Wall color in a dark room. Design for everyone

Often the rooms are too dark various reasons: design features, location on the north side of the house, the presence under the windows tall trees, application in the decoration of this room dark finishing materials, insufficient, ill-conceived artificial lighting, and many, many more nuances.

But living in a dark room is not very comfortable, both psychologically and practically. Light is needed for mood, and for work, and for health. But if the room is dark, what to do? Many factors, of course, for example, the location on the shady side of the house, we are not able to change. But still we can do a lot! And as a result, even the darkest room can be turned into a light and cozy one. To do this, there are 12 simple steps.

The study desk should be placed so that the little one has his back against a stable wall and his face can look out over the whole room. It is important that in a small room there is no clutter and ingram-ideal, experts advise. A crowded room excites the child and exaggerates him. Don't leave anything under your bed or overcrowd your closets. Clean space helps the child to be more creative and open, feel less pinned down and free. The longer the order is, the better the harmonious climate in the children's room will be.

Therefore, in order to keep it in order, it is advisable to arrange the room in a larger space, which will allow you to accommodate a fairly large wardrobe. Toys will be kept in boxed boxes and the oldest or damaged ones should be discarded.

Mirrors are the most useful item interior for dark room. They double the light. However, any shiny objects also have similar properties: glass, metal, crystals. They also reflect and amplify light. Ideal - both mirrors and shiny surfaces. By the way, crystal and chandeliers with crystal pendants are always good in dark rooms. If all this is tastefully and skillfully beaten, they do not look trite at all, but the effect is huge.

Choose a closet where you can store all the small things, clothes, books and other items of the little one to stop caring about them and create a neat place for the little one. To create a playing field and space for creativity, you must be careful not to put too much furniture in your child's room. Kids love to hang art on the walls, so you can put a special cage where they can hang on to their creations.

Don't avoid listening to your child in the room. Usually, small man can know what makes them good and will know how to help decorate a room to feel comfortable and safe in their own little universe. You can stimulate the creativity of the little one by choosing an easel table that the child can practice his talent through his figurative drawings.

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Step 9

Step 9 Don't use overly complex wallpapers.
Wallpaper for a dark room is better in plain colors or with a simple pattern. However, there is a compromise: the walls can be made different. If you really like patterned wallpaper, apply a spectacular design move: let three walls in the room be “according to the rules”, and one with patterned wallpaper. This will not greatly affect the illumination, but the size of the room will visually increase, and the room will look fresh and original. It is possible not the entire wall, but only one strip of such wallpaper. You can also add light by sticking mirrored pebbles and rhinestones on patterned wallpaper.

The first rule to consider when decorating a bedroom with black furniture is to avoid strong color contrasts. Thus, it is advisable to choose only a few shades of color to highlight one that offers intimacy and warmth. The same rule should apply to walls that should not be painted in shades of color. So, if you have walls with strong colors, the beauty of the furniture will diminish. Also, when the walls are painted solid or dark colors, the room will look smaller, darker and richer.

Access to a room with colored objects. To remove black furniture, it is recommended to decorate with large carpets in open colors, but in tune with the walls. Accent black furniture with colorful decorations to give the bedroom a nice vibe. You can use bright colored beds and vases, curtains or paintings to create a nice contrast with black furniture. But be careful that these color accents match the walls. For example, if the walls are light gray, use decorative items in colors such as turquoise, purple, and various blue tones.

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Step 10

Step 10. Use the "correct" colors in the design of the room.
In addition to the walls, floor and ceiling, there is still subject content in the room. And no one said that it should only be in light pastel colors or be white. To increase the illumination in the room, paradoxically, it is necessary to introduce bright nuances. But the secret is that bright colors may not be any, but only “pure”, basic ones. For example, if red, then classic red, not raspberry, fuchsia, hot pink, etc. Yellow means warm canary, not lemon, etc. Also, these colors should never be with " acidic tones. An interior with only pastel light colors looks a little darker than the same interior, but with bright spots.

To avoid this, it is recommended to leave as much light in the room as possible. natural light creates a pleasant atmosphere and expands the room. Also, how to arrange the furniture contributes to the overall atmosphere in the bedroom. Decorate the star room on the girl's room wall and create an exclusive backdrop for your loved ones. Draw a star with paint, let them chalk on them, and let the child's fantasy unfold simply by leaning on the walls!

You may have noticed that painted walls are very popular these days. The dominance of green in the interior began 3-4 years ago, but micro-types are more noticeable, such as botanical, jungle, pastel tropical elements. Currently green color has become a real macro trend.

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Step 11

Step 11. Remove tall plants with dense foliage from the room.
Such plants absorb a lot of light. In particular, there should not be such plants on the window. Maximum one small pot. If you still want to leave large plant, then get a shade-tolerant one, and put it away from the window.

Eco-friendly products are an integral part of modern, stylish living. Natural finishing materials are not templates, they help to realize individual solutions for interior decoration. Textile floor coverings or carpets made from renewable fibers are not only unique element design, but also expression individual style and harmonious relationship with nature.

Often our emotions determine the colors of dishes, service elements, furniture, tablecloths and everything in general. color solutions. And what colors do you surround yourself with to control your appetite? Interior designers and everyone close to the field are trying to explain this year's interior color and the tone that will be most appropriate.

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Step 12

Step 12 Add some "gold".

They always lighten the interior, add “sun” and mood to objects with a “gold” finish - frames, trinkets, vases, accessories, mosaics, lamps with a “golden” base. There are never too many “golden” nuances in a dark room. In addition, now gold trim is in fashion, and is used not only in classic styles interiors, but also in modern ones. So you can brighten up the room, and trendy interior create.

Although, according to the latest world trends in interiors, all more colors and eye-catching extravagant details appear, Lithuanians are still attached to a more moderate manner. Imagine that you have a partner with your partner to live in your own house. You plan to fit and decorate it however you like. There is only one problem: the taste of you and your beloved is completely different. You cannot agree on the color of the walls of the rooms, so you put off this work indefinitely or turn into empty and unnecessary arguments.

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You can endlessly look at photos of foreign interiors, decorated in light colors and provided thanks to french windows good natural light. However, standard apartments are distinguished by small windows, uncomfortable layouts and big amount all kinds of corners, ventilation boxes and pantries. It turns out a dark room also in the following cases:

  • if the windows face north side;
  • if the apartment is located on the ground floors and is shaded by trees;
  • if there are no windows in the room (for example, a hall in one-room apartment was divided with the help of a stationary partition into two rooms: a living room and a bedroom);
  • if the wrong color scheme or artificial lighting scheme was chosen during the interior design.

Most of the causes are "incorrigible", but the latter can be dealt with with the help of carefully thought-out room design.

What can I do to make a dark room brighter?

1. Consider an artificial lighting scheme and try to increase the intensity of natural light

When designing a dark room, you need to pay maximum attention to lighting. If it is possible to expand the windows, then this should be done at the very beginning of the repair, without forgetting to obtain permission from the appropriate authority. If the room has a balcony, then you need to make it as bright as possible by placing large windows.

artificial lighting must be multilevel and multipoint ( lighting various kinds must be present in all functional areas). Then the general lighting can be made exclusively decorative by decorating the ceiling around the perimeter of the sconce with horns pointing upwards or LED backlight. In addition, for especially deep and dark cabinets, it is possible to provide autonomous illumination of drawers.

2. Consider colors

You should not make an “absolutely white cube” out of a room if it is poorly lit. Otherwise, you can get a gray and dull room. If you have provided acceptable light in each zone, then use pastel and neutral colors: creams, golds, beiges, pale greens, soft blues. Just choose tones that, even with a lack of lighting, do not look dirty-dim and are slightly lighter than you originally decided. Only the ceiling can be left white. As floor covering it is enough to choose a laminate, parquet, linoleum of a light, but practical, shade, preferably with a glossy surface. Alternatively, lay a light carpet with a short pile on a dark floor. A dark room will radically change its appearance if you choose light and glossy finishing materials for the ceiling, walls and floor. You can brighten up the room with the help of spectacular contrast, which can be achieved by combining suitable finishing materials. For example, the room looks more spacious and airy if the lower third is covered with dark wallpaper, and the rest is light.

If the lighting in the room leaves much to be desired, then using pastel and neutral colors is not recommended - they will still look dull and have a grayish tint. In this case, you need to choose a saturated color for the walls. natural color(royal blue, emerald, burgundy, canary yellow, etc.), which will add warmth and depth to the interior. You should refuse peach, brick, pale purple, light blue, gray, olive flowers, as well as from mother-of-pearl shades.

3. Pick up furniture and textiles to match the finishing materials and leave only the most necessary furnishings in the room

This is an easy way to make a room feel more spacious. It visually brightens the room if light pastel or neutral colors are chosen for interior decoration. This is because textiles (curtains, bedspreads, carpets) and dark furniture with matte surfaces actively absorb the luminous flux (they are able to "eat" almost half of the light entering the room) and at the same time create a feeling of "overcrowding", disorder in the room. Any excess furniture makes the room visually smaller and darker. The remaining furnishings are best placed along the walls (and if they are the same shade as the walls, they will become almost invisible). Curtains are better to choose translucent or keep them as open as possible. Thanks to this, the room will become more spacious. If you are worried that the radiators have an unsightly appearance, then you should come up with original design or hide them from prying eyes.

So, if possible, give up high-pile carpets, velvet curtains and lambrequins, decorative pillows and warm checkered blankets, and choose furniture with glossy light facades. If you do not know how to properly place furniture in a dark room, focus on natural light and functional purpose zones. For example, near the window it is better to place workplace and dining area.

4. Use glossy and mirror surfaces, refuse embossed finishing materials

If you place a mirror opposite the window, then it will reflect the entire incident light flux. In all other cases, the reflective opposite wall should be empty and bright. This will make the room look larger. Almost all smooth reflective surfaces enhance illumination: glass, crystal, metal, mirror mosaic, mirrored walls. All surfaces that have a pronounced texture and relief absorb light. Therefore, it is better to make glossy stretch ceiling than to fasten the stucco around the perimeter and add a ceiling niche in the center. To make a dark room brighter, you should abandon the wall niches, brick partitions, decorative plasters, wallpaper with a large and complex pattern.

You can add warmth to the interior with the help of golden accessories. This will interrupt the associative series: a dark room, uncomfortable, uninhabited. Golden shades, like sunbeams, add joy and light. Today, "gold" can be used not only in classical, but also in modern interiors, so you can not limit yourself and use any kind of golden accessories: frames, figurines, glasses, lamps, rugs, mosaic panels and accessories.

Thus, a dark room is not a sentence. In the presence of a well-thought-out lighting scheme, the correct colors and many glossy surfaces, you can create a cozy, bright and spacious "nest".

hope always

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