Where to drill. How to choose a location for a well on your site? Finding the location of the aquifer using microcurrents

An individual well solves pressing problems with water supply for owners of suburban areas. In order for the system to function for a long time and not cause problems, you need to know when it is best to drill a well. Autonomous water supply will not fail in dry summers or frosty winters. Fresh artesian water will be supplied in unlimited quantities if you choose the right location for the well, correctly develop the project, drill and equip the system.

Factors determining the choice of location for a well

There are several sanitary rules and standards establishing the location of the well, but equally important is the determination of the aquifer. Its passage is indicated by:

  • surface waters;
  • certain vegetation - willows, sorrel, bird cherry;
  • geological features of the territory;
  • exploration drilling.

A site is selected for the well at a height; in the lowlands, flooding occurs during snow melting or during the rainy season. Dirty water enters the trunk, infecting the source with bacteria and microorganisms. The proximity to septic tanks, cesspools, and landfills is especially dangerous. The well must be separated from such places by at least 50 m. The distance from the water source to the house affects the cost earthworks And Supplies. But GOST and common sense prohibit making it less than 3 m. This is justified by the possibility of damaging the roof of the building and the blind area during drilling operations.

It is worth considering the possibility of heavy equipment entering; this will require an area 3 m wide.

Search for the aquifer

Advice. Some home owners install a well in the basement. This is a bad choice; maintenance requires free space up to 7 m in height, and after the construction of the building it cannot be secured.

Features of drilling wells at different times of the year

Drilling companies offer their services all year round. Their equipment allows you to work at temperatures down to -20°. When is the best time to drill a well from the customer’s point of view? Let's consider seasonal features works:


It's the season of melting snow and high groundwater. When constructing a well up to 25 m during this period, it is easy to make a mistake in choosing a location. In summer it may become unproductive or dry out completely. In addition, dirt on the site will significantly impede the movement of equipment. This is a bad time.

Summer and early autumn

The warm and dry season is perfect for drilling water wells. Survey work is easy to carry out, the groundwater level is stable. Well construction and water supply installation are carried out in short time. These positive points attract many people who want to organize autonomous water supply. But there are also some disadvantages:

  • During the high season, drilling crews inflate prices for services.
  • Due to the large number of orders, work is carried out in a hurry, which may affect the quality of the installation.

Drilling on site in summer


With the onset of cold weather, activity on construction sites slows down. Drilling wells in winter is no exception; companies receive few orders, so they offer favorable discounts. From an economic point of view, this time is very favorable. Groundwater is located at a minimum level, making it easier for it to enter the aquifer.

Drilling rig in winter area

Pros and cons of drilling in winter

You can’t drill a well with your own hands in winter, but for special equipment it won't be difficult. Negative temperatures do not affect the quality of work. Among the advantages of winter well installation:

  • frozen soil is subject to minimal impact under the wheels of a heavy machine;
  • green spaces will not be damaged;
  • To field work the site will be provided with water;
  • the absence of a large volume of water that appears after rains or melting snow;
  • a large number of companies find themselves without orders, you can choose the best one;
  • prices for drilling services are the lowest.

Frozen soil holds equipment well

Advice. In wetlands, passage of a heavy drilling rig is only possible in winter time when the soil freezes.

The difficulties of drilling water wells in winter lie in the need to maintain liquid state water required for work. It is necessary to provide a method for heating it. If by the time appointed for drilling the area is covered with snow, you will have to clear the work area and access roads. People drilling the well will be in the cold for several days. It is worth organizing a heating point for them.

Another point that you need to pay attention to when drilling in winter is installation. If immediately after water extraction it is planned to assemble and put into operation a water supply system, then you should understand that all excavation work will require more effort than in the summer. And to install a caisson you will need to dig a fairly large pit. In addition, a hole is needed to lay a water-carrying main to the house. It will not be easy to handle these jobs manually. Therefore, if possible, it is better to use special equipment.

Well drilling technology does not change depending on the season. You should choose the right time based on the characteristics of the soil, the occurrence of groundwater and your own budget.

Features of drilling a well in winter are shown in the video:

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Both the productivity and service life of the well, and even the quality of the water in it, depend on the location of the source. Therefore, as well as, most importantly, where to drill a well, you need to determine in advance. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting drinking water cloudy suspension, unsuitable even for technical use.

And in this article we will tell you how to find the ideal place for a well on your site, supplementing this information with a description of the nuances of the process of arranging a water source for a country house.

When choosing a place for a well, it is worth listening to the opinions of epidemiologists, surveyors, architects and designers. Moreover, one part of the mentioned specialists will talk about the limitations, and the second will give specific advice on choosing the location of the well. Moreover, you will have to listen to both “advisers”.

Where is it not possible?

If you listen to sanitary standards and the rules set out in resolution, then best place for a well is a point 30-50 meters away from both the sewer septic tank and your neighbors’ well. Well what can I say? They don’t argue with SanPiN! And you will have to retreat from potentially dangerous areas where pollution sources are concentrated by at least 25-30 meters.

Do you want to place the well or borehole in a more convenient place, for example, in the basement? Then you will have to order test drilling and take the samples to the laboratory. If epidemiologists have no complaints about the quality of the soil, and your soil has a high filtering capacity, then the well can be installed at the test site.

If there are complaints, then deep drilling to the third and subsequent aquifer layer will help you. Moreover, the walls of such a deep shaft will have to be reinforced with casing pipes with screw fixation of the joints for the seal. Yes, such a “pipeline” will cost more than a conventional “in-socket” assembly, but only such a well reinforcement system will protect against a possible breakthrough of groundwater into the mine.

Well, foundation designers categorically do not recommend constructing a well in a three-meter zone measured from the outer boundaries of the foundation. And they are right - closer proximity will affect operational characteristics foundation is not in the best way.

Where is it possible and necessary?

So, everything is clear with the prohibitions: 25 meters from neighbors, 50 meters from a cesspool, 3 meters from the foundation and away from the depression. But the area of ​​most of the land allotment fits this description! And where to drill a well on the site is still not clear.

Calm down! Right place is determined even more simply than the boundaries of zones unsuitable for drilling. Go up the stairs or to the second floor (or find satellite maps on the Internet), mentally connect the wells and wells of your neighbors with a straight line. “Draw” this line through your site (underground streams and rivers flow in this direction). Choose the most comfortable position on this straight line.

In addition, the location for the well can be determined during test drilling, setting up test wells in the most attractive places on the site.

Which well is better to drill?

Of course, vertical, artesian type. Such a well will last longer than an inclined one and will provide the house with water. best quality. True, such wells are not obtained as a result of every drilling.

Therefore, be patient and do not rush to agree to the first “working” well, buried to the level of the perched water or the second aquifer. Believe me, all the costs invested in an artesian source will be repaid by the long service life of such a well. A a budget option with immersion to the high water level, it will silt out after 2-3 years.

How can you tell if your well is artesian or not? Everything is simple here - an artesian well will definitely “gush”, at least in the first hours after “piercing” the soil. And this effect cannot be ignored.

In addition, do not be lazy (or spare no expense) and equip your well with a caisson - a special well that protects the source from possible penetration of groundwater. This type of fuse is not expensive - it is assembled from cheap concrete rings, mounted on the same slab, and sprinkled (on the outside) with a sand-gravel mixture. In short, this is the usual part drainage system, only protecting not the foundation, but the well head.

How deep to drill a well?

The answer to the above question forces us to provide specific recommendations regarding the depth of the well. For obvious reasons, we refuse 5-10 meter shafts that penetrate to the perched water and the first aquifer. But we are not interested in 100-meter shafts either - they are very expensive. Cheaper to buy good system filtration.

As a result, we are interested in mines with a depth of 25 to 50 meters. Why? Well, firstly, because such a well can be drilled with a mobile unit and reinforced with 2-4 casing pipes 12 meters long. Secondly, at depths of more than 25 meters there are not only aquifers, but also underground artesian-type springs. And thirdly, a 25-meter layer of soil with clay lenses and sandy horizons is the best natural filter, and at around 50 meters only the purest water accumulates.

Therefore, wells with depths ranging from 25 to 50 meters are optimal solution both from the point of view of the project estimate and from the point of view of water quality.

Therefore, it is recommended to go to deeper horizons only when absolutely necessary (trying to break through quicksand, searching for an artesian layer, the exit from which is nearby, and so on).

When is the best time to drill a well?

In winter? In summer? In the spring? In the fall? Each season promises its own advantages and promises its own difficulties. Therefore, we will consider each season separately.

Winter drilling In winter, drilling is complicated by the need to open the frozen layer of soil. However, at the same time, this time of year promises the following advantages

— no risk of groundwater penetrating into the mine, the ability to use heavy drilling equipment in the process, and without the risk of damaging the soil cover. In addition, in winter the groundwater level is stabilized and the risk of collapse of the mine walls is minimized.

Spring work

Everything is simple with spring.

  • You can’t drill in spring:
  • Firstly, there is mud - the equipment simply will not get to the point, getting stuck in the mud.
  • Secondly, floods and high groundwater levels.

Therefore, in the spring you can start arranging the pipeline supply from the “winter” well to the house. Frosts are gradually disappearing, daylight hours are increasing, and mistakes in the thermal insulation of the water supply no longer lead to a complete “freezing” of the water supply system.

Summer drilling

Summer is probably best time for drilling. Comfortable temperature, dry land, stabilized groundwater level, easy search aquifer. But summer has one drawback - at this time of year all the drilling crews are already busy. Therefore, when planning to install a well in the summer, you need to sign up for the queue in the winter and spring.

Autumn work

The first months of autumn are no worse than summer. And relatively small mines, up to 25 meters deep, can be drilled until the coldest weather. If you do not have time to complete the full cycle, then in any case you will have enough time for the initial deepening, below the freezing level of the soil. Well, you can finish the final part in winter.

Before drilling, a careful survey of current conditions must be carried out. This will help not only find the aquifer, but also provide protection from different types contamination, will show where it is better to drill a well. Let's determine the main parameters and signs of shallow groundwater.

A few secrets on how to determine where to drill a well

It is better to drill in low-lying areas. Slopes, lowlands, and depressions in the area are suitable. The features of the relief will indicate the area where the aquifer is located under the surface - sudden changes in elevation are an excellent reference point. Aerial photography will help track them.

Analysis of existing conditions is a simple way to determine the location

If there are wells, boreholes, and ponds in the area, the result will be close to 100%. Analysis of existing communications helps to assess the depth of water and gives an idea of ​​geological conditions.

You can find out the input parameters by asking neighbors who have drilling experience and existing wells. Information about the presence of wells will be required - it is better to drill away from them.

Subsurface soil will affect water quality

If the site has sandy or pebbly subsurface soil, this is the first sign of the presence of an aquifer. Try to dig a hole and evaluate the composition and grain size of the soil. High grain size indicates an abundance of moisture below.

Look at the rocks found in the ground. A large fraction (more than 10 cm) indicates the ineffectiveness of drilling operations.

It will be difficult for owners of houses located in areas with layers of sand or pebbles close to the surface. It is difficult and ineffective to install a well in clayey and silty soils. Here best choice will become an artesian well.

There are layers of sandstone, quartz, and limestone located under the proposed drilling site, which make it possible to calculate the high productivity of the well.

Vegetation and insects will tell you where to drill

If you want to understand whether there is water on the site, look at the wild plants growing on the site. A good sign will be the presence of broad-leaved plants, trees, reeds and shrubs on the site. Often water is obtained where burdocks and nettles grow - these representatives of the flora have a very long and branched root system, they draw liquid from the depths. The watercourse will also appear where there are anthills.

Reservoirs will help you navigate where it’s best

If there is a river, pond, spring, stream near the house, feel free to drill a well. However, it is best to try to move at least 15 meters further from the shore when drilling.

How to determine a location for a well to avoid water pollution

It is important not only to determine the drilling location, but also to ensure that the water is not contaminated in any way during the lifting process. To do this, you will need to ensure the required distance from the potential pollutant. We have presented this data in a table:


So, to determine the place on the site where it is better to drill a well, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Is there vegetation nearby and what is it like?
  • What is the composition of the soil?
  • Are there any pollutants nearby?
  • Under what conditions and by what methods were the wells dug nearby?
  • What is the terrain like?

The answers to these questions will accurately indicate to you where you need to drill a well and what technology is best to use. Have you decided? Call us. We will equip a personal water source within 1 day.

The question that arises after making a decision about installing an autonomous water supply system is: which and when is it better to drill a water well? The choice may be limited by the need to urgently install a water intake: in this case, choose the type of source, focusing on the budget allocated for organizing the work.

Before making a decision, you need to know exactly at what depth the saturated aquifers lie and determine the depth of the face. The type of well and the choice of drilling method directly depend on the location of the layer.

The deeper the aquifer lies, the fewer restrictions on development time

Based on maps of the occurrence of aquifers, the depth and type of source are determined. Depending on the purpose and economic feasibility, the following is arranged:

  • Surface ground water intakes: classic, tube wells.
  • Wells for sand: needles (Abyssinian wells) with a shaft depth up to the first sandy horizon, deep wells for sand with a depth of up to 25 - 40 m.

Sand well design

  • Artesian wells: the depth of the bore depends on the occurrence of water-bearing limestone rocks and can be up to 200 m or more.

After determining the type, a construction method is chosen - they decide when it is best to drill a well in order to reduce the labor intensity of the process and save time on waiting.

Drilling depth diagram different types wells

The time for arrangement is chosen with special care surface waters fences Such sources do not go deep into rocks that are characterized by stable moisture saturation throughout the year. The depth of wells usually does not exceed 10 - 12 m, so it is easy to make a mistake with the depth.

Groundwater is not good source for use as drinking water, but suitable for seasonal technical use. It is advisable to drive shallow wells and dig classic wells in summer cottages not connected to power grids.

It is easier to work manually in dry soil

Construction is carried out only in dry soil, during the season when the water level is at its minimum. This way it is possible to create a shallow source that will not dry out during the summer drought. When is it better to summer cottage drill a surface well or a well? The optimal time is the end of August, September. At this time, the groundwater level is minimal; accordingly, it will be possible to find a water carrier that will be relatively stable in flow rate throughout the entire period of use.

Sand wells can be installed at any time of the year, but experts try to avoid drilling in wet soil in the off-season. When a sand well is drilled in spring or autumn, it is better to choose May or September-October. In wet soil, it becomes difficult to install casing columns. During the passage, the walls crumble into the shaft. There is a possibility of error in determining the depth and stopping work in the seasonally saturated layer.

Jump better in summer: no need to stop work or deepen a well with an incorrect depth

Artesian wells are drilled without seasonal restrictions. Deep sources are not affected seasonal changes the water level in the rock, and the work involves the use of heavy equipment that works in any conditions.

Drilling technology: temperature and seasonal restrictions

The choice of time when it is better and easier to drill a well under water depends on the drilling technology. When drilling surface wells, the shock-rope method is used. Work is often carried out manually.

Heavy wet soil has to be lifted almost manually

Naturally, it is difficult to work in cold weather when it is necessary without professional equipment pass through frozen layers of soil. In the off-season, there are problems with removing heavy soil from the trunk, so experts recommend drilling in summer or early autumn.

The equipment copes with work in difficult areas in any weather

Auger and rotary hydraulic drilling is performed using drilling rigs: small-sized or mobile equipment. The timing depends on:

  • Conditions of the soil on access roads: the main thing is that the equipment can be delivered to the work site.
  • The need to carry out construction work: laying a pipeline to the house, installing a pump group. In winter, it is difficult to install a caisson, mount equipment and dig trenches.
  • Site Conditions: On sites where construction is planned, there is no need to carefully choose the timing to avoid damaging the lawn or walkways.

Selecting a site: how to avoid soil damage

Deciding when it is best to drill a well depends on the characteristics of the site chosen for the work. Before starting drilling, it is worth conducting a geodetic analysis of the terrain: you need to select a place with a minimum slope. If you build a source in a depression, then during snow melting, the shaft, caisson may flood and surface water may penetrate into the well. On level ground it is easier to maintain the absolute verticality of the trunk.

If there is a residential building on the site, or construction is planned, choose a site located as close as possible to the foundation line, maintaining a minimum distance of 5 m from the wall. The wellbore must be located at a distance of at least 25 - 30 m from sewer tanks and septic tanks.

The source is installed at a minimum distance from the house

Sometimes the choice of season is limited by difficulties with the delivery of equipment: hard soil on the road with a width of at least 3 m is required. The site for installing large-sized equipment must correspond to the dimensions: from 4 m in width, from 9 m in length. If you plan to drill and there is no water source, you will have to deliver a tank of water. For placement, you need a site of similar size near the drilling rig.

When is it more profitable to carry out drilling operations: seasonal features

The seasonal peak in demand for drilling operations is summer and the first month of autumn. Indeed, the conditions are ideal, the soil is hard and it is possible to build a source of any type, regardless of depth.

In spring and late autumn, demand is minimal, there are no queues. This is due big amount precipitation and technology specifics. In winter, there is a greater chance of saving money: but in the cold it is better to just drill and postpone construction until it warms up.

Which well can be drilled in spring or autumn?

In the off-season, you can drill artesian wells: in spring or autumn, work is carried out to excavate deep sources for sand and limestone. You can drill:

  • If there good road to the site.
  • When the site is not landscaped.

In early spring it is impossible to carry out work without damaging the area

From surface sources in the off-season, it makes sense to equip an igloo or Abyssinian well. The casing pipe is installed during drilling, being at the same time a drill - shedding of the walls does not slow down the work. Usually slaughter is carried out manually: wet ground passage is easier and faster.

In late autumn you can choose a short period without precipitation


  • Severe damage to the area occurs.
  • The extracted wet soil is difficult to dispose of; during rains, the dirt is spread throughout the entire area.
  • High risk of errors in determining depth, difficulties with equipment installation.

Late summer and early autumn: better conditions and peak demand for drilling work

Better conditions When you can drill any well - summer and autumn. The groundwater level is the lowest. The soil is compacted, making it easy to transport the equipment even off-road. After completion of the work, only dry soil from the trunk will remain on the site, which can be easily removed.

During the summer months, all types of water intakes are installed


  • It is easier to choose a time without precipitation to organize work.
  • There is no risk of collapse or flooding of the trunk by high water.
  • It is possible to carry out work as a complex: drilling with simultaneous construction.
  • Ideal conditions for all types of sources: surface and deep.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the heavy workload of drilling crews. It is better to order summer drilling in advance: 4 – 5 months before the planned procedure. It is also better to agree on the cost in advance and make an advance payment. Increased demand stimulates seasonal price increases. Equipment should be purchased in advance: during the peak construction season, prices for materials for arrangement also increase.

Winter: how to save money and quickly equip a well

Winter period ideal for drilling deep artesian wells. Advantages:

  • Clean area after work.
  • The lawn is not damaged.
  • The integrity of the soil is not compromised.
  • Drilling will cost less - there is a seasonal decline in demand.
  • Minimal risk of errors in determining depth.

Arrangement in winter: minimum dirt and undamaged soil

The disadvantage of winter drilling is the uncomfortable working temperature for the craftsmen and restrictions on the installation of equipment: it is impossible to install a pipeline and connect pumps at temperatures below -5 O. There is a way out: assemble the pumping group in an isolated room or basement, or postpone the piping until it warms up.

Video: operation of a small-sized installation in winter

In winter, not only heavy equipment works: it can be done without unnecessary dirt and favorable price sand well. In the video: how a compact installation works on a landscaped site in winter.

Drilling is a job for specialists. You need to choose the type of source and season for work not on your own, but after a complete analysis of all the source data. Experts will tell you which type of water intake will cost less, when it is faster and more profitable to carry out

Well on suburban area is a very important and sometimes the only source of water. Very often its location is planned at the very beginning of construction, because the drilling location is of great importance. The quantity and quality of water, as well as the possibility of further maintenance, depend on it. But before you start drilling, you should not only decide where to drill a well on the site, but also consider everything possible options use of extracted water.

How to choose the right place for drilling

In many cases, a source of water on the site is needed only to ensure regular watering of the garden or lawn. In this case there is no need to achieve High Quality, therefore, the main criterion when choosing a place for drilling will be the proximity of water to the surface. This will help save time and money. Some plants can help determine the proximity of a water layer. For example, it was experimentally determined that in places where bird cherry, lingonberry, willow and other water-loving plants grow, the water is at a minimum depth.

You can drill a well to the upper layer of water (upper water) relatively quickly. But in most cases such water will be absolutely unsuitable for drinking. In perched water there are often admixtures of sand and soil, which will literally crunch on your teeth. Well, after heavy rains, all the dirt from the surface gets into this layer of water. Therefore, if you need to drill a well in an area that will provide clean and high-quality water, you need to make your way to deeper water horizons.

Such work can only be performed by professional drillers with specialized equipment. In this case, it is impossible to accurately determine the proximity of water. And it doesn’t really matter to drillers where to drill a well, because there is water almost everywhere, and an extra couple of meters of drilling doesn’t really matter. Therefore, at this stage, you need to choose the location wisely, based on the landscape and location of economic facilities.

Landscape and vegetation

Since in drilling deep wells Heavy equipment is always involved, it is necessary to provide it with free passage to the site and convenient placement. Minimum size the platform for placing the truck is 9x4 m. You should also choose an area without trees and wires, since the mast of the drill rises to a height of up to 10 m.

Vegetation around the well can also become a serious obstacle. If the well is shallow, then every autumn, along with the rains, the products of rotting leaves will seep into the water. In a deep well, the water is located under solid rocks, and rainwater does not threaten it. But the roots big trees Over time, they can damage the canal, so you need to avoid proximity to powerful root systems.

Landscape is of great importance. If there are hills on the site, then you should not choose a place on the slope or in the lowlands. The location on a hill guarantees that during heavy rain the pit will not be flooded. But with silt and mud flows, various bacteria can enter the water through the production pipe, after which a complex process of disinfecting the source will have to be carried out. In addition, it is very inconvenient to locate drilling equipment on slopes. Of course, it is not always possible to find a perfectly flat place, but if the surface slope is less than 35°, then it is considered acceptable for drilling.

Remoteness from polluting objects

But still the most important condition When choosing a location for a well, the distance from economic facilities is important.

According to sanitary standards, a well or a well must be 5 m away from residential premises and 25 m from the septic tank.

The great depth of the well will no longer help here, because wastewater can reach the source even along the walls of the pipe. In this case, the water will become undrinkable. Moreover, there is a risk of spoiling the water within a radius of several hundred meters, and then even drilling a new well will not help.

If there are cesspools or garbage dumps, it is not recommended to drill a well within a radius of 50 meters from them. In order not to take risks, you should, if possible, try to drill as far as possible from treatment facilities. The most dangerous objects for a well are:

  • sewage;
  • buildings for keeping animals (pigsties, chicken coops, etc.);
  • household waste dumps;
  • garages.

It is enough to move away from the house by the recommended 5 m, because the further the well is, the more difficult and expensive it is to extend water pipes in the home. Do not forget to also coordinate your actions with your neighbors; perhaps their plans include the construction of utility or treatment facilities. Then all your work may be in vain.

The choice of location for the well is the first, but the most important step to provide the site with water. Following simple rules, you will provide your home with clean and fresh artesian water for many years!

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