How to choose an instantaneous electric water heater: tips and introduction to successful models. The best instantaneous water heater for an apartment: reviews. How to choose the right instantaneous water heater for an apartment

Why is there a water heater in the apartment? Perhaps this question did not torment those who travel to distant countries during the traditional summer hot water outages. But the majority of residents of our country who managed to purchase a heater managed to appreciate the benefits of a hot shower at any time of the year and day.

To do this, it’s not enough to come to the store and compare prices. It is worth knowing that the devices operate on gas and electricity, differ in volume, performance, type of installation and position, material and many other parameters. IN modern apartments rarely used gas water heaters, especially large volumes. Therefore, we will dwell in detail on popular electric models, defining best options For various conditions. "How does it happen? , You can read in our article.”

Flow devices are compact and inexpensive. This heater fits perfectly in a cabinet under the kitchen sink and does not take up much space on the bathroom wall. Installation takes minimal time. With this “helper” you won’t have to wash dishes and hands in cold water. The jet, passing through the heating element, has an output temperature of 35-40 degrees, sufficient for a comfortable shower.

But along with all the advantages of these silent units, there is a significant drawback - high energy consumption. That's why flow models more suitable for economical seasonal use during periods when hot water is turned off and for apartments in which various reasons At night, cold water runs out of the hot tap.

Note! If the wiring in your apartment has not changed since Soviet Union, it is better to refrain from purchasing a instantaneous water heater or make complete replacement electrical cables.

Instantaneous water heaters are produced in two versions - single- and three-phase. The models also differ in the principle of operation - pressure and non-pressure.

  1. Single-phase devices are more popular, the power is usually from 4 to 8 kW, less often 12 kW.
  2. Three-phase The equipment is considered professional, costs several times more and is rarely installed in apartments. Such water heaters differ from single-phase ones not only in power, design, functionality, but also in the ability to simultaneously service several water points.


Pressure water heaters flow type are very simple and do not require special care/maintenance. They heat the stream of water almost instantly, starting to work as soon as the tap opens. Such products are installed directly into the water riser.

Popular manufacturers of quality water heaters:StiebelEltron,Vaillant,Siemens,AEG,Unitherm,Clage, Timberk.

Video - Review of Timberk Watermaster instantaneous water heaters


Non-pressure instantaneous water heaters are installed next to the water source and can be equipped with a shower and spout. The big advantage of a pressureless tank is mobility. Such a device can be quickly installed if necessary and removed when the need for hot water supply disappears. But it’s worth knowing that non-pressure water heaters are very different low power. Those. the output of heated water will be no more than 1-3 liters per second, or the water will not warm up enough. Another drawback lies in the design - over time, the heat transfer of the heating element may decrease.

To take a shower comfortably, you should purchase a heater with a power of 8 kW or more, but such devices require high-quality wiring and mandatory grounding.

Instructions for Atmor Basic 5 kW

Video - Features of choosing instantaneous water heaters

A little about performance

Productivity as the number of heated volumes of water per unit of time is always indicated by manufacturers. However, for models in the low price category this figure may be underestimated, because the incoming water t = 20°C is taken into account, while in Russian apartments the flow temperature in the pipes rarely rises above 15 degrees. Large companies on the contrary, they underestimate the performance indicator, taking into account minimum temperature incoming water (total 10°C).

Therefore, it is worth purchasing high-quality products from well-known brands, avoiding shelves with cheap products, even if the latter have fabulous performance indicators in the description.

Flow-storage water heaters for apartments

Flow-storage devices are perfect for use in apartments. Water heaters are connected to a regular shower hose and a standard 220 V socket. Even a housewife can handle the installation. The power of compact water heaters is small (about 2.5 kW), but in just half an hour a sufficient amount of heated water will accumulate in the tank, which is enough to take a shower.

Popular manufacturers:"Etalon" and "Termex".

Price range: 5-7 thousand rubles.

Table. Characteristics of ETALON MK 15 Combi

Storage water heaters or boilers - devices that not only heat, but also maintain the temperature of water for a long time. You can use heated water even if the heater is unplugged. One water heater is enough to service all the plumbing. appliances in the apartment.

Boilers are much more convenient to use than flow devices, but take up more space, and installation is heavy important nuances. Such a device cannot be simply removed from the wall and hidden in a closet when needed. alternative source hot water will disappear.

How to choose tank volume

The tank volume acceptable for an apartment ranges from 50 to 100 liters. This supply of water is enough for a family of two to four adults and small child. If periods of hot water shutdown are short-term and you plan to use hot water only for domestic needs, it is worth installing a more compact 30-liter boiler.

To calculate the approximate daily volume of water consumed, it is best to check the readings of water meters, checking the readings at intervals of 24 hours. Approximate volume required water for 1 day for 1 person is 230-300 liters. Since the water in the boiler is heated to 75-85 degrees, after which it is diluted with a cold stream, the output is 2 times more warm water, what was heated by the device. Based on this, it will be enough for one user to turn on a 50-liter heater twice a day to provide himself with food for the whole day warm water.

CapacityPopular modelsPerformancePopular models
2 adults30 litersELECTROLUX EWH 30 Centurio Digital H (2000 W, horizontal, RUB 10,600).
ELECTROLUX EWH 30 Quantum Slim (1500 W, vertical, 5100 rub.).
TIMBERK SWH FSM5 30 V (2000 W, vertical, 12,000 rub.).
3-4 liters per minuteAEG MP 6 (RUB 16,500, 6 kW).
2 adults + 1 child30-50 litersTHERMEX FLAT DIAMOND TOUCH ID 50 V (1300 W, vertical, RUB 12,500).
TIMBERK SWH FSM5 50 V (2000 W, vertical, RUB 14,100).
4 liters per minuteStiebel Eltron DHC 8 (RUB 18,300, 8 kW).
4 adults50-80 litersGORENJE OTG80SLSIMBB6 (2000 W, vertical, RUB 13,100).
BAXI SV 580 (vertical, 1200 W, 7300 rub.).
5 liters per minuteStiebel Eltron DHF 12 C1 (12 kW, 27900).
5-6 adults100-120 litersARISTON ABS PRO R 100 V (1500 W, vertical, 7000 rub.).
THERMEX FLAT DIAMOND TOUCH ID 100 V (RUB 18,400, vertical, 1300 W).
7 liters per minuteStiebel Eltron DHF 21 C (21 kW, RUB 25,900).

Mounting method

Boilers are mounted on the wall in a vertical or horizontal position, installed in niches, under kitchen sinks or on the floor. The latter type of installation is typical only for large-sized models with a volume of 150 liters and above. Horizontal boilers are more convenient and compact, but are more expensive than vertical ones.

The hidden location of the heater under the sink is very convenient, but most often boilers are hung on the wall in the toilet or bathroom, next to the water supply. This is due to the design of devices that differ in the type of liner (upper or lower).


Boiler tanks are made of steel (including stainless steel), less often - copper (very expensive devices), as well as with coatings of bioglass porcelain, glass ceramics, enamel, titanium enamel. A new product is a coating with silver ions AG+ from the Ariston company, which not only protects the metal from corrosion, but also has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

When purchasing a tank, it is important to pay attention to the quality of its thermal insulation. Best materials– polyurethane and polyurethane foam. The thicker the insulation (optimally 35 mm), the longer water will remain hot in the tank, the less electricity will be consumed. The low weight of a volumetric device will indicate low quality thermal insulation. Such models are cheap and suitable for rare short-term use in cases of seasonal or emergency power outages. energy.

The low weight of the device will additionally indicate the unsatisfactory quality (small thickness) of the internal tank. A thin layer of enamel will quickly crack. When choosing, you should compare several models of the same displacement, pay attention to their weight and make sure that better-quality products weigh > 10% more.

Heating element and its power

A heating element is a heating element that is made of carbon or alloy steel, copper, etc. Heating elements can be dry (built into a sealed flask) or wet (in contact with water, heating it). The heating element must have space for attaching the magnesium anode.

Straight heating elements are often installed in vertical boilers, while long curved ones are installed in horizontal ones. It is better to choose a heating element with the longest length. Because A short heating element is characterized by a high surface heating temperature and rapid scale formation.

Fastening is carried out either with a ¼ nut or a flange (diameter 42-72 mm, M4, 5, 6 or 8 thread).

Conclusion: for installation in an apartment, it is better to choose a water heater with a 2 kW heating element, a large surface area, made of copper or “dry” (with a steatite flask).


Boilers require periodic maintenance:

  • cleaning the internal tank and heating elements from scale;
  • replacing the magnesium anode.

Depending on the water quality, maintenance is recommended once every 1-2 years.

  1. Assess your budget and frequency of use of the device. Expensive equipment lasts longer, but there is no need to spend a huge amount on a water heater that will be used 2-3 days a year.
  2. Consider where you will install the water heater. Measure the wall with a tape measure and check whether it can support the weight of the device. The dimensions of water heaters are indicated in the instructions. The position and type of wiring are selected based on free space in the room. Flat horizontal devices are aesthetically pleasing and compact, while vertical cylinder-shaped devices are cheaper. The volume of the water heater should be selected based on the number of users.
  3. Please pay attention to all technical specifications. Check the power of the heating element, the material used to make the parts, the thickness of the thermal insulation (for boilers), the type of coating, heating time, etc.
  4. The interface should be clear and control should be convenient. The best water heaters equipped remote control and have an electronic panel on the body.
  5. Buy equipment from well-known brands with a long warranty period. Don’t forget to find out about the service center, installation and cost of spare parts.

We remind you that a water heater is purchased for many years. Take your time with the choice, compare prices and water heaters.

Video - Choosing a water heater

Availability of hot water supply is one of the main and essential attributes comfortable life. Its temporary shutdown can bring a lot of inconvenience to modern citizens. In addition, not all holiday villages and villages are equipped hot water. To eliminate this circumstance, an electric instantaneous water heater(direct-flow, non-pressure) from Electrolux, Ariston, Termex and other manufacturers. Such a boiler operates in automatic mode, the main condition is the presence of a source of water and power supply.

What is an instantaneous water heater

Achievement modern science and equipment - instantaneous electric water heater, which allows you to use hot water for domestic needs all year round, is a small-sized device with a heating element. The latter is a heating element (tubular electric heater) or an open spiral. An open spiral is used in very compact devices in the form of faucet attachments, because... There is simply nowhere to put a heating element there. Heating occurs in a copper flask.

Externally the device is relatively small plastic case, which is connected to a source of electricity and a water supply system. There is only one outlet for hot water. Depending on the purpose and performance, such a device can provide water at a constant temperature to one or more water collection points. Moreover, some models are equipped with a mechanical control system, others with an electronic one. An undoubted advantage is the ability to regulate power and water heating, especially with an electronically controlled boiler.

How does it work

Having decided to install a structure that would provide the opportunity to use a hot shower in any season of the year, first familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation. An electric running water heater comes into operation when the tap is opened, i.e. water flow appears. Next, the water is instantly heated to optimal temperature, after which it is simply maintained at the same level. There are no storage tanks of different sizes in the boiler.

Due to the fact that this type of water heater is a high-power electrical appliance, it requires separate electrical wiring. In addition, the device must be grounded. As a protection system against overheating and burns, special devices are used - limiter regulators. In some models, they are triggered when the water heating temperature exceeds 65-70 degrees.

Types of instantaneous water heaters

A flow-through boiler can be either pressure or non-pressure type. The first is otherwise called a water heater closed type- it is connected to the gap water pipe. It has great power and can provide water supply to several water collection points. Connecting a non-pressure (open) water heater is carried out like a simple one household appliances, i.e. by tapping a water pipe or flexible hose. Supplies only one point. The advantage is low cost and low power, which will save on energy consumption. Kinds:

  • kitchen faucet nozzle;
  • faucet with electric water heating;
  • a separate device mounted next to the shower/sink.


Regardless of the technical characteristics, any instantaneous water heater, including a budget model, is a completely economical device in terms of water consumption. The fact is that the user, standing in the bathtub or shower stall, does not have to wait long for the water to flow at the required temperature. The pressure device, ideal for kitchens, is always under mains pressure. One of the popular options for such a heater:

  • model name: Thermex System 800;
  • price: 3330 rubles;
  • characteristics: mechanical control, power consumption 8 kW (220 V), dimensions (WxHxD) 270x170x95 mm;
  • pros: cheap;
  • Cons: poor build quality and materials.

If you are looking for a more powerful device, then take a closer look at one of the Stiebel water heater models:

  • Model name: Stiebel Eltron DHC-E 12;
  • price: RUB 25,878;
  • characteristics: productivity 5 liters of water per minute, mechanical control, power consumption 10 kW (220 V), dimensions (WxHxD) 200x360x104 mm;
  • pros: there is an overheating protection system;
  • cons: expensive.


The non-pressure heater has the same principle of operation as the pressure heater, it’s just that a special mixer acts as a safety group. When closed, it shuts off the water at the inlet, and when heated, it discharges excess water. On sale you can find devices from different manufacturers, so be sure to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option you are interested in. Here is one of the inexpensive models:

  • Model name: Timberk WHE 3.5 XTR H1;
  • price: 2354 rub.;
  • characteristics: mechanical control, power consumption 3.5 kW (220 V), dimensions (WxHxD) 124x210x82 mm, capacity 2.45 l/min., weight 800 g;
  • pros: it is cheap, there is an overheating protection system;
  • cons: low performance.

Among other non-pressure heaters, pay attention to this type of device:

  • model name: Electrolux NP4 Aquatronic;
  • price: 5166 rub.;
  • characteristics: power consumption 4 kW (220 V), dimensions (WxHxD) 191x141x85 mm, capacity 2 l/min, weight 1.42 kg;
  • Pros: acceptable size, good value for money.
  • cons: low power.

For shower

Purchasing a product such as a instantaneous water heater in St. Petersburg, Moscow or another city in the country is not a problem today; it’s more difficult to decide on suitable option and optimal power. Depending on the build quality and operating conditions, the purchase made can last about 5-7 years. To answer the question of which instantaneous water heater is best to buy for an apartment for showering, check out several popular devices. Compare all parameters, including approximate power consumption. An inexpensive purchase could be:

  • Model name: Atmor Basic 5;
  • price: RUB 1,778;
  • characteristics: mechanical control, power consumption 5 kW (220 V), productivity 3 l/min., set consists of shower head, socket plug, hose;
  • pros: low cost, compactness;
  • Cons: short shower hose length.

Another popular and sought-after representative of this category of instantaneous water heaters is:

  • model name: Delsot PEVN 5;
  • price: 2541 rub.;
  • characteristics: power consumption 5 kW (220 V), productivity 3 l/min., set consists of shower head, hose, dimensions (WxHxD) 206x307x65 mm;
  • pros: low cost, easy connection;
  • cons: does not heat water well.

With mechanical control

Correct the operation of the heater, i.e. You can change the degree of water heating using regulators located on a special panel. The control can be mechanical or electronic. The first is often called hydraulic. A nozzle on a faucet for heating water or a separate standard device with such control is always turned on at maximum power - even if there are several heating modes. It is necessary to change the degree of heating manually, i.e. switching modes after switching on. Here's one option:

  • Model name: AEG DDLT 24 PinControl;
  • price: RUB 37,100;
  • characteristics: power consumption 24 kW (380 V), productivity 12.3 l/min., maximum water heating temperature +60°C, dimensions (WxHxD) 226x485x93 mm, weight 3.3 kg;
  • pros: high power;
  • cons: high cost.

Check out another option - the Kospel three-phase electric water heater:

  • model name: Kospel KDH 21 Luxus;
  • price: RUB 11,354;
  • characteristics: power consumption 21 kW (380 V), productivity 10.1 l/min., dimensions (WxHxD) 245x440x120 mm, weight 5.1 kg;
  • pros: high power;
  • cons: high cost.

Electronically controlled

Instantaneous water heaters equipped with electronic controls have become quite widespread today. They stand out for their high power and higher cost. This is due to the fact that installations of this type have heating elements with multi-stage power control. In addition, these devices have several sensors and a microprocessor that processes data and regulates the operation of the heaters. A striking example serves:

  • Model name: Stiebel Eltron HDB-E 12 Si;
  • price: RUB 19,285;
  • characteristics: power consumption 11 kW (380 V), productivity 5.4 l/min., dimensions (WxHxD) 225x470x117 mm, weight 3.6 kg, there is an overheating protection system;
  • pros: good power, pressure;
  • cons: high cost.

If some of the characteristics do not suit you, then check out another option:

  • Model name: Stiebel Eltron DHC-E 8;
  • price: RUB 25,838;
  • characteristics: power consumption 6 kW (380 V), productivity 3 l/min., dimensions (WxHxD) 200x362x105 mm, there is an overheating protection system;
  • advantages: temperature limitation to 60°C;
  • cons: high cost.

How to choose an instantaneous water heater

When choosing, first of all, you need to correctly select the optimal power of the installation. In this case, it is easier to focus on the number of taps that should be simultaneously supplied with hot water. If there are three such points in the living space, then the power of the device should be from 13 kW or more, if there are 2 - within 8-12 kW, and if there is 1 - up to 8 kW. Select control type: hydraulic or electronic. The first one is cheaper, the second one has more power and modern “stuffing”.

Pay attention to the performance of the device, i.e. water consumption. The average value for a shower is 5 l/min, a washbasin and sink with mixer is 2-4 l/min, and a bath with a mixer is 3.5 l/min. When choosing, make sure you match both the power and performance values. This is the only way a instantaneous water heater will provide you with water heated to the desired temperature. Otherwise, you will have to make sure that more than one tap is not opened at the same time.

To ensure that your purchase, regardless of cost and high/low power, turns out to be optimal, make a kind of monitoring of prices, promotions, discounts, sales for this or that electric running water heater with a heating element, compare the characteristics of several models, which can be ordered from the catalog in the online store with delivered by mail or purchased at your local hardware store.


If you are tired of interruptions in hot water, and the choice fell on an instantaneous water heater, then it is worth sorting out many issues in order to choose the most suitable option.

To do this, you need to find out the operating principle of an instantaneous electric water heater. Find out all the pros and cons of this equipment. Consider what to pay attention to first.

Operating principle of instantaneous water heater

The principle of providing hot water to instantaneous heaters is simple. Cold water passes through the equipment where it stands heating element or spiral and, heating up to desired temperature, flows out of the hot water tap. This system makes it possible not to install a large storage tank, on which, perhaps, small room there won't be room. An instantaneous water heater makes it possible to use minimal space where it would be impossible to install a storage tank.

Such an electric heater allows you not to limit the use of hot water, as is customary in storage equipment, so you will not need to calculate the amount of water consumed by each family member before purchasing. In addition, the heating process happens very quickly, which saves consumers time.

The electrical energy needed for heating is consumed only during operation of the device. That is, only when hot water flows.

Pros and cons of instantaneous water heater

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to accurately understand pros and cons of equipment, which must faithfully serve its consumers for many years. And there are positive aspects to using this device flow heating significantly more than negative ones.

The water heater is equipped protection against pressure surges when there are differences and adjust the heating system depending on the amount of water consumed, which can reduce electricity costs.

If there are so many advantages, there are probably also disadvantages, but in this case this statement is incorrect. Flow-through electric heaters have no disadvantages. For its productive operation, there is only one condition that must be met when connecting such a mechanism to the water supply system. This equipment is very powerful, so the loads on electrical wiring will be serious. Experts recommend connecting the flow-through heater with a separate wire specially designed for this purpose, which must be routed to distribution box. For a powerful water heater greater than 8 kW, a three-phase voltage of three hundred and eighty volts is required.

Exactly the difficulty of carrying out such work stops buyers and forces them to choose some other product.


All flow heaters can be divided into two groups:

  1. pressure (system);
  2. non-pressure.

Pressure flow heaters can provide hot water to several supply points simultaneously. For convenience, they are cut into pipes hot and cold water. The main condition that is necessary for it normal operation so that the required water pressure is provided. As a rule, turning on and off such a pressure heater occurs automatically from the flow of water passing through the pipes.

Non-pressure water heaters, as a rule, are installed directly on the tap from which hot water is to be obtained. They are released power from 3.5 to 8 kW and they can be plugged into a regular two hundred and twenty volt outlet. This non-pressure heater comes complete with a kitchen or shower head and is designed to provide hot water to one point. And such water heaters are best suited for occasional use. For example, for use in the summer at the dacha.

Based on the types of water heater control, they can be divided into two groups.

  • Hydraulic control.
  • Electronic control.

Hydraulic control- This is the simplest control mechanism that is used in budget models of flow-through heaters. It may switch the power of the equipment in steps or not be able to switch at all.

It consists of a hydraulic unit with a membrane and a rod that moves the switch lever. It has several positions. The first power stage is turned on, the second power stage is turned on. When the tap opens, the membrane moves to the side, which causes the switch to be pushed by the rod. Depending on the strength of the water pressure, the first or second stage is turned on. The first stage is turned on when the pressure is weak, the second, when it is strong. When the water supply stops, closing the tap sets the “off” mode. But there are heaters with only one power level.

This hydraulic control has main drawback. If the water pressure is low, each model has its own minimum, the instantaneous water heater may not turn on. Also, models with such a mechanism cannot provide a constant temperature regime.

The electronic control mechanism allows you to set the parameters the user needs, adjusting the set temperature in relation to the volume of flowing water, sensors and microprocessors installed in it. This mechanism allows you to save energy by choosing the optimal parameters.

Electronic control There are two types. Some can install required temperature water with built-in keys using indicators. The second type provides more comfortable hot water supply indoors. Not only do they regulate the temperature of the water, but they can also regulate the flow of water. The latter option is more expensive, but helps consumers save money through proper adjustment.

Calculation of the required water heater power

How to choose a instantaneous water heater so as not to regret the purchase later? When choosing suitable model, you need to calculate what power the heater is suitable for installation in the room. The power is calculated taking into account the purposes that the flow will have to provide electric water heater. Optimal performance calculated according to the formula: V = 14.3 * W/(t2 – t1).

The meaning of the formula is such that V denotes the volume of heated water, which is measured in liters per minute. W denotes the power of the water heater and is calculated in kW. t1 and t2 indicate the inlet and outlet water temperatures respectively and are measured in °C.

To make it easier to understand what parameters need to be specified in the formula, you can look at the approximate indicators in the table, where the approximate values ​​are indicated possible options required consumption.

There is another simpler way to determine the optimal parameters of an electric flow heater. For determining need to be multiplied by two required water volume flow rate in l/min. So, if you need to provide a room with eight liters of hot water of thirty-five degrees per minute, then you need to purchase an instantaneous electric water heater with a capacity of sixteen kilowatts. You can also calculate in reverse side based on the power of the water heater. If the specified power is eight kilowatts, then such a heater provides four liters of heated water per minute.

If the power of a water heater is calculated for several hot water supply points, then it is necessary to calculate based on the largest water intake point. If it is intended to use hot water at several points simultaneously, then the power of the electric flow heater should be increased by one and a half times.

What details should you pay attention to?

The most important part of the flow electric heater, which directly produces the heating process is a heating element or spiral. In order for the purchased equipment to last for more than one year without additional maintenance, you need to choose a water heater with a spiral or heating element protected from the effects of water. Other details that will be come into contact with water, must be made from quality materials, such as brass or copper.

The material from which the body of an electric instantaneous water heater is made plays an important role in the durability of this device. The body is affected high temperatures, it is affected by chemical composition water passing through it, so it must be made of very durable material. According to experts, enameled cases are considered the best. Such a heater behaves well with aggressive media present in water and temperature changes.

Copper and polypropylene casings of electric instantaneous water heaters have also proven themselves well as reliable heaters that allow the heating process to be carried out efficiently for many years.

Manufacturers especially expensive models flow heaters equipped with special scale protection, which negatively affects the performance of the equipment. Protection against scale is facilitated by the installed “anode”, which successfully performs its work for six to seven years. Also, such water heaters are equipped with a special lamp that lights up if the “anode” is destroyed and needs to be replaced with a new one.

Faucets and shower heads that come with almost all instantaneous water heaters should also be carefully inspected for integrity. They must be made of durable and durable material. Shower heads should contain many small holes that will ensure a shower even with the most minimal water pressure.

What else should you consider when choosing a heater?

It is also important for an electric flow-through heater to be convenient for regular use by all family members.

Mechanism safety is also no less important. Therefore, it is worth choosing a device with overheating protection and a water filter. It is advisable that the water heater have a power-on indicator and heating indicators.

The device must be complete and include fittings, shower head, electrical wire with a power plug suitable for the standard required by the consumer.

Instantaneous electric water heaters are currently very popular equipment for both temporary and permanent provision of hot water various rooms. If the device correctly selected by the consumer, then with minimal initial costs and economical ongoing energy costs, the room will be provided with the required amount of hot water at the desired temperature. So carefully study all the nuances presented by foreign and domestic producers models, calculate required power and choose the one that suits you technical specifications water heater.

The boiler is not able to heat required quantity hot water or is it always needed immediately? Is the only reliable and affordable source of energy a 220 or 380 V network? There is no desire, opportunity or conditions for installing bulky equipment? Don't know how to choose an instantaneous electric water heater? The information in the article will answer all questions.

Installation of instantaneous water heating is quite simple. The basis engineering solution- heat transfer zone. It contains a heating element of one type or another.

  1. The classic solution is a heating element, inside of which there is a wire spiral.
  2. A more modern heater is a tubular one. This is a moisture-proof inductor with good efficiency and heating up to high temperatures.
  3. The most technologically advanced solution is the system induction heating. It consists of an electromagnetic coil and a core, which is heated by Foucault currents.

To ensure that the temperature of the liquid passing through the device circuit can be adjusted by the user, heater manufacturers offer a whole range of control circuits. Among them there are always security systems. They prevent water from heating to boiling temperature or above a preset maximum value, idling, short circuits and other emergencies.

The flow heater has an impressive list of advantages. They make it a very convenient product for quickly, within seconds, getting hot water. For example, future owners are attracted to:

  • compact size;
  • no special installation requirements;
  • ability to work with any water flow;
  • clear adjustment mechanics;
  • equipment that allows you to immediately select a model that meets your needs.

But an instantaneous electric water heater also has disadvantages that can create problems in the average apartment or house. For example:

  • a powerful device, having a consumption of 7 kW or more, will easily overload weak wiring;
  • the number of liters of water that the installation is capable of heating per minute to a comfortable temperature may be insufficient to meet the needs of the family;
  • an incorrectly selected type of water heater may be used ineffectively.

An accurate assessment of all parameters will allow you to choose a flow-through heater for your home, cottage or apartment, the characteristics of which will be very attractive. Let us dwell in more detail on those features of the device that should be taken into account when purchasing.

Types of flow-through electric heaters

As stated above, all flow-type devices are built on the same basic circuit. Deciding which electric water heater is best to buy is based, first of all, on its performance characteristics and design. Available on the market:

  • devices wall mounting with a vertical orientation of the body, with lower pipe connections. They can supply water to the shower through a flexible hose, to a gander, or to a water intake line;
  • wall-mounted heaters with side supply. They are optimal for placement behind a partition or wall. Unregulated models work excellently: when water is taken in an amount not exceeding the performance indicator of the device, it always has a precisely specified temperature;
  • Appliances with overhead connections are optimal for the kitchen. They are easy to install under the countertop, inside the furniture set;
  • tubular type flow heating systems. Their connection is made directly inside engineering systems, installation is carried out directly into the pipe passage line. The liquid inlet and outlet are located at the ends of the heater, and the adjustment systems are either not provided or are designed for a single heating mode setting. A separate product segment is compact water heaters manufactured in the format of a rack for a kitchen sink faucet.

The last type of flow-through heater can act optimal solution, if the owners chose it for installation in the apartment. Such a device can work in tandem with a storage-class boiler through a three-way mixing valve. This ensures the constant availability of hot water, the possibility of intensive selection and constant comfortable temperature liquids.

What to consider when choosing a device

Let us dwell in more detail on the set of characteristics of a flow-through electric heater, the choice of which will allow you to obtain a device that does not create troubles and provides a sufficient amount of hot water. Let us immediately note several features that allow us to better evaluate the device.

  1. The indicated performance of a flow-through heater is the amount of water that it is capable of delivering in a constant flow at the maximum temperature (specified in the passport).
  2. Unregulated devices or those equipped with mechanical control systems always have a clear electricity consumption indicated in the characteristics of the device. At the same time, electronically controlled instantaneous heaters spend as much energy as necessary to heat the water to the specified temperature.
  3. Devices equipped with a shower head are not always suitable for a summer residence. The nozzle has very small holes. It is suitable for washing dishes or hands, but will be inconvenient if the water heater is placed in the shower.

Devices intended for one water collection point are called non-pressure devices. A safety valve is installed at the inlet, which ensures an internal liquid pressure of 1 atmosphere. Such a water heater cannot supply more water than its design allows, even if it gushes out with intense flow from a “cold” tap.

Devices designed for several water sampling points can withstand pressures of up to 10 atmospheres. They can be installed directly at the entrance to the apartment and select a performance sufficient for all household needs.

Selecting an electric instantaneous water heater by power

Before going to the store, you should consult with electricians. The calculation of the average wiring in a modern house is based on the ability to connect several powerful consumers. This washing machine, oven, electric grill. Therefore, a small flow-through heater with a power of 4-6 kW can be safely used provided it is turned on for a short time (up to half an hour).

If the house is old and the wiring is weak, it is recommended to make a separate connection to the apartment, from which the instantaneous water heater will be powered. The ideal solution is to route tires to the apartment panel directly from the basement or from a central distribution point. In this case, one more problem can be solved: to provide a neutral wire, which is in modern houses, is necessary to connect the device, but is missing in old buildings.

It is recommended to make a separate entry in any case. However, understanding what to do major renovation No one will bother with gating walls or opening channels for laying wires without special need; it is worth carefully assessing the capabilities of the existing wiring and choosing a water heater that can operate in existing conditions without accidents.

Selection by water consumption

As mentioned above, the heater’s passport indicates the rated performance. The water flow produced by the device is always diluted. Therefore, if 3 liters of selection per minute with a temperature of 55 degrees is stated, such indicators are enough for a comfortable shower.

The second factor that needs to be taken into account is the difference in the performance of the device depending on the time of year. The water in the supply pipe varies in temperature. In summer it is warmer, in winter it is completely cold. For example, in the summer, a water heater with a power of 8 kW will provide 3.1 liters of water with a temperature of 55 degrees (18 at the inlet). And in winter, with a water supply of 6 degrees, the output will be only 2.3 liters of hot liquid.

To successfully choose a device, you should focus on its class and declared performance indicators. For example, for a non-pressure device that is mounted at one sampling point ( kitchen sink, bathroom, shower), a capacity of 3-4 liters will be enough (less can be done if you are not in the habit of taking a shower with a good flow of water).

For a pressure water heater with several tapping points, the minimum value is 3 liters per minute for one consumer. Each subsequent tap should add 1.5-2 liters to the recommended performance of the device.

Features of the heating element

The class of the heating element can be a decisive factor and determine which company to choose a water heater. For example:

  • the simplest devices use one or more heating elements. They can be anodized or copper sheathed;
  • more advanced devices are equipped with ceramic tubular heaters. They are durable, expensive, effective;
  • The best heaters are glass-protected spiral blocks. They do not require maintenance and slightly change the rate of heat transfer during scale formation.

Spiral induction heat exchangers are the most technologically advanced solution. During their operation, very little scale is formed, since Foucault currents, in addition to heating, cause vibration of the central core and the current spiral. Some water heaters of the Swedish Electrolux brand are equipped with such heaters.

Material from which the heater is made

The heater housing is the last thing to evaluate. Each buyer has a personal rating. For example:

  • Practical people will prefer plastic. It is easy to care for, but over time, scratches and rough spots inevitably appear that collect dirt;
  • Enameled housings look rational. They are durable, the surface is durable, wear-resistant, and looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • Anodized body parts look stylish and impressive. However, the coating may wear down to the base over time. Excellent strength indicators of the titanium layer. Such a case is an expensive solution, but it looks extremely attractive;
  • all metal, polished, made of of stainless steel or alloy water heaters are the height of perfection in the eyes of some buyers. But it is worth considering one factor. On the smooth mirror surface of the metal, stains and other visual imperfections will always be visible. Careful, ongoing care will be required.

Which company is preferable?

Knowing how to choose an instantaneous electric water heater, one cannot fail to mention the companies that lead in customer preferences. At one end of the scale are simple, inexpensive and reliable solutions. The Polaris brand can be noted as a prominent representative. Here are classic, simple heating elements, moderate power consumption, maintainability and availability of spare parts.

At the other end of the scale are products from Electrolux. Here are used technological innovations. For example, induction heating units, spirals protected by glass. The price of water heaters is high, but the reliability is even higher; the products will not require maintenance or repair for many years.

Rating of the best flow-through electric heaters

It's time to get acquainted with the best representatives of the instantaneous water heaters market. In order not to repeat the same indicators: electricity consumption, productivity, number of sampling points (device type) and others, they are summarized in a table. And the rating will introduce you to the main features of the devices.

ModelProduction, l/minpower, kWtHeater typeSelection pointsControl
3,9 8 tubular1 electronic
4,1 8 copper heating elementSomeMechanics
Polaris Mercury 5.3 OD4 5,3 heating elementsomesensitive
4 6,5 copper tubular1 sensitive
7,3 12 (380 V)heating elementsomesensitive
Timberk WHEL-7 OC PRIMALUX4,5 6,5 heating element1 Mechanics
Electrolux SP 21 ELITEC10,7 21 (380 V)spiral heating elementsomeungovernable
5 7 heating element1 Mechanics
2,8 5,7 spiral blocksomeMechanics
4 7,5 copper heating elementsomeMechanics

A solution that can be considered universal. The water heater is controlled electronically, you can set a temperature threshold, and there is an accelerated heating mode. Setting the required parameters is done using convenient circular controls. The water heater belongs to the non-pressure class (one tapping point) and is equipped with a hose with a shower head.

An electric instantaneous water heater, which is suitable for an apartment where a family of two lives. The performance is enough to take a shower, for household needs. The device can withstand up to 10 atmospheres of water supply, can be installed at the entrance of the apartment, and is powered by a single-phase 220 V network. Its design is simple, the pipe supply is standard, 0.5 inches, so even installing it yourself will not cause any difficulties.

Representative of simple, reliable solutions for small apartment or at home. With good performance for its power, the water heater offers simple diagram setting modes by pressing one button. Installed at the entrance to the apartment, it is capable of providing water distribution to several points. The convenient shape of the body allows you to install it in the bathroom, and the equipment (hose and shower head) allows you to use the device to create comfort in the countryside.

Representative of the market segment of the most reliable and unpretentious devices. This water heater is made in an enamel-coated body, equipped with copper heating elements, comes with its own water purification filter at the inlet, and offers setting of the operating mode by pressing one button. Designed for one point of consumption (non-pressure class), this device will be very effective in the kitchen or bathroom. For installation in the bathroom, the manufacturer offers a gander faucet that comes complete with the device.

A product ideal for a private home. The device operates from three-phase network, has sufficient performance to provide hot water to a family of 3-4 people. It can be installed at the entrance to the house, can withstand up to 10 atmospheres of water pressure and offers an accelerated water heating mode. Temperature regulation is carried out by a single regulator on the body.

Compact, designed for use in apartments (inlet water pressure up to 6 atmospheres), this water heater will appeal to many. It is equipped with a regulator that will allow you to balance the water intake and the load on the wiring. This device will be convenient both in the kitchen and in the bathroom, where it can be mounted directly above the bathtub or washbasin. A gooseneck crane is included with the device.

An excellent solution for a private home with a large family. This reliable, non-adjustable device boasts a whole range of record-breaking indicators. Firstly, it is equipped with an induction heating system. Secondly, it has a maximum outlet temperature limit of 60 degrees in its class. Thirdly, it can provide good performance for its power. The device is powered by a three-phase network, can be installed at the water inlet into the house, and weighs less than 4 kg.

A good and reliable solution for the bathroom. It has everything that is required from a high-quality flow-through heater of a non-pressure type: average power, sufficient performance for an intense shower, simple mechanical operating mode switches. The device is equipped as if it was specially designed for the bathroom: the manufacturer offers a gooseneck faucet and a flexible hose with a shower head.

A unique device from the Swedish brand was developed for the kitchen. Here is a top connection for mounting the device under a countertop, moderate energy consumption and performance sufficient for domestic needs. At the same time, the water heater is designed for several consumers. Therefore, it can be placed in such a way that it supplies water to the sink and the bathroom washbasin at the same time.

The device is very reliable. The heating element is a spiral type with a special mechanics of operation: it vibrates when voltage is applied. This prevents scale from settling, resulting in a very long service life of the device.

The rating is completed by a convenient device for bachelors or a family of two. This water heater will fully satisfy the needs of such a target group. There is everything for universal application. For example, you can install this device for hot water supply to a bathroom or install it at the entrance to an apartment (several consumers are allowed). Reliable copper heating elements will ensure durability, and setting the outlet water temperature with a simple movement of the dial is a very convenient option.

As a conclusion

There is a lot of talk about flow-through heaters, but always one-sidedly. The attitude towards this device can be described in one phrase: “don’t like it? You just don’t know how to cook it.” Whatever modern types of flow-through heaters are considered, each will require integrated approach. It is enough to provide the device with a reliable power source, evaluate water consumption and select the appropriate model, as well as connect it where it will be most effective. And then the purchased heater over many years of operation will never make you disappointed in yourself. You just need to go to the store and know what to look for when purchasing.

The MirCli virtual showcase has collected on its online pages the best electric instantaneous water heaters that the market has to offer. Here you can choose a model of suitable performance and functionality. Buying it will not be difficult: a convenient catalog and sorting filters will help you decide on the device, favorable prices will be a pleasant bonus, and short time Deliveries throughout Moscow and Russia will satisfy even the most impatient.

Who makes the best electric water heaters?

European developers are traditionally recognized as leaders in the production of home appliances. Their products can boast of high consumer performance. The site presents famous brands from different countries, the equipment of which combines convenient operation, high-quality “filling”, modern design with good ergonomics:

  • Zanussi. Famous brand from Italy, long loved by buyers from Russia. Hot water always and without unnecessary effort - this is the motto of the company.
  • Aeg. German developer with extensive experience and impeccable reputation. Its premium quality boilers are highly appreciated by users from all over the world.
  • Electrolux. Swedish company with production facilities in Europe and East Asia. Equipment under this brand can safely be called intelligent due to the use of advanced developments and technologies.
  • Stiebel Eltron. Another German with first-class equipment for domestic use. They can be called an example of excellent premium water heaters.
  • Timberk. Budget-friendly and very high-quality units from a Swedish manufacturer, one of the best-selling devices for supplying hot water.

Many companies have located their production facilities in Asian countries, but this has not worsened performance characteristics, because control is carried out at every stage of assembly.

How to choose a suitable electric instantaneous water heater?

Several criteria will help you decide on the best unit that will fully satisfy the needs of consumers:

  • Power. This is the most important indicator, so it must be determined first. To calculate the power characteristic, you need to use the formula:

[desired output in liters per minute]*([desired leaving water temperature]-[actual incoming water temperature])*0.073.

The result will be the minimum indicator from which you can build.

  • Functionality. The assortment is so diverse that you can find a model for literally every taste. Choose what is convenient for you - type of control, built-in protective elements, integrated comfort features.
  • Design. This parameter also needs to be determined solely based on your personal preferences, as well as the location of the device.
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