DIY children's stencils for walls. Stencils for DIY decoration, templates for your creativity. Type of stencil for different premises

Painted walls are becoming increasingly popular. But sometimes you want to break up their monotony with something. The easiest, fastest, cheapest and most effective way is to use stencils for walls to be painted. The drawing is graphic, clear and bright. Such objects can fit into any environment. But the best part is that the work takes from a few minutes to several hours.

What are they made of?

Stencils for decorating walls for painting are divided into reusable and disposable. Depending on the purpose used various materials. Disposable ones are mostly paper. Made from thick white or colored paper. Reusable stencils for walls for painting are:

A few words about vinyl stencils for painting walls. They can be in the form of sheets or in rolls. If you are going to cover a large wall surface with one pattern, it is advisable to take several identical templates. They can be fastened to each other. This way the work moves faster - a larger area is processed at one time.

Types of stencils

Stencils for walls for painting vary not only in the material from which they are made. They also differ in the type of pattern:

  • Simple or single. The entire drawing is painted with one color. If desired, you can make a gradient - from a darker shade to a lighter one. But that's all. Parts of other colors are not available.

  • Combined or multi-colored. This is a whole series of templates, each of which is painted with a different color of paint. To ensure that the details of the drawing match, marks are applied to them. When placing the stencil on the wall, these marks are aligned.

    For this painting, two stencils were needed - one for black and one for red.

  • Reverse or anti-stencil. This template is cut according to the opposite principle, that is, what is cut out in ordinary templates remains in this one and it is these parts that are mounted on the wall. Then paint is applied, but it paints the areas not covered by the stencil. It turns out that there is a halo around it from a different paint, but the drawing itself remains the base color.

  • For three-dimensional drawings. Decorative plasters and putties are now on sale. They can also be used to apply designs to walls. Stencils for them are made specially - thick, made of polyvinyl up to 4 mm thick. When applying the pattern, the slots are filled with putty and left until dry. The result is a three-dimensional drawing.

It's easiest to work with simple templates. For starters, you can try this type of pattern. If you are confident in your abilities, you can work with more complex combined ones. When working with them, remember that you can remove the film only after the paint has dried.

Where to get templates

There are ready-made templates for wall decoration on sale. They are all made from vinyl film as it is flexible, durable and lightweight. If you don't like ready-made templates, you have two options:

  • Order production from a company engaged in outdoor advertising or printing booklets (often this is the same company). They have special equipment - plotters, which cut out the necessary outlines on vinyl. Moreover, some of them can develop a stencil for you based on a photograph.

    Beautiful birds and animals - this is another win-win option
    Stencil of dancing cranes - according to popular belief, good luck

  • Do it yourself. If you have artistic abilities, it is likely that you will be able to draw the pattern yourself. If not, download the version you like, enlarge it to the required size and print it. Take thick (not packaging) cardboard, put a carbon copy, and put a drawing on top. Everything needs to be firmly secured so that it does not move. While tracing the drawing, transfer its contours to the cardboard. Then sharp knife cut it out. To make cutting easier, place something soft (a piece of felt, for example) under the cardboard. This will make the edges smoother. In general, when making it yourself, you need to be careful - every burr or unevenness spoils the overall impression.

    Stencils for walls for painting: cats are a win-win option. These are more difficult to make - more fine details

Making stencils yourself is a painstaking task. If this doesn't scare you, go for it. You can try working with film. It requires a very thin and sharp, but rigid blade. Even if there is small defects- burr, uneven edges - everything needs to be corrected. In general, good luck to you.

How to work with stencils

You can apply the design not only to painted walls, but also to wallpaper, plastic, glass, etc. That is, stencils for walls for painting can be used not only to decorate walls, but also to decorate furniture facades, for example. Only highly textured surfaces are not suitable. You cannot apply paint to them properly. All others are suitable. Moreover, acrylic paint is compatible with almost all. They can be in a jar or aerosol. The advantages of acrylic are known to everyone: the paint adheres well to both smooth and porous surfaces, dries quickly, does not fade for a long time, and has almost no odor. That is why stencils for painting walls are usually painted with acrylic paints.

What to work with

If an anti-stencil is used, then paint is applied only from a can. You cannot achieve this effect with other tools (except perhaps a spray gun). When spraying paint, the can is located 25-35 cm from the surface to be painted. It is better to select the distance by doing a “pen test” on a piece of old wallpaper. This way you can accurately select the duration of paint dispensing, movement, and distance. And one more thing: when working with a spray can, it is necessary to additionally protect the areas adjacent to the stencil so that careless movement does not end up painting an unnecessary part of the wall.

You need to work with paint in spray cans carefully - its quantity is difficult to control

When working with all other templates, you can use:

In any case, we take paint in limited quantities. If there is a lot of it, it will flow under the stencil and ruin the whole job. Therefore, after dipping the brush/foam rubber/roller into the paint, we squeeze it out well. The amount of paint can be checked by running it over an unnecessary sheet of paper/piece of wallpaper several times.

What and how to fix it

To prevent wall stencils for painting from moving, they must be secured to the wall. There is a special glue for this. It is applied in a thin layer to reverse side stencil, and then attached to the wall. After completing the work, removing it is not a problem. Moreover, it does not damage the surface.

Another option is double-sided masking tape. Note! Masking tape is a must. Unusual. If you use a regular one, it will damage the wall - most likely, a piece of paint will remain on the tape. Or vice versa, part of the sticky composition will end up on the wall. Which is no better. But masking tape acts approximately like the glue described above: it holds well and does not leave marks after peeling off.

Scotch tape is easier to buy and cheaper, so most people use it. Cut it into small pieces and remove protective film on one side and glue it to the stencil. You need pieces in the corners - that's for sure, but they may also be needed in the middle of the long side of the sheet or somewhere else. It is important that the stencil holds well and there is no possibility of moving it.

The procedure for transferring a drawing to the wall

You need to work with a stencil for painting walls like this:

Then, if necessary, we repeat the procedure. Next time you need to check whether the paint left over from the previous time has dried. Can only be used after complete drying. Dried several times, the paint forms a thick crust. This may cause it to flow between the stencil and the wall, or the shape of the design will change. Therefore, after several uses, remove the paint.

Features of working with a volumetric stencil

To form a three-dimensional image you can use textured paint, putty, decorative plaster, liquid wallpaper and other similar compositions. You can find it in stores special compounds, but they are very expensive. In this part, the choice is yours; all the compositions listed above are suitable.

All of the materials listed above have a paste-like consistency. There is no point in applying them with a brush or roller. You need a small spatula, preferably a flexible plastic one. If you don't have it, you can use a piece of any plastic. Even an old plastic card will do.

We take a certain amount of the composition on a spatula, fill the cavities with it, immediately removing the excess with the same card. At this stage, you need to make sure that there are no air cavities left and that the surface filled with plaster/putty is smooth. If you've ever worked with plaster, you won't have any problems. Everything is exactly the same.

After the composition has set, but before it dries completely, remove the stencil. In this case, the edges of the picture turn out torn and uneven. Don't be upset, this is normal. Don't do anything, just wait for it to dry completely. Now let's take it sandpaper with medium or fine grain (depending on the composition used) and polish all the nervousness. In general, that's all. Then, if you want, you can color the resulting ornament, but that’s another story.

Choosing a location for the stencil

The drawing looks best on an empty or almost empty wall. Here the choice is unlimited. You can choose a stencil that will attract attention. This wall becomes an accent wall.

If the wall is not too busy - there is a piece of furniture next to it, but most of its surface is free, choose a stencil that will make the furniture “play.” There are drawings that play off a sofa or a mirror, turning everything into a single composition.

Tall and narrow stencils near doors and windows fit well. Usually these are floral ornaments. When choosing them, be guided by the design style of the room. If the decor is colored, choose the colors that are found in the interior.

The best way to hide is to pay attention

Small drawings that play off sockets and switches look very good. This is one of the decorating techniques - if something cannot be hidden, let’s shift attention to it. IN in this case works great.

Type of stencil for different premises

Stencils for walls for painting are selected depending on the type of room. There are universal designs: geometric, floral patterns, landscapes. They are suitable for any room, hallway, kitchen, etc. You can find a lot of them in various options. And under strict minimalism, and under chic classics or romantic Provence. Moreover, it is often not only a matter of the drawing itself, but also the selection of paint. The same pattern will look different in black and pink color. And this is worth remembering.

There are stencils for walls for painting with thematic designs that are appropriate only in certain rooms. For example, in the kitchen they usually use thematic pictures with food and products. In nurseries they often draw cartoon characters for smaller children, and for teenagers - game or anime characters.

For bedrooms they are trying to find calmer designs. Even if it's men's bedroom. Here you need to relax and the atmosphere should be appropriate.

In other rooms - corridors, living rooms, dining rooms - neutral images are selected that will appeal to people's tastes of different ages. These are all the same plant motifs or landscapes.

Stencils for walls for painting: photo

The number of possible drawings is impossible to count. Different styles, elements, sizes. Graphic, fantasy, from cartoons, based on paintings, photos, schematic and realistic images of flowers, insects, animals, trees... In general, there is everything. You just need to find it. Some interesting options collected in this section. Perhaps you will like something.

Stylized animals and cartoon characters - stencils for walls for painting in children's rooms

Floral patterns - unobtrusive and calm

Even one sheet is a work of art

Linear or border stencils, elongated upward compositions - all based on plant motifs

Stencils with dragonflies... and if you choose fluorescent paint, the effect will be unexpected

Flowering trees are a symbol of spring and eternity

- an eternal theme... they are also on the stencils

Bamboo, spikelets - different styles, but how beautiful...

Flowers are another win-win theme for interior decoration

Simple and promising...

There are many ways to make the interior unique, because modern Decoration Materials provide ample opportunities for this. These can be bright stickers, unusual compositions, non-standard furniture layout. Also, they often use stencils for DIY decoration: the templates and ideas presented in this article will help you choose materials for application and allow you to create an individual style in the design of the room.

Painted walls always make a room unique and unique. However, not everyone knows how to draw beautifully, and even the most skilled artist will not be able to repeat the same drawing in the same way. Stencils of drawings on the wall can correct this situation. Their use makes it possible to apply the required number of images, and at the same time they will be the same.

Existing types of stencils, their purpose and application. How to use stencils correctly. Choosing paint for decoration.

Templates for volumetric decor

An unusual effect can be obtained using volumetric decor. To create it, mixtures based on gypsum and plaster are used. The resulting result will look rich and beautiful. However, creating it requires time, patience and some skills in working with plaster.

To obtain a three-dimensional composition, it is not necessary to buy ready-made templates; making stencils for wall decor with your own hands is easier and cheaper.

The process of creating a volumetric composition comes down to the following points:

  • choosing a stencil with the appropriate design. Quite often, the material for such a template is thick cardboard. It is fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws;
  • The prepared mixture is applied to the stencil with a spatula. It is necessary to carefully coat the pattern to obtain a uniform surface, without voids and irregularities;
  • when the solution has hardened, it is necessary to remove the stencil. Now you should begin to form the required thickness. This is done by gradually applying the solution with shaped spatulas;
  • when the finished relief has completely frozen, it is necessary to round the edges of the surface. To do this, the bas-relief is processed with sandpaper;
  • the final step is painting ready-made decor. To avoid staining the surface around it, it is recommended to use the same stencil. If the bas-relief is made on a colored surface, it can be left white.

Unlike painting, volumetric decor requires time and patience to create, but the resulting effect is worth the effort.

Stencils for furniture and mirrors

Today it is popular to decorate furniture surfaces, household appliances or mirrors various images. This makes the item unusual and immediately sets it apart from others. The paints used allow you to apply decor to any surface: brick, concrete, glass, wood, fabric, etc.

When choosing templates, for example, flower stencils for decoration, for decorating a mirror, you should give preference to those that have a self-adhesive backing. This will avoid shifting the pattern and will make it possible to obtain clear and beautiful contours. Stencils are used to decorate the corner of a mirror or its entire perimeter. After applying the image to the surface of the furniture, to preserve it, it is recommended to apply a protective layer of varnish on top.

Imagination and patience allow you to create real works of art, giving ordinary things an unusual appearance.

Border templates

Quite often, a border is used in the design of a bathroom or other rooms. It consists of a repeating section of the ornament. The result is a continuous pattern that encircles the room. Images of flowers, plants, and dolphins are great for these purposes. The resulting drawing is laconic and restrained. Photos of stencils for wall decor will help you decide on the choice of pattern for the bathroom. If you want to save time and effort, you can simply buy a ready-made template at the nearest finishing materials store.

Features of making templates with your own hands

Stencils made from thick paper, serve no more than twice. After this, the edges of the drawing become wet, and the template becomes unusable. Most often, paper stencils are used to create single images. First you need to print a stencil on the wall and then cut it out. Only after this can you start decorating the wall.

Sometimes, in order to preserve the template for future use, its edges are varnished. You can first glue a sheet of paper with tape, and then cut out a stencil for the wall. To cut out butterflies and other intricate patterns with small details, you can use a sharp blade or a utility knife.

Film stencils are great for reusable use. Moreover, they are ideal solution for applying ornaments to large areas. Used to secure the film Double-sided tape. If the design will be applied to wallpaper or a surface painted with water-based paint, then it is better to choose masking tape.

Plastic or vinyl stencils can be used many times. Masking tape is great for attaching them to the wall. However, for application large drawings Such templates are not suitable due to their heavy weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade stencils

Decorative wall patterns have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Among their advantages, the following should be noted:

  • ease of manufacture. It is enough to print a butterfly stencil on the wall, cut it out and apply a design;
  • the ability to combine colors;
  • a huge number of different patterns;
  • Possibility of use for finishing furniture, household appliances and mirrors;
  • application on all types of surfaces;
  • possibility of carrying out finishing works with minimal capital investment.

Among the main disadvantages are:

  • rapid stencil failure. Especially when using paper or loose cardboard;
  • the need to carefully secure the template to the surface.

It was the large number of advantages that made this type finishing work is so popular today.

Tips for making your own templates

You always want the job to be done perfectly. This desire is especially strong in the case of room decoration. It is worth noting that one wrong step can significantly spoil the overall picture and negate all the efforts made.

Some tips for novice decorators:

  • when applying paint to a stencil, the working tool must be held perpendicular to the surface to be painted;
  • To prevent lint from getting into the image, painting should be done in a circular motion;
  • The best tool for applying paint is a paint roller. Its dimensions depend on the area to be painted;
  • you need to take a small amount of paint. The resulting residues should be removed with a sponge or soft cloth;
  • Reusable stencils must be rinsed with warm water at the end of the process;
  • To protect the ornament from external influences, after drying it should be varnished.

The basis for the layout is a printed drawing. A large number of photos of stencils for wall decor can be found on the Internet. The resulting pattern should first be copied and then transferred to the material for making the template.

There are a number of points that someone who is decorating using a template for the first time needs to know about.

Important points that if missed will result in a low-quality image:

  • the surface on which the drawing will be applied must first be cleaned of dirt and degreased;
  • The location of the drawing must be noted. To do this, use a regular building level and a pencil;
  • Before applying the image to the selected location, it is recommended to practice on whatman paper. This will allow you to understand the principle of applying paint;
  • To ensure that the stencil holds well, experts recommend using stencil glue. Among its advantages, the following should be highlighted: the absence of marks on the surface and excellent adhesion. The latter eliminates the possibility of the stencil moving out;
  • if you decide to apply a pattern big size, then you need to find a place where they can make such a layout. Many companies offer to print large stencils for walls for free, however, subject to further cooperation with them. In this case, it is better to break the picture into small fragments and make several templates based on them;

  • For drawing, preference should be given to acrylic paints. They are great for all types of surfaces and dry quickly;
  • There is one small issue with using a sponge to apply paint. Any excess on it must be soaked onto a sheet of paper. Only after this start drawing;
  • if the drawing must have volume, it is necessary to use acrylic putty. Using a spatula, it is evenly applied in the right places;
  • Particular attention must be paid to the smooth flow of paint along the edges. If excess is formed, it should be removed with a sponge;
  • Carefully fixing the sample will allow you to get a clear, beautiful picture.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to avoid mistakes when applying decor and save time on correcting the resulting flaws. Big choice stencils and templates will allow you to choose best option for any room and give the room a unique zest and charm.

Modern manufacturers have filled the market with all kinds of templates for decorating rooms. It’s not difficult to choose an application to suit your taste and use it to create attractive design walls or . But if you are faced with the task of creating unique interior, then you will have to work hard with your own hands. (templates) for decoration with an original design will be a reflection of your personality and a real decoration of your home. What to make stencils from, where is it better to place the drawing and in this material.

By experimenting with the location of the pattern, you can achieve a very original effect. Eg, floral ornament can start from the floor or from and continue on the plane of the wall.

Recently, it has become popular to place inscriptions on walls. In the interior with Japanese motifs The hieroglyphs will look organic.


The bedroom is a place for natural ornaments and designs. For romantic natures, images of hearts, angels and starry sky. The most suitable place for creativity is a wall in.

To achieve an exclusive design, you can transfer some of the drawings to a mirror or to the head of the bed itself.


Wall decoration is a fun activity that can be shared with the little owner of the room. When discussing future drawings with your child, you can prepare several sketches in advance. By the way, pictures drawn by an inept hand are excellent.

Using children's decorative stencils, you can draw a whole fairy-tale world with fairies, gnomes, fairy-tale animals and castles. As the main characters, choose characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

It would also be appropriate to use phosphorescent paints. Just remember that their excess can prevent the child from falling asleep.


Ornaments in the bathroom look organic oriental style. Lace patterns can be applied around the perimeter of the walls and extended onto the surface of the mirror. As an option, use images of sea creatures: crabs, fish, dolphins.

A contrasting color is used to apply the design. To ensure that it lasts as long as possible, moisture-resistant paints are selected for the job and the walls are additionally coated with a water-repellent coating - for example, acrylic varnish.

Advice! The patterned ornament can be continued on the glass walls of the shower stall.

How to make your own stencils (templates) for decoration

Making a template at home is easy. This does not require any special skills or tools.

If you lack your own artistic talent, you can download stencils (templates) for wall decor for free from the Internet and print the design on a printer. For printing, it is better to use high-quality thick paper.

Advice! If you need to use the template several times, cover the printed image with transparent tape. It will protect the paper from getting wet and make it possible to use the stencil repeatedly.

Another option is to print the drawing on a printer and transfer it to vinyl film. Film, which is used for lamination, is well suited for making a template. It has the same format as regular paper. In addition, it has sufficient rigidity and does not deform during operation.

Scissors, even the smallest manicure scissors, will leave uneven edges and deform the outline. If the edge of the template is not perfectly straight, paint will get under it and the outline will not be clear. The cutting process is carried out by placing the material on a cutting board. wooden board. Before you start cutting, it is better to practice on a piece of paper. To prevent the material from moving during the making of the template, it can be fixed on the board with push pins.

We are offering to you best ideas stencils for wall decoration, which are easy to make with your own hands; they are suitable for any room in the house

The modern art supplies industry offers huge selection ready-made templates, fixtures and various decorative accessories. They can be used to form interesting and original compositions, stickers, and applications. But perhaps the brightest and an unusual option will become DIY stencils for decoration, original templates, which will allow you to create the most unique drawing and embody the individual ideas of the author and interior decorator.

Hand-made plots and unique combinations reflect the character of the occupant of a room or house, highlight the decor against the backdrop of typical apartments and create a certain mood for everyone who admires the ornament or interesting plot composition on the door, wall or furniture.

What are templates for?

Surely many of you have seen in construction and furniture stores interesting sets with ready-made stencils for walls. Plant, animal, and fairy-tale ornaments enliven walls and wallpapers and add zest to the interior and any environment.

Stencil and template can be useful for different decorative works: in the kitchen, children's room, on the ceiling. They create an unusual space, add volume and depth to the plane, realize the creative skills of the owners, and inspire unusual solutions. You can use stencils to add some flair. This economical way bring something new to the appearance of the room without large investments. You can create a unique template yourself - then the value of the drawing increases significantly.

You can use templates not only for home decoration, but also for other purposes:

  • creating creative cards, posters;
  • decorating paintings with vignettes and corners;
  • for the purpose of creating calligraphic compositions;
  • for congratulations and holiday collages, captions for photographs.

Stencil creation technology

It’s not difficult to make your own template at home - just simple dialing materials and tools, and the result will be visual, non-standard and very interesting. To make a high-quality, reliable stencil, perform several simple operations:

  • prepare the pattern-bearing wall as for painting;
  • paste wallpaper for painting;
  • achieve smooth and even coverage;
  • They use sponges, rollers, and paint in cans of different shades.

Ready-made stencils from the store designer products, of course, more professional. But a unique design is a real boon for the decorator. So let's start creating our own sketch. If you are not very good at drawing, you can download a suitable sample from the Internet and print it on a printer - the main thing is that it allows you to make slits for paint and does not tear. Apply an imprint using acrylic paints through a template on cardboard or vinyl.

Helpful tip: Any pattern will work, but overly detailed patterns will be a bad choice. The paint will fade, small details will become illegible and smeared, and the appearance will become unpresentable.

Having prepared a drawing, you need to choose a good one, quality material for the stencil base. The easiest and cheapest way is to take a sheet of thick cardboard or plastic. The main condition is that the material should not tear, especially at the junctions of different elements, and should not become wet from paint. If you use paper, you can minify it - there are laminating devices for home use. The laminated sheet can be used repeatedly.

Pattern application technology

In order for the paint to lay on the surface successfully and not spread, it is important to choose the right technique with which the design will be applied. There are several basic techniques:

  • pattern using one color. In this case, the result will be a monochrome drawing;
  • multi-color combined palette. Several are used here different colors, but it takes more time and patience to dry different layers of paint. This method is suitable for more experienced decorators who have already worked using the monochrome method;
  • holographic or volumetric method. Here they use putty, which is applied with a special spatula. This way you can achieve a “velvet” effect and some image thickness (1-3 millimeters), which even creates the appearance of a three-dimensional image.

Helpful advice: if the putty layer is not laid down very smoothly, you can use sandpaper to form a neat edge, wiping off excess paint around the image.

  • reverse stencil. If in the usual case the paint is applied inside the slots, then using a reverse stencil the opposite result is achieved - the paint covers the space outside the boundaries of the design. Due to this technique, it seems as if the drawing emits a slight glow. It is usually convenient to take paint in cans here. During the work process, a cutting is used - part of the template, which will then be thrown away. It is glued to a wall or other surface, sprayed with paint.

Choosing a place to place the picture

In general, the territory for the template is not limited in any way. But to achieve maximum decorative effect you can use traditional techniques.
Most often, a large, spacious plane, empty and free of furniture, is used to apply a template design. A large and bright stencil is chosen for it, which will create an attractive pattern - it will help to play up the atmosphere in an interesting way and add color to the atmosphere of the room.

Helpful advice: don't take a modest one, small drawing for big and empty wall– it looks stingy and poor. A stencil that is too large will look bad on a small wall, where the space will look cramped and out of proportion.

A good way is to play with humor on existing furniture using a stencil. Above the table you can draw a vase, rosette or candle in a candelabra, as if they were on the tabletop. Above the shelf interesting idea will be an image of book spines or silhouettes of figurines.

Tools for creating a template

The available set of items will be a useful set for creating a stencil:

  • selected image;
  • suitable material - from cardboard and plastic to photographic paper, sometimes lavsan is used;
  • "carbon copy";
  • pencils, felt-tip pens, markers (can be in one copy);
  • paper knife or scalpel;
  • masking tape and regular, transparent tape;
  • draft paper for experiments;
  • a wooden board (or other material) that you don’t mind cutting out a template on it.

Helpful advice: before the crucial moment of drawing a drawing “white”, it is better to practice on a piece of paper, also checking the optimal combination of colors and the degree of fluidity of the paint.

Cutting a stencil

The selected drawing must be transferred to the template base using carbon paper. If the base is plexiglass or plastic, then a marker is enough to outline the outline of the design. When copying, the image moves along the base, so it is better to fix its position with tape.
Then cut out the holes for the paint using a sharp stationery knife or scalpel. Remove layers of paper inside the outlines of the design. To ensure this is done as efficiently as possible, it is better to do this work on a hard surface that can withstand movement by the blade - cutting board or an unnecessary covering, a piece of linoleum.


After this, they begin to apply the image to the wall or door. It is important to thoroughly clean the surface and dry it from excess moisture or greasy stains(otherwise the paint will spread and not stick). Make marks in the places where the drawing will be placed - use a tape measure or ruler.
The cut out template is attached to the surface with tape or glue in the form of a spray. The aerosol type of glue will not tear off a piece of wall, wallpaper or paint when removing the template, moreover, it is invisible and does not leave marks.
Paint the stencil using a brush or sponge. Take a little bit of paint so that it does not spread under the stencil layer. Convenient way hold the brush perpendicular to the wall, applying paint with light strokes of the swab.
When painting small parts, it is better to use an up and down application technique. If an aerosol can is used, keep it at least 30 centimeters away from the wall. It is better to first blot the sponge on a piece of paper, removing excess paint. If you are making a large-scale drawing using a roller, you will have to slightly adjust the drawing by painting on small details and strokes after removing the stencil.
Having finished painting, the stencil is carefully removed, being careful not to damage the image. The result is dried for some time.

Original design solution will be the creation of dynamic compositions, with a sense of humor or interesting inclusions. Depict a group of animals in motion or a collage of exotic plants or birds.
The choice of paints is individual, but acrylic is more often used due to its cheapness, practicality, and environmental composition. Acrylic paints do not fade; they are often used in decorative variety plasters that allow you to create very beautiful bas-reliefs.
If we're talking about about a diverse stencil, the ideal solution would be to use a self-adhesive film - it is easy to apply and remove, helping to achieve a tight fit to the surface.

10-15 templates are combined into a single ideological picture, gradually, over time, adding new elements. This creates an elegant look for a home, creative studio or children’s room that will reflect the interests and original tastes inhabitants.

When decorating a children's room, we always try to make it cozy, practical and comfortable, but sometimes we forget that our little children look at the world completely differently. For them, practicality and comfort are not yet as important as they are for you and me. They want the room to be bright, cheerful and filled with toys and interesting activities. You can create this design desired by children in a room using several practical methods: paint the walls, depicting characters from your favorite fairy tales on them, select photo wallpaper, use liquid wallpaper, or stick on children's stencils.

Today, designers use a lot of techniques for painting rooms. These include decoupage, frescoes, liquid wallpaper, and painting using stencils. Sometimes our imagination paints us the most beautiful and exquisite pictures with which we can decorate the space, both in the children's room and throughout the house. It seems that after finishing the renovation in the nursery, we will pick up a brush and give the room bright magical scenes from fairy tales. But it was not there. Many of us completely lack artistic talent.

Stencils for a children's room will help decorate the room for those who, for some reason, cannot improve the design using other design methods. Using this method, you can make your children's room bright and elegant.

You can buy stencils for decorating a room ready-made, or you can easily make them yourself. In stores you will find a wide variety of types of stickers from which you can choose the ones that are suitable for your nursery. But they have one drawback - they will not be exclusive. Unique stencils can only be made with your own hands.

Suitable for making stencils:

  • Hard cardboard;
  • Thick paper;
  • Plastic folder covers;
  • Film intended for lamination;
  • Any dense, smooth material.

In addition, by making stencils, you can involve children in this activity, and you will have another exciting event. Little artists will be interested in taking part in the design of their own space.

Which children's stencils are better to use: pictures or silhouettes

Before starting the lesson, decide with your child exactly what scenes or images he would like to see in his room, and where. Believe me, the most unpredictable options will open up to you, since children see the world completely differently. Do not rush to reject seemingly ridiculous ideas. Analyze his options with your child, and perhaps in a couple of minutes his plans will seem to you the most interesting, and certainly original.

Children tend to use pictures, children's stencils and decorations in non-standard form. But this fact is a manifestation of individuality and extraordinary personality. There is nothing stopping you from correcting your child and convincing him if the baby, as they say, “gets carried away,” but give him the opportunity to design his space in his own vision.

Of course, you should guide your child and give him options. To do this, you yourself must prepare in advance and have a complete picture in your mind. If you are planning to decorate a room with your child, then make sure that the materials you will use are environmentally friendly and safe, because little artists can use them not only for their intended purpose. And they should not breathe vapors of acetone or drying oil.

Stencils can be used to design:

  • Stan;
  • Ceiling;
  • Furniture;
  • Doors;
  • Windows;
  • Other interior items.

Don't put too many pictures in one room. Oversaturation gives a tacky look and brings confusion to the room.

How to print stencils on the wall of a children's room

It is best to plan the use of stencils on walls in advance. If you want to apply a drawing using oil or acrylic paint, then smooth, even, plain walls. On wallpaper with flowers or dotted with cats, stencil pictures will not come in handy.

Printing stencils on the wall of a children's room is not difficult. If you know the end result of your work, then get down to business.

Internet pages will help you both choose design options and choose the pictures themselves.

How to make stencils for design:

  • Decide on a design idea or style;
  • On Internet sites, look through ready-made options, perhaps you will choose the one you need;
  • Find among the pictures, or draw the model yourself, the images you need for design;
  • Correctly calculate the size of the drawings; if they are large, they may need to be composed in parts;
  • Print sheets with pictures, or elements of pictures, glue them together if necessary;
  • Cut out the shapes you need;
  • Place the image on a thick material of appropriate size;
  • Trace the outline with a pencil or pen;
  • Using sharp scissors, carefully cut out the image so that there is a through hole in place of the desired design.

The stencil is ready. Now your task remains to attach the templates to the wall in in the right place, fix it, and paint over the void. Suitable images for wall decoration include: geometric figures, snowflakes, raindrops, flowers, animals, trees, clouds, stars, birds and all kinds of thematic subjects. In boys' rooms, as decorative elements, you can use images of transport, puzzle pieces, boats, ships, and the surface of the sea. A girl is a more sophisticated person; more subtle designs and decorative elements are suitable for her.

Stencils for furniture: options for use

Using stencils, you can paint not only on walls and ceilings. A closet, chest of drawers, headboard, craft rack or bedside table are just as suitable for this. If you have standard furniture, without any decorative elements, you can easily enliven the interior with the help of children's pictures on the furniture.

Stencils for furniture are made in the same way as for walls. We draw pictures or prepare printouts, and then make a stencil template of the required size.

A characteristic feature is the application of images on furniture. If we boldly paint on the walls with acrylic paint, then with furniture the situation is different - the furniture coating and paint may not be compatible with each other. Your main task is to choose the right material with which you will apply the drawing. Best suited for this acrylic paints water based

How to apply a design to furniture:

  1. The first step is to prepare the surfaces. The areas on which you will apply the design must be cleaned of dirt, dust and grease, and thoroughly sanded.
  2. Prime the sanded surface.
  3. Using tape or glue, attach the stencil to an area of ​​furniture.
  4. Apply the design using a brush or sponge.
  5. Let the paint dry and remove the stencil;
  6. Use a thin brush to correct any imperfections in the design.
  7. After complete drying, coat the design with a layer of water-based furniture varnish.

If you are not confident in your artistic abilities, you can use simple appliques.

How to use children's stencils (video)

A children's room is a room where there should be no room for sadness and dullness. If the room in which your children live does not correspond to the desired design, then you can try to correct the situation using stencils for applying designs to the walls and furniture. These drawing methods can also be used for a children's gazebo in the garden.

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