How to clean a burnt stainless steel pan from soot using simple folk remedies? What to do if the pan is burnt? How to wash, restore the original shine and not damage the coating

Have you decided to experiment with a new dish? Once again forgot about the milk on the stove? Did not calculate the volume of water for porridge? The result is predictable - a disgusting smell of burning in the kitchen and the prospect of spending the evening "tearing off" soot from the bottom of the pan. Happens. But not a disaster. Write down ways to wash a burnt pan efficiently and quickly. Will definitely come in handy.

To understand how to quickly remove heavy soot from the bottom of the pan, determine the type of material from which it is made. It is from this in the first place that we will build on when choosing a method of cleaning.

Tidying up enamelware

Housewives love enameled pans because they are inexpensive, harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen, and have high consumer properties in comparison with other materials. Importantly, such dishes are considered one of the safest for the human body, because food does not come into contact with metal (it is made of rolled steel), but with an enamel coating applied in two layers.

Three tips if an enameled pan is burnt.

  1. Act fast. The result depends on it. The more you delay with cleaning, the higher the likelihood that inconspicuous yellow-brown spots will remain inside the container.
  2. Do not fill a hot pot cold water. A sudden change in temperature is harmful to enamel. It can crack, or even break off completely. Once the bowl has cooled down a bit, pour water into it. room temperature.
  3. Treat with care. Vitreous enamel (this is the professional name for enamel coating) requires the most delicate care. If you decide to clean enamel pan from burnt food, please note that the use of coarse metal brushes and abrasive cleaners - strictly contraindicated.

There are some nuances when choosing detergent mixtures. It is quite possible to do without special household chemicals, and prepare a suitable composition at home from improvised means. For enameled products, the following cleaning methods are suitable.


Peculiarities. Salt is an excellent adsorbent. And at the same time - a delicate abrasive. Therefore, its use is quite logical.

What to do

  1. Fill the bottom tightly with salt.
  2. Moisturize with water.
  3. We leave the pan for a couple of hours.
  4. We take a sponge and wipe off the soot under a hot stream.
  5. If traces still remain, repeat salt procedure, but already with boiling.
  6. Right inside the pan, we will prepare the salt composition: five to six tablespoons with a slide of salt per liter of water.
  7. Bring the solution to a boil.
  8. On medium heat, “boil” the pan for 30-40 minutes.

A saturated solution will completely remove the remnants of burnt food from the bottom and walls of the dishes. If you need to clean the carbon deposits on the outside of the dishes, then simply boil it in a similar saline solution, but inside a deeper container.


Peculiarities. If the contamination is not too serious, just apply baking soda to the sponge and gently clean the burn. And here is a recipe to remove difficult stains. Carefully check the hardness of the deposit. If necessary, increase the boil time and add water. Follow the procedure with the window open.

What to do

  1. Pour strong into a saucepan soda solution(for a liter and a half of water, take a glass baking soda).
  2. We leave for the night.
  3. In the morning, boil this mixture for half an hour.
  4. Leave until completely cool.
  5. Remove loose deposits with a sponge and rinse thoroughly.

Experienced housewives advise immediately, as soon as the enameled pan is burnt, to clean it with soda ash - it will get rid of soot much more effectively than ordinary soda. And for very strong pollution in a soda solution (half a glass of powder per liter and a half of water), it is recommended to add 20 ml of table vinegar or cut half a piece of household soap. Boil for at least 15-20 minutes.


Peculiarities. Vinegar is useful for more than just removing rust stains, stains, and lime deposits. He also copes with burnt food with a bang.

What to do

  1. Pour the burnt enamelled bottom with ordinary vinegar.
  2. We withstand from 30 minutes to two or three hours, the time depends on the degree of soot.
  3. Then wash the pan with detergent.
  4. Rinse well with clean water.

activated carbon

Peculiarities. Activated charcoal will help if there are traces of burnt milk in your enamel pan.

What to do

  1. Grind a handful of black tablets.
  2. We fall asleep with charcoal.
  3. After 30 minutes pour the pot warm water.
  4. After another hour and a half, I wash the dishes as usual.

You can also use coffee grounds or dry mustard. A cotton swab or a regular washcloth is dipped in them. A homemade "scrub" cleans the burnt place.


Peculiarities. If the enamel is cloudy, there are stains from the scraped off soot, the following recipe will help whiten the enameled pan inside.

What to do

  1. Mix two or three bags citric acid and two large spoons with a slide of baking soda.
  2. Add 100 ml of bleach (commonly known as bleach).
  3. Mix well and add a liter of water.
  4. Boil the mixture for about half an hour.
  5. Drain the cooled liquid, rinse thoroughly with a washcloth.
  6. We collect fresh water and boil again to remove the smell and residues of the product.

The whole procedure is carried out in a well-ventilated area, in protective gloves and a respirator.

How to clean a burnt aluminum pan

Aluminum pots are practical, lightweight and heat up quickly. And since aluminum is a rather soft metal, it requires special treatment and delicate care. The following will do.

soda and salt

Peculiarities. In order not to scratch the surface of the metal, we choose soft abrasives - soda and salt.

What to do

  • We take equally soda and salt.
  • We fall asleep with them soot.
  • Pour in a little warm water(to the consistency of gruel).
  • After a day, remove the product and pour a liter of water into the pan.
  • We boil for half an hour.
  • In my traditional way.

Lemon acid

Peculiarities. This method is good because it does not require physical effort from the hostess. The acid will “corrode” the soot and you just have to remove it with a soft sponge.

What to do

  1. We collect as much water as required to cover the soot.
  2. Pour two large spoons of citric acid.
  3. Boil 15 minutes.
  4. Clean after cooling in the usual way.

River sand, tooth powder, crushed chalk will help to clean the aluminum pan well from soot. It is enough to apply them to a damp sponge and rub the dirt in a circular motion. But it is better not to use soda in its pure form - the pan will definitely darken.

sour fruits

Peculiarities. Remove dark deposits from aluminum pan green apples and lemon will help. They have fruit acids - they are what we need.

What to do

  1. Grind sour fruits on a grater: lemon or apple.
  2. We wrap the slurry in gauze.
  3. We rub the inner surface of the utensils and leave for at least 40 minutes.
  4. After we clean with the usual dish balm and a soft sponge.

A dark coating in a pan with any coating will help remove two peeled onions. They need to be filled with water and boiled for about 30 minutes. Onions can be replaced with ammonia. It only takes a few drops per liter of water.

silicate glue

Peculiarities. Silicate glue is widely used in everyday life. If an aluminum pan is burnt, you can safely adopt the following recipe.

What to do

  1. You will need a bucket of boiling water. We breed in it 100 g of silicate glue and soda ash.
  2. Bring the composition to a boil.
  3. We lower the burnt pan into the bucket and boil it for half an hour.
  4. Then we clean the inside and outside of the dishes with a sponge.

100 g of silicate glue can be diluted in a bucket of water with a piece of laundry soap. Soap pre-rub on a grater. We boil the pan by analogy with the previous recipe. Unforgettably protective equipment and ventilation.

Removing carbon deposits from stainless steel

Crockery from of stainless steel- unpretentious and does not require special care. It can be safely cleaned with a metal washcloth, alkaline products, acidic compounds, powdery substances. Just try to avoid sharp objects and rough scrapers.

A stainless steel pot is considered the best for making jam. It is in such containers that all the value of the fruits will be preserved, and the acid from the berries will not affect the quality of the dishes. It happens that sugar syrup sticks to the bottom and sticks to the walls, solidifying caramel. Even worse - when the jam burns, spoils the dishes, and the fruit becomes unusable. You can wash a burnt stainless steel pan with dish gel or with the help of such folk remedies:

  • baking soda;
  • table vinegar;
  • lemon or tomato juice;
  • table salt;
  • activated carbon;
  • coffee grounds;
  • laundry soap.

Prepare cleaning mixtures according to the above recipes. Any of these will work for stainless steel. Especially if the procedure is accompanied by boiling.

Universal ways to remove scale ...

Peculiarities. With frequent boiling of water in a saucepan, the bottom and walls are overgrown with a hard white coating. Citric acid will help get rid of scale in the pan without damaging either enamel or aluminum.

What to do

  1. Pour a bag of citric acid into the pan and fill it with water.
  2. Boil the solution for 30 minutes.
  3. We pour out the water.
  4. We remove the entire plaque with a sponge.
  5. Rinse the pot well.

In practice, the effectiveness of the use of Coca-Cola to remove scale and burn has been proven. If the pollution is weak - just pour soda into the pan for one hour. If the soot is strong, you will have to boil it for about half an hour.

...and black plaque

Peculiarities. If you are unable to cope with persistent burnt spots and black soot, that is effective method how to clean a burnt pan from black to shiny, which is suitable for any type of coating.

What to do

  1. In four liters of boiled water, we dilute a tablespoon of PVA glue and shavings of laundry soap (a third of a piece).
  2. Fill a dirty pot with cleaning solution.
  3. Boil at least 30 minutes.
  4. Black plaque is removed with a washcloth.
  5. Rinse off the remnants well.

From time to time, any housewife in the kitchen happens minor annoyance in the form of burnt dishes. There are many reasons for the occurrence, but the result always turns out to be the same - an ugly plaque, burning and dark color on the walls and bottom of kitchen utensils. Not every housewife knows simple ways how to clean a burnt pan. You can buy special tools in the store or use improvised ones.

Cleaning a Burnt Pot

When faced with the problem of burning on dishes, it is not necessary to get rid of it. There are many ways to "escape" trouble with homemade or purchased products. Each method is designed for a certain type of pollution and a certain material of the product. The main ways to clean kitchen utensils:

It is very easy to go to the store, choose suitable remedy, do not suffer with the "grandmother's" method, but not all cleansing products give the desired effect. All housewives are familiar with the situation when dishes accidentally burn during cooking, and how to clean a burnt enameled pan, if not special means, few know. Then the usual product that every woman has in the kitchen, for example, onions, soap or soda, will help.

The use of table salt

Salt - indispensable assistant housewives in the kitchen. It will always help if the porridge at the bottom of the product is burnt. Sodium chloride will corrode the leftovers of food, but it is used immediately, as soon as trouble has occurred, salt will not help with dried residues. There are several options for how to properly apply sodium chloride:

Tip: if the dishes are made of stainless steel or aluminum, then salt is added only to hot water, otherwise dark spots, which are then impossible to derive.

Baking soda for burning

Any housewife cleans various contaminants with soda, and getting rid of burning with her help is no exception. The method is used to get rid of dirt on the bottom of the pan and the walls. How to properly clean:

  1. A large saucepan is taken, 7 liters of water are poured into it, a package of soda is added.
  2. Burnt dishes are placed in a large container, which boils in the composition for 30 minutes.
  3. Next, both containers are cleaned with a brush using soap.

Tip: if there are any plastic parts on the kitchen product, then they should be removed before boiling.

If the food is burnt at the bottom, then the soda solution is poured into the affected pot or pan. Further actions are the same as in the previous method: the dishes are boiled, cleaned with detergent. If the contamination does not immediately go away, then the boiling procedure is repeated the required number of times.

Many do not know how to clean the burnt bottom of the pan if it is not possible to achieve cleanliness by boiling. In this case, lemon juice will help. It is mixed with baking soda, the burnt layer of food is poured with the composition. After an hour, the contamination is scraped off with a hard iron sponge.

The use of improvised means

pharmaceutical agent - Activated carbon- works well on stainless steel kitchen utensils. Two tablets of coal are finely ground, the product is poured onto the bottom of the pan, which is then poured hot water. Wait 30 minutes, then the plaque is removed with a washing gel without difficulty.

It is easier to wash a pan made of aluminum. For cleaning, you can use a regular onion. One onion is taken, placed in a saucepan, a few drops are added ammonia, then the composition is boiled for 20 minutes. When the dishes have cooled down, they are washed as usual.

Often, housewives use vinegar to remove soot. Especially he copes well when the jam is burnt. Vinegar is poured into the bottom of the pan in a small layer, left for 2 hours under a closed lid. After the required time, the soot is rubbed off in the usual way. This method is especially effective for aluminum cookware, because it copes not only with burnt food, but also with dark spots that often appear on such material.

Folk cleaning methods

Some housewives do not know what to do if a stainless steel pan is burnt. How to clean it in this case, all the same advice from our grandmothers will tell you. Milk whey and peel of sour apples are used. Milk whey gently acts with the help of the acids that make up its composition. Therefore, it can be used for any material. The dishes are filled with whey so that the liquid level is several centimeters higher than the burnt plaque. The pan is covered with a lid, left overnight, and in the morning, stuck food residues are easily cleaned.

Sour apple peel and rhubarb root cope well with burning on aluminum utensils. To do this, 200 g of peel and 50 g of rhubarb are added to 2 liters of water. The composition is boiled over high heat for 30 minutes. Then the lid is closed, the solution is cooled to room temperature. During this time, the composition acts on the pollution, corroding them.

Regular soap and dishwashing gel handle the problem very well. At the bottom of the spoiled utensils is poured hot water, a little shavings of soap and detergent are added to it, the composition is boiled for 25 minutes. The tool gives a tangible result for dishes made of stainless steel, aluminum or enamel. You can also try other methods to clean a burnt aluminum pan:

professional tools

There is a special washing cosmetics that professionally cleans the product from burning. Before use professional tools carefully read the instructions. For example, "Shumanit" cleans only enamel pans, and it is not suitable for aluminum ones. Universal products applicable to all products include:

  1. Cilli Bang.
  2. Amway.
  3. Sanita-gel.

The main thing is not to delay the cleansing process. The longer the soot is on the walls and bottom, the more it eats in and dries out, forming dark spots, which are then difficult to remove.

A common problem is burnt food at the bottom of the pan. Despite the large number of cleaning products, you need to know a few important nuances. The sooner you start fighting pollution, the better. You can not leave dishes with burning on for a long time, otherwise they form yellow spots which cannot be reduced by any means. Enamelware is not filled with cold water after boiling. This will chip the enamel. It is impossible to use a metal sponge for enameled pans, this will cause deep scratches that will give the product an unaesthetic appearance.

Ash and tooth powder

Our grandmothers used the time-tested method - ash. It is diluted with water to form a thick slurry. The agent is distributed over the surface to be cleaned: walls, bottom, outer plane. It is left for 2 hours, then water is added to the dishes, the product is boiled for 15 minutes. If the outer walls are cleaned, then the utensils are placed in a larger container, and also boiled. Ash-like effect of activated carbon.

If the burning is not removed from the dishes immediately, then yellow or dark marks remain on it. If they are not too ingrained, then tooth powder or paste will help get rid of them. An equally effective stain remover: dishwashing detergent is mixed with baking soda until a creamy consistency is formed. Hydrogen peroxide is added, the composition is distributed according to pollution. It is left for 30 minutes, and then the dirt is wiped off with a sponge.

You can also use more powerful compound:

  1. For 2 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of silicate glue, 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. The composition is boiled for 40 minutes.
  2. For 400 ml of water, 20 g of borax is taken, which is purchased at a pharmacy. Add 20 drops of ammonia. The composition is applied to the contamination, waiting time is 40 minutes. After that, the kitchen utensils are washed with water and washing gel.
  3. The pan is filled with curdled milk or brine. In an hour it will be like new.
  4. If milk is burnt in the dishes, then coffee grounds will help from contamination. This is a proven method that is often used in the kitchen by housewives. To obtain the funds, a cup of strong coffee is brewed, drunk, and the thick is used for cleaning. How to apply: the thick is rubbed into soot, left for 60 minutes. Then, using a sponge, the composition is removed from the bottom or walls.
  5. Whiteness helps not only to bleach things, but also to cope with dirt in pans and pots. The method is suitable for enamel products. Instructions for use: the dishes are filled with 2 liters cold water, 3 tablespoons of whiteness are added to it, the composition is closed with a lid, left for a day for exposure. Next, the product is boiled for an hour and cooled. After cleaning, the pan is boiled 2 times with plain water to get rid of chemical particles.

If you have just bought an enamel pan, then you do not need to rush to cook food in it. First, cold water is poured into the product, boiled for 20 minutes, then the container cools down. This hardens the enamel. Enamel dishes should not be subjected to sudden changes temperature regime. For example, you can not put an empty pan on a hot surface of the stove. Cold water should also not be poured into hot kitchen utensils, because it will contribute to cracking the enamel. This will lead not only to chips, but also to burning food. It is necessary to avoid blows, their enamel will not withstand.

Kitchen utensils cannot be cleaned washing powder, gel for ovens and ovens, chlorine-containing liquid. To any kitchen utensils you need to be careful and careful, then they will last a long time.

Attention, only TODAY!

Stainless steel pots perfectly cope with cooking, sautéing and stewing dishes. But mess up appearance product and the properties of its material may be black deposits or burnt food. How to effectively clean a burnt stainless steel pan without damaging it?

Stainless steel pans are quite vulnerable and require a special approach during cleaning. Observe simple recommendations, and you will not only return the dishes to their original appearance, but also significantly extend its service life:

  • Start cleaning a heavily burnt container immediately after cooking - this will allow you to quickly and efficiently remove dirt.
  • Do not use aggressive cleaning agents for cleaning. They can cause stains on dishes. It is forbidden to use products based on chlorine or ammonia.
  • Do not use metal scourers, which damage the surface of the pan and lead to loss of a presentable appearance.
  • For fast and effective cleansing pre-soak dishes in warm water with the addition of detergent.
  • To restore shine to your dishes after cleaning, wipe the surface with a slice of freshly peeled potato or vinegar.

Cleaning inside

Activated carbon Works great on stainless steel pots. Grind tablets from several packs to a fine powder. Add a little water to the activated charcoal to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the product to the burnt surface of the pan and leave for a while (maximum 20 minutes). Rinse activated charcoal with water, and remove carbon deposits with a damp sponge and detergent.

Cleaning a burnt stainless steel pot will help soda. Pour water into the container and add the powder at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons of the product per 1 liter of liquid. Boil the solution in a saucepan for 10 minutes, then remove the remaining soot with a sponge.

Cleaning the bottom from the outside

To clean the bottom of a burnt pot, cook a solution of equal parts water and vinegar essence(70%). Pour it into a large container, put on fire and bring to a boil. Place the burnt pan in a dish with a solution, creating the effect of steam treatment of the surface. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After steaming, soak a soft sponge in the vinegar solution and apply a mixture of salt and soda to it. Wipe the burnt areas with a washcloth in light circular motions, then rinse with warm running water.

Another way to clean a pot is to boil it in a solution detergent(may apply laundry soap). Immerse the contaminated pot in the dishes and boil for 10-15 minutes. Now you can easily wash off the carbon deposits with a regular sponge. To enhance the effect, sprinkle a little baking soda on the washcloth.

You can remove stains from stainless steel using lemon juice. Dilute a small amount of citrus juice in a glass of water. Dampen the sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the burnt areas with it. Additionally, you can use detergent or soap.

To achieve the desired effect in cleaning the pan will help coffee grounds. Apply the rest of the coffee on the surface of the dishes and rub the places well heavy pollution. Rinse off the thickening with warm water. This method will not only clean the pan from burnt soot, but also restore its shine.

Ready-made will help clean the bottom of the pan household chemicals. Before proceeding, make sure that they are suitable for stainless steel cookware and will not damage the surface. Before use household products carefully read the instructions and strictly follow its recommendations for dosage and exposure time.

To clean a burnt stainless steel pot, you can use household chemicals and home remedies: soda, coffee grounds, dish detergent, etc. Do not use abrasive powders and steel wool during washing to avoid damaging the surface of the dishes. Regular and timely care of the pan will help extend its life and keep a neat shiny look for a long time.

Trying to cook a delicious hearty dinner for the whole family when a very interesting series is on TV, or when a friend calls to tell an amazing story, can end in an unusual way. Just a few minutes later, when you return to the kitchen, you can see a pot of burnt dinner on the stove.

Once in such a situation, do not panic and think that the pan is damaged. It can be easily washed with cheap and effective methods, and instead of porridge, cook the simplest dish on hastily and thereby get out of this difficult situation.

Effective methods to help wash a burnt pan

Before we start, I would like to note that many of us have enamelware at home. You might be interested to know about . Just click on the active link to go to the page with this information.

Main methods:

  • Salt. This is the old proven "grandmother's" way, which in many cases helps to wash the pan. All you need for the procedure is a small amount of water and a lot of salt. So, fill the pan with water, add salt without sparing and put the container on the fire. Attention: water should cover all problem areas. Boil the resulting solution until the black lumps that have stuck to the bottom and walls of the pan begin to peel off. After that, thoroughly walk through problem areas without using abrasive detergents, as well as metal tools. If the plaque does not rub off well, repeat the procedure or pour a thick layer of salt into an empty pan and put on a large fire. After ten minutes, add some water and leave overnight. In the morning, try to wash the container. Attention: it is better not to clean stainless steel pots with salt.
  • Baking soda. This cleaning method will help to make the pan shine clean again. Pour a small amount of soda (1-2 tablespoons) into a saucepan, fill with water, put on the stove and boil the water well. If the case is serious, repeat the procedure one more time. When the solution has completely cooled, rinse the container and wash it with a sponge.
  • Dishwashing liquid. You can return the pan to its original appearance with the help of the prepared solution. To carry out the procedure, simply take a pan, fill it with water, add a lot of dishwashing detergent, put it on the stove and boil the resulting solution well. When the burnt particles stop peeling off the walls of the pan, take a sponge and walk over the problem areas.
  • Apple peels. And this method is for those who want to clean the pan without the use of chemicals and special physical effort. Place fresh apple peels in a bowl, cover with cold water and add a little more lemon juice. Then boil the water well.
  • Bulb. This is another natural way to help save dishes from burnt porridge. Just dip the peeled onion into a pot of cold water and boil the liquid for a few minutes. The onion smell will disappear immediately after this vegetable is cooked.
  • Coffee grounds. With this simple method, you can clean a metal pan. Apply coffee grounds to problem areas, leave for 3-4 hours, then walk over them with a hard sponge. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Lemon acid. If you want to easily remove carbon deposits on the walls of dishes, then this method is for you. Pour water into the pan so that it covers the problem areas, then add 2 tbsp. l citric acid, put the container on the stove and boil the solution for 10-15 minutes. Remove the rest with a sponge.
  • Vinegar. This method copes well with the problem under consideration, however, it should not be used to clean enamelware, so as not to damage the surface. So, take an aluminum container, dilute vinegar in it with water, put the pan on the stove and boil the liquid. After this procedure, it will be easy to get rid of soot.
  • Boiling with non-alkaline solutions. You need to resort to this method if a pan with a Teflon coating is covered with a thick layer of burning. It is necessary either to soak this container or to boil a non-alkaline solution in it thoroughly.


Now that you are familiar with all the above methods, it will be much easier to wash the burnt pan. To no longer encounter the problem in question, just be careful. Good luck!

Each housewife has her own proven methods on how to clean pots from burnt jam. Some are easy to do their job, others require careful preparation and cleaning time. It is difficult to single out one way. After all, it is important not only to clean the dishes from burnt soot, but also not to damage its sensitive surface. To decide which one is the best, it is worth trying the tips and tricks in practice.

Before you clean the pan from burnt jam, you should determine what material the pan is made of. When getting rid of burnt food, it is important not to damage the surface, otherwise the dishes will be unsuitable for further use. So, for example, aluminum is not cleaned with vinegar or lemon juice. For an enamelled surface, the composition of the detergent is prepared delicately.

Boiling pans to clean burnt jam

Boiling is considered a common and very effective way to clean pots of burnt jam. A saucepan from metal material fill with hot water and pour 20 grams of soda into it. Then she should stand for about an hour without attention. Then put on fire and after the start of boiling, boil for another 15 minutes. Remove from stove, leaving to cool completely. Drain the water and soda, and wash the dishes in the usual way, using a sponge. All burnt food will fall behind, and the pan will shine from cleanliness.

The way to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam is somewhat different. You can’t use soda, but it will cope with dirt common salt. Dissolve 6-7 tablespoons of this product in 1 liter of warm water. Pour the solution into a bowl and set to boil. In half an hour it will be possible without special efforts clean the enamel pot.

Universal cleaning method

It is worth paying attention to the universal method of how to clean pots from burnt jam. You need activated charcoal. What material the dishes are made of does not matter. This method is suitable for all types of pans: enameled, iron and aluminum. A pack of activated carbon is used to clean a 6 liter container. Turn the tablets into powder and cover the areas where the jam has burnt. How to clean an enameled pan or an iron pan next? After half an hour, pour a little cold water into it and leave it again for half an hour. When the specified time is up, it remains just to wash the dishes with any washing gel and sponge.

Quick Cleaning the Pot with Vinegar

Will add to the collection of effective ways to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam, the usual table vinegar. It is better to use 6%. It is necessary for them to fill in the burnt area and leave it unattended for 3-4 hours. During this time, he will corrode the adhering dirt from the jam, and it will be possible to wash everything off without effort. Attention: the method is not suitable for aluminum pots. If there is no vinegar on the farm, it can be replaced with citric acid or a simple lemon. citrus fruit cut in half and put on a burnt place, and after 3 hours wash the dishes under running water. If it was not possible to wash the contaminated area the first time, the procedure should be repeated.

The most effective way to clean burnt jam from pots

A real hostess will not allow her pans to be stored in a cabinet dirty, with the remnants of burnt food. However, it happens that the adhering food is washed, but not scrupulously enough. Visually, the washing defect is not visible. But it is worth cooking ordinary jam in such a saucepan during the season, as sugar with berry mass begins to stick to the bottom and quickly burn even during continuous stirring. The reason is the poorly washed bottom of the dishes.

It is quite difficult to clean old areas of dirt. How to clean the pan from burnt jam in order to restore the shine and tidy look to the dishes? The most effective cleaning method is reserved for this case. It is worth trying it on enameled pots.

Before you clean the dishes from burnt jam, you should prepare all the necessary components of an effective detergent. To do this, for one serving, you need to take 50 grams of soda and the same amount of citric acid, combine with 100 ml of "Whiteness", and after mixing, add one and a half glasses of ordinary warm water. Pour the resulting solution into the dirty area and put on fire to boil. After 15 minutes, remove the dishes from the stove and leave to cool. After 20 minutes, without any sponges and rags, rinse the pan under running water. The keen eye will not see traces of burnt jam and old soot spots, and the enameled coating will again become snow-white.

Coffee sink of pans with burnt jam

Experienced housewives recommend an effective and simple way if the pan is made of stainless steel. The mass remaining after brewing natural coffee will help. The used crushed grains should be generously lubricated with a burnt place, and rubbed a little after 20 minutes. Leave after a couple of hours without any attention. They say that after such a coffee scrub, all the dirt will peel off and be easily washed off.

Cleaning with soda

And this way, how to clean pots from burnt jam, will come to the aid of those who do not have coffee beans in the household. Regular soda will help. It is important to wash immediately after cooking the jam, and not wait until the pan cools down. Any carbonated drink is poured into a container to be cleaned and left for half an hour. After that, you need to try with a sponge whether the burnt jam lags behind. If it is still difficult to clean it, then put the dishes with soda on fire and bring to a boil.

There are a lot of ways to clean the pan from burnt jam. To determine which of them is the most effective, it is worth trying each in practice. It is important to remember that some solutions are harmful to enamel, and products containing acid are not used for aluminum cookware. Of course, you do not need to use coarse iron washcloths when cleaning. They will only scratch the inside and bottom of the pot. If the result is unsatisfactory after the first cleaning, it is worth trying to remove the dirt again or resorting to another method.

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