Construction of wooden fences with a ladder. DIY wooden fence Christmas tree fence with brick pillars

Mounted in the country wooden fence do-it-yourself, it looks great, especially if the construction technology is observed and all important nuances. Wood can be called a classic material that has passed centuries and has not lost its popularity. Despite the wide variety of building materials for hedges, wood does not lose its leadership. However, installing a beautiful and cheap wooden fence with your own hands requires certain skills and compliance with the rules below.

Beautiful fence - decoration of the site

To build a fence, you first need to purchase the necessary materials. The most commonly used lumber conifers(pine, cedar). The fact is that these types of wood have increased resistance to decay and impressive moisture resistance. Building a fence with your own hands from these lumber fully justifies itself.

A picket fence is classified as an environmentally friendly and safe material, moreover, such a fence fits perfectly into the natural landscape and even gives it originality.

Features of lumber fences

Beautiful wooden fences are quite easy to install. But to build them, you need to have some skills and knowledge. As a rule, a do-it-yourself fence erected in a country house does not imply.

Fences are mounted on pre-dug poles, which facilitates installation at times.

Fence and wicker fence combinations

Advantages of this solution

Due to the existing advantages of wood fences, the demand for them is still high. or for home is the best option. A fence made of wooden picket fence has the following advantages:

  1. Naturalness and originality. Wood has a unique texture and structure, which makes such barriers look just great.
  2. Aesthetics. In addition to the fact that a beautiful wooden fence performs its direct functions, this solution will decorate the site.
  3. A lumber fence is quite cheap, which cannot be said about metal or brick fences. Lumber is relatively inexpensive and proper care it will last a long time.
  4. Simple erection. As a rule, subsequent installation does not imply any specific knowledge and skills. It is enough just to follow the exact work plan and follow the important rules.
  5. Diversity existing options. There are many designs of fences that you can build with your own hands. For example, a herringbone fence or the construction of a lattice fence, etc. Known variations of hedges, there are more than one hundred.

In some types, the frame is sheathed with lumber in horizontal position(blinds fence), in others - in the vertical. Also, a Christmas tree or picket fences are arranged in the form of blinds as the basis for the pattern. In general, the design of the existing plank fence is quite diverse.

Picket fence with forging elements


Fence installation scheme

Classic picket fence

Rustic style will never lose popularity. fit wooden gate with the appropriate design, which can be an interesting pattern or carving. Also, a decorative classic picket fence can be used for a flower garden. By the way, do-it-yourself flowerbeds installed will turn out to be the most attractive with just such a design.

It is not at all difficult to make this fence model, because it is difficult to come up with a simpler design. The wood used for subsequent construction is pine or cedar. This construction option is relatively cheap and at the same time very attractive.

If used wooden logs as a support, in this case, the dug-in part of the lumber must be processed to prevent the process of decay in the ground. This part can be painted or tarred.

With the help of a drill or a shovel, holes are dug in the ground at an equidistant distance. You can do it in two ways:

  1. Sprinkle vertically installed supports with earth and tamp them well.
  2. Pour cement and wait for it to dry completely.

City variant

Picket fence wiring diagram

Fence shutters

This unusual solution takes a bit more effort to assemble but worth it as it really looks great. You can decorate it further if you wish. decorative elements. The assembly principle of this design is somewhat similar to the above, but there are still several differences.

Great option hedges for giving is shown in the photo below.


Blinds installation scheme

span set

Ways of fastening planks exclusively depend on the material of the supporting pillars. Boards are installed in prepared grooves. Planks are usually installed from the bottom up. The topmost board is installed in a horizontal position, and all the rest at an angle of 45 ° or any other.

A fence is an integral element of any site.

Creating a wooden fence with your own hands is the dream of any summer resident. With the advent of new materials for the construction of fences: corrugated board, polycarbonate, reinforced concrete, wood products gradually began to fade into the background. However, over time, the owners of suburban areas realized that nothing can replace them in terms of beauty and environmental friendliness. In addition, improvised materials can also be used in the construction of this element. So you get a wonderful wooden fence, the price of which will be significantly lower than similar products from artificial materials. Wooden fences are divided into several categories, the construction methods of which we will now consider.

Do-it-yourself wooden fence: a classic version

For the construction of such an element, it is necessary to concrete the support pipes into the ground along the perimeter of the site. Between them, fix the runs made of timber. Fence boards should be nailed perpendicular to these elements at a slight distance from each other. Often the concept of "wooden fence" is associated with the usual picket fence. This design looks best with brick columns that act as supports.

How to create a wooden fence with your own hands: the "Cross" option

This type of fencing involves a combination wooden planks with reinforced concrete elements. Decorative columns are installed on the support columns. concrete plates and crossed with wooden bars. Both the main canvas and the pillars are tightly closed with decorative caps to prevent moisture from entering the structure. Such a wooden fence, a photo of which can be seen on the pages of specialized publications, looks monumental and very impressive. It will perfectly fit into the classic landscape design of the site and will become its decoration.

How to make a lattice fence

In this case, finished gratings made of wooden slats are laid between the supporting pillars. They can be placed both parallel to the supports and diagonally. This fence is purely decorative.

We make a wooden fence with our own hands: "herringbone" or "ladder"

To erect such a fence, support pillars should be installed, then on their outer and inner sides decorative wooden trims should be fixed. They will serve as guides for the fence boards, which should be laid horizontally in the gaps between them. If desired, you can use vertical metal rods that will give your design original look. Support posts after completion of work should be closed with decorative covers.

Another interesting fence: "Palisade"

To create such a fence, you should pick up smooth, small-diameter logs and install them around the perimeter of the selected area in vertical position. As a support for this type of fence, columns made of stone or brick or metal rods dug into the ground can act.


As you can see, building a wooden fence with your own hands is not difficult at all. You just need to decide on the type of construction, stock up on the necessary materials and show a little patience. A magnificent fence made of natural wood will please you for a long time with its pleasant appearance. The main thing is not to forget to process the design from time to time protective equipment which will prolong its service life.

Recently, owners of suburban real estate increasingly prefer wooden fences for a private house installed by themselves, which are not only very beautiful, but also distinguished by environmental friendliness and natural texture, easy to install and reliable in operation.

TO positive qualities contemporary wooden fences can also be attributed to high rates of maintainability.

Building a wooden fence with your own hands is the topic of this article.

Before proceeding with the construction of a wooden structure, it is advisable to carefully study all available for self construction types, as well as correctly choose the most suitable option.

As a rule, the design of any wooden fences consists of three main elements, represented by support posts, veins and front part.

Fence "Palisade"

The structure is made of smooth, processed logs of medium diameter with a sharp point at the top. The elements are fixed to the crossbars in a vertical position. Elements can be driven directly into the ground, but most often a concrete foundation base and wooden, brick or metal poles are used as a support.

Wooden fence Palisade

The appearance of such a fence resembles an ancient fortress, and the main disadvantage is the need to use a large number of building material.

Fence "Herringbone"

Most aesthetic option horizontal fencing, characterized by laying finishing boards close to each other, with a mandatory overlap top element on the bottom piece.

Such a fence is vandal-resistant, and the presence of a protective visor in the upper part of the structure allows not only protecting the most vulnerable part of the structure, but also significantly extends the service life. The lower part of such a fence can be protected by a plinth.

Fence "Herringbone"

Fence "Chess"

The option is distinguished by attractive appearance and practicality, and design feature is the presence of supporting pillars made of stone or brick, between which slats are mounted with special grooves located at a certain angle.

The depth of the grooves is equal to the width, and should be oriented to the thickness of the cladding board. Laying the fence board is carried out with an overlap, followed by fixation in the cuts made. The original effect can be achieved by organizing small gaps.

Chess version of the fence

Picket Fence

The most popular fencing option, characterized by the construction of vertical plank spans, fixed on special guide logs installed in the vertical direction.

Varieties are represented by a blind picket fence, which provides complete isolation from the external space, and a fence with gaps used to mark the boundaries.

picket fence

The position of the pickets in a wooden fence allows you to make an original and stylish design that fits perfectly into any option. landscape design, and will also serve not only as a barrier to uninvited guests, but will also become an original element of country decor.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden fences

Modern wooden fences have proven themselves as fences for suburban real estate, and also have a significant number of undeniable advantages:

  • Natural wood is not able to get very hot under the influence sun rays and perfectly retains comfortable warmth in winter frosts.
  • Wooden fences do not require special care, so it will only be necessary to carry out surface treatment with paints and varnishes annually.
  • The wood structure is distinguished by maintainability, and it is quite possible to eliminate the identified defects on your own even in the absence of special skills.
  • The surface of a wooden fence is perfect for decorating in almost any style, standard painting to preserve the natural texture or applying an original modern ornament.
  • Wooden fences are perfectly combined with other types of building and finishing materials, represented by bricks, natural stone, metal and concrete.

The most significant disadvantages of wooden fences can be considered a sharp decrease in performance characteristics, external attractiveness and durability in the absence of proper care.

Antiseptic and paint and varnish compositions should be used every year, and particularly careful handling of wooden structural elements that come into contact with the soil or are subjected to direct negative impact atmospheric precipitation.

We make a wooden fence with our own hands in steps

Consider how to make a beautiful wooden fence with your own hands. The durability and attractiveness of the created wooden fence directly depends on the correct choice of materials, as well as compliance with the technology at all stages of the construction of the structure.

Preparation and materials

The choice and purchase of lumber will depend on the type of structure being built.

The following materials can be used for construction:

  • edged boards, the same in width;
  • croakers;
  • curly wooden elements, cut on the machine;
  • logs of small diameter.

The height of all fences does not have to be the same. Elements of different lengths can form a very aesthetic wave effect at the top of the structure.

For the manufacture of a palisade, it is recommended to use trunks with a diameter of up to 15 cm. The surface of such trunks must be carefully cleaned from the bark, and the lower part in contact with the ground is treated with bitumen. The construction of a double-sided wooden fence "Chess" with their own hands is carried out from wide boards of the same width.

The best option is to use pine, spruce, aspen, alder and larch wood.

A characteristic feature of coniferous trees is their high resin content, which successfully resists high humidity.

Tolerates negative external factors oak and ash, but such wood cannot be classified as publicly available materials.

High-quality antiseptic treatment of wood with special solutions such as Biosept and Novotex requires special attention.

Wood for the construction of the fence must be well dried, since drying in natural conditions often becomes the main cause of deformation, warping and cracking of the elements.

Fence Installation

Regardless of the variant of the fence being erected, the basic installation rules are the same, and assume phased implementation the following events:

  • Marking the site for installation using a cord and stakes. The standard distance between the support posts is 200-250 cm. When installing finished sections, the entire length of the fence is divided into equal intervals.
  • Installation of supporting wooden, metal, concrete or brick pillars with deepening in accordance with the level of soil freezing. You can use the installation of pillars by driving into the ground, digging or drilling holes, backfilling or full-fledged concreting.
  • Assembling the frame part with the installation of horizontal logs between the pillars, which will serve as a connecting element and the basis for installing the lining of the spans. For fixation wooden parts with sampling, galvanized screws or nails are used. On iron supports, the bolted connection method can be used. Steel jumpers on metal pipes most often fixed by welding.
  • The method of installation of spans depends on the chosen design of the fence. The standard picket fence is fixed on jumpers with outer side. The assembly of a double-sided type fence involves fixing the front boards, and only then the rear elements are attached. The palisade is fixed with reverse side, and horizontal boards are fixed directly on the supporting pillars.

The most important stage is the installation of spans. In order to obtain a highly decorative, reliable and durable fencing design, it is necessary to align each installed element using a building level.

Coating and painting

For reliable protection erected fence from negative external influences, a visor located on top is used, and painting activities are also carried out. The canopy can be made of thin sheet steel coated with polymers or other weather-resistant materials.

Multi-component dyes are used for coloring, acrylic paints, impregnations based on natural oils, as well as alkyd, yacht or polyurethane building varnishes.

Painting can be done with a brush, roller or spray gun.

Before painting, knots and notches are removed with sandpaper, and all the released resin is cleaned with a spatula.

At right choice building material, compliance with the installation technology and careful painting, the erected fence will retain its aesthetic and operational characteristics for a long time.

Related video

Modern construction market offers a wide range of materials for the construction of fences. Despite this, wooden fences remain relevant at all times. In addition to being attractive appearance, it is very easy to work with such material, and fences from it do not need difficult repairs. Fences "Herringbone" are represented by a variety of designs, patterns and finishes, which allows you to choose a product that fits perfectly into the exterior of the house and the style of the site.

Looking at the photo, you can understand that such wooden structures can be made in the most incredible variations: checkerboard, lattice, ladder and others. Thanks to the installation of a combined model of a wooden fence, you can give the natural beauty of absolutely any fence.

Distinctive features of the fence "Herringbone"

Not every house can be protected with a decorative and at the same time ventilated structure. In the event that your site is close to the road, it would be impractical to make a fence with gaps. The main factor in choosing such a design for you will be the need for protection against road noise, gas and dust. It is for this reason that it is better to install a deaf fence.

All these characteristics are distinguished by a fence of the type "Herringbone" (or "Ladder"), the installation of which is possible both for modern cottage as well as for small country house. As for the appearance of such a structure, it is very similar to siding. "Ladder" is a double-sided front fence. The photo shows a typical fence of this variety.

For the construction of the fence "Ladder" can be used several types of building boards:

  1. Planed fence. This option can be used for any type of fencing.
  2. Aged. It has a modern and stylish look.
  3. Unedged. It has a strong similarity with the croaker, but the edges of the material are either partially or not sawn at all.
  4. Decorative fence. It acquires an unusual appearance after finishing with machined ends or edges.

Installation process

In order to make the Ladder fence with your own hands, you must first stock up on the necessary material.

You can purchase these products directly from the manufacturer. Experienced specialists can make sections for the picket fence with their own hands, while their installation will be carried out in their own way.

The process of erecting a Herringbone fence with a solid canvas is represented by the following steps:

  1. Installation of the support system. In most cases, it is used to make profile pipe made of steel, the cross-sectional dimensions of which are 60 by 60 mm.
  2. Installing sections. It must be gradual. Each board should be installed above the previous one and have a slight slope. Each section includes 13-20 wooden panels and 2 lintels.
  3. Docking of each board. It is carried out in the process of building a structure.
  4. Sheathing of a metal support system with wood. This method allows you to make the structure more attractive.

The procedure for erecting the Herringbone fence is presented in the video. In some cases, wood panels are installed horizontally, while the empty space between them is equipped with special gaskets. Thus, it will be quite easy to make such a fence. To give a more interesting appearance, you can use a wooden eaves plank by installing it at the top of the spans. This addition will protect the entire structure from negative impact weather conditions.

Care of wooden structures

A wood fence is strongly influenced by external factors such as precipitation or ultraviolet rays.

In addition, the owners of such structures very often face a change in the integrity of the board due to the appearance of mold or insects on it. Such an influence can also adversely affect the main characteristics of the structure, thus significantly reducing its service life.

It is for this reason that the installation of the "Christmas Tree" with your own hands requires you to take a thorough approach to ensuring the protection of the fence. To do this, you can cover the wood with special antiseptics. There is the possibility of more original version- application of paint and varnish materials to the fence.

Recently, the fashion for wooden fences is returning. Aesthetic and pleasing to the eye, they also have significant drawbacks, the main of which are poor strength and durability. However, the number of installed wooden structures grows from year to year. One of the most attractive and unusual types is the herringbone wood fence.

Fence "Herringbone" or in another way - ladder


Herringbone refers to the horizontal type of fences, that is, the boards are placed parallel to the ground. It got its name for an obvious reason: in profile, it resembles a Christmas tree from a children's drawing. It also looks like siding.

Due to this arrangement of boards, a continuous coating is formed. This leads to some striking features:

  • It is almost impossible to climb up such a fence (unless, of course, a ladder is placed), so that all sorts of unwanted persons will not get into your site.
  • Provides protection from flying dust, noise and exhaust gases. This is especially helpful for those who Vacation home located near the road.
  • You can not be afraid that someone's prying eye will decide to spy on you through the fence.

As already mentioned, wooden fences cannot boast of durability. However, the "herringbone" at the top, as a rule, has a special visor that protects all the most vulnerable structural elements, allowing you to significantly extend the service life. The plinth located at the bottom also adds strength and stability.

Fence sections, in comparison with other types of fences, have quite unusual shape, which in front resembles steps. This effect is achieved due to the special way of attaching the boards at an angle.

Fence herringbone in the section + it is necessary to make gaps

Advantages and disadvantages

It would be logical to start with the merits, since there are quite a few of them at the ladder fence:

  • The design is almost completely protected from decay and dampness (especially if it is covered special paint). This is explained simply: horizontally and overlapping boards do not allow snow, water and other precipitation to accumulate on the fence.
  • As already noted, a wooden fence is very similar to siding. Due to this similarity, it becomes an excellent replacement for real siding. In addition, the "herringbone" is also much more environmentally friendly.
  • Good protection against noise and dust flying from the road.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then only two can be distinguished: fragility and complex installation. Although the latter is all relative. At the factory, you can purchase ready-made sections for the fence. Installation in this case will not take much time. Making such a wooden fence with your own hands is a task for experienced people.

A little about installation

Before proceeding with the purchase or manufacture of a wooden fence, you need to determine the type of board that will be used in the fence. It is customary to distinguish 4 types:

  • Planed. Classic universal option, looks equally good on any suburban area.
  • Aged. It will give your garden the atmosphere of an old manor park. A great option for lovers of bright and original ideas.
  • Uncircumcised. Outwardly, it looks like a slab (a part of a log, one surface of which is burned, the other is not), the difference lies only in the processed edges.
  • Decorative. The treated sides give the wood a neat and effective look.

Choosing for yourself suitable type boards, you can transgress to purchase necessary materials. The default set looks like this:

  • Steel pipes (profile 60 × 60 mm, for lintels - 60 × 20 mm).
  • Boards (the optimal size is 25 × 120 mm).
  • Various tools needed for construction (level, tape measure, etc.).
  • Paints and solutions for wood processing.

wood fence processing

Snow, rain, dampness, fungus, temperature fluctuations - factors adversely affect the quality of wooden structures, destroying them and rendering them unusable. And although the wooden fence of the herringbone is partly protected from precipitation thanks to the visor, even it needs to be processed and.

Care should be read immediately after installation. Such foresight will help reduce costs and effort in the future. All work is recommended to be carried out in non-solar, but relatively warm weather. Most often, wood is first coated with a primer, and then with paint. Standard work plan:

  • Treat the wood to make it as smooth and even as possible. Use sandpaper and a sponge to help remove dirt and (if you're dealing with an old fence) paint residue.
  • If there are cracks on the boards, then they can be eliminated only with the help of a special primer. After curing, putty the surface immediately. Then, if desired, you can walk a second time with sandpaper, so the texture of the wood will be more saturated.
  • After a day, treat the entire surface of the fence with a primer, paying attention Special attention ends. When choosing a primer, give preference to those specimens that contain linseed oil as it provides deep penetration.
  • Now you can start coloring. When choosing a coloring agent, you need to check its compatibility with the type of primer. Here you will have to seek help from a specialist.

However, even after carrying out these works, insects and pests pose a serious danger to the fence of the Christmas tree. For protection, special formulations are used - antiseptics. It is available in the form of paste, oil, organic and aqueous solutions. But the people often use another, the simplest method - treatment with a salt solution. True, the salt is washed off quite quickly, so the protection is ineffective.

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