Various materials for strengthening the coast. All ways to strengthen the banks of the pond with your own hands Strengthen the river bank in the country

A do-it-yourself artificial pond is the pride and decoration of a summer cottage. However, over time, the soil from the banks may begin to slide, which leads to cloudy water, accumulation of silt at the bottom, and also opens unaesthetic walls of the reservoir covered with a film.

The banks of the pond can be strengthened different ways

Assess the situation

Before deciding how to strengthen the shores of a future or existing reservoir, many factors should be taken into account. Among them:

  • soil type - clay, sand;
  • how gentle or steep the banks are;
  • service life of the pond;
  • the location of the plots from which the soil began to crumble;
  • the location of the reservoir, its functional features;
  • climate, probability of precipitation, depth of soil freezing.

Reliable and proven methods

If you are in doubt about how best to strengthen the walls of the reservoir, choose the most affordable and proven methods. Most often, the walls of the reservoir are strengthened with the help of mesh structures. As a rule, geogrids are used. Gabions are also effective, which also perfectly keep the walls of the pond from shedding. Let's discuss each of these methods in more detail.

Geogrid reinforcement - a modern, inexpensive, reliable solution

To qualitatively fix the geogrid, you should properly prepare for installation. In addition to the main material, you will need a geotextile for drainage, fixing elements - metal or plastic anchor, as well as stones or other material for filling the cells.

Must be removed prior to work upper layer soil and level the surface. Geotextiles are laid on the entire prepared area, and a grate is placed on top. Separate elements of the grid are fastened together to create a continuous layer of coating. Then the grating is filled with gravel, broken bricks or cement mortar.

If the cells are filled with earth, and then plants are planted in it, the roots of the plantations will provide additional fixation of the soil.


Gabions will provide effective strengthening of the walls of the reservoir. They are installed along the banks of the pond, connecting with each other and fixing the corners. The work will be cheaper if you make gabions with your own hands. To do this, you need to purchase a roll of galvanized mesh coated with PVC, 2m wide. Boxes can be made from this material. maximum dimensions 500x500x1500mm. To prevent the box from falling apart, the corners of the structure are fastened with wire scraps from the same mesh.

Gabions are a practical, durable, relatively inexpensive pond solution

With the help of such boxes, you can not only strengthen the walls, but also decorate the reservoir. The mesh structure, filled with crushed stone, is in perfect harmony with natural design reservoir - water lilies, green spaces. Gabions allow you not to worry about the preparation of drainage, since they themselves have drainage properties. In a year or two, they become even more reliable support for the coast, due to filling the space between the crushed stone with sand and soil, as well as the growth of plantations.

Eco fix

It is possible to strengthen the soil along the edges of the reservoir using environmentally friendly methods. For example, to plant plants that reinforce the earth with their roots. Choosing plants with an appropriate root system is not easy. In addition, it takes time to wait until they grow and braid the roots of the shore. There is a risk that the plantings will not take root. If you still decide to cope with the task in this way, pay attention to the following plant options:

  • cattail;
  • Red Ribes;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • marsh iris;
  • sedge.

Coconut mats can be lined with rocks or plants can be planted on them to hold the soil.

Another eco-friendly way to strengthen the shores is coconut mats. With their help, the walls of the reservoir will look smoother and more aesthetically pleasing. This method is suitable even for the steepest slopes, while the slopes must first be leveled. The mats are overlapped, capturing at least 20 cm of the neighboring one, and they are attached to the waterproofing film of the pond mounting adhesive. Then you can do this: lay out the edges of the pond with stones, or, having poured a layer of soil, plant plants.

Piles - a professional way to strengthen the banks

Strengthening the slopes of the reservoir with piles - reliable and effective method which has been known since ancient times. However, the installation of piles is a rather laborious process. Supports need to be driven deep into the ground, for which special equipment is used.

There are two types of piles that are used for reservoirs - wooden and plastic:

  1. If the material from which the piles are made is wood, it should be remembered that it is subject to decay. Partially, this disadvantage is corrected with the help of water-repellent impregnation. Over time, the processed piles begin to rot, so it is best to use larch as a base. This material is resistant to water, over time it only becomes stronger, it does not require additional processing.
  2. Today, PVC piles are used as an alternative to wood. This material is resistant to moisture, therefore, the props serve for decades. However, like wooden ones, they need to be mounted using special equipment. In this regard, pile reinforcement of the walls of the reservoir is not used for small ponds, only for large reservoirs.

In order for the pond in the country house to remain beautiful and aesthetic for a long time, it is better to take care of strengthening the walls of the pit even at the stage of its construction. Even better, if this task is solved by a landscape designer. He will take into account the wishes of the client, as well as the properties of the soil, the depth of the reservoir and the steepness of the slopes.

If you have long dreamed of creating on your suburban area a picturesque compact reservoir or your site has access to a river or a small natural pond, sooner or later you will face the problem of preserving its banks, due to the steady tendency to shed the banks of the pond. This process quite natural and contributes not only to the loss of the shape of the reservoir, but also to its silting and turning into a swamp. Activation construction works and, as a result, various man-made factors within coastal zones also contribute to the natural destruction of the coastline and, in the worst case, flooding of residential structures. In order to tame the obstinate water element and prolong the joy of communicating with it, it is necessary to take care of the timely implementation of bank protection measures, the neglect of which will provoke not only subsidence of the soil, but also its partial collapse. These processes are dangerous not only for humans and their housing, but also for plants, as well as other elements of the landscape, and therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive actions to strengthen the banks of the pond. What is the essence of these events? Let's take a look at this article.

Strengthening the banks of the pond: important nuances

Before answering the question: “How to strengthen the banks of the pond with your own hands?”, It is necessary to consider a number of points that every landowner should evaluate before directly carrying out work to strengthen the banks. What are the features of bank protection and what to pay attention to in each individual case? Let's consider further.

  • First, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the soil;
  • Secondly, it is important to take into account the features of the shore of the pond, for example, its height, the steepness of its slope;
  • Thirdly, it is important to take into account how the shedding of the earth occurs, only from the surface of the coast or in its underwater part;
  • In addition, it is important to take into account when the arrangement of the reservoir was made and how long ago the shedding of its banks began;
  • It is necessary to take into account the location of the pond, since the choice of the preferred method of strengthening the banks of the reservoir depends on this, because in the process of work it is important not to disturb the general landscape of the site;
  • It is important to consider the purpose of the coastal territory, whether a residential house is located nearby, or is it a deserted corner;
  • And, finally, we must not forget about the peculiarities of the climate in each individual area, for example, the sharpness of temperature changes and the average annual rainfall.

The main ways to strengthen the coastline

In order to achieve long-term success of bank protection measures, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the solution of this problem. Before you start looking for an answer to the question: "How to strengthen the shore of the pond?" Let's consider the main ways to strengthen the shores of the pond in the country, which can be divided into the following types:

Technical involving the use of specialized technical structures, for example, geogrids, special mattresses or gabion structures;

Biological, providing for the planting of plants that contribute to the weakening of erosion processes, for example, larch, reed or other herbaceous species. However, the disadvantages of this method is the effect delayed in time, as a result of which experts recommend giving preference to technical methods.

If we consider in more detail the technical ways to strengthen the coastline, among them we can distinguish the following techniques that are most often used in the practice of landowners:

  • Bank protection measures using anti-erosion mesh, characterized by low weight, but at the same time high strength and flexibility. Its bank-protecting ability is based on filling the geomat with particles of plant soil, after which the root systems of plants fasten it to the underlying soil layer, turning it into a strong reinforced field;
  • Using a geogrid is a method almost similar to the previous one. By filling the lattice cells with non-slip materials, such as river or sea pebbles, as well as marble chips, it can be used to equip a convenient descent to the water;
  • The banks of the pond can be strengthened with a coconut mat, consisting of many intertwined cords with a fibrous structure and uneven density. It is located along the edge surface of the pond;
  • Installing gabions is another popular technical way fortification of the reservoir. They are box-shaped retaining walls and are used when other methods do not give effective results. In this case, they become an indispensable element for strengthening the sinking shores, and at the same time harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.

Shore of the pond photo

The need for urgent action: we study the situation

Before making a decision regarding the strengthening of the banks of the pond, it is necessary to carry out engineering preparation of the area, which, first of all, involves studying the environment:

  • First, areas characterized by steep slopes are determined;
  • Further, a thorough examination of the entire coastal strip is carried out;
  • Produce the definition of data on the water level and other hydrological parameters.
  • An indicator of the reliability of the coastline is its stability even in an unfortified state, if this is not the case, one way or another, it becomes necessary to change the steepness of the slopes, which will require complex mathematical calculations.

Technical base for carrying out bank protection measures:

In most cases, bank protection measures are carried out using heavy equipment, such as bulldozers, tractors, dredgers, which will be required in order to fill the geogrids and geomats with bottom sediments. If you need to strengthen the banks of the pond small size, you can do it well, using only manual dredgers, the use of which will achieve effective results. Since they are compact and light in weight, you can move them manually around the site.

Strengthening of gently sloping banks: the main methods and their characteristics

If your pond is characterized by the presence of a gently sloping shore, you can use the following methods to strengthen it:

  • Use of geogrids;
  • Use of coconut mats;
  • Strengthening the banks with the help of Reno mattresses.
  • Let's consider each method in more detail.

Strengthening the coast with a geogrid

This method is considered one of the most effective bank protection measures. The geogrid is a three-dimensional structure consisting of polymer tapes, fastened into separate cells, which are located mainly in a checkerboard pattern. During operation, the geogrid is stretched along the slope and fixed with anchors. Next, the cells are filled with soil or gravel and sown with plants, the roots of which are additional reinforcement of the coastal slope. So, let's consider the order of work in more detail.

To get started, prepare necessary materials and tools:

  • Non-woven geotextile;
  • Geogrid;
  • crushed stone;
  • Frost-resistant concrete;
  • Shovel;
  • Scraper;
  • Pneumatic stapler;
  • L-shaped anchors.

Sequence of work:

Work must begin with the preparation of the working surface, which consists in removing the surface soil. Then the treated surface is leveled and covered with non-woven geotextile, which acts as a draining layer. Next, a geogrid is laid out on the surface, which is pre-tensioned and fixed with anchors, which are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the expanded geogrid takes the form of a rectangle. The geogrid modules are fastened together using a pneumatic stapler and common anchors. Next, the cells of the geogrid must be filled with soil material, for example, soil, crushed stone, frost-resistant concrete. If you want to impress your guests custom design or just to please your eyes, you can fill the cells of the geogrid with multi-colored materials.

Strengthening the coast with coconut mats

This material finds the greatest application for strengthening the banks of the pond with a film base. This is due to the fact that it has a characteristic dark color and can successfully hide an unsightly film base in case of low water levels. Moreover, the polymer structure of the material is favorable for the germination of moisture-loving flora through it, which also acts as an additional strengthening of the soil and decorative design coastline. The technology of laying coconut mats is not complicated. Let's consider it in more detail:

  • Laying material begins from the coastline. In the process of work, the material does not need tension;
  • The lower part of the material by 0.5 meters is placed down near the edge of the reservoir;
  • The upper part is fixed on land with reinforcement;
  • The coconut mat is fixed to the PVC film with a mounting water-repellent adhesive;
  • To fasten the junction of surfaces, an overlap technology of 15-20 cm is used. It is important to take into account that the overlap is carried out from the side that is inaccessible for viewing;
  • The mat, which is on top, is covered with a plant substrate;
  • A mat immersed in water must be covered with sand or fine gravel.
  • Having carried out bank protection measures, it is necessary to strengthen the coastline with natural or artificial stone, and if you do not have such an opportunity, you need to resort to the help of vegetation. Flora performing a function decorative element, effectively borders the pond and looks as natural and elegant as possible.

Advantages of coconut mats

  • High resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Increased resistance and resistance to substances formed as a result of the decomposition of substances of organic origin;
  • The highest environmental friendliness;
  • fibrous structure, distinctive feature which is the ability of plants to germinate through it;
  • Availability of material and ease of installation.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with Reno mattresses

Despite the fact that Reno mattresses have much in common with traditional gabions, they are distinguished from the latter by a significant width and small height (no more than 17-30 cm). Reno mattresses are planar-type gabion structures, which are made of metal mesh, characterized by double torsion with a polymer or zinc coating. In order for the structure to be characterized by sufficient rigidity, the structure is divided into sections using internal diaphragms.

Strengthening the banks of the pond, sections of Reno mattresses are filled with natural stones, while creating a durable monolithic structure. Distinctive characteristics Reno mattresses, such as strength, permeability and structural stability, only increase over the years, due to the gradual growth of vegetation through the cells of the mattresses. Thanks to the lattice structure of the mattresses, water and air freely pass through them, which makes the construction resistant to decay. Thanks to these advantages, the operational life of the structure exceeds 25 years.

Reno mattresses are mainly used to cover large areas. They not only protect the shore from erosive processes, but also serve as the basis for original retaining walls, represented by box-shaped gabions. Due to the flexibility of the mattresses, you can shape them into any desired shape during the laying process.

Strengthening steep slopes: which options to prefer?

To strengthen the banks of the pond, characterized by the presence of steep slopes, the following options are suitable:

  • Strengthening with retaining walls;
  • Strengthening the banks of the pond with wooden piles;
  • And finally, the use, gabions.

Let's consider each separately.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with retaining walls

If you are dealing with difficult terrain, ideal option bank protection will be the use of retaining walls, the construction of which can be carried out from brick, wood, stone or ready-made blocks. Using this option, you can completely change the visual perception of the pond, as well as significantly expand its space. Retaining walls, characterized by high strength, are successfully able to resist subsidence of coastal soil, as well as its erosion. The use of retaining walls remains relevant even if there is a need for vertical planning. coastal zone and coastline. In most cases, the installation of retaining walls is carried out on foundations, which are Reno lattice structures or piles. With high mobility and excessively loose soil, the height of the retaining wall should not be less than 1 meter.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with wooden piles

Despite the fact that reinforced concrete piles have the greatest strength, in the practice of strengthening the banks of the pond, wooden piles have found the greatest use.

Using for their manufacture such species as oak, larch and other species characterized by high strength, you can equip robust design, the operational life of which will be at least 50 years. Specialists in this field give the greatest preference to East Siberian larch, special properties which allow it to retain its original properties for for long years. In addition, the sheer shore, framed by processed trunks, selected according to the diameter, looks very impressive. As for reinforced concrete piles, despite their great strength, they look gray and dull. However, the quality of the bank protection structure may deteriorate if the wood darkens.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with gabion structures

The constant desire of man to live in harmony with nature and himself, and the simultaneous development innovative technologies, has led to a gradual increase in demand for strengthening the banks of the pond with the help of gabion structures, which can reduce the degree of influence of water on the bank and prevent its erosion. In terms of construction, gabions are massive blocks filled with stone material such as pebbles or cobblestones.

Due to their mesh structure, gabions are resistant to ground water and some soil mobility. Masters claim that the service life of gabions is at least 80 years, while their strength only increases over the years, due to the vegetation that has grown through them. The use of gabion blocks contributes to the creation of an ideal continuous coastline, which not only acquires a noble appearance. But it also blends in perfectly with the surrounding landscape. The use of gabions does not prevent the growth of coastal vegetation and shrubs and can be successfully combined with other methods of strengthening the coast, for example, with larch or geogrid.

Biological methods - strengthening the shores with larch

Biological methods of strengthening the coastline, despite the delayed result, are considered one of the most reliable and durable. One of the most environmentally friendly and reliable ways to prevent silting and overgrowing of the pond with reeds, as well as to strengthen its banks, is the planting of Siberian larch, which is superior in its characteristics to other types of wood. Despite being in water for a long time, larch trunks are not prone to rotting and are resistant even to the most severe frosts. It also makes no sense to mention its strength and durability further. Larch trunks are very environmentally friendly and their presence in the water does not disturb the ecosystem of the reservoir. Bank protection with larch does not need extra care during its very long (more than 50 years) service life.

When to carry out shore protection activities?

Many landowners who decide to equip a pond on their suburban area, probably asked the question: “When is it necessary to start the implementation of bank protection measures?” Experts believe that it is necessary to do this at the stage of arranging the pit. If we are talking O natural reservoir, preventive measures to strengthen its shores are carried out in a short time when there is a threat of destruction of its shores. In a timely manner Taken measures will prevent the destruction of the shoreline of the pond and significantly save on possible repair measures.

Many people dream of a house by the river or a picturesque natural reservoir of small size on or near the site.

And suddenly your dreams came true, and with them problems appeared. The erosion of the soil by the current destroys the edge of the coast, which begins to crumble and becomes unsafe.

The reservoir begins to lose its shape, silts up and no longer looks as attractive to the owner.

There is only one solution to this problem - strengthening the banks of the water structure.

It is quite possible to do these works with your own hands and nothing will interfere with the safe enjoyment of your vacation on the banks of a river, reservoir or lake.

A variety of options for strengthening the coast

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide on the option of strengthening, the materials used.

There are the following types and methods:

  • Strengthening with anti-erosion mesh. This material has high strength, flexibility and low weight. With the help of the roots of the planted plants, the geomat is firmly attached to the soil, forming a continuous reinforced canvas.
  • With coconut mat, which consists of fibers of different density, woven together. This fabric is used to strengthen the shore of a pond, reservoir or river.
  • Geogrid use. This method is simple and highly decorative. In addition, the descent to the water will be convenient, and the lattice cells can be filled with any decorative filling that will give individuality to your pond.
  • The use of reinforcing mesh and tumbled stone.
  • Use of gabions. A fairly simple method, represented by the construction of retaining walls in the form of boxes with stones. It is used in many cases, and sometimes it is simply indispensable for strengthening the creeping coast.
  • Strengthening with plants (trees and shrubs). Eco-friendly, aesthetic, but at the same time the most costly and complex method, because it requires good knowledge about necessary plants, which are selected in accordance with environmental conditions and soil characteristics. Therefore, this option is often not rational.
  • The use of materials such as larch, oak, etc.. This is an old and well-known method of shore protection, which is suitable for steep banks. It looks very original and beautiful, and the special properties of larch will allow the structure to last for many years.
  • Use of piles (metal, plastic or concrete). This is enough new version suitable for steep slopes. Similar to the previous one in its execution.

It is best to carry out soil strengthening at the stage of an excavated pit, when you want to create an artificial reservoir.

Strengthening with larch

How to strengthen the coast with your own hands?

As an example, consider several ways to strengthen the coast.

For example, using a geogrid. In addition to it, you will also need crushed stone, non-woven geotextiles, L-shaped anchors, concrete (frost-resistant), a scraper, a shovel, a pneumatic stapler.

First, we plan the coastal slope, level its surface, give the necessary shape. The flatter it is, the more stable the structure will be. Also, this slope looks more natural.

We spread geotextiles, having previously removed the fertile layer of soil (if any). Check the surface for evenness and lay the geogrid, stretch it and fix it with anchors in a checkerboard pattern (each module is fixed).

The modules are fastened together with a pneumatic stapler, and they are also reinforced with common anchors.

We fill the cells of the geogrid with a mixture of soil, concrete and other additives. Filling is best done by hand, as the use of heavy equipment for this purpose is prohibited.

To strengthen the banks with plants the water flow rate should not exceed 1 m/s at a low wave height (up to 0.25 m). Plants must have a powerful branched root system, be resistant to flooding.

Moreover, they are planted in the underwater zone aquatic plants(for example, water iris), and in the surface - tree-shrub species (willow, sea buckthorn, black poplar, amorpha, from herbaceous - manna, cattail, calamus, rush, marsh iris) and sod.

When reinforced with gabions first, a box is made from a grid (metal, galvanized), which will be filled with stones already in place, the size of which exceeds the parameters of the grid cells. An empty box is fixed at the corners with rods and the next one is tied to it.

To add strength, you can attach on the front side wooden frame. The structure itself does not collapse over time, but only becomes stronger due to its filling with soil and colonization by plants. This method is considered by many to be the best and most reliable.

Gabions are not only perfectly combined with the surrounding landscape, but also create favorable conditions for breeding fish and for the growth of various plants.

There has been a trend for a long time land plots near water bodies, both natural and artificial. Any body of water has the ability to become polluted, and the shores are characterized by destruction and degradation over time. Therefore, to obtain a safe environment, timely strengthening of the banks of the pond is required.
Existing ways to strengthen the coastline
Long-term success is achieved by using complex measures, ways to strengthen the shore of the pond are divided into:
The former involve the use of special plants, such as planting reeds or herbaceous species. They weaken erosion processes and limit runoff. surface water. But as a drawback, one can single out a noticeable effect from biological methods only over time, so you need to fix the result technical means. Techniques are the strengthening of the coastline with gabion structures, the use of geogrids or special mattresses. The choice of each method is determined depending on the landscape of the area and the existing conditions.
The study of the situation is a necessity for determining the accepted
Engineering preparation of territories for arranging the shore of the pond involves studying the surrounding conditions:
definition of areas with steep slopes;
survey of the entire coastline;
determination of water level data and other hydrological indicators.
A reliable coastline is characterized by stability in an unfortified state, otherwise it will be necessary to change the steepness of the slopes, the required values ​​​​are determined by calculations.
Applied technical base
Typically, bank protection works use heavy equipment, such as tractors or bulldozers, dredgers. The latter are necessary for filling geomats and gratings with bottom sediments or other materials. But for small ponds, manual dredgers are quite suitable, they allow you to complete the whole process quickly and with effective results. Dredgers are lightweight and compact in size, which facilitates the movement of equipment manually across the territory.
The main methods suitable for the design of gentle slopes
For a gently sloping coast, geomats, gratings, nets and mattresses are used.
Geomats are a structure of polymer fibers, they are waterproof. After laying, they are sown with perennial herbs, due to the growth of the root system, a strong carpet is obtained. It withstands heavy loads, resistant to erosion processes and washing out of storm flows.
Strengthening the banks of the pond with a geogrid is considered one of the most effective ways, it comes in the form of a three-dimensional structure made of polymer tapes. They are fastened into separate cells, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The geogrid is stretched over the surface of the slope, the laid frame is fixed with the help of anchors. Next comes the filling is carried out with crushed stone or soil, followed by planting with plants. The roots serve as additional reinforcement of the coastal slope.
Strengthening the banks of the pond with your own hands is possible using a geogrid. For this, a coastal slope is planned, and work is underway to give the necessary shape and level the surface. A gentle slope looks more natural, and subsequently the resulting design will be reliable and durable. It is necessary to remove the fertile layer from the soil and spread the grate, fixing each module with anchors in a checkerboard pattern. Between themselves, the modules are fastened with staples using a stapler, then work is carried out to fill the cells with a mixture of soil and the necessary additives.
Mattresses are planar gabion structures made of metal mesh with special coating. The rigidity of the structures is given by the division into sections by internal diaphragms. The solidity of the laid coating is ensured by filling with natural stones. The minimum service life is at least 25 years. In addition to strengthening the coast, they do a good job of protecting the bottom from erosion.
Ways to strengthen steep slopes
With a steep line of the coast, they use: retaining walls, piles and gabions.
Retaining walls are ideal for difficult terrain and are built from stone, brick, concrete, or precast blocks. This decoration of the banks of the pond allows you to expand the space, completely change the perception of its volume. Drainage systems are designed to withstand heavy loads during the construction of walls. They reduce the mass of the soil when precipitation occurs, because the water goes into the ground. Drains are openings through which fluid flows down a slope.
One of the options that are distinguished by reliability is the use of reinforced concrete piles. But to strengthen the banks of the pond in the country ideal solution will use wooden piles. Mostly used species such as oak and larch, their properties provide a reliable design for 50 years or more. Strengthening the shore of the pond with larch gives aesthetic appeal and slope reliability. Trunks of wood fit into any natural landscape, and the absence of the need for maintenance for the entire period of operation is finding more and more adherents. The embodiment of fortification from wooden piles is possible for shallow and small reservoirs. Because the tree itself is light, the structure can be broken during winter water level drops.
Strengthening the banks of the pond with gabions makes it possible to create a unique protection against destruction and landslides, and the natural landscape is preserved for a long time. They are blocks filled with stone materials - these can be cobblestones or pebbles. The mesh structure leaves structures resistant to soil mobility and groundwater. Guaranteed service life is 80 years, while every year the strength of gabions increases due to sprouted vegetation

Water in a personal or suburban area is necessary. And if on your land there is not a water pipe or a well, but a real natural one, living water in a spring, stream or lake, then you can consider yourself very lucky. If nature did not take care to decorate the garden with a pond, then many gardeners organize artificial ponds and pools.

But a reservoir is not only a source of water for irrigation, coolness in the summer heat and a delight for the eyes. Water, as you know, sharpens the stone, and even the soil even more so.

Small streams, pleasing in the spring, can gradually turn into ravines. The slopes of the excavated pond gradually crumble and collapse due to the fact that they are washed away by water, constantly changing its level. Destroy the coast and the processes of the so-called frost heaving, an increase in the volume of soil due to the expansion of the water contained in it when it freezes in winter.

Whatever the origin of the reservoir, natural or artificial, it requires care, first of all, strengthening the coastline.

Strengthening the spring

Let's start with a small reservoir - a spring. If the debit of the spring is sufficient for irrigation, then you need to expand its bowl to a volume of at least a cubic meter. Otherwise, the pump will draw water too quickly. The easiest way to strengthen the edges of the bowl is by setting concrete rings suitable diameter. But you can do it much more beautifully. Depending on the availability of material and the overall design of the site best materials- wood or stone. The advantages of wood are ease of processing and low weight. Logs can be hammered as piles or made from them like a well. Traditional log house- tetrahedral, but maybe six faces that look a little more interesting. The best breed is larch. Oak and aspen are also suitable.

A spring on a site in a mountainous area is more logical to impose natural stone. Preference should be given not to rounded cobblestone, but to stones of an angular shape. In this case, less cement mortar to connect stones. Ideally, it is better to do without cement at all, picking up stones in such a way that they are firmly held due to frictional forces and irregularities that engage with each other. This is a very long process, but at the same time - creative, akin to the work of a sculptor. Don't rely too much on cement. Hurrying with laying and filling all the voids with mortar, you can get a satisfying result, but after a couple of hours the masonry will inevitably begin to collapse, as the stones will settle into the ground, and the water that has penetrated between them will break the seams in winter. The advantage of stones is that the spring bowl can be made in any shape, harmoniously fitting it into the existing landscape. Sometimes several fontanelles come out in one place and they can be arranged as a system of bowls with water flowing from one to another.

Strengthening steep banks

Strengthen the coast artificial pond or a lake given to you by nature - more difficult task. A familiar monolithic builder may recommend that you "place the formwork, pour it and don't sweat it." Don't rush into this technology. Not only will the result be aesthetically uninteresting, but also reliability is not guaranteed. You will have to make very thick walls with powerful reinforcement and compact the concrete with vibrators, but it is very expensive. A monolithic bowl is subjected to enormous loads when the soil freezes, and if it is made according to "country" technologies, the question will soon arise of how to clean the pond from pieces of concrete.

Modern methods of strengthening vertical banks are based on three main technologies:

  • Larch piles
  • PVC dowels
  • gabions

Larch in most regions of the country is very expensive. Plastic sheet piles, according to manufacturers, can stand for 50 years at temperatures ranging from minus forty to plus forty degrees. But there are doubts about their environmental friendliness. PVC is still not a completely inert material and will gradually release toxic substances into the water, albeit in small quantities. And what to do with it after the expiration date of use ...? But gabions (grids in the form of parallelepipeds made of durable galvanized wire, filled with coarse gravel or crushed stone) showed themselves very well in strengthening slopes near mountain highways.

Gabions for strengthening steep banks

A section of a steep bank:
1. Updated shore profile
2. Gabions of rectangular structure
3. Cylindrical gabions
4. Erosion profile

Bioengineered reinforcement of shallow banks

Hopes that the shore of a freshly dug pond will gradually overgrow with grass itself are usually not justified. The process is long and not always ahead of erosion.

If the banks of the pond have a slope of less than 45 degrees, then you can try to strengthen them simply with the roots of grasses and shrubs planted directly in the ground, or better - on coconut fiber mats. While the roots grow, the mats will keep the soil from slipping, and then, they will rot, providing the soil with organic matter. Many people try to use geogrids by filling them with soil with seeds. lawn grasses. On some soils it is possible to achieve success. The shores are beautiful in appearance and pleasant to walk on, but usually they continue to erode along the water's edge, the level of which is constantly changing. In this case The best decision- again, gabions. More precisely, their flat modification is Reno mattresses. If desired, grass can also be sown on top of them.

Reno mattress

Slope of the shore
1. Reno Mattresses
2. Erosion profile
3. Updated shore profile

Andrey Udalov, amateur gardener (Krasnodar Territory)

2014 - 2016, . All rights reserved.

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