How beautiful to arrange flower beds from tires. A flowerbed of wheel tires with your own hands: photo ideas for a flower garden. We plant in a flower bed

Probably, every owner of a summer house or a country house at some point has a desire to ennoble his site, to make it unique.

But a logical question arises: how? After all, goods are sold for everyone, where can one achieve self-expression? The solution is simple - do it yourself.

The role of flower beds in landscape design

One way to give the site individuality is to install flower beds. Flowers brighten up the landscape. And the more original, the more attention it attracts.

One of the ideas for creating a flower garden in the country is do-it-yourself flower beds from tires.

Rubber is malleable enough to be molded into various shapes.

It can be painted or decorated with other materials, creating a real masterpiece. By themselves, flowerbeds made of tires are an original idea, and if you apply imagination, then you will not be able to take your eyes off your site.

Tires are often thrown into landfills, polluting the environment in vain. Be original, find a better use for them.

You don't even have to buy tires: ask your neighbors, look for houses. Someone just has to lie around a couple of them.

In addition to the fact that do-it-yourself tire beds can be decorative element, they can be planted small seedlings: strawberries, for example.

Advantages and disadvantages of using tires

The most important advantage of this element of country decor is, of course, originality.

But he's not the only one. Tire beds:

  • easy to manufacture;
  • can be painted in bright and rich colors;
  • take the form you want;
  • free if you have used tires;
  • attractive.

Among the shortcomings of such flower beds, one can only single out the fact that not everyone likes them. Someone wants something simple and more elegant, someone does not want to spend time making them.

The original ones will help to give the flowerbed a complete look - a briefing with photos and video materials in the article.

IN landscape design mountain pine occupies a special place. What varieties of shrubs are used in our latitudes and this plant needs.

Types of flower beds from tires

Depending on your desire, you can create different types flower beds

simple and angry

The simplest, but, nevertheless, an attractive option is a tire bed in its original form.

Just throw in the earth and plant flowers. You can paint the tire to make it look more attractive.

Install several of these flower beds in the order you like on the same level, or build a multi-level structure out of them - and your lawn will become much more attractive.

If you like the idea of ​​a multi-level flower bed, take tires of different diameters and stack them on top of each other, covering each with earth.

You will get an original pyramid, on the tiers of which you can plant various flowers, decorate it with pebbles and other details. It looks beautiful, does not require much time - what more could you want?

Hanging flower beds

Hanging flower beds from tires can be arranged using a rope or chain, attached to a tree. For such a flower bed, you will have to cover the bottom of the tire with a planter or other suitable material.

Forms can be very different. For example, with the help of two tires and a piece of pipe, you can make a cup flower bed, a bag flower bed, and so on. Children will love the lawn, just like in their favorite fairy tales.

Let the fantasy run

If you want to stand out even more, tire cutting is for you. Flowers, swans, dragons and other representatives of flora and fauna.

You will need a shoe knife, a tire and a little imagination.

What do beginners need to know?

You don't need to be a carving expert to create an amazing and colorful DIY tire garden. To do this, you just need to know a few details.

Flower beds can be:

  • low;
  • high;
  • round;
  • curly;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered.

Materials for the manufacture of a flower garden are:

  • tires;
  • sharp knife;
  • paints;
  • stones, small and large;
  • metal grid;
  • remnants of building materials;
  • decorative stones and figurines.

First you need to know that the larger the site, the more massive the structure should be. Multi-tiered flower beds or a large number of small flower beds are suitable here.

The simplest of carved flowerbeds is the shape of a flower. It is easier to cut on soft rubber, especially on imported winter tires. It is thinner, therefore, and it is also easier to turn it inside out. Believe me, this is very important.

Before starting work, the tire must be cleaned of dirt and dust, washed and dried thoroughly.

In order not to get lost in the shape of the petals, just draw them and cut along the contour.

By the way, touch when painting inside so as not to disturb the aesthetics. Consider in advance how the color of the flower bed will be combined with the plants inside it. The more complex the shape and the brighter the color of the flower bed, the more modest and lower the flowers should be, and vice versa.

Making step by step

So, how to make a flower bed out of a tire with your own hands:

  1. First you need to choose a tire. It should be soft rubber. Be sure to check the presence of the disk so that you can create a full-fledged flower bed. Tires without a disc will work too: for example, if you want a high bed of several tires, a regular "cylinder".
  2. Come up with a future shape and draw a cut line with chalk. Flower petals, simple circles and notches. You can even cut the tire straight. The main thing is to come up with something that you like.
  3. Cut strictly along the marked line. Do not remove disc. Once you're done, set the top aside, turn the tire over, step on it, and pull it up, turning the edges out from under your foot. The most difficult thing is to cope with the first piece, then it will be easier. This is a rather time-consuming process, it requires brute force and patience. Girls will have a hard time dealing with this.
  4. Flip the tire back and bury the "leg" in the ground. you will succeed beautiful glass. The upper part can be cut inside and attached to the main structure, or you can simply throw it away. The advice to bury a tire here is not in vain: if there are children in the house, they can carry out your many hours of work while playing.
  5. decoration. This is where your imagination can run wild. Paint in one color or draw whatever your heart desires. Fence paint is perfect for this purpose. On top of the paint, you can attach pebbles, glass or other decorative elements. You can lay out patterns, or you can completely stick around the surface of the tire with improvised elements.
  6. For greater effect, if you grow in your flower garden small plants, decorate visible areas of the earth with pebbles, dwarf figurines, castles. You can create a fabulous composition from everything that comes to hand.

In the video, the manufacture of a simple flower bed of tires.

You can see how ready-made flower beds made from wheel tires look in the photo gallery.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating flowerbeds from tires. This could become fun entertainment for you and your children, a way to express yourself and develop your imagination.

And if someone has artistic talent at home, this is the place to use it.

The most time consuming part of the process is being able to spin the tire. But if you don't want to suffer, you can do something easier. By the way, flower beds are not the only thing for which old car wheels are useful in the country.

Be creative, have fun decorating your yard and surprise your neighbors!

It's always nice to find a way to give a second life to items about to be scrapped. A flowerbed of car tires - good example of how, it would seem, an obsolete one can find a worthy application.

If there is a choice, it is better to make complex structures from imported tires because their rubber is softer and easier to cut. Domestic tires are best left for flowerbed elements that do not require a change in shape. If you choose between summer and winter tires, it is better to give preference winter- it is more pliable and easy to cut. It should also be noted that the longer the tire has been in operation, the easier it will be to work with it: cut and turn out.

For creation, only tires thoroughly cleaned of dirt are used.

Important! Tires, as a material for making flower beds, have a number of advantages: durability, resistance to temperature extremes, ease of processing and economy.

What to cut?

To work, you need a very sharp knife with a thin butt and a jigsaw. During the cutting process, the knife must be periodically lubricated with machine oil (it can be used), so it will be easier to enter the rubber. It is best to use a knife only for making small cuts, and do the main work with an electric jigsaw. The more powerful the jigsaw, the easier it will be to cut the tire. The blade should be made of quality steel with a reverse tooth.

You can also use a grinder, but the downside is that when working with this tool, the cut edge will molten, and the cutting procedure will be followed by bad smell.

If you plan to cut out any curly elements, you must first mark the tire with chalk or a marker.

How to turn a tire inside out?

This is the most time-consuming part of the work of creating garden elements from tires, requiring physical strength. It is best to carry out the procedure together. The product is turned over with the cut side down, the edge of the tire is picked up by a strong object, such as a crowbar or a mount, and gradually turns inside out. As soon as a small area is turned out, the process will go faster. Having reached the half, you need to press on the tire from the sides, bringing its shape closer to the oval, this will help to turn the second half faster and with less effort.

What paint to paint?

Before you start painting, tires need degrease. You can use a universal degreaser or a special one for rubber. The decorative design of the resulting structure should only be carried out with paint suitable for outdoor use and assuming adhesion to rubber. These can be compositions on alkyd, acrylic or nitrocellulose bases, as well as automotive paints. In accordance with the selected paint, a primer similar in composition is selected.

It would be optimal to use an airbrush or paints in aerosol cans, this will make the applied layer more uniform and speed up the process, since the finished tire product needs to be painted over not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Choosing a combination of colors to decorate balloons beautifully

Choose color scheme for a flower bed it is possible according to several criteria:

  • Based on the shades of flowers that will be planted in the flower bed;
  • Based on the color combinations of nearby objects. For example, if the flowerbed is located on the playground, you can arrange it in the same cheerful colors as the elements of the children's town;
  • Wanting to make a flower bed a bright accent on a site where there is a lot of greenery, you can paint the balloons in a juicy, for example, red color. In this case, the design will become a full-fledged and noticeable element.

Important! Flowerbed painted in light colors minimizes the risk of soil overheating.

What flowers to plant?

An important point is the choice of soil for planting flowers. The earth mixture should not be too oily so that moisture can easily pass to the roots. It is necessary to organize a good drainage layer of expanded clay or gravel. To keep moisture in the soil and optimize plant care, the area around the flower bed is covered with gravel or sand.

You can plant both annuals and perennials in homemade flower beds. best fit: pelargonium, forget-me-not, pansies, petunia, gazania, seaside cineraria, golden pyrethrum, crested chlorophytum, hybrid coleus, calendula, ageratum. Popular for flower beds: astilbe, gelenium, geranium, catnip, cuff, stonecrop, rudbeckia, yarrow, hosta, sage, Japanese anemone.

Wheel flower options

Multi-tiered flower bed for the garden

For the manufacture will require several tires. The simplest in execution - three-tier construction, but you can also use large quantity elements. Several tires of the same or different sizes are stacked on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern. To prevent the slide from falling apart, from the inside it must be fastened with self-tapping screws, two for each connection.

Front garden of tires in the country

To make a low fence, each tire must be cut in half and the cut pieces dug into the ground. You can not resort to processing tires, but simply dig them halfway into the ground.

Also, the fence can be formed in the form of a flower, and a whole tire can be placed in the middle. Decorate the front garden with flowers or small shrubs.

Step by step instructions on how to make a beautiful alpine slide

In the form of a fountain or reservoir, it is created according to the following scheme:

  • We select several tires of different diameters - the largest of them will serve as the basis of the reservoir;
  • We install the largest tire and concrete the bottom;
  • We cut off the upper part with a jigsaw;
  • Above the level we have tires of a smaller diameter, the upper part of which is also removed, and the bottom is concreted;
  • We line the walls of the resulting structure with waterproofing;
  • We decorate the hill with stones and pebbles;
  • Install circulation pump to provide an artificial reservoir with water;
  • We land moisture-loving plants on the coastline.

You can also use only one large tire as a pond bowl, and decorative stones and a large number of plants will turn the site with this design into a real oasis.

Original DIY ideas (3 photos + 1 video)


A cute frog can be assembled from whole tires. To do this, we collect a body and a head from one or more tires, and eyes from small wheels. From scraps we form paws.


IN this case the aesthetics of the finished product depends on the accuracy of the markup. The figure is cut out with a jigsaw along the contour, the tire is carefully turned inside out, all cuts along the contour are polished. To shape the neck of a swan, a wire is inserted into it. The sculpture can be painted white, or left black, painting only the beak.


To design such a flower bed, you do not have to turn the tire around and cut patterns on it. It is enough just to arrange tires of different sizes, form a handle from pieces of rubber and paint the finished product.

flower girl

Video master class for making a flower girl from a tire with your own hands:

Adapted to the adverse effects of the environment, automotive rubber is an excellent material for creating garden sculptures. Having applied minimum effort, you can realize the most unusual design solutions, which will become a unique highlight of any site.

Do-it-yourself flowerbeds from tires are a common phenomenon. In general, this is not bad - methods for the complete economically justified and harmless disposal of worn tires have not yet been invented. Since such strong and resistant pieces are so difficult to recycle, let them decorate the site. But the tire is a purely utilitarian product and was not originally intended to be a container for soil with plants. However, you can turn a tire into a flower bed. Both the manufacturing technology of the flower bed and its design matter here. The latter is much more - rubber in itself is not a very aesthetic material.

Let's start with the methods of decorating flowers in rubber.

Can't you harness it to one cart?

Look at fig. on right. Isn't it true, there is a bed of tires with minimal cost labor is inscribed in the plant ensemble as organically as rubber tires themselves generally allow. In this case, the secret is that the entire ensemble is designed in 3 primary colors - red, green, blue. Significant elements (flowers) are bright red. The blue color furthest from red is whitened to the point that it seems blue (although it is still blue in the spectrum, only very pale) and, according to the rules of contrast, emphasizes the red accent on a medium-saturated green background. The author of this composition cannot be denied taste - both contrast and harmony of color shades are skillfully used at the same time. If you are not sure of your taste or are just hoping to work it out, a do-it-yourself flowerbed of tires can most easily be organically integrated into the environment using only color and brightness contrasts - it is easier to work with them for a person with an “unshot” look.

Decorating with contrasts

Rules for the full use of color contrasts in decorative design are quite complex, ambiguous even for noble materials, and their application requires quite thorough special training. But, just like a paper airplane still flies, a flowerbed made of tires can be aesthetically matched quite simply with the surrounding contrasts.

At the same time, it is better for novice amateur designers to initially focus on, technically speaking, the main design cases. In this aspect (rubber framing of flowers in a private area) there are only 4 of them (see also fig.):

  1. The plot is small (for example, 6 acres), moderately or insufficiently well-groomed (well, hands can’t reach it), dense development (dacha village, suburb with individual houses. Rubber framing can be solid, large, high ); its color scheme is neutral depending on general condition environment - the more well-groomed the site, the more black and white approach 50% gray, but do not merge into one. The flowers in the flower bed are bright, contrasting both in the frame and with the general background. For example, if the house and the fence are nearby in warm colors (wooden), then you can plant a delphinium or something else blue in a flower bed;
  2. The degree of arrangement and the general design of the site is the same, but it is larger and surrounded by wildlife. The size of the flower bed is also any of the possible. Its background color to match the surroundings is contrasting in brightness and / or saturation: if the greenery around is lush and lush, then it is paler than it, and if the general background is modest, but a little brighter than it. The leaves of the flowers in the flower bed are in any case darker and more saturated than the frame background. There are more flowers, extreme spectral shades: red-orange, turquoise, blue, blue, violet. Contrasting framing elements in the spectrum are average between the background and colors; in this illustration yellow (middle between red and green);
  3. The plot of any size, but well maintained, equipped and tastefully decorated. The first rule is that the rubber frame of the flower bed should not stick out in the literal sense. That is, if you got hold of a huge tire from special equipment for a flower bed, bury it in the ground at 1/2-2/3 of the height. But the drainage of the flower bed (see below) is still needed! In this case, even more than in a flowerbed of tires lying on the ground! The color contrast of the tire color - any according to paragraphs. 1 and 2, but in terms of brightness and saturation it is muted and in harmony with the overall design style. For example, at pos. 3 fig. coloring the tire light yellow on a pale gray background gives, if not quite convincing, then an acceptable imitation of a stone; although natural stone is still better, see below. The greenery in the flower bed in this case does not have to stand out very much, and the flowers can be any, incl. soft neutral tones;
  4. The plot is tiny to the point of complete impossibility to plant it and equip it. Flowers in a flower bed contrasting with the general background. The color of the rubber frame is to match the flowers and greenery in the flower bed. Perhaps even the earth in it.

Note: do not plant exquisite flowers in a flower bed from a tire - roses, gladioli, dahlias, chrysanthemums, etc. They will have the appearance of degraded aristocrats in a brothel. Plant flowers that are graceful, but simple and unpretentious.

Shapes as a means of decoration

Read the word "decoration". Yes, that's right. Its root is the same as the word "form". Decorating in a strict sense is giving something a proper shape. The tire shape is visually simple, rational, and as such is quite widely used in applied art. But topologically, it is a rather complex object and can be transformed into topologically equivalent or simpler other forms - decorative figures– not in a very complicated way. We will return to them in the technological sections, but for now we note: some do-it-yourself tire crafts are quite suitable as flowerbed framing. However, in this case, it is imperative to take into account the psychological factor: what kind of you, your household and guests will arise when you look at the flower bed hidden associations. In principle, they can be anything, as long as they contain flowers or something related to them.

A flower bed in a popular tire frog (see fig.) can be arbitrarily shaggy, unkempt, and at the same time it will only slightly ennoble a neglected area. Frogs live in a swamp, and there is duckweed, mud. Everything together looks quite natural. It is better to plant simple yellow-orange flowers in the fairy princess frog, for example. marigold. The royal frog will not be found in a rotten swamp, and how did Ivan Tsarevich not drown in it? A living swamp can be beautiful and in color it is mostly yellowish, see fig. on right. But big white, blue, pink flowers a frog-bed made of tires does not suit: here the association will go to water lilies that grow in fairly deep clear water. An exception is if a flowerbed-frog near an artificial reservoir, where these same nymphs, water hyacinth, etc. are already growing.

Quite directly associated with flowers is a hippopotamus flowerbed made of tires. Behemoth, he is a hippopotamus animal, and a tropical swamp in bloom is luxurious if you don’t climb into it. The hippopotamus often comes out on land all hung with flower garlands. Hippos are herbivorous, and if a hippopotamus flowerbed opens its mouth on a plant that looks like an arrowhead or a ditty, a direct association turns into a funny fiction.

Note: exactly the same associative structure is caused by a flowerbed-turtle made of tires, see fig. Octopus (ibid.) The decision is, of course, controversial. There are crabs in the sea, carrying sea anemones bright as exotic flowers on their backs, but they are not blue.

Even funnier is a horse or a donkey carrying a flower bed on a cart. The obvious association here is that the florist sent his goods for sale, but more complicated ones may arise, up to fairy tales. For example, about a smart donkey who saved his master from the machinations of an evil wizard and even married him to a beautiful princess. And cutting a donkey (horse, pony) from a tire is not at all as difficult as it might seem, see fig. on right.

A flower bed in a ladybug will not cause aesthetically effective associations in a person with an average imagination. Well, she's useful, pretty. Well, it happens in the garden. But where are the flowers? Ladybugs are predators that feed on aphids, and they do not attack flowers, only greens. In the same way, the hedgehog craft: hedgehogs don’t carry flowers on themselves in fairy tales, because the hedgehog doesn’t care about flowers.

The most difficult case is a tire swan, also a very popular craft. It can be a decoration of the site, but in nature, swans are fish-eating birds pure water, not settling on stagnant overgrown reservoirs. The graceful forms and splendor of this bird are strongly associated with flowers, but it is difficult to imagine a swan with vegetation on its back. The way out in this case is a flower bed (see below), stylized as a swan. To make it immediately clear - its form is not alive, but aesthetically functional. Styling is a complicated matter, but a simple flower girl, stylized as a swan, can be made from a tire according to the pattern in fig. on right.

If contrast is not important

Contrast and form are not the only ways to write off a rubber flower bed into a landscape. On a well-equipped site, color harmony can be no less effective, on the contrary. This is a powerful, but demanding way of developing taste.

Left and right on the track. rice. examples correct use color harmony. In different ways and in different keys (if the authors thought of them), but equally strong. On the left, visually completely neutral tires are laid out so that the plant composition absolutely dominates them. On the right, one bus has been transformed into a vase (see below), painted in harmony with the flower arrangement.

In the center are their opposites. Above - where is the flower bed? Pieces of pipes with plastic scraps are not plants. Below, a solid tire hanging flower stand will never harmonize with live plants. Because it is weighty, rude, visible, no matter how it is decorated. Mayakovsky is not as simple as it seems. Though he himself never seemed to realize it. One of the then poetesses (like Tsvetaeva) responded to Mayakovsky’s suicide like this: “This man has been killing the poet in himself for twenty years. In the end, the poet got up and killed the man.”

The closer to nature the better

On the contrary, it's worse. Sheena is an unnatural creation. In nature, there is nothing similar to it functionally, but quite a lot similar to it in form. And if you strive to give a flowerbed of tires a natural look, then these very tires need to be disguised as best as possible, using precisely their shape.

The best is to hide the rubber base completely, lining it, for example, with stones, pos. 1 in fig. Stones are perfectly glued to rubber with glue for foam blocks, the work on laying out the curb is accelerated several times, and in nature there are vents of subsided fumaroles of the same correct form, filled with earth and overgrown with bright flowers that stand out sharply against the general background - the soil in frozen natural wells is very fertile.

Flower gardens in the form of a tea set made of tires are a controversial decision, although it is possible to grow flowers in real cups and teapots. In any case, the flower arrangement should dominate its design from the tire in all respects (pos. 2), and what is in pos. 3 - the real bad taste. As for pos. 2, then double dominance is used here: dark over light and warm tone over cold (with equal saturation). As a result, the non-vegetal forms of the teapot and cup add spice to the composition, but do not deprive it of balance.

Many people scold flowerbeds of the “flower-seven-flower” type (pos. 4) for good reason: their rubber frame sticks out visually even if there is lush greenery inside, strewn with large bright flowers. A border for a flower bed is needed, no doubt, but if it is made of material such as rubber, which is foreign to plants, it must be masked by any of the methods described. As for the shape, the very breakdown of the flower bed is necessary so that the contours of the border and partitions are arcs of circles. As an exercise, you can try to determine which of the flower beds on video will do under the frame of the tires:

Video: amazing forms of flower beds


... flowerpot! Yes, this is an excellent means of decorating a flower bed from a tire - it was invented specifically for this purpose. The shape of the flowerpot is directly copied from the flower. It is not without reason that flower beds in flowerpots are so popular: for their manufacture, the tire has to be turned inside out (see below). At the same time, the tread pattern, which is completely inconsistent with living plants, goes inside and is hidden by the ground in a living flower bed, and the rubber base, due to the very shape of the flowerpot, is visually obscured. Therefore, a tire flowerpot can be finished in any way that suits its shape, as long as the decoration on the rubber is kept.

When preparing to make a flowerpot from a tire, you need to follow only some simple, and even then relative rules. The scallops (petals) of a high flowerpot using the wheel hub as the basis for the leg, it is advisable to make sharp large ones, then a live bouquet of tall plants will look good in the flowerpot: cosmea, delphinium or, for example, phlox. For this, the bends of the scallops need smooth wide ones, so you need to take a winter tire (see below) with a diagonal nylon cord, pos. 1 in the figure:

A low wide flowerpot with low rounded scallops and a leg made of a narrow hub or an overlay disk is more suitable for a composition of undersized plants (especially ground cover ones) (also see below). For such a flowerpot, a summer tire with a cellular nylon or radial steel cord is needed, pos. 2.

Flowerpot scallops made of winter tires with nylon cord for European conditions (once again - see below) turn out to be quite soft and practically do not work as a form element. If there is no choice of material, then in this case the tire must be cut into a flowerpot or without scallops (pos. 3), or cut them at intervals (pos. 4): since they don’t support the shape, it’s better to hang freely.

And the florist too

Flower growers sometimes call pots, which is incorrect. A cache-pot is a decorative shell of a flower pot without a drainage hole in the bottom. The florist is a portable flowerpot for a mini-flower bed. In its bottom there is a hole for water drainage, covered with a clay shard or closed with a stainless and non-rotting mesh, drainage, and on it is earth with flowers.

A pair of stylized swans at the bottom right in fig. with figures made of tires, these are the florists. But in general, a swan made from a tire is more appropriate as a decorative craft that has its own aesthetic value, and the florists of the product are longitudinally symmetrical, see Fig.:

And how to make a florist out of a tire with your own hands, see the video:

Video: tire flower girl

What to do with the tire

In the design part of the article, we already had to touch on technical issues, because. any product of human hands is created according to a certain technology. This fully applies to the tire bed, so first you need to briefly familiarize yourself with the properties and features of the source material.

The basis

The tire is a complex product that has come a long way in technical evolution. However, we do not need to know its structure in detail. The first thing that matters is for what operating conditions it is intended there, what fell into the hands and will go to the flower bed. When they say that, they say, Russian tires are harder and more difficult to process, but they keep their shape better than “Western” ones, this is only relatively true. All tire manufacturers produce a range of products for various operating conditions. In the Russian Federation, the main ones are a large annual and one-time mileage between points of departure and destination, a harsh climate and a high probability of driving along an unpaved path. In the USA, going out into nature is a holiday, but in Europe you won’t leave the highway without special permission - you will be fined. But even in Russia densely populated areas with good roads enough. Therefore, a Michelin or Goodyear tire can be found such that a tank stumbles on it, and the native Gazelka tire can be very soft.

From the point of view of the possibility of processing and design for framing flower beds from wheel tires, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • Summer for Russian (or Canadian) conditions with a steel cord (Steel marking) - very difficult to cut and turn out. The scallops are bent inward with a tulip, and when you try to bend them, they are pressed against the sides. Not such a bad thing: from one such tire, cut in half along the generatrix, you get an original double flowerpot for a mini-flower bed (see the figure on the right), and from several different sizes- flowerpot-rose.
  • The same, for "European conditions" - they are suitable only for a simple flower bed without eversion. Produced in scanty quantities, they are rare for sale.
  • Summer ones with a radial or diagonal nylon cord are most suitable for tall wide flowerpots with straight sides and low scallops.
  • The same, with a cellular cord - these make excellent high flowerpots with slightly sloping sides and smoothly bent large scallops.
  • Winter with a radial or diagonal nylon cord - the most suitable for low wide vases with small or large scallops that bend down.
  • The same, "Russian" - for the same flowerpots higher.
  • Winter "euro" with a cellular cord - the sides are strongly bent inward with "cast iron", see above.
  • The same, "Russian" - the sides are kept straighter.


Best Tool for cutting tires - electric jigsaw. With a knife, you can only cut tires with a polymer cord by hand, and even then with great difficulty. If there is no electric jigsaw and it is not expected to pay a decent amount for it, the tires can be cut by hand with a hacksaw for metal with the removal of the blade (see fig.): they are inexpensive, and they are useful in the household in many other cases.

Simple and tiered

It would seem that it’s easier to paint a tire, put it on the ground, pour earth, plant flowers. Or put tires of different sizes on top of each other. Well, cut out the upper sidewalls so that there is more landing area. But then it turns out that the plants in it look clearly oppressed.

The problem here is the lack of proper drainage. The flow of water from a flowerpot on the ground should go through its lowest point: drainage in this case is not only a drain excess water, but also an obstacle to soil pests. And in a tire laid simply on the ground, an annular hollow is formed in which moisture stagnates. Harmful organisms (mainly anaerobic) multiply in it, and from there acidification of the soil begins. Therefore, regular landing openings in tires need to be closed with something, cut into lower sidewalls evenly around the circumference of 5-6 drain holes and fill the inner hollow with fine gravel. In the upper tiers of multi-tiered flower beds, regular planting openings are closed with moisture-resistant, non-rotting covers, see Fig..

Tire Berry

A multi-tiered flower bed made of tires will look good if the upper tiers are planted with hanging plants. But there is a case when the aesthetics of piling up tires is not so important, but a large landing area with minimally occupied land is essential.

This is a multi-tiered berry bush, see fig. Strawberry bushes are placed on it approx. the same as on 3-4 beds of a plot of 6 acres, but the yield from the bush turns out to be much higher due to better heating of the soil (herbaceous berries love this), good lighting and planting ventilation. In addition, the tire berry is practically inaccessible to slugs and, if arranged as described above, to root pests. Such a berry plant is suitable for herbaceous berries wintering with rhizomes, for example, strawberries. Plants are planted in perforated plastic pots (to allow feeding roots to enter the soil), and for the winter, the rhizomes are sent to the basement for wintering. Otherwise, they will freeze: in winter, the soil in the above-ground berry field freezes completely.

Making a flowerpot

In the manufacture of a flower pot from a tire, there are 2 tricky moments: cutting (cutting) and eversion. How to cut a tire, said above. But the eversion of a person, at least once engaged in tire fitting, can be confusing: you still try to rip it off the rim, but how to turn it inside out?

A soft “euro tire” (conditionally) after cutting, which relieves preliminary technological stresses in it, for a flowerpot without a leg, turns out literally without touching it with your hands, see Fig.:

It is, of course, irrational to spend a cover plate on a plug of a standard landing opening (pos. 10). If the pot will stand in one place, it is better to pour drainage there - the flowers will grow better and bloom more magnificently.

If the bus-blank is rigid and / or will be on the leg from the “native” hub, then to turn it out, as in the previous. case, they turn it over with a cut down, stand on the hub with their feet or press the heel of the tire with them (a thickening along the inner contour with which the tire sits on the wheel rim), lift one edge of the cut and pull it up (see the figure on the right), gradually spreading the arms to the sides . You may have to puff, but there will come a moment when a light pop will be heard and the tire will turn out all at once. In any case, turn the tire into a flowerpot blank, ready for final finishing, you can in 5 minutes, see the video

Video: a flower bed from a wheel with a knife in five minutes

It's up to the parrots

In the subsection and the figures from the tires, the parrot, as common as the frog, is deliberately not mentioned. And in the subsection on color harmony, the word “whole” is also deliberately emphasized. Because the hanging florist in the form of a parrot from a tire is very good decision: the parrot itself is like a flower bed. Toucans harmonize less with flowers: they are not so bright, colorful, but puff up their crest and feathers on their backs, taking the form flowering bush, do not know how.

Ornithologists divide parrots into 3 large groups species: American, Afro-Asian and Australian. The latter are small, but the representatives of the first 2 are comparable in size to crafts made from car tires. And, surprisingly, "American parrots" are better obtained from soft tires, see fig.:

Imitations of parrots of the Afro-Asiatic group look more convincing, being made of tires harder, see next. rice. But in any case, its cord must be polymer: the tails of parrots made of tires with a steel cord hang unnaturally.

Examples of finished products - in the figure below:


In art, there are no hard and fast rules and instructions set "from above". Turning a rubber tire into something pretty is an art. Therefore, the materials of the design section are not instructions, but entry-level recommendations. Rely on them, and then - your taste and fiction. It is quite possible that their result will be a non-trivial successful find.

To ennoble your site with beautiful flower arrangements, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive outdoor flowerpots. Unique frame for flowers various shades and shapes can be made by hand. We decorate the cottage with flower beds from tires: interesting ideas and options for making flowerpots will help to make garden plot unique and inimitable.

Features and Benefits

By making a flower bed from a tire, you can realize almost any creative idea. Making such a budget option for framing flowers on the site is quite simple - just show a little imagination and make a little effort. Tire beds have a number of advantages:

  • tires are durable;
  • tires tolerate temperature extremes well;
  • almost any paint fits well on the rubber surface;
  • no need to spend money on material: almost everyone can find an old tire;
  • improvised items can be used as decorative elements.

Due to the fact that rubber is a fairly pliable material, the tire can be given a variety of shapes. You can paint the product in absolutely any color. Such a product can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a functional attribute of the site. For example, in such flower beds you can plant small seedlings.


You can make a flower garden ready-made examples, or using your own original ideas. You can supplement the finished design with any available materials: it all depends on your imagination and skill. The process of creating a flowerpot is often not completed after cutting and painting the tire. A product of complex shape in the form of an intricate figure must be supplemented with decorative elements. When making a flower garden, you may need the following materials:

From several flower beds you can form bright compositions. A combination of multi-level flower beds of various shapes looks more impressive.. A popular option is a composition of flower beds in the form of cups and a teapot. For its design, you do not have to turn the tire inside out and cut out patterns on it. It is enough just to arrange several tires of different sizes, form handles from pieces of rubber and paint the finished products.


In the nursery play area flower beds in the form of animals or fairy-tale characters will be appropriate. You can make a turtle from a tire and tread:

  • the protector must be cut into four equal parts;
  • in the tire you need to make 4 cuts under the paws of the turtle;
  • pieces of the protector are inserted into the holes and fixed with staples.
  • the tail is made from a small piece of rubber, fastened with wire staples;
  • the turtle's neck can be made from a polymer pipe.
  • a crumpled paper head is attached to the neck with adhesive tape.
  • all structural elements are painted in the appropriate shades.

Other materials can be used to make the turtle's head, neck, paws, and tail. The product can be decorated with additional items (for example, put a small hat on the head of the turtle, and glasses on the nose).


Near the house, flower beds that look like a flower will look good. Before you start making such a flowerpot, you need to decide on the shape of the petals. Petals can be in the form of a triangle, semicircle, rectangle or wavy. Sometimes they are narrow at the base and wide at the edges.

On the outer surface of the tire outline the contour of the petals. For marking, you can use chalk or a felt-tip pen. Using a shoe knife or jigsaw, cut out the petals. If the rubber is quite dense, and a knife will be used as a cutting tool, it is recommended to periodically dip the blade in soapy water during the cutting process.

Grasping the edges of the cuts, you must carefully turn the tire inside out. The finished product needs to be painted. Flower-shaped flower beds look more attractive if you use different shades color palette.

On a leg

From a solid wheel (tire with a disk) you can make a magnificent flowerpot on a leg.

The workflow for creating such a flower bed consists of the following steps:

  • in the tire, reaching the tread with a cutting tool, cut out the petals of the desired shape;
  • then the upper and lower parts of the tire are turned out (the disk does not need to be removed - it will be the leg of the flowerpot);
  • the upper part is painted in saturated colors, the lower part will be a kind of stem if it is painted green.


One of the most common options for flowerbeds from tires is a product in the shape of a swan. Such a flower bed is made in the same way as a flowerpot in the shape of a flower. The difference will only be in more complex cutting. You can use finished scheme, on which the lines of the wings, tail, neck and head of a swan are shown for application to the tire.

After marking the tire, the very shape of the swan is cut out. Next, you need to unscrew the tire and complete the formation of the swan. The beak can be made of rubber, or any other comfortable material, paint with orange paint and attach to the head with self-tapping screws. The eyes of a swan can be made from pieces of electrical tape.

Usually the figure is painted white, but no one forbids the use of other shades (you can make multi-colored plumage).

A master class on making a swan from tires, see below.

Required Tools

To start making flower beds from tires, you need to prepare the necessary tools. First of all, this is a tool that will be used for cutting rubber (knife, electric jigsaw, grinder). If you decide to use a knife, the blade must be sharpened well. It is worth considering that it is rather problematic to cut dense rubber with a knife. To make your job easier, the blade must be lubricated with grease before cutting. If the knife will not be used as the main tool for cutting the tire, it can be useful for making small cuts.

Use as a cutting tool electric jigsaw will be the most the best option. The more powerful the jigsaw, the easier it is to cut the wheel. For cutting tires ideal option there will be a blade made of high-quality steel with a reverse tooth. Cutting a tire with a grinder is much easier than with a knife or jigsaw. The disadvantage of this tool is that the rubber along the edges of the cut will be melted, the cutting procedure will be accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor.

If for the manufacture of a flowerpot it is necessary to cut the protector, it is better to do it with a grinder.

Then you should decide on the type of paint for the flower bed. Almost any paint fits well on rubber. The following types are mainly used:

  • aerosol;
  • oil-based enamel;
  • nitro enamel;
  • car enamel.

If necessary, prepare a brush to paint the tire. You will need gloves to work, they will protect your hands from paint or other possible contaminants.. To apply the markup, you will need chalk, marker or soap. In the manufacture of complex figures, some elements will have to be made from improvised materials. To fasten additional parts to the main figure from the tire, you will need staples, self-tapping screws.

How to do?

Making complex figured flower beds from tires is a laborious process that requires patience and some physical effort. Whatever shape you want to give a flower bed of tires, the procedure for making a flowerpot will always be almost the same. Here is a step-by-step instruction by which you can independently make a figured flower bed from tires:

  • We choose a tire. So that working with rubber does not cause unnecessary trouble, you need to take tires that can be easily cut (old, badly worn, winter thin or imported).
  • Thoroughly clean and dry the tire.
  • Decide on the form. It is necessary to mark the cut line with chalk or a marker. The marks on the tire must be done as carefully as possible in order to facilitate the process of cutting out the figure in the future.
  • Cut along the drawn line, and then take out the upper part. You can use a high power jigsaw.
  • We turn the tire inside out (you need to take hold of the cut edge with your hands, having previously stepped on the middle of the tire and pull the rubber towards you with force).
  • We grind the cut edges and process them with gasoline.
  • At the end, the flower bed should be painted, dried well and, if necessary, decorated with additional elements.


All flowerpots from tires can be divided into two main types: solid and cut. The simplest option for a flowerbed of tires is a tire in its original form. You can improve the appearance of such a flowerpot using paints. Such flower beds can be placed in small groups, or made up of a multi-level structure.

A multi-level design will look more attractive if you give it the shape of a pyramid. To do this, you need to take tires of different diameters and install them on top of each other. The difference in tire diameter should be at least 20 cm. Hanging flower beds will become more interesting solution. A hanging flower garden can be placed along a wall or a blank fence. The shape of such a flower bed can be very diverse.

The inner space of the tire must be filled with soil. As a drainage, you can use a mixture of small stones and sand. When making a hanging flower bed, several small holes must be made in the tire so that excess moisture can drain freely. Flowerbeds in the form of plants, animals or mythical creatures more laborious, but look quite impressive.

With the help of a tire and a cutting tool, you can realize any author's idea.

In addition to dividing into two main types, there is an additional classification of flowerpots from tires. Flower beds are divided by size and shape as follows:

  • high;
  • low;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • round.


The ease of manufacture of the flower bed, as well as its appearance, will depend on the material chosen. When choosing tires, you need to consider the following features:

  • the process of making a flower bed will be easier from old tires, worn rubber is more pliable;
  • imported tires are thinner than domestic ones and are more amenable to cutting;
  • winter tires more plastic than summer;
  • tires with a metal cord are more difficult to cut;
  • if in the manufacture of a flowerpot it is necessary to turn the rubber inside out, you need to select a tire with the most worn out tread.

A flower bed can be made from rims or solid (rims with tires) wheels of the machine. Such material is used much less frequently than the usual tires, but flowerpots made of disks look no less attractive. Whatever material you choose to make a flower bed, it must be thoroughly rinsed from dirt. This can be done with a garden hose.

Clean material will facilitate the process of making a flowerpot and will not spoil the cutting tools.

In addition to the basic rules for making flower beds from tires, it is important to know some of the subtleties of its placement on the site. It is better to place a flower bed on a well-lit and relatively flat area. In large areas, multi-tiered structures will look better. Having decided on the placement, under the base of the flower bed it is necessary to make a container from boards or other solid material.

It is important to prepare good soil for flowers. The soil mixture should not be too oily so that moisture can easily pass to the roots of the plants. It is important not to forget about the drainage layer, which can be made of expanded clay or gravel. To retain moisture in the soil and facilitate plant care, the area around the flowerpot should be sprinkled with gravel or sand.

It is better to paint the wheels in light colors: this will avoid overheating of the soil in the summer. When painting, also consider the following:

  • Before painting, the tire must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased. You can treat rubber from fatty contaminants with a solvent, gasoline or acetone.
  • It is advisable to cover the tire with paint in several layers. A thin layer of paint can quickly wear off or crack. Applying many layers is not worth it, this will lead to a quick peeling of the paint. It would be optimal to paint the product two or three times.
  • If you want to plant bright flowers in a flower bed, it is better to paint the tire in delicate light colors. In flowerpots of bright colors, it is better to plant light, small flowers.
  • It is acceptable that the shade of flowers echoes the color of the flower bed.
  • Painting a flower bed is not only from the outside. If you grab the paint inner edges, the flower bed will look more voluminous.
  • The flowerpot does not have to be painted in one color at all; interesting patterns of a different color can be applied to the tire.

To apply the pattern, you can use pre-made stencils made of cardboard.

The easiest way is to put the old tire on the site, throw land there and plant seedlings. It's simple, of course, but exclusive decoration doesn't pull at all. Well, let's try to improve the situation. Let's take bright acrylic or oil paints, choose a few of them that match in color and paint several tires. Then we install them on top of each other and get a wonderful multi-level flower bed.

A multi-level flowerbed of multi-colored tires will become a bright detail of landscape design

original vertical flower bed from tires with their own hands is created from several tires of different diameters, stacked on top of each other like a pyramid. You can put a flower pot on top if there is no small tire on the farm. After painting and filling inner space tires with earth, can be grown in the resulting flower bed ampelous plants such as petunias or strawberries.

A vertical flower bed is perfect for growing strawberries

Tire beds can also be suspended. Fasten a strong metal chain (thick cord, rope, etc.) to the tire and hang it on a tree. In order to be able to fill the flower bed with earth, the bottom of the tire must be covered. For example, fix inside a planter with a diameter slightly larger than the inner circumference of the tire. Or put a dense piece of rubber inside - think for yourself, for sure there is a material suitable for overlapping on the farm.

Snow-white hanging flower bed from car tire- effective "highlight" of modern style

And if you dream up a little, then you can build a composition from tires on the theme of ... well, for example, home tea drinking. A few tires will perfectly play the role of a teapot and a cup - it is enough to supplement them with simple details - a pipe cut and bent pieces of metal tape.

Teapot and cup - original composition from old tires

Red cup with white polka dots - exclusive for flower tea drinking

Painting flowerbeds from car tires

Now about how the wheels for the flower bed are painted and how to turn a boring tire into an interesting flower garden. The main requirement for paint is resistance to weathering.

Paint selection and technical points

They paint tires with enamels, oil, acrylic and automotive paints, nitro paints. To beautifully paint tires for a flower bed, you need to follow a few rules:

  • select light colors so that the soil inside does not overheat along with the roots of plants;
  • do not apply too thick a layer of paint, otherwise it may crack, especially in harsh winters or in the heat;
  • remember the primacy of plants and not let the pattern dominate the flowers.

Bright colors set a festive backdrop for the yard

The design of flowerbeds from tires begins with their degreasing with acetone, white spirit or special liquids for rubber. When the used product has completely evaporated, the surface is cleaned with a very fine sandpaper. Then, as a primer, a thin, but continuous layer of white is placed - this will allow any shade to play in full force.

It is better to apply the paint with an aerosol can, then it will penetrate into all the relief areas of the tread, but there is a high risk of staining the grass around. Therefore, the tire is painted with a spray can, laying under it thick polyethylene. Each layer is given time to dry for at least a day.

You can decorate a bed of tires with your own hands with a brush. This is longer, but you can work by first installing the product in a permanent place. With the help of a brush, they also create more subtle patterns and drawings, emphasizing details and shapes.

Folk painting: bright, original, spectacular

Taking into account the general concept of garden decor will allow you to properly paint the tires for the flower bed, while they can:

  • leave monotonous;
  • decorate with stripes;
  • cover with a pattern using a stencil;
  • paint on the checkered tread;
  • turn into an ethnic flower garden.

Scarlet dye, black hearts, two yellow antennae - ladybug Quick strokes of the ornament seem to repeat the negligence of multi-colored petunias. Ethnic pot for succulents It is good to plant emerald greens on top of such a juicy painting. Noble combination of red and green on white

Do not rush to throw away unusable tires. They will be burned, adding pollution to the air. Try to turn them into a unique man-made flower garden, which will decorate the garden and warm the soul. Bright, solid and almost eternal flowerbeds of used tires are a wonderful use for the creative impulses of a person living on their own land.

The feasibility of making flower beds from tires

Used tires are a material in which any landscape designer who imagines how to make flowerbeds from tires with his own hands opens up new possibilities. It is the tire, and not just a sheet of rubber, that has certain advantages that make it easier to work with it:

  • Rough cost. Surely among the neighbors there are car owners who dream of parting with old tires. For them, this is rubbish, but for the artist, it is a future work of art that can only be rolled to the site or brought in the trunk.
  • Ease and speed of processing. Chalk, a sharp knife or a jigsaw, a grinder and a spray can of paint - these are all the tools needed for such creativity. And the simplest flowerbed of cylinders is built in half an hour: the tire is placed on the ground and “stuffed” with soil.
  • Durability. A rubber bed does not attract bacteria and fungi, does not rot, is not afraid of accidental impact and does not collapse under the influence of precipitation. If it cracks after especially severe frosts, it is easy to replace it.
  • Mobility. A flowerbed from an old tire is a one-piece structure, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. To do this, you just need to remove the soil from it.
  • Possibility of transformation. Even handmade flower beds of tires over time can get bored. The easiest way to avoid this is to repaint the outside and plant other types of plants.

Figured flower bed from an old tire

Doubts about the advisability of decorating the garden with flower beds from tires are usually associated with the dimensions of the cylinders specified by the manufacturer. In a very modest area, they really can look foreign, and in a large area they can get lost. The problem is solved by combining tires with paths, benches, lighting elements, as well as building flower beds from several tires and multi-tiered compositions.

Lazy Option: Potted Plants Placed on a Stand

How to cut tires and how to do it right

When looking at a wheel that is so huge and hard, capable of withstanding the weight of a loaded Gazelle or a powerful SUV, the question arises of how to cut a car tire for a flower bed. In fact, rubber is even easier to deal with than plywood if you choose right tool for each stage of work, of which there are three:

  1. Ripping of rubber. The best tool for the first cut is a shoe knife. It can be made independently from the blade of a mechanical saw or a planer blade. The handle of such a knife is wrapped with several layers of electrical tape, which allows the knife to sit firmly in the palm of your hand. This is important as the rubber will resist the blade. The knife is inserted into the incision and moves upwards with the other hand, bending the rubber layer to the side with the other hand.
  2. Side processing. You can cut the tires for the flower bed evenly or in waves. In the first case, a shoe or other is enough sharp knife with a thin butt, in the second it is better to use an electric jigsaw, the file of which is periodically lubricated with grease or a solution laundry soap. Some masters use a grinder with a small disk, but high speed entails strong heating and even burning of rubber with smoke and an unpleasant odor.
  3. Cord cutting. Steel cord reinforcement (breaker), which serves as the basis of the tire carcass, is cut with a grinder, less often with metal scissors. You can recognize the presence of steel in the breaker by marking Steel. The absence of such a marking indicates a nylon cord, which is cut with a strong sharp knife.

A car tire is more complex than it looks

Electric jigsaw - the perfect tool for cutting old wheels

To cut a tire for a flower bed and not injure yourself, be sure to use tight gloves and goggles. Especially carefully should be handled with sharp metal cord threads - splinters from them are very painful. You need to work on a wide solid surface: a table or a piece of plywood laid on the ground. With a large amount of rubber dust, which distinguishes Chinese tires, a respirator will be useful.

Ideas for flowerbeds from old tires


A flower bed made from a car tire in the form of a flower bed is an ideal solution for those who want to achieve a feeling of rustic comfort on their site. In addition, the well will emphasize the beauty of your flowers.

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