Manual dough mixer. Dough mixer for home. How to choose a dough mixer for home

Every family is very fond of homemade pies and cakes, but only the hostess knows how hard it is, especially on Easter or with large volumes, to knead the dough well for baking. In such cases, a household dough mixer (or dough mixer for short), designed for use at home, will be an excellent helper.

In the article we will consider the device, existing species dough mixers, and which household model is better to choose.

Dough mixer device

Testomes is kitchen appliance used to knead the ingredients to get a good quality dough.

Essential elements:

1. A kneading tool is a part of the device that specifically kneads. There are different shapes: spiral, loop, S- and Z-shaped, fork, spatula, etc. Each of them is suitable for obtaining a different type of test.

2. Dezha - a container in which the products are mixed. Differ:

  • by volume - from 5 liters and above;
  • in appearance - a bowl or a trough;
  • according to the movements performed - stationary or mobile, rolling or stationary.

3. Drive mechanism - rotates the kneading tool, can work on belt, chain or gear drives.

There are three principles of operation of dough mixers:

  • the rotation is made by the kneading device;
  • the deja rotates around its axis;
  • rotation is performed by both the kneading tool and the bowl - the so-called dough mixers of the general movement.

Types of dough mixers

There are several classifications of mixers.

According to the type of final product obtained, dough mixing machines are:

  • for tough dough
  • For yeast dough;
  • for batter (planetary mixers), they are also used for mixing creams;
  • universal.

According to the technical characteristics of the mixing process, dough mixing machines are:

  • continuous action and periodic action;
  • on the speed of rotation: normal, high-speed and super-intensive;
  • from the location of the kneading tool: with a vertical, horizontal or inclined axis;
  • according to the type of impact on the dough: mechanical, vibration or ultrasonic.

At the place of use, dough mixers are:

  • household - compact and low-power models;
  • industrial - for use in food production: bakery, restaurants, confectionery shops, pizzerias.

How to choose the right dough mixer for home use?

Before choosing a mixer for home, you need to decide for what purposes and in what volumes you will use this household appliance.

If you often need steam or steamless, unleavened or, you should choose a spiral mixer. Such a model works on the principle of rotation around its axis of an S-shaped kneading tool and is most often equipped with a small bowl of 5 liters.

To get a tough dough for dumplings, noodles, cookies, you should choose a dough mixer with two Z-shaped blades, working on mixer principle.

The most popular models for the home are dough mixers that can not only mix different types of dough, but also prepare mousses, creams, soufflés. In such models there are three speed modes and a complete set of various blades.

For use at home, it is enough to choose a dough mixer with a bowl of 5 to 10 liters, while models with a larger bowl are very convenient for use in production with big amount kneaded dough.

By purchasing a household dough mixer as an assistant for your home, you will facilitate and speed up the process of preparing flour products for your family.

Arsenal household appliances and kitchen gadgets are inexorably replenished in every home. The modern hostess is freed from an increasing number of necessary manual manipulations, up to the preparation of the dough. This function is successfully performed by a dough mixer for the home. Finally, find out what an electric dough kneading machine is, what types of this equipment are produced. Find out how much dough mixers from popular manufacturers cost.

Types of dough mixers for home

A household dough mixer is not too powerful unit, designed for kneading liquid, yeast, steep, puff pastry. Externally, the machine looks like a mixer and an immersion blender "in one bottle." Often, the device is equipped with additional nozzles for kneading dough and whipping sauces, creams, mousses and other confectionery masses. According to the technical characteristics, household dough mixers for the home are classified into machines:

  • with intermittent or continuous operation;
  • with horizontal, vertical, inclined axes;
  • with mechanical, vibration, ultrasonic type of impact;
  • with a rotating bowl, lever or mixed principle of operation;
  • kneading machines of general rotation;
  • with Z-shaped and S-shaped blades.

Spiral kneader for home will be the most successful purchase if you are going to make bread, pies and other yeast-based pastries. It is believed that only such a unit (not counting the hands!) Is able to cope with yeast dough. The unit perfectly kneads other types of tough dough: unleavened, puff, shortbread, as the bowl rotates during operation, and not a spiral mixer. This helps to turn the thick mass without difficulty for the blade. Its advantages:

  • greater efficiency when kneading dough with a steep consistency;
  • high productivity - one bowl is designed for dough of various sizes;
  • the ability to control the temperature of the dough.


This type of units was named after the way it works - planetary rotation. In the process of mixing, the nozzle rotates both around its own axis and in a circle inner space bowls. Dough kneading machine planetary type in demand due to its wide range of applications. The mixer comes standard with a whisk, spatula and hook. Many models are improved with additional nozzles for:

  • whipping cream or mashed potatoes;
  • preparation of soufflé, minced meat;
  • kneading yeast, liquid, custard, puff, protein dough.

How to choose a dough mixer for home

If you are going to buy a dough mixer for your home, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the available models. This technique does not apply to cheap purchases. In order for the investment to be optimal, you need to choose a unit, taking into account the following factors:

  1. What are you going to knead (type of unit).
  2. Does the mixer have additional features, and whether you will need all the available features.
  3. In what volumes will you knead (bowl size, unit performance).

For 5 liters

Five liter volume standard size bowls of most household spiral mixers. Of the popular models of this type, it is worth noting the products of the following brands:

  • Clatronic KM 3323 (bowl 5 l, power 1000 W, timer, programming system);
  • KitchenAid 5KSM150PSE (bowl 4.8 l, power 1600 W, timer, 12 attachments included);
  • Olimpic Multifunzione (bowl 5 l, power 1000 W, 6 speeds);
  • Gastrorag QF-3470 (bowl 4.5 l, power 650 W, 6 speeds).

Domestic hard dough mixer

On industrial production horizontal-type units cope with kneading steep dough. At home, this technique will be cumbersome, and it is very expensive. Therefore, the optimal dough kneading machine for home use is a spiral kneader with two Z-shaped blades, capable of kneading from 800 g to 1.6 kg of dough at a time. Some popular dough mixers available for sale:

  • Marcato Regina (mechanical dough mixer, works with a manual drive);
  • Marcato Pasta Mixer (electric horizontal dough mixer with container included);
  • Reber (electric spiral mixer for 1.6 kg of dough).

Food processor with mixer

Additional function kneading is provided in many models of bread machines and food processors:

  • Clatronic KM 2718 (bowl 5 l, power 1000 W, 6 mixing modes, Germany);
  • Olimpic Multifunzione (bowl 5 l, power 1000 W, 6 speeds, Italy);
  • Profi Cook PC-KM 1025 (bowl 1.5 l, power 1200 W, additional nozzles, China);
  • Redmond RFP-3903 (bowl 0.8 l, power 1000 W, additional nozzles, Russia).


Dough mixers are the most popular type of machines that can mix several types of dough, minced meat, and confectionery masses. These models are equipped with three speed modes, equipped with additional blades:

  • Kenwood MX271 (4L bowl, 400W, standard);
  • Bosch MFQ 4020 (5 speed mini dough mixer, 450 W);
  • KitchenAid 5KSM150PSE (4.8L bowl, 12 extra attachments);
  • Sirman MARTE LT 5 (5L bowl, 500W, standard);
  • GAM GM5 (dough mixer with bowl 4.6 l, 750 W, standard).

Prices for dough mixers for home use

The range of prices for Italian, Chinese, German, Russian manufacturers wide The cost of the unit is determined by its type, equipment, technical characteristics, brand promotion, country (equipment from China is inexpensive). A medium-sized dough kneading machine will cost about $1,000. In ruble terms, prices range from 3 to 40 thousand. Price Top 5 popular manufacturers of dough mixers for home (in dollars):

  • Kenwood - 1000;
  • Pizza Group - 1200;
  • Bosch - 1300;
  • Fimar - 1300;
  • Electrolux - 1500.

The taste and airiness of baking depends on the carefully kneaded dough. Manual process Mixing ingredients is hard work. Electric dough mixers for the home are designed to facilitate the work of the hostess. With the help of this simple machine, any dough is quickly and efficiently kneaded: yeast and unleavened steep, shortbread, puff, biscuit, as well as liquid consistency for pancakes and pancakes. You just need to choose the right unit and nozzles for it.

The components of a dough mixing machine of any design are a container and a moving kneading tool. Depending on the designated purpose dough preparation equipment is divided into the following classes:

  • professional kneading machines;
  • household mixers.

At the same time, devices for preparing dough at home differ in the way the rotation of the blades is organized, which determines their scope. Therefore, every hostess should know how to choose the right design.

Machines with horizontal mixer design

With kneading steep dough for dumplings, dumplings, chebureks and other types of similar products, horizontal dough mixer is best. In such an apparatus, horizontally located rotating blades work. The bowl with the finished dough is pulled out or rotated along a horizontal axis, making it possible to remove the product.

Spiral kneading machines

The spiral kneader got its name because of the design features of the mixing tool, which resembles a spiral in shape. The apparatus is designed in such a way that in the rotational movement the bowl and the spiral blade work on the opposite side. This approach ensures intensive mixing of the ingredients and saturation of the dough with oxygen.

Therefore, the spiral device is well suited for kneading yeast dough from wheat or rye flour.

Devices with a planetary principle of operation

The peculiarity of the planetary dough mixer is in its design. Here the ingredients are mixed thanks to the whisk rotating around the bowl and its own axis. Another common name for this type of apparatus is dough mixer. This is a universal device capable of preparing batter for pancakes, as well as all types of starting product for baking pies, puff, shortbread and biscuit products. The preparation of creams and purees, various confectionery mixtures is also subject to such a device.

Criteria for choosing a device for preparing dough

When deciding on the purchase of a dough mixer, one should proceed from a number of considerations.

  • target load of the apparatus - what type of dough will be prepared most often;
  • functionality of the device (presence of additional attachments);
  • power and number of speeds;
  • bowl volume (varies in the range of 5-10 liters);
  • the presence of a timer;
  • security level.

understand what it should be the best mixer for the home, customer reviews and the 2017 rating compiled on their basis will help. By comparing the quality and price of the options, you can choose a dough mixer worthy of your kitchen.

The best mixer models

Good a budget option for a small family is planetary mixer Bosch MFQ 36460, which effectively copes with the preparation of dough with a liquid and viscous consistency. The device is equipped with a rotating bowl (0.7 l.), Whisk attachments for driving in, hooks for kneading dough at the rate of not more than 500 grams of flour per cycle, as well as a blender for mixing. The power of the device is 450 W, the operating mode is pulsed, 5 speed options are provided. The device is compact, weighs just over 2 kg. and is equipped with a comfortable handle with control buttons. The price of a dough mixer is from 3500 to 5000 rubles.

Dough mixer Bosch MFQ 36460

With all its advantages, this model does not differ in performance. Also, it is not suitable for making dumplings.

Mid-price option - Chinese brand planetary apparatus . The device is distinguished by a durable plastic case and a removable bowl of 5 liters, made of of stainless steel. A set of versatile nozzles allows knead different types of dough and density: yeast for bread, liquid for pancakes, cool for dumplings. One-time exit finished product no more than 2 kg. The power of the model is 500 watts. The location of the device is desktop, weight is about 13 kg. Variable rotation speed adjustment. The price is from 18500 to 23000 rubles.

Dough mixerGASTRORAG QF-5W

GASTRORAG QF-5W is suitable both for the role of a home dough mixer and for use in small catering outlets.

Semi-professional and more expensive version of the mixer - model of the American brand KitchenAid 5KSM3311XE. Body and bowl with a volume of 3.5 liters metal (stainless steel), power 1350 watts. The device weighs 6.5 kg. There are 10 options for high-speed operation. The principle of rotation of the working part is planetary. It comes standard with two attachments: a whisk for whipping and a spatula for mixing. For an additional fee, you can choose from more than 25 types of devices and nozzles: a press, a meat grinder, a grater, etc. For one cycle, the device gives out 1 kg. ready dough. The price of the model is from 45,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Every family loves freshly baked pies, pizzas, cakes and other dishes made from dough. However, knead the dough large volume, especially if the family does not consist of a couple of people, it is rather problematic. Those who cook their own pasta or Easter cakes at home face similar difficulties. Now there is an alternative that can help in the baking process - these are dough kneading machines. Such equipment can become indispensable kitchen appliance with a lot of useful functions and features.

Types of household mixers and their characteristics

There is a wide variety of dough kneading machines that have different type kneading. Depending on the drive and the specifics of the rotation of the nozzle, you can prepare the dough different type. Each type of dough mixer is designed for specific tasks, for example, kneading yeast or biscuit dough.


The planetary type dough mixer is designed for making liquid dough, for example, for pancakes. Also fixtures specific type used for whipping and making various confectionery, including creams, combining two functions - dough mixer and mixer. Usually machines this device equipped with several nozzles - this is a whisk for whipping and a special spatula, consisting of several longitudinal and parallel crossbars. A feature of such devices is a rotating shaft, thanks to which the revolutions of the whipping mechanism repeat the system of rotation of the planets. That is, the lever turns in such a way that a separately rotating nozzle kneads all the dough, moving from the edge of the container to its center.


Horizontal mixers are special machines that are mostly used for the production of dough in industrial scale. Usually, such installations are capable of kneading large volumes of mass, which is very convenient for operation within pizzerias or small bakeries. The name of the type of dough mixers "horizontal" came from functional features, within which the blades kneading the dough are arranged horizontally. Given this feature, the emphasis is not on the depth of the container, but on its dimensions relative to the plane, which makes it easier operating parameters equipment. Thus, several propellers with blades in horizontal position rotate, lifting the dough from the bottom and mixing it with the rest of the mass.


The spiral mixer is the most common, as well as the planetary type of machines that are designed for home use. You can also find industrial machines equipped with a spiral nozzle for kneading dough. All dough kneading machines of the same type are equipped with a curved rotating nozzle that looks like a spiral. In some models, there may be an element that allows you to rotate not only the nozzle, but also the bowl itself with the mixture. These machines are perfect for kneading dense types of dough for baking bread, pies and other muffins.

Varieties according to the type of test obtained

It must be understood that various systems for kneading the dough is used depending on the consistency of the processed material. Thus, the hard dough for baking bread is kneaded in horizontal machines. Thanks to them technical device and power kneading the most dense and thick dough is not difficult.

Cooking biscuit, puff and other types of medium-density dough the best way obtained in spiral and planetary machines. However, if we are talking As for the dough of a liquid consistency, which is used for baking pancakes, the planetary dough mixer will help prepare the raw materials for baking in the best possible way.

What is the best bowl size?

Not always big size bowls, that is, bowls for dough, is evidence of the quality or high functionality of a household appliance. The choice of container volume should be made based on how often and how much dough is kneaded. If the family is large and consists of more than four people, then the optimal volume of the bowl should be five liters. Accordingly, in each mixer there are restrictions on the severity of the raw materials loaded into the bowl.

It is believed that for domestic use it is better to purchase machines that are designed for a weight of 2.5 to 4 kg. It is important to remember that if the dough mixer is purchased for the purpose of kneading dough for private bakeries or pizzerias, then it is best to buy large units that will allow you to cope with ever-increasing volumes of raw materials in the future.

Which dough mixer is better for home: a review of manufacturers

Today, millions of different home appliance companies offer a wide range of dough kneading machines. The most famous in wide circles are manufacturers such as Kenwood or Bosch, however famous brand is not always a guarantee of high quality. For this reason, below is a rating of those dough mixers for home use that best meet the price-quality criterion.

Mixer mixer Bomann KM 370 CB for 5 liters

The Bomann dough kneader is a high-quality German-made household appliance with fairly good technical characteristics. At the same time, this device is in a low price category relative to analogues with the same performance indicators. The body of the mixer is made of plastic, and its five-liter bowl is made of stainless steel. The device comes with two attachments, one for whipping and the other for kneading the dough. It has seven speed mixers, which allows you to work with different types baking. The power of the device is 1200 watts.

Food processor with dough mixer First FA 5259

The First FA 5259 mixer model is one of the most popular options that can be found in the kitchens of modern housewives. The device gained great popularity due to its ease of use and quality work. The technical characteristics of this machine are similar to those of luxury appliances, the price of which is several times higher than FA 5259. This dough kneading machine boasts a large steel bowl for raw materials of almost 7 liters, which can knead about 2.5 kilograms of dough. Included with the device are three nozzles for working with different types of dough and creams, as well as a protective cover that prevents splashing of the working space.

Mini dough mixer Clatronic HMS 2739

Clatronic HMS 2739 is a small, compact machine for kneading dough or whipping cream at home. This appliance is equipped with everything necessary to help the hostess prepare all the ingredients for baking cakes and pies in as soon as possible. The low price of the device makes its acquisition a profitable investment. A feature of the device is a removable mixer, which is very convenient in some cases. The main material in HMS 2739 is plastic, from which the 2.5 liter bowl and all main parts are made. Among specifications it should be noted: 5 speeds, turbo mode, power of 250 watts, etc.

Starfood OK-01 - mechanical (manual)

Starfood OK-01 is a very simple and easy to use dough kneader. This mixer is designed specifically for kneading hard dough, and thanks to the five nozzles that come with the fixture, you can make pasta five kinds. For this reason, Starfood OK-01 is also a high-quality pasta machine. The device type of the product is mechanical, while all the materials from which the dough kneading machine is made have high quality, thanks to which strong metal parts provide long work apparatus.

The secret of successful baking is well-kneaded dough. Manual kneading dough at home is a laborious task. Easily and quickly make any kind of dough household dough mixer for the home. Such devices in a jiffy create dough of various types.

They produce yeast, steep, liquid, shortbread, sugar, gingerbread and excellent quality. Besides, devices are capable to prepare fine confectionery mixes, sauces and creams.

Design features of dough mixers

The devices are equipped with kneading nozzles. Some of them have a spiral or loop shape, others are like a fork or spatula. Still others have an S- and Z-shaped design. In addition, a conventional whisk acts as a stirrer. One or another type of kneading nozzle allows you to get a certain type of dough.

The devices are equipped with bowls, the outlines resembling a bowl or a trough. The ingredients are put into these containers and combined into a homogeneous thick mass with the help of mixer nozzles. They differ in volume - 5-10 liters. They produce dough mixers for the home with various kinds of bowls. There are devices with fixed and movable containers. If desired, you can find a device with a rolling or stationary bowl.

Dough mixers differ in drive mechanisms leading to a mixer nozzle. According to the principle of operation, the dough mixers are divided into those in which it spins:

  • nozzle mixing ingredients;
  • bowl;
  • bowl with nozzle.

Classification of mixers

Dough mixers are distinguished by many features. At the place of operation, the devices are:

  • household, compact not too powerful units;
  • industrial - devices installed in bakeries, coffee shops, pizzerias and other food industry establishments.

According to the type of products produced, they were divided into equipment:

  • capable of producing tough dough;
  • making yeast dough;
  • kneading batter, lush confectionery masses, sauces, etc.;
  • universal mixers.

Technical characteristics allowed them to be classified into dough mixers with periodic and continuous operation.

In terms of spinning speed, the units are ordinary and high-speed. Some brands offer super intensive devices.

The location of the stirrer attachment highlighted the instruments with vertical and horizontal axes. There are mixers with a built-in inclined axis.

From the type of impact on the ingredients, they distinguish, first of all, a mechanical dough mixer for the home. In other variations, the device may be vibrating or ultrasonic.

Varieties of dough mixers

Models of dough mixers have a variety of designs. Design features devices depend on what kind of dough is available to them for kneading.

Horizontal dough mixers

The home horizontal mixer mixes the ingredients to a high viscosity consistency. Dough is made in it, from which dumplings, noodles, bagels, gingerbread, pasties and other products are obtained.

The dough in the device is kneaded by horizontally inserted and counter-rotating blades. Dezha (bowl), rotating on a horizontal axis, makes it easy to remove the dough.

Spiral kneader

In such a device, the ingredients are intensively mixed. Rye and wheat flour is suitable for making dough in this device. The kneading takes place quickly and efficiently thanks to the spiral kneading device and the ability to simultaneously rotate in different directions of the bowl and nozzles.

planetary mixer

The planetary dough mixer for the house allows to receive the most various dough. It can easily make yeast and puff, biscuit, protein and the device is suitable for making creamy pastes and soufflés. Minced meats and creams are mixed in it, cream is whipped, mashed potatoes and confectionery masses are made.

Such a wide scope of use is associated with the presence of a large number of different nozzles. The standard equipment of the device includes a whisk, a hook and a spatula. This dough mixer has a kneading head with planetary rotation. The stirrer head rotates around the bowl and its own axis.

Rules for choosing a household mixer

When choosing a household dough mixer for the home, they take into account what type of pastries are most often prepared in the family. With the preparation of yeast, unleavened and puff pastry, dough mixers with spiral nozzles do an excellent job. Hard dough, for example for dumplings and noodles, is ideally obtained in devices with paddle Z-shaped nozzles.

Units that knead various doughs and allow you to prepare mousses, creams and other products are in high demand. They are equipped with a variety of speed settings and agitator nozzles of different shapes.

For dough mixers, the volume of the bowl varies. So, a mini-dough mixer for the home is equipped with a bowl of 5 liters. For home kitchens, compact units are convenient, the bowl volume of which is 5-10 liters. Devices with capacious rolling bowls are used in production.

The productivity of dough mixing machines, the speed and quality of the batch depend on the power. The higher the power (and it varies from 300 to 2000 W), the more reliable the dough mixer for the home. Consumers are more interested in models with a timer and several speeds (sometimes from 1 to 10). Timer mixers are very handy. After setting the kneading time, there is no need to control the dough preparation process.

The cost of household dough mixers and reviews about them

If a dough mixer for home has the maximum power and ten speeds, its price is high - about $ 1000. Such devices are made of stainless steel and equipped with 12 nozzles. In addition to kneading dough, they also perform other functions - meat grinders, mixers. When reading the reviews, you understand that this is not a simple dough mixer, but a multifunctional one.

Average price segment units are offered with a steel body and bowl, with a power of 1000 W, no more than 6 speed modes. Models cost around $500. However, there are dough mixers that are very attractive in price, the power of which is somewhat higher - 1200 watts. True, they have a plastic case. But at the same time, the bowl is made of stainless steel and 7 speeds. The dough mixer costs plastic case about $200.

A device with a bowl of 4.5 liters, six speeds and a power of 650 W is an affordable spiral mixer for the home. Its price does not exceed $300. Although the power of the machine is small, users leave quite good feedback about his abilities and work. With the help of this kneader, high-quality airy dough is obtained, from which excellent pies, pizzas and bread come out.

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