How to choose the right gas water heater, taking into account all the parameters. Which geyser is better? Reviews from experts and owners

Probably everyone knows common Since ancient times, the expression: “my home is my fortress.” You can, of course, put a variety of meanings into it. But if you look from an everyday point of view, from the position of a caring and economical owner, then this can be perceived as a desire for the greatest possible autonomy, for independence from public utilities with their unpredictable quirks in the form of changes in the conditions for the provision of services, tariff increases, supply failures, preventive maintenance, repairs, accidents and the like.

It is no secret that not only the owners of private houses, but also the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings have recently increasingly installed their own, independent systems home heating and hot water supply. About heating boilers - in a separate publication, and this article will be devoted to questions of how to choose a gas water heater so as not to have problems providing for your household hot water.

But even before the speech will do about the problems, in fact, of choosing these devices, you need to, at least briefly, familiarize yourself with their basic structure. This is necessary, first of all, in order to try to dispel a number of fairly common prejudices that were formed in the collective consciousness regarding speakers quite a long time ago are firmly entrenched there and are very difficult to “neutralize.”

The design of a geyser and its advantages

In order not to make mistakes when choosing such a heating device, it is necessary to at least approximately understand its structure. Although the range of modern geysers is quite large, their work uses the same principles and internal structure, and functionality.

The diagram shows the approximate structure of a typical modern flow-through gas heater. Of course, specific models from various manufacturers may have their own characteristics, but only in matters of layout or ease of use.

1 – fume hood, closed with metal walls, a volume from which gas combustion products are removed in one way or another. It can be completely sealed or connected to the atmosphere (in conventional, chimney or chimneyless columns).

2 – copper heat exchanger. A pipe system with a “jacket” that receives the direct impact of the flame of gas burners. This is where the heating of running water takes place.

3 – ignition sensor. Provides a control signal to open the common gas solenoid valve only if the ignition wick is operating.

4 – ignition wick. May be different principles actions - this will be discussed below.

5 - gas burner, more precisely, several lines of gas burners, providing0 their uniform heating of water in the heat exchanger.

6 – water unit, which includes, among other things, a fitting for connecting a cold water main (pos. 9), a screw water flow regulator (pos. 9, not for all models), and a drain valve (pos. 10, also optional, not on all speakers).

Water valve - “frog”

The main element of a water node is always so-called "frog".

In essence, it is a working cylinder, the volume of which is divided into two parts using an elastic membrane.

Both halves of the “frog” are connected to each other by a fitting of a certain diameter. The point is that when water is opened through the column, due to the pressure difference in the two parts of this “frog”, the membrane bends upward and pushes the rod, which is connected to the spring-loaded gas valve, opening it. As soon as the water flow is stopped (the water tap is closed), the pressure under the membrane drops, the valve returns to its original position, and the gas burner, accordingly, immediately goes out.

11 - in this diagram - a unit with microswitches (optional).

12 – gas block with gas hose connection fitting (pos. 13). This is where the spring-loaded gas valve is located, connected by a rod (rod) to the water unit.

14 – in this column – the electronics unit that controls the operation of the water heater. In inexpensive simple speakers it may simply be absent. Pos. 8 – compartment for batteries (batteries) necessary to generate an ignition pulse on the igniter.

15 – connection connection to the disassembly line hot water.

16 – mechanical regulator that switches operating modes, controls the levels of water flow and gas supply. In modern speakers it can be completely replaced by an electronics unit, with control signals transmitted through push-buttons or touch panels management.

17 and 18 – cascade of column operation sensors. The specific “filling” may be different - this will be mentioned later in the article.

As already mentioned, any model may have its own distinctive features , but the basic principle of the structure still remains the same.

The diagram for connecting the column to the water supply pipes, regardless of its model, is the same for everyone - it is shown in the figure.

So, when you open the water at the hot water tap, water from the cold main begins to flow through the column. The pressure of the water flow opens the gas supply valve, which causes the burners to ignite (more on the ignition mechanism below). The energy of the combustion gas is converted into heating water - and water flows at the required temperature from the “hot” taps on the mixers.

This is one of the main advantages of a geyser - it works exclusively at the moment when hot water is required, the rest of the time being in “standby mode” or in the off state. The owners of the house (apartment) use hot water only when needed, and at the same time do not depend in any way on the operation of the boiler rooms.

The second main advantage is, of course, operating costs. So far, no other energy carriers can match the cost of natural gas.

The speaker, of course, also has disadvantages, and considerable ones.

  • It will not be possible to install it on your own - coordination with the relevant organizations, drawing up and approval of projects is required (unless, of course, the house was previously equipped with such water heaters).
  • The operation of a water heater, even in its most modern version, still requires all residents to comply with certain safety rules.
  • A stock of heated water is not created, unlike an electric or gas boiler.
  • The initial installation of the column may involve very large-scale work to ensure the removal of combustion products or to create forced ventilation.

It should be noted that the designers of geysers managed to solve most of the “old problems” of gas instantaneous water heaters. Nevertheless, a certain number of people still have some kind of bias towards them. Therefore, in the next section of the article we will try to take a closer look at modern speakers precisely in the light of persistent myths about their danger or inconvenience.

Video: general structure of a typical gas water heater

Modern geysers – should we be afraid?

An interesting feature of geysers is that, willingly or unwillingly, they can even change demand, and therefore prices, in the secondary housing market. Realtors won’t let you lie - very often one of the main issues during the initial consideration of proposals is connecting the house to a centralized hot water supply and, accordingly, the presence or absence of gas water heating systems.

It is characteristic that there is no unity of views on this issue. Of course, people who have been tormented since childhood by the old Soviet speakers, with their whims, noise, unsightly appearance, with constant “pressure” from elders about strict rules of use and the danger of violating them, they don’t want to hear about purchasing an apartment with gas water heaters.

However, there is also the opposite category - people who are already familiar with the fickleness of public utilities, with inflated tariffs and payment by meters for hot water (moreover, in order to wait for the first drops of hot water, it is often necessary to pour at least 3 ÷ 5 minutes of cold water, since the circuits circulation in many multi-storey houses are simply cut off). And such experienced clients, on the contrary, will be more satisfied with housing with a speaker. However, many people prefer to combine both possibilities - this is the most reasonable approach.

What are the main “myths” about geysers that continue to live, scaring off potential buyers of such equipment?

1. The column is very difficult to operate; it requires independent ignition with matches and constant monitoring.

Let's figure it out.

Well, firstly, any technique requires control, regardless of complexity. No one blames the gas stove with its open flame for this, or the faucet in the bathroom, which also needs to be monitored so that it does not leak over time.

Secondly, lighting with matches can only be found on those very “rarities” of the Soviet installation. Perhaps they are still produced somewhere, however, all, without exception, modern models worthy of mention are fired up differently.

— The simplest, “imperfect” modern speakers are equipped with piezo ignition. Before use, it is necessary to light the igniter wick by pressing the corresponding button, while turning the control handle to the appropriate position. Even this scheme is considered “outdated”, is used less and less and is giving way to other principles of ignition.

— Electric ignition is popular. At the moment the water starts, a sensor is triggered, which gives a signal to the electric igniter. At the same time, a channel for limited gas supply to the torch opens and a spark is generated to ignite it. The energy for sparking comes either from installed batteries (usually 1.5 or 3 volts) or from the power supply.

- One more modern method is the "HidroPower" system. In the supply pipe cold water a hydraulic turbine is built into the column. At a certain liquid pressure (usually about 0.3 - 0. 5 bar ) turbine induces electric charge, sufficient to produce a spark for ignition of the igniter torch, which then it will transfer the fire to a common gas burner.

All this takes a long time to read - but in fact, the process of automatically igniting the flame when water is turned on occurs within just a few seconds.

So, in modern water heaters, no special human intervention is required (except for first opening the gas tap): turn on the hot water and use it.

By the way, you can immediately give an answer to a possible problem - why do you need an ignition burner (torch) at all? Surely it’s impossible to immediately ignite the main one?

It is forbidden! Until the torch warms up the sensor, the gas start solenoid valve will not operate. The very small amount that is taken at the moment of starting on the wick does not pose any danger to people - it will easily escape into the ventilation. But if suddenly the column accidentally goes out, the sensor has cooled down, then the gas supply will be blocked - the solenoid valve will close the line completely.

2. It is a very common belief that the column is a very explosive device.

What could explode there? If we're talking about about gas, then it is no more dangerous in this regard than a regular gas stove. In the same way, provided that there is no leak, ventilation is normal, there is no place for an explosive concentration of gas to come from.

If we talk about the likelihood of an explosion of an overheated volume of water, then a boiler in this regard is probably even more dangerous. In the column, with its flow principle of operation, there are much fewer such conditions for an explosion. Moreover, in any (even the oldest and most imperfect) there are always at least two lines of “defense”, about which at same mentioned: an electromagnetic valve, which will not allow the burner to ignite independently, and a “frog” water valve, which shuts off the gas in the absence of water flow.

3. The fear is somewhat similar to the second point: there may not be an explosion, but a gas leak will lead to poisoning and a sad outcome.

You can refute it by citing all the same arguments that were presented two paragraphs above. And we can only add once again: the degrees of protection of a conventional gas stove- much less, and the likelihood of a gas leak from the stove or oven into the living quarters is much higher. Nevertheless, for some reason, they are more afraid of gas water heaters in this regard, although this is completely illogical.

4. Another very persistent, but completely incomprehensible prejudice is that geyser will completely ruin the kitchen interior.

Probably, only someone who can’t get the image of an old, rust-covered ancient pump with metal pipes leading to it in his imagination, can say this only.

Blaming modern geysers for being unsightly is the same as making similar complaints about refrigerators, microwaves, hoods, ovens, etc. Gas water heaters fit perfectly into the kitchen decor, take up very little space, and sometimes stand out against the general interior background just by the presence of a chimney pipe. (and even then - not always).

What Another thing to consider when choosing a column

So, we come to a common opinion: there is no need to be afraid of geysers, they should become reliable and safe assistants in household. This means that we should take a closer look at the criteria that should be taken into account when choosing this device in a store.

Gas water heater power

Under this parameter lies the ability of the geyser to heat a certain amount of water per unit of time to the required temperature. In general, the entire variety of these devices can be divided into three classes:

Gas water heaters low power. The rating does not exceed 19 kW, and such a water heater is capable of serving only one point of consumption at a time.

Medium power speakers include devices rated from 20 to 28 kW. Usually they are already enough to simultaneously draw heated water in two places.

The most powerful are geysers that produce 29 kW or more. Their performance is even enough to take a bath in one place with simultaneous, for example, washing dishes in the kitchen, or with simultaneous using hot water in three places is quite enough for any “everyday” situation, even in a large country mansion.

It may be objected that kilowatts, although they are indicated in the product passport and on the information plate on the case, still mean little to the average user. It’s difficult to argue with this, so we’ll try to explain this meaning more clearly.

The main purpose of the column is to raise the water temperature from the initial value ( TVx) to what is necessary for domestic use ( TN). The difference between these two values ​​(delta) will show what our water heater is capable of.

ΔТ = Тн - Твх

The “delta” itself is not interesting - you need to know how much water the column can heat for such a difference per unit of time. (usually measured in liters per minute).

How to determine the required power?

It can be taken as a statement that for the normal functioning of a kitchen sink, about 4 liters of heated water per minute are required. For taking a shower, 6 liters is usually enough. (These values ​​have been tested in practice, and, by the way, they are what are used as a guide when developing special economizer devices in the form of aerators or special fittings, which, even if desired, do not allow the use of larger volumes, thereby helping to save water).

The power of the required water heater can be calculated using the formula:

М = ΔТ × Σv/14.3

M – required power,

ΔT– heating value (see above)

Σ v– total volume of simultaneous consumption;

14,3 – coefficient taking into account the heat capacity of water.

Let's assume that a column is selected that allows simultaneous use of a shower and sink in the kitchen. The total volume will be Σ v= 4 + 6 = 10 l/min.

Magnitude ΔT– depends, of course, on the inlet water temperature. If we assume that the water comes from the water supply with a temperature of about 10 - 15 ° WITH, then a rise of 25 degrees should be quite acceptable - the output will be about 40 ° WITH, which is enough for both taking a shower and washing dishes.

In total we get:

M = 25 × 10 / 14.3 = 17.4 kW

It is clear that this value is the lower acceptable limit. It is recommended to add another 15 - 20% reserve to it, and then round up to whole numbers. We get 21 kW. The speaker you purchase must have this power. Of course, all models of water heaters have their own gradations and capacities, but you need to buy one so that the value is not lower.

Perhaps this may seem too complicated. In addition, the initial temperature value may be different, for example, in winter time the water may have about 5 degrees at the inlet. In order not to force readers to “suffer” with formulas, it is better to provide a table in which the power of the column will be linked to the inlet temperature and the overall performance of the device, provided that it supplies water to the mixer at 40 ° WITH:

Temperature tap water at the entrance to the columnThe amount of water heated to +40 °C, depending on the power of the column (liters per minute)
up to 3 kW6 kW8 kW12 kW15 kW18 kW21 kW24 kW27 kW
5 °C1,3 2,75 3,6 5,5 6,75 8,25 9,4 10,75 12
10 °C1,5 3,1 4,2 6,1 7,75 9,25 10,75 12,3 13.75
15 °C1,75 3,6 4,75 7,25 9,0 10,75 12,75 14,3 16.2
18 °C2,1 4,3 5,75 5,5 10,7 12,9 15,0 17,25 19.25

Usually both power and ΔT are the basic values ​​of the water heater and must be indicated in the technical documentation.

And the most accurate calculation using the same formula will be possible with the proposed online calculator.

Using it is not difficult.

  • First, the temperature that is planned to be obtained at the output of their column is indicated. At the discretion of the future owner - for some, 40 degrees is enough, but maybe someone wants it cooler or, conversely, hotter.
  • The next step is to indicate the temperature of the water supplied to the column. Here you can proceed either from existing circumstances. For example, from some sources - wells, boreholes, storage tanks, water is supplied, regardless of the time of year, always at approximately the same temperature. And you can calculate it for the most unfavorable conditions, when the water in winter is so cold that it is not far from the freezing line.
  • Next, you need to indicate (check the boxes) those hot water collection points that, according to the owners, can be used simultaneously without interfering with one another. Of course, if you supply water to all plumbing fixtures at once, then you probably won’t find such a powerful device.

But this is all decided at home, so to speak, by administrative methods. And it’s difficult to imagine a situation where one family member, for example, is washing dishes in the kitchen, while a second one is standing in the shower stall, a third one is taking a bath, etc. And the calculator, by the way, will help you fully imagine what can be used at the same time.

  • All other values ​​- the average statistical consumption at points of consumption and the heat capacity of water - have already been entered into the calculation program.
  • All that remains is to press the “CALCULATE…” button - and the answer will be given, expressed in kilowatts of the required thermal power of the column. In addition to the calculated value, another one will be shown - taking into account the 15% power reserve, since “driving” the water heater to the limit of its operating capabilities is far from the best solution.
Calculator required power geyser

Enter the requested information and click

Expected temperature at the column outlet, °C

Water temperature at the inlet to the column, °C

Planned possible use of hot water

Number of “degrees of protection”

The presence of safety levels has already been discussed briefly, but we can once again mention the necessary and desirable degrees of protection and control over the operation of the device:

  • Water flow sensor (most often a regular “frog”): will not allow the gas valve to open if the main operating condition of the device is not met - flow.
  • Thermal combustion sensor connected by a contact wire to a solenoid valve. When cooling (the wick fades), it causes complete blocking of the gas supply to the column.
  • The ionization combustion sensor is different in principle of operation, but similar in purpose to the one described above.
  • Draft sensor in the chimney. It will give a command to stop the gas supply if for some reason the draft in the chimney is absent or reduced to dangerous limits. This will prevent combustion products from concentrating indoors in quantities dangerous to human health.
  • Water pressure level sensor. It will prevent the igniter from working if the pressure in the water supply is weak. By the way, you need to pay attention to this point - if there are frequent pressure surges in the water supply network, then you need to select a column with the appropriate level of “sensitivity”.
  • A water overheating sensor is present in all water pumps, but the option is very useful - it will not allow you to scald yourself with boiling water, and there will be much less scale in the pipes.
  • Temperature sensors at the inlet and outlet are only found in modern, “sophisticated” columns, in which the heating level is controlled and adjusted, as they say, “online”.
  • A protective emergency pressure relief valve - if for some reason any level of protection does not work (which is very unlikely), the valve will prevent critical pressure from forming in the heat exchanger.

Column control

The vast majority of modern mid-price columns have two control elements - regulation of the flowing water pressure and the amount of gas supplied to the burner (combustion intensity). This is usually quite enough to optimally configure the water heater to the desired operating mode.

A typical "set" of controls for a modern speaker

Some models have an additional “winter-summer” switch for more economical operation, taking into account the fact that in summer the inlet water temperature is higher, and the threshold for comfortable heating can be reduced to a certain extent.

How additional option, a digital thermometer can be placed on the panel, on which the maximum heating temperature can often be inserted - for the corresponding sensor.

More convenient to use, but, of course, much more expensive in cost, geysers with complex, automatic tuning power indicators of the water heater. A special electronic unit evaluates the flow power, water and gas pressure, presets made, and maintains all parameters of the column operation in such a way that the output water is always at the same temperature, precisely set by the user.

Combustion chamber and chimney

Very important point– type of combustion chamber and exhaust system for gas combustion products. So, the combustion chamber can be open or closed.

  • When the combustion chamber is open, combustion products are discharged to the upper part of the column body, with their further entry into the chimney channel. Such a scheme is inexpensive, but it will be convenient only in a private house, since such a column will require a chimney, and it is almost impossible to build it according to all the rules in a high-rise building.

Another type of open-chamber water heaters are low-power water heaters, up to 10 kW, in which combustion products are simply thrown into the kitchen. It would seem convenient, but here's why then these speakers, to put it mildly, are “not praised.” They are not infallible , Although and have certain degrees of protection, but still are not highly reliable.

Low-power chimneyless speakers - more problems than benefits...

In a number of regions of Russia, they are either simply prohibited from being installed, or are subject to special requirements for premises. increased requirements– minimum volumes of the kitchen, windows and electric fans in them, forced triple ventilation, the presence of a gas analyzer, etc. In a word, it is still better to refuse such a “neighborhood”, although the price of such speakers is low. By the way, serious manufacturers do not deal with such products - almost all such speakers, despite their very Russian names, come from neighboring China.

Some speakers of this type have an additional protective option - a built-in operation timer. So, in order to prevent a dangerous concentration of combustion products in the room, the operation of the water heater is limited, for example, to 15 minutes - after this time the gas supply is simply interrupted.

  • In an apartment the best option columns with a sealed closed combustion chamber become. Both the air supply and the removal of combustion products are forced into them using built-in fans. Typically used for this coaxial chimney, which combines both functions. Speakers are often sold complete with a chimney coaxial pipe of the required length.

Such a chimney can also be placed in a high-rise apartment, leading it outside through the wall. Of course, in this case, the possibility of placing the pipe should be assessed - there are certain restrictions in this regard. In order for the reader to be able to “estimate” in advance the admissibility of such a solution to the issue in their specific conditions, we can provide a diagram and an accompanying table with acceptable parameters:

Location of the outlet pipe of the coaxial gas outletMinimum distance, mm
ADirectly below an opening or uncovered dormer window300
BBelow horizontal gutters and pipes150
CBelow the eaves level200
DBelow protruding balconies, canopies, below terrace level200
EFrom vertical drainpipes150
FFrom internal and external corners buildings horizontally300
GWhen exiting through a wall - above ground level, the roof of an extension or above a balcony300
Hin the vicinity of other buildings or high terrain - the distance from the edge of the pipe is at least600
IFrom the gas outlet of another device on a neighboring building1200
JFrom a garage window with an entrance to a residential building1200
KVertical from the gas outlet of another device on the same wall1500
LHorizontally from the gas outlet of another device on the same wall300
MVertically from opening door and window openings300
NHorizontally from opening door and window openings300
OFor vertical exit through the roof of the extension - from the adjacent main wall no less than300
PWhen exiting through the roof - from the roof level not less than300
RWhen exiting through the roof - from the nearest window horizontally, no less than1000
SWhen exiting through the roof - from an adjacent chimney, ventilation or gas outlet pipe600

Speaker Manufacturers

And this is also a very important aspect of choice. Alas, it is no secret that in this area of ​​production a lot of counterfeits, obvious fakes or copies of very low quality have appeared. Often, behind flowery names lies a frankly low-quality product. It is not even possible to exclude the possibility of purchasing a dispenser for which the approval for installation will not be received from the relevant authorities.

The best option is to check with the local gas industry in advance to see if they have any restrictions or, on the contrary, recommendations for purchasing water heaters. Very often, such organizations also operate their own showrooms, which will immediately put the purchased speaker under warranty and service maintenance.

If you make the purchase yourself, then you should never purchase “used” equipment, which would no matter how tempting the offer was, and how would The seller assured that the speaker had only worked for a month and was in excellent condition. Only new, only with a passport corresponding to the serial number of the product, and only with a mark on the place and date of sale!

Video: geyser “Electrolux” NanoPlus»

If we talk about specific manufacturers, then water heaters “Beretta” (Italy), “Vaillant” or “Bosch” (Germany), “Electrolux” and “Ariston” of European assembly enjoy unconditional authority. It's impossible not to say kind words and to the address domestic manufacturer– in terms of functionality, Russian Neva gas water heaters no longer lag behind their foreign analogues, and in terms of quality they are trying to get closer to world standards.

Video: sharing with me niyami about the gas water heater "Neva-Lux 6014"

In apartments there are often interruptions in hot water supply; in general, it is necessary to create a individual system. To organize an uninterrupted supply of hot water, the best solution There will be an instantaneous water heater installed, but first you need to select it.

A good option is a gas water heater. Which one is better, reviews from experts and consumers will help you find out about it.

In contact with

Why is a gas water heater better for heating water?

A device for heating water by burning gas (natural or liquefied) is called a gas water heater.

The resulting water can be used for economic, domestic or technical purposes. Note!

The gas unit provides hot water supply around the clock and uninterruptedly.

Depending on their design, heaters are divided into flow-type and storage-type devices. Geysers are instantaneous water heaters. They are more economical compared to electrical appliances, due to gas tariffs.

The device consists of a steel body to which water and gas are supplied. Inside the unit there is a spiral-shaped heat exchanger (coil) and a gas burner. The heated water is sent through a pipeline from the column to the tap. Gas combustion products are discharged into the chimney.

The igniter on the device can be ignited in three ways:

  • manual option;
  • electronic;
  • piezo ignition.

In the first case, matches are required, and the main burner is ignited by turning the handle. Such variants of units are long outdated. Modern geysers are equipped with an electronic control system and are capable of operating automatically. The consumer only needs to open the tap, and the unit will turn on; after the valve is closed, the burner will go out.

When using a device with piezo ignition, for initial activation you must press a special button located on the front of the device. The resulting spark will ignite the pilot, which will ignite the burner. After turning off the water, the burner will go out, and the pilot light will continue to burn continuously.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a device

Before choosing a gas water heater, you need to decide on the power; it should be enough for all consumers. The higher this indicator, the more water volume the device will produce.

A 17 kW column provides 10 liters of hot water per minute - this is enough to wash your hands and take a shower. If you like to take a bath, then you should consider a 24 kW unit - it will produce 14 liters of water.

An important parameter is the ability of the device to heat water to a certain temperature. This indicator is denoted by the letters Dt. It is enough to raise the temperature to 37 degrees, and it can already be used. There are devices that heat up to 50 degrees, but their power will be greater, which means the price will increase.

The resulting water can be used for economic, domestic or technical purposes. When connecting multiple plumbing fixtures to the system, it is imperative to choose equipment of higher power.

An important addition are the unit’s safety sensors; they protect against such phenomena as:

  • attenuation of the main and additional burners;
  • overheating of the device;
  • sudden cessation of water supply;
  • fluctuations in water temperature;
  • low pressure;
  • spasmodic unstable combustion.

The design and placement in the room depends on the size of the devices. Most often, gas water heaters are installed in the kitchen, less often in bathrooms and toilets.

To understand how to choose a gas water heater, you need to know the features and advantages of different models.

Advantages of gas water heaters

Compared to electric water heaters gas appliances have a number of advantages:

  • Heating occurs immediately after the burner is ignited, this ensures instant use of water without waiting for it to be heated by the heating element.
  • Small overall size. The large dimensions of the boiler do not allow it to be placed anywhere. In addition, the speaker will look neat and not clutter up the room.
  • Economical consumption of resources. Gas units They heat water as needed, so gas consumption is minimal. In addition, modern automatic gas water heaters have the ability to regulate power.
  • The presence of sensors eliminates the possibility of gas leaks and makes the devices completely safe.

Top 10 best gas heaters according to users

To choose the right device, it is worth considering the rating of geysers based on their quality and reliability, compiled based on consumer opinions.

First place for Ariston Gi7S 11L FFI

The device has excellent exterior design that everyone will like. The unit has multi-level protection and is equipped with a closed combustion chamber, which does not allow combustion products to enter the room. The display shows all the necessary information. Premium class means that the model holds the given task well temperature regime and has a low noise level. Can run on natural or bottled gas.

The advantages of an automatic gas water heater include touch control, good external design, the presence of an information display and many different functions. This model is more suitable for a private building.

Second place – Ariston Fast Evo 11B

The unit has small overall dimensions. It can be installed both on the kitchen wall and in the bathroom. The device is controlled by special switches. Quality system protection allows you to protect it from overheating.

You can heat the water up to a maximum of 65 degrees. The combustion chamber is made in open version. The equipment will fit well into any interior style.

The advantages include compactness and easy operation, as well as quiet and stable operation. One of the disadvantages is the slow ignition of the burner.

Third place – Bosch WR 10-2P

Unit with automatic system shutdown is a universal model; it is suitable for any interior design solution. Using a special lever, you can easily and smoothly adjust the heating. A special feature of the device is the presence of ionization flame control. The Bosch semi-automatic gas water heater operates almost silently. Even with pressure surges in the system, the column maintains the desired temperature. The heat exchanger is made of copper and equipped with a steel burner. Equipment control is carried out mechanically, which ensures reliability and simplicity.

Bosch W 10 KB

Combustion products are well removed thanks to the innovative system. Special touch sensors protect the device from overheating. If the flame goes out, the gas will stop flowing automatically. High quality workmanship is combined with practical and compact shapes. The device functions well even with low pressure. The advantage of the equipment is fast ignition, but it is quite loud. If you don’t know which geyser is the most reliable, then take a closer look at this model.

Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW

This water heater runs on natural gas. It has small dimensions, which allows it to be placed in small spaces. The device is controlled by special regulators. The display shows information about the status and selected modes. Distinctive feature equipment is its high performance, as well as good protection. Another advantage is quiet operation.

Neva 4511

This Russian gas water heater will work well both in a private house and in an apartment. Its peculiarity is that the equipment operates at a fairly low pressure in the system. To control the flame level, the device has a special ionization sensor. The panel contains a screen and temperature control levers. In addition, the device provides the desired temperature and water pressure.

Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus

On the panel in the front part of the unit there is a screen and control knobs. The device lights up electronic device in automatic mode. Power and temperature conditions are selected manually.

The burner is made of stainless steel. The security system has several levels. The equipment operates smoothly at low pressure. The advantage is the quick ignition and quiet operation of the device.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the low level of quality of electronics. If you don't knowhow to choose a gas water heater for an apartment, pay attention to this unit.

Oasis 20 kW white

Small and cheap model. The equipment does not have a constantly burning pilot light, which reduces gas costs. In the event of a power outage, automatic ignition is provided by batteries. To control the equipment, there is a small display and three controls. The device quickly heats water, and its placement does not require much space.


This is a low power device. It has electric ignition and automatic burner operation. The unit allows you to select the operating mode (winter or summer), this will make it possible to reduce gas costs. It has low cost and at the same time good efficiency. It works quite quietly.

Timberk WHE 3.5 XTR H1

Among the most budget options can be attributed to this model. Ergonomic design and small dimensions will allow the device to fit into any style and interior design solution. Water is heated instantly. Protection systems will protect equipment from problems, and low cost makes it popular with buyers.

Gas is a dangerous fuel that requires serious consideration and increased attention. Negligence may result in a leak, resulting in an explosion.

Gas equipment must be installed correctly and connections must be taken care of to avoid an explosive situation.

Installation can only be entrusted to professionals, since experience and skill in such work are important. A gas heater is not a device that you can install yourself using instructions, but if the work is done correctly, it will serve you for a long time.

In addition, you need to know and follow the rules for using the device, otherwise any geyser - Mora, Ariston or Electrolux - will fail. You should not heat the water above 60 degrees, otherwise salt deposits will appear on the heat exchanger. This will result in the need to clean or replace it.

Attention! If you often have power outages, then you should stock up on IPS for automatic appliances. A voltage stabilizer will also not hurt, especially with frequent power surges in the network.

High water hardness can also lead to clogging of the device. To avoid this, use a special filter or means to soften it. You cannot disassemble and clean the column yourself - this is dangerous. Entrust such work better for specialists who will do all the work efficiently and on time.

Water heaters allow you to get hot water at any time, so they are often purchased for greater comfort in living in an apartment or house. Among them, geysers are the most profitable, however, modern devices of this type have a large list of characteristics, which can be difficult for the average user to understand.

Before you go to the store for such equipment, it is worth finding out what types of such heaters are available, as well as reading reviews from experts and consumers.


Depending on power

  • With low power (9-20 kW). Such devices are capable of providing warm water to only 1 point.
  • With average power (20-24 kW). By installing such a column, you can count on simultaneous use of 2 points, but the intensity at them will be different (for example, the pressure in the bathroom will be stronger than in the kitchen).
  • With high power (more than 25 kW). Such equipment is capable of supplying hot water to 2 points with equally high pressure or to 3 points with different intensities.

Considering the type of ignition

  • With manual ignition. This is an inconvenient and outdated option that is becoming less and less common these days.
  • With piezo ignition (semi-automatic). The burner inside the device is constantly smoldering, and ignition is ensured by turning on the button. Gas consumption is higher, but the dispenser itself is cheaper.
  • With electric ignition (automatic). The most expensive, but also the most convenient ignition option, which uses a spark from batteries, and the burner in the column ignites when the tap is opened.

Depending on the regulation of flame combustion

  • With automatic regulation. The most convenient option that ensures that a certain temperature is maintained despite changes in water pressure.
  • With smooth regulation.
  • With step regulation.

Depending on the exhaust system

  • Turbocharged. Such equipment removes combustion products to the street through a special hole in the wall.
  • With outlet to the chimney. In such a device, combustion products are discharged into a common chimney for the entire house.

Gas water heaters for apartments

Buying a speaker in city ​​apartment, first you need to decide on the power of the device depending on the needs for hot water.

Further, for a city apartment it is important to pay attention to the safety of the device. The homeowner must be sure that the water heater will not become dangerous for the apartment or its residents if the flame suddenly goes out or the water pressure in the pipes changes. In addition, you should find out in advance about all permits for installing the column. Sometimes it is necessary to obtain approval not only from the gas service, but also from neighbors.

When choosing equipment that will heat water for both showering and washing dishes at the same time, look for more powerful speakers.


When assessing the power of modern water dispensers, users and experts give preference to medium-power devices that can supply hot water to 2 taps.

When discussing manufacturers, most buyers speak well of the speakers of such foreign companies:

  • Ariston - the equipment of this Italian manufacturer is called high-quality, and its prices are considered acceptable.
  • Vaillant - everyone likes the large number of options in devices of this brand, as well as high quality devices.
  • Beretta – what consumers like most about this manufacturer’s models is design and reliable performance.
  • Bosch - people are attracted to the good reputation of the brand, so such speakers are in demand for their safety and simplicity. Plus, they have a fairly affordable price.
  • Termaxi - devices from this company are attractive due to the presence of a modulating burner. Modulation is also found in models Neva 5514, Beretta Idrabagno, speakers from Junker and Vaillant.

Attitude to Russian manufacturers ambiguous, but almost all consumers note that the higher the price domestic apparatus, the better its characteristics. Some buyers are satisfied with the long service and decent quality domestic speakers . Others like the availability of components and repair work . Those who respond to heaters Russian production negative, note short term

battery life, column sensitivity to water pressure, frequent breakdowns. It is also important to follow the instructions when using it, and if any problem appears with the column, immediately contact technical service. In most cases negative experience

As for the type of arson, consumer opinions regarding it are very different. Most buyers call piezo ignition the most reliable and practical, but note that electric ignition is more convenient to use. At the same time, users confirm that devices with electric ignition are more capricious in terms of water pressure.

But starting with a hydrogen generator causes a negative reaction among many consumers. Almost all of them note that with this, the most modern form ignition, you have to additionally install a booster pump and listen to neighbors' dissatisfaction about the low water pressure in the common riser.

When buying a Russian water pump, experienced users and experts advise additionally installing a pump to maintain sufficient water pressure in the pipes. For very hard water, installing a filter is also recommended to prevent scale formation and damage to the heat exchanger.

For information on what you should pay attention to when buying a gas water heater, watch the video of the Heat Engineering St. Petersburg channel.

Gas water heaters will effectively help heat water in the house. This will restore hot water supply in the event of a sudden or systematic shutdown. This rating of the best geysers for 2018 - 2019 gives you the opportunity to choose suitable model, which has an excellent price-quality ratio. This top 10 of the most popular and efficient geysers is compiled according to the opinion of buyers, as well as taking into account the existing characteristics of each unit.

10 Timberk WHE 3.5 XTR H1

The most budget solution This rating includes the Timberk WHE 3.5 XTR H1 model, which does everything to help the user save on water and electricity bills. This is an extremely compact water heater with a durable body and ergonomic design. This device instantly heats water to required condition. The progressive heating block does its job truly efficiently. On front panel There is a heating indicator, and various protective systems will protect the unit from all sorts of problems.


  • Robust and compact body.
  • High quality performance and fast heating.
  • Incredibly low cost.


  • Relatively weak pressure.


If there is no need for high power, then SUPERLUX DGI 10L will be a worthy solution. This water heater has electric ignition, as well as automatic switching off and on of the burner itself. This option allows you to seriously save gas. The device can operate in summer or winter mode to further reduce natural fuel consumption. The viewing window has safety glass for added safety.


  • Simple and affordable option for home.
  • Quite silent operation.
  • High degree of efficiency.


  • There are no spare parts on the market.

8 Oasis 20 kW white

Inexpensive and miniature gas water heater Oasis 20 kW white - economical option for home. There is no igniter that works around the clock and “eats” resources. Moreover, a well-thought-out winter-summer switch makes it possible to significantly reduce gas costs. If the power is suddenly turned off, the batteries will automatically ignite. Used for best convenience There are three regulators at once, as well as a small screen.


  • Very favorable price.
  • Heats water quickly and steadily.
  • Minimum column sizes.


  • Over time, minor problems with ignition may arise.

7 Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus

The Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus column has a high-quality LED display, as well as two full-fledged control knobs. Electronic ignition occurs automatically, and you can adjust the temperature and power manually. Gas-burner made of durable of stainless steel, and a well-thought-out chimney makes it possible to connect the device to almost any exhaust system. It is necessary to note the multi-level security system and stable work even at very low gas pressure. The high-quality oxygen-free copper heat exchanger is extremely protected from external influences.


  • Stylish display with excellent information content.
  • Quiet operation and convenient control.


  • Not the highest reliability of electronics.

6 Neva 4511

Gas water heater Neva 4511 is suitable for apartments and private houses, providing owners with hot water even at the lowest pressure. Vertical installation makes it possible to place the unit on the wall, saving free space. To ensure proper safety, the device has an ionization sensor that monitors the flame. Present modern panel controls with temperature regulators and display. And using the viewing window, you can monitor the state of the flame, which is very convenient.


  • Compact model with convenient option installation
  • Very comfortable control.
  • Controls water pressure and temperature.


  • Some reliability issues.

5 Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW

The stylish LG 43UH619V water heater is used for work natural gas, and also has fairly small dimensions. Thanks to this, the device can be installed even in small rooms. Convenient controls provide direct control, and a beautiful black display is located at the bottom. The device is intended for everyday household needs, namely for instant heating of water. The power supply comes from the battery. The model is characterized by high performance and degree of protection.


  • Elegant design for beautiful kitchens and baths.
  • Compact size and easy setup.
  • Quiet and productive operation.


  • When installing, you need to carefully monitor the wires.

4 Bosch W 10 KB

For the most common household needs, the Bosch W 10 KB gas water heater with innovation system Anti Overflow for efficient removal of combustion products. The copper heat exchanger is qualitatively protected from overheating thanks to special temperature sensors. If the flame goes out, the gas supply will automatically stop. Practical design is combined with compact dimensions and high quality workmanship. And the advanced power modulation technology will always make the water flow consistently high even with low pressure.


  • Fast automatic ignition.
  • The highest quality workmanship.
  • Compact and easy to install device.


  • The electric ignition is quite loud.

3 Bosch WR 10-2P

A universal model for any interior is the Bosch WR 10-2P - a geyser with an automatic shut-off function. Using the lever, you can adjust the heating temperature really smoothly and easily. It is worth highlighting the ionization control of the flame, as well as the silent operation of the unit. The igniter is always on. It is noteworthy that even strong surges in water pressure will not prevent the device from maintaining required temperature. The metal body is complemented by a steel burner and a copper heat exchanger. Wherein mechanical control is characterized by simplicity and reliability.


  • Practical water heater with convenient installation.
  • Convenient model for everyday use.
  • Very quiet operation of the device.


  • With active use, water may begin to leak.

2 Ariston Fast Evo 11B

Water heater flow type Ariston Fast Evo 11B received relatively small physical dimensions. It can easily be installed on the wall of a bathroom or kitchen. The device operates using batteries, so it does not depend on electricity. Thanks to the switches, comfortable operation is possible. The device cannot overheat due to special protection. There is a flame control sensor, and the maximum water heating temperature is 65 degrees. It is worth noting open camera combustion. The water heater will fit perfectly into the interior of a modern home.


  • Simple and intuitive operation of the device.
  • Compact model with attractive design.
  • Quiet and efficient geyser.


  • Doesn't light up fast enough.

1 Ariston Gi7S 11L FFI

The Ariston Gi7S 11L FFI water heater belongs to the Marco Polo line, therefore it has an unsurpassed appearance that fascinates literally at first sight. The multi-level protection system is complemented closed system combustion so that residual products do not enter the room. Such a device can stably maintain the set temperature, and the advanced display clearly shows all the important information. This is a premium model with elegant design and low noise level. Supports not only liquefied gas, but also natural gas.


  • Fabulous appearance premium level.
  • Touch control and information screen.
  • Abundance of various functions.


  • More suitable for private homes.

How to choose a gas water heater and what criteria should you follow when making a purchase? This question interests many people who want to provide their home with hot water supply. Plus, this equipment is considered the most economical and it can simultaneously serve two or three water intake points. Let's figure out which manufacturers are better and what to look for when you come to the store.

Features of this equipment

Choosing a gas water heater is a responsible process, so first you need to figure out why this equipment finds wide application both in houses and apartments? To do this, let’s name the main advantages of speakers:

  • ease of operation;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • durability, safety of use;

Compared to storage equipment (boilers), geysers have acceptable dimensions and are not inferior to them in performance. Current technologies make it possible to create reliable, highly efficient devices characterized by uninterrupted operation.

Without quality technical equipment modern life is unthinkable, since people are accustomed to comfort and want to enjoy the benefits of life to the fullest. For this reason, people do not want to depend on the utility service and install a gas water heater in their apartment. There is also a fact of saving energy costs, because the equipment in question “absorbs” less money than electric water heaters.

The geyser is mounted at an accessible height in accordance with the installation instructions - each model has its own

What criteria should you pay attention to?

Which geyser to choose? So that our readers who are faced with this problem do the right purchase, in this article we will try to provide the most relevant and comprehensive information.

So what should you pay attention to?

First aspect– power. The overall performance of the system depends on this important parameter, because we are talking about a certain amount of water that the device can heat per unit of time. In this regard, geysers come in three types: low (17-19 kilowatts), medium (22-24 kilowatts), high (28-31 kilowatts) power. The choice of a specific model depends on the following factors:

  • individual user needs;
  • number of water intake points. For example, if you plan to consume at several points, you need to give preference to higher power and good performance.

Second aspect– type of ignition. Gone are the days when a geyser was lit with matches, because today it is an improved equipment: you just need to open the tap and the device will work. Automatic ignition is the most reliable and this statement is supported by significant arguments. The bottom line is that the spark is created using a turbine or batteries, and the wick is ignited only by direct consumption of water.

As for piezo ignition, this method is quite common, but somewhat inconvenient. Why? Because ignition is carried out by pressing a button, that is, if the column is located in hard to reach place, this button is difficult to reach. In addition, after ignition, the wick continues to burn, consuming gas.

Third aspect– burner type. When answering the question of how to choose the right geyser, one cannot fail to mention this criterion. A constant power burner requires manual adjustment. Everyone understands that there is no convenience here, since the water pressure in the system is constantly changing. But a burner with modulating power is much more practical: it adapts to the pressure of the water flow, ensuring a stable temperature.

Fourth aspect- safety. The best geyser has a three-level security system and is automatically blocked when the flame goes out, in the absence of draft, or when reverse thrust. It is also advisable that the equipment be equipped with a hydraulic safety valve that protects the device from overheating.

Fifth aspect– removal of combustion products. In principle, geysers are divided into turbocharged and chimney. In the first case, the equipment discharges combustion products into the street, and in the second, the column is connected to the chimney.

Sixth aspect- manufacturer. This is a broad topic, so we will look at it in more detail and present to your attention a unique rating of geysers.

Rating of the most famous manufacturers

Yes, the market range is very diverse, so deciding which geyser is better is not so easy. For this reason, we want to provide a list of manufacturers whose products are the most in demand:

  • Ariston– devices from this manufacturer occupy a golden mean, because for quite reasonable money buyers can buy a decent Italian quality. Ariston gas instantaneous water heaters are characterized by high efficiency and are equipped with the function of maintaining a set temperature. The main components of the equipment are made of composite material guaranteeing long service life and corrosion resistance;
  • Termaxi– geysers are made in China, but they are famous good quality. Their competitive advantage is the presence of a modulation burner. Also in the line of water dispensers there is a model that provides 12 liters of hot water per minute - this means that three water intake sources can be connected to the equipment;
  • Vaillant– there is no doubt about the high quality of equipment from a German manufacturer, since geysers are characterized by reliability and unpretentiousness. They cause minimal problems for users and last a very long time because they are equipped with a durable copper heat exchanger.
  • Beretta– instantaneous water heaters made in Italy have extremely positive reviews from consumers. Why? The reason is clear: ease of use, beautiful appearance, high quality components, wide range. For example, the model range includes devices with electric ignition and flame modulation.

We really hope that after reading our article, you will be able to purchase the best geysers for your apartment or house, which will best meet your needs and wishes.

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