workbench. The main elements of such a product are the underframe and the table top. The design also includes one or more clamping devices.

Second step. Assemble the tabletop. The best option- a tabletop of 20 boards measuring 200x10x5 cm. Prepare grooves for stops measuring 2.5x2.5 cm in the 5th and 16th boards. Place the grooves in increments of 25 cm.

Use glue and metal ties to connect the boards. Before gluing, the surfaces of the boards must be trimmed.

Third step. Carefully plan the dried countertop. It should be a flat, flat surface. Over time, the wood will shrink. You need to not miss this moment and tighten the nuts on the ties in a timely manner.

Fourth step. Make legs. To do this, use high-quality bars measuring 80x10x10 cm. Make grooves for the brackets in the front supports. The brackets will later be connected to the longitudinal beam. This kind of beams are commonly used in the construction of window frames.

Fifth step. Assemble the base of the underframe from two frames and fasten it to the supports. Assemble frames from 10x5 cm boards. Use a spike connection. The frames directly cut into the table legs to a depth of 2.5 cm and are bolted to them. Attach a plywood sheet to the bottom frame. A sheet 1 cm thick will suffice.

Sixth step. Attach to the table the side and back supporting walls. Use to make walls chipboard or plywood 1 cm thick. On the left of the table, build a convenient cabinet with a hinged door.

Seventh step. Attach the workbench top to the top frame with bolts. It is recommended to prepare the holes for the bolts in advance - it will be faster and easier to make connections. Tighten the bolts so that their hats are recessed into the wood.

Eighth step. Make a chair. This device will help you in the future to cut workpieces at the required angles. The miter box is assembled from 2 cm thick wooden strips. Attach finished miter box to the table with stoppers.

Ninth step. Process your homemade workbench drying oil and varnish. Give paintwork dry and you can start using the table. If necessary, install a vise on it or, for example, a circular saw. At this point, focus on your needs.

Video - DIY garage accessories

Video of the channel “TEXaS TV”. Topic: Gadgets and more for the garage. At one time, when the master was just starting to repair cars, money for good tool and was not. Complex and expensive designs had to be done by myself. The author of the channel decided to prepare a review of homemade devices.

Watch the video youtube channel"Hands from the shoulders." Great fit for garages and gardens.

If you have an old vacuum cleaner lying around, you can return it to service again, redo it, for example, a blower. With it, you can quickly clean some equipment from dust or put things in order on the street. You will need sealing gum, a motor and part of the body. We remake the button, leg, handles and get a compact and convenient device. To focus the flow in this case fire extinguisher socket. There are probably many other alternatives out there.

This summer it is planned to make a similar dryer at the dacha. It can be used not only for fish, but also for meat, apples, mushrooms. Cool option. There is a thermostat that maintains the required temperature in the chamber. Air intake from 150 vent pipe. It has a built-in heater of two incandescent lamps. Mosquito net filter on top. Server rack fan. Exit openings are brought out to the street.

Interesting execution of the milling copier. Movement on shafts with a diameter of 20 mm is carried out using linear bearings.

If you build something from foam blocks, then you probably felt all the charm of their ascent to the floors. It's still a pleasure. Weight over 30 kilograms. Simple design capture together with a winch or an electric hoist will make work easier.

Improved version of the vise for welding work. Additional instructions were added to the fixture, which made it possible to connect parts in 3 planes at once.

At the beginning of May, a hot season begins for summer residents, including potato growers. If you have a walk-behind tractor, then it makes sense to think about automating the harvesting process. Moreover, the preparation for the whole summer. This digger is of a roaring type, but there is no roar in it as such. This greatly simplifies the manufacturing process. Instead, the rods on the plowshare are lengthened. The soil with potatoes is picked up by a plowshare and served on a table of twigs. The latter vibrates, the soil wakes up through the cracks, the roots on the other side fall to the ground. It remains only to pick up and put in a container.

In a private house garden shredder- useful thing. No need to think about where to put the cut branches. Secondly, your garden will pay back for such fertilizer. excellent harvest. Knives are mounted on discs 16 mm thick. Cutting elements from springs. Hammers for crushing branches to a fraction of the desired size.

Who said that crafts are not interesting to men, it’s just that if women read about how we are with great pleasure, then for motorists there is no topic more interesting than do-it-yourself homemade for the garage. In fact, there are a lot of devices with which you can ennoble your garage life, so all long winter there will be something to do.

Useful DIY garage crafts

There are original, interesting products that you can make yourself, but there are useful homemade DIY garage. First of all, such things include furniture: cabinets, tables, hangers. All this allows you to optimize the surrounding space as much as possible, especially if your footage is not too large.

Most often, during the initial arrangement, they order the entire necessary furniture. But if you rent a room or do not want to take money out of the family budget for this, then you will be able to settle on your own, especially if you know how to hold basic tools in your hands. To help yourself and for inspiration, you can use the video from do-it-yourself homemade for the garage (youtube can please you with a variety of ideas), or you can take into account the tips for arranging, which will be the basis for a successful layout.

If you look at the photo that demonstrates the optimal set of useful furniture elements, then note the useful nuances for yourself. First, the location of any storage system must be located at a certain distance from the walls. It is believed that there should be at least half a meter between the machine standing inside the room and the rack for normal, comfortable work inside. If the shape of your car storage is more like a rectangle rather than a square (this happens quite often), then it is worth moving all the storage for tools and useful things into one zone along the far wall opposite the door. It is here that you can, with maximum convenience, put not only a table or a rack, but even a carpentry or lathe. It would be useful to mention that all the storage of your tools should be located inside the garage only if it is securely closed or protected by tightly closed ones. Otherwise, it is better to place there only the most necessary, preferably, not of particular value to the robbers.

If you provide in a separate room that is located on the territory of your suburban area, then you better make them, the so-called, attic type, that is, located in the roof, moreover, choose a place just above such a work area. In summer and spring period such an arrangement of windows will help you save on lighting, there will be enough sunlight for all types of work, and besides, you can also ventilate the room, because ventilation can not always cope well, especially if you are going to work inside, like in a workshop.

With a total shortage of money or for the love of art, you can also make an original storage system using old empty canisters. Any motorist accumulates quite a lot of them in a year, and if you ask your neighbors, then there will be enough of such an interesting locker for each compartment. Of course, there is nothing complicated here, and to perform such do-it-yourself homemade for the garage video- Lessons are not needed. You need to take a plastic canister, wash it well so that no traces of its contents remain. Armed with metal scissors, a knife or other tool, we cut off the front cover from the canister, but so that the sides remain and the contents do not overflow. To make the structure more stable, you can fix it on the back wall with self-tapping screws, but we will, of course, drive them not into the wall, but into wooden lath, which we attach to the dowels.

Do-it-yourself homemade for the garage photo

Continuing to review options do-it-yourself homemade for the garage, photo which you have already seen and will see more below, we should look at other ways of rational storage. If horizontal pull-out shelves just don't fit inside, then you can make very original and functional vertical shelves. You will be surprised how many things they can fit into themselves, while the tools will be easily accessible and, as they say, “at hand”.

The same option as shown in the photo can be used in, because there, too, it is often necessary to equip a workshop, and even less space is allocated for it than remains in the garage. For such a design, you will need to build a frame from wooden planks, and make notches along its upper and lower edges, where the cells will be inserted. Most likely, the inspiration for this design was the classic hives that are used in breeding bees, the system here is exactly the same. Sheets that are inserted inside have a perforated surface and the presence of these small holes will allow you to screw carnations inside, hang hooks to hang tools and useful devices as conveniently as possible so that they do not fly off when pulling out and pushing in.

Exactly the same perforation can be inscribed in a furniture set. With such a complete set of everything necessary for home master, you can build a lot useful homemade for the garage with your own hands, video who are online. In terms of popularity, such resources may soon overtake popular hand-made projects, because men, no less than women, want to make the space around them, their kingdom, beautiful, functional, and comfortable.

Interesting do-it-yourself homemade for the garage

Let's digress a little from the useful and talk about things that are not mandatory, but no less useful than traditional furniture, machine tools, lighting or heating. Recall that for many men the garage is a real men's club, where you can equip everything to your liking. We offer you a couple of options. interesting do-it-yourself homemade for the garage, which support the automotive theme and can be used for long gatherings.

We are accustomed to either simply throwing out tires that are completely worn out, or making them. Wearing out the past winter set on a swan or a flowerpot, this year you can very well allocate it to your loved one by making a whole furniture set. Frankly, for this purpose, you will need not only car tires, but also bicycle tires, because they can be used to construct backrests, turning a stool into an armchair.

Practice making such furniture and soon you will be able to replace yours. Coffee table on this one they look not only beautiful, but can also become part of the original design concept.

A table and chairs are great, there will be somewhere to sit, but with the question of how to cook a delicious barbecue, our next idea will help here. The fact is that an ordinary folding brazier may not maintain the required temperature of the coals for a long time, and if you like to sit around the fire for a long time, you should make something more ambitious. we will modernize a little and present to your attention a brazier made on the basis of a wheel rim. In order for the rim to maintain the set temperature well and prevent the coals from cooling down, it must be overlaid with bricks, but for the maximum decorative effect of such a homemade product, it is better to file them a little with a grinder to fold them in a circle. The bottom must be covered with any available material, which does not support combustion, for example, crushed stone of fine fraction.

Do-it-yourself homemade garage drawings

Returning from entertainment to business again, you need to understand that for many a garage can be an alternative to a workshop where you can serve not only your needs, creating crafts for your apartment, summer house, or even repairing a car, but also fulfilling small orders. In order to make quality useful do-it-yourself homemade garage drawings, schemes and technical advice you will definitely need it.

If you plan to spend a lot of time in your impromptu workshop, then among the ones you are interested in do-it-yourself homemade for the garage - heating, lighting, ventilation, that is, the arrangement of a full-fledged comfortable stay inside long time. Some prefer to install infrared heaters, but from the point of view of the cost of electricity, this will not be very rational option. A good option might be water heating, but it is best to design it in garages that are located next to a residential building.

You can place solid fuel boilers of any design inside any type of garage, even make your own metal stove-stove using welding machine. But do not forget that with this type of heating, the interior decoration should be made of non-combustible materials, and the ventilation should be done with high quality, even at the stage when we are in order to remove all combustion products from the room in a timely manner.

DIY homemade machines for the garage

Even if you are a non-professional carpenter or turner, you will still need the most convenient and compact machines. DIY homemade for the garage workbenches can just become - tabletops on which various electric tools are attached, for example, a jigsaw, milling machine, lathe. A metal worktop will last you much longer than wood, so you can easily combine wood and metal.

A garage is more than just a place to park a car. It is also a workshop, and a place of rest, and an interest club. Therefore, the arrangement of the garage should be convenient and thoughtful. In a small area, you need to place a lot of things, and it should be convenient to use them. This will help homemade for the garage. What people do not do with their own hands. From an elementary shelf to a complex device. All this can be made independently. But you need to know how. A few ideas for modernizing the garage and a plan for their implementation in the article.

Homemade for the garage: ideas for arrangement

Arranging a garage is a long process. You can’t do everything right away, you have to constantly modernize something, change, make something new. At the same time, they mainly use homemade products for the garage. It requires less money, and it’s even more fun to mold from garbage the right thing-it costs a lot.

Even in a small area you can fit everything

Tire and wheel storage

Each car owner is faced with the problem of storing off-season "shoes" for the car. Where to stick the tires is a sore point. In general, how tires are stored depends on whether they are mounted on rims or not.

Tire storage methods

So tires with disks can be hung or stored lying down - in the form of a stack, stacking them one on top of the other. For hanging tires, you can use luggage straps, chains, a metal cable with a diameter of 4 mm or more in a polyethylene sheath. Fasten the belts to the ceiling, wall, to the beam located on top.

Polyethylene sheathed cable, ring anchors and tightening clamps

Luggage straps are best attached to rings in the ceiling or hooks on the walls.

Drive pins of sufficient length into the wall, but such that the pin does not stick out of the tire

Not only a pin is suitable, but also a hook with a small bend radius

Another affordable way is to drive pins or hooks with a small bending radius into the wall. The distance between the hooks is slightly more than the diameter of the tires. The length of the pins must be such that they do not stick out of the tire. You can fill them almost under the ceiling so that the wheels fit.

Tires without rims can only be stored standing up. They make special shelves for them. They are usually welded from a profiled pipe. 20*20mm, maximum 30*30mm. You can also use a corner. round pipe it is inconvenient to cook, but crossbars can be made from it - the tires fit and hold better in this case.

Shelf width - 4 times the width of the tire, plus a margin of 10-15 cm for some freedom. Height rear wall- just above the outer diameter of the wheel. The design is simple = the side resembles right triangle. Having an inverter welding machine, it will not be difficult to weld such a shelf.

Tire storage shelf - a great DIY for the garage

This is a factory version with a completely inhumane price tag. But you can borrow the idea - the crossbars can be rearranged depending on the size of the tires ... you never know

Just welded and painted

Such shelves are usually hung on the wall. But the place must be chosen so that the light does not fall on the rubber - it deteriorates from this. Not the most difficult DIY for the garage, but very useful.


Probably the largest number of garage homemade products is associated with workplace equipment and tool storage systems. Moreover, shelves and racks in the garage - not the only way to solve this problem. First of all, you need to decide where it will be located workplace. There are three options:

A table or a workbench for a garage is made of boards, sheathed with plywood. Inexpensive, very reliable. If you have a welding machine and reconciliation skills, you can weld a frame from a corner or a profiled pipe. It is better to sheathe again with moisture-resistant plywood. This results in a smooth, abrasion-resistant surface. You can, of course, use laminated chipboard, but the laminating layer is quickly damaged.

U-shaped workbench for the garage

To prevent the place from “walking”, you can install shelves under the tabletop or make drawers. Boxes are more convenient, but making them is still a hassle. It is quite possible to make shelves and put boxes knocked out of plywood on them. Plastic boxes and baskets are also suitable. But the walls must be thick.

Drawers can be placed on shelves

By the way, there is a useful idea - to make a rack for storing tools from used canisters. Look for the ones with the handle on top. Further, everything is simple - one of the sidewalls is cut out and in the future this canister is used as a box.

Useful and simple homemade for garage

It is not necessary to make a whole rack - it is still difficult to remember where, what is. But by the same principle, you can make boxes for shelves. By the way, you can stick inscriptions or pictures on the ends (identification is faster with pictures). Such homemade garage crafts bring satisfaction - creating a useful thing from garbage is a pleasant feeling.

Tool storage

The most difficult task- organize the storage of tools in the garage. It is necessary to make sure that everything is in order, but, at the same time, is at hand and in plain sight. Moreover, closed boxes are suitable only for very organized people who always put the thing they have taken in its place. Otherwise, you will constantly rummage through the boxes, forgetting where everything is. There are several ideas for convenient storage of small items and tools. These are very simple homemade products for the garage.

The usual way to solve the problem quickly metal grid. A reinforcing mesh of 2 mm wire, a cage of 10 cm is suitable. Attach it to the wall, bite off some twigs, bend them, make hooks, crossbars, etc. out of them. You can buy special hooks that are attached to the net (available in stores selling commercial equipment), ordinary double-sided hooks that can be bought or made from wire are also suitable.

Grid on the wall - a way to quickly organize tool storage

Screwdrivers are conveniently stored on a special shelf. Take a board, plywood, 10-15 mm thick. The board must be well sanded - so that there are no splinters. Then drill holes in the plane different diameter in one or two rows. If the board is wide enough, you can make larger holes - for chisels or even for hammer handles. Clean all the chips again. Now we need to come up with a wall mount. You can use a regular bracket. Screwdrivers, chisels, and other similar material are inserted into the holes. Convenient, fast, everything.

Idea for storing screwdrivers in the garage

There are also useful homemade products for the garage that allow you to organize storage. hand tool. Pliers, pliers, wire cutters, etc. placement is problematic. Can be hung on a net. It is convenient to shoot, but not to hang. But there is a simple solution - attach a narrow board and put a tool on it. To make it fit comfortably, grind off the board on one side. When cut, it should look like an isosceles triangle.

Storage of hand tools in the garage

More simple idea for storing cordless tools, chargers and spare batteries for them. Make a shelf as in the photo above. Cuts of various formats are made in the lower part, and the upper ones are used as ordinary shelves. The idea is that everything is in one place, quickly gets / installed in place. These homemade garage crafts will make your workplace comfortable. Keeping order will be easy.

Homemade carriers for the garage

Even with very good lighting in the garage itself or during the day on the street, under the bottom of the car, visibility is very low. To illuminate the front of work, portable lamps are used - carrying. These are the simplest homemade for the garage. With them, you can start the epic of arranging and equipping the garage space.

The most widespread type of carriers for the garage. Homemade usually make very similar

In the very simple version this is a cartridge attached to a wire, a small screen with a hook can be attached to it. This is such an uncomplicated thing. Light bulbs are used ordinary - incandescent or housekeeper under a standard cartridge. Everything is not bad, except that these bulbs beat very often, you need to look for how to hang them so that they shine in a specific place. In general, the design needs to be improved. There are several modification options.

Unbreakable lamp socket

This plastic bottle shade perfectly protects the fragile bulb of an energy-saving lamp. You can also use led lamp, but the incandescence will not work - it heats up too much. The design is ordinary - a cord with a plug and a cartridge at the end.

The main task is to find a plastic vessel with walls made of translucent milky plastic of medium thickness. Transparent will not work - it will not scatter light, too thin walls will not save the lamp from impacts. After you have found a suitable vessel, a trifle remains:

Everything is simple, but such a ceiling allows you to brightly illuminate exactly the right area, the rest of the space is flooded with even light that does not hurt your eyes.

Carrying out LED recessed downlight

The simplest and most common garage homemade products are portable lamps. Without them, it is inconvenient to work not only in a garage pit, but even just on a workbench. You need a flat recessed LED lamp that can be switched on at 220 V. These models are called "pills" because of their shape. Still need a cord with a plug, a piece plastic window sill- to build a lamp. A piece of window sill should be larger than the lamp. Choose your own dimensions. Further actions are:

All, homemade carrier ready. This option is for floor installation. The movable leg allows you to change the angle of inclination. To make it turn over less, a couple of weights can be fixed inside the case (in its lower part).

Attach the carry cord to the ceiling

Conveniences are made up of little things, and very simple homemade products for the garage help in this. For example, you can remove the cable from a portable lamp that is always tangled under your feet. Carrying is usually done with a cheap cable. It is not the most flexible, does not fold well, its coils on the floor fall under your feet. In general, it is inconvenient to use. You can protect yourself and carrying - hang the cable from the ceiling. The solution is simple but very effective.

Here's a "suspension" to the ceiling for carrying, you can do it yourself in an hour

  • Two anchors with a ring at the end.
  • Cable tie.
  • Clamp clamp.
  • Metal cable. The length depends on the size of the garage - it is necessary from one wall to another.
  • Steel/plastic rings or steel wire and a piece of pipe to make these rings.
  • Carry with a long cable - its length is about twice the length of the garage.

The cable is pulled along the long side of the garage. It is more convenient - not far from the "working" wall, where a workbench or other equipment is located. Little work:

Well, that's all. You can use. With such a device, the carrier can be pulled to any end of the garage, while the cable does not get confused and does not cling. Convenient, takes little time.

Do-it-yourself garage compressor

A compressor is needed in any garage. And by the way, this is not the most difficult homemade for the garage. Low power garage compressor for tire inflation and other small jobs you can do it yourself from auxiliary materials. For example, from the compressor from the refrigerator. For this you will need:

  • refrigerator compressor;
  • a sealed container with thick walls (you can use a flask from a fire extinguisher, a small gas cylinder);
  • safety valve 8 atm;
  • manometer;
  • fitting;
  • oxygen hoses with couplings (choose the length based on the size of your spare parts);
  • base for the compressor - a thick board, a piece of plywood will do.

In order not to pump any muck into the tires, it is also advisable to put a filter - to separate oils, dust and other contaminants. Scheme homemade compressor presented in the photo.

Scheme of a homemade compressor

The compressor must be equipped with a starting device. We plug it into the network, look into which tube air is sucked in, mark it. You can put a car filter on it - clean air will be pumped.

We assemble an oil separator receiver from a cylinder and a safety valve. To do this, we cut two fittings into the cylinder - for air inlet and outlet. At the inlet we put a safety valve to it with the help of an oxygen hose we connect the compressor outlet.

Homemade compressor for a garage based on a compressor from a refrigerator

We put another car oil filter on the outlet of the oil separator receiver - to remove the oil completely. We connect the filter to the pressure gauge, and from it comes a hose, which is connected to the bus through the appropriate adapter.

Assembly completed. But in order to carry this device comfortably, everything needs to be fixed in some way. You can weld the frame to size, attach wheels and a handle for easy transportation. One of the compressor options for pumping wheels is described in the video. There is no receiver, but the oil filter performs its functions. You can do it this way, but with a receiver, the design is more reliable.

Since the compressor in the refrigerator is small, it can take a long time to inflate the wheels. It can be made more powerful by installing two compressors that will run simultaneously. Accordingly, the pressure will build up twice as fast. But in such an installation, a more solid security group is required. Such homemade products require a little more equipment, since the circuit is still more complicated.

A garage is not only a place for a car, but also a source of invaluable additional space that can be used truly rationally if you construct useful devices with your own hands.

DIY garage accessories

Since the garage is intended to be a home for cars, care should be taken to ensure that the place for tools is well organized. Also in the room there are probably a few square meters in order to take out some of the items from the apartment, so as not to clutter up the living space.

During installation various devices indoors, it is important to consider that all available equipment is at hand. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

The rational organization of space in the garage creates many tangible benefits:

  • it becomes possible to independently carry out small-term repairs of auto parts and other mechanisms, due to which you can significantly save money;
  • convenient placement of tools significantly speeds up the progress of work and saves time;
  • the creation of additional places for storing tools, old things, clothes makes it possible to unload the apartment from things that are rarely used in the household;
  • finally, the well-thought-out internal logistics of the premises allows it to maintain its attractive appearance and avoid clutter.

NOTE. At the stage of project development, it is important to proceed from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, as well as take into account several mandatory utility compartments - for storing summer and winter tires, canisters, a jack, etc.

Video TOP of the best ideas for arranging a garage with your own hands

Garage rack: step by step instructions for making

Since the garage always contains quite a lot of items, ordering their location is a fundamental requirement for proper storage. The simplest and at the same time convenient option- this is the creation of a rack with shelves.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, several important requirements should be considered:

  • The total weight of the rack should not be more than 4-5 centners - otherwise the structure will be very difficult to move if necessary. It will also significantly press on the floor, which can degrade the quality of the coating.
  • When choosing materials, it is important to proceed from considerations of strength and durability of the structure. Ideal for metal wooden crafts beech or oak. Plastic shelves are not suitable - they are not durable and, moreover, may not withstand temperature changes.
  • Choosing between metal and wooden structure should be based on your specific needs. Metal is more durable and stronger, but wood is more affordable. If you need to place a few tools, it is enough to make a small wooden rack.
  • Since all tools are very heavy, you should immediately calculate the strength of the structure so that it can withstand at least 100-150 kg on one shelf.

Installation of a wooden structure

To make such a device for a garage with your own hands, you will need the usual working tools:

  • hacksaw for wood and metal;
  • hammer, nails;
  • screwdriver, self-tapping screws;
  • roulette construction;
  • construction level;
  • electric drill.

All wooden details before assembly, it is important to prime and varnish. In the garage you can see high humidity or temperature difference - therefore, without processing, the tree will not last long.

Video - Do-it-yourself wooden rack manufacturing technology

Installation of a metal structure

Metal structures are exceptionally durable and strong. In addition, they do not need to be treated with special materials to prevent decay.

From metal, you can make both a rack and separate structures, for example, for storing rubber.

In this case, the rules for storing tires, which are schematically shown in the figure, should be taken into account.

At the stage of designing a metal rack, it should be taken into account that all the necessary items can be freely accommodated in it. You can take this drawing as a basis.

Or this option.

The easiest option is to purchase a modular design and assemble it yourself. But you can make this device for the garage with your own hands. The sequence of actions is as follows:

The heaviest equipment is best placed on the lower shelves for optimal load distribution throughout the rack. At the same time, the best option is when the lower floors are made of corrugated metal, and for the upper floors it is quite acceptable to use durable chipboard.

Hanging shelves: fast and practical

Not in all cases there is a need to create a rack, since it will take up a lot of space. On the other hand, in a garage of any size, there is always an unused upper space that can be easily occupied by hanging shelves.

Structurally, it is quite realistic to do with your own hands any version of such a device for a garage:

Of the tools you will need a standard set, described above. The sequence of actions is as follows:

If the shelf is mounted to the ceiling, you can strengthen its connection to the wall with metal corners- then the product will not sway and will last much longer.

Schematically, the whole technology is shown in the figure.

Making a shield shelf

The do-it-yourself manufacturing technology of such a device for a garage has its own differences compared to the installation of conventional shelves:

  • The shield itself is made of durable plywood, the parameters of which are selected according to the situation. Visually, the shield should completely cover the surface of the desktop.
  • A place is allocated on the shield for all the shelves and appropriate notes are made.
  • Further, all holes are made in the surface of the structure, into which dowels enter. It is on them that the hooks will be attached, on which all the tools will be placed.
  • The shield is fixed to the wall using brackets. Corresponding holes are made using a perforator.

Schematically, all steps are shown in the figure.

Do-it-yourself toolbar above workbench in garage

Garage workbench: step by step instructions

Another design that will probably be needed for repair, plumbing and other types of work is a workbench. It can be purchased at the store, but if you have a certain skill, then it is quite possible to make such a device with your own hands and put it in the garage.

Before the actual installation work It is important to clarify a few important details:

  • Where will the table be located?
  • What kind of work will be mainly carried out on it.
  • Which work surface material is suitable - metal or wood.

All these questions are closely related to the purpose of the product. If the work is supposed to be done often, then it is better to choose a durable metal. And for standard household tasks, a durable tree will do.

It is important to understand that a workbench is not just a work surface. Often it combines the function of a cabinet, a small chest of drawers and even a metal safe - a similar set of parameters depends on the specific configuration of the product.

Varieties of workbenches

The key classification of workbenches is based on the types of work that are supposed to be carried out on it:

At the same time, these functions can be combined, so such a classification is largely conditional. The best option for such a garage fixture is a design on metal frame With wooden surface tables and drawers. It is more reliable than a wooden counterpart, and allows you to save on manufacturing due to the fact that some parts will be made of wood. The surface of the table can be reinforced with a metal sheet - then the workbench will last a very long time.

Manufacturing technology of a workbench from a metal frame

For installation of the structure, you will need a standard set of tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder for metal;
  • building level;
  • jigsaw for wood;
  • screwdriver, drill;
  • self-tapping screws, anchor bolts;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal corners with parameters 5 * 5 cm;
  • pipes are square 6 * 4 cm, total length is about 24-25 m;
  • steel strip 4 cm thick, up to 8-9 m long;
  • paint for wood and metal processing.

These settings are for making finished product with table parameters 220*75cm as shown in the picture.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Even at the stage of designing a workbench, it is important to decide whether the device will be collapsible or whether it will be stationary in the garage. In the case of a collapsible version, all parts are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the principles of technology will be different.

Manufacturing technology of a wooden workbench

A wooden workbench is less durable than a metal workbench. It is well suited for those cases where the work is supposed to be done not so often - several times a year.

To make this do-it-yourself garage fixture, you can use the same drawing that was given above, or take the diagram shown in the figure as a sample.

The algorithm will be something like this:

Do-it-yourself garage tipper: step-by-step video instruction

Along with the creation of the considered devices for the garage, you can also take care of making your own working tools that will be needed directly for Maintenance auto.

One of the most useful installations is a tipper for inspecting the bottom of the machine. The need for such a product is most relevant for Russian realities, since not in every case there is real opportunity construction of a viewing hole.

Detailed video instruction with step by step diagram manufacturing

Before making such an installation, it is extremely important to consider the issue of safety. Even a light car, if dropped, can cause an accident and at least get severely injured. Therefore, it is possible to undertake the creation of such a structure only if there is sufficient skill.

Self-manufacturing of garage fixtures allows you to rationally organize inner space and in fact get your own workshop in which you can do any current repair work.

Original ideas for organizing space in the garage

And finally - a photo selection visual ideas to create capacious structures from a variety of items that are sure to be found in any garage.

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