What to do if a pan burns. How to clean a burnt enamel pan from carbon deposits

Cooking is an interesting and exciting process. Every time you can discover something new for yourself and try to bring to life the most different recipes. However, this also has its unpleasant sides: for example, you decided to cook several dishes at once, hesitated, and as a result the pan burned. “How to wash off this terrible soot so that your favorite dishes take on their original appearance and serve you for a certain amount of time?” - you ask. Of course, a lot depends on what kind of pan burned: enameled, aluminum, cast iron, of stainless steel etc.

Today the market is helping housewives household chemicals offers the most different means to combat grease and carbon deposits. Of course, the effect of their use is obvious, but these cleaning products, as a rule, contain various acids and other substances hazardous to human health.

Saving your favorite saucepan without chemicals

There are times when you simply don’t have a cleaning product at hand. What to do if a pan is burnt, how to wash it quickly and without using household chemicals? In such a situation, you can always recall several grandmother’s recipes, where the main characters, in addition to, of course, the damaged dishes, are salt, soda, vinegar, which are almost certainly found in every kitchen. However, here too it is important not to overdo it, since salt, soda and vinegar will help one type of dishes, but on the contrary, they will ruin another.

How to wash burnt enamel pan?

Compared to the same aluminum and cast iron, it is much more capricious and fragile. For example, she does not like temperature changes and uneven heating: This can lead to cracks and subsequent destruction of the enamel layer. Well, if it happens that the pan is burnt, how to wash the enamel without damaging it, see below:

Pour the solution into the pan baking soda(25 g per 1 liter of water) and boil for 10-15 minutes. Leave the pan overnight, and the next day remove carbon deposits with a soft sponge or cloth, but under no circumstances use hard brushes or metal mesh, as they greatly destroy the enamel.

Sprinkle the burnt surface generously with table salt and leave for several hours.

Dry helps not only to cope with carbon deposits, but also to preserve the shine of the enamel for a long time.

If milk is burnt in an enamel pan, water with the addition of sifted wood ash will help.

There are many more traditional ways to wash burnt aluminum dishes, and in the process of saving your favorite saucepan, not only soda and salt, but also vinegar, citric acid, ammonia and even Here are just some recipes that tell you what to do if a pan is burnt: how to wash off the carbon deposits, return the dishes original shine and not damage it:

A few drops of ammonia added to water will make it much easier to remove carbon deposits and restore shine.

A cotton swab dipped in vinegar is another effective remedy. If the case is particularly severe, vinegar is diluted with water and boiled in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes.

A piece of sour apple or half an onion are excellent substitutes for the toughest sponge or brush in the fight against carbon deposits.

So, now you are armed and, undoubtedly, you can cope with even the most severe carbon deposits without resorting to concentrated chemicals. This way you will be more careful with both your health and the dishes themselves. Good luck and may your favorite pots always shine!

It happens that food burns to the bottom of the pan, and black soot forms on the outer part. Enameled pans remain the most popular cooking utensils.

Therefore, it is worth exploring all the options on how to clean a burnt enamel pan using available means.

Important! An enamel pan cannot be cleaned with brushes or hard brushes. Only chemical and folk remedies will be effective.

Seek help from the strong chemicals not worth it. You can use folk remedies, which any housewife can find. Due to the popularity of enamel cookware, they have been tested by time and by many housewives, so they do not pose a threat to the coating.

The most popular are:

Means Mode of application Peculiarities
Salt Problematic place to fall asleep big amount salt, slightly moistened. The dishes sit for about 4 hours and are wiped with a sponge.

Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, dissolving 1 tablespoon table salt. Boil for half an hour. All the carbon deposits inside will completely fall away from the bottom.

This method is effective for light deposits on the outer bottom of the cookware.

The option is relevant when quick response, after the food remains have not had time to dry. You need to act quickly.

Table vinegar If the bottom is burnt, you need to add vinegar and let it sit for 3-4 hours. Then wash with dishwashing detergent. Do not overexpose vinegar - it can eat away the enamel, damaging the integrity of the coating.
Activated carbon Several tablets are finely crushed, applied to the problem area and left for 1 hour. Clean the medicine with a sponge. There are no contraindications for use.
Baking soda 1 liter of water is poured into the pan, where half a glass of soda is dissolved. Boil water and soda over low heat for an hour.

The mixture is infused for 2 hours, then drained along with the remainder.

It removes porridge burnt to the bottom well.

How to clean carbon deposits from stainless steel pans?

To clean stainless steel pans from carbon deposits, simply select the appropriate product. The procedure is performed at home using improvised means. There are different methods of internal and external cleaning.

It is important that the product does not contain ammonia or chlorine:

  • You can remove external carbon deposits by boiling the pan in soap solution for 10-15 minutes. The remaining carbon deposits are washed out using detergent and soda.
  • Severely adhered carbon deposits are removed with activated carbon, crushed to a powder state. Paste is prepared from “black flour” using water. The mixture is applied to the problem area and left for 30 minutes. Wipe with a sponge and rinse off the product.
  • External carbon deposits can be wiped off with baking soda. Sprinkle a little baking soda on a sponge or surface and clean with smooth movements.
  • External surface stainless pan can be cleaned in the following way: pour water into a container and the same amount vinegar essence, wait until it boils and keep the pan over steam for 10 minutes. Additionally, wipe the surface with a mixture of wet soda and salt.

You can add extra shine to a stainless surface using a few simple tricks: rub the surface with fresh potato slices, soak in vinegar, and clean with a mixture of ammonia and toothpaste.

Important! During the cleaning process, do not change the direction of movement of the napkin or sponge to avoid stains.

IN in this case can not use wire brush, it can damage the protective layer that protects stainless steel kitchen utensils from burning.

Removing heavy carbon deposits from an aluminum pan

A particularly pressing question is: how to clean aluminum kitchen utensils from carbon deposits and food stuck to the bottom? There are many ways and they differ from all the usual ones - you need to behave more carefully with such dishes.

The problem is that the aluminum pan becomes deformed from cold water, if it is poured onto a heated product.

Aluminum pans can be cleaned with the following products using the following technologies:

  1. Remove the remaining rice and buckwheat using warm water in which soda or dishwashing detergent is dissolved.
  2. Dried food remains are cleaned by boiling baking soda in the container itself.
  3. Stains from the surface are removed with a solution of 1 liter of water with 4 tablespoons of vinegar. Wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in the solution.

Cleaning an aluminum pan is done only by hand, so as not to damage the metal surface, cause deep scratches, or deform the shape.

Cleaning nickel plated at home

A nickel-plated pan cannot be cleaned with aggressive agents such as soda, sand, or salt.

Specific methods for cleaning carbon deposits are used:

  • The surface can be cleaned well using finely crushed chalk.
  • Fat is cleaned with a weak salt solution or ammonia.
  • A solution of salt and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio.

It is very difficult to clean nickel dishes from milk - it is better not to cook or boil similar products in such a pan.

Note! Nickel-plated cookware should only be washed and cleaned in very hot water.

Teflon dishes undergo similar procedures, since they are also sensitive to many types of cleaning and easily deteriorate as a result of aggressive influences.

Cast iron

What to do if your cast iron is dirty? kitchen utensils? Such pans are often used for making jam. Aggressive methods can be used.

These are cleaning with sand and sandpaper:

  • The surface is rubbed with sand and sandpaper.
  • The treated surface is washed with a solution of water and salt.
  • Rinse with running water.

More serious stains can be removed with a solution of hydrochloric acid.


A ceramic pan should be cleaned carefully and carefully. The peculiarity is that this product has an aluminum base coated with ceramic coating.

First you need to determine the degree of contamination, and then get to work:

  • Wipe the problem area with a cloth soaked in olive oil.
  • Soak on short term in water with a drop of detergent.
  • Severe cases require boiling in plain water.
  • Use a melamine sponge designed for ceramic surfaces.

You should not wipe the carbon deposits too vigorously; if it is not completely removed, you can treat it with a solution of water and alcohol.

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Many housewives are familiar with such a nuisance as food burnt to the bottom of the pan. As soon as this happens, the kitchen is filled with a terrible smell, and the dishes become covered with a coating that is extremely difficult to remove. Brown. From this article you will learn how to clean a burnt pan simply and effectively.

What not to do

As soon as the pan burns, it immediately comes to mind that you need to scrub it with a steel wool, but this is not recommended. The fact is that such a sponge is very hard, which spoils the surface of the dishes.

If enamel cookware is burnt, then you should not listen to erroneous advice and immediately put it under cold water. This will not save you from stuck carbon deposits, but a change in temperature will cause the enamel to crack and chip.

If your pan is aluminum, then remember that this coating is quite delicate, so abrasives should not be used as cleaning agents.

If it is more convenient for you to clean dishes with powder, then it is best to use a toothbrush, which has very small and soft particles.

Salt solves the problem

Salt has always been a universal cleaning agent. If there is one in the house, then the problem of how to clean a burnt pan is quickly solved.

There are two ways to clean dishes from burnt food using salt - “dry” and “wet”. When using the first one, you need to pour salt in a thick layer on the burnt bottom of the pan and wait a couple of hours. Then easily clean off the carbon deposits using a hard sponge.

Second method: dilute 5-6 tbsp in 1 liter of water. spoons of salt, then pour this solution into the dishes. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. After a few hours, the burnt food will begin to pull away from the bottom. It will be very easy to remove by adding any liquid cleaning agent to the saline solution.

All Purpose Soda

If you are still wondering how to clean a burnt pan, then pay attention to regular baking soda. This product, which any housewife has at hand, does an excellent job of removing the burnt layer. Baking soda not only cleans up fumes, but also, better than any expensive powder, whitens dishes, removes grease, and also disinfects surfaces.

Many housewives have already thrown away newfangled cleaning powders and are only happy with the results that soda demonstrates. How to clean a burnt enamel pan? It's very simple - use it natural remedy! The soda particles are very small, so they will not leave cracks or scratches on the surface of the dishes.

If you make a paste of soda and salt, you will get an excellent remedy for eliminating almost any household pollution.

If you have pots that have very old deposits and you are already desperate to clean them, cover the stain with a soda-salt mixture and leave for 24 hours. After this time, add water to the pan and let it boil for a while. Then you can begin the final cleaning of the dishes using a sponge. Believe me, you will stop wondering how to clean a burnt pan, because it will be perfectly clean.

And once again about soda...

Exists alternative way cleaning dishes. You need to take a pack of soda and dilute it in six liters of water. Pour the solution into a container large sizes and put the pan in there. Next, you need to boil the liquid along with the dishes and leave for 3-4 hours. You will be amazed how easily the smoke will come away from the walls.

Cleaning burnt dishes with acid

Don't think we're suggesting you use industrial acid. To quickly remove carbon deposits, products available in every kitchen are quite suitable.

The most famous "kitchen" acid is vinegar. If your problem is how to clean a burnt pan, consider that you have found a great solution to remove dirt, rust and scale.

To clean, you need to combine a couple of tablespoons of vinegar essence and a glass of water directly in a pan with a burnt bottom. After you boil the solution several times, the fumes will easily go away.

Vinegar can be easily replaced lemon juice or crystallized citric acid. It's safer, and it won't happen unpleasant odor like vinegar. A few tablespoons of lemon juice or one packet of acid should be dissolved in a small volume of water.

You should pour the solution into dirty dishes, boil and leave for a couple of hours, after which you will stop worrying about how to wash a burnt pan, because the bottom of the dishes will shine.

Our grandmothers always knew how to clean a burnt enamel pan. For this they used whey or yogurt. These products are gentle and gentle for cleaning easily deformed surfaces.

Unusual ways

If you don’t know how to clean a burnt aluminum pan and don’t have any cleaning products on hand, then they can help potato peelings, which will cope perfectly with carbon deposits. Pour water into a saucepan, put the peelings in there and boil them until fully cooked. Let the water cool and wash the dishes with laundry soap.

Probably all housewives, without exception, are afraid of milk burns, since it is very difficult to clean. In this matter, a real assistant will be Activated carbon. It is necessary to crush 10 tablets of this substance and sprinkle it on the bottom of the burnt dishes. After 40 minutes, add a little water to the product, and after a couple of hours, you can easily remove the dirt with a hard sponge. This method is also great for cleaning jam from a burnt pan.

Pots are the most versatile utensils in the kitchen; they can be used to cook a variety of foods, so you may need a variety of tools to clean burnt-on food from the walls. Hot water with the addition of a small amount of acetic or citric acid can be used to remove dried food and light burnt stains. To increase the effect, you can use a small amount of soda or salt. Finely chopped fruits also have an acidic effect. A mixture of laundry soap and glue.

No housewife is immune from food burning in the kitchen. even after the most advanced cases, it is possible with improvised means. We’ll figure out how to clean a burnt pan from various foods with our own hands.

What not to do

The use of metal sponges and scrapers, which effectively remove almost any dirt, including rust, will undoubtedly speed up the cleaning of any utensils, including pots.

Physical cleaning methods help quickly and effectively remove even the most stubborn plaque and scale.

back side medals - damage to the coating inside and outside the pan, especially for models with non-stick and enamel. Under no circumstances should abrasives be used to clean glass and glass-ceramic pans - use only chemicals.

In general, abrasive cleaning methods are recommended only for old dishes, which I don’t feel sorry for. These methods include all home-made detergents using soda, salt, sugar, sand and other solid crystals. The use of rice is allowed - its rounded ends are not so aggressive towards delicate ceramic coatings (Tefal models).

Remove burnt semolina porridge, pasta, soup

The remains of porridge or yesterday's pasta could not only burn, but also simply dry out overnight if the pan was left unwashed on the stove.

If the food is simply dry, you can try soaking it with hot water. Water can either be drawn from the tap or heated on the same stove. If the food is not burnt anywhere, then hot water will soak it very quickly. For better effect a small amount of detergent is added.

If the porridge or pasta has already burned, hot water will dissolve only the weakest layer. A saucepan with added detergent You can leave it for a few hours, then try to clean it.

Burning can also be eliminated with a small amount of citric acid dissolved in hot water. It is not recommended to use food acids if they are damaged - this will lead to rapid damage to the equipment.

Milk and dairy products

Burnt milk is one of the most common stains on pans.

If the scale of the tragedy is not very large, then ordinary hot water should help clean any pan from burning. To do this, fill the pan plain water to the level of the burnt spots and placed on the stove. You need to boil for about half an hour, when the water becomes warm, try to wash it off with a regular dishwashing sponge.

If you can’t wash it right away, then hot water you need to add a few tablespoons of soda ash and stir well. The pan is left overnight, and the procedure with the sponge is repeated in the morning.

Advice! For relax manual labor You can use the dishwasher, charging it with special tablets to remove stuck stains.

Dried puree, jam, burnt caramel and chocolate

When these products dry out, they are very dense and hard, like soles, so boiling may not help.

Here you need to arm yourself with more caustic means, for example, food acids, soda or “White”, which will even help against burnt sugar and sugar beets.

Acetic and citric acid, as well as freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice can be used according to the instructions described above. It is allowed to use ammonia or ethyl alcohol as an alternative.

“Belizna” deserves special attention - a caustic liquid with active chlorine, which very quickly destroys any, even the most durable, stains. It can also be used not in pure form, and dilute with a small amount of warm water to reduce the concentration.

Advice! Do not use “Whiteness” with dishes that have deep scratches or chips; the active liquid will only continue to destroy the integrity of the material.

Puree and jam, as well as apple marmalade quickly react with acids and active chlorine. After half an hour or an hour you can already make attempts, which will fall off in flakes. It is recommended to protect your hands with durable rubber gloves, because these liquids have a destructive effect on human skin. “Whiteness” can dissolve even dried beans and peas.

Even the most careful housewives sometimes have pans that burn. But even without any “accidents,” the enamel darkens over time, and black spots and streaks appear on the outer surface of aluminum and stainless steel pans. In order to clean burnt-on pots, you have to use stronger detergents than regular dishwashing liquids and powders.

What is better not to do with burnt dishes?

If the pan is burnt, then the worst has already happened to it. Therefore, you should not grab hot dishes and place them in the sink under running cold water. Sudden temperature change - worst enemy enamels and non-stick coating. You need to transfer the food that has not had time to burn into another container and wait until the dirty pan cools down.

Another common mistake housewives make is trying to scrape off burnt food particles with a knife. If you scratch with inside The bottom of the pan is made of stainless steel, it will start to burn. Mechanical damage reduce the service life of enameled and aluminum cookware. As a last resort, you can use a special wire spiral to wash enamel pans (but it will scratch stainless steel and aluminum).

There are tips on the Internet to clean burnt pans with “White”. Besides the fact that this product smells bad, it is generally not recommended to pour it into stainless steel dishes. Products containing chlorine corrode not only stainless steel, but also enamel. It is also not recommended to clean stainless steel dishes with compounds containing salt.

Salt can damage the surface of the pan

Methods for cleaning burnt pans

If the pan is only burnt on the inside, then pour one of the cleaning compounds into it, pour cold water and boil it. To simultaneously remove dirt inside and outside, you need to prepare a cleaning solution in a metal bucket or tank and completely immerse the dishes in it.

Typically, dirty pots are boiled in the tank for 1–2 hours. However, plastic may become deformed due to high temperature. Therefore, when cleaning dishes with non-removable plastic handles, pour so much water into the tank so that the boiling water does not touch them. Another option is to soak dishes with plastic handles in warm water for 8–10 hours. In this case, the water is periodically heated to 40–50 °C.

If after boiling or prolonged soaking there are residues left on the surface of the cookware dark spots, they will be easy to remove with a hard sponge. It can be dipped in dishwashing liquid or in a paste of soap, soda and mustard powder, the recipe for which is given below. It is necessary to use gloves when cleaning pans, as all burn removers are very drying to the skin.

Recipes for cleaning burnt pans

Dissolve washing powder and oxygen bleach in water (per 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon washing powder and 1 teaspoon of bleach). Over low heat, bring the liquid to a boil (do not leave it too far, as when boiling it foams a lot and splashes out of the container) and turn off the burner. If the pan is very dirty, the solution can be boiled 2-3 times at intervals of 2 hours, adding a little bleach before heating.

If you need to clean the pan only from the inside, pour a layer of baking soda up to 1 cm thick and pour in a little water (so that a paste forms). After 2–3 hours, pour about the same amount of soda into the pan, pour water to the top and boil for 1–2 hours.

For cleaning the inner surface of enameled and aluminum pans The previous method is used, but soda is mixed with salt in a 1:1 ratio. This method is not suitable for stainless steel cookware.

Prepare a solution: for 5 liters of water – 10 heaping teaspoons of soda ash and 100 g of laundry soap. Grind the soap on a grater or slice it with a knife. Boil the pots for 2 hours.

Another universal recipe for all types of pots and pans, including those with ceramic coating: for 5 liters of water – 150 g of soda ash and 100 g of silicate (stationery) glue. If the dishes are very dirty, increase the concentration of the solution and add 100 g of crushed laundry soap to it.

Paste recipe for cleaning burnt dishes


  • 100 g of crushed laundry soap or soap;
  • 400 ml (2 cups) hot water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mustard powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 4 tbsp. l. ammonia (8 ampoules).

Preparation: add water to the soap and heat the liquid in a water bath, stirring constantly. When the soap is completely dissolved, remove the mixture from the heat. Add soda, mustard powder and ammonia to the liquid that has cooled to a temperature of about +30 °C. Mix everything thoroughly. Wear gloves when working, and to avoid getting poisoned by ammonia fumes, open the window. Pour the resulting mass into jars and close the lids tightly. After 3-4 hours, the gel will thicken and can be used to clean any pots, as well as darkened stainless steel cutlery.

Cleaning burnt pots at the dacha

At the dacha there is not always even ordinary household chemicals available. But even in “field” conditions, you can maintain cleanliness using methods that have been proven for centuries.

You will need a lot of wood ash. It is very important that there are no residues from burnt plastic or other foreign impurities in it. The ash is mixed with a small amount of any fat ( vegetable oil from a frying pan, leftover butter or lard from dirty plates) and water. It should be a paste. To clean the pan, apply this mixture in a thick layer and leave for 5–6 hours. Then the dishes are washed.

Fill the bucket 2/3 full wood ash, fill it with water, stir. Leave for 2–3 days. The ash will settle and form on top clear liquid– lye. It must be poured into a burnt container and boiled.

Cleanings left over from cooking apple jam or compote, do not throw it away, but fill it with water. The more cleanings, the better. For 5 liters of water, peelings from 1 kg of apples are enough. Add chopped onion and shavings of laundry soap (for 5 liters of water - 250 g of onion and 100 g of soap).

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