Drops on the stretch ceiling in the corner. How to eliminate condensation on the ceiling in the cellar or basement. Warming the interior of the garage

Fashion design residential and office rooms Stretch ceilings came to us a quarter of a century ago. However, these technologies were invented in ancient Egypt, where they were used to decorate the chambers of the pharaohs and nobles. Therefore, gentlemen, who claim that they are already outdated, are deeply mistaken - this is a time-tested classic. And our days are not the peak of the popularity of stretch ceilings, but only a continuation, especially since thanks to latest materials and technology, with the help of exclusive stretch ceilings, you can completely transform the most boring and disgusting home.

For the manufacture of stretch fabrics ceiling systems two materials are used:

  • PVC film;
  • so-called. breathable fabrics.

Stretch ceiling structures have stunning artistic and design perspectives. They are incredibly beautiful, elegant, aesthetic and attractive, but there is one question that worries people who are going to install stretch ceilings in their home or office: which of the two materials should be preferred so that it fogs up the least?

Why does the material of stretch ceiling systems fog up?

The moisture that forms on the surface of walls and ceilings is nothing but condensate, the cause of which is the so-called. "Dew point" is a term familiar to us from school. Moisture is contained in any air, even in the desert, the only question is its quantity. But when the air cools to a certain temperature, the water molecules contained in it are transformed from a gas into a liquid substance. With an average atm. pressure (762 mmHg), the dew point is determined by the following factors:

In order not to burden readers with the analysis of physical processes, we briefly explain a few nuances:

  • When the ambient temperature is +20°C and relative humidity is 80%, on any surfaces with a temperature lower than this value by 4-5°C, dew drops or a wet film (condensation) will form.
  • When the average ambient temperature is 20°C and the humidity is above 95%, the dew point is the same as the temperature. Therefore, moisture will appear on the surface with a temperature lower than the air in the room.

From the foregoing, it follows that you can get rid of condensate only by balancing the air temperature and humidity level. Most effective way– organization proper ventilation premises.

PVC ceiling systems and condensation

The formation of dew drops or a wet film on surfaces does not always depend on its structure: walls and ceilings in rooms fog up from high humidity. Therefore, the choice of material depends only on the design with which you want to decorate the interior of your office or home. For example, PVC film provides tremendous opportunities for the exclusive design of ceiling surfaces.

Fabric ceilings are luxurious and aesthetic, but there is one problem: they allow moisture to pass through, which, evaporating, penetrates into interfloor overlap, where, reaching a critical point, it turns into water. In the warm season, this is not dangerous, but with the onset of cold weather, the water that has penetrated the floors will freeze and, expanding, will begin to destroy the structure of reinforced concrete and wood, the metal will begin to oxidize and rust.

The above can be supplemented by the fact that polyvinyl chloride performs a vapor barrier function, keeping excess moist air in the room, not letting it into the interfloor space. Thus, it is removed through the ventilation system, maintaining the strength of the structure for a long time.

We have considered the main causes of condensation. In other cases, indoor humidity depends on specific situations, which must be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The technology of stretch ceilings is not too new for our time. Even in ancient Egypt, people decorated their homes by stretching fabrics. Now this design technology is at its peak of popularity, but the materials and technologies used now were not even dreamed of by the ancient Egyptians. However, many people have a problem - they sweat. In this article, we will find out why stretch ceilings sweat?

Here we will make a small digression and ask: “Do you know about the advantages of stretch ceilings?” If not, then be sure to check out the article ““

Stretch ceilings differ in the material used. So, it could be:

  • PVC films;
  • Cloths called "breathable".

Many people who are going to install stretch ceilings in their homes, incredible in terms of attractiveness and their design capabilities, ask themselves a completely logical question - Which ceiling to choose so that it does not sweat? And also - Which one would be preferable - film or fabric?

Why is the ceiling sweating

The moisture that appears on the surfaces of the ceilings is the usual condensate. Its cause is the dew point. If you remember physics lessons at school, then you probably know that the dew point is the temperature at which air containing moisture cools so much that it becomes saturated and begins to change from its gaseous state to the next liquid state. During normal atmospheric pressure, i.e. 760 mmHg Art., or close to it, the dew point will depend on 2 factors:

  • The level of humidity in the room;
  • Ambient temperature, in the same room.

Without going deep into physical processes, the following should be said:

  • At a humidity of 80% and an air temperature of +20 °C, condensation will form on any surface that has a temperature of +16 °C.
  • If the temperature is +20°C, but the humidity is 100%, then the dew point will almost coincide with the temperature, and condensation will form on any surface that has a lower temperature.

Based on this, in theory, you can get rid of the formation of condensate and the fact that the ceilings are sweating by lowering the humidity or increasing the temperature. In practice and in everyday life, of course, more suitable option there will be humidity control, which provides for the arrangement.

PVC ceilings and dew point

The process of condensation formation is not too dependent on the materials used. Ceilings sweat due to increased humidity. That is why you need to choose materials based on your design preferences. So, for example, PVC products represent almost unlimited possibilities for decorating the ceiling surface.

However, one more important factor should be taken into account in your choice. Heat loss through the ceiling space occurs with a value of approximately 1%. So, the breathable material easily passes air, and therefore the steam that passes through the fabric materials will reach its dew point somewhere in the interfloor overlap and there already turn into water.

Pay attention! In warm seasons, this nuance will not harm your ceiling space in any way, however, when cold weather sets in, the water that has got there will freeze and expand accordingly. Cycles occurring in this way, after a certain time, will cause partial destruction ceilings be it concrete or any other material.

In addition to the above, it must be said that the PVC film will act as a kind, respectively, but it will not let moist warm air through, and moisture will not get into the interfloor overlap, which will maintain strength for a longer time.

The conclusion on the topic suggests itself: film stretch ceilings will play the role of a vapor barrier, retaining moist warm air in the room and will prevent it from entering the ceiling spaces. At the same time, excess moisture with air will go out into the street with the help of ventilation system. We hope you figured out why the ceiling is sweating.

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Do you know that stretch ceilings were invented at least in Ancient Egypt? According to archaeologists, at that time there was a habit of decorating the vaults with a tightly stretched fabric, which not only protected against leakage, but also created a neat appearance of the interior. Today, stretch ceilings are produced in a huge variety of options, but they also have their own characteristics, which you can either put up with or adjust them. It's about about the appearance of condensation on PVC film, the most commonly used material for this design solution.

Why does condensation occur?

As a rule, this phenomenon does not imply any product marriage. It can be explained by simple physics. According to the theory, there can be several reasons for the appearance of ill-fated droplets on the ceiling:

  • Failure to comply with the installation technique and gross errors in the location of the film;
  • High indoor humidity;
  • Constantly low temperatures, which lead to the formation of steam from cold air during breathing, the operation of equipment and the vital activity of plants.

You can name other reasons, but the conclusion is the same: condensate is formed due to high humidity. First, it settles on surfaces in the form of vapor, and is in the same state in the air. Then, upon reaching the so-called dew point, it turns into drops. To get rid of it, you need to do one of two things: either increase the temperature, which will happen by itself in the warm season, or reduce humidity through a competent ventilation system.

Behavior of PVC ceiling

Let's make a reservation right away: you should not limit yourself in choosing a material for interior decoration, since condensate does not depend on the type of surface. Whether glossy, matte or mirror film, it will still appear if there is one of the problems described above. The most dangerous thing is not even in surface condensate, but in the following. PVC film has the smallest pores and is considered to be a breathable material to a certain extent. So the steam will penetrate through the pores and go to the floors. There it will gradually accumulate, and if the temperature drops below zero, then it will also crystallize.

Now imagine a load that gradually builds up and puts pressure on the ceiling. Just a few of these freeze-thaw cycles, and concrete or brick floors suffer significant damage and destruction.

How to prevent such destruction?

Any builder will analyze the situation before starting the laying of stretch ceilings and climatic conditions indoors and offer to apply a special vapor barrier membrane. This is a kind of film that is stretched under suspended or stretch ceilings and protects floors from condensation.

Although PVC ceilings themselves are a vapor barrier, it would not hurt to lay additionally and thermal insulation materials, and the second layer of film. Also, in parallel with the repair of ceilings, it is necessary to think through the ventilation system correctly, based on SNiP standards for rooms for a specific purpose and quadrature.

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Condensation on the ceiling of a balcony or loggia is a fairly common occurrence, especially if they are attached to living rooms. This defect becomes noticeable only in the cold season, especially with the onset of the heating period, when significant temperature drops are achieved outdoors and indoors. This is due to the fact that in many cases the insulation of balconies and loggias was carried out in violation of technology.

The desire to make another room or expand the space of an existing one leads to a massive redevelopment of apartments. At the same time, the desired goal is mainly achieved through balconies and loggias. This room is made separate small room or communicate with the main. In order to reduce heat loss, the balcony is carefully insulated and insulated. However, problems often arise with the onset of cold weather - condensation appears on the ceiling and walls. What can cause this phenomenon to occur?

The main reason for this problem is the violation of insulation technology.

Despite the work carried out, the walls and ceiling of the room remain cold from the inside. And when in contact with them, warm air turns into condensate. This may be the case when there are gaps through which the cold penetrates.

Insufficient ventilation plays an important role. high humidity leads to the formation of "dew" drops that appear on all surfaces - walls, ceiling, windows. A similar phenomenon can be observed in the case of a large number of plants on the loggia and balcony. Moisture-loving flowerpots should be watered frequently, while the water evaporates, turning into condensate.

How to fix the problem?

The very first thing to do is to ensure sufficient ventilation of the premises. This will quickly and effectively get rid of excess moisture, as well as saturate the air with oxygen. Perfect option- set forced supply and exhaust ventilation. However, this can be very problematic, especially in the cold season, as it requires serious work.

Regularly turning on the fan will help to get rid of the condensate. Streams of warm air will dry the moisture, but this method also has disadvantages - high power consumption.

It is advisable to remove moisture-loving flowerpots from the windowsills. In no case should water be left in open containers, as it will certainly evaporate and settle in the form of condensate on the walls and ceiling.

Even if the balcony and loggia are insulated, you must repeat this procedure. Naturally, no one wants to do an unplanned repair, especially if only a few months have passed since the previous one.

However, there is no other way out, otherwise the constant formation of condensation on the ceiling will provoke the penetration of moisture deep into finishing materials, ruining them. Dew drops provide favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of certain types of microorganisms, mold and fungus. It is very difficult to fight them, as they have the ability to penetrate deep into materials, appearing again and again.

Existing internal insulation can be completely removed and carried out necessary work from scratch. Or lay a new layer on top of the finish, strictly adhering to the rules and recommendations. This will shorten it a little free space, but eliminates the need for rough work. These actions can be done independently or seek help from specialists.

How to prevent moisture droplets from forming?

To avoid the appearance of condensation on the ceiling of a balcony or loggia, you need to take care of their proper insulation in advance, even at the stage of planning the reconstruction of the premises. The necessary measures should be taken both outside and inside the balcony and loggia. Only comprehensive protection will prevent the appearance of condensate in the cold season.

Internal insulation must be carried out in accordance with the norms and requirements. This will prevent contact of cold air from the environment with the heat of the premises. The following methods work best for this:

  1. For the purpose of complete delimitation, special material for balconies can be used. It consists of 1 or 2 layers vapor barrier material. Keeps cold, prevents condensation.
  2. There is also a second option. proper insulation- the use of penofol. In this case, moisture retention occurs with the help of foil.
  3. You can also use foam insulation. It is covered with a layer of foil, glassine or polyethylene, which provide insulating properties.

It is desirable that the selected version of the insulation be equipped with a vapor barrier on 2 sides - internal and external. This will achieve maximum result, so you will need to worry about the potential appearance of moisture.

Only after careful warming can you continue carrying out finishing works on the balcony or loggia - sheathing with plasterboard, plastic, wooden clapboard and other materials.

An equally important part of the work is external insulation. All surfaces must be sheathed with appropriate materials - foam plastic, foam plastic or mineral wool. Joints and seams must be sealed. This can be achieved by laying a special construction mesh and further plastering.

It will be impossible to independently produce external insulation, subject to the high location of the apartment, and you will have to seek help from specialists. The main thing is to provide constant control for the quality of the work carried out, in order to avoid mistakes. You can not fully rely on the masters, who often try to cope with the work as quickly as possible in order to proceed with a new order.

We finish the ceiling of a balcony, a garage, a bathhouse built in the yard, and with the onset of cold weather, we observe the accumulation of water droplets on the surface and the gradual deterioration of the material. A familiar picture? Condensation on the ceiling surface is worst enemy premises in which measures for the insulation of the roof from the inside are poorly carried out.

The question arises: how to deal with it?

It is necessary to understand and eliminate the root cause, identify measures and select necessary materials, conduct competent work and enjoy the result. Why we present to you detailed recommendations. The instructions in this article will tell you about ways to get rid of moisture on the ceiling. Let's get started.

Reasons for the appearance

Note: The most common cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon as steam condensation is high absolute humidity in the room. Then, with a slight lag, comes bad air conditioning. This applies to those rooms where constant supply ventilation cannot be performed.

  • Strong humidity is typical for rooms in the basements of buildings, cellars or individual buildings such as a garage, which are not insulated and poorly ventilated. The same can be attributed to balconies and loggias.
  • Why does condensation appear? On the one hand, the overlap is strongly cooled by frosty air.
  • As soon as an unheated, unheated room cools down, expect condensation. Warm air falls on the inside cold surface flooring or finishing material, and cools quickly.
  • This is the notorious dew point. Note that this is not a “cold bridge”, which everyone is so afraid of. Technically, we will not decipher.

And one more thing: condensation on the ceiling and misted windows can be seen in rooms whose walls are built of cellular concrete. The reason for such an unpleasant phenomenon in this case is the incorrect coordination of the interior and exterior finishes.

What needs to be done

You should isolate the finishing material from the cold ceiling with your own hands. Especially when the main iron!

High-quality insulation will “remove” high heat transfer between materials. The finish will not cool, the air will not condense. There are a lot of possibilities for warming up!

For example, warm up:

  • mineral wool(basalt, fiberglass, ecowool);
  • Expanded clay, agloporite;
  • Granular or slab vermiculite;
  • Granular or slab polystyrene;
  • sawdust;
  • Foam insulation is often used(polyurethane foam, penoizol), which are applied mechanically.

Choose the method of insulation yourself, the technology - for the selected materials.


There are several steps to follow. Since the condensate is already there, it is no longer necessary to warn it. It needs to be eliminated. But only one-time elimination of the result will not bring: moisture will appear again if the cause is not eliminated.


Now let's try to bring complete list events, with a breakdown:

  • Humidity is checked and the quality of ventilation and the performance of the air conditioning system are assessed. For modern balcony with plastic window systems both outside and inside, it is possible to achieve such volumes only if normal ventilation is provided - even constant ventilation will not help.
  • The insulation layer is checked, if any. If damage is found in it, or the insulation is saturated with moisture and does not dry out chronically, then it will need to be removed and replaced. In any case, if there is condensate in the room, then it is cold, and the insulation must be re-insulated.
  • When choosing a heater, it is advisable to look at its technical characteristics. Not all thermal insulation materials are designed to absorb excess moisture. But there are those who absorb well, and then give easily. That is, they dry quickly.
  • Expanded clay or broken bricks should be poured onto the ceiling from above, if possible, but not large fragments. And not dust, because brick dust won't have the air spaces we need to keep warm. It will not work to pour anything on the ceiling of the balcony, but please, on the garage or other building.

Tip: For greater fidelity in a cold room, it is advisable to consider measures to insulate the walls. And remember: external insulation is always more effective than internal insulation! This also applies to residential buildings, and all other buildings. Therefore, if you have separate standing garage, it is better to insulate its walls from the outside.

Note: If we are dealing with a garage or a similar building that is not heated, but periodically warms up, you may not be able to completely get rid of condensate on the ceiling. In this case, make sure that its finishing surface is waterproof.

Internal insulation of premises

Before taking any action, pay attention to the degree of dampness of the surface - perhaps moisture has also affected the base, penetrating deep into the ceiling.

  • To eliminate this uninteresting phenomenon, it will be necessary to dry the room using heat gun. Depending on the specifications equipment and the degree of moisture content of materials, the process can take from one day to a week! See more technology.
  • What do we do next? If the ceiling is concrete or plaster, it must be given water-repellent properties. For this, a deep penetration waterproofing primer should be used.
  • Then, we select the required amount of extruded polystyrene foam, which is briefly called XPS. And we also select the thickness of the sheets depending on the degree of freezing - this will be written to you by any instruction on the insulation kit.
  • We cut the sheets so as to completely cover the entire surface of the base and glue them to the ceiling. In this case, the price of the material will be fully justified, so do not look at the cost, choose quality. Putty the seams, seal the joints at the walls, this will prevent the penetration of cold air under the insulation layer. And never change the EPS for foam!

As already noted, the internal insulation of the room, in this case- built or taken out separately from the general warm apartment balconies are not the best. It is much more efficient to conduct external insulation, but it is not always possible.

Personally for balconies

For balconies you need to select certain type materials that have very little vapor permeability. Just extruded polystyrene foam is very suitable!

At normal temperatures somewhere in the south of the country, you can limit yourself to the thickness of such plates no more than 30 mm, and for middle lane optimally choose at least 50-60 mm (read more).

When mounting the plates on the glue, fix them with dowels anyway, as soaking is possible adhesive composition. Before gluing, reinforce the surface with fiberglass mesh. Well, then everything is done according to technology - and no condensation on the ceiling will be terrible.

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