How to make fertilizer from sawdust. Sawdust as a fertilizer: soil mulching technology. Creating a layer of compost between beds


  • the weed disappears;
  • soil moisture is maintained;
  • insect protection;
  • the soil remains loose;


High warm beds

Mulch for strawberries

Sawdust in a greenhouse and greenhouse

  • sufficient moisture.

Sawdust and plant insulation

DIY fertilizer

  1. What sawdust to use
  2. Several fertilizer recipes
  3. Recipe 1: wood and ash
  4. Fertilizer from fresh sawdust
  5. Strawberries and wild strawberries
  6. How to cover roses
  7. Sawdust for seedlings

Advantages of sawdust:

Harm of wood waste:

  • Fresh sawdust oxidizes the soil.

What sawdust to use

Several fertilizer recipes

Recipe 1: wood and ash

Lay down:

  • Wood sawdust - 200 kg;
  • Water - 50 liters;

Fertilizer from fresh sawdust

  1. Ammonium nitrate - 40 g;
  2. Calcium chloride - 10 g.

Strawberries and wild strawberries

How to cover roses

Sawdust for seedlings

Read the content of the article!

Sawdust for the garden: the use, benefits and harms of sawdust. There is still no consensus on the use of sawdust in a private plot. For novice gardeners, this technology is of great interest. Experienced gardeners refuse sawdust because of the negative experience of use. In fact, wood chips have a number of positive properties that can provide a good result. However, it should be applied with a certain degree of caution, following certain rules.

With the help of sawdust, the fertile layer of the earth becomes more loose and airy. Such soils do not form a crust that is harmful to plants, which makes it possible to reduce the amount of loosening. Sawdust can also be used as a fertilizer. As a result of proper preparation of the material, high-quality humus will be formed, which is similar to more expensive manure. In winter, mulch from wood shavings protects the roots of plants from freezing, in the summer, it allows you to keep moisture in the soil.

This is interesting! Useful properties of sawdust appear only in combination with fertilizers or after 10 years of being in a compost heap.

During this period, bacteria appear on the surface of the wood chips, which saturate the wood with minerals. In its pure form, sawdust is used to fill the tracks. This allows you to reduce the risk of the spread of weeds and gives accuracy to the entire site.

The negative consequences of using wood waste include:

  • Increasing the acidity of the soil;
  • Yield reduction due to nitrogen leaching.

You can find out the acidity of the earth on the site using tests with litter papers, which are purchased in specialized garden shops.

To neutralize the effect of acid, sawdust is mixed with alkali-containing substances:

  • dolomite flour;
  • crushed chalk;
  • lime or lime-oxidant;
  • wood or peat ash.

For these purposes, fertilizers are also used, such as superphosphate, potassium chloride, sodium or calcium nitrate, potassium sulfate.

When using alkalis, you should follow some rules. For example, fertilizers are added to a mixture of lime and dolomite flour, which include boron and manganese in their composition. A solution of calcium nitrate (urea) helps prevent a lack of nitrogen.

Options for using sawdust in the garden


Wood chips are often used as a base for mulching. This operation is carried out at the beginning of summer, when moisture is actively evaporated. As a material, a rotted sawdust is chosen. If this is not observed, use a fresh haircut. Before the procedure, it undergoes special processing.

Method for preparing mulch from fresh sawdust

It will take 3 buckets of wood waste, 10 liters of water and 200 grams of urea. The shavings are laid out on a plastic film, fertilizer is added and evenly watered. Then the procedures are repeated. The construction is covered with polyethylene and left for 14 days, crushing it with stones. Sawdust is usually laid in the passages between the beds, mixing with ash. At the end of the summer season, wood waste is dug up together with the ground.

Carrots, garlic, onions, beets, turnips need a protective powder with sawdust. The procedures are carried out after the dive, when the landings have reached a height of 5–7 cm. Vegetable crops grow in a thin layer of a few centimeters. Cucumber bushes are best sprinkled with substrate along the perimeter around the stem.
Sawdust will look especially good in raspberries and under strawberry and strawberry bushes. The fruits as a result of mulching will be clean, not rotten. In addition, such processing will help perennials survive the winter. Sprinkling under the bushes is done when the seedlings have already taken root and gained a height of more than 7 cm.

Video: sawdust for a large harvest

To achieve the maximum effect, experts recommend combining chips from different types of trees. Most crops are suitable for waste of deciduous trees, with the exception of oak. For lovers of "sour environment" - tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, as well as strawberries - you should pick up sawdust of coniferous species. This haircut practically does not tolerate pathogenic microbes, which eliminates the risk of infection of plants.

It will have an excellent effect on the state of the soil and pre-winter mulching. The use of sawdust in autumn is slightly different from the spring procedure. During this period, it is necessary to mix the shavings with compost and peat, only after that spread on the beds. In the spring, it remains to carry out shallow digging or simply loosen the soil with harrows.


Expensive manure will become more accessible if you mix it with sawdust. For a cubic meter of wood chips, 10 kg of bird droppings and 100 kg of cow manure will be required. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the overturned shavings are connected only with overturned manure, fresh - with fresh. This improves the quality of the compost. Instead of manure, you can use mullein, urea, or a solution of bird droppings.

Fertilizer is prepared throughout the year from the beginning of summer. Before laying a compost heap, sawdust is moistened with water or slurry. Ordinary earth will not be superfluous here (at the rate of 2 - 3 buckets per cubic meter of sawdust). As needed, the compost is poured with water, grass, hay, kitchen waste are added to it. The top pile is covered with polyethylene, leaving small pores for heat exchange and ventilation.

Here are a few recipes for such fertilizers.

Wood and ash:

  • 200 kg sawdust;
  • 50 l of water;
  • 10 kg of ash;
  • urea, saturated with nitrogen (up to 47%) 2.5 kg per pile;
  • up to 100 kg of food waste, grass.

Grass and shavings are laid in layers, ash is added and a pile of urea dissolved in water is poured. The compost is covered with polyethylene organics (on soils poor in microelements):

  • 200 kg haircut;
  • 100 kg of freshly cut grass;
  • 50 kg of cow manure;
  • 30 kg of organic waste;
  • Humates (1 drop per 100 liters of water).
  • a bucket of wood chips;
  • 40 grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • 30 grams of granulated superphosphate;
  • a glass of slaked lime;
  • 10 grams of calcium chloride.

The substrate is infused for two weeks. Then, when digging, the beds are added to the soil. Fertilize the soil in the amount of 2 - 3 buckets per 1 square meter of land. This procedure contributes to the natural loosening of the soil.

If sawdust was stored near abandoned forest areas, they should also be pre-composted. In order for the heap to warm up to at least 60 degrees of heat, it is poured with hot water and covered with polyethylene. This temperature allows you to destroy the seeds of weeds.

Growing seeds in wood shavings

Sawdust serves as a favorable environment for growing rascada. This method is used only when nutrients are present in the seed. If the plant is not transferred to the ground in time, it will die.

For seed germination, only overripe sawdust from deciduous trees is used. The moistened shavings are poured into a container in a thin layer, after which the planting material is laid out on them. Then they add fertilizer to the tank and sprinkle it with another layer of wood chips. The container is placed in an open plastic bag and hidden in a warm place. After the emergence of seedlings, the seedling is transferred to a cooler place, the film is removed and sawdust is sprinkled with a layer of earth of about 0.5 cm. With the appearance of the first leaf, the plants are planted in the ground in a separate pot. Any seeds are grown in this way.

Early potatoes early

Wood chips are also used to prepare seed potatoes. Two weeks before the tubers are planted in the ground, the box is filled with a 10-centimeter layer of sawdust moistened with water. On top of the sprouts, the popped potato tubers (early varieties) are laid up.

After this, the seed material is sprinkled with another layer of sawdust (2–3 cm). The entire period of preparing potatoes is very important to maintain the moisture content of sawdust and the temperature is not higher than 20 degrees. When the height of the shoots reaches 6–8 cm, the tubers are watered with a solution of fertilizers, planted in holes and completely covered with earth. Above the plot is covered with straw or hay; in case of frost - with polyethylene.

How to insulate plants with wood chips

The most simple method is when sawdust is filled with plastic bags, and then they cover the root system of plants with sawdust. Garlic tolerates cold well under damp coniferous sawdust - they provide heat, but also protect crops from diseases and pests.

As a more reliable option, experienced gardeners choose a wooden box without a bottom. It is placed above the plant, covered with sawdust and covered with a film. On top of the box, you can sprinkle with a layer of earth. Plants such as roses, clematis and grapes are left to winter in the place of growth. For protection, the shoots are bent to the ground and covered with a layer of sawdust. It is better to cover the plants with a shaving in late autumn, then the risk of rodents appearing in it will be significantly lower.

A thick layer of wood waste at the bottom of the landing pit will help provide the root system with thermal insulation.

Use of sawdust in closed ground

In greenhouses and greenhouses, sawdust acts as a biofuel. They can be combined with both manure and decayed plants. As a result of such a joint effect, the soil warms up faster, and the plantings absorb useful substances better. In addition, the speed of their pereppevaniya increases, and the compost turns out to be more airy and nutritious. It is possible to introduce wood shavings into the soil of a greenhouse both in autumn and in spring. In the presence of fresh organic matter, fresh sawdust is used, otherwise, only overripe waste.

In autumn, it makes sense to cover the ridges with a layer of straw or cut grass, and at the beginning of spring work, add fresh manure and fresh sawdust mixed with lime. Then plant waste is added to the resulting mass. The soil is covered with straw and a layer of earth with spiced ash and mineral fertilizers. In order for the soil to warm up, the ridges are poured with boiling water or covered with an airtight film.

Formation of high beds

With the help of the overturned sawdust, it is possible to increase the height of the ridge. For this, large trenches with a depth of up to 25 cm are dug around the proposed place of its placement. The bottom of the pit is covered with the remains of straw and covered with a mixture of sawdust, alkali and urea. A layer of leaves is laid on top, and then covered with the previously deposited earth.

So that the earth does not crumble along the edges, a barrier is built around it from cut grass, straw or layers of turf (it must be laid with its roots outside). The sides of the ridge are covered with a film to reduce evaporation. The remaining shavings are distributed between the beds. In the future, it is used to fertilize plants. Cucumber, squash and pumpkin seedlings and young plants actively grow on the formed multilayer ridges.

Other applications sawdust

From juniper sawdust you can prepare a fragrance for the cabinet.

Small waste woodworking absorbs water well, therefore, suitable for storing vegetables in the cellar.

With the help of wood shavings, it is easy to insulate the attic floor or the floors of the first floor. For this, the material is mixed with lime and cement, and then water is added. Instead of cement, crushed clay is often used. Only before performing construction work, stones should be removed from it. Any operations with mortars containing small wood chips require preliminary laying of waterproofing. This is due to the fact that sawdust absorbs moisture well.

Video: the use of sawdust in other areas

High-quality fuel is obtained from the shavings. For pressing briquettes at home, a manual machine is used, equipped with a form for filling wood chips. The finished product is dried on the street. Such briquettes are inferior to factory products in terms of heat transfer, since they have a small density due to low pressure during pressing. However, this method of obtaining economical fuel has found wide application among owners with large stocks of wood shavings.

Sawdust can also be used as bedding for pets. In this case, the haircut performs two functions:

  1. heater;
  2. hygiene products (absorb slurry, waste).

Fruit tree waste contains less resin. It is advisable to dry the pine wood chips first. But from nut sawdust in horses, inflammation of the hooves can occur.

If it is necessary to make the earth loose, use sawdust for the garden, the benefits and harms of which have been studied. experienced gardeners. But it is not recommended to use fresh sawdust. First they need to be prepared. To do this, urea or mullein infusion is added to wood chips, covered with polyethylene, and then stirred from time to time to speed up the process of overheating.

After a couple of weeks, the shavings are ready to be used as fertilizer. Much has been written in the reviews about the benefits or dangers of sawdust in the garden. Experienced summer residents claim that they take nitrogen from the soil, and therefore from plants. They say that you should not use fresh sawdust in the garden, as the plantings will begin to wither.

The benefits of sawdust in the garden

Plants need loose soil to thrive. The addition of rotted sawdust makes the earth a favorable environment for planting garden plants, the roots of which receive a sufficient amount of moisture and oxygen. The use of sawdust allows you to get rid of the crust in the dry season.

They contain a large amount of fiber, essential oils and active substances. The material is successfully used to eliminate soil moisture. To do this, ditches are dug in the aisle and sawdust mixed with lime is poured. Their regular use improves the composition of the soil, reduces the number of weeds, and increases productivity.

What is their secret and how do they work?

They form a natural ecosystem for plants in the garden. It is important to use sawdust that has not been chemically treated or contaminated. Otherwise, they will become a real poison for horticultural crops. If rotted sawdust is used as mulch at the beginning of summer, then by the end of the season, as a result of loosening and the activity of earthworms, they will mix with the soil.

A thick layer of sawdust spread over the surface of the earth during the rainy season prevents moisture from evaporating from the soil surface. This negatively affects the state of fruit and berry crops.

Basic rules for the use of sawdust

Wood shavings are great for mulching the soil. They are sprinkled with a thick layer after planting seedlings.


  • the weed disappears;
  • soil moisture is maintained;
  • insect protection;
  • the soil remains loose;
  • favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria.


Do you need sawdust for the garden in the fall? Everyone is trying to figure out their benefits and harms. As a rule, the soil is mulched for the winter. To do this, fresh sawdust is mixed with peat or manure and scattered on the beds. During the winter, the wood decomposes and becomes a nutritious substance. In the spring they dig or loosen the soil.

High warm beds

The benefits and harms of sawdust for the garden should be studied by every summer resident. How to make multilayer in the bottom of the plot high beds? For such purposes, it is convenient to use sawdust. Upper layer fertile soil clean up. They build a side, cover it with a film to preserve moisture in the garden. A trench is formed and filled with straw, hay or grass. Further, sawdust soaked in urea is placed on top of this, then a layer of organic residues is placed and everything is completed with a fertile layer of earth.

Mulch for strawberries

Do coniferous sawdust in the garden bring benefit or harm? Sawdust, used as mulch under strawberry bushes, protects them from contact with the soil. Thanks to them, the berries are protected from the effects of gray rot. For this purpose, fresh coniferous shavings treated with urea are used. Mulch is applied in the fall to protect the strawberries from freezing and create a barrier to many weeds. Weevil is repelled by pine sawdust in the garden, the benefits or harms of which are learned by practical experience.

Sawdust in a greenhouse and greenhouse

Sawdust is a useful fertilizer for soil in a greenhouse. They are sprinkled with plant residues and manure, which warm up in the spring and quickly overheat. The air permeability of the soil increases, it becomes loose and nutritious. In autumn, straw, mowed grass and tops are laid out on the garden bed.

In the spring, fresh manure is added and sprinkled with lime and sawdust, mixed with a pitchfork. Then lay the soil mixed with ash and mineral fertilizers. To increase the speed of heating, pour boiling water.

Sawdust for early potato harvest

So, why do we need sawdust for the garden? What are their benefits and harms? The use of sawdust helps speed up the potato harvest. Choose tubers of early varieties and germinate in the light. At the bottom of the boxes, 10 cm of sawdust is poured, tubers with sprouts are laid out and sprinkled with moistened sawdust. Set aside for 2 weeks.

Features of substrate care:

  • the optimum temperature is not higher than +20 ° С;
  • sufficient moisture.

Before planting, the soil is covered with a film to warm up. Sprouts 8 cm high are watered with complex mineral fertilizer and planted in prepared holes. First, the potato planting is covered with straw or hay, and then with a film.

Sawdust and plant insulation

So that the sawdust does not get wet, they are stuffed into bags. Then spread around the plants. If sawdust is poured around the plant and not covered, then they will get wet and turn into an ice crust in winter. Rodents also like to hide in them, so be sure to cover them with polyethylene.

Sawdust for seed germination

Seeds are comfortable in moistened sawdust, but if the plant is not transplanted on time, it will die.

The germination technology is as follows:

  1. Sawdust is poured into the container and the seeds are laid out.
  2. Sprinkle with a thin layer of sawdust.
  3. Cover with polyethylene and clean in a warm place (+ 25 ... + 30 ° C).
  4. As soon as shoots appear, the container is cleaned in a cool place.
  5. Remove the polyethylene and sprinkle with soil.
  6. Dive when the first true leaf appears.

This technology can be applied when germinating any kind of seeds.

DIY fertilizer

Nutritious compost can be prepared in 4 months. Dense polyethylene is spread on the ground, shavings, weeds, foliage are poured. Add 200 g of urea and pour 10 liters of water or mullein. Cover with polyethylene on top to create a greenhouse effect. Under the influence of sunlight, the process of reproduction of microorganisms begins, and the sawdust quickly rots. The main thing is to monitor the humidity inside the heap and mix it periodically. Vegetables and raspberries can be mulched with half-ripe sawdust.

A month later, the sawdust that has percolated is ready for use in the beds. The constant use of such a fertilizer will make the soil loose, similar in consistency to the one sold in flower shops.

Cons of using sawdust and cautions

So, we have already found out whether fresh sawdust in the garden brings benefit or harm. If sawdust is introduced without waiting for the moment when it is completely overheated, then the wood will take some of the nitrogen from the soil for the decomposition process, as we discussed above. And also the acidity of the soil may increase, the growth of beets and cabbage will slow down.

Before the onset of winter, it is not recommended to cover the beds with a thick layer of sawdust, since the layer will begin to overheat from below, and no changes will occur from above until the onset of spring. Spruce or pine shavings contain a lot of resin, which garden plants do not like. sawdust generated during construction works may contain chemicals. Therefore, they are used with caution.

  1. Properties of wood chips and shavings
  2. What are the benefits and possible harm?
  3. What sawdust to use
  4. Several fertilizer recipes
  5. Recipe 1: wood and ash
  6. Recipe 2: Enriched with organics
  7. Fertilizer from fresh sawdust
  8. How to properly mulch
  9. Strawberries and wild strawberries
  10. How to cover roses
  11. Sawdust for seedlings

Mulching - surface covering of the soil of the garden and vegetable garden with mulch, which can be crushed bark, needles, sawdust and others natural materials. This agricultural technique avoids many health problems. cultivated plants on the ground and in the greenhouse. Using sawdust as a mulch can achieve amazing results in the growth and development of a plant, but only if certain rules are observed.

Properties of wood chips and shavings

Sawdust mulch is suitable for use on all types of soil. What is good about this material:

  • Does not release moisture from the ground, thereby helping to maintain the balance of water in the dry season and in hot areas;
  • Does not allow weeds to grow. This is one of the main reasons for the use of wood waste as a mulch powder;
  • Fresh sawdust is used as bedding for berries - the smell of wood repels some pests from fruits, and clean small chips keep strawberries and strawberries clean;
  • Mulching the soil allows the roots of some plants to survive the winter;
  • Wood chips serve as fertilizer. True, for this you need to fulfill some conditions.

It is worth noting that mulching with sawdust cannot be done in the form in which they are. The fact is that wood does not saturate the soil with useful substances, but, on the contrary, draws them out like a sponge. Sawdust material becomes useful if it is added to the main mixtures for fertilizer or kept for a year or two in a compost heap. At this time, bacteria settle on the surface of the chips, which saturate the wood with useful microelements released during decay and reproduction of microflora.

What are the benefits and possible harm?

Sawdust is often used by gardeners to improve the quality of plant life, but not always a person knows about the true benefits of taking it and is not able to accurately assess its harm. However, in most cases, a positive effect is still obtained from their use. Sawdust in the garden - good or bad?

Advantages of sawdust:

  • With proper preparation, an excellent humus is obtained, similar in properties to traditional manure, which, as you know, costs a lot.
  • Sawdust scattered on paths in the garden prevents the spread of weeds.
  • Retain moisture in the soil, especially in spring. To do this, it is necessary to mulch the soil in the fall.
  • Contribute to the natural aeration of the soil a few years after use.
  • Coniferous shavings and chips practically do not tolerate pathogenic microbes, which eliminates the risk of plant infection.

Harm of wood waste:

  • Sawdust in its pure form is not fertilizer. According to some reports, they absorb minerals from the soil and the soil becomes depleted. To be more precise, nitrogen is drawn out from the fertile layer, which is necessary for the vital activity of microorganism.
  • Fresh sawdust oxidizes the soil.
  • When using sawdust of unknown origin, it is possible to infect plants with certain diseases. To eliminate this drawback, you should not take material from unknown sources.

What sawdust to use

Shavings of different trees are not suitable for all plants:

  • Waste of deciduous trees is suitable for all cultures, except for oak.
  • Conifers saturate the soil with acid, therefore they are only suitable for lovers of such an environment - tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and others.

Several fertilizer recipes

Sawdust in its pure form is only suitable for filling paths in order to retain moisture and stop the development of weeds. In other cases, the preparation of raw materials is required.

In order for sawdust in the garden to become useful, they need to rot. To achieve the desired condition, they will have to lie down for at least 10 years in a pile, while the bacteria process the wood into a useful substrate. To speed up the process, you should make compost from sawdust. In combination with manure and additional additives, the fertilizer ripens faster due to thermoregulation in the right range and maintaining a sufficient level of humidity.

Recipe 1: wood and ash

Lay down:

  • Wood sawdust - 200 kg;
  • Urea rich in nitrogen (up to 47%) - 2.5 kg per pile;
  • Ash necessary for alkalization of the soil - 10 kg;
  • Water - 50 liters;
  • Grass, food waste and drains - up to 100 kg.

Shavings and grass are laid in layers, ash is added and the “pie” is poured with urea dissolved in water. You can cover the pile with polyethylene film, but small pores should remain in the surface: this way the temperature and humidity level will be optimal, and oxygen will remain available.

Recipe 2: Enriched with organics

For poor soil that requires a significant dose of fertilizer, prepare this compost from sawdust:

  • Wood waste - 200 kg;
  • Cow dung - 50 kg;
  • Fresh cut grass - 100 kg;
  • Organic waste (food, feces) - 30 kg;
  • Humates - 1 drop per 100 liters of water (no more).

When this fertilizer ripens, a significant amount of nitrogen is released.

Fertilizer from fresh sawdust

As already mentioned, fresh sawdust does not benefit the soil as a fertilizer for the garden. If you have not done composting in advance, but it is necessary to saturate the soil, use a sawdust mixture with the following additives per bucket of wood chips:

  1. Ammonium nitrate - 40 g;
  2. Granular superphosphate - 30 g;
  3. Slaked lime - 120 g (glass);
  4. Calcium chloride - 10 g.

The mixture must be infused for 2 weeks. To do this, spread polyethylene on the street and sprinkle the ingredients on it.

Mix and leave to highlight the necessary elements and carry out chemical reactions. After that, add the resulting mixture to the soil when digging the beds. The earth will receive a sufficient dose of ammonia, the acid-base balance of the soil will be leveled, the release of useful substances will occur immediately after the first watering. Fertilize the soil should be in the amount of 2-3 buckets per 1 square meter of land. This procedure contributes to the natural loosening of the soil.

How to properly mulch

Sawdust in the country is useful not only to speed up the composting process, but also for the winter shelter of plants, their fertilizer and protection from pests.

Prepared sawdust as a mulch is good to use in the first half of summer, when seedlings and plants are just gaining strength and need protection from weeds, soil moisture loss and disease attacks. By the middle of summer, there will be no obvious trace of the powder - it will be mixed with the earth by rains and worms.

Basically, sawdust saturated with fertilizers is lined in the aisles. This must be done between beds with tomatoes, potato rows and other plants.

Other vegetables grown in the garden - onions, carrots, beets, garlic, turnips - also need a protective powder. It must be done after picking, when the plantings are thinned out and have reached a height of 5-7 cm, for them a 3-4 cm layer of sawdust is lined.

Raspberries are one of the main fans of mulching in the garden. It is necessary to preserve the soil moisture necessary for setting berries. Prepared sawdust is plentifully poured under the bushes.

Strawberries and wild strawberries

Is it possible to mulch strawberries with sawdust? The answer is unequivocal - it is possible and necessary, just like strawberries. This procedure is useful for berries:

  • Sawdust maintains the balance of moisture in the soil;
  • Tender fruits remain clean without touching the ground;
  • Slugs and snails do not crawl on the berries.

For mulching, clean sawdust without impurities is needed, but before the procedure it is important to saturate the soil with minerals and fertilize well to prevent the impoverishment of the fertile layer. The material used can be mixed with urea in the above proportions.

Sawdust is moistened and laid out under the bushes, under each branch and between the bushes.. The layer thickness should be 5-7 cm. This work is presented in the video.

Backfilling is done when the seedlings are already rooted and have gained a height of more than 7 cm. Mulching strawberries with sawdust for the winter will help perennial plant it is better to survive the winter and keep the root system intact.

How to cover roses

Gardeners say: “A rose is a child of manure”, because sawdust is necessary for it as a fertilizer, but they are not suitable as a shelter for the winter, such a mulch does not have sufficient heat-retaining performance.

Shelter of roses with sawdust can be used for wintering only in combination with other, more effective materials. The expert will talk about this in more detail in the video.

Sawdust for seedlings

Tomatoes and other seedlings do not come to the garden and garden as seeds, but in the form of ready-made seedlings. They can also be bred in small wood waste - such an environment is more favorable for a tender seed than soil. How to properly organize the process:

  1. Moistened small chips are poured into a flat container;
  2. Seeds are planted, they are generously sprinkled with fertilizer, since there is nothing nutritious in the sawdust;
  3. Cover with a film, make holes for air and expose to the sun;
  4. When sprouts appear, soil is poured on top so that the plant gets used to it.

The advantage of germinating seeds in woody material is a loose environment that allows the root system of seedlings to develop intensively, but only if there is an adequate supply of nutrients.

Various production wastes are often used in the household.

Often they can successfully replace purchased products and turn out to be no worse in quality.

Waste generated in the process of sawing wood (sawdust) can be very helpful in the garden.

After all, with their help:

  • fertilize the soil, making it more fertile;
  • create favorable conditions for the germination of seedlings and seedlings;
  • fight weeds;
  • regulate the acidity of the soil;
  • protect the roots of plants from drying out and frost;
  • make the paths cleaner and more comfortable to move.

Use before planting

Most types of seedlings need to be planted at the very beginning of spring, when the air temperature at night often drops to negative values.

Because of this, the soil temperature does not exceed +5 degrees, so it the roots do not develop well, and the plant is sick.

If it is not possible to put up a greenhouse, then filling fresh wood waste into grooves or holes may be a good solution.

Sawdust needs to be poured 3-5 cm below the level of the roots, so make the seats a little deeper.

Having dug a hole or groove and laid some sawdust on the bottom, water them with any fertilizer that contains nitrogen and phosphorus, you can also put a few grains of urea.

In this case, the bacteria that ensure the decay of wood waste and raise its temperature will take these substances from the fertilizer that has soaked the ground and the top layer of soil will be provided with constant heating, and also will not lose the trace elements necessary for plant growth.

Wood sawing waste is better suited for such bedding. hardwood fruit species(pear, apple, apricot, etc.). If such sawdust is not available, then any other leafy waste can be used, mixing it with a small amount of manure or droppings to speed up the decomposition of wood.

If only coniferous sawdust is available, then they need mix in equal parts with manure, and also treat with aerobic bifidobacteria. Such drugs are sold in garden stores, they can also be bought on the Internet, for example, here. The cost of packaging sufficient to process 25 m2 is 4–4.5 thousand rubles.

Sprinkle over the sawdust a mixture of garden soil and humus, because in most cases the garden soil is very depleted, so the plant will not be able to develop normally in it.

There are many useful substances and trace elements in the mixture of earth and humus, so the planted seedlings will not suffer from their lack.

Do not mix the earth with unripened sawdust, droppings or manure, because this mixture will burn the roots of plants and you won't get a harvest.

If you have completely rotted sawdust, then they can also be added to the mixture of soil and humus, they will improve the structure of the soil, so that the earth will be better filled with water, air and various nutrients.

In addition, rotted sawdust will provide the plant with additional nutrients, in particular calcium and phosphorus.

This method of planting can be used for any garden plants, however, for the best result take into account the acidity of the soil.

You can determine it using analyzes or by plants on the site. If they grow there:

  • sorrel;
  • horsetail;
  • buttercup;
  • acid;
  • blueberry,

That earth is very acidic and pits or grooves for planting need spill with a solution of slaked lime, and sprinkle the bottom layer of sawdust with wood ash.

If on the site appeared:

  • heather;
  • fern;
  • cornflowers,

that's enough shed holes or grooves with lime mortar.

Most root crops, as well as cucumbers and tomatoes, love moderately acidic soil, so if there are no plants listed above on the site, then sawdust poured into the bottom of the hole, groove or furrow, slightly acidify the soil, so that the seedlings will grow better.

Overripe sawdust does not change either the acidity or the amount of nitrogen in the soil, therefore, by mixing them with soil and humus, you only contribute additional fertilizers, therefore no adjustment of acidity or amount of nitrogen is required.

The same method of adding sawdust to the bottom of grooves or holes can also be used for planting seeds directly into the ground. However, for such a planting, a greenhouse is needed, because the time for planting the seeds is in February and March, so the debate of sawdust will not be able to warm the earth and air to the desired level.

Planting seeds on sawdust allows you to meet the deadlines and avoid transplanting from pots into the soil that injures the roots of plants, because, unlike the earth, sawdust has a very loose structure, therefore when transplanted, the roots are preserved intact.

If you are going to grow seedlings in separate containers, and then transplant them into open or closed ground, then completely rotted sawdust should be mix with earth and humus. This will provide the maximum amount of nutrients and elements necessary for seedling growth.

  1. Garden ru.
  2. Country house.
  3. Country forum.
  4. Forum of gardeners and gardeners.


sawdust are good material for the production of fertilizers, and depending on the method, its composition, characteristics and the time during which they turn into fertilizer change.

Here main methods of obtaining fertilizers:

  • natural decay;
  • rotting with droppings or manure;
  • rotting with the addition of bifidobacteria.

The process of natural decay takes several years., and its speed depends on the type of wood, humidity and temperature.

Soft hardwoods rot the fastest. The process lasts somewhat longer in medium-hard hardwood waste. The sawdust of coniferous and hard hardwoods rots the longest.

Adding litter or manure to wood waste accelerates their decay, as well as makes ready-made humus more useful.

In addition to glucose, calcium and phosphorus, it contains nitrogen and other useful substances. Adding bifidobacteria to the mixture of sawdust and litter or manure allows you to get ready-made humus within a few months.

Such fertilizers can apply from autumn to spring. In the summer, when the plants are gaining strength and bearing fruit, this is undesirable. After all, the earth must take in the fertilizer and mix with it, otherwise, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots, areas will turn out where the content of nutrients exceeds not only the norm, but also a safe value.

That's how it gets vegetables soaked in nitrates- fertilizer was introduced at the wrong time and it did not have time to dissolve in the ground. As a result, the roots of the plant were not in the ground, but in the fertilizer and absorbed too many nitrogen compounds.


After watering, water not only saturates the soil and goes into the depths, but also evaporates from the surface.

The evaporation process directly depends on the wind speed and air temperature, so on sunny or windy days the earth dries up quickly.

As water evaporates, soil moisture drops and plant roots lose their ability to absorb nutrients and trace elements necessary for growth.

The roots can only absorb an aqueous solution of these substances.

A layer of sawdust laid on top of the ground (mulch) reduces the rate of moisture evaporation, due to which plants absorb water solution more efficiently and need less watering.

Fresh sawdust negatively affects the acidity of the soil, and also draws nitrogen out of it, therefore, immediately after laying the mulch from sawdust, the earth must be watered not only with water, but also solution of nitrogen-containing and alkaline fertilizers.

In addition, these fertilizers need to be applied 2 more times throughout the season - in mid-spring and mid-summer. For more information about this process, as well as various combinations of fertilizers, read the article (Sawdust mulch).

Weed and pest control

Chemical control methods used in the fields, not always applicable in the garden, because domestic animals often run along it, which can be poisoned. Therefore, gardeners are forced to look for other ways to fight, one of which is backfilling the earth with a thick (5–10 cm) layer of sawdust.

This is similar to mulching, however, not only the space around the stem of the plant is covered, but the entire garden.

Wood waste, laid in a thick layer, deprive seedlings of weeds of sunlight, because of which they cannot grow and soon die off.

Slugs are one of the most dangerous and tenacious pests living in vegetable gardens. Mulch from fresh sawdust sticks to the body of the slugs, because of which they lose the ability to crawl and soon dying from dehydration.

This mulch should be sprinkled once a week with a thin layer, as well as pour coffee residues dissolved in water which is detrimental to slugs.

If you only have rotted sawdust, then due to the softening of the wood during the process of decay, they can no longer stop slugs, therefore useless in the fight against these pests.

Backfilling tracks

During the rain the paths between the beds become limp and turn into an impenetrable mess, so many gardeners fill them with various materials.

Wood waste is better suited for this task than crushed stone, broken slate or brick, because they not only eliminate dirt, but also improve soil structure. In addition, the lower layer of backfill gradually rots and after 1–4 years, depending on the humidity and type of wood, it turns into good fertilizer received by nearby plants.

If, over time, you decide to change the shape or location of the beds / plantings and dig up the garden, then in this case, sawdust will be useful.

They will improve the structure of the soil, making it looser, and also fill the soil with nutrients.

To reduce the negative impact of wood on the soil, 3-4 times a year, spill the paths covered with sawdust with urea and slaked lime or ash solution.

These preparations compensate for the loss of nitrogen in the soil, and also adjust the acidity of the soil to an acceptable level.

Choosing between coniferous, including pine and hardwood sawdust, consider different time their decay. Hardwoods turn into humus much faster, and the softer the wood, the less time is needed for this process.

Waste sawing alder or poplar will rot in 1-2 seasons, and oak or coniferous - in 3-5 seasons.

Can do not divide the garden into beds and paths, filling the entire area with sawdust. Optimal Thickness layer - 10 cm. In this case, it is advisable to use rotted sawdust, because before winter and spring it is advisable to dig up the earth.

Fresh wood, once in the soil, will acidify it and reduce the level of nitrogen. If there is no rotten wood waste, then immediately after backfilling and in the fall, after harvesting, pour sawdust with a solution of litter or manure, as well as a means that accelerates the reproduction of bifidobacteria.

From spring to autumn, these sawdust will play the role of mulch and dumping, and bacteria will turn them into high-quality fertilizer by spring. By plowing the entire garden, you will mix the soil with fertilizer, so that all plants will receive a more abundant and balanced nutrition.

Coniferous and deciduous - which is better for the garden?

On numerous forums, users often ask the question - what kind of sawdust is best for the garden and is it possible to use coniferous or some other wood waste?

When applied correctly any sawdust brings many benefits, but improper use can be harmful and completely destroy the crop making the land unsuitable for growing some plants.

Any wood sawing waste make the soil more acidic and also draw nitrogen out of it, therefore, it is necessary to apply fertilizers along with them to compensate for these changes.

Sawdust, both fully or partially rotted and fresh, improves soil structure, which is especially important on clay soils. On particularly heavy soils consisting of solid clay, it is necessary add sand along with sawdust.

Fresh wood waste in the process of decay is very hot, which leads to an increase in soil temperature and overheating of plant roots, so fresh sawdust can not be laid close to the roots.

That's why there is not much difference between coniferous and deciduous sawdust - when used correctly, they bring many benefits, and mistakes can be harmful and lead to sad consequences. Most of the negative reviews about the use of sawdust in the garden are due to their incorrect use, while those who applied them correctly are satisfied with the results.


However, it is important to understand the differences between hardwood and softwood sawdust and how the latter affect the soil.

In most cases, coniferous sawdust means pine or spruce sawdust as the most accessible, as well as as cheap as possible. Pine and spruce are used for most joinery and carpentry, so sawdust is everywhere.

Fresh pine and spruce sawdust due to the high resin content, they rot much longer deciduous, and also draw more nitrogen from the soil.

Improper use of pine and any coniferous sawdust causes much more damage to the garden than hardwood.

Due to the high content of resins, humus from sawdust contains more microelements necessary for plants, therefore it is better suited for a balanced top dressing.

If coniferous sawdust is laid in furrows, ditches or pits, then due to the greater need for nitrogen for complete decay, it is necessary to increase the amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

In addition, pine sawdust more acidic soil, so you need to increase the amount of slaked lime or ash.

Use pine and other coniferous sawdust in the garden not only possible but necessary, taking into account their features and compensating for the negative impact on the land. Only in this case they will bring a lot of benefits.


Due to the lower resin content, humus from leafy waste is a little less balanced, but they rot faster. In addition, hardwood sawdust is less accessible, so dried and chopped branches and twigs of fruit trees are often used in the garden.

Using such material, be careful, because among the dried branches often come across sick or injured various pests.

Such sawdust cannot be used, because bacteria will not be able to process pests and pathogens, therefore fertilizer from them can infect your plantings.

  1. Forumhouse.
  2. Forum dacha.
  3. Miracle garden.
  4. Mastergrad.

All this allows us to conclude that those sawdust that easier and cheaper to bring to the garden. Whatever wood waste you use, you still have to use other fertilizers along with it.

In this article Where to get sawdust, we talked about the places where you can buy wood sawing waste, and also talked about various ways that can save on their purchase.

Only an integrated approach, in which the negative impact of wood on the soil is compensated, will lead to improved plant development, as well as more plentiful and high-quality fruiting.

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This video talks about the use of sawdust in the garden:


sawdust is very useful stuff useful for any gardener. After all, they are used for:

  • mulching;
  • dumping tracks;
  • plant nutrition;
  • improve soil structure;
  • earlier planting of seedlings or seeds.

After reading the article, you learned how to use this material correctly and what mistakes gardeners most often make.

Inexpensive and affordable natural material - sawdust. You can buy them at the nearest sawmill, get them on your own site during construction, sawing firewood. Farmers have found many ways to benefit from this waste. However, do not forget that they can be harmful. Further in the article, let's take a closer look at such aspects as the benefits and harms of using sawdust in the garden. And also how you can fertilize or treat the beds with them.

Scopes of sawdust in the country or garden

Sawdust and shavings are sometimes burned to obtain a mineral fertilizer - wood ash. But this is how valuable organic matter disappears, the voluminous loose substance disappears. It's better to do it the other way around:

  1. Mulching.
  2. Compost.
  3. Bookmark in the soil and greenhouses.
  4. Neutralizer of harmful substances.
  5. Acidifier.
  6. Dehumidifier.
  7. temperature insulator.
  8. Pest repeller.
  9. Additive to seedling soil.
  10. Substrate for mycelium, germination of seeds and tubers, forcing flowers and herbs.
  11. Medium for winter storage of rhizomes and tubers.
  12. Covering garden paths.
  13. Litter in animal husbandry and poultry farming, in a dog kennel.
  14. Filler in the country toilet.
  15. Material for stuffing a garden scarecrow, garden furniture and pillows.
  16. Construction raw materials (insulator, insulation, filler for sawdust concrete).
  17. Fuel in heating boilers.
  18. Source of smoke in the smokehouse.

sawdust close up

Varieties of small wood waste

Small waste from sawing wood is divided into chips, large and small fractions. There are also differences in the type of wood: from coniferous or hardwood. Sometimes differences are important, for example: leaf waste rots faster; conifers are not suitable for smoking products, etc. But any organic matter is valuable. Before use, it is desirable to process sawdust.

Benefit and harm

  1. For humans and the environment, the presence of impurities such as creolin, chemical oils, paint particles, glue, gasoline is dangerous. That is why it is necessary to take processed wood products, and not chipboard or sleepers.
  2. Resinous substances inhibit the germination of seeds, the development of plants. This disadvantage is neutralized by scalding the substrate with boiling water, as well as by composting.
  3. Underripe organic matter (when applied to the soil and on its surface) begins to decompose by microorganisms that intensively consume soil nitrogen. Because of this, plants experience nitrogen starvation - turn pale, develop worse. Therefore, it is recommended to put only rotten sawdust into the ground, and when mulching fresh, flavor them with nitrogen fertilizers.
  4. Sawdust compost acidifies the soil. Simultaneous alkalization is necessary (in autumn - with lime, in spring - with dolomite flour, ash).
  5. Seedling sawdust soils dry out too quickly. It is necessary to observe the recommended proportions of the components, monitor the regularity of watering.


Sawdust mulch is a cheap and convenient option. They cover it in the country:

  • surface of ridges with vegetables and strawberries
  • soil in raspberries, flower beds
  • tree trunks in the fruit and berry garden

Sawdust in bags ready for soil mulching

The thickness of the layer can be from 4 to 20 cm.

Mulch is placed in spring or early summer, and for fruit and berry and ornamental crops it can also be done in autumn. At the beginning of the season, rotten sawdust compost of the last or the year before is used; at the end of the season, spring composting organic matter is suitable.

It is permissible to mulch with fresh sawdust. They are pre-cooked: impregnated with a strong solution of nitrogen fertilizers. To do this, 3 buckets of mulching material are poured with 10 liters of water, where a quarter kilogram of carbamide or nitrate is dissolved. It is best if this mixture stands for a couple of weeks before mulching (covered with polyethylene), after which you can pour it on the beds. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with fresh manure or manure (2 liters), but such a mulch is not suitable for strawberries and some vegetables (for hygienic reasons).

Advantages of sawdust mulch

  1. the material is not clogged with weed seeds
  2. gradually overheating, the mulch enriches the soil with organic matter
  3. moisture is saved
  4. no soil crust and erosion
  5. roots are warmed, temperature differences are smoothed out
  6. comfortable for beneficial soil inhabitants (microorganisms, earthworms)
  7. the exit of some pests is difficult
  8. no dirty splashes from rain and watering - cleaner food and less disease
  9. inhibits the growth of weeds
  10. ridges, garden, flower beds look well-groomed and beautiful

Mulching sawdust beds with potatoes

How to fertilize with compost

The best way to dispose of sawdust is proper composting. Just poured out in a large heap, they will rot for several years (especially from coniferous trees). Rotting is accelerated by layer-by-layer mixing with substances such as

  • manure, litter
  • feces
  • foliage
  • herbal humus
  • dolomite flour, ash.

The mass is regularly shoveled and spilled with water, as well as solutions of mineral fertilizers, herbal infusions, biological preparations (Baikal, Flumb Super, Radiance). The process of compost maturation usually lasts from six months to two or three years. The minimum waiting period is 2 months.

Mixed compost is considered the best organo-mineral fertilizer for all crops.

Compost made from sawdust

Bookmarking in the soil and greenhouses

Fertilizer "works" in the ground for 3-5 years: it nourishes plants, loosens heavy loams.

Small wood waste is also used when laying biofuel in greenhouses and greenhouses. They are mixed: fresh sawdust to fresh manure, rotten to rotted (in a ratio of 1: 1).

Use of sawdust in greenhouses

Neutralizer of harmful substances

A fresh mass of small wood waste serves as an "ambulance" in case of emergency. It is added to the ground if an excess of nitrogen and other fertilizers is noticed. So plants will avoid fattening, accumulation of nitrates and harmful salts.

Acidifier in the beds in the garden

Sawdust is useful when planting and mulching those plants that love hyperacidity soil (hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, blueberries).

Pine sawdust as a desiccant

sawdust compost

Fresh sawdust can absorb an amount of liquid that is 5 times its volume. They are good for filling drainage ditches, paths between high ridges in wetlands.

temperature insulator

In regions where temperatures are low in winter, dry sawdust covers the root zone and branches of shrubs (grapes, hydrangea, rose, clematis) from freezing, planting winter garlic and perennial flowers (lilies, irises, chrysanthemums). To avoid warming up, the shelter is made at the onset of sub-zero temperatures, and the opening is done early in the spring. To protect against dampness, a waterproof material (polyethylene, roofing material, etc.) is placed on top.

Some fruit and berry crops bloom very early, and the ovaries freeze slightly. If the root zone is covered with a powerful sawdust layer, then the trees and shrubs will wake up later. Flowering will move to a more comfortable time.

Rose bushes sprinkled with sawdust for the winter

Pest repeller in the garden

Small wood waste is impregnated with tar or gasoline, laid out to repel rodents, onion and carrot flies.

Adding prickly sawdust makes it difficult for snails and slugs to move. The resinous aroma partially protects plants from the attack of beetles (Colorado, raspberry, flower beetle, weevil).

Additive to seedling soil

A soil substrate containing 10 to 50% rotten sawdust compost is recommended for

  • vegetable and flower seedlings
  • rooting cuttings and strawberry whiskers
  • growing seedlings with a closed root system.

Other components of such soil - garden soil, peat, some sand. Loose soil requires frequent watering or special additives that retain moisture (hydrogel, vermiculite, coconut substrate).

Underripe organic matter can cause starvation of young plants. If the foliage has turned pale, then it is necessary to give nitrogen-phosphorus top dressing.

Walkway covered with sawdust

Use of the substrate as a fertilizer

In fresh small sawdust, seeds of cucumbers (as well as zucchini, pumpkins, melons and watermelons) are germinated, seedlings are kept. The substrate is poured with boiling water, then the water is immediately drained. The procedure is repeated twice to wash off the resinous substances. The warm wet mass is laid out in a layer of 6 cm, dry seeds are placed in it to a depth of 1.5 cm (with a distance of 3 cm from each other). Crops are covered with a film and placed in a warm place. Shoots "shoot" after 3-4 days. Seedlings are ready for planting in two weeks.

In sawdust, you can make the forcing of green onions, tulip flowers. The substrate must first be shed with boiling water, flavored with a complex fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen. Potato and dahlia tubers are germinated in the same way before planting.

The middle fraction of crushed wood of deciduous trees is used in the artificial cultivation of mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms.

Medium for winter storage of rhizomes and tubers

In autumn, flower growers dig up dahlia tubers, callas and begonias, canna rhizomes. They are stored in a cellar or refrigerator, sprinkled with dry, fresh sawdust. Resinous components inhibit decay.

This method is not suitable for preserving lilies and onion sets (they will lose turgor).

Farmers are diligent and creative people. They are able to convert waste into income, especially when it comes to organics. As you can see, the use of pine or any other sawdust can be beneficial in the right hands.

Almost all summer residents are well aware that it is categorically not recommended to introduce sawdust into the soil and you should definitely not expect good yields on such soil. This is especially true for fresh sawdust, because they often lead to excessive acidification of the soil, a fungus can easily appear in them, and they also draw a decent amount of nitrogen from the soil. But, nevertheless, sawdust can be an excellent component for improving air permeability (they are an excellent leavening agent) and soil structure! True, in order for them not to overrip and thoroughly spoil the soil, they must be properly prepared. And it's not that hard to do it!

How to prepare sawdust for fertilizer?

In order to prepare sawdust for subsequent application to the soil, you will need to acquire some kind of nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizer. Urea is especially well suited for these purposes - for each bucket of sawdust it will be enough to take one handful of urea. At the same time, it is important to take into account the ability of powdered urea to cake and form sparingly soluble lumps, so it is better to immediately purchase a granular version. Useful for harvesting sawdust and huge black plastic bags for garbage (up to two hundred liters).

Pre-moistened sawdust is thoroughly mixed in a large garden bucket, in an old tank or in some other container with urea or other nitrogen-containing fertilizer, after which they are carefully poured into pre-prepared bags. When the bags are filled, they are tightly closed and the contents are allowed to “brew” well for at least three weeks - during this period, the sawdust will be properly saturated with nitrogen and become absolutely safe for the soil. It is especially good to use sawdust prepared in this way in the fall - over the summer they are not only perfectly saturated with nitrogen, but also lose their pricklyness and rigidity.

How and when to bring ready-made sawdust into the soil?

Sawdust-based fertilizer can be applied to the soil both in autumn and in spring - as a rule, this is done when digging the soil. And, most importantly, such fertilizer can be applied under absolutely any crop! Very good results gives its introduction under potatoes - tubers in this case always come out clean and even. And if you take pine sawdust as a basis, they will become a real salvation from the Colorado potato beetle (in the event that there are too many beetles on the site, such fertilizer is applied three times over the summer)! For potatoes, sawdust is also good because they in every possible way prevent it from overheating and drying out.

As for the end of summer, it is better not to introduce sawdust into the soil during this period. This is especially true for fruit plants - if you ignore this rule, fruit ripening and the entire fruiting process as a whole can be greatly delayed.

Sawdust saturated with nitrogen can be used not only as a fertilizer, but also as a mulch or insulation - they can safely cover the beds with winter garlic, garden strawberries, as well as flowerbeds with winter flowers! As you can see, the scope of sawdust is very extensive, so do not rush to get rid of them as unnecessary as soon as possible! Better put them into action - you won't regret it!

In search of cheap fertilizer, most land owners line up for sawdust, which is considered natural and very useful top dressing. What is their surprise when, instead of flowering and smelling plants, they receive not only a decrease in yield, but also the complete death of crops. This is not surprising, because everything must be approached wisely. After reading this article, you will learn from which side to approach the issue of fertilizing the land with sawdust.

Sawdust in compost sauce

If you put fresh sawdust without any particular treatment directly under the plant, then soon you will see how it begins to die. Why? Soil bacteria did their best here, which, when “working” on wood, suck out nitrogen from the fertile soil, which is a vital element for plants.
Fresh sawdust contains an increased amount of various resins.

Penetrating into the soil, they not only destroy the fertile layer, but also poison it for future plants.

Some summer residents are sure that they can make valuable fertilizer by accumulating mountains of sawdust in one place. This is wrong. It can take years for one small pile to rot. This is explained quite simply. The process of decay is under the influence of moisture, and sawdust practically does not let it through. The bottom of the pile will always remain dry. Even after many years, several kilograms of sawdust can be found at its bottom, which could retain all their original properties.

The correct sawdust compost can be made according to the following recipe:

  1. A pile must be formed through layers of sawdust, wetting each of them with urea (200 g per 10 liters of water);
  2. The pile is covered with a film in the form of an airtight dome;
  3. Every 2 weeks, the layers must be shoveled so that they are enriched with oxygen;
  4. After the compost sawdust turns black, it can be used as fertilizer.

You can use another recipe for making compost from sawdust with the addition of fertilizers:

  1. Still, sawdust will need to be formed in layers;
  2. Pour all layers with plenty of water, sprinkle with lime and add a solution of fertilizers. To prepare the dressing, it is necessary to take, based on 10 kg of sawdust, 150 g of lime, 130 g of urea, 70 g of potassium chloride, 10 g of superphosphate. The height of the heap can be made up to one and a half meters, periodically maintaining its humidity.

Instead of chemical fertilizers, you can use chicken manure at a rate of 1: 1 with sawdust. Feel free to throw food waste, straw, weeds, etc. into such a compost heap. The ripening period of such compost is about six months.

Sawdust compost with nitrogen flavor

As noted earlier, when the soil is fertilized with fresh sawdust, nitrogen is absorbed from the soil. This is easy enough to avoid by doing just 2 simple steps:

  1. It is necessary to sprinkle wood shavings with nitrogen-containing fertilizer at the rate of 20 g of the mixture per 1 kg of wood;
  2. Put the resulting substance on the ground and carefully dig everything.

It is important to remember that if you are preparing beds for tomatoes, potatoes or carrots, then similar procedure best done in the fall. If your goal is to grow cucumbers, pumpkins or cabbages, a mixture of nitrogen-containing fertilizers and sawdust compost is best combined with manure, fertilizing the ground in the spring.

Mulch filled with sawdust

Sawdust is great for mulching the soil. There are several reasons for this:

  • Perfectly retain moisture;
  • Does not contain weed seeds;
  • Weed grass hardly breaks through a dense layer of sawdust.

Mulching the earth with sawdust is not only useful, but also very beautiful. You just need to know the right recipes.

Here is one of the options for making sawdust mulch:

  • Sawdust is soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, which gives them a beautiful color;
  • Well-ground branches are also stained with potassium permanganate;
  • We mix sawdust and branches, carefully lay them under the trees.

Be careful when choosing sawdust, because not all are environmentally friendly. For example, chipboard chips contain various carcinogens, which are hardly washed out of the soil and penetrate into the fruits of vegetable crops.

In search of cheap fertilizer, most landowners line up for sawdust, which is considered a natural and very useful top dressing. What is their surprise when, instead of flowering and smelling plants, they receive not only a decrease in yield, but also the complete death of crops.

This is not surprising, because everything must be approached wisely. After reading this article, you will learn from which side to approach the issue of fertilizing the land with sawdust.

Sawdust in compost sauce

If you put fresh sawdust without any particular treatment directly under the plant, then soon you will see how it begins to die. Why? Soil bacteria did their best here, which, when “working” on wood, suck out nitrogen from the fertile soil, which is a vital element for plants.
Fresh sawdust contains an increased amount of various resins. Penetrating into the soil, they not only destroy the fertile layer, but also poison it for future plants.
Some summer residents are sure that they can make valuable fertilizer by accumulating mountains of sawdust in one place. This is wrong. It can take years for one small pile to rot. This is explained quite simply. The process of decay is under the influence of moisture, and sawdust practically does not let it through. The bottom of the pile will always remain dry. Even after many years, several kilograms of sawdust can be found at its bottom, which could retain all their original properties.

The correct sawdust compost can be made according to the following recipe:
1. A pile must be formed through layers of sawdust, wetting each of them with urea (200 g per 10 liters of water);
2. The pile is covered with a film in the form of an airtight dome;
3. Every 2 weeks, the layers must be shoveled so that they are enriched with oxygen;
4. After the compost sawdust turns black, it can be used as fertilizer.

You can use another recipe for making compost from sawdust with the addition of fertilizers:
1. Still, sawdust will need to be formed in layers;
2. Pour all layers with plenty of water, sprinkle with lime and add a solution of fertilizers. To prepare the dressing, it is necessary to take, based on 10 kg of sawdust, 150 g of lime, 130 g of urea, 70 g of potassium chloride, 10 g of superphosphate. The height of the heap can be made up to one and a half meters, periodically maintaining its humidity.

Instead of chemical fertilizers, you can use chicken manure at a rate of 1: 1 with sawdust. Feel free to throw food waste, straw, weeds, etc. into such a compost heap. The ripening period of such compost is about six months.

Sawdust compost with nitrogen flavor

As noted earlier, when the soil is fertilized with fresh sawdust, nitrogen is absorbed from the soil. This is easy enough to avoid by doing just 2 simple steps:
1. It is necessary to sprinkle wood shavings with nitrogen-containing fertilizer at the rate of 20 g of the mixture per 1 kg of wood;
2. Put the resulting substance on the ground and carefully dig everything.
It is important to remember that if you are preparing beds for tomatoes, potatoes or carrots, then it is better to do this procedure in the fall. If your goal is to grow cucumbers, pumpkins or cabbages, a mixture of nitrogen-containing fertilizers and sawdust compost is best combined with manure, fertilizing the ground in the spring.

Mulch filled with sawdust

Sawdust is great for mulching the soil. There are several reasons for this:
Perfectly retain moisture;
Does not contain weed seeds;
Weed grass hardly breaks through a dense layer of sawdust.
Mulching the earth with sawdust is not only useful, but also very beautiful. You just need to know the right recipes.

Here is one of the options for making sawdust mulch:
1. Sawdust is soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, which gives them a beautiful color;
2. We also paint well-ground branches with potassium permanganate;
3. We mix sawdust and branches, carefully lay them under the trees.

Be careful when choosing sawdust, because not all are environmentally friendly. For example, chipboard chips contain various carcinogens, which are hardly washed out of the soil and penetrate into the fruits of vegetable crops.

The nuances of using sawdust as fertilizer for the garden

Not everyone knows that sawdust can be used as fertilizer for vegetable gardens and orchards. But it is much easier to acquire them than horse manure, the benefits of which are so much talked about. Today we will consider how to use sawdust as a fertilizer, whether it is worth doing it or not.

The effect of sawdust on the soil

Sawdust added to the ground makes it lighter, looser, breathable, and does not retain excess moisture. Such soil resembles peat in its qualities, allows the root system of plants to develop better. A tree is an organic matter containing many useful substances, but even the process of its decay enriches the soil with beneficial bacteria, as carbon is released that activates the microflora.

But in all this there is one nuance that makes gardeners refuse cheap, healthy fertilizer: the tree significantly oxidizes the soil. And fresh sawdust takes nitrogen from the earth, which is very necessary for plants. To use sawdust as a fertilizer, they can be mixed with horse manure, mullein, bird droppings and let them rot. To use them with 100% benefit, not to increase the acidity of the soil, and not to reduce the amount of nitrogen in it, you will need urea and lime. That's when you get the perfect fertilizer.

Sawdust significantly enriches tired infertile soils, in which there are no useful substances necessary for the active growth and fruiting of crops. But this does not apply to pine waste. Coniferous trees contain resins with antibacterial action, which greatly slow down the decomposition process.


If you have sawdust left after construction, there is no reason to get rid of them. They can be perfectly used with great benefits for the garden or garden. The soil is enriched with rotted wood waste, but they can bring many benefits even in the process of their decomposition - this is a significant plus of their use.

in compost

Sawdust, simply left in the open, can rot for more than 10 years. The absence of moisture inside, the frozen crust on the outside - that's why there is no decomposition process. And if you do compost pit, then you can quickly prepare a wonderful top dressing for your dacha. First, you need to lay out small wooden waste mixed with horse manure, then add plant remains - fallen leaves, mowed grass, vegetable tops and kitchen waste, if there are no bones, meat, fat. It would be nice to periodically water all this with hot water, cover it with foil from the cold - in a year you will have an excellent fertilizer that can be used for garden or vegetable garden plants. If you add at least a little earth with earthworms, the process will go much faster.

It is not easy to buy horse manure now, it is expensive, in a compost heap it can be replaced by mullein or bird droppings, it is better to dilute them with water and water sawdust with this slurry. But it is quite possible to buy urea - it will turn out cheaper, but the result will still be good. Completely prepared humus from a compost pit resembles greasy crumbly earth. So that there is no doubt about the acid balance of the soil, lime flour can be added to the sawdust. Thus, a universal organic fertilizer is prepared that will not take nitrogen, will not add acid, but will bring only useful substances that will make the soil fertile.

Video "On the use of wood tyrsa in the garden"

In this video, you can hear the possibilities of a wood stump for soil.

As a mulch

All plants in the garden can be mulched with sawdust. If from the beginning of summer to cover the ground in the garden with a layer of sawdust 2-3 cm thick, then this will save the vegetables from weeds, retain moisture, and relieve the owners of the need to often loosen the ground. And by the end of summer, the sawdust will almost imperceptibly mix with the topsoil, making it lighter and more breathable. After harvesting vegetables, they usually dig up the ground - the sawdust will be evenly distributed and turn into fertilizer for next landings, you can still sprinkle with lime flour to avoid acidification of the soil.

Features of the use of sawdust as a fertilizer

Usually, at the beginning of summer, moisture must be retained, and later an excess of it can damage plants, so it is advisable to carry out such mulching no later than June.

If there were too many sawdust in the garden, and by the end of summer they had not mixed with the ground, it is better to remove them so that this excess does not prevent the ground from freezing in the spring.

Fresh sawdust around strawberry bushes will help it grow without weeds and pests, especially coniferous trees. She is also able to save potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle. If you spread the chopped parts of coniferous trees between the bushes, Colorado beetle will not eat your potatoes. But you will have to change the sawdust at least three times during the summer.

Raspberries can be covered with a thick layer of sawdust - up to 20 cm. It is sprinkled with lime on top and spilled with a solution of urea. Such a mulch will protect the soil from moisture loss, make it looser and lighter, provide constant fertilizer to the roots, and rid the raspberries of pests.

For greenhouses

When preparing soil for greenhouses, a summer resident can mix sawdust with horse manure, chopped grass, leaves - this will warm it up perfectly. It is only necessary to use rotted sawdust with rotted horse manure (or mullein) and, accordingly, fresh sawdust with fresh manure. If you prepare a garden bed in the fall, then you can lay the plant residues before winter, and in the spring put horse manure on top, cover it with lime and tyrsa. Put some straw on all this, soil with mineral fertilizers. Such a bed will warm up quickly and will constantly keep the temperature.

On the beds

With the help of sawdust, beds are formed and the garden is rid of excess water. If the site is flooded with melt water (or showers), then it is very convenient to dig a groove along the perimeter with a depth of 20-25 cm and a width of 30-40 cm. This groove is filled with sawdust, and the soil is transferred to the beds - there will be no excess moisture, the edges will not dry out, and the path will always be dry. After 1-2 years, fertilizer will be made by itself, with which it will be possible to feed the soil during general digging.

Sometimes summer residents organize high beds for vegetables or flowers - this can also be done using carpentry waste. A trench is dug, on the bottom of which leaves, grass, sawdust, lime meal, urea (manure, if any) are laid. Then grass is laid on top again, the dug soil is returned. So that the edges do not dry out, they can be covered with turf, laid with a film. The process of overheating inside such beds occurs constantly, heating and nourishing the plants.

Video "Influence of tyrsa on soil acidity"

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Sawdust for fertilizing and mulching the soil: methods of application

ABOUT useful properties sawdust is known to many summer residents, but they are used on their site only as mulch or as a material for winter warming of shrubs and perennials. But sawdust is an excellent fertilizer. If you know how to use them correctly.

Sawdust is small particles of wood that are formed during its sawing, drilling, grinding. Their size depends on the sawing tool. The chemical composition is varied, depending on the type of wood, but the bulk falls on cellulose (50%), lignin and hemicellulose. Softwood sawdust contains a lot of resins.

You can get sawdust cheaply and in large quantities at woodworking enterprises, and they are almost everywhere. There is wood waste in workshops, at home craftsmen, everywhere where wood is processed. Often they are burned or taken out as garbage.

As you know, organic waste, rotting under the influence of moisture and soil bacteria, enriches soils with nutrients and improves their structure. But many summer residents, having once tried to dig up the ground, pouring sawdust into it, refuse this idea - the harvest decreases, the plants wither. What's the matter?

The fact is that fresh sawdust and humus from sawdust are materials that differ greatly in their effect on the soil.

How does fresh sawdust affect the soil?

In the process of decay, sawdust absorbs a lot of nitrogen. They take it from the soil, impoverishing it. They also take phosphorus, but in a smaller amount than nitrogen. And these are vital elements for plants. The very process of their decomposition is rather slow, so the depletion of the soil will continue for some time. Resins contained in sawdust prevent rapid decay. In addition, sawdust from many of our tree species increases the acidity of the soil.

Sawdust absorbs a lot of water, swells and retains it for a long time. If they are laid out in a thick layer on the garden bed, then in a dry summer the soil under them will be too dry, sawdust will take away all the moisture of infrequent rains. On waterlogged soil, they form a crust and will prevent the normal evaporation of water. In the spring, a frozen layer of wet sawdust will delay the thawing of the soil layer.

How do rotted sawdust affect the soil?

Decayed sawdust has a dark brown color, half-decayed - a light brown tint. Unlike fresh sawdust, rotted sawdust is good for the soil. They loosen the soil, enrich it with nutrients.

It turns out that the main task- in some way to speed up the process of sawdust decay in order to obtain valuable fertilizer from harmful material.

How to speed up the decay of sawdust?

Stacked in a heap, sawdust rots for several years, for some tree species - up to 10 years. The reason is that moisture and soil bacteria are required for decomposition, and they are not present in sawdust. Even if the heap lies in the open air, not covered by anything, then during rain its upper layer absorbs water and forms a crust through which moisture does not seep into the heap.

Bacteria involved in the process of decomposition of wood residues require a lot of nitrogen for reproduction. The more it is, the more actively the process goes on and the fertilizer useful for the soil will be obtained faster.

The main goal is to enrich the sawdust with moisture and nitrogen. How to do it?

There are several options. You can simply add urea to a pile of sawdust, cover with a film to keep warm, regularly water it with water and mix. But it's troublesome. There is an easier way - to make compost from sawdust and other organic matter.

Sawdust as fertilizer: are they effective?

Proper organics, this is important.

sawdust in compost

In order for the sawdust to rot actively, it is necessary to mix them with other materials containing a lot of nitrogen. It is best to mix them with manure and bird droppings, and then let them lie down for a year, moisturizing and covering if necessary, so that useful substances are not washed out.

If there is no manure, then mowed grass, young weeds weeded from the beds, kitchen waste (cleanings, cores, husks, leftover ordinary food, bread crumbs) will be a good companion for sawdust. This entire border contains quite a lot of nitrogen. There is more of it in fresh grass than in fallen leaves, for example. It is also necessary to lay the compost correctly, alternating layers. Sprinkle a layer of wet grass or weeds with sawdust, lay kitchen waste on top of them, then grass again, and so on. All this is well poured with water and covered with a film.

To speed up the rotting process of sawdust, before laying the compost, it is necessary to moisten them well with water, and even better - with slurry or kitchen waste. In addition, it is useful to add ordinary soil from the garden to the sawdust: two or three buckets per cubic meter of sawdust. In such compost, earthworms and bacteria will quickly multiply, accelerating the process of wood decay.

sawdust as mulching material

For mulching, you can use rotted, semi-rotted or even fresh sawdust with a layer of 3-5 cm - such mulch will be especially good under bushes, in raspberries and on vegetable ridges. Over-rotted and semi-rotted sawdust can be used directly, and fresh ones will have to be pre-prepared, if this is not done, they will take nitrogen from the soil, and hence from the plants, as a result, the plantings will wither.

The preparation process is relatively simple - you need to put a large film on the free area, then pour 3 buckets of sawdust, 200 g of urea into it sequentially and evenly pour a 10-liter watering can of water, then again in the same order: sawdust, urea, water, etc. d. At the end, close the entire structure hermetically with a film, pressing it down with stones. After two weeks, nitrogen-enriched sawdust can be safely used.

Mulching with sawdust protects crops in beds from drying out in summer and freezing in winter. Mulch retains moisture, maintains temperature, and inhibits weed growth. Consider in the article how to make mulch, what advantages and disadvantages this method has.

Features of mulching with sawdust

There are many organic materials for mulching. In view of the development of agriculture, sawdust is more often used for mulching. Despite its cheapness, the material brings great benefits. Sawdust is used both in winter and in summer. They do not allow the roots of crops to freeze. It is enough to lay them out on the beds and tamp. To prevent sawdust from fluttering in the wind, cow dung is added to the mulch.

The soil for the winter is mulched in mid-October or early November. A layer of up to 3 cm is laid on the beds. But mulching with sawdust is not suitable for all plants and soil types. Be careful with oak and coniferous sawdust! For different cultures, the thickness of the mulch layer is selected:

  • for tulips, garlic and onions, it is 6 cm;
  • for strawberries and carrots - up to 4-5 cm.

From the beds of strawberries and strawberries, the mulch is not removed all year round.

Hay and straw are similar in their characteristics to sawdust. ". We give in the table the features of mulching with various organic materials.

There are several approaches to soil mulching. Mulching according to Kuznetsov has its own characteristics:

  1. The aisles are covered with a thick layer of sawdust to prevent the growth of weeds.
  2. Biocompost is introduced into the ridges themselves.

    If the earth is clayey, then add sand.

  3. As crops grow, sawdust is sprinkled between the rows, the ridges themselves are loosened and biocompost is regularly introduced.
  4. Berries are covered with a layer of sawdust, mulch is regularly sprinkled.
  5. Sawdust can be applied on top of the manure, which will retain moisture.

For loosening the soil, improving its structure and accelerating decomposition organic dressings it is worth launching earthworms on the ridges. Alexander Kuznetsov refutes the opinion that sawdust, like mulch, enrolls the soil, because they are brought on top of the soil. The soil is acidified not by sawdust, but by fungi that destroy them.

Sawdust is tightly laid in row-spacings on vegetable beds.

Advantages and disadvantages of mulching

Sawdust is a reliable means for warming crops. Mulch protects the roots from freezing in winter and rotting in autumn. In summer, sawdust is used to prevent overheating of the soil and moisture retention. The benefits of sawdust as mulch are as follows:

  1. Cheapness.
  2. As they decompose, they turn into organic fertilizers, loosen the soil.
  3. Retain moisture in the soil.
  4. They retain heat and prevent the soil from freezing, but at the same time allow air to pass through and allow the roots of crops to breathe.
  5. Protect crops from disease. Sawdust, especially coniferous ones, do not allow the development of pathogens. Slugs and other pests dislike them.
  6. Protect ripening berries from decay and pests.
  7. Cured from fungal diseases.
  8. Protect roots from sudden changes in temperature.
  9. Coniferous sawdust protects carrots from carrot flies.
  10. Beneficial insects hide in the mulch and microorganisms live that improve the structure of the soil and loosen it.

Sawdust is a natural mulch that supports the growth and development of beneficial microorganisms to improve soil structure.

Mulching with sawdust has its drawbacks. Large sawdust rot for several years. This takes a lot of nitrogen, causing plants that grow in such beds to be deficient in this nutrient. Their growth and development is deteriorating.

Fresh sawdust increases the acidity of the soil, which affects the development of crops. Coniferous sawdust inhibits the development of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms. The latter process organic substances that are necessary for plant nutrition.

When to use sawdust on the ridges

Sawdust is suitable for poor soil. They enrich the earth, activate the growth and ripening of fruits. Under a layer of mulch root system protected, it receives all the minerals and moisture. Mulching is carried out after the descent of sprouts. As a result of this, the earth does not dry out, a crust does not appear on the surface, and the soil remains loose.

Winter mulching is necessary to protect the roots of crops. Mulch protects plants from temperature extremes until spring. Used for bushes, trees, winter crops and berries. In dry areas, mulching with sawdust is especially important for tomatoes. To protect the roots from overheating, it remains only to cover the soil with mulch.

In summer, vegetable beds with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and beets are covered with sawdust. This prevents crops from drying out.

Mulching strawberries has many advantages:

  1. Productivity increases.
  2. The berries are protected from pests and decay.
  3. Due to the lack of contact with the ground, the berries are clean and dry.
  4. Stops the growth of weeds.

Tip #1 Mulch beds with potatoes. After hilling, furrows are sprinkled. A layer of mulch retains moisture and stops weeds from growing. Productivity increases, especially the effect is noticeable during dry summers.

Mulching trees and shrubs

Sawdust is used to cover the roots of trees and shrubs for the winter. Such shelter is considered the most reliable. Large sawdust as heat-insulating material buried in pits when planting grapes and flowering shrubs. They reliably protect from frost.

Sawdust is poured around the tree trunk in a large layer.

Sawdust mulching is suitable for the following horticultural crops:

  • fruit trees;
  • shrubs (raspberries and black currants);
  • grapes;
  • clematis.

Raspberries respond especially well to mulching. Sawdust helps to increase fruiting and improve the taste characteristics of berries. With annual mulching with raspberry sawdust, bushes are grown without replanting for up to 10 years. For the winter, vines of grapes and weaving flowers that are on the ground are covered with sawdust along the entire length. They do this in late autumn, otherwise mice will get into the mulch and damage the culture.

Tip #2 Before mulching, it is advisable to make nitrogen fertilizers.

Sometimes an air cover is made for such crops. Boxes are built from boards and plants are covered with them, they are covered with sawdust from above, covered with foil and a layer of earth is poured. There is a wet shelter with sawdust for the winter when the mulch is not covered with anything. But this method is suitable for some crops, for example, roses rot under such cover.

Mulching with sawdust in a greenhouse

Sawdust is one type of mulch that can be used in greenhouses. Cultures do not rot and deteriorate. They are used to enrich manure and plant waste. They accelerate decomposition organic fertilizers, the compost is loose and breathable.

Mulch is added to greenhouses in spring or autumn. Sawdust is best applied in combination with other components. This mixture is laid in the fall in the ridge. You can make compost:

  • 200 kg sawdust;
  • 50 kg of manure;
  • 100 kg of grass;
  • 30 kg of food waste.

For greenhouses, sawdust can be placed in ridges in combination with straw or hay.

In the spring, the soil is mulched when the increased growth of crops begins. In greenhouses, during heavy irrigation, a crust often forms on the surface of the soil, and the earth around the roots is washed out. In this case, it is necessary to mulch the soil. In addition, mulching reduces the rate of watering and prevents overheating of the root system of crops in the greenhouse.

Tip #3 For a greenhouse measuring 3x6 m, six bags of coniferous sawdust will be required. Mulch is spread in a layer of 5-7 cm between the rows and around the stems of crops.

How to mulch beds in winter

In winter, the beds are mulched with a mixture of sawdust, manure and plants. The thickness of the layer depends on the type of soil. On clay, it reaches 5 cm, and on sandy - 10 cm. When mulching, the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Under the berry bushes, the mulch is never removed. The earth is loosened along with sawdust. In the absence of chemical fertilizers, the mulch is mixed with manure and applied in the fall. This prevents the accumulation of nitrates in the fruit.
  2. If you put a large layer of mulch on heavy soils, then rotting will begin.
  3. Be sure to mulch the soil in summer or late spring after planting seedlings. The mulch is carefully crushed and laid around the gathering place. The results of mulching are noticeable after 3-4 years, since the sawdust decomposes slowly.

Answers to frequently asked questions about mulching

Question number 1. What sawdust is best for mulching?

Sawdust comes in different sizes and from different types of trees. Depending on their properties, they are used in various areas of horticulture. We present them in the table.

Question number 2. What crops are sawdust used for?

Sawdust is suitable for mulching vegetable crops that grow in garden beds. They are used for greenhouses, and for garden plots. Mulch trees and shrubs, including roses. Strawberry and strawberry sawdust is well perceived. ".

Mulching garden strawberries with sawdust on the ridge

Question number 3. Under what crops is it better to use coniferous sawdust?

Coniferous sawdust contains phenolic resins that protect against diseases and pests. They are suitable for sheltering crops for the winter, such as garlic.

Question number 4. Is it necessary to mulch the soil in greenhouses?

Yes. The soil fertility improves, the soil does not overheat, the irrigation rate decreases, and moisture evaporates more slowly. The crops are even watered cold water while it passes through the sawdust, it will warm up. The preservation of fruits, taste qualities are improved and the ripening period is accelerated.

Question number 5. What is the timing of mulching?

Late spring or early summer is suitable for mulching, when the earth warms up and crop sprouts appear. Before mulching, the soil is fertilized, loosened and watered abundantly. A layer of mulch is at least 5 cm. In summer, as the layer decreases, mulch is added.

Mulching gardening mistakes

We offer a spread of errors that gardeners make when mulching with sawdust:

  1. It is important to choose the right size and type of sawdust. The younger the seedlings and the thinner the sprouts, the finer the chips. But sawdust similar to wood flour is not used at all. It turns into a dense crust on the soil surface, which does not allow water to pass through.
  2. Large sawdust rot for several years. They are not suitable for vegetable beds.

    Sawdust fertilizer, increase your yield!

    Use shavings for trees and shrubs.

  3. Before making mulch on the beds, nitrogen fertilizers must be used, otherwise the growth and development of crops will slow down.
  4. Use rotted sawdust. Fresh ones increase the acidity of the soil, which negatively affects the development of crops.
  5. Do not rush to mulch. If you make sawdust on unheated soil, this will affect the growth and development of crops.

How to use sawdust as a fertilizer?

Most often, gardeners and gardeners use sawdust as mulch and insulation for certain plants for the winter. And not everyone knows how to use sawdust as a fertilizer. With proper processing, sawdust can become an excellent plant nutrition, or rather, the basis for a nutritious organic complex.

The most common mistake is to use clean sawdust as fertilizer. It is categorically impossible to do this, because in this case, the waste from the woodworking industry not only does not become useful, but also greatly impoverishes the soil.

How to make fertilizer from sawdust?

If sawdust is not suitable in its pure and unprocessed form, then how can they be used as fertilizer? It is best to pass them through the compost pit so that they become part of the nutrient organic matter for the subsequent enrichment of the earth. Moreover, compost with sawdust rots faster, since they support desired temperature. In the spring, such humus is more loose and breathable. Using it is a pleasure.

How to prepare sawdust for soil fertilization?

So, how to prepare rotten sawdust as fertilizer? For this we need the following ingredients:

  • sawdust - 200 kg;
  • grass, leaves and other plant waste - 100 kg;
  • ash - 10 l;
  • water - 50 l;
  • urea - 2.5 kg.

Urea is first dissolved in water and watered over the sawdust, grass and ash lined with layers.

Another recipe for making fertilizer based on sawdust is as follows:

  • oak sawdust - 200 kg;
  • mowed grass - 100 kg;
  • cow dung - 50 kg;
  • food waste and feces - 30 kg;
  • humates - 1 drop per 100 liters of water.

Such soil fertilization with sawdust is suitable for plants requiring large doses of nitrogen.

Which sawdust is better as a fertilizer?

Not all waste from the wood processing industry is suitable for the preparation of fertilizer. For example, pine sawdust as a fertilizer is completely unsuitable. Like all conifers, pine rots very badly.

Whatever the breed of sawdust, in a clean and even rotted form, they are very "sour" the soil. Not all plants grow on acidic soil, so you have to deoxidize the soil with limestone flour.

To prevent this, you can immediately prepare sawdust with lime. To do this, you need to dig a hole 1 meter deep in one of the corners of the garden, fill it with fresh sawdust, and sprinkle lime on top.

After two years, the mass will overheat and become suitable for use in the beds as a fertilizer. The benefits of it are enormous, since the carbon released during the process of overheating enriches the soil microflora, activating beneficial bacteria and increasing their number.

If it is necessary to make the earth loose, use sawdust for the garden, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by experienced gardeners. But it is not recommended to use fresh sawdust. First they need to be prepared. To do this, add urea or mullein infusion, cover with polyethylene, and then mix from time to time to speed up the process of overheating.

After a couple of weeks, the shavings are ready to be used as fertilizer. Much has been written in the reviews about the benefits or dangers of sawdust in the garden. Experienced summer residents claim that they take nitrogen from the soil, and therefore from plants. They say that you should not use fresh sawdust in the garden, as the plantings will begin to wither.

The benefits of sawdust in the garden

Plants need loose soil to thrive. The addition of rotted sawdust makes the earth a favorable environment for planting garden plants, the roots of which receive a sufficient amount of moisture and oxygen. The use of sawdust allows you to get rid of the crust in the dry season.

They contain a large amount of fiber, essential oils and active substances. The material is successfully used to eliminate soil moisture. To do this, ditches are dug in the aisle and sawdust mixed with lime is poured. Their regular use improves the composition of the soil, reduces the number of weeds, and increases productivity.

What is their secret and how do they work?

They form a natural ecosystem for plants in the garden. It is important to use sawdust that has not been chemically treated or contaminated. Otherwise, they will become a real poison for horticultural crops. If rotted sawdust is used as mulch at the beginning of summer, then by the end of the season, as a result of loosening and the activity of earthworms, they will mix with the soil.

A thick layer of sawdust spread over the surface of the earth during the rainy season prevents moisture from evaporating from the soil surface. This negatively affects the state of fruit and berry crops.

Basic rules for the use of sawdust

Wood shavings are great for mulching the soil. They are sprinkled with a thick layer after planting seedlings.


  • the weed disappears;
  • soil moisture is maintained;
  • insect protection;
  • the soil remains loose;
  • favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria.


Do you need sawdust for the garden in the fall? Everyone is trying to figure out their benefits and harms. As a rule, the soil is mulched for the winter. To do this, fresh sawdust is mixed with peat or manure and scattered on the beds. During the winter, the wood decomposes and becomes a nutritious substance. In the spring they dig or loosen the soil.

High warm beds

The benefits and harms of sawdust for the garden should be studied by every summer resident. How to make multilayer high beds in the bottom of the plot? For such purposes, it is convenient to use sawdust. The top layer of fertile soil is removed. They build a side, cover it with a film to preserve moisture in the garden. A trench is formed and filled with straw, hay or grass. Further, sawdust soaked in urea is placed on top of this, then a layer of organic residues is placed and everything is completed with a fertile layer of earth.

Mulch for strawberries

Do coniferous sawdust in the garden bring benefit or harm? Sawdust, used as mulch under strawberry bushes, protects them from contact with the soil. Thanks to them, the berries are protected from the effects of gray rot. For this purpose, fresh coniferous shavings treated with urea are used. Mulch is applied in the fall to protect the strawberries from freezing and create a barrier to many weeds. Weevil is repelled by pine sawdust in the garden, the benefits or harms of which are learned by practical experience.

Sawdust in a greenhouse and greenhouse

Sawdust is a useful fertilizer for soil in a greenhouse. They are sprinkled with plant residues and manure, which warm up in the spring and quickly overheat. The air permeability of the soil increases, it becomes loose and nutritious. In autumn, straw, mowed grass and tops are laid out on the garden bed.

In the spring, fresh manure is added and sprinkled with lime and sawdust, mixed with a pitchfork. Then lay the soil mixed with ash and mineral fertilizers. To increase the speed of heating, pour boiling water.

Sawdust for early potato harvest

So, why do we need sawdust for the garden? What are their benefits and harms? The use of sawdust helps speed up the potato harvest. Choose tubers of early varieties and germinate in the light. At the bottom of the boxes, 10 cm of sawdust is poured, tubers with sprouts are laid out and sprinkled with moistened sawdust. Set aside for 2 weeks.

Features of substrate care:

  • the optimum temperature is not higher than +20 ° С;
  • sufficient moisture.

Before planting, the soil is covered with a film to warm up. Sprouts 8 cm high are watered with complex mineral fertilizer and planted in prepared holes. First, the potato planting is covered with straw or hay, and then with a film.

Sawdust and plant insulation

So that the sawdust does not get wet, they are stuffed into bags. Then spread around the plants. If sawdust is poured around the plant and not covered, then they will get wet and turn into an ice crust in winter. Rodents also like to hide in them, so be sure to cover them with polyethylene.

Sawdust for seed germination

Seeds are comfortable in moistened sawdust, but if the plant is not transplanted on time, it will die.

The germination technology is as follows:

  1. Sawdust is poured into the container and the seeds are laid out.
  2. Sprinkle with a thin layer of sawdust.
  3. Cover with polyethylene and clean in a warm place (+25 ... + 30 ° C).
  4. As soon as shoots appear, the container is cleaned in a cool place.
  5. Remove the polyethylene and sprinkle with soil.
  6. Dive when the first true leaf appears.

This technology can be applied when germinating any kind of seeds.

DIY fertilizer

Nutritious compost can be prepared in 4 months. Dense polyethylene is spread on the ground, shavings, weeds, foliage are poured. Add 200 g of urea and pour 10 liters of water or mullein. Cover with polyethylene on top to create a greenhouse effect. Under the influence of sunlight, the process of reproduction of microorganisms begins, and the sawdust quickly rots. The main thing is to monitor the humidity inside the heap and mix it periodically. Vegetables and raspberries can be mulched with half-ripe sawdust.

A month later, the sawdust that has percolated is ready for use in the beds. The constant use of such a fertilizer will make the soil loose, similar in consistency to the one sold in flower shops.

Cons of using sawdust and cautions

So, we have already found out whether fresh sawdust in the garden brings benefit or harm. If sawdust is introduced without waiting for the moment when it is completely overheated, then the wood will take some of the nitrogen from the soil for the decomposition process, as we discussed above. And also the acidity of the soil may increase, the growth of beets and cabbage will slow down.

Before the onset of winter, it is not recommended to cover the beds with a thick layer of sawdust, since the layer will begin to overheat from below, and no changes will occur from above until the onset of spring. Spruce or pine shavings contain a lot of resin, which garden plants do not like. Sawdust generated during construction work may contain chemicals. Therefore, they are used with caution.

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