How to shorten a chain on a chandelier. Seven questions about chandeliers and pendant lamps. Is it possible to shorten the pendant chandelier. Fixing the chandelier with a bracket or strip

In order for the lamp to literally please the eye, when buying, pay attention not only to the design. Be sure to consider the method of mounting the lamp, the type and number of lamps, the material from which the diffuser is made, and much more.

With a huge variety of models of ceiling lamps, the choice is ultimately limited to three main types. Luminaires are suspended, surface and built-in (this type is used only in combination with suspended or stretch ceilings). Pendant lights, in turn, can be single-lamp and multi-lamp. Among the latest special place occupied by chandeliers.

In limbo

The most traditional and popular are pendant lights. The light source in them is located at some distance from the ceiling and is attached to it with a special suspension - cord, chain, legs. Near-surface luminaires do not have a suspension: shades and panels are installed directly on the ceiling, as if pressed against it. Both types are good in their own way, but pendant lights “eat up” the height of the room, so in apartments with low ceilings they should be used with caution. can be guided simple calculation: if from floor to bottom point pendant lamp remains less than 2 meters - it is better to abandon the purchase in favor of a near-surface lamp.

Criteria for choosing fixtures

1. Installation locations. If you plan to create several lighted zones in a room or install 2-3 single-lamp fixtures in a row, the installation locations must be determined before starting finishing works: the walls and ceiling will have to be ditched to hide the electrical wiring.
2. Possibility of replacing lamps. For the same base they produce different types lamps, but the design and dimensions of the diffuser do not always allow such a replacement. When buying, consider all the parameters of the lamp, so that later you have the maximum opportunity to replace one type of lamp with another.
3. How to replace lamps. When buying closed surface fixtures, remember that it is quite difficult to change lamps in them - you first need to dismantle the ceiling, and there is always a risk of breaking it.

Just light

So, you have decided to buy a pendant lamp. First of all, pay attention to the design of the suspension. The simplest option is a wire through which current flows to the lamp. The wire can withstand only a small load, so this suspension is used exclusively in light single-lamp fixtures. The length of the wire, as a rule, has a small margin, which allows you to mount the lamp at different heights. But if you later want to raise or lower it, the cord will have to be changed.

We choose wisely

Luminaire type Ceiling type Room type
Multi-lamp pendant / chandelierLiving room, bedroom
Single lamp pendantPainted, stretched, suspended. Height - above 2.5 mAll rooms except bathroom
Surface luminaire / lampshadeAll rooms, for the bathroom - waterproof
Surface luminaire / panelCeilings with any finish, any height
Built-in dotsSuspended ceilings of any heightAll rooms except bathroom

Solid character

A multi-lamp luminaire must have a suspension capable of supporting significant weight, such as wood or metal. A fixed suspension is a rigid rod, inside of which a wire is passed. The name speaks for itself: it will be almost impossible to shorten or lengthen such a suspension, it is easier to buy another model. Decorative pendants (most often a metal chain) are a little more “flexible” to use. The wire in this case hangs parallel to the suspension or wraps around it. The height of the decorative suspension can be slightly adjusted, for example, remove one or two chain links.

We count light bulbs

When choosing between one powerful or several low-power lamps, it is better to stop at the second option. So you can adjust the level of illumination in the room. And in this sense, chandeliers are preferable to single-lamp fixtures. Optimal quantity lamps depends on their power and type, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the nature of its decoration.
. For a room of 10 sq. m, solved in light colors, 2 incandescent lamps with a power of 40 watts are enough.
. If the finish is dark and the room is overloaded with furniture, the number of lamps will have to be increased to 5.
. To illuminate a room of 20 sq. m co light wallpaper with a small amount of furniture, 4 lamps of 40 W are enough, for dark room similar sizes, but with dark wallpaper, 8 lamps of the same power may be needed.

We study marking

The characteristics of each luminaire are indicated by letters and numbers, which are easy to find on the label. The principle of marking is described in GOST, which is used by all domestic producers. Legally imported imported lamps are also marked. First letter marking carries information about the type of light source used. Incandescent lamps general purpose are denoted by the letter H, halogen - AND, linear fluorescent - L, curly fluorescent - F. Second letter indicates how the luminaire is to be installed: WITH(suspended), P(ceiling), IN(embedded), D(embedded), B(wall-mounted), etc. Third letter determines the main purpose of the lamp. Letter B means that the luminaire is intended for residential premises, ABOUT- for the public. fourth position- a two-digit number indicating the series number. Fifth there is a number indicating the number of lamps in the lamp (for single-lamp models, the number 1 is not indicated). In sixth place- a number indicating the power of the lamps in watts. seventh (three-digit number) is the modification number. last letter speaks about the use of the lamp in various climatic zones: At(areas with temperate climate), T(with dry and humid tropical), ABOUT(any, except very cold). last digit contains information about the category of placement of the lamp: from 1(operation on outdoors) up to 4(for closed heated rooms). Number 5 indicates that the luminaire can be installed in damp rooms.

Choosing a lampshade

An important role in the lamp is played by the diffuser (in everyday life it is called a lampshade or ceiling). It closes the light bulb, provides uniform distribution Sveta. Diffusers are fully closed and partially open. The light from the device with a closed diffuser does not blind the eyes, it is more comfortable. Paper, plastic and glass transmit light best, cloth is worse. Glass shades are also easier to maintain, more durable than plastic, more fireproof than paper or cloth. Metal does not scatter light at all; only partially open directional light fixtures, such as kitchen ones, are made from it. If the lamp does not have a diffuser at all, an ordinary matte light bulb can successfully play its role.

Where to shine?

The light flux can be scattered, reflected or directed. A lamp completely covered by a diffuser gives soft light that evenly fills the entire space. If the diffuser is open at the top, then the light is directed to the ceiling and, reflected from it, is scattered around the room. This type of lighting is also pleasing to the eye. When the plafond is open from below, only small plot strictly under the lamp. At the same time, the ceiling or far corners turn out to be unlit, and too direct rays form contrasting shadows. In this case, to provide more comfortable room lighting, you will need additional lightingdesk lamp, sconces, floor lamps, etc.

You may also be interested "Light to your home!" on the website of the magazine "My Favorite Dacha"

Can you tell me how to shorten the chain on this chandelier? and got the best answer

Answer from Ѐostovchanka[guru]
The link does not open...

Answer from Vladimir Ageev[guru]
Show me which one - let's think
So, I opened the link with grief in half - it was broken initially.
Which chain links are soldered or bent? How is the chain attached at the top and bottom?

Answer from sergey dmitriev[guru]
What is the problem? Bend the link (with two pliers) - shorten the chain - wire to the ceiling or cut a little

Answer from Uncle from the Future...[guru]
That's it.. . Remove unnecessary links and all shortening ....
And either cut the wire or push it into the hole in the ceiling ....

Answer from Scrapmaster Honored[guru]
cut the wires

Answer from Elena Pyatakova[newbie]
It's too late, of course, the chain has probably already been unbent with your pliers. But I am writing on Sun. case The design of the chandelier - it turned out in the course of solving the same problem - involves the complete removal of the chain ... it is screwed on both sides. Then, using the resulting "spare parts", the top of the chandelier is assembled again. I also had such a problem: since the "cup", "glass" or whatever it was, it became impossible to lower it, hanging it on a hook (I am silent about the wires) became inconvenient. I had to screw on a small ring instead. diameter is different, large, which held the chain (now I had to straighten it! :)) - it also fits, I hope it will withstand. The distance between the cup and the ceiling, of course, is greater, but it is easier to put on the hook, and the wires along with the terminal number. shove. While hanging ... :))

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Tell me how to shorten the chain on this chandelier?

At what height to hang the chandelier, at what distance from the floor should the lowest point of the chandelier be, what should be the distance between the chandelier and the floor? These questions periodically arise for people who are going to buy a ceiling pendant lamp or a classic chandelier for the home, as well as for most people when they finish interior decoration at home or when repairs are completed in the apartment. The answer is not as simple as it might seem. It all depends on the height of the ceilings, the area of ​​​​the room, the purpose of the room in the house, and also on what material the ceilings in your house are made of, no matter how strange it may sound.

If the chandelier is purchased for a living room, office, living room or bedroom, where the ceiling height is 2.5 - 3 meters, then it is recommended to hang the chandelier so that from the floor to ceiling lamp remained approximately 2 - 2.2 meters. There are not very many people with a height of 2 meters and above. By hanging the chandelier at a distance of 2 meters from the floor, you can be sure that no one will accidentally hit it with their head or hand. People rarely raise their hands above their heads when they are at home. The exception is when a person makes the bed, puts on a T-shirt or sweater, and does exercises.

If possible hang the chandelier closer to the ceiling and away from the floor then hang it as close to the ceiling as possible. This recommendation is only suitable for rooms with low ceilings, where you need to visually increase the space between the floor and the ceiling. This recommendation is especially relevant for rooms that have a solid area and small ceilings. In this version, a wide chandelier is ideal, and at the same time short in length.

The recommendation to “hang the chandelier as close to the ceiling as possible” is relevant if it is a corridor in front of the front door or a hall where there are built-in wardrobes with high hinged doors, high Entrance door, high room doors that can touch the chandelier when opened. It should also be noted that in the hallway of the house people take off and put on outerwear, comb their hair, perform manipulations with hats, umbrellas. That is why in such rooms the chandelier must be broadcast as close as possible to the ceiling, or at such a distance from the floor that it is not accidentally touched by a person or a door.

The statement “hang the chandelier as close to the ceiling as possible” is relevant for bathrooms, since in these rooms there is a risk not only to touch the chandelier when washing or wiping with a towel, but also to accidentally fill it with water. The higher the chandelier hangs in the bathroom, the safer it is for herself and for the person. It is best to hang a ceiling chandelier in the bathroom, where the lamps completely hide the ceiling, which will prevent water drops from falling on the light bulb. It is the drops of water that fall on the lamp that often lead to the fact that the light bulb breaks and crumbles down. Again, if the ceiling height in the bathroom is large, then you can hang a classic chandelier. In this case, one rule must be followed: the chandelier must be at the height of the outstretched hand of a person who is standing in full height.

If your living space has high ceilings, where the distance from floor to ceiling is more than 3 meters, then here the height of the suspension of the chandelier depends more on aesthetic considerations than on practical purposes. Big role plays the area of ​​​​the room, the diameter of the chandelier and the purpose of a particular room. Only one thing can be said with certainty, if the height of the ceilings allows, then broadcast the chandelier so that it can be reached with your fingertips if a person stretches his hand up. But at the same time, it is not necessary to specifically shorten the chandelier, fitting it to this statement. First of all, you should pay attention to the aesthetics of the interior at a particular height of the chandelier.

Sometimes a pendant lamp or chandelier is located in an area that is not intended for people to walk in it in full growth. Such a zone can form dining table or over a work table in the kitchen. At the same time, this area must be well lit. There are options when in such places a pendant lamp or chandelier is hung very low. With this arrangement of the chandelier, it is difficult to recommend the height at which it should be above the floor or above the table. The only thing that can be advised is to hang the chandelier so that it does not shine into the eyes when eating or cooking.

Most classic chandeliers have a chain that connects the main body of the chandelier to the lamps and the fixture's ceiling mount. The chain, as a rule, can be easily reduced by removing excess links from it. Buying a chandelier with a long chain, you can always make it shorter. By adjusting the length of the chain, you will achieve the optimal position of the chandelier between the floor and ceiling.

For rooms with stretch ceilings slightly different rules apply for the location of the chandelier between the floor and the ceiling. Weakness stretch ceilings - susceptibility to heat from the chandelier. Stretch ceilings do not like temperatures that exceed 50-65 degrees Celsius. It is at this temperature that the installation of the ceiling takes place, after which it cools down and stretches like the skin of a drum. The chandelier can adversely affect stretch ceiling if the incandescent bulbs are too close to it. Negative impact can provide ceiling chandeliers, where the lamps are placed very close to the ceiling, and air ventilation inner space lamps is negligible. The minimum distance of incandescent lamps, the power of which is 60 watts, from the stretch ceiling is 0.4 meters. But still, stretch ceilings are different and it is best to find out such distances from the masters who installed the ceilings or from the manufacturer of the film for your ceiling.

It is best to play it safe and buy a chandelier with shades that look vertically down or down and slightly to the side. In such a chandelier, heat is accumulated mainly on the shades, from which it is successfully dissipated. In such chandeliers there is no direct hot air flow from the incandescent lamp to the ceiling. The second way to secure a stretch ceiling is hanging chandeliers with LED lamps.

It's more difficult when the chandelier must be hung on two or even three floors. Here, as a rule, they select a chandelier that looks equally good from all floors. As such a chandelier, a falling cascade of crystal, a chandelier with shades in several tiers, or a screw chandelier consisting of several hanging shades that hang at different heights from the ceiling are suitable. The distance of the lower point of the chandelier from the floor, in this case, is selected in the same way as in a normal room with high ceilings. The chandelier is placed at arm's length of a person standing at full height or higher, it all depends on the configuration of the space in which the interfloor chandelier hangs.

It should be noted that today, during construction or repair, little attention is paid to the strength of hooks for chandeliers and lamps. Buyers often ask the question: “Will my hook withstand a heavy chandelier”? The question often arises when buying expensive heavy chandeliers made of brass, Murano glass, wrought iron. Strong hooks are necessary if you are going to hang a large chandelier in several tiers or even a small but heavy lamp. There is such a document as PUE - Electrical Installation Rules. The PUE is the main document for the safe operation and installation of electrical installations in the Russian Federation and some CIS countries. The document says the following. “A ceiling hook or fixture for hanging a chandelier must support five times the weight of the luminaire for 10 minutes. After the load has been removed, there should be no deformed areas or visible damage on the hook. If you plan to hang a chandelier weighing 25 kilograms or more, then a load equal to twice the mass of the lamp plus another 80 kilograms is applied to the hook. Before hanging an expensive and heavy chandelier, it is best to be careful and make sure the ceiling hook is strong.

Summing up our opus, we must say that the height at which the chandelier is located in the room, is not calculated by any formulas or tables. Everyone decides for himself how to hang a chandelier. First of all, it is necessary to rely on common sense and logic, and only secondarily on the aesthetics of the interior, with a particular distance of the chandelier from the floor.

Everyone can skillfully and correctly hang a chandelier on their own, without being an electrician and without calling specialists. Of course, installing a chandelier under the ceiling is quite a serious task, but at the same time it does not need high level special training.

There are several different ways fastening under the ceiling of a decorative lighting device - a chandelier. Determines tactics, first of all, total weight products. It is logical that a heavier chandelier requires a thorough, thoughtful fastening.

Consider the most effective, commonly used methods.

Chandelier mounting methods

Fixing a chandelier using a hook

The metal hook is the most simplified and reliable option. There are two ways to use various types hooks:

1. When the mass of the chandelier is less than 3.5-4.0 kg, you can safely use a threaded hook. The installation technology is simple - having drilled the desired (in diameter and depth) hole in the ceiling material, it is necessary to place a plastic dowel in the channel. Then it remains to carefully screw the hook to the maximum possible depth.

Attention! The hook holding the chandelier can only be fixed into concrete or into a massive wooden base (beams, logs, beams, etc.). It is unacceptable to mount the main element in drywall, plastic panels or decorative overlays!

2. If lighting fixture heavier than 4.0 kg, the technology will be different. In this case, you need to use special anchor bolts(d>=10.0 mm2) with spacer hook. After drilling the desired channel, it is necessary to put an anchor in it and tighten it to the limit. Now, the lamp will be securely located under the ceiling.

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To mask the mounting system, a decorative cup-shaped element (included in the chandelier kit) is used. This part freely moves along the main rod and can be fixed in its upper part. Therefore, if desired, it is quite easy to adjust the height of the chandelier.

Fixing the chandelier with a bracket or strip

The second method of fastening, which involves the use of a bar or bracket, is more complex, but available for independent execution.

In the chandelier set, if the product is of high quality, a metal bar (or bracket) intended for suspension is necessarily included. There are two screws in this element, which must be fixed with the corresponding nuts. Now, the created complex is fixed to the ceiling, in which channels are pre-drilled and PVC dowels are installed.

The chandelier is brought to the ceiling and, by inserting bolts into special holes, is fixed under the ceiling.

Advice! If the ceiling is wooden, then the bracket is fixed with wood screws of the desired length. And when the ceiling is drywall construction, you need to fix the chandelier with metal screws to the supporting profile bar!

Simplified mounting option

When the purchased chandelier is small and light, you can do without auxiliary fixing mechanisms and mount the lighting fixture directly to the ceiling surface. At the base of such chandeliers there is a small metal plate with several holes for installation.

The installation technology is extremely simple. The locations of the screws are marked and channels are drilled at these points. They are placed in the holes of the PVC dowel and the lamp is fixed with at least 2 screws.

The process of placing and fixing a chandelier on the ceiling is full of various nuances, among which the most significant are:

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1. Massive, elongated chandeliers are suitable for placement only on high ceilings, otherwise, in addition to aesthetic disharmony, there will be a danger of electric shock.

2. It is better to equip low ceilings with flat or small lamps that are close to the surface. Otherwise, distinguished guests will be in uncomfortable conditions. Also a large chandelier model in small room will cause constant psychological discomfort due to low overhang.

The method of connecting the chandelier to the network

The installation issues have been considered and now you can proceed to the most difficult stage - the creation electrical system with switches. Usually the chandelier kit is delivered ready-made, but sometimes you have to make an independent correction or completely redo the local wiring.

Consider the likely situations with switches:

Single key switches

There are no special incomprehensible moments here. From each plafond there is a pair of wires of the same color or different (this is not critical). One cord from all the shades must be brought into a single contact, and the others into a second combined twist. Now we bring one connection to the phase wire, and the second to the zero one, which together go from the switch.

Two-gang switch

In fact, such a relay is a combination of two single-key devices, which has three outputs (common and two separate).

First, let's deal with the wires, of which we will have 4: two two-wire wires from the ceiling lights, a three-wire wire from the switch and a double wire from the electrical panel.

The principle of connection is as follows:

- are combined into one twist, one conductor from each ceiling and a neutral wire from the electrical panel;

- the phase conductor from the shield is connected to the common contact of the two-gang switch;

- the remaining wire from each ceiling is connected to the output of one of the keys;

Now it remains to consider a little less rare variant installations with connection hanging type luminaires that are attached to the ceiling using various kinds suspensions.

Cables, pipes or the most common option since Soviet times are used to suspend the lamp body - this is the suspension of the lamp on a reinforced electrical cable.

Main advantages of this type of luminaires is the ease of installation with the choice of any required installation height and subsequent maintenance.

Remember that you should not install below 2 meters, so as not to accidentally touch your head.

Scope of application.
Pendant lights are simply indispensable in rooms with high ceilings. With the help of a suspension, they are installed at the required height, providing the necessary amount of light, and besides, the process of subsequent cleaning and replacement of lamps in them is simplified. Hanging lamps are not interchangeable in production, in shopping malls etc. Not infrequently, they help to effectively solve the problem of bright illumination in individual houses and apartments. For example, a billiard table or kitchen ...

Basic suspension structures.

The luminaire is suspended from the ceiling using a power supply electric cable, the insulation of which is specially reinforced in order to withstand the weight of the lamp for a long time without damage and stretching (Figure 1).

The luminaire can also hang on a metal chain, and the cable will intertwine with it or hang next to it without weight load (Figure 2).

There are designs from 2 to 10 lamps, which are suspended with cables from the ceiling (Figure 3), and there are models with the simultaneous suspension of several identical lamps (Figure 4). Figure No. 5 shows a lamp with one shade, which hangs on three cables. There are still quite a few variations, but almost all of them are installed in the same way.

Hanging lamp fixture.
The luminaire consists of a base with a mounting plate, which is fixed directly to the ceiling. The second main detail is a lampshade with a plafond. And the third part is the suspension (cable, chain, cable itself, etc.). The design of the lamp has a terminal block for connecting it to the power supply and, of course.

Installation and connection of the lamp.

1. Turn off the switch and check the absence of an indicator screwdriver on the electrical cable to which We will make the connection. If the phase does not disappear, then it is not properly wired junction box(see the correct one) and you need to turn off the corresponding machine!

2. We disassemble the lamp. We remove the cover, and securely fasten the mounting plate to the ceiling together with the outlet of the electrical cable or wires.

How to mount to the ceiling look at.

3. We adjust the height to the required value, for this we unscrew the bolts on the latch and shorten the cable and cable to the required length. As a rule, the luminaire comes from the factory with the longest suspension set to the maximum.

After finishing the adjustment, we cut off the excess cable and cable, if it is not possible to hide too much of the remaining stock in the base of the lamp.

4. We connect the lamp.

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