Liquid wallpaper looks like on the wall. Liquid wallpaper - favorable price! Liquid wallpaper: what is it

Liquid wallpaper in the photo it is worth buying and evaluating their merits. Liquid wallpaper in the photo is inexpensive, the price is lower compared to decorative plaster, while they create a homogeneous, environmentally friendly wall covering. This is an absolutely unique coating that finds everything large quantity fans.

Liquid wallpaper in the photo only formally refers to wallpaper, due to the visual sensation, but in terms of its properties and application, it is more of a decorative silk plaster. They do not have seams, as they are applied as a single mass with a trowel, moreover, they externally help to hide wall irregularities and microcracks, and for application you only need water. This is far from full list advantages of this coating for walls and ceilings.

Please note that the preparation of the walls is the key to durability. Do not skimp on the primer (we sell exactly the primer concentrate). While your wallpaper is infused, you will have time to prime it in two layers. These simple steps will become insurance for you!

Liquid wallpaper can be applied to any walls and even the ceiling, as well as other complex geometric and curved surfaces. All this makes this type of coating absolutely universal and much easier to apply. See for yourself!

Liquid wallpaper due to environmental friendliness, they are often pasted over in children's rooms and kindergartens. They also have a breathable coating, and a large catalog liquid wallpaper and design options make them versatile for use in the bedroom, hallway, living room and even the kitchen. By the way, for the kitchen, corridor, pantry, as well as those places where increased pollution is possible, we recommend covering after application with Poliver acrylic protective varnish, which you can buy in our online store of liquid wallpaper.

The ability to combine several series and colors at once, to make an artistic panel or just the bottom with one color and the top with another - all this, as well as the low price, makes liquid wallpaper the choice for many. Which liquid wallpaper is better and suitable for you? The wide possibilities of decor are not limited to walls and are increasingly being used for the ceiling. Natural adhesive is highly resistant and lasts for decades.

Cellulose-based glue is already included in the liquid wallpaper, so it is enough to soak the mixture and let it brew for a while so that it sticks to the surface thoroughly.

In our online store there is a complete photo catalog of liquid wallpaper, you can buy this amazing cover with free shipping.

Liquid wallpaper in the Repair School photo

In the photo - our liquid wallpaper Silk Plaster - a regular participant in the "School of Repair" and "Pro Decor" programs. Designers in Moscow and hundreds of other Russian cities use this unique material as decoration and interior decoration. Liquid wallpaper has become a recognizable brand, stylish and modern!

Liquid wallpaper catalog combines both bed and bright colors, which makes it possible to use them in various rooms and interiors. The low price of the economy and standard series is often popular for finishing commercial premises, offices and simply for large volumes. We are pleased when, having bought once, they call us again to order another series for pasting another room or after the recommendation of neighbors and friends, receiving positive feedback.

Liquid wallpaper In addition to versatility, they have a number of other advantages. Big choice catalog and a wide range of prices, allow you to choose wallpaper for every taste. In addition, they have excellent moisture-absorbing and vapor-permeable abilities, which is very valuable for stuffy rooms and places with high humidity, such as the kitchen. All this is called - "breathing" or breathable coating.

Of the other advantages - additional sound and heat insulation, the absence of cracks and seams, unlike other wallpapers, ease of application, including on uneven surfaces, bevels and even ceilings. In addition, liquid wallpaper is fire resistant. They are recommended for application on escape routes from public buildings as well as in crowded places.

Online store of liquid wallpapers- that's where to buy! Positive reviews liquid wallpaper received due to the possibility of inconspicuous repairs. If your wall gets dirty or mechanical damage, then it is enough to wet the damaged area, remove some of the wallpaper in this place and apply a new layer, for example, from the remaining mixture. You can read more about this in the application section.

A few years ago, liquid wallpaper appeared on the market for finishing materials. Gradually, they are becoming more and more popular, as they can be used for 5-8 years without losing their appearance, even in the hallway or corridor. Among the advantages of this coating are safety, high maintainability, plasticity, which allows you to easily finish arches, columns, and other complex-shaped surfaces.

What it is

Liquid wallpaper is sometimes confused with decorative plaster. Probably because the application technique is very similar. - using a spatula. The fundamental difference is that the composition of the applied mass is completely different. Any plaster contains sand, and cement and lime are used as a binder. The composition of liquid wallpaper includes silk, cotton, cellulose fibers. As a binder - some kind of glue.

Acrylic dyes are usually used to color the composition, and sparkles are added to obtain a surface that is different in appearance. different sizes, pieces of mica, mother-of-pearl, thread, other natural or artificial materials. These decorative additives are called "glitters".

How do they look on the wall

If we talk about the appearance, liquid wallpaper is a cross between plaster and paper wallpaper. From the store you bring a dry composition, to which, according to the instructions, add a certain amount of water. The resulting semi-liquid mass is applied to the walls or ceiling. The coating is seamless due to the plasticity of the material; minor surface defects are corrected during application - recesses, cracks, etc. Due to the same plasticity, it is not too difficult to form a drawing, even a picture.

Liquid wallpaper can be applied to the walls even complex patterns ... or paintings

So on the wall, liquid wallpaper looks different. Adds more difference different composition. If it is silk-based liquid wallpaper, the surface has a characteristic matte gloss. This composition is also called "liquid silk". Cellulose and cotton variation - matte, even in the same shade and with the same decorative additives, the wall looks different.

And there are also mixed compositions - cellulose-silk or cotton-silk, in which there is a certain degree of sheen, but not so pronounced. In general, it's hard to say what liquid wallpaper looks like on the wall. If you like decorative plaster, you will also like this finish option.


Liquid wallpaper is distinguished by composition. As already mentioned, they are made on the basis of natural fibers. According to the type of these fibers, they are:

They differ not only in composition, but also in appearance. It is difficult to convey this in the pictures - the difference is in the presence and type of gloss, its brightness, visual "looseness" or smoothness of the surface. Of all the options, the most expensive silk compositions. More budget - cotton and cellulose.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about general impression, some people like liquid wallpaper, some don't. But they have good features. The advantages include the following qualities:

Good qualities. Most impressive is the high maintainability. This is good in the presence of pets: scratches are simply overwritten. If you like this coating also externally, you should try it.

Liquid wallpaper also has disadvantages:

As you can see, there are some pretty serious drawbacks. The most unpleasant thing is the impossibility of wet cleaning. In the hallway or in the kitchen, this is not always acceptable. This disadvantage can be leveled by varnishing the wall. It can be washed, but cannot be restored. In addition, the varnished coating loses vapor permeability, but becomes water-repellent.

Application technique

Although manufacturers say that liquid wallpaper can be applied to curved walls, it is better not to do this. There are two points. The first is increased material consumption. Considering that the cost of liquid wallpaper is not too low (one package per 4-5 m² is required, and it costs from $5 to $18, although there are $40), it is cheaper to prepare the surface. The second point is that if there are significant differences, a pronounced “spotting” may result. Darker will be the areas where the liquid wallpaper lay down in a thick layer, and lighter where the layer is thin (due to the translucence of the wall). This again leads to an increase in consumption - to even out the color.

Surface preparation

First of all, you need to remove the old decorative coating. We peel off the wallpaper to the bare wall, we also remove the paint, if it bubbles and peels off. Then we smooth out the bumps. As already said, better wall make it more or less even.

A smooth (or relatively flat) wall must be smeared several times with a primer. This will reduce the absorbency of the surface, making it easier to work.

According to the experience of use, liquid wallpaper is best applied to rough walls, such as plaster. So, it is desirable that the primer gives a similar effect. From finished formulations This is Betonokontakt. After its application, the wall becomes a little "viscous" in sensations, grains of sand adhering to the surface make it rough. On such a basis, any composition fits perfectly. There is also a cheaper option for priming walls for liquid wallpaper - the most inexpensive white water-based emulsion (2 parts) with PVA glue (1 part). It is necessary to cover with a primer (any) at least twice.

If the wall has an uneven color, and the primer did not hide it, you will also have to paint it. Because when applying a thin layer, darker and lighter areas will shine through. You can get the cheapest water-based paint and paint the wall with it. Ideally even color is not needed, there should not be sharp transitions.

One more moment. If there are metal fragments in the wall - nails, screws, etc., it is advisable to remove them. If you can't remove it, paint the area with some kind of water-repellent paint the same color as the base. If this is not done, while the liquid wallpaper dries, the metal will rust, and the rust will “come out” ugly yellow spot. Will have to repair immediately. So everything is better metal objects isolate beforehand.

Composition preparation

Liquid wallpaper is sold dry in bags. Before use, water is added to the composition, everything is well mixed. The amount of water depends on the volume of the bag, the type of composition, the manufacturer. The specific amount is written on the package.

It is more convenient for this work to have a large plastic bucket - 12 liters or more. Pour the contents of the package into it, add water. The mixture should be stirred until smooth. It turns out something similar to minced meat.

Since liquid wallpaper does not contain harmful chemical additives, you can mix it with your hands. If the mass is unpleasant for you, you can wear gloves. The finished mass is usually transferred back to the bag, the “neck” is twisted and left for several hours (at least 4-5 hours, but preferably 10-12) - for uniform swelling. Please note that the dried composition will be noticeably lighter than wet.

It is better to knead at once all the amount necessary to finish a room or at least one wall. If you put it in "pieces" you can see the borders. They are almost invisible on light shades, but can spoil the picture if the color is bright. If the borders are still visible, until the wall is completely dry, you should not take any action. Perhaps the borders will disappear when completely dry. If the liquid wallpaper is dry, but transitions are visible, the composition can be removed with a spatula, soaked again for several hours, mixed and applied again.

Wall or ceiling application

To work take a new trowel. To make it easier to follow the process, there is a trowel with a transparent plastic work surface. It is easier for beginners to work with such a trowel. The process itself is simple:

It is advisable to process the entire wall at a time, otherwise the junction lines of the two "pieces" may be visible. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to process the entire wall at a time, sprinkle the joint well with water, wait 20-25 minutes, you can continue finishing. Most likely, the joint will be subtle or almost invisible.

In the corners, you can use a regular spatula, but it's easier to do even corners using special corners. First, a mass is applied on both sides of the corner, carried out with an angular spatula, the excess squeezed out is rubbed from the corner onto the wall, leveling the surface.

Liquid wallpaper dries for a long time - about 48 hours. The composition contains a substantial amount of water, so that when it dries in the room, there is high humidity, which inevitably gets into other rooms. But in the process, you can turn on the heating, open windows, arrange a draft. There are no restrictions.

Application with a roller

Applying liquid wallpaper with a trowel or spatula is good for everyone, except that the process takes a lot of time. To speed up the process, you can try applying liquid wallpaper with a roller. Only the roller should be special: with hard short hairs collected in groups. The width is about 15 cm. If this is not found, you can use fur with a hard short pile or foam rubber, but hard.

Before starting work, dilute liquid wallpaper according to the instructions, prepare the wall. After trying to work with the resulting composition. If the mass is poorly distributed on the wall, add a little water. But add little by little, because too liquid will “creep”. The technique is slightly different:

  • Apply a certain amount of mass to the wall with a spatula, not worrying too much about the thickness of the layer. Just make a "flip".
  • Roll out with a roller.
  • Apply the next batch of mortar, roll out.

With the help of a roller, it is easier to maintain the same thickness of the material. This works well on flat walls. Moreover, the finishing speed is 6-8 m².

Different application techniques produce different effects

When applying liquid wallpaper with a roller, the surface is more rough, textured. If you don’t like this effect, after the wall is finished, moisten it with a spray bottle, wait 15 minutes, go over the surface with a clean trowel soaked in water, smoothing the relief.

How to make patterns with liquid wallpaper

It is unlikely that beginners will be able to make complex patterns on the walls with liquid wallpaper, but it is quite possible to try something simple. The easiest way to make two-color patterns, and the easiest - geometric.

You can find any image. But then you need to transfer the outline of the drawing to the wall. If you have artistic ability, you can try to do it "by hand". If it doesn’t work out, you can enlarge it to the required size, print it on paper, but it’s better on cardboard, cut it out and attach it to the wall. Fill around with one wallpaper color. When the liquid wallpaper is dry, remove the paper/cardboard using a second fill in the empty area. But it is necessary to work carefully, without dirtying the already finished part.

If the drawing is simple - geometric figures, for example, you can install some kind of hard barrier to separate colors. For example, beacons for plaster. They are fixed, filled with liquid wallpaper of the same color. After drying, you can remove the beacons and carefully, without crawling onto the finished part, use the second color.

There is a way to transfer complex drawings without printing. You will need glass, a black marker, a lamp. Draw a contour on the glass with a black felt-tip pen, highlight it with a lamp. A clear outline appears on the wall, which we simply direct. We fill in the way that is more convenient, but usually first large areas, then smaller ones.

Here you will find out what liquid wallpaper is, what pros and cons the owners will face with such a home design, how to inexpensively create liquid wallpaper with their own hands, and also get acquainted with photos of professional decoration and design of the bedroom, living room and children's room!

The choice of finishing materials is becoming more and more diverse, from decorative plaster to liquid and glass wall paper, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose an alternative to paper roll classics. Let's try, without rejecting advertising, to fairly understand all the advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper, methods of applying them and design options for them. various premises. First, let's find out what they are.

What is liquid wallpaper?

There is no clear opinion about the difference between decorative plaster and liquid wallpaper. Some believe that liquid wallpaper is a variety finishing plaster, others, on the contrary, that liquid is a mixture that combines the properties of plaster and paper wallpaper. One thing is clear: it is not necessary to identify these concepts - they correspond different requirements, have different textures and are applied to the surface in different ways.

The composite basis of liquid wallpaper is cellulose fiber and glue. Depending on the decor, cotton and silk fibers, dyes, as well as all kinds of relief elements - wood chips, mica of algae and plants, sand and much more can be added to the composition.

By the way, their composition determines the first and main advantage of liquid wallpaper - a huge variety of colors, patterns, textures, so that they can be used as decoration for almost all areas of the house, office or public space.

To correctly weigh all the pros and cons of liquid wallpaper, we suggest contacting comparative table and visually see how many characteristics fell on the scales “for” and how many on the “against”.

Resistance to frost and sudden changes in t°, can be used in poorly heated rooms.They are afraid of moisture, which facilitates their dismantling, but absolutely does not allow them to be used in the bathroom.
Do not fade in the sun, unlike paper wallpaper.Only dry cleaning (vacuum cleaner or dry rag), therefore, it is undesirable to finish them with kitchen walls that quickly become dirty from grease and soot.
When applied, the surface is corrected (cracks, holes, etc.), therefore, pre-treatment of the surface with plaster is not required (of course, if we are not talking about completely uneven surfaces).Relatively high price compared to conventional wallpaper
Easy to apply on the wall and also easy to dismantle.
Isolate sound, heat.
Absolutely environmentally friendly, non-toxic, do not emit hazardous substances.
Does not accumulate dirt and dust
Walls, unlike vinyl, do not accumulate moisture, do not become damp and do not create a greenhouse effect in the apartment.
They can be used on hard-to-reach, non-standard surfaces, i.e. where paper wallpaper have to be cut, glued, patched decorative elements.

Obviously, the advantages of liquid wallpaper far outweigh the disadvantages, but not everything is so simple.

Let's consider the pros. Leaning towards this type of finish, think about how smooth your walls are, whether they require pre-treatment and whether differences and irregularities in the composition of the surface will be noticeable. After all, liquid wallpaper can only smooth out minor flaws, but does not even out the walls, as plaster or drywall could do.

Let's turn to the cons, especially the issue of cleaning. On the one side, wet cleaning liquid wallpaper simply dismantles them, so it is simply impossible to remove pollution with moisture. On the other hand, if for some reason you stained a piece of the wall, you can easily dilute the wallpaper mixture and apply it to the contaminated area. It will be inconvenient only in a place where the walls are constantly dirty (for example, in the kitchen), in all other cases it is much more convenient and more aesthetic than cutting out a piece of dirty wallpaper and sticking a new one.

Along with paper and vinyl wallpaper, liquid have a rich assortment of colors and textures, so you can use all your design skills and combine several types of mixtures in an intricate pattern or picture, whatever you can achieve using ordinary paper wallpapers.

How to make liquid wallpaper at home with your own hands

Here is a life hack for making liquid wallpaper at home, and this method proves that the disadvantage of “high price” is very relative. If you apply a little ingenuity and creativity, you get this option:

  1. We take paper (even regular A4 will do, you can even dirty drafts). We cut it in a chaotic manner, the smaller, the better. On average, pieces are 3-4 cm.
  2. We fill it with water in a container in which our mixture will be located in the future, i.e. according to the principle “this bucket is not a pity”. Water should completely cover the paper, but not too much, so that the solution does not turn out to be too liquid. Leave it for 2-3 hours until the paper is completely wet.
  3. With a construction mixer, we grind the soaked sheets into the most homogeneous mixture.
  4. Add color, gypsum, PVA glue (proportions for 1 sheet of paper - 1 teaspoon of gypsum and 5 ml of glue), mix again. You can add decorative elements - shavings, sparkles, etc.
  5. Apply with an iron spatula on a dry prepared surface with a layer of 3-4 mm, let dry.

Such a simple master class will allow you to decorate the walls in an original way almost for free. You can also learn more about it from the video:

The technology of applying liquid wallpaper

The rules for applying liquid wallpaper are indicated on each package, so it makes no sense to dwell on the proportions and how to dilute the finished mixture. We will talk a little more about some of the subtleties that will improve the aesthetic appearance of the finish and help to avoid various “blunders” of repair.

Features of applying liquid wallpaper

  • After breeding dry ready mix(according to the instructions), she needs to let it brew for 12 hours. Stir again before application.
  • The initial and subsequent mixing is best done by hand, since the mixer can destroy the structure and the effect of the wallpaper will not be the same as in the picture.
  • The mixture should be applied with a metal spatula, while the pressure should be optimally unchanged and uniform - not excessive, so as not to disturb the texture, but not weak, so that the coating does not fall off.
  • One wall must be from one batch, otherwise there is a risk of visible transitions;
  • The total layer should not exceed 4-5 mm. Ideally - 2-3 mm for the rough layer, 2 mm for the finish.

Don't forget to leave finished wall for drying for 48-72 hours, depending on the humidity of the room.

  • Draw a rough drawing on the wall with a pencil;
  • small rubber spatula 2-5 cm we apply the mixture and rub it along the contour of the picture, trying not to protrude beyond the borders;
  • After drying (3-4 hours is enough), apply the next color;
  • Try to apply all colors in the same layer.

liquid wallpaper care

Remember that you can only care for liquid wallpaper with dry cleaning, no wet rags or scrubbing stains with brushes!

If you have a problem with contamination, gently wet the damaged area, remove the old layer sharp knife or with a spatula and apply a new layer of the mixture of the same color and structure. At first, the renewed piece will differ in color, but after drying, you will not notice the difference.

Where to apply this finish

Liquid wallpaper is well suited for the walls of the bedroom, children's room, living room or corridor, it is not recommended to use them only in the bathroom (with high humidity) and the kitchen (where there is a high risk of contamination).

Living room and bedroom

Liquid wallpaper is ideal for decorating a bedroom and living room, both from an aesthetic side and in terms of tactile sensations. Pleasant to the touch and interestingly textured is the silk plaster finish - liquid wallpaper, which contains silk and cotton fibers. With them, the room will look very cozy, as if covered with textiles.

For more originality, a little glitter or even fluorescent paint can be added to the mixture, causing a gentle shimmer in the light and glow in the dark.

You can also highlight one of the walls in an original way (- this is the wall on which the view from the sofa will rest, in the bedroom - this is the area at the head of the bed) using textured plaster or liquid wallpaper with a large non-uniform texture.

Golden looks rich and stylish classic Venetian plaster(“marble dust”). It creates a unique deep light of the walls, a cozy glow, a play of chiaroscuro along with barely visible cracks and veins. No one will remain indifferent to this design of the living room or bedroom.

Adding granules and flock will create three-dimensional images and enliven the plain surface of the walls. In addition, this design trick is used to visual expansion premises.

Children's room

How else can you be original, except with the help of liquid wallpaper. This room:

  • Safer - the walls here breathe, do not create a greenhouse effect and do not accumulate dust;
  • More interesting - unlike the paper alternative, here you yourself create any drawing you like and you can even invite your child to work. A room made with liquid wallpaper will look much more comfortable than a room painted with paint. Relive it with decorative elements, sparkles, fluorescent paint.
  • Always ready for children's experiments and "surprises". If you don’t always clean off ordinary wallpaper “ children's creativity”, then in the case of liquid wallpaper, you can always repair a wall decorated by a child.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from right place life is more fun :)


domestic market materials for repair is striking in its diversity. One of the most popular coatings is decorative plaster. There is a lot of conflicting information on the web about this type of finish. What it is? How does it differ from the usual tapestry? What are the pros and cons of famous plaster? How to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls? More on this in our short review.

General information about the material

The finishing material is a subspecies of plaster with the addition of cellulose and silk fibers. To give the material aesthetic appearance, pigments, fillers (granules, sparkles) are added to the composition. For fastening use regular glue CMC, which is used for pasting with roll wallpaper. These are all similarities with standard materials. According to the application technology, the substance is closer to plaster or putty.

The advantages of this type of finish:

  • health safety;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation;
  • applied to any plane (arches, columns, figured panels);
  • lack of seams;
  • silky surface;
  • do not burn out.

If you accidentally stain or damage any area with wallpaper, you can simply wash it off with water. You will need to cut a piece and seal the hole with fresh mortar. Among the disadvantages of such material, I would like to note high price, lack of variety of colors and shades. Although due to the unusual texture they achieve original patterns on the walls.

How to glue liquid wallpaper on the wall

How to apply liquid wallpaper at home? Will cope with the process without problems experienced builder and an ordinary housewife - no special knowledge or skills are needed. If you have applied putty on the wall with a spatula at least once, then you will not have any difficulties with this material. Nothing will be spoiled, since you can remove and re-shift. You will save your nerves and money.

How to apply

What tool to use for applying liquid wallpaper? The procedure is carried out with a spatula or roller. How is liquid wallpaper applied to the walls? Developed special tools - graters. They have a narrow blade and are made of clear, strong plastic. With this tool it is convenient to control the process of smoothing wet fibers. A little creativity and you will create an original textured pattern.

Application technology

With strong pressure, the material flattens out and loses its shape. If not pressed, the layer will be very thick and consumption will increase. One package is enough on average for 3 m² flat surface. Coating thickness - up to 3 mm. The drying period of the surfaces is two days. The liquid from the solution will evaporate, so the material requires a well-ventilated area. Liquid wallpaper application technique:

  • we recruit the composition with a tool, with our hands;
  • put a portion of the mixture on a spatula, wall and grind;
  • level the surface with a grater.

Methods for applying liquid wallpaper

How to glue liquid wallpaper? They apply the material from any place - they lie flat. Even if you have moved to new house, you do not need to wait for the building to shrink - the plasticity of the wallpaper will not allow cracks to appear on the surface. Before applying, remove the remnants of old paper, putty, glue or paint. Remove metal objects from the wall so that there is no staining, stains or streaks.

For paint

How is liquid wallpaper applied to the wall? Without pre-training on whitewash and paint is impossible. Better protect gypsum mixture. After drying, it is worth treating the surface with a quartz primer. Don't be afraid of cracks or minor dents - popular finishing material hide these flaws. Try not to make the color of the walls bright, otherwise it will show through the popular plaster.

In the bathroom

How to apply liquid wallpaper in rooms with constant dampness? Remember: the material is not moisture resistant, so it must be coated with a special repellent varnish. Choose products from the same manufacturer. Two layers of protective substance will not allow water to be absorbed. If there are leaks from plumbing and pipes, then paint over them oil paint. Otherwise, rusty stains will appear.

On drywall

Convenient, popular material used to line walls. However, joints and attachment points are visible. Coat the self-tapping screws with oil paint, so you need to putty the entire surface. Next, the walls are primed and painted with a water-based emulsion. Our goal is to fix the putty, because it is not a water-repellent material. After drying, we can apply plaster.

To the ceiling

We remove the remains of whitewash, paper, glue from the ceiling. Lighting it is better to remove it, and turn off the electricity for the duration of work. We level the surface with putty, primer. The application process is carried out with a grater in a circular motion - then you will get an unusual chaotic pattern. To check the quality of work, illuminate the area with wallpaper from the side with a flashlight - all the bumps will be visible.

Before you buy liquid wallpaper, you need to find out what kind of liquid wallpaper they have on the market today there is a great variety. They are easy enough to restore if the surface was damaged during operation, and after you decide to replace them, the finish will be easy to get rid of.

Features of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is by and large, ordinary decorative plaster. Some consumers are wondering why this material has acquired such a name. Everything is explained by the fact that it is based on cellulose fiber, which is completely harmless, as it is natural. In addition to other ingredients, the composition of the wallpaper contains a binder, which is adhesive composition- CMC. After hardening, liquid wallpaper does not look like traditional at all, but they can be presented different coatings, among which are silk, glossy, matte, etc.

Positive features of liquid wallpaper

When choosing which finish to purchase for the surface of the walls, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper. If we consider the pros, then we can immediately compare the liquid variety of wallpaper with traditional material. IN last case craftsmen have to work hard to evenly stick the canvas on the wall, combine the pattern, and also overcome the corners and all the unevenness of the room. In addition, in order to apply glue to the sheet, it is necessary to have a large free space. In the case of liquid wallpaper, you should not be afraid to damage or tear them, since they are sold in powder form, and preparation for work involves only diluting the composition in water.

There is no need to think about which side the light falls on in the room, because liquid wallpaper does not leave seams after application, and reviews about them confirm this. It is possible to apply the composition after preparation not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling, and the work will not seem so laborious compared to the technology that is used when sticking ordinary wallpaper. In the process of this, you will not even need the help of an outsider, you can handle the work yourself.

Plus, there is no need for surface preparation.

Another advantage for which consumers love liquid wallpaper is that it does not take too long to prepare the surface, which cannot be said about traditional wallpaper, the base of which, after gluing, will give out all the surface irregularities. On the contrary, if there are minor irregularities on the walls, they can be eliminated by applying the composition. As a result, you will be able to get quality finish, which is completely devoid of shortcomings.

It is important to know the disadvantages of liquid wallpaper. Reviews will help you figure out which of them has coverage. But what exactly cannot be attributed to them is the ability of such a coating to pass air. Some believe that if the surface is seamless, it does not breathe, which means that fungi and mold can appear under it. But cellulose perfectly passes air, which is why you should not be afraid that the walls will become damp. This will save you from the so-called that is characteristic of rooms with vinyl wallpaper.

Before purchasing the described coating, consumers think about what other disadvantages of liquid wallpaper are. Feedback from a number of buyers indicate a relatively high cost. But this may be true only at first glance. After all, there can be no overspending of the material in this case, in addition, after the work there will be no waste, since it is possible to prepare exactly the amount of the composition that will be used, and it is very simple to repair the coating after damage, which cannot be said about ordinary wallpaper. All these circumstances force us to assert that the price is many times more profitable.

The main advantage is in aesthetics

So what attracts the consumer liquid wallpaper? Reviews (disadvantages will be discussed below) indicate that they look very aesthetically pleasing on the wall, and this can be called one of their main advantages. Considering this feature of theirs, answer yourself the question of whether you have seen the same wallpapers from your neighbors, relatives, friends and acquaintances that are pasted in one of the rooms of your house. This happens, admittedly, quite often. But with liquid wallpaper, you can create unique interior solutions that will remain unique under any circumstances.

An even more impressive effect in this regard can be achieved by applying liquid wallpaper to the wall in several combinations of colors and textures.

Negative characteristics

The disadvantages of liquid wallpaper, reviews of which you should definitely study before purchasing the composition, are expressed in the fact that they do not tolerate moisture. In this regard, they lose to moisture-resistant type wallpaper. If there are animals or small children in the house, then the surface of the walls cannot be washed after it is dirty. In order to correct the situation, it will only be necessary to repair a separate section, which involves the use of dry powder. It has to be pre-prepared by diluting it with water. The wall in the damaged area must also be pre-prepared, which involves cutting out the old coating. Next, you will have to apply the usual technology for applying the composition. The catch may be that the dry composition for breeding may not remain after the first repair, and it will be quite problematic to pick up an identical color a few years after the completion of the work. Yes, and the walls during operation could be a little rubbed and burn out. The application of a new layer on a separate area can be very noticeable.

Consumer reviews

After the shortcomings of liquid wallpaper have been studied, reviews can help make right choice at the time of purchase, buyers claim that applying the liquid mixture is very easy to work with. And not only experienced people can cope with this House master but also a beginner. The only thing to pay attention to, according to buyers, is the method of preparing the composition, which involves initially pouring the mixture into a container or bucket and then pouring it with liquid. It is not recommended to perform these manipulations in a different sequence. After the mixture is thoroughly mixed, emphasize those who have already applied the composition to the walls, it should be left for half an hour, which will allow the wallpaper to brew and the chemical components to interact.

(disadvantages, advantages, etc.) that you have studied well, can be applied in several ways. Experienced craftsmen it is advised to do this with a pistol, which will greatly speed up the process. Regardless of which tool was used in the process of applying the mixture, it must be left alone on the surface for a period that can last up to 70 hours, because this is the time it takes for the wallpaper to fully gain strength and dry.

Liquid wallpaper, reviews, tips, recommendations about which you have previously studied, will delight their owners for a long period. Despite the fact that the preparation of the walls is not accompanied by special difficulties, such work still requires compliance with certain rules. Among them is the need to remove old coatings from the base. After you have to put on what will get rid of errors. In addition, the more even the wall is, the less material will be wasted.

Liquid wallpaper, reviews, features, recommendations for applying which are familiar to any master, will look very aesthetically pleasing on the wall. And even if something does not quite work out in accordance with the instructions, there is always a way out of the situation. For example, if it was not possible to remove defects from the surface, then wallpaper can be applied in two layers, the first of which will be a primer, and the second - decorative.

Material consumption calculation

In order to calculate the material consumption, it must be taken into account that 1 kg of the mixture will cover 5 m 2. Thus, if there is a need to finish walls with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b20 m 2, then 4 kg of dry composition will have to be prepared.

After the pros and cons of liquid wallpaper became known to you, you assessed your skills and abilities in conducting repair work of this type, you can start decorating the walls.

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