Home storage system. Storing things at home: ideas, DIY, photo

Where can I find new places to store old things?

1. Make the most of cabinet doors

Are the cabinet doors occupied? Then let's use them wisely. We fasten hooks, hangers or canvas with small pockets to the inside of the doors. Here we will place scarves, belts, gloves, small bags, hats or jewelry.

2. Add a second bar

Which is better - more hangers or more shelves? If you like it when you can find the right thing in two minutes, and all the clothes are neatly hung and never wrinkle, then have two rods in your closet. Skirts and jackets will settle on the top, and blouses and jeans folded in half on the bottom.

3. Connect the hangers

Hangers are best connected to each other: with small hooks, rings or even tongues from cans. It turns out that all things will be located at several levels. The only negative is that in order to pull out a dress that hangs on the first level, you need to remove the second and third. We don't save time, but we save a lot of space.

4. Use the height of the room

Pay attention, do you have free space under the ceiling? If you can throw a couple of baskets or drawers on the closet, then use this. Put seasonal things in the far corner: winter hats in summer, and swimwear in winter. Maybe old memories or cute gifts from old acquaintances will be stored there.

5. We arrange beautiful floor hangers around the room

You can always add a couple of cute hangers to the room and throw your casual clothes on them.

6. Store bedding properly

Even multiple sets bed linen take up quite a lot of closet space. Therefore, we store it in a practical and neat way: just fold the sheets and duvet covers into the pillowcase of each set. Firstly, nothing will be lost, and secondly, it will always be easy for you to find the right kit.

7. We buy hanging shelves

Hanging shelves are a must have for any small room. When putting another cabinet or rack is not an option, but you really want to put things in their places, such convenient shelves will be lifesaver for a convenient wardrobe.

8. Send clothes on a "journey"

Ask your grandmother for a pair of vintage suitcases and turn them into a stylish piece of furniture. Of course, inside they will not be empty - we store books, seasonal clothes or shoes in them.

9. Use clothes dividers

When things are not neatly folded, they automatically take up a lot of space. more space. To solve the problem of dresser clutter once and for all, buy (or make your own) special fabric boxes. Then underwear, socks, T-shirts will not get mixed up, will not be lost, and there will be a place for new things in the closet!

Daily household comfort largely depends on how well the storage of things is organized in the apartment. When each item has its place, it is easy to find it, and then put it back into place without creating a mess. The Village asked designer Galina Tishutina how to think home storage to make more space for living.

Key things to know about storage, - the output should be spacious and comfortable. After all, the best space for life is one in which there is a lot of air and empty surfaces. But in small apartments, this is a difficult task, which also conflicts with our traditional ability to complicate things, as well as our passion for shopping and hoarding. However, the world has become technological: wide window sill can become a home office, Wi-Fi allows you to work even in bed, there are fewer wires, stationary units are almost a thing of the past, gadgets are rapidly shrinking in size, and all volumes of the encyclopedia fit on a flash drive. All this helps to win. extra space for life.


Before you start optimizing everything, you should divide things into necessary and unnecessary. First, get rid of things that have not been used for a long time. Each of us has some kind of toaster that was last turned on a couple of years ago, while he firmly settled on the windowsill in the kitchen. It is better to throw away such things, sell them through Avito or give them to someone who will use them. So only the necessary items will remain - for them we will plan a storage space.

The necessary things will also have to be sorted. There is, for example, a system of hot and cold rotation. The hot rotation includes those things that should be at hand every day. These are clothes, shoes and household gadgets - from a vacuum cleaner to an ironing board. For correct calculation measure wardrobe dimensions running meters rods for long things ( outerwear, dresses), separately count the meters of the bar for short items (shirts, blouses, jackets). Also determine the volume of shelves for the rest of the clothes and shoe boxes.

Cold rotation items include suitcases, boxes, Christmas decorations and other seasonal items. In the same category, you can write down the home library if you do not access it daily, and household items dear to your heart - everything that can be put away.

hidden storage

Fine organized apartment can be compared with a car in the cabin of which there is a lot of air and space, while the space under the hood is packed to capacity. We should also get as much space as possible in the living rooms, in the kitchen and in the bathrooms, and use the office space - that is, the hallway, corridor and closets - to the maximum.

Instead of installing several wardrobes in living rooms, it is better to fence off a small wardrobe somewhere in the hallway. A wardrobe, even the smallest one, is the best thing that can happen to a small apartment. It effectively uses the space up to the ceiling, like the hood of a car, where every millimeter is involved. A wardrobe is a bulky piece of furniture that stands in a room and takes up a lot of space.

open storage

The number of things laid out on surfaces is best minimized. Firstly, they create a feeling of disorder, and secondly, they complicate the cleaning process, because they need to be dusted off. open storage it is permissible only in the kitchen and in the bathroom, that is, where there are objects that are simply inconvenient to put into cabinets several times a day.

Storage in the kitchen

To see if your kitchen storage is well organized, check out Sunday shopping. Imagine that you bring home a supply of food and household chemicals for the next week or even several. If you can’t arrange everything in cabinets so that you have access to each package, then it’s time to change something.

Small kitchens usually want to be left as spacious as possible so as not to further reduce the space with an abundance of items. In this case good decision will become a closet located on the way from front door to the kitchen, where you can store products that do not require cold - water, groceries, sauces. This will allow you to shop less often and not make a warehouse out of the kitchen.

For storage inside kitchen cabinets, you should get the same containers and pour everything you can into them - from tea to cereals. The fact is that the factory packaging different shapes and dimensions are difficult to place ergonomically inside the cabinet. As a result, a lot of space is wasted, and products from leaky boxes often fall apart. Sign each container and use the same for each type of product. Such a storage system raises the level of order and greatly speeds up the cooking process.

Bathroom storage

The approach to organizing storage in the bathroom is very similar to the kitchen. It is necessary to select hot rotation items and think over storage for cold rotation items. Leave only those tubes and objects that you use regularly on open surfaces. The rest can be put in the closet. It is worth considering hanging a wide shelf right above the door. It is inconspicuous, besides it is convenient to keep a supply on it. washing powder And toilet paper.

Storage in rooms

Beds with a lifting mechanism and a storage system inside often lose much in terms of convenience to ordinary beds with legs, under which boxes on wheels from IKEA are placed. And besides, these beds are much cheaper.

If we talk about the nursery, then it seems to me that the child should maintain order in his toys on his own. Therefore, all boxes should be placed at an accessible height. In this case small man will be free to choose what and where to put.

Right Habits

A convenient storage system is not only cabinets and shelves, but also a certain set of good habits. Train yourself to audit things a couple of times a year in order to get rid of rubbish in a timely manner and free up space. Keep track of the overall balance: if after a vacation or a successful shopping trip you brought a couple of packages of things into the apartment, then another pair of packages should leave it in the foreseeable future.

Photos: cover - WorldWide /shutterstock.com 1 - horiyan /shutterstock.com, 2 - Richman21 /shutterstock.com, 3 - Photographee.eu /shutterstock.com

Even if you are a minimalist, you still have a fairly large number of different things that need to be stored somewhere and somehow. You can do this with creativity, thanks to which you can not only once and for all put things in order in the house. Some ways of organizing order play not only a functional role, but also serve as a decor. We offer you to learn how to organize the storage of things at home. The ideas described in this article can be implemented using purchased or self-made organizers. You can do the same at home, spending a minimum of money and time.

Storage of things and clothes at home: ideas

Drawers, caskets - all this can be turned into a means of storage. The same organizers can be used to neatly organize stationery, toys, linen, shoes. For last case it will be especially important to buy a special plastic organizer for storing things at home. The ideas of its use are that the shoes do not gather dust, but at the same time they are perfectly visible. Also, one such container can replace ten boxes. And the view will be much more aesthetic.

Try to make all the organizers similar friend on a friend or made in the same style. This is especially true for those who do not hide behind cabinet doors.

We store underwear, socks, belts and other small things correctly

When we are talking about organizing storage, then organizer boxes with cells immediately come to mind. They can be made from different materials and contain some number of delimiters. The most common are fabric organizers that can be folded. These are sold in almost all hardware stores. But you can make a similar organizer from cardboard boxes.

Making an organizer

This will require empty packaging, cardboard and decor: colored and self-adhesive paper, wallpaper. Place the boxes inside the drawer, where you will organize the storage of things at home. Ideas for arranging packages depend on their size and the proportions of the box. Glue all the boxes together. If you do not have ready-made boxes, then there are two options for solving the problem:

  • Measure the length and width of the storage box. Based on the dimensions, do right amount boxes of the same height.
  • From cardboard, make walls that will be inserted into the box. Glue the bottom. Then make cardboard dividers.

Paste the finished organizer with colored paper, wallpaper or self-adhesive inside and out.

Storage space ready! It can be used to organize underwear, socks, belts, jewelry, scarves, various accessories and so on. The main thing is that you will always have everything at hand and neatly laid out.

Organizing cable storage

Even one person has several gadgets that require different cables. What can we say about a family of several people, where each has at least one phone and a charger for it. And there are cables from cameras, tablets, laptops and computers, headphones and so on. If all this is stored in different places or in one box, but a slide, then you can’t talk about proper storage things at home.

Ideas for a do-it-yourself organizer, consider below:

  1. Make a box with cells, as described above.
  2. Make a honeycomb organizer. For him, you need to take cardboard cylinders from toilet paper, paper towels, foil, cling film or parchment. Allocate one box or boxes for cables. Cut the required number of cylinders of the same height. Their size should be per centimeter smaller sizes box or crate. The number of cylinders depends on how many cables you have. Connect the cells with each other double sided tape or glue gun. Finished cylinders can be spray painted. It remains to insert the organizer into the box and fill it with neatly twisted cables.

Properly store jewelry

Do you have a lot of earrings, bracelets, pendants and other jewelry, but you do not know how to properly organize your storage? Home ideas might look like this:

  1. Buy a special case, on both sides of which there are many pockets. It can be hung in a closet. In such a case, there is a place for many different jewelry and accessories that will not be confused with each other, and thanks to transparent pockets, you can always immediately find desired subject.
  2. Buy a container for pills for a week. This is such a long but narrow pencil case, in which there are seven cells. It will be convenient to store small jewelry in it.
  3. Stud earrings can be stored on the tape. Just insert jewelry into it in pairs and put it in the box.
  4. Make a box that will hold all of your pairs of earrings. To do this, take a beautiful low box with a lid, felt or felt, and a pencil. Cut pieces of fabric to the same size. Wind the felt around the pencil into a tube. Glue the end of the fabric. Pull out the pencil. Make several of these tubes. Insert all the blanks inside the box so that they fit snugly against each other. Earrings can be stored in the slots.

Storage in the kitchen

To keep your favorite spices and kitchen accessories always at hand, use the following ideas:

  • Take identical jars and pour spices into them. Sign each. Connect the covers to the shelf using self-tapping screws. This way you can also save space.
  • Use dividers for kitchen accessory drawers. Homemade are made from thick cardboard or thin sheets plywood.
  • Use cabinet doors. For example, hang hooks or baskets for household chemicals, sponges, bags using self-tapping screws.
  • Spices can also be stored on a magnetic board. Only in this case, use small jars with iron lids.

Storage at home: ideas (photos) for the bathroom

There is always little space in the bathroom, but you want to fit so much. For this purpose, use little tricks:

  • To keep everything under the sink in plain sight, use the system vertical storage. To do this, place everything in hanging containers.
  • Sort makeup brushes, cotton swabs and discs, other necessary little things into different jars. You can store them on shelves or in a cabinet. Decorate the jars as you please, use paint, decorative ribbons for this, or simply pour coffee beans, sand, balls inside.
  • Hang hanging wicker baskets above the toilet. Depending on the size, they can store toilet paper, an extra set of towels, a hairdryer, and so on.
  • Use different shelves(for example, above the door).

1. Detergents can be stored on the pipe under the sink in the kitchen.

2. Knives can be hung on a magnetic shelf.

3. Use elastic curtain rods to separate things in the closet.

4. Keep packages, food films and baking paper in an office folder.

5. You can store frying pan lids on the magazine rack.

6. Short cornices are also suitable.

7. If there are high ceilings in the kitchen, pots and pans can be hung from the ceiling. For example, on old sleds!

8. Magnetic jars with spices on the refrigerator.

9. Hang utensils with handles on the wall.

10. Another option with a cardboard board with holes.

11. Use a deep drawer in the kitchen to store cutlery vertically.

12. Get out, finally, in the refrigerator!

14. Bulk products can be stored in plastic boxes.

15. In kitchen cabinet you can attach a lattice to the shelves.

16. Go to the closet with things. Hang your boots on hangers.

17. And shoes - like this.

18. Many pairs of jeans that look the same at first glance but are actually different? Write what and attach the labels to the hangers.

19. Turn all clothes hangers to one side. After putting on a thing and going somewhere in it, hang it back in the closet with the other side. A year later, you can safely throw out what is still hanging on the original hanger - you simply do not wear it!

20. Separate the sweaters with bars.

21. Hang the straps on the drawer.

22. Hang your glasses on a hanger.

23. Or make just such a "showcase".

24. Hang bags on shower curtain hooks.

25. Velcro hooks can be used to hang decorations on the inside of the door.

26. Store shoes like this - it saves space, especially if the right one is head down on the left, and the left one is on the right.

27. Cut out circles from the foam so the boots stand up straight.

28. Store sheets inside pillowcases from the same set.

29. Go to the bathroom. Attach the tweezers inside the bathroom cabinet to the magnet.

30. In general, store metal tools on a magnetic shelf.

31. Hair styling tools can be stored in these PVC pipes on inside doors.

32. Or so.

33. Organize jars and hang them on the wall with picture hangers.

34. Store bracelets and elastic bands on bottles.

35. Or you can use a paper towel holder for this purpose.

36. Put all your makeup in one magnetized box.

37. Make a shelf above your bathroom door to store things you rarely use but still use.

38. Store bath supplies and towels in baskets on railings.

39. homemade board to store cosmetics.

40. You can do this ironing board, placing it directly on the dryer or washing machine.

41. On such a shelf for shoes you can store toilet and detergents.

42. Put washing machine and a dryer on the shelf. And under the shelf - additional storage space.

43. Hang a ladder from the ceiling for easy drying of clothes.

44. Garage. Use cables to store balls.

45. Hang a board with holes and detachable hooks to organize children's sports equipment.

46. ​​Arrange nails, nuts, batteries and other small items in the jars, then nail the lids to the bottom of the board and screw the jars.

47. Store boxes on the ceiling!

48. For needlewomen. You can store yarn in coffee cans.

49. Use the IKEA Grundtal storage idea for craft supplies.

50. And you can store them on a board with holes.

51. How and where to store mobile and other devices? You can buy an ottoman with interior space.

Original storage ideas help keep your home organized. Useful life hacks, implemented, allow you to use every centimeter of the area with maximum efficiency. Wise advice makes it possible to store things in such a way that there is a place for every little thing. Observing the rules of storage in the house, using interesting ideas creative people, even in small apartment you can organize order and comfort.

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    How much time people spend getting together in the morning on business depends on their mood for the whole day. If you have to look for things for a long time, shoes, coats, gloves, umbrellas, hats are untidy, you can’t find combs at all, even the most inveterate optimist will lose positive energy.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to properly organize the space in the hallway. Life hacks that people share with each other will help you find a place for each thing, make this room cozy.

    Shoe placement

    Scattered throughout the hallway boots, shoes, boots - this is not only an external mess. A person entering from the street steps with dirty shoes on brand new shoes, rips off the skin of fashionable boots with a sharp heel. The ill-conceived place for storing shoes in the hallway is fraught with a loss of its quality. For those who are tired of suffering from this problem, interesting solutions are offered.

    Banquet and showcase on the wall for storing shoes

    It is convenient to store shoes inside the banquette, where the space is divided by liners: each pair has its own place.

    The imitation of a miniature showcase with sneakers and shoes looks beautiful. For it, shelves are fixed to the wall along the length of the sole (wooden, hardboard, plastic, from packaging foam) in a herringbone pattern or in a checkerboard pattern between the furniture.

    Hacks for storing high heels and boots with shafts

    A creative hanger for women's shoes and sandals with heels is obtained if vertical surface stick ceiling tiles.

    To store high boots on a vertical surface (wall, closet, door), it is recommended to fill the pins horizontally. Between them are placed the tops of the boots, directed with the soles up.

    shoe rack

    The original vertical hanger made of pins will relieve the owners of the need to wipe the floor every minute under the shoes and boots standing on the floor, free up space, and make it easy to keep order in the hallway.

    A pallet that slides under the cabinet will help save space. Summer footwear for constant wear with this method of storage does not interfere underfoot.

    Hinged organizers for slippers

    Having removed street shoes, a tired person starts looking for house slippers. In some apartments this process takes considerable time. A hinged organizer with pockets will help you get rid of the search for slippers. It is made from fabric, oilcloth or polyethylene film.

    Combs, keys, bags in the hallway

    Before going out, they usually check their hair. Finding a comb among the items on the shelves can be difficult. Someone takes it with them into the room, forgetting to leave it in the hallway. The problem of searches also applies to keys. The following hacks will help you avoid this:

    • A hook is attached to the wall near the mirror. Make a hole in the handle of the comb, thread a loop through it. Problem solved: the comb always hangs in place. The second such hanger - good idea to store keys.
    • The option with a magnet will help to avoid searches. A magnetic strip on the wall holds a comb with a glued piece of metal, keys.
    • In cardboard pockets attached to the closet, wall, fabrics store combs, everyday cosmetics, keys. Fresh correspondence is put into a special department. Pockets are decorated with applique, embroidery. Such devices are made by hand. They even serve as designer items, decorating the interior.

    To save a guest with a bag from unnecessary inconvenience, a hanger is fixed on the door jamb. Upon entering, a person can easily take off their shoes - a heavy bag hangs on a hook, hands are free.

    Organization of space in the bathroom

    In a small separate bathroom do not turn around with the toilet. Hanging a shelf there is unrealistic. But you can install a narrow compact chest of drawers for household chemicals, toilet paper, small things. Suitable advice for small bathrooms combined with a bath.

    Despite the small area of ​​​​the bathroom, you need to place a lot there. Therefore, the system of organizing things in this room is thought out especially carefully. Every centimeter of the area, walls should work.

    A cabinet is installed under the sink. It closes the drain pipe, it is placed household chemicals. Shelves and cabinets are hung above the sink. Here they store towels, cosmetics, body care products, hygiene procedures.

    Shelves-showcase above the sink

    Washcloths, combs, shampoos, shower gels are placed in pockets sewn onto the curtain. To maintain its water resistance, it is recommended to duplicate it - sew an additional organizer curtain.

    Organizer curtain in the bathroom

    A screen with sliding doors is arranged under the bathroom. If it protrudes forward by 10 cm, this will increase its capabilities: use the upper protruding surface.

    Screen with sliding doors under the bathroom

    Dirty laundry is collected in wicker boxes. This will make the bathroom more comfortable: the sight of clothes dumped in a basin after being worn is an unpleasant sight. You can use them as a banquette, an additional shelf (if the door is located on the side).

    Drawer cabinet for dirty linen in the bathroom

    Hangers for towels and bathrobes are attached to the bathroom door. An open narrow showcase with shelves is built along its perimeter, where a lot of necessary things fit.


    This room is long gone utility room in the house. Here they not only cook food, but also hold joint tea parties, dine, and even receive guests. Neatness, accuracy in the kitchen is necessary to the highest degree.

    It is more convenient for the hostess to work in it, when everything is at hand, laid out in its place. It saves time searching for what you need, it is easier to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen.

    Food storage hacks

    Bulk products in bags take up a lot of space, crumble in cabinets, on the table.

    Storing cereals in a sealed container will prevent insects from entering the products, which will absorb moisture. This will preserve their quality, increase the period of use.

    Store cereals in glass jars With metal lids screwed to the bottom surface of the shelf, convenient. Before use, unscrew the container, pour out the right amount and screw it back into place.

    Storage of bulk products in glass jars attached with lids to the bottom surface of the shelves

    Vegetables cannot be stored in the refrigerator if there is no special compartment for this. It is not recommended to keep them for a long time V plastic bags. In this case, it is worth getting plastic boxes with holes for air.

    Plastic rack for vegetables and fruits

    Install the containers in a rack, one box on top of the other; a compartment is isolated from the closet using drawers; push containers with vegetables under the cutting tables, if there is space; mounted on cabinet doors under the sink.

    Ideas for storing kitchen utensils

    Long-handled frying pans, pot lids, graters, dough-rollers, mashed potatoes are items whose dimensions create storage problems. They do not fit in drawers, do not lie in one place, creating chaos in tables and shelves. For such utensils, other storage methods have been invented.

    Ways to store pot lids

    It is impossible to stack pot lids. Keeping them together with pans is wasting precious space. Therefore, holders are installed on the doors of cabinets, on the walls. There are special design nets for lids. With such storage, they take up a minimum of space, always at hand.

    Narrow sliding shelving in the kitchen

    Frying pans with long handles are also hung on the walls, cabinet doors. They equip narrow racks for them, sliding between the tables, into the openings between the refrigerator and the wall. Such racks are used for storage and other kitchen utensils, conservation.

    Order in the wardrobe

    Socks in the closet drawer lose a pair, so they are folded into a lump, turning the edge of one over this design. But in the drawer, these shapeless rag pellets look like an untidy pile. While searching for the right pair, you have to rummage through a pile of socks, wasting time and terribly nervous.

    An interesting idea is to make compact sock organizers from toilet paper rolls. They are placed vertically in the box. It is important that the bushings fit right next to each other, do not change position. They are connected together with adhesive tape, glue.

    The Japanese discovered an amazing method of storing things. Stacked in a pile according to the Russian tradition, they do not crumple, take up little space, but it is difficult to quickly find the right item. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out things in the cabinets often. The konmari method helps to get rid of this problem.

    Japanese storage method - konmari

    Things are folded into drawers, rolled up. Lay the rolls vertically (occupy less area) or horizontally (in a low box). It is easy to find, get a thing without shifting the rest. Moreover, the order in the box after that is not violated.

    How to store belts and belts

    Belts, belts, ribbons are difficult to lay. A tangled lump of them scares when you need to find the right thing. Vertical racks for storing belts and belts will allow you to do this quickly, without wasting time and nerves.

    There are "three pillars" of the science of storing things in a home: compactness, preservation of the quality of things, convenience to get them if necessary.

    By following simple rules, using your imagination, using life hacks worked out by others, you will be able to solve the problem of order in a house of even a small area.

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